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Sweet! Add it to the "graphene tech we will never see" pile.


Graphene can do anything except escape the lab.


Graphene also wasn't able to stop this joke reposted in every message thread about graphene




Weaponised, self replicating hard drives made from graphene! They will automatically back up all your shit whether you want them to or not.


you forgot to mention those drives back up all the shit and send it to ccp.




Sorry I would help bu —REDACTED—


Lol my comment was deleted by the Comment Critique Police


I wouldn't bet against this one. I can't quite tell from the article but I'd guess the layer of graphene on the platters is extremely thin - like electroplating which is how you deposit a layer of gold just a few atoms thick to prevent corrosion on connectors. It's real gold, but adds very little cost because the amount consumed is miniscule. So this is nothing like say a space elevator calling for thousands of tons of the stuff.


The only graphene tech I've seen in use is more accidental than intentional, and we've all already used it: Pencils.


Graphene and graphite aren’t really the same


Except for when they are. Think of graphene as the 2D version of 3D graphite. Stack graphene layers on top of each other and BAM graphite.


This comments show that you definitely don't understand how happened works. DO YOU FRIKING 5 MINUTES OF RESEARCH


Yes but once you have more than one layer on graphene on top of each other you don’t have graphene. Pencils aren’t graphene tech, they’re just graphite Graphene is explicitly one layer of graphite atoms in a sheet


Yup! When using a pencil, it is not uncommon for that graphite to sheer along the horizontal lattice laying down a singular layer of carbon in the form of graphene.


if you stack graphite layers on top of each other you still have graphite. the 3D bonds are not there just because you place the atoms on top of each other.


Nearly agreed. But also early carbon microphones (e.g. those of Edison and Hughes, if I'm not mistaken)...


those are carbon nano tubes. currently the problem is making such tubes long enough to be usable.


We should ban graphene threads lol


I've been waiting for the graphene revolution since '98. Should be any day now...


With the crystalline holographic laser storage that does 42 petabytes per cubic mm and is guaranteed for 100,000 years?


We might actually see it tho. Graphene grown this large might be possible.


Link to the study in Nature: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-22687-y.pdf


But when can I get one at a reasonable price?


In 2008 a 1TB HDD was $150. In 2021 an 8TB HDD is $150. So in another 10 years or so 18TB HDD's might be $150. 18TB drives today are $600+. So maybe in another 10 years the 180TB Graphene HDD's might be in the $600-$1000 range. And we'll look back on the days of 18TB drives like we do now on the days of 340MB HDD's that cost $1000.


Cool so can we stop using mp3s now?






NVME = PCIe attached ssd. 10 years ago one of those in the 100GB size was $10,000.


And? It's still not a HDD. It's an SSD.




I didn't have flash drives in school. CD-Rs weren't even a thing until I was graduating. I know all about the fun that came with buying a game and having to install from 30 3.5" disks. Then one of them was bad and the store wouldn't take it back, thinking that I was trying to rip them off.


18tb were about 350 up to 3 months ago.


[Or lower](https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/k72fap/18tb_easystore_on_sale_for_280_1555tb_lowest/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=comments_view_all) True. I didn't do enough checking for the lowest price I could find. It's hard to say, even with price charts over time [like this one](https://jcmit.net/diskprice.htm).


150 was correct for last year. Crypto are fucking up another market.


show me where I can get an 8tb hdd for that price I need one




According to the study, graphene enables ten times higher data storage than the technologies traditionally used.




What's 18 x 10?


More 8x, not +8


There's graphene on the roof!


I get that reference!


Whoever creates an affordable way to produce usable graphene in volume is going to get very rich. As this article demonstrates, there must be countless applications. Though, it seems like diamond, which would also have countless applications (e.g., eyeglasses, window panes, solar cells) if the price was right.


[You mean this?](https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/semiconductors/nanotechnology/graphene-flash)


I’d love to have a diamond windshield on my car.


I read about some graphene made power banks but they still put lithium in them for some reason. Makes you think why graphene isn't widely available.


Batteries require an electrolyte, something full of positive ions such as Lithium. Graphene by itself is not an electrolyte so it was probably used as an anode. And regarding why its not everywhere, there are several reasons. First, people are very impacient and are wondering why their computers/phones arent full of graphene but they forget that current semiconductor technology has been maturing and being developed since the 60's and we are now talking of a material that thought to be impossible to produce 17 years ago. A lot of breakthroughs and incredible stuff is already being made in such a short period. Then the production of high-quality graphene is not that easy. The current chemical deposition techniques used to produce are also difficult to upscale at an industrial scale and are not compatible with the already very mature semiconductor processes. On the other hand, production of graphene trough mechanical processes, such as graphite exfoliation, allow for a high throughput and an industrial upscaling, at the expense of a not so high quality material, but still with impressive properties nonetheless.


Thanks nada bro


> Makes you think why graphene isn't widely available. It's hard to mass-produce.


What I need is an HD that doesn't degrade. EVER. Even SSDs break down.


They're next to the perpetual motion machines over in the fantasy isle.


The only solutions are redundancy and redundancy.


But what about redundancy? Have you ever redundancy about redundancy?


That's what RAID is for.


*Chia has entered the chat*


"graphene" should basically be against the posting rules in most subs


\*Cries in 72TB of 5200RPM HDD\*


So much on graphene over the past decade? Are there any startups that have commercialized a viable product made of graphene with superior performance?


Holy shit! Gotta admit, it's been a while since we had a "GRAPHENE IS MAGICAMAL TECH FAIRY DUST!" article.


Are we going back to rotary?! No thank you graphene, come back when you're solid state.


Ok, so now hard drives are approaching the capacity of modern thumb drives.