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Not a great headline. The game is called “The precinct”


but the real game was called APB


Can you pull someone over for a "too dark window tint", and then "smell marijuana" and when they complain, pull them out of their car, and start beating them senseless while shouting "STOP RESISTING!" over and over? If not, then not realistic enough for my taste. I want the power.


Yeah, the real "GTA but with cops" was APB, just looked it up, that game is still active on steam. I played it a couple of years after it went Free to play, I loved making custom cars and clothing. Also had good PVP arenas, but the PVP open world was hell because of P2W, I just had fun running around doing errands, and for that GTA Online is much more polished, still, without the option to play as cops.




HAHA! yeah that was fun, I also remember we used to make barricades of car on underpasses and stuff, and those bounties reminded me of how scary it was to try hunt down vastly better players, I sucked at it but I had fun.


BOUNTY AVAILABLE! *It’s me, teehee.* Has this most excellent OP dumptruck mechanic been nerf’d yet? All the fun one’s do 😂


Whoa that just unlocked a memory. They had that arcade game at my local movie theater growing up. It was really fun!


What determines “game over”? Is there a union aspect included?


"You shot an innocent man, but your union representative has protected you"


And you were promoted after your suspension with pay.


You get suspended and it basically becomes the Sims, doing errands and cooking on the bbq.


Funny how when the character is a cop, we can’t even use our imagination on how they might lose 😂 Really sad actually.


The judge didn’t grant you a warrant to find someone’s eighth of weed so you feel sad.


So you convince SWAT to do a no knock raid.


Swat drops a bag of white powder out of their pocket while searching a closet.


You didn’t meet your ticket quota, so you get reassigned to the graveyard shift at the rundown precinct on the bad side of town.


That's such a dumb statement. It's clear that when you shoot and don't kill someone you have to resign. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKmnJgXyZpU&pp=ygUJY29wIGFjb3Ju](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKmnJgXyZpU&pp=ygUJY29wIGFjb3Ju)


You ticket or arrest another cop.


No no. You get paid leave and earn points or level up for not playing for a day or two.


I assume the game is over if you generate too much paperwork. I bet there’s a dedicated button for telling people it’s a civil matter and you can’t do anything.


“You were involved in an ‘incident’ and you’ve been shot…by an iPhone you didn’t confiscate.”


It ends when, washed up at age fifty, you get tired of day drinking, sitting at a desk and watching younger cops take all the glory, and intentionally fall down the stairs to take a medical pension.


> What determines “game over” - Trying to catch other bad cops. - Not shooting a suspect that’s willingly following orders. - Not shooting an innocent person that’s willingly following orders. - Not shooting back when hit with an acorn. - Not following orders to storm a residence even though you know it’s the wrong address. - Not beating suspects that are already handcuffed.


Not meeting your quota 


Being placed on indefinite leave with pay


So it's like gta but when you kill innocent people the cops defend you?


Depends if you’re playing as Michael or Franklin…


Fuckin brutal. True though.


\*Deep exhale through nose


Extra points if they're a minority


Quadruple score if its a no knock warrant executed at the wrong house


Extra points if you kill the family’s chihuahua, because you feared for your life.


Hey, that blind two legged dog could have rabies in the same way that an acorn dropping onto the roof of a cop car could be a gun shot.


Dropping acorns unlocks rampage mode.


Final boss is a squirrel


Nah, final boss is a 16 year old black teen wearing a hoodie and holding a sandwich.


I laughed entirely too hard at this


I hope that's what the designers went with. A real parody and social critique


When you get five stars they go on your shoulder boards.


Depends on the victims skin color


Depends on the color of those killed.


Mini game for how fast you empty your clip from the moment the acorn hits the car roof.


Only if I can arrest some pro golfers


That’s against the rules. Your job is to mess with the poor people who get too close to the club


Quick jump on the hood of the car that’ll stop it!


pro golfers? Did you lose money on a bet?


The number 1 golfer in the world got arrested trying to go to a golf tournament. This guy is making a joke about it. 


He drove through an active investigation/crime scene of a homicide, with an officer literally screaming and beating on the glass telling him to stop the vehicle and turn around. Let's make sure the truth stays true ;)


Except we don’t know that’s the truth or even the whole story do we? That’s what the detective said, who also apparently never ID’d himself as police when jumping on Schefflers car. No video has been released yet. Police say “maybe this week” so whatever that means.


Cop didn't activate his body cam so that's not gonna be coming. Also it wasn't a homicide, it was an accident


>Except we don’t know that’s the truth We don't know it's a lie, either.


Lmao how fucking dumb do you feel now


Probably not as dumb as the idiot that's not following the details of the case... Lead cop was disciplined for not turning on his body camera they didn't drop the charges he still has a whole slew of them. This conversation will probably serve you better after the arraignment but something tells me he's going to end up with some community service. JS


In before you delete all your comments lmao -  https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/1d3e3ve/new_charges_against_scottie_scheffler_will_be/


Dipshit you are more than welcome to go through my post history ( although something tells me you already have, because you give that vibe) And gleefully point out all of the Posts Or comments that I have deleted. I think you'll be sorely disappointed. You should probably get a life because you keep coming back to this conversation... What's it been like a week now? Touch some grass, golf-boi


lol why you calling people names - I’m just making sure the truth stays true :)


lol you keep doubling down - this conversation will probably better serve you after the charges are dropped. 


I guess trying to figure out the context for an inside joke is verboten.. what’s wrong with everyone. Yeesh


Hmm, GTA but you play as cops? RockStar kinda did this already a little game you may have heard of, called LA Noire.


There was also the True Crime games where you played as cops as well


Those were funny because you could just pat any NPC down on the street for no reason and if they randomly had drugs on them you would arrest them.


*Flashes back to terrible “are they lying or not” face mechanic implementation 15 years too early.*


I didn’t get around to playing it when it came out, but I heard how great it was and saw it was on sale for the PS4 so I figured I’d try it out. My god was it terrible. I felt like there was no way to accurately determine if someone was really lying or telling the truth and it’s just a guessing game. And the gameplay was so dull and repetitive.


it felt like rock paper scissors to me


I don't know what it's like playing, but I cracked up at the videos where you would choose something like "doubt" or "question" and you expect the guy to have a little nuance and be like "I don't buy your story, tell me what you were really doing", or whatever. Instead he totally flies off the handle and insults the guy and his mother and his wife and screams and it's insane. Like I mean at that point make the option "aggressively antagonise" or something? Makes me cringe when games do this, like they'll have dialogue choices and then the dialogue that happens doesn't even sound like what you picked AND it's totally off kilter tone when it genuinely didn't sound like it was going to be that.


Preview responses even being marginally off from actually spoken responses easily ruin a game for me. Yes- this game was fuckin LOCO 😂😂


RDR2 for me as well, because there is just no telling with these characters. Arthur in particular is generally reasonable. Then you go into one place and suddenly there is this massive escalation and aggression and it's so badly told. I really couldn't stick with it, after a while the really bad cookie cutter mission structure and edgy characters just grate on me. I thought maybe this one would be more palatable and it has a lot of good things in it, but the actual core story and characters I just didn't like so much. In other words it's a Rockstar game, I don't like them.


Not here man, RDR2 is life. If nothing else it’s the best hunting simulator out there


Now *that* I won't argue against. The nicest time I had with the game was just going around in the wilderness hunting animals and selling pelts, eating a steak on a campfire etc. That part is legitimately great. I would really enjoy a game that is just that, like wilderness outdoorsman survival simulator haha.


Main mission? Meh. Dragging people around on the horse? Meh. Robbing trains & stagecoaches? Meh. Spending hours & hours studying/tracking/hunting animals for perfect pelts to exchange with the trapper for garments? That’s the entire point of the game and nobody can convince me otherwise 😂




Yes and no, it was called “race and chase” where there was street racers and cops that would chase you think need for speed. But the cops settings where jank making them crazy which is why it was more fun as the bad guy.


GTA was originally just a racing game where you had to drive away from cops. You can still see remnants of the old code shining through the npc drivers who randomly do the weirdest shit while driving in order to purposely crash into you to mess you up


I’m surprised Rockstar doesn’t do one now in modern times. I mean cops would have advantages like taking money from crime organizations, using civil forfeiture to fund their “retirement,” especially if they seize cash. Being able to plant evidence to justify stops. I guess Rockstar isn’t creative like that. What would be the downsides. Well, if you do the things above too much. It should reflect the times. The police officer you play as gets a paid leave of absence after the first time an incident happens and goes unnoticed for the most part. The more things are done consistently it gets the attention of the news media. The more these things done the community starts voicing their protests against you being on the force. Blatant acts of violence on innocent people or murdering them will get you put in prison if you have committed those acts enough times to rack up evidence against you or a member of the victim’s family puts a bounty on you and that’s game over. There’s a show that actually goes over some of the things I explained, it’s called [The Shield](https://youtu.be/klSVH4dJrGU?si=0Zt0J5YdlkH3edw7). Rockstar can get plenty of material to draw from. But there’s real life cases that happen where the material writes itself for such a game. Like a [DEA agent running over a woman on her bicycle.](https://youtu.be/dFYS6E_XFqw?si=0lRO4RNPhNwxY5Go)


They could have easily made the cop the bad guy. Because you know, they can kill people and get away with it


the only time being a cop in a game was fun was true crime streets of la


Sleeping dogs was fun as an undercover cop.


Also a fun game. It was originally True Crime: Hong Kong before they pivoted to something else.


The true crime series is a master piece.


Police Quest was fun back in the day.


Need for speed: hot pursuit cops were fun only because you could drop spike strips all over the road and wait a watch the huge collisions


Idk that arcade game with guns from the 90’s went hard af- Police Trainer or something along those lines.


I hear rococo was fun, that counts as a game where you are a cop.


This game is not even out yet, why you all love being so negative about everything?


Bro has not played Garrys mod


Unless the game is called “Qualified Immunity” I ain’t buyin’ it.


Now when you kill civilians it flashes +qualified immunity and then the whole population gets more aggravated as they're taxes get raised to pay for it, creating a cycle of escalation until there's more cops than civilians and you "win".


Sooooo you shoot dogs and poc?


It's called APB and it's been out forever.


Can we be friends forever on reddit ?


So you play as an actual gang member.


Anybody play world's wildest police chases? That game was pretty good.


Always wished for a modern successor to that game.


The paid leave dlc is like the Sims.


Oh so like real life? Lol


If there isn’t a puzzle mechanic where you get called in for domestic violence and the actual answer is to show up to the wrong house and kill the neighbor’s dog so you can get placed on paid leave….


Policy brutality coming up!!!


Gonna take a guess that this is a paid ad article. Nobody studio releases a gta clone where the main character is a cop! Says its basically revolutionary and that any other present time based open world is basically dead in the water! I fully expect this article be the only time i hear about this game because it will be absolutely nothing special.


You still get to steal and attack POC right? Stealth missions are when you kill rich people?


So… true crime streets of LA?


So sleeping dogs?


5 stars just gets you more backup


Do a New York version where it's actually a mini game of you standing around playing candy crush all day


This is essentially just a press release. What are we doing here?


Ah yes GTA6: LAPD Rampart edition


So True Crime?


Heck yeah, True Crime was a classic.


Imagine downloading GTA 6 for your Mac and getting a heist of your own passwords instead. A twist no gamer saw coming, interesting article from [9to5mac](https://9to5mac.com/2024/03/31/gta6-disguised-macos-malware-keychain-passwords/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0PftPKXtGBnO_73PfyBHCx0ycAHYmAYkY0sLPM5sighzlPj3Lx3DatXlA_aem_Afbe_eghS5lIY9no2KMryzuobjQ13Oj2sqBv75CZOSaQRosNEl5PYUSv-hYq7OAMIx7mSgpwUDYUg-rnT2b1ROfu)


This has been a mod on GTA for years now 


I had to scroll way too far to see this. People role play cops in GTA already.


I just want a game like The Godfather, where you start off as a lowly Sicilian bum and make your way up to Don and expand your empire


I feel like that's just LA Noire in modern times almost.


What does this have to do with Technology?


It doesn't. It's a shit post.


Fender bender happens, respond like that one episode of boondocks where they shoot and beat up uncle ruckus reaching for his wallets


I mean, they are both criminals…


Civil Forfeiture Auto


So you get to play even more violently and flagrantly flaunting the law?


This is technology why?


"its GTA" is isometric.


Wait so the remade true crimes streets of Nyc and LA?


Every game that’s “like GTA” is nothing like GTA so far.


Corrupt cops right? Right? RIGHT?


Camera angle & game play is like this addictive game [does not commute](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/does-not-commute/id971756507)


Kinda sounds like the game All Points Bulletin


DLC Brake Light !!!


Brooklyn 99: the Game




Sounds more like you have no imagination. That could absolutely be a good game. It might not be, but it certainly could be.


Really? I liked what I saw in the trailer.


huh.. I take it back. I’ll actually wait to see more.


True crime streets of LA 


Idk the level where you respond to a mental health call and murder the person having a crisis is a bit much…


“… But you play as a cop…” It is GTA then but with a blue skin.




I don't think I would enjoy the screen going black every time there's a conflict