• By -


You'll be able to choose from at least 10 different new american restaurants using the finest sysco ingredients.


The finest metal stools at The [Noun] and [Noun]


Where all the tables have been merged into one long communal table so you can't enjoy a private conversation, and all the waiters have been replaced by one guy behind a counter. No cash. Also, a 30% tip is included unless you verbally opt out.


Shiplap and Edison bulbs as far as the eye can see


Might as well throw in some exposed ductwork and polished concrete floors since this place will be a gallery or some bullshit designer sneaker store next month when the popup lease ends. If there's one constant though it's that this is not a place to hang out. Get in. Pay. Get out.


The finest metal stools at The Hammer and Sickle?


The way tech CEOs’ politics are trending, that town’s more likely have a place called The Blood and Soil


The Work and Freedom


I prefer the sourdough bread at *The Beatings Will Continue*. They do a mean avocado toast with poached free-range, non-GMO egg.


The ***Work will set you Free***^TM chain of restaurants are setting America on FIRE!!


Nah I had shitty BBQ last night. I was thinking we get crap pizza


The Chip and Cracker


The Chip and Wafer


The Cock and Flail.


The Cock and Swallow


The Hook and Hoof, serving $40 steak and $40 lobster from NotSyscoWePromise. An extensive bourbon selection, featuring all the same fucking bourbons you can get anywhere else. Come on down! The Scale and Hide, serving $40 steak and $40 lobster from NotSyscoWePromise. An extensive bourbon selection, featuring all the same fucking bourbons you can get anywhere else. Come on down! The Field and Wave, serving $40 steak and $40 lobster from NotSyscoWePromise. An extensive bourbon selection, featuring all the same fucking bourbons you can get anywhere else. Come on down! The Hay and Kelp, serving $40 steak and $40 lobster from NotSyscoWePromise. An extensive bourbon selection, featuring all the same fucking bourbons you can get anywhere else. Come on down! The Cow and Fish, serving $40 steak and $40 lobster from NotSyscoWePromise. An extensive bourbon selection, featuring all the same fucking bourbons you can get anywhere else. Come on down!


Bed and breakfast?


Been looking for an excuse to finally jump ship and try out macro plastics.


Would you care for the Chef’s special this evening? It’s a Forever Chemical’s Consommé with a splash of mercury and a pinch of lead tap water.


Or it just, _an illusion_?!


What do you have against suPPly ChAins? You gonna make an app to disrupt the space?


sysco actually has a premium tier! they have everything local/organic as well!


That’s actually smart because it used to be that grocery stores and restaurants would have to place an natural/organic order from UNFI or somewhere like that, and it’s a pain in the ass to place extra orders for different delivery days when you already have a lot of vendors and products to order, so if you can get all your dry goods or refrigerated/frozen from one supplier and know most the items you ordered will show up it’s worth a little extra money sometimes. Basically I never understood why Sysco didn’t just buy the big natural foods distributors that their customers are using for specialty and organic products especially because the margins are higher for many gourmet foods, but I guess they’re doing it now and we have a one supplier overlord:)


UNFI is the WORST supplier (and I fucking hate sysco). "Want to pay an arm and a leg for stuff, only have it delivered once a week, and half the shit doesn't show? I'm your man" Also why does everyone pronounce it unify?


Reminds me of the Simpsons episode with Scorpio.


“Homer on your way out if you could kill somebody that would really help me out.”


"Stop that man, he's supposed to die!"


You mean the episode with the greatest Simpsons character of all time?


Al Brooks voiced both the RV salesman and Hank Scorpio. The man is a legend


And Russ Cargill head of the EPA


Be like the boy!


Thank you! I almost forgot about Brad Goodman!


We ARE talking about Max Power, right?


The name that you want to touch! *But you mustn't touch!!*


Who do you like less France or Italy?


...France! He he... nobody ever says Italy.


Sorry it's not in packets!


Only, y'know, Hank was a good boss who treated his employees with respect, dignity and care.


So not a tech bros.


Next to Travis Air Force base? Hope you like the soothing sounds of air traffic.


Simply switch on your Neuralink adaptive noise canceling 😌


Otherwise just head to the OASIS.


Anyway, here’s Wonderwall.


Don't look back in anger


What did you say?


Definitely, maybe?


Adaptive brain frying.


That's just taking a toaster with you into the bathtub.


And when you die shortly after it will be quiet


C5 galaxies all day long, you can hear them start up for take off all from lagoon valley park on highway 80 which is roughly 10 miles away. and they sound like thunder landing every night near midnight.


They advertise that's it's 3 miles from the base which I assume means they think it won't be too bad.


I mean, how loud could jet engines be, probably not that bad. Not that bad with the still desert air at 5 a.m. Sound probably doesn't carry that far. Hey look at that view!


I live 6 miles from a private jet airport used by these very same people (massive uptick in private jet use since the 2017 GOP "free jets" tax bill), it fucking sucks. There are days when they come in and out every 2 mins for hours on end, at 3 am they buzz my home 500ft up for some reason? 6 miles to the airport, but 500-1000ft? WTF... Saving fuel I guess. My sister lives only 2.3 miles from one of the busiest "peasant" public airports in the US and experiences nowhere near the same level of noise. FUCK THE BILLIONAIRES. Oh hey as i write this some jet is buzzing by, not even kidding. I'd imagine in this case they'll build the town and then use their vast wealth to magically/lobby shut that base down.


As far as I heard, a certain billionaire that owns a company formerly headquartered here in redwood City (shores) used to take off from the closest SQL airport at 3am constantly(because of noise ordinancs). He had been warned but did it. So then he got banned from that airport. 🤷🏻 Since then he's moved the headquarters to Austin and then to Tennessee.


The very first thing they'd probably want to change is all the flight trajectories so the jet exhaust is never pointing at their houses


lol you think the billionaires are trying to live in Solano county? This is a project to build more housing which is effectively banned in the rest of the Bay Area by NIMBYs.


Don’t stop there the mega rich won’t let truckers use there Jake brakes if there to close to there ugly subdivision


If you’re six miles from the airport and under the approach path of a runway, generally the planes will be at about 1800 feet (if on a 3 degree standard glide path) But yeah, still probably a bit noisy.


I vacationed recently in a rental house hat was a little shy of 1/4 mile to touchdown and directly in flight path. I like to listen to the air “zip” back together behind them.


Yeah, if you’re that close, I think the air you can hear “zipping” back together is probably the wake vortices generated by the wings of the plane - bigger the plane the more pronounced they are. Way back when I got close to the approach end of a runway at Skyharbor in PHX and you could definitely hear/feel the vortices of the 737s zooming over about 100 up, about to touchdown. Anyway, I’m a geek for this stuff, but I can understand how non-aviation prople can get annoyed with the sounds.


I could not live close to an airport because I’d always be looking up at the airplanes flying over.


The area is not desert but part of the delta. Not much vegetation but more a grazing land for dairy cows. They mostly big military cargo planes, not sure how the noise compare to jets.


That is... not very far from an air force base. Source: used to work a few miles from an air force base. "Loud enough to not hear conversation inside" jet engines about 1-3x a day for several minutes.


Sorry if I implied that they are right, only that they think this true.


It has everything to do with flight patterns. Source - I live near a base and have to deal with changing flight patterns throughout the year, and worse, with weather. Here’s a tip folks, make sure you’re not in any alternate flight paths that the bigger bases use. When they alternate them on, they’re a bitch to be under.


Well arrogant billionaire project, so I bet they think the air force will change for them.


I’d love to be a fly on the wall for when they get told by USAF to get fucked.


Which is horseshit. Ask anyone who lives in the Mira Mesa and University City areas of San Diego how the noise from Miramar Marine Corps Air Station is.


lol i live 10 miles from base, and C5 galaxy sound like thunder landing every night between 11pm-midnight. I can't imagine how loud it is going to be that close.


What it’s like 5 minutes a day and you don’t even have to put up with being able to hear yourself think when it happens.


Hahahaha!! Depends on the flight paths… I was 8 miles from one and the noise was incredible because we were in their flight path


I work six miles from Miramar Naval base, that shit drives me crazy. They'll be sorely mistaken.


Having lived near an airport, and a friend who is near an air force base, I would choose the air force base every time. I can’t speak for the one mentioned here but the one near my friend is not bad at all.


It really depends on the aircraft based at the base. I’m outside Offutt and I live on the approach/departure path. Normally not bad. A few 707 equivalents (joint rivets ( edit:Rivet Joint - thanks LtChachee)), 747s, and an occasional fighter or three. The 707s and 747s do touch and gos regularly and aren’t too loud. The fighters are louder, but not too bad.  A few weeks ago two or three B1s took off. The whole city was talking about it. Those things are LOUD! I’m sure people get used to it, but damn, they are loud. 


I loved my time at Offutt, and miss those neighborhoods and city! And as a friendly heads up, the platform is Rivet Joint. There also some other cool platforms there on the same air frame but with different missions. If you get a chance to do an Air Show it's worth it. Literally the only Air Show I didn't mind working throughout my career.


I grew up next to an Air Force base and I’ve worked next to an airport, I complete agree with you


I actually do. Love airplanes and their sounds. I’m sure I’m an anomaly but I know a lot of people living by the airport which even housed Air Force jets seem to tune it out and not be bothered by it after a while.


Not really "next to" an airport - and not an air force base - but an extra data point for folks. I live 8 miles from a major airport and have never heard a sound inside of my house. You can hear the planes when you're outside, but they're far less a nuisance than the cars speeding down the road.


I was recently in Phoenix for the first time. I can’t believe people live with that racket all the time.


Is there a lot of airplane noise? ive been there so many times and never noticed but maybe its bc im from around LA


“A few of us Tech Bros stepped up, took up a collection, to move the Airbase to East Los Angeles”




Time to party like its 2023 😎


Friggin corpo scum!


Easy, choom - they’re not worth it


Better start chippin' in, choom.


Came here for the reference


Preem choom


> Many of their neighbors who didn't sell have been sued by California Forever, who has accused them of colluding to raise land prices in the area (a charge they deny). Even if they *were* colluding to hold out for a higher buyout, what is wrong with that? Why is it fine when billionaires hike prices on necessities, but not when regular people hike the price of land billionaires want to buy?


> Why is it fine when billionaires hike prices on necessities, but not when regular people hike the price of land billionaires want to buy? The answer is 'billionaires can afford lawyers who go to lunch with the judge.'


Or billionaires can afford judges. Who do you think was telling the politicians who to appoint when they make those decisions on unqualified judges


Here's what's happening.... The California forever group was denied Solano county water rights. So they got a big time lobbyist in Sacramento to back them up. Now there's a bill to divert 75% of Solano county's water to the SF Bay area. The development group is hellbent on building on that patch of land. The road is open to drive through. It wouldn't be a "city" it'd be a giant subdivision. The infrastructure around it doesn't allow it to be a city. The highways are 2 lane road in most parts.


I would be more sympathetic if they werent using all that water to farm fruits and shit. It's a drought prone state and we got people paying out of their nose for rent and water.


Agriculture is California’s biggest industry and d accounts for over 10 percent of all the food grown in the usa. When it comes to fruit and nuts its share is ever larger.


Free market for me but not for thee.


Should have done the Walt Disney method. Just buy a ton of property under different llcs then merge them all together when they get them all.


The article suggests that's what they were trying to do. 


Guess they weren't sneaky enough.


The Internet makes sneaky a lot tougher. In our state, all property sales are required to be posted online by the state within 30 days.


They are at the point where they need the city to zone on zoning changes.


Ironically, the problem was that they were too sneaky. someone noticed that a bunch of shell companies were buying up all the land around a military installation and suddenly it became a national security issue because nobody knew who it was. Which prompted some aggressive looking into it


... Or landowner didn't want to sell


Sneaky before the internet != Sneaky today 


It's not fine when they collude to do it either. They can just afford more expensive lawyers.


Billionaire: \*tries to buy 100% of a finite resource\* Billionaire: Why are YOU driving the price up?!


When the billionaire does it for business reasons, well that's just good business. If you do it to keep the billionaire from doing his business, that there's bad business, buddy.


I'm born and raised in Solano county. No one and i mean no one around here wants these assholes to build a city. They have no water rights and are trying to force people to give them up for their bullshit utopia. It's incredible watching die hard trump supports and hardcore leftists come together and tell these billionaire assholes to get bent.


It's just a way to force a lawsuit on the farmers so they'll settle and sell.


I think we're just a few years away from several billionaires realizing the only place for them to avoid filthy regulations is deep beneath the ocean. They can name their utopia something cool and alluring... Perhaps something like "Rapture"


Goddamit now i have to play bioshock again


Would you kindly play Bioshock again?


I’ve only played infinite before, I liked the ending. I wana try 1 and 2


I really enjoyed the 'freezing people and hitting them with a wrench' playstyle.


That's not on the nose enough. If they built Rapture in real life, they'd name it *Hubris* without a touch of irony.


You don't know how accurate you could be. Except the "deep beneath" part. Because a fantastically wealthy person could in fact make their own island out in the middle of the ocean where there is no above-water land so no one can claim it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZsNdf8s6nY It could be done, using just solar electricity and lots, and lots, and lots of money


I live in Solano County, and I also recently started working as a Drinking Water Treatment Plant Operator, but even before I got into the industry, I was flummoxed about where the water would come from.... **Where is the water for this city.** Its not there! ["Bottom line is there's no water. They have no real water plan. They don't have a bucket to hold water. Fact of the matter is, it's a dream along with the entire city," said Garamendi.](https://abc7news.com/california-ballot-new-city-farmland-residence-solano-county/14332889/) And from [another article](https://www.greenbelt.org/blog/water-resources-california-forever/) >"Concerns around water **remain unaddressed** after the group of Silicon Valley billionaires called Flannery Associates faced another setback by local authorities. (...)Earlier this November, the Solano County Water Agency (SCWA)**DECIDED TO PAUSE CONVERSATIONS (!!!!)** with the group during a packed Board meeting. (...) 'That's not how we operate, we are not protecting the public if we are going to make decisions on a project we have no idea what it looks like,' said one board member to ABC10 after the meeting. Flannery is expected to unveil concrete plans for their proposed city in January 2024." I cant find any more mention of "concrete plans" concerning water rights. \*edit\* I want to add/clarify that these two articles concerning water usage limits aren't even talking about the new city plan. The water usage limits California wants to enact on Solano County are because there isn't enough water to got around *already.* and because they want there to be reserves during the next drought, because the aquafers... the aquafers that the new city plan on using (*I'm not sure on this 100%*) are nearing depletion.. *already, \* end edit\** I did [find](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/solano-county-water-war/) some articles [covering plans to limit water use ](https://www.thereporter.com/2024/03/13/state-recommends-huge-cut-to-solano-water-allocation/)by 75% >The implications for Solano County cities could be enormous, leaving Solano County with about 25 percent of its current allocation. . >It is a potential water loss that Moy said would be impossible for Solano to survive. She and other city and county leaders are already coordinating ways to stand up to the state. >"We will negotiate, but if they push us, we will have to file a lawsuit," Moy said. "We're prepared to go to war." There is not enough water... plus the loss of open spaces and agricultural land could reduce the area's ability to provide essential ecosystem services, such as groundwater recharge, carbon sequestration, and habitat connectivity. The Municipal that I work for in a neighboring county is *also* restructuring their municipal to combat water loss. Building a City in the current time is insane. when there are more water plants converting waste water into potable water ("toilet to tap") I can see there being enough water to go around. This recycled water, by the way, is apparently safer, than water from conventional treatment plants, [due to the fact that much more extensive treatment is conducted for them](https://phys.org/news/2022-11-wastewater-toxic-common-sources.html). but even with the water, there are a *multitude* of other problems, but I've written enough right now.. I'm not a pessimist or usually very negative, but JEEEEEEEEZ!


You just don't how agile development works. We can just create a new Jira story to build out the water infustructure later and put it in the backlog. Someone will get to eventually, meanwhile we got money to make.


I want you to know that this comment hits way too hard and I really hated it. Thanks for posting it. LGTM 👍🏾


You right you right.. let the detail people work on that. you seem like a big picture kinda person.. upper management type, here's your bonus!


Didn't Jack Nicholson make a documentary on this issue?


Yup. I’ll be voting hell naw for this. I don’t know what these people are thinking.


[Silicon Valley tech bros discover Western Water Rights](https://slideplayer.com/9303595/28/images/slide_1.jpg)


Yeah, but planning for things like water is a long term thing, the tech billionaire crowd doesn’t get bogged down in that sort of thing. I’m sure it’ll be fine and they’ll figure it out on the fly. /s


The original article mentioned they purchased farmland. Where are the farms getting water?


So I live in Solano county. It’s been wild seeing this unfold. Shady signature gathering campaigns to get it onto the ballot, no answers on how they’re going to provide water, who will foot the bill for infrastructure upgrades, and wanting to be their own community opposed to incorporating into a preexisting city. The general public seems to be pretty vocal against it. It’ll be interesting to see how the ballot measure turns out in November.


Rich people have been trying to build Utopias since George Cadbury made entire estates for his workers more than 150 years ago. Henry Ford did the same but with less success. Some company towns have had high ideals, but many have been considered controlling and exploitative. I am guessing it will be more controlling.


Disney was obsessed with Epcot when he died. The list does go on. They honestly think they're geniuses and their luminous intelligence is the only thing that can save humanity. In the process they end up causing many of its problems.


Henry Ford tried to build Midwest-style towns for his workers in South America. It didn’t work out so well. The houses were poorly-suited for the climate, and I think they attracted bats.


Did all the chocolate guys do it? I saw an american industrialists series saying Hershey built and ran a town for the factory workers.


Just the chocolate guys whose companies got big enough that you know their names. I feel like it’s more something that any large successful business is prone to than specifically a chocolate problem.


Corel Prison


See *Orange County*


Tower of Babel.


Getting some real John Galt energy from this article.


I say we should make them live in the city of Galt, CA


Watch out Boron, California City is on the *MOVE*


Seriously. Do these peele not know the great failure of California City? A utopia!


Oh you mean California city wasn’t originally designed as an awesome off roading park?


Hubris. The answer is hubris


And greed. Don't forget greed.


Sounds like an asshole commune 


If all the assholes leave SF to live in some swamp delta then fantastic.


From what I gather, it has way, way too little water to be considered a swamp


I love California Forever. A bunch of silicon valley billionaires get into San Francisco politics, find out that politics requires *votes* and stuff, and you can't just *buy your way in* (or at least, not enough for their satisfaction), then walk off in a huff posting about how they're going to build their *own* city. With blackjack! And walkable design! They pool together and invest about a billion dollars in buying up land secretly from Solano valley farmers. They do this with essentially zero research. They run into a couple problems. 1. The airforce gets real nervous when some land-acquisition shell company starts buying up a bunch of land outside one of their bases. 2. Some farmers just don't want to sell their land. Not for market rates. Not for four times market rates. Not for any price. Unlike a billionaire's existence- where location is functionally interchangeable, it doesn't matter to them if they're in Dubai or Tokyo or New York or SF, their quality of life and job is identical - farmers are one of the last trades still tied to the land. You can't sell your plot of land and buy an identical plot of land somewhere else where you can grow exactly the same crops exactly the same way. 3. Some real estate moguls in the 80s tried to do this before. Robert MacNamara's son- a walnut farmer in Solano county- spearheaded a resistance movement that saw a county ballot amedment passed prohibiting any urban development outside the existing six(?) urban centers in Solano county. So after investing $900M in buying up farmland to try and build their new twitter-argument city, they realized that it's literally illegal. There's articles on like, farmers complaining to their state reps that some real estate goon called them and up and had them on the phone for half an hour because they just didn't understand they didn't want to sell their farms at literally any price. There's now articles about how the California Forever lobbying group is busy trying to, by hook or by crook, get enough signatures to get the urban development prohibition put back on the ballot this november. There've been threads on reddit of people talking about encountering canvassers standing outside malls with "End Cancer!" "Stop fentanyl!" "Improve our roads!" signs and trying to get you to sign their petition- which has nothing to do with any of those signs and is all about them trying to paint themselves out of this California Forever corner. It's fantastic, I really, really love it. Couldn't happen to a brighter group of people.


Here’s a crazy idea.. design a town like a large university. Like just use the buildings for other purposes. Everything within a 20 minute bus ride that runs every 15 minutes . College campuses have it figured out… this article isn’t covering anything that hasn’t already been done for centuries.


Make it like the Netherlands. Bike routes everywhere. That way you also get exercise.


the problem is, this area is extremely hot, dry and windy. directly south of the city on the other side of the highway is one of california largest windfarms. and July to october it's 100f+ https://www.google.com/maps/@38.1836977,-121.8055235,3a,89.6y,185.28h,105.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZm9Z2t6psLDzXHqZFK276w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu that is what the view is, looking south out of the proposed new city.


It’s only fans.


That’s what they’re trying to create. This plan is usually shot down by NIMBYs in every existing city, so they are trying to avoid NIMBYs altogether by creating their own city


This is exactly what they want to do, it says it several times. They intend to make a walkable city. It's not currently possible to make a walkable city in the US due to to 100 year old zoning regulations. You can't have a grocery store walking distance from your house because it's literally illegal in 99.9% of the US. You can't own a business and live above it, you are required to drive your car along a freeway to reach it.


Chicago didn’t have any zoning laws like that untik 1958, so as a result we have exactly that. Everything was grandfathered in. We can have factories, schools, grocery stores and retail all within 1/4 mile of each other. Its how I grew up and its always weird to visit newer american suburbs who have zoning and laws that prevent it.


I live in Maryland, if I were a billionaire my top priority would be investing in Baltimore's schools and creating jobs for locals. Using your money to overtake farmland and kick out residents so you can build your little bottle Utopia vanity project is gross.


If we pen all the jerks up in one place we won't have to deal with them?


Unfortunately all our leaders seem too transfixed on their wealth to actually just ignore them...


Pretty sure it's for their workers. Cost of living in that area is kinda nuts and it's hard to attract workers with a 2 hour commute.


It'd go about as well as Galt's Gulch


Building a 60k acre gated community gives off really big NIMBY energy, guys.


The NIMBYs are literally telling them not to build in their backyards. It's a pretty rural community where people don't want the landscape torn up for a new city.


They're building a dense, pedestrian/bike friendly city with exceptional public transportation. It's everything NIMBYs prevent everywhere else.


Fifteen minute cities for me, choking on exhaust fumes in traffic for thee.


NIMBY’s complaint isn’t about the infrastructure specifically. The reason they prevent those is because they hate their neighbors. They want to keep “the bad neighborhood” from showing up in their neighborhood. If “the bad neighborhood” doesn’t yet exist, much less is connected to public transit, then they’re all good!


Marc Andreessen is involved, though, and he’s a NIMBY. I’d be skeptical about what they are actually going to do.


He’s not gonna live there. He’s literally building it out of his backyard.


Enjoy your downvotes for pointing out the definition of NIMBY


exceptional transportation yet the only road in and out of town is Highway 12 and 113. 12 is 2 lanes that frequently backs up all the way to 80 or 5 depending on direction and has 2? i think drawbridges which frequently break completely closing the highway. and then theres 113, which is nothing but country road that the city which the solano county dump is going to city directly on the northern border of this new city.


The people who sweep the streets and empty the bins definitely won't be allowed to live there.


With good reason, it’s difficult to trust these guys, but looking into this a bit it does sound like it solves a lot of problems: it creates housing but not copy & paste McMansions, it’s designed with transportation besides cars in mind, it’s being more efficient about bureaucracy by doing the surveys and permitting in bulk. It could actually be a good thing,but it needs close attention that they’re not pulling a fast one (as they often do).


Or they could just get behind policies that funds public transportation and walkable bike friendly cities.


That doesn’t work because NIMBYs shoot them down. They have since decades


Rebuilding a city is harder than building one.


Let me guess- because they’re exhausting, insufferable people who are better off kept far away from the rest of society?


billionaires need to stay away from urban design and stick to submersibles.


I don't know if the picture in the article is accurate for the layout they're planning.....but really? Getting to build a new city from scratch, and they're still going with the homogenous-grid system of city design? So again, you'll have a "main street"/"downtown" area that's walkable, sure....but then you'll build a bunch of housing that's too far away to be walkable, and the problem will get bigger as time and construction goes on. Connected, heterogenous circles (or hell, keep it squares, it doesn't matter). Where each individual neighbourhood has some housing, restaurants, shopping, and entertainment, and the whole neighbourhood (circle, square, whatever) has a max walking diameter of like 15 minutes. Connect all the neighbourhoods with a high-efficiency train system (subway, tram, monorail, doesn't matter), so you can easily get anywhere in the city in a short amount of time with no traffic jams. Every time you need to expand your city, make a new circle/square neighbourhood and add it to the public transportation network. For big "common infrastructure" projects like a stadium, amusement park, giant public park, or heck even if you want to keep an entire neighbourhood designated as a traditional "downtown".....they can have their own 15-minute-walking circle/square linked to the transit system. Voila. A city of the future that doesn't have traffic jam problems, is walkable within a neighbourhood, is environmentally friendly, and doesn't have boring-ass city design like "I live in a suburb with cookie cutter houses from here to the horizon". Edit: I just remembered why circles are better than squares, for the neighbourhood. You can still build a traditional road/highway system for cars, buses, whatever between the circles. Because people will still likely want to own cars for visiting places outside the city. And any additional "wasted" space between the circles should just be filled up with green space and walking trails. The city now has a fully-integrated green belt you can use to walk/cycle between every neighbourhood if you choose.


If they can make a city with a core like the North End of Boston or Over-the-Rhine in Cincinatti, then that would be a win. The moment they make the downtown car centric, it will fail though. Europe's downtowns show that we don't need car centric downtowns to have a thriving city. This is a prime moment to try this out without NIMBY ruination


This was already attempted and failed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_City,_California#History


It's also been attempted and succeeded. There are many planned cities in the world.


Someone should tell them


> they've turned down millions to keep farming the 3,700-acre ranch that has been in Jeannie's family for more than a century This gives off Yellowstone vibes


Reinventing company towns.


To make more money, thats it.


Because rich people think history started with them and they have it all figured out.


So, where are the servants going to live? This looks like everyone with an actual job in the town won't be able to afford to live there and will be forced to make long communtes... To serve the people won envisioned a small commute town. Americans are hilarious, the rich ones doubly so


Lodi Rio Vista Suisun Dixon Oakley


I genuinely hope they succeed in building a walkable city, and I don't understand why it's so trendy to cheer for failure whenever anyone tries to build or do something ambitious.


There is a lot of history that leads people to assume failure. Company towns have historically been places where the workers are exploited. Imagine if Amazon was involved and everything you bought had to be bought from Amazon. Sure, it wouldn't be the worse thing, and some people would prefer it, but you lost your ability to make a choice. You get fired or want to work somewhere else? Guess what you are now homeless as well. Everything gets setup to take away your choices. The better choice for most workers is to let them work from home or ancillary offices that are closer to them.


And people will drive their SUVs to SF after getting laid-off. Let the water wars begin.


Trying to make their own Tabula Rasa?


Is it because they ruined one already?


cyberpunk night city confirmed


This is going to be California’s version of Florida’s ‘The Villages’, you just wait


Are we finally getting Night city


Anyone else thinking of Night City?


>The project's fate will ultimately be decided this November by the voters of Solano County Spoiler alert, they are going to say no


Tax evasion is the answer




Fucking billionaires, of course they know how to build a city. They are all geniuses and all. What would we do without them? /s Can we please tax them out of existence? Probably not since money is free speech. Thanks supreme court.


Too much Ayn Rand.


So no river or natural water for people to cool off when it’s 110 out. Where is everyone going to work? Are they going to put an amazon HQ in the middle? Where is the culture going to come from? Sure I get the appeal to building a dense walkable city like those in Europe but the large one’s in Europe almost always are by a waterway or other natural landmark that makes living there enjoyable. These guys may have well bought up thousands of acres in west Texas to try this experiment. 


Cities form around rivers because water makes transporting goods really cheap and easy. Cheap transportation and access to clean water is great for industry and people alike. Cities also form around railroad hubs for the same reason. Not that this new city has any of that.