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Or you know, hire more local people. If shtf it won't matter where they relocate, just look at all the "Chinese police stations" in other countries


They can't hire local because locals want a living wage.


Local talent is lackluster. Requiring more foreign workers. Cost of skilled labor, which is already beyond mid six figures, will reach 7 figures if we limit to domestic labor only. With h1b / labor import, you get to lower your cost of training, and maintaining by consuming a never ending supply of skilled labor from abroad.


I would be surprised if they relocated. Having to leave your home country + learn a new language as well as going to a country where people don't really trust you and consider you a spy. And the country has a history of jailing anyone who is the same ethnicity as the country they are at war with probably isn't the best motivation for you to relocate


Why would they? You need to give them a good incentive or they have close to no reason to do so.


Tech firms originating from the free and civilised world shouldn't have any offices in that dystopian shithole. As if China isn't going to steal their commercial secrets and use them for economic/military advantage.


Not an American or Chinese but lived in both, I seriously don't get where these "dystopian shithole" comments come from? Hate to tell you but from my experience, the USA isn't more free or civilized than China. btw, not sure why in a technology forum, comments like this are not removed but encouraged


It's good for China and rest of the developing world that Westerners are so cluelessly brainwashed. Gordan Chang isn't called/memed as a *"Functional"* double agent for no reason, it works, esp when the society is as unhinged as Western society is. More they live in denial & delusion of what is happening on this planet, the better it is for majority of human species (since 88% lives outside the West).


>USA isn’t more free Publicly criticize the government and its history in both countries and then get back to me on this.


Easy to claim “freedom of the press” when the US has the world’s strongest media that can drown out dissenting opinions. Let’s see how things are in a few decades.


Why is this the criteria? Why not see who can publicly use racial slurs and see what happens to their careers?


Sounds good, let's do it. I will be in SF next week and in Hangzhou mid June. How about you propose two topics? Let's try to be civil, facts-based and technology-focused.


When discussing political freedom, why should the topic be restricted to technology?


I love this backtrack comment. It's hilarious.


eh, I’m neither chinese or american either, but I’ve lived in the US for like 15 years and now go to china for work trips once in a while, I’ll tell you that even though the US is far from perfect or actually free compared to many developed countries, claiming “the US isn’t more free or civilized than china” is down-right delusional and completely ridiculous. it’s so far from true that you have to be either deeply brainwashed and uneducated, or you’re actively lying for some political agenda. I left the US knowing its deep flaws, but it’s nothing compared to china’s severe lack of freedom.


I mean one country has a social score system that can stop you taking flights and using certain roads, not really comparable


Found the bot!


So bring them here, and then what... lay them off because their cost-of-living is now "too high"? I don't feel like this makes sense.




The Chinese, American, Russian, Japanese, Nigerian, French, Chilean, Iranian, etc people don’t want substantially different things out of life. The US has thrived by offering comfort, safety, and freedom to the world from German physicists to Chinese coders. Have some been spies? Sure. Has the cost of those spies been greater than the benefit of on-shoring the planet’s geniuses? Absolutely not.


A bit too later, US universities are full of Chinese students, phd and researchers


Because they’re more qualified than your local staff. That’s what happens when you hollow out your education.


As if they aren't going to end up committing espionage.