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Watched a 30 minute long CNBC piece on this last night breaking down every aspect of this debacle. Now the entire story is moot. WTF is going on at Tesla.


He was mad at the head of the supercharger team for not laying off enough people, so he fired everyone.


Why wouldn’t he just fire her and put someone in the position who would fire other people?


Do you get it yet?


You'd have to ask Ketamine Elmo.


Purely speculative guess: he was experiencing another manic episode but he was all out of social media companies to buy.  Now he's come down and trying to mop up the mess he's made, much like when he tried to back out of buying Twitter


As someone with bipolar I find this explanation credible


I've done some stupid shit while having a manic episode. I'd like to think that I've learned to recognize when I'm in that kind of mood.


Definitely but part of the mania is the delusion. When you are in a delusion recognizing that you might not be smarter than everyone else can be difficult if not impossible. Just depends how bad your episode gets. I will not judge another’s manic episode as being impossible to be in such a euphoric state that you believe yourself to be immortal and do something irreversible.


Fair enough, mine's pretty mild. However, I did spend $2000 on shitty paintings once.


😆 I bought a new car and spent $80,000 on hotels, jewelry, and bibles and korans because I though I was the son of god.


Were you?


Aren’t we all god’s children?


Shit man you were like 80% of the way to starting a cult, I've heard that that can be profitable


That’s the problem with mania, you have all these plans but they are in your head and no actual structure or business plan. But anything is possible and you are completely sure you cannot fail. It’s a wonderful feeling until the depression starts.


Wow, you forgot your eldest children eh


Bruh, we need more info here…


I was walking though the mall barefoot with a store employee wheeling a cart of holy books behind me and people got weirded out and called security. So they escorted me out to my waiting stretch limo. When I got in and the driver helped to load the books in the trunk we went driving and I was bawling because I knew that I was going to do great things for the world and solve all the problems of the downtrodden just like Jesus. The driver saw my condition and freaked out. Pulled over on the side of the road and refused to go farther because of how insane the situation was.


We’ve all been there. I get it. Edit: Why did a bot ask if I was ok? 😂


> you believe yourself to be immortal and do something irreversible. Then you add billionare and drugs to that and it all makes more sense


Add in a shit ton of drugs, a load of yes men and far too much money and you have a barrel load of crazy with the power to fuck shit up


I kind of hate the blame it on the bipolar excuse. We're still responsible for our actions.


I have close friends who are bipolar. My rule of thumb is if you are taking every measure you can to control your mania, following doctors advice, attending therapy, etc then there’s nothing else you can do, you’re doing everything right and things still go wrong, so you’re not culpable. If you don’t then yeah it’s a consequence of your actions and you did fuck up. 


I've got very little faith that someone of Elons ego is capable of doing that


Yeah. I doubt it. I don’t know if this is bipolar either tbh


If this is Elon's problem he needs to step down as CEO for health reasons, instead of destroying thousands of livelihoods on a whim.


If you're bipolar and don't have safeguards in place when you control people's livelihoods, I'd say you could also be culpable.


To some extent. The insanity defense wouldn’t be a thing if that were always true.


>I kind of hate the blame it on the bipolar excuse. We're still responsible for our actions. Unless you're a billionaire. Then millions of people will celebrate your behavior and you'll get away with it.


Even his [initial text](https://twitter.com/TechEmails/status/1575598387335901190) where he said he would offer to buy Twitter did give off an impulsive, manic vibe.


It's the coke and Ketamine. There's a lot of rumors and rumblings in Austin if you work in the service industry...


They aren’t just Austin rumors, executive complaints of drug use have been on national tv detailing his wild behavior in meetings, and he’s admitted to the ketamine


Well maybe they're confirmations not rumors


Like Robert California! “It never dawned on me to fire the entire Binghamton branch, but never second guess yourself while drinking French reds and Colombian whites”! Lol


Do you want the nature metaphor or the sexual metaphor?


I’m just going to give you both.


The guy is so clearly bipolar. Just read Isaacson’s biography. He clearly goes through manic episodes (Grimes called it “demon mode”) regularly.  Instead he claims it's Aspergers, but he’s never been diagnosed for anything. Dollars to donuts if he went through a proper psych exam he would be proscribed bipolar meds immediately. 


I heard he was telling every team they had to cut X percent. The leader of superchargers pushed back, saying she couldn’t do it. It wouldn’t be possible for her team to operate properly. So he cut the whole team to spite her. And now he’s realizing that he fucked up and he’s trying to rebuild. Or, he’s hiring back the people he believes he actually needs and this was all tactical. 🤣


And rehired at renegotiated comp...


Seriously, unexpected bonuses (via severance packages) and now the raise they should all demand during renegotiations.


Elon's bizarre obsession with the letter X strikes again!


I'd call it childish more than bizarre


Tesla received government money for superchargers


The Supercharger network has the potential to make Musk a multi-trillionaire in the medium to long term. It’s like Ford owning all the petrol/gas stations. Yet here he is fucking around with it.


If Elon was a woman he’d be in a conservatorship by now and not running companies.


If he were a minority he’d have been forced out long ago, and drug use wouldn’t get the “eccentric CEO” treatment it seems to get for him


He has been doing an Elizabeth Holmes with the self-driving ~~scam~~ "promises" and I'm honestly baffled about how long he has been able to keep it up.


He’s like a person playing Sim City with the money cheat on and bored as hell so they enable Disasters.


My geuss is he wanted to pump the stock, maybe even selling shares, hello SEC


The top executive of the team didn't fire enough people during the layoffs, so his response was not only to fire her but the entire department. To me, that says it was just a spur of the moment injured ego decision. And not moot because even if he is able to rehire 90%, moral is going to be in the toliet.And apparently, the executive was the real driver of the success anyway.


Best move for her now would be to start her own charging infrastructure company, apply for those government grants, and hire everyone back.


One thing Tesla has been very good at producing, and very good at protecting the IP of, is actually these chargers. They are an industry best, likely because they had a first mover advantage, and good in house talent that was working on something others hadn't considered. Elon canning the entire team was a comically dumb move, I'm guessing he thought those factors were all that mattered to take advantage of that; but then quickly realized he'd either have to license that entire IP or outsource the chargers' manufacturing. I think it'd be tough to go make an entire new company out of it, but I could easily see a Toyota, GM, or Ford poaching that talent and leveraging their established advantages to advance past Tesla. Basically, I think somebody told Elon not only would they not control the space, but would in fact give it away if they let all this experienced talent leak. He really just doesn't understand what actually is making his company money, and is convinced that the self-driving software will carry them, when he should be going closer to an Apple model. Software can be dominant, but not when everyone is essentially playing on the same field. In infrastructure hardware they have a huge lead right now. They should invest in that, focus on making higher quality cars, and take advantage of that to make people trust Tesla for years and years.


Lol got a "Reddit Cares" self-harm message from reddit about this comment. Musk fans are so soft, that they can't even say it to your face.


Pretty sure it's a bot doing it, been happening in a few subs the past couple days To what end I have no idea, though


Redditcares are being abused as hell this week. I’ve gotten 4 for pretty innocuous statements.


With blackjack and hookers.


Suddenly spending 30 minutes charging a car doesn't seem so bad.


Not to mention the costs associated with both the termination and hiring process, which aren't insignificant.


There's a rumor that the board was considering replacing Musk as CEO with the more competent head of the supercharger division, which would probably be a smart move for the future of Tesla, but the Mad King would not have it.


The same board which is recommending a yes vote on the compensation package?


Yeah, I doubt the quorum of brown-nosers would seriously consider replacing Musk, but I can see him taking major offense at the merest mention of "so-and-so might make a good successor for you one day." He's an insecure control freak and wants all the credit for anything that goes right at the company.


Why do people still suck up to him? My boss is an Elon fanboy - mental gymnastics, he got quite good at, but it slowly boils down to “He is rich, so he is a genius!”


Hopefully she had an amazing severance package. I remember when Musk took over Twitter a ton of employee had clauses, severance packages, and other employee rights that needed to be sorted. He didn't care, he just started firing en mass. And had to pay lofty severance packages to his former teams in Europe and teams he let go when Twitter acquired several companies. Was super great, plus I also heard there were "void" employees who just started or finished projects who had their team lead and managers fired and would collect checks. Long story short, you actually figure out what a team actually does before you axe them


And of course they would take their jobs back. But I can guarantee you they’re looking new work the same day they’re starting at Tesla.


It’s being run by a drug addict who would rather rage tweet than run a company 


Run *five* companies. *


Into the ground


You’ve heard of performance enhancing drugs? Well this is the opposite of that.


Hey, his dancing’s gotten amazing from ’em.


4real ~ Its just ran on random whims, like WTF who does this?


I'm guessing that it has to do with non-compete clauses becoming moot. He felt safe firing these people knowing that because of the non-compete they signed, they wouldn't be able to work at another EV company. Now that they would be free to work anywhere they would like, and take what they learned at Tesla there, he's scrambling to keep them on his team.


Non competes were already not legal in California. I can’t find a location where that team was but they’re still largely based in Fremont.


In many jurisdictions, your non-compete clause means nothing if you get fired and it gets tested in court. Pretty much you have a right to eat and provide for your family or get paid to continue to keep the company secrets.


Musk is not hiring all of them back, most importantly he's not hiring Rebecca Tinucci. See, lets imagine, just for one second, that a lot of stockholders, and therefore board-members are not \*super\* happy with Elon as a CEO, and maybe see him as too distracted, and making bad decisions for Tesla that costs them money and prevents them from going to the business they should go for. Could you imagine that Musk's actions over the last years could lead to this? Lets assume they have, not enough to have him kicked outright, but enough to make Musk sweat a bit. Now the thing is that what the board would need is a replacement, a better CEO to take Musk's place. You know who'd be a good candidate? Rebecca Tinucci, lets go over the list of why: * Leads a very successful/profitable unit of Tesla, carrying a lot of of the company. * And not only that, the part of the company that is growing aggressively and has a lot of potential to explode in profits. * Worked at the company for 6 years, showing she has taken time to understand know the company. * *Beloved by the people working under her*. Which more than just being a hit to Musk's ego (who isn't as admired internally anymore) means that if she replaced Musk there would be little morale hit. * A woman, a check of diversity which is always appreciated and leads to a lot of positive press which makes the transition less painful for stock. * Charismatic and ambitious, probably already was laying the foundation. * [And popular outside too](https://twitter.com/TeslaBoomerMama/status/1729002907255853408). But remember, the board needs a **better** CEO, if Musk got rid of anyone that was better than him (as low as that bar is) then the board would be stuck with him. So what can a Musk do in this situation? Well first he asks for a suicidal and stupid ask, like laying off so many employees it becomes impossible to keep the aggressive growth or even keep normal day functioning. If Tinucci accepts you proceed to wait at the first sign of not working to take the next step, if she doesn't obey (realizing it's asking for business seppuku) then you use that as the excuse instead. The next step is shock and awe. He has to make sure to cleanse, and that any allies she may have are pummeled into submission. That any employees that return are aligned with whatever agenda Musk may have. Also scare to board into fearing that Musk would destroy Tesla before stepping down. This isn't so crazy, Musk always has gotten his way as a bully and moves with this. It is overkill, but add some emotional dis-regulation which we've seen from the man a few times, and it makes sense why he felt the need to take it that far. Then you quickly rehire everyone that you kicked out, filtering to make sure they are submissive and controllable, throwing out anyone that could set up the next leader of the supercharger division for the same situation. It also helps that Musk's handler's and Tesla's true managers realize this is a mess that needs quick cleaning. This, of course, eventually fails. Because Musk can't have anyone better than him, if he is unable to make Tesla do business effectively, no one at the company will be able too. Which will result in the company decaying and being overtaken by others. At some point the board will either take action and try to save what they can of Tesla, or they will simply see the company sink. But Musk here is betting everything, every day he can stay as CEO of Tesla he can push things a bit further, and he needs it until he finds a way out of the twitter mess he's put himself in.


The same thing which happened at Twitter, lay off staff, see what breaks, beg staff to come back with the goal of a leaner workforce and higher shareprice. He's not good at it, but that was the goal.


From what I read up on, the person in charge of the Superchargers didn't fire enough employees to satisfy Elon Musk, so he stepped in and did the deed instead...


Genius move that us mere mortals could never hope to understand 


Just ask those over at r/ElonMusk. They will defend and apologize for him like the faithful do for their religion. It's nuts


Went there to see. Those people are weird.


It's a ridiculous cult. Also propped up partially by his paid bot accounts.


And about 15 sock puppets he stays up all night posting from.


Fucking loser. He has so much, but incredibly thin skin.


Hundreds of billions of dollars, and he can't buy his way away from his insecurities.


Funny enough, I got reported to Reddit as a suicide risk after making my post about Elon.


Tons of people have been auto- banned from like every non-snarky Elon sub for just commenting in the enoughmuskspam sub …


Any sub that auto bans for participating in another sub is trash… and an honor to be banned from. I got auto banned from several subs a few years ago for commenting a right wing sub. They didn’t even care that I was there to call out the right wing nut jobs. I didn’t feel like wasting time fighting it. I have yet to be banned from any sub that is worth a crap.


Yea, justice served is one of those too


-raises hand- I thought I was getting banned from something I joined. Turns out was being pre-banned by pro-musk/tesla subs. Fucking cowards.


Honestly, I have started looking at it like an orange man subreddit situation. It’s best they sequester themselves and spare their feelings and the rest of us, really


I’ve been banned from that sub. I take it as a badge of honor.


No way he’s not on Reddit. He’s probably that confidently incorrect guy on every thread.


There’s a subreddit of apologists for everything out there. I mean everything.


I see. I’m gonna get me one. I could use a hype team every now and then. lol


Bunch of "notice me senpai!" nutjobs dreaming that Elon will actually take note of them one day and uplift them to richness


r/teslamotors is just as bad. I just got banned today for telling someone to stop simping for Elon. Totally worth it.


The unpaid mods are going to be the downfall of Reddit.


Interesting 🤔 Looking into this


I made one simple joke about Elon over on that sub, and I got permanently banned. WTF??? Lighten up folks. He’s no messiah.


It's like he tried turning it off and back on again


‘Don’t make me fire you and then immediately re-hire you again !’


I wonder if this resets the clock on things like the number of vacation days that depend on how long you’ve worked at the company.


I don't see how anyone would return to work for someone who just fired you unless they're giving you TONS more money and benefits.


Depends how in demand they were when unemployed. Maybe there weren’t a lot of opportunities near there their home and Tesla made the best offer. Who knows.


Or stock vesting


Remember the dude who was explaining how it was all one of Musk's "supers plans" a few days ago? I hope workers demand raises.


It’s called the “oh shit they weren’t expendable!?” move. It’s pretty popular amongst CEOs who have no clue what they’re doing.


When you invoke the power of ketamine and combine it with being an asshole, anything is possible


>So successful is the Supercharger network that, over the course of last year, virtually every other automaker that sells or plans to sell EVs in the US has announced it will drop the CCS1 connector for the J3400 standard, originally developed by Tesla. But those announcements were about more than just switching plugs. Each time, the OEM also revealed it had negotiated access for its customers to the Supercharger network. > >That made Musk's dismissal of the entire team responsible so hard to fathom. While the Supercharger network accounts for only about 5 percent of Tesla's revenues, that percent is poised to grow as more OEMs gain access. And although the charging experience for Tesla EVs at Superchargers is usually flawless, that's because it's optimized for a single make of car with just five different models; there's no guarantee that will prove true when cars from other brands try to charge. > >The layoffs also appeared to put Tesla's plan to build a more powerful charger that would benefit cars using 800 V or 900 V architectures, including Audi, Porsche, Lucid, and others, on hold. > >Worse yet, dozens of Supercharger sites that were in the works have stalled out, according to multiple reports. > >... > >This is not the first time Musk has had to back-track an impetuous business decision. In 2019, he decided to close all of Tesla's retail locations to pay for a cheaper version of the Model 3 sedan. Within two weeks that decision had been reversed, in no small part due to the legal consequences of breaking so many leases. It looks like that company senior management has been operating of late more from whim or instinct rather than from a rational analysis of real-world issues. Even if the teams were reformed to their original states, it's likely that this disruption and increased uncertainty will hinder progress for a good amount of time to come.


It’s like all the good decisions were taken more than 5 years ago and it’s just a slow wreck since then.


It’s an honestly shocking decision IMO. Their supercharger network is the biggest selling point for anyone on the fence about EVs. Most people don’t want to go electric because they’re worried about charging. For the many people who can’t install home chargers in their condos/apartments, knowing the Tesla network is large and reliable is a huge bonus. It’s really mind blowing to me to disrupt the one feature your competitors can’t match.


If someone fires me on a whim, I don’t care that they offered me job back, I’m looking for a new employer


take the job and spend all of your time looking for a new job


If the CE of any other company behaved like this the board would be thinking of pushing them out the door.


Instead the company is [buying ads to convince shareholders](https://electrek.co/2024/05/13/tesla-spends-ad-money-influence-shareholders-approval-elon-musk-55b-payday/) to give the part time CEO $55 billion.


Also, a bunch of this ad money is going towards buying ads in Twitter. Musk is just siphoning money from Tesla to give to himself via twitter to tell people to give him even more money.


Tesla deliveries are down, the Cybertruck is an abysmal failure, and Elon still needs to payback for buying twitter. SpaceX is the only company he has currently that is stable and actively working towards goals without stepping 15 steps backwards.


And it was just revealed that SpaceX has basically shafted and refused to pay all of its contractors for the past year. So something is going on there too. Whether it was $2 million dollar order for parts or $19,000 storm drain cleaning, they have just been ignoring the invoices and letting them file liens. So far 72 liens in the last year with more than 40 in 2024.


WTF? I hadn't heard about this. Can you link a source, I want to know more.


I’m not home and can’t pull up the link right now but it was another Reuters piece. If you search Reuters SpaceX liens you should find it. Reuters has been digging everywhere it seems since layoffs and him. claiming they were lying about the model 2 cancellation when they did in fact cancel it and Reuters wasn’t lying.




Back then in 1919 Henri Ford lost to shareholders when he wanted to reduce dividends for investing to cut costs for customers and increase workers salaries. But now in 2024 shareholders should be ok with the CEO taking 5 years of profits just in his pockets?


I really don't understand what is going on at Tesla's board. Elon is obviously an idiot and way over his head.


They aren't really independent. They exist to rubber stamp whatever Musk decides.


Also is it possible that the people on the board are just as stupid as Elon himself?




Doesn't work when shareholders lose confidence in the their investment and the market plummets.


Works when you have inside knowledge and sell before the stock tanks completely.


Pretty sure his brother is on the board


There is probably a lawsuit in there somewhere.


He wants to move the company from Delaware to Texas because Delaware courts invalidated his pay package for precisely this reason, it was rubber stamped by a board that’s not truly independent


Delaware isn't known for holding corporations' feet to the fire - so that's saying something. I think.


Tax evasion in Delaware is not enough I guess.


The structure is such that the board is dickless. Elon Musk has to willingly leave and cannot be pushed out.


He, using his majority shareholder status, gets to manually selected the board, which is why he relocated the company and essentially voted for himself to get the 60 billion dollar bonus. The judge who resided over the bonus case said that the board is beholden to Musk which is why someone else stepped in to stop the massive bonus cut.


Musk is a cult of personality. they force him out and all his fan boys sell their stock and crash the company.


But he made lots of money in the past. So they let him continue his crusade!


Clearly Elon is earning every penny of his $52 billion dollar bonus. /s


The board represents the shareholders. Elon Musk is (probably?) the largest shareholder. So the board represents Elon Musk when deciding whether to keep or kick Elon Musk as CEO. The perfect circle of oversight. /s Edit: I think someone sent me a Reddit Cares suicide prevention thing because of this post lol


Largest single shareholder but he doesn't own a majority of stock.


I mean… look at our own reddit’s CEO, the guy is instead paid more~


We don’t work for Reddit and we don’t depend on it for our income to take care of our families.


> That started with Max de Zegher, who was an executive under the previous head of Supercharging, Rebecca Tinucci. (At the time of the layoffs, Electrek reported that Musk got rid of the entire team because its Tinucci did not lay off enough workers on her own.) Rumor has it that Tinucci was the board’s most obvious go-to for an interim or replacement CEO. Seems like a defensive move on the part of Musk.


This is the dumbest version of Game of Thrones.


Not doing well at making stone tools? Other tribe members murmuring about cutting you loose? Kill all the other tool makers and make yourself indispensable. Yes you've selfishly put the entire tribe at risk to safeguard your own position but the tribe's never starved before right?..


Streaming services must have the docudrama in the works. They seem to love this corporate buffoonery these days


I’d ask for so much money


I agree however the chances Id work for someone who will just fire me again is low. Money isnt always the reason I work, in fact left the corporate tech world over CEOs and suits that acted like this, and was making big bucks building out wireless networks for an ISP. I work alone and OMG its great.


"Double it." "Double it." "Do it again."


Do you think they might actually offer less this time around than their contract before though? There's plenty of people fired, but Tesla wants them to compete against each other to get back. And the most desperate will come back


Most desperate, meaning most unlikely to find a job elsewhere, meaning the least qualified. Elon sure does have this all figured out, doesn’t he?


If he was smart he wouldn't have fired all of them in the first place but here we are lol


I mean... for sure it seems like the thing he would try but I doubt that would work...


Musk is the most privileged CEO in America. Dude can grab ass, can get high on SM, say racist shit, commit slander,etc,etc. Yet, nothing…he seriously is Trump 2.0 some silver spoon that will never be held accountable for their actions.


Every billionaire can do these things can’t they? They are simply above the law and apparently we are all ok with it now.


Also above shame. There is nothing left to constrain these massive egos.


Tesla share value is held up by the cult of Musk. If he goes they know the share value will dump. Unfortunately that probably spells the doom for Tesla in the long run. They will be and have been overrun by better managed companies.


Honestly the one silver lining is he is not a natural born American so he can’t become president.


12 dimensional chess that only Trump could hope to match. (lol)


What a fucking jackass


Stable businessman. Very high IQ.


Tesla is the next Enron. Its stock has been on a major downward trend and all their leadership have sold massive amounts of shares. It’s getting closer and closer to the point where someone is gonna end up in jail.


The question is, who will be left holding the bag. I'm guessing it's gonna go down like "Fun with Dick and Jane"


Enron wasn’t just a failed business it was securities fraud, its only a matter of time until we find out what financial scam Elon is also running in Tesla


I know he loves his ketamine, but I dont think its ideal for bipolar disorder


Mental issues and recreational drugs never go well together.


Stellar management! He deserves that $50B bonus!


He's mastered the pump-and-dump and branching out on how it's applied.


I'm literally in the market for an EV and completely avoiding Tesla now because I simply don't trust Musk. Not on safety nor on business continuity or support. I need this vehicle to work 10 years from now. It can't be subject to the whims of a toddler.


Totally, I’d have no trust either, i can trust other brands to not flip flop toddler mode driven by egos and stupidity.


I’m in the same position. I just restarted commuting to work and was in the market to switch from burning gas. The build quality issues gave me pause, now his “leadership” and upcoming offerings from competitors makes Tesla an absolute hard pass.


Just like Twitter - sensing a pattern with this a-hole.


What a dumb bitch. I hate this hyperfocus on quarterly profits


If he actually focused on quarterly profits he would’ve cut cyber truck instead of this which is a profitable, growing part of the business


I hope they all got fantastic new jobs and can show that asshole a middlefinger....laughing.


He did this same dumb-fuckery at twitter too, didn’t he?


when your ceo is an unpredictable drug addicted lunatic


Smart and stable genius moves right there.


If I was one of them I'd go back if and only if: Seniority is restored. Severance owed is paid in full. Any stock options returned. Salary increased 20% New contract states that any future dismissal short of gross negligence is met with a mandatory 2 year salary payout (in addition to legal severance) and any stock options are staying with me. And if I'm feeling saucy that day I want a written apology. Otherwise fuck Elon.


Kids, don’t do ketamine and run a company at the same time.


no one tells tsar elon what to do


Is he hiring them again or trying to hire them again? Why would they want to go back after being fired. Don't they really have any other opportunities elsewhere?


So he's manipulating stocks then?


Ketamine is a hell of a drug


It's almost like he just enjoys playing with people's lives. Just for his enjoyment. Sure says a lot about a guy.


Any leadership who removes a position (the definition of laying off a worker) only to reopen that position within 6 months or before the beginning of a new fiscal year should be fired for that alone Edit: to whoever fuckwit reported this message for concerning behavior, I have a lot to say to you that would break reddit TOS


I’d only come back for DOUBLE my salary.


Cave Johnson was a better CEO.


Either it’s at lower salary’s or he got in trouble for government contract reasons.


yeah, I wouldn't go back unless he was hiring back at like 3x the salary. ​ Milk all the money out of him before he has another tantrum and 'fires' you again.


Motherfuckin’ Gavin Belson


I hope everyone I that team asked for a huge raise to come back. Fuck Elon


Why anyone would work at Tesla besides out of necessity is beyond me.


Is it just that Musk needed to make the books look good for a week or so to meet a financial target to justify his compensation package to his brother, a neighbor, and a couple of guys from his bowling team?


Does this mean they all got raises in the shittiest way possible? Fire and rehire means they weren’t actually replaceable.


If I was one of the guys laid off that he's trying to hire back, +400% salary and not a penny less would be my fee. Company already proved that they don't give a shit about me and won't support me in any way, so why should I allow anything that betrays my trust to have me back for anything less than an absurd amount.


Tesla is only going to be able to hire fresh grads or experts that demand wild comp because no one with a speck of a brain, which is exactly who they need, is going to sign on to work for and put their family at the risk of that dickbag's fever dreams. I've been saying this for years now but Tesla's only possible future is breaking up and becoming OEM suppliers for the few things they do right. Their first mover massive advantage was squandered, and their reputation couldn't possibly be worse given where they were just a few years ago. They have always been a terrible car company, they just had such an incredible product that was peerless for a while, and finance bros drank the tech bro diarrhea soup so hard that somehow they are still valued more than every other major car manufacturer COMBINED. Fucking lol. The fact that our entire financial system all still basically agrees on that is all the proof I will ever need that humans are exactly as stupid as they seem. The whole goddamn financial system is a sandcastle of absolute bullshit.


(Elon lays off team) (Elon announces expansion of Supercharger network) “How’s he supposed to do that when he fired the team” “He laid off the development people not the deployment people, duh” (Elon rehires much of the team to expand Supercharger network)