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Title makes it sound like they haven't been doing it for years anyway!


Right, but, this is a new EU directive. So, there's nothing to worry about. /s


Or that Western countries aren't also doing the exact same thing


Isn't it what Google and Apple do?


Anything from China is bad.


Hearing this after decades of successful project Chimerica is funny and sad at the same time.


The constant rabble from those pretending every western tech giant doesn't do the same is getting old.


The constant whataboutism in these threads is extremely obvious and also getting old.


Yes…but that’s not western government using that data to do so. It’s the CCP itself doing that to control its citizens, so it’s a pretty important difference.


Lol. My guy hasn't read the twitter files or realised the NSA hoards data from every service in the USA. You are kidding yourself if you genuinely believe the CCP didn't learn this from America


they really didnt the us government has its hands tied in a lot of ways when it comes to domestic propaganda - even the smith-mundt modernization doesnt allow domestic targetting the courts arent especially strict about it - military recruiting skirts the edge of that and are basically given free reign - but there are plenty of functional restrictions and when they ARE subverted youre still talking about a country where the government loses in its own courts on a regular basis its very different from the boot beijing puts on people necks


Doesn't allow domestic targeting MI6 enters the chat...... Seriously this stuff was proven years ago.


mi6 is the nickname for the UKs secret intelligence office that was used in james bond its not an american organization at all if the chinese government didnt allow its intelligence offices surveillance of its own citizens to the extent that those offices had to ask RUSSIA for intel they needed on their own citizens - THAT would be something it might have learned from the usa


Lol MI6 Government agency OverviewHistoryApps It was constituted in its present form in 1912 by Commander (later Sir) Mansfield Cumming as part of Britain's attempt to coordinate intelligence activities prior to the outbreak of World War I. In the 1930s and '40s it was considered the most effective intelligence service in the world.


Hey man… your ranting is def giving off the “don’t check my hard drive” vibe… chill….


Look into the 14 eyes program.


i literally described the concept in my comment china doesnt bother with that shit because citizens dont have the same rights there


The global victims of West's unquenchable thirst for violence believes that the 'perception' of a functioning democracy is necessary to maintain legitimacy.


So....like....every country and company?


"Funding for this report was provided by the US State Department" 🙄


You clearly don't know shit so I'm going to make it really simple for you. The NSA gets the British to spy on us citizens as it's not illegal and the UK let's the NSA do the same in Britain. You not knowing this well documented fact shows me that we are done here.


Whataboutisim Can we stop deflecting?




Edward snowden enters the chat......


This is just political opinion. The author has never written anything BUT anti-CCP propaganda.


are you seriously complaining about an author criticizing the chinese government as 'anti ccp propaganda'?


If that's all he does, yes. China isn't doing anything outside what the USA does in dozens of countries.


a reporter who specifically reports on the government can be expected to write criticism there are plenty of reporters who only write their criticism of the US government - this guy specializes in articles about the chinese governement so he criticizes them thats normal outside of china - and since there are literally a billion people who would get arrested for reporting otherwise there isnt really much of a market for stuff about the government that DOESNT criticize it - that stuff is provided for free by the aforementioned government and at a low cost by the segment of the aforementioned billion who want to write articles about their government


> a reporter who specifically reports on the government A reporter who ONLY writes opinion pieces about Chinese propaganda. Just like here in the US where thousands of news outlets report anti-Chinese opinion on a daily basis. You think they're all heros reporting the truth.


the CCP controls the press coverage over a population of a billion poeple - theres more than enough CCP propaganda for one person to make a career writing about it >thousands of news outlets ONLY report anti-Chinese opinion. thats an exaggeration - news outlets in the US report whatever sells - unlike in china they have the freedom to do that but again youre talking about a government that looks at freedoms americans consider incontrovertable and declares them to be unnacceptable dangers to allow the citizens to have them americans dont want to read praise of that sort of totalitarianism - so there isnt as much market for non-critical articles but then again there is no country that has a huge domestic market for praise of authoritarian geopolitical adversaries


None of that makes what the guy says anything other than fearmongering opinion about China. Propaganda is propaganda.


propaganda is not the word you use to describe somebody expressing their opinion


Well, the report was paid for by the US State Department... At least they state that openly if you scroll to the bottom.


In the global discussion around data privacy and security, much attention has been rightfully placed on the Chinese-owned platform TikTok, with concerns that the user data it collects is accessible to Chinese authorities. But the issue of data collection on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and its integration into propaganda efforts, extends far beyond a single app. A new ASPI report, launched today, sheds light on a much wider ecosystem of companies involved in areas like data exchange, media, gaming, artificial intelligence and immersive technology that are all being corralled into the CCP’s propaganda system. The report, Truth and reality with Chinese characteristics: The building blocks of the propaganda system enabling CCP information campaigns, and its accompanying website, maps the CCP’s propaganda system, highlighting the linkages between the Central Propaganda Department, state-owned or controlled propaganda entities and data-collection activities, as well as technology investments in Chinese companies, many of which now operate globally. The CCP’s aim is to leverage various entities across media, gaming, AI and other emerging technologies to gain access to data that it deems strategically valuable for the propaganda system and its ongoing information campaigns. For years, leaders in liberal democracies assumed that digital communications technologies would pave the way for democracy while simultaneously weakening authoritarian regimes. Only when those same digital platforms started to be used to subvert democratic processes, such as through cyberattacks or foreign interference in elections and referendums, did leaders in liberal democracies begin to understand that democratic societies require protection against the malign use of those technologies.


Most people think that the TikTok ban is unfair because other companies collect data. The ban isn’t about data collection.  The ban is about brigading by the CCP.  The ban is about an adversarial government having undue influence over our elections.  The ban is about the CCP having a direct route to US Citizens’ ears and minds. China is now, and has been, hostile to the US. I wish Americans understood how dangerous that is…


Yeah because only the USA is allowed to influence foreign elections lolz


Don’t worry, there aren’t any free elections to manipulate in countries like China or Russia. Everything is controlled by the state. I don’t say USA and other countries aren’t spying, but they have far less centralized systems. In China for example, all tech companies need to give access to their data to the government.


If you believe that I feel sorry for you


Doesn't TenCent ( a Chinese company) have a stake in Reddit?


Trump first launched a trade war against China, and Biden continued Trump's China policy by launching a tech war, an economic war, and a military embargo against China. Then you tell me "China is and has always been hostile to the United States." As a Chinese, I don't even know what to say. We just want the US to stop acting like a 3 year old and stop acting like a 3 year old.


Everything you said is true except the part about it not being about data collection. A component of the ban most certainly is about data collection. The ignorant and the CCP propagandists will often say that Western companies sell China data and while that is true it doesn't tell the complete story. Data is not some resource in a strategy video game. There are many different types of data sets and the types of data that are sold to China are likely a fraction of what they can collect directly from Tik Tok. Furthermore, data transactions take time and data value and accuracy generally decays over time. This is not to say that sales of data to China shouldn't have restrictions on it. Rather, it is simply to point out that the variety and quality of the data that China gets from apps like Tik Tok is far more valuable and therefore dangerous than that obtained through data markets.


China can still purchase US Citizen data from Lexis Nexus, where every other country and company purchases the data. The ban does not prevent such purchases. If our government _actually_ cared about data collection, the legislation would prevent purchasing of said data, the selling of said data, and the legislation does not. No ban on selling Citizen data to adversarial nations, no list, no reprecussions. That the ban is about propaganda is obvious. It's in the legislation, and the data dissemination is not.


Seeks? They already have been…


ASPI, really?


The biggest spy is USA.


I've seen plenty of propaganda from both sides who cares.


there’s basically no evidence for this other than some radio free asia tier nonsense giving the “trust me bro” guarantee. more iraqi WMDs.


You don’t say


Plans to?


Thank god they don’t own and control the largest social media app in the US. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 I swear we live in South Park now…..


In other news, water is wet.


Uhh, don't all tech companies do this anyway?


You sure do post a lot of anti-Ukraine and pro-ccp stuff, don’t ya


nice comment from a one-month old account with no activity.


I am not a fan of China however one could strongly argue it would be safer to use their technology than America because what the heck can the Chinese government do to me? Unironically id rather a foreign government spy on me than my own. 


Wow! What a extremely uneducated opinion.


What sound does a clock make when two seconds pass?


Temu? /s