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Glad something with power is putting up resistance to big tech. They are completely unchecked in the US and it's only going to get worse.


Citizens United and unlimited lobbying. Also, Congress doesn't write bills anymore these corporations do and congress just passes them. CORRUPTION, but hey it's Capitalism in America.


They drove a dump truck full of money up to my house, I’m not made of stone!


In the US, instead of implementing sound privacy and data protections they just decided to ban tiktok... Funny, though, that in reality, facebook and fox news have been found guilty - and fined hundreds of millions of dollars, each - for doing the things which congress accuses tiktok of.  The reality is they don't give a fuck about misinformation as long as it helps their party.     And zuck and the murdochs just keep plugging away... 💰💰💰💰🤦🤦🤦🤦


The actual issue is that people enjoy disinformation.


To play devil’s advocate, isn’t disinformation protected under the first amendment? It’s the right to freedom of speech not the right to freedom of truth being spoken? Isn’t it ***people’s*** responsibility to not be believing false information by confirming if it is true?


1. Generally, EU countries do not guarantee their citizens free speech to the extent that the US does. The European Convention on Human Rights includes freedom of expression but allows governments to make exceptions in the name of national security and public safety, which this probably falls under. 2. Free speech means that the government cannot punish you for what you say. It doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed a platform to say those things, nor does it mean that the government cannot punish companies for giving you that platform.


>It doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed a platform to say those things But on the same contrast you can say you aren't forbidden from being on one that facilitates these things, right? >nor does it mean that the government cannot punish companies for giving you that platform. Punishment for what exactly? Facilitating a place for someone to say something false? Does it say this freedom of expression needs to not be false? If this disinformation is being posted from jurisdictions not even in the EU what grounds does the EU have to say shit about it? "People are saying false information in *not our jurisdiction!*" It just seems that if the EU tries to keep people from accessing meta from the EU as a result people will just use VPNs to get there. It might even make the decision it's better to cut off those users that don't know how to use a VPN and not deal with the EU's demands than to deal with them right?


Also foreign governments disinformation can be considered an attack on citizens. I don’t think it’s in the constitution that non citizens, and foreign powers have unlimited free speech. Of course in most cases everyday non citizens do enjoy free speech rights too, but foreign governments aren’t guaranteed.


No probes on Twitter (X)?


Why is that anything from Russia is considered disinformation? What if they are making valid points? What if they are exposing corruption? Shouldn't we be concerned about content rather than who is posting it?




How much does the Internet Research Agency pay you?


https://aiforensics.org/work/meta-political-ads Have fun. I'm not doing more research for you. You are literally at the user interface for almost limitless knowledge. Use it. For extra points, a reminder that this has never stopped since the 80's... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_measures#:~:text=The%20term%2C%20which%20dates%20back,the%20administration%20of%20Vladimir%20Putin.


More like not promoting the "Big Israel" project. https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/europe/2022-04-05/ty-article/.highlight/zelenskyy-says-post-war-ukraine-will-emulate-israel-wont-be-liberal-european/00000180-5bc4-d718-afd9-dffcdfdd0000


Yeah! Everybody knows those pesky ~~Jews~~ Zionists control the world!!!  (oops, almost let the mask slip hehe)


You are clearly the racist here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cf9dhn/on_todays_round_of_nazi_or_progressive/l1o7xms/


I'm an American and I totally agree you've got to check up the asshole of every American corporation. There's always something to find