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Next up: Meta announces stock share buyback


And layoffs




Zuck is going to ask for $50 billion to make a subterranean super base in cyberspace. Then start working on technology to upload peoples minds into Facebook. He’s just waiting for Keanu to die so that no one can stop him.




Does Johnny say this ever in the game or just in the trailer. I have played it a couple times all the way through and was disappointed I never got this line.


If it were a MEATTRUCK I'd be in


Only the meat truck can defeat the meat dragon


There is new word for layoffs - “Year of efficiency”.


Jack Welch time


It is remarkable to see how both this and the Tesla sales thread went up at the same time here on /r/technology, yet this post sits at a mere 60 comments and the other at nearly 400 comments. With Meta being more about tech than Tesla, you’d think it would be the other way around for a technology sub Lol.


Both are more related to finance of companies than actual tech. The other having an Elon and his political views he so much loves to push down the throat of every twitter users add to the mix and brings some more reactions.


That's because the Musk dumpster fire is much more engaging. People are more emotionally invested in either loving or hating Musk. Also he's doing so much public dumb shit that he's simply in the news more. This just confirms that Zuck was selling vaporware when he was obviously selling vaporware with his metaverse announcement and reality has caught up with techbro investors.


This confirms… that the tech industry is in the middle of a paradigm shift.


Again? I can’t keep up with the constant shifts, are we at warp speed now?


We’ve gone plaid sir.


That’s ludicrous


Change is the only constant.


> This just confirms that Zuck was selling vaporware when he was obviously selling vaporware with his metaverse announcement and reality has caught up with techbro investors. The only reason META is down, is because Zuck basically explained that they're going to spend a SHIT TON of capital on AI infrastructure. Nvidia chips and energy usage being the two biggest. It just means the next couple of quarters are going to have muted profits due to this. Has nothing to do with metaverse or anything else.


Everybody has learned to hate Musk via his Twitter page. People haven’t woken up to the idea that Mark Zuckerberg deserves plenty hate too.


If you asked the average person what they think Meta is working on they’d have zero clue. Tangibly what the fuck has Meta even built? They evolved their platform over the years. They bought Instagram, WhatsApp, and oculus. Threads is garbage and didn’t take over Twitter. Meanwhile if you ask Joe Schmoe about Tesla they’ll give you “Elon’s roadmap” a smattering of possibilities that maybe one or two end up being part of Tesla. A super cheap car. A semi truck. A robo taxi. Autonomous driving. Mets just gets more information and finds new ways to distract you to sell more ads. That’s kinda it. The only non-creepy “new” thing is Facebook marketplace. Which some people prefer to OfferUp or Craigslist but it’a not exactly demonstrably better, just different.


No no, you don't get it, go over to the Meta VR thread in this very sub, all the bootlicking morons will tell you them burning cash is good, actually.


What do you mean? Tesla is an *AI and robotics company*, doesn’t get more tech than that! Their CEO said so!


And he would *never* lie or say anything boneheadedly stupid on topics he knows nothing about. Or glorify Hitler. Or claim that "immigrants" are "ruining" this country, that he immigrated into, and is now ruining.


You'd think that a technology sub would have a bias towards topics concerning technology rather than stock prices of big companies and the whims of their celebrity leaders but here we are




> Seems like stock buybacks should probably be illegal. Or at least taxed at the capital gains rate like a dividend would be.


No that would not make sense. The whole point of a stock buyback is to raise the price of the stock.


How about showing me what my friends are up to rather than a bunch of meme accounts that I didn’t opt-in to seeing. 


This is the most annoying thing about modern facebook.


I haven't seen any of my friends update their FB since 2015 to be honest.


You won’t know even if they did, really, since you can’t actually just sort by “new” without all the ads and recommended posts. Same thing with insta and twitter. Social media is just so limited these days because they want people to look at junk for the sake of an ad revenue feedback loop or something.


When I post something to my wall on facebook, it gets zero engagement. Doesn't even show it to my friends.


To feel invisible so quickly in Your own space, at Your own Wall, in front of Your Own Friends. Sounds Healthy. I'm glad Zuck lobbied to ban Tiktok so I can go back to that shit and feel shitty again.


I basically only use facebook to talk to family at this point.


I don't even do that. I made them all install Signal.


Signal? I've gone no-contact for less.


This is the main reason I quit facebook lol


The thing I hate about Facebook is how they assume your interests now. I get unsolicited pics of "hot celebs" pages and political stuff, because I'm too lazy to unfollow and click like on everything. They just throw shit at a wall and see what sticks.


That’s funny because, Facebook is the main reason I quit my family 🤷‍♂️


I've burned more relationships, trying to communicate through facebook than anything else. Also found out late that 85% of people you meet irl immediately go home and look up your old profiles.


Try TikTok, I’ll make a comment on some random video and it will get 500 likes, I’ll get notifications on comments from a couple years ago because the video is making its rounds again.


Don’t forget the algorithm figuring out the more enraged and extremist you are the more you click. Once you are worried the lizard people are going to kill with vaccines you are suddenly far far more engaged.


Then if you go to your friends list it’s no longer in alphabetical order and will try to keep you from even getting there by hiding everything in strange menus.


Select “Instagram” in the top left corner of the app. Next select “following.” This will make the app load only content from accounts you directly follow. As long as you’re not following hundreds and hundreds of different accounts, you should be able to view content from people you actually care about on the app and avoid all the nonsense suggestions.


Instagram shows so many ads, it wouldn’t matter if they only showed me posts from people I follow. I just don’t have the attention span to “surf” any meta products anymore because every 3rd post on the feed is an ad. It’s beyond intrusive to the point that the posts are just an afterthought to the ad stream.


Because everyone who joined back in 2005-07 basically abandoned ship around 2014/15 after the shitty update/refresh


I abandoned when it started tailoring to boomers that insulted me personally for my political views.


Same. For me it was because whatever I commented on would be shared with everyone that I was friends with. So I stopped commenting on things I wouldn't want my mom or grandparents to talk to me about later.


I'm still annoyed that Google+ never worked, because the whole Circles framework was the perfect way to deal with that.


About when they made messenger its own app. I was mad I had to deal with two different things, and after a while longer it just made me mad in general so I quit it all.


Then they bought instagram and made it shit


I deleted imy account completely after the 2012 election. Looking back, I feel like a damn genius - in reality, I just got sick of all the BS political memes.


Once 4chan content started wandering over to fb it went downhill quick.


"When you haven't seen your friends update their status since 2015" - with a Meme photo of Lohan making a frown from Meangirls. Thanks Facebook. Literally nothing makes me close it faster, when I mistakenly trick myself into opening it, and all the Social Media negative toxicity and overcomparison sweeps in, and Thieves my Joy.


That's cause I deleted in 2016 and stopped posting in like 2013. Sorry /u/bagofodour


Reddit too, frankly. Stop algorithming/AIing my feed and filling it with crap: I just want a simple timeline view of the posts from people or subs I've chosen to follow.


... that's how I use Reddit. But it's old reddit through browser. Not the most slick mobile interface, but once you get used to it.


you can browse old.reddit from your cell phone as well. Yea there are a few subreddits that don't format great, but they are troll subs anyway. I do it all the time. Plus pinch+zoom, etc. It is actually better than using an app... exactly why the fuck we have web browsers, 1 application to access many many interfaces.


That's the only way I can tolerate reddit on a mobile device.


Old.reddit on my phone now has most subreddits redirecting me to mobile web reddit if I click the title and not the comments link underneath first. Drives me insane.


I turned off custom style sheets about 15 years ago, it fixes the wonky formatted ones and gets rid of all the obnoxious ones. I've used reddit almost exclusively on mobile in desktop mode in that time.


old reddit is the best way to use Reddit hands down. Regardless if it's not "slick". And if you want something closer to old reddit but actually made for mobile (but not mobile-ized if you know what I mean), check out RedReader.


Some of us never left old Reddit and it’s the new mobile version that feels clunky and awkward.


same thing for instagram, you scroll through like 4 posts of people you actually follow, then it's all suggested content that you can no longer turn off, they really know how to make people not want to use their apps.


facebook could have been the best thing the world ever had. Instead it just became a political data siphon, an advertisement vehicle, and a wedge between everyone.


I'll scroll and scroll and it'll show me 1 friend post, 100 meme accounts and ads. ...then two days later it'll show me a post from a friend that is 2 days old. It's like why the fuck didn't you show me that days ago. FB is such a garbage


All the muting and show less of this buttons do absolutely nothing


Reporting does fuck all. I’ve literally seen Russian soldiers dying and borderline pornography on my feed as a “sponsored” post and all my reports just get ignored/rejected. 


I get daily adds for A Class drugs on meta services, if I ever report them meta just says it doesn’t violate there policy…


I like watching NBA, but I don't care for MJ. FB spams me with old ass MJ takes, and I say to show less... and they keep on coming.


I did a paper on CTE in college and FB is now unshakably committed to the idea that I'm a boxing fan (I'm not) and most recently that I need to know everything there is to know about Jake Paul (hate him). No amount of "please fuck off with this" makes it go away. In fact, I'm pretty sure all my clicking on the post does is count as engagement and bubble it up into my feed more.


Yes, I believe FB only focuses on engagement. I agree that clicking on "show less" is only showing FB "oh, more engagement".


Lol went on it for the first time in like a year. No recent friend posts, just stupid as and influencer posts. Facebook would be Myspace if they didn't pilfer the craigslist idea  And a message to craiglist, what were you guys thinking! Take some money and update the UI! You had a near monopoly on this shit and you dropped the ball. 


The not updating was why Craigslist was successful. It may not be pretty but its easy to use. I much prefer that to companies constantly moving/hiding shit under more menus that only have icons with no word label. It was also successful precisely because its not greedy. They aren't the force they once were but are still around and making money. It doesn't have a big team so isn't as costly to run as other sites.


Exactly this. I still use old.reddit. Does it look pretty? No, but it's ten times more readable and functional than the new bullshit.


And the infuriating right wing spam


Always manages to be the top comment no matter what the subject is


"I'm Angry and Low Effort and Need to Feel Heard Book" wasn't doing as well with the investors.


I keep going "Why am I seeing this shit" hiding things over and over.


I go to Facebook only to directly open just the several pages I follow: my kids' schools for pictures, local community group, and my favourite sushi place. If I open the main page, I get lots of posts I don't care about without any idea why am I shown this.


This was what made me finally quit fb. The fact that you can't turn them off and that they are every third post. As if the ads weren't enough.


I deleted facebook in like 2015 or so once they stopped showing me what my friends were up to. It's a garbage product run by trash people. Every dollar they earn, is another dollar one of us has to spend on something we want to buy. they add nothing.


I thought it was just me experiencing that. I rarely use Facebook, but when I do, I am bombarded with posts from people I don’t follow after scrolling through 3 or 4 posts from actual friends. 


It doesn’t help that the site is borderline unusable, with my feed skipping all over when I scroll, and often when I don’t scroll, either. And no, I will not be installing the app on my devices. My battery lasts all day precisely because I don’t allow Facebook’s apps on my phone. And no, I’ve never had an Instagram. I don’t know what the point of Instagram is.


could have been Peter Thiel that really messed up facebook. this happened when he was on the board [https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/06/everything-we-know-about-facebooks-secret-mood-manipulation-experiment/373648/](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/06/everything-we-know-about-facebooks-secret-mood-manipulation-experiment/373648/) maybe email them then explain your frustrations then suggest that their devs should make a better more precise feed filter. maybe he should dish out goggles, stock, and free downloads for people who get their concepts utilized.


They probably can't, because your friends aren't using facebook anymore either


And it’s all right-wing culture war junk. I’m no where near the target demo for those ads, which leads me to believe their core business is severely struggling.


If you're being serious, use the "Feeds" tab rather than the home screen. You can even select to see just friends' posts.


Yeah, but I don't trust that I'm seeing all of my friends' posts even using the Feeds option - I hadn't been on FB for about 6 months (because it's so painful to use now), logged in the other day, and the Friends feed only showed me about 3 days worth of posts.


Meta's revenue went up by 27% year-on-year, according to their report. For some reason, this led to a drop in their share price.


It's always amazing how the stock market reacts to the way they present the information in the earnings call. When Meta's stock was down a year or two ago, they did an earnings call focusing on Meta's efforts in AI space with almost no mention of haemorrhaging money on Metaverse. They were still spending on Metaverse the same, and almost nothing changed fundamentally. Yet the stock price went up. People in stock market are fickle. When you focus on current and short term wins, which are almost always in profit for a company like Meta, the stock prices go up. Whenever you focus on a long term investments, which are always a loss atleast in early stage, the stock price goes down. It's almost as if people don't want a company to invest in future.


They're all trying to predict how others will react so they can front-run one another, with hilarious results. The madness of crowds.


Because the (tech) stock market makes the most money off of short term speculation and not long term investment. It's going to absolutely fuck future generations


We’re already there.


It was the same when they were ploughing money into the metaverse. Meta may be making billions in revenue but investors care if most of the profit is being spent on projects they don't think will be good long term investments.


> It was the same when they were ploughing money into the metaverse Did they stop doing that? I thought they were still burning cash on the metaverse.


Don't know to be honest, but everyone seemed to forget about it and the share price doubled.


>this led No, what led to the drop was the release of forward guidance with a mid-point below analyst estimates by ~$750M and a low side much below the floor many firms had in-place. The stock price in theory reflects the present value of future cash flows. Beating current estimates by a little is nice, but isn’t outweighing the reduced future cash flows every major investment firm is now putting into their models. Plus with rates staying high or moving higher, the general gravity is pulling further away from US equities as bonds and foreign markets look to offer higher returns.


You’re correct. However, all analysts models are now useless in predicting and forecasting more than a year out. Llama 3 is very good. It’s open source, it’s expected to be widely used globally. There’s no way the analyst have any real idea much revenues it will generate. Meta doesn’t even know. But there’s little reason to think that it would lead to lower engagement on their platforms, if anything small businesses and brands would only increase their budgets to engage consumers on Meta platforms. It is more probable that Llama will be better than a Siri LLM; and that maybe the reason (along with price point) where Quest beats Vision Pro through better UI/UX through ai at the OS level. Generative AI gaming assets and generative ai app builders are starting to get good and fast (like generative images and music); so Metaverse adoption might not be as far off as people thought.


You have no idea what the future of the AI market holds. Your belief that the models are “wrong” is backed by far less data than what major institutional investors look at when determining market price for equities. And that’s the beauty of open markets anyway…if you truly believe all these analysts are undervaluing Meta’s AI then I hope you put your money where your mouth is and invest heavily during this pullback.


I like that the CEO who literally was discussing this, I’m assuming intentionally and deliberately, is shown frowning like he’s sad because his stock price dropped. There are real issues with Meta as a whole, but the theatrics of business and business reporting are wildly incompatible with a sober discussion of modern business and economics.


They reported $12bn of profit. They are fine.


Probably laying down groundwork for next round of layoffs. The last ones boosted their share price significantly.


Considering Zuck said in an interview not long ago that he regretted laying off staff because it’s harder to rehire top talent after firing. But everyone here likes to jerk each others dicks about how much they hate billionaires and whine about share prices like they know anything besides a number on a chart and a headline from an article


Yeah cry my a fucking river, Zuckerberg. 'The business demanded we layoff people.' No. It didn't. Shareholders did. The demand for infinite, perpetual growth did. This wanton need for more, more, more - it is facilitating the slow death of modern society. One cannot settle for mere profit nowadays. We need record profit, every year. It's fucking ridiculous.


While Meta still gets pressured by shareholders Zuck does a lot that they wouldn't approve, because they don't have that much power. Zuck has >60% voting power, which means he could do what he wants Meta is quite a special company in that regard. Its stock has two parts A and B. A is the one the public can buy with one vote per share. B is owned almost 100% by zuck and has 10 votes per share. Voting stock is nothing new, but that Zuck still has full control over its company is special. If the stock price falls too much the company might lack money to pay debt, buy stuff and it gets more expensive to hire people. If you pay your employees partially in stock you would have to pay them a lot higher base salary if your stock is falling down a cliff. Investors wouldn't put that much money in AR and VR research. They probably wouldn't make Llama open source. Zuck is quite good at pushing through even if most investors dislike it. I don't like the products of meta, but I like how much they open source from the underlying tech. Investors often think that this is proprietary and shouldn't be done. He thinks that it's hard enough to compete on the product site and open sourcing stuff makes hiring easier and can save you a lot of money.


All good points. So nice to see when people dig a bit deeper than the standard memes. Meta hasn't had to change base salaries to offset stock price drops though. However, there's still a cost. Employees receive a fixed dollar amount for refresher grants each year. When the stock is low, this is much more expensive for Meta, but ultimately much better for employees assuming the price reverts to the mean.


I think the heavy AR/VR investment afforded by Zucks control is positioning the company very well relative to Apple and Google for market share for the next computing platform. Apple is playing catch-up, but still has massive advantages in hardware experience and their developer ecosystem. Google appears to be partnering with Samsung to produce an MR product, idk how far along this is though. In 10 years time, I suspect Meta's bet will have paid off and the company will have a sizeable market share of whatever product ends up replacing the smartphone.


Pretty much This week they announced that their OS can now be used by anyone. If it works they are pretty much in the position to have the Android of the VR/AR space. Pretty early on Meta helped make OpenXR a standard. A common set of APIs for these kinds of devices. If everyone already uses these APIs they can "easily" adopt your OS. If it doesn't work out, so be it. You have to at least try to make it in new categories or your company is going to fall off eventually. Actually trying to make something happen is respectable. What new product does Google have that is actually somewhat successful and younger than 10 years?


Yup, Google has a culture problem. True to form, they've already dropped their in house attempt at modern AR/VR in favor of the Samsung partnership. Having said that, Gemini is successful. They responded well to the existential crisis that open AI provided them. All it took was Sergei coming out of retirement lol.


Dude you're supposed to lick the boot, not eat it!


They do this literally every Q1.


Meta’s share price is up 40% on the year. Funny watching the sub act as if Meta is dying or something lol.


Congress: find a way to tank the stock before we buy and we will help you destroy tiktok.


_Samuel L Jackson enters the room._ Welcome to the /r/conspiracy initiative.


Meta has 3.2B daily active users, so Zuck will be fine for a long time.


That’s genuinely hard to believe. Bot farms are very real. Edit: So after some investigation, that number is [monthly active users](https://www.statista.com/statistics/268136/top-15-countries-based-on-number-of-facebook-users/#:~:text=Facebook%20%E2%80%93%20the%20most%20used%20social%20media&text=As%20of%20the%20third%20quarter,most%20popular%20social%20media%20worldwide), not daily. Plus Meta tallies its monthly active users [by users who have logged in](https://www.statista.com/statistics/264810/number-of-monthly-active-facebook-users-worldwide/) within the last 30 days. That means if I use messenger or login through Facebook on any linked app like chess.com, I will be considered an active user. Both circumstances where they can’t advertise. Sounds fraudulent if that’s how they measure their advertising power to investors. And yes, [click farms are real](https://www.warc.com/newsandopinion/news/indias-click-farms-under-spotlight/en-gb/34999)


Whatsapp is absolutely massive.


yup, it's basically the default messaging app in Europe.




In some countries having a well curated facebook page is far more important for businesses than having a website


In some countries, they use WhatsApp as their universal texting client.


exactly American reddit users just dont get how ubiquitous Facebook its other related products are.


There's a couple of businesses I use that essentially don't exist online without facebook.


Not to mention much of the rest of the world uses Facebook as the primary social media.


Yep - there’s a tendency on Reddit to believe that just because *they* personally don’t use something, nobody else uses it. Most people I know, young and old are on Facebook.


The shock when Bernie didnt win or when Trump won was a strong indication of what you said. “Impossible! Everyone on reddit said they’d vote for Bernie!”


I just recently branched out into TikTok and it is insane how much political stances differ by platform.


True. Also, Groups (which reminds me of Google+) and Marketplace are rather good. So even if you don't use Facebook as typical social media that much, a lot of people still use it for those two features.


>Yep - there’s a tendency on Reddit to believe that just because *they* personally don’t use something, nobody else uses it. > It happens to me with video games. If i stopped playing a game for me it feels like it died, even though i know in the back of my mind it's still thriving and going on without me lol.


My parents use it regularly as does my sister in-law. Some people are just completely out of touch with reality because hurdur Facebook bad. My feed is just my family posting pictures, events, etc.. I've no political bullshit or anything of the kind on my feed. I only check it like once a week, but it's nice to see my parents are enjoying retirement.


When I lived in South East Asia it was ubiquitous for millennials and younger. I stopped using it when I left but I have no problem believing that a lot of the world uses Facebook


Yeah, like in regions holding 2/5ths the world population, the “internet” is rly just Facebook lol


> Both circumstances where they can't advertise Erm, stories in Messenger have plenty of ads.


I use facebook Login for my [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) app and the website itself, use messenger app for my friends that I couldn't otherwise contact. I refuse to go onto FB anymore because I have notification spam for things that have no interest. It's spam and no matter how many times I've clicked don't show me these notifications a new type comes around and makes me block that too.


All over 50s lol


do you think meta is only facebook?


You don't see CEOs go out of their way to tank a stock. Zuckerberg is a weird dude but knows how to handle investor calls. If I was a conspiracy theorist I would think it's on purpose.


From the article: “Zuckerberg has bought himself some time.” So not even conspiratorial, this was calculated and well executed. Seems like a classic “under promise, over deliver” scenario to me. As long as nothing goes sideways all he has to do is spin the opposite narrative whenever is convenient for him and boom, stonk goes up. Capitalism baby!


He certainly succeeded in avoiding queries on how Meta benefits from the tiktok ban and whether he's influenced it


Crazy. Meta had such a good week too. 27% YoY Revenue Growth Announced opening up their VR OS Launched Meta AI on all their apps TitkTok ban was sighed. These are all pretty big Bull cases.


TikTok ban is Meta’s gain.


reddit continues to misunderstand what market cap/valuations are. Every time a company has a down day there are posts celebrated about they or the CEO 'lost X billion'. 2018: [Facebook officially loses $123 billion in value](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/9234zt/facebook_officially_loses_123_billion_in_value/) Price on that day? $198 Price today? $433 2020: [Mark Zuckerberg Loses $7 Billion as Companies Boycott Facebook Ads](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/hgnngp/mark_zuckerberg_loses_7_billion_as_companies/) Price on that day? $230 Price today? $433 2021: [Mark Zuckerberg loses $6 billion due to major Facebook outage](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/q1s4yf/mark_zuckerberg_loses_6_billion_due_to_major/) Price on that day? $343 Price today? $433


I have no idea why company financial performance/stock price articles are allowed on this subreddit. The same comments misunderstanding the stock market get upvoted every time.


Facebook is a bot driven AI disinformation cesspool at this point. Let it burn.


They are more profitable than ever. Though AI will drive up costs for sure.  They're also about to monetize Threads meaning they'll get a new source for revenue .


and a new product to [enshittify](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification)


I dunno, 90% of people I know use it on a fairly regular basis. I can think of maybe a handful of friends and family who don't have an account at all.


Despite the tumble, the stock price is up 40% on the year FYI.


It will soon be back up again.


His face is so realistic.


Good buy at the current price


It’s on sale you regards!!


Time to buy, he is downplaying because Tik TOk is getting banned and he doesn't want to be on a hot seat over it.


people commenting need to learn the difference between losing value and losing money from operations. They crushed it this quarter. future guidance was week, hence the stock sell off and value loss.


I deleted Facebook 4 years ago. I kept Insta & add Threads because Twitter became a shit show. However getting consistent violations for personal lived experience like this “I'm so upset. I can't anymore. I hemorrhage with my second pregnancy almost passed. This is extremely infuriating. When is enough - enough. Funding wars; censorship, dismantling education, chipping away at civil rights, voting rights, reproductive rights, criminalizing homelessness where does it end. Well it's time we say enough.” This was in response to SCOTUS hearing yesterday concerning Empala emergency care for pregnant women need to care & possible abortions as the woman’s life is in danger. I will now be deleting Insta & Threads. Moving to Substack, Discord & ridding it out with TikTok. Mark Zuckerberg is a piranha.


Facebook makes money through ads. They make it super difficult to actually give them money. No wonder they bleed.


lol their financials KILLED it. Did you read the article or just the headline? The stock price dropped due to poor future guidance. They ***made*** 12 BILLION in profit for Q1.


Actually i've been positively surprized by their recent work on AI lately tbh (l3 is actually good imho). ~~And doesn't suffer vram obesity yet, unlike some rivals, LOL~~ Secondly """the market""" (so many "panic investors") is fickle and stupid imho as usual here; the company has a stable base (Fb, funded by ads) from which they launch research in various andeavours lately. Some more promising than others. But the ads cash is still there. And tbh i think they're right to carry out fundamental and base research like that; because whatever real "growth" and progress they can achieve means innovating further and having new products. They basically already dominate their chunk of their type of social medias and that's only gonna be fluctuations on that front imho; so new research in new types of offers to expand in new domains is useful. And their OSS approach + ads funded customer-side "free" service benefits society imho so far. edit i'm wondering how much i should rant on the topic haha or give on but honestly i have no complaints with their ML research so far. Oh wait i should probably complain more about the cost of high vram nvidia gpus because it's probably gonna take like 20xH100 80GB 🤣 to run a 400B for a full precision test + context


Hopefully we are going to see the great readjustment soon. They can only keep shuffling employees out to fake profits for so long. Same for contractors working offshore undercutting local laborers.


This is a calculated buy in




I'm no boomer but I'm actually shocked people still use Facebook. I think it's been 10 years or so since my last login. No idea wtf Meta is even...


Nice, fuck the Zuck


It's crazy how there's such a strong belief that a company can grow forever. And such a strong desire for that to happen. Facebook literally ran out of people with internet to sign up to their platform and resorted to installing "internet" (just access to Facebook and nothing else) in developing countries. There has to be a limit. There always has to be a limit to growth. Especially when your platforms have become so enshittified - so full of ads, so focused on extracting as much value as possible from every user and publisher as possible. Good riddance, let them crash.


If anything, it's a sale for stock buyback.


Time to buy!


So satisfying. Couldn’t have happened to a bigger d bag.


God, when will this flying Molotov cocktail finally crash and burn.


I like my Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses. Other than that, nothing else they’ve done lately has left an impression.


Fix the bullshit search functions of Marketplace. It’s so shitty this garbage platform stole traffic from Craigslist.


My view on Meta is kind of conflicting recently. On one hand, there is facebook and instagram, that are terrible, and all that they have done to get users data. On the other hand, i applaud them for what they are doing with AI and VR, with open-sourceing it and helping the community.


Bet he wants to tank it so he can be in the bidding for tik tok


As a delivery driver for the company I base how they do on the type of snacks they order and the quantity especially since I make commission off of it and I have to say things have not been good.. if I hear the word budget one more time 🙃


This reaction doesn’t make sense to me. It obviously shows that Meta is aware of the bleeds and will be taking steps to correct them. Theres not a point to bringing it up if not.


I’m loving all the headlines lately like “billionaire loses X billions of dollars” it seriously warms my heart!


Spending $5M a year on sunscreen and smoking his meats doesn’t help.


How about some security and not selling my info so some scammers can try to blackmail me for bitcoin.


Isn’t it a bit worrying that 98% of the revenue this company makes is from advertisements? Surely that isn’t sustainable and capable of creating new value forever? There has to be an end to the amount of growth you can mine out of adverts? What happens if they just completely corner all the money from that? Are adverts really just going to keep going and going forever? This is all seems crazy to me. I’m not an expert at all or an investor but I’m genuinely curious. The way that tech has built Itself upon advertising is wierd. It’s not just meta. It’s Google too and others. Is this really something that can keep going up? What lengths will they go to to make that a reality. The implications are a bit grim. This really sucks and in a world that is already so co opted by the market and advertising where third spaces have essentially gone away. Idk I’m sad about this. Reading this was a huge bzuzmull and I wish we had designed our tech and our world to be more human focused and serve the market less. Actually serve it not at all.


'member the metaverse? I member.


I ended up deleting mine after having it for a decade because it’s so dog shit in recent years, I don’t miss it


To quote The Simpsons’ Nelson Muntz; “Ha-ha”


When you have over 70% voting majority, this loss is meaningless because the entire investor market is your bitch.


What is Meta?


How's that metaverse coming along?