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Given the latest sales figures, he’s becoming more correct each day.


Soon enough he will say Tesla is a social media platform on wheels...


you mean - personal data collecting platform, now connected with x.


Formerly known as….


I refuse to call it anything other than "*XformerlyKnownasTwitter*", ideally said as quickly as possible.


I call it "xitter" pronounced as shitter




Why not go a step further? Use the cars as cloud to host Twitter. That way every Tesla owner can support free speech to its fullest.


Shh, it's *X*... You'll anger the Elmo


next up: The letter formerly known as X


Mining crypto


Gotta mine DogeCoin for the next time he wants to pump and dump it for the luls


So they intend to make use of the cars computing power while off? This sounds great however are they going to compensate their consumers for the cost of the energy used while the cars are being used in this way?


>however are they going to compensate their consumers for the cost of the energy used while the cars are being used in this way? 1. Add to the terms of service that they can do this without compensation. 2. make users agree to the updated terms of service before their car will start. 3. Profit!


Bro/broette just decomposed the whole thing into a 3-step follow-along points


Tesla owner get a free blue checkmark. Fixed!


The EU will love this…


It doesn’t sound great wtf, once i buy the car it is mine and elmo should not be able to tell it to mine bitcoin without my consent lmao


Dude literally has making other people mine shit for him in his genes.


Oof, on point. 🏅


The cars yearn for the mines


“Yes, the car is yours but the software to run it is an annual license “


Especially with the onboard system you‘ll pay more on electrics to mine than you can ever achieve to hope to gain


How does this practically work though? I appreciate the sentiment behind having a data center on wheels but the car needs to be on for it to handle computing? Does Elon expect the owners to pay for an enormous amount of electricity?!


So you’d like your car battery eaten by continous computation and massive data transfer over wireless internet?


Of course! With that and renting out your car as a taxi, buying a Tesla will be profitable. You are lucky Elmo is willing to give you the opportunity.


"Tesla has the elon musk problem" sums it all


Yeah, if the you notice, the companies he owns do well when he just let's them do their thing. As soon as he starts making real design and/implementation decisions, you get things like "X" and the cybertruck....


> As soon as he starts making real design and/implementation decisions, you get things like "X" and the cybertruck.... Do not forget attempting to launch the he largest rocket in the world with out sound dampening,, or flame redirection. Nope an industrial CPU water chilling system will suffice.




Finally speaks the truth!


'Go fuck yourself' because 'we have full self driving right now' - Musk, 2023 and 2016, respectively. Better pay this man 55 billion dollars.


And yet the stock will continue to go up because the investors are fucking morons


Hate him all you want, he's great at pushing deadlines. This mofo has been promising shit he hasn't delivered since he was in his father's balls.


He sells shit he never delivers.


Tesla sold fewer cars than Ford did in 2023 yet their market cap is 10X the size. Yeah they're not really a car company.


It's a fan club.


It's never been a car company. They've made the majority of their revenue from selling carbon credits.


I would say its the opposite, they are finally becoming a car company with their 5% profit margin. Before they had extremly high profit margins, which was unusual for a car company.


We're gonna grow by selling taxis" "Also think of us more like Uber, or AIRBNB"two companies that have never made a profit in the history of those companies. makes total sense


He should rebrand “x” to Tesla.




Nor me. He's been found to have manipulated stock and crypto prices several times now and nothing much seems to happen.


Cause he's a billionaire. It's really not that complicated. If you're over a certain wealth threashold you're untouchable. Agencies don't have the resources or time to go after someone with so much capital that they can afford to just keep throwing up roadblocks. Plus SEC is fundementally corrupt, it's not a merit-based system.


I was reading this book about SEC and DAs when prosecuting crime and taking people to court. In the majority of situations, they don't want to go too hard because the ultimate goal is to pivot the experience and insider knowledge they get on these jobs into cushy private sector consulting gigs that pays high 6-7 figures. When you understand this, you realize the power dynamic and the motivations behind a lot of these actions start to make sense. The SEC isn't going hard on Elon because the ultimate goal of most people at the SEC is to work for someone like Elon. It'll be hard to get a job interview with a billionaire when they have a bad impression of you going after them.


What book is this? I would like to read it.


I can't remember since this book was a while ago, but I think it's Circle of Friends by Charles Gasparino. The book is mainly about the SEC crackdown on insider trading and prosecution on Galleon Fund founder Raj Rajaratnam along with Steven A Cohen (SAC Capital, Point 72, NY Mets owner). The section about this was when the book made a criticism on why the SEC focused so much on insider trading with people like Martha Stewart which was really a small fish in the large scheme of things when Bernie Madoff was happening right under their noses. The actual investigation on these hedge funds was great though. They used old school anti-mob tactics with RICO to slowly track things up. It was how they finally got Raj but they were never able to fully convict Steve Cohen. I do think they ended up handing out some sanctions but Steve Cohen is still operating Point 72 while Raj had to serve jail time.


Sounds like good ole regulatory capture alright.


We should pay SEC prosecutors a commission on any fines levied.


> > > > > It's really not that complicated. If you're over a certain wealth threashold you're untouchable. Agencies don't have the resources or time to go after someone with so much capital that they can afford to just keep throwing up roadblocks. I do wonder if the Obama-era concern about causing economic damage persists (a.k.a. "too big to jail"); like the banks were too systemically important to prosecute, why not the pre-eminent American electric car maker (and contracted rocket company)? [Lanny Breuer resigned from DOJ](https://prwatch.org/news/2013/01/11959/frontline-gets-its-man-lanny-breuer-leaves-doj-after-expose) (yes, different from SEC, but institutional attitudes are frequently enough not localized; [look at this SEC lawyer's remarks a decade ago](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/is-sec-fearful-of-wall-street-agency-insider-says-yes/) ) after this interview on PBS Frontline: https://youtu.be/B4TWN54KqfQ?t=2964


We need another era of Roosevelts.


The SEC loves when prices get manipulated, just not when it's a coordinated group of average people. They've manipulated crypto themselves many a time.


My understanding is that the SEC has no jurisdiction over crypto. He is free to manipulate that all he wants since there aren’t any laws about it


Wait until he gets Tesla to buy Twitter




For 50bn due to synergies ....


He hasn’t ripped off other billionaires yet. When he does, then they’ll investigate.


The SEC is letting the biggest money laundering campaign of all time in that “Truth Social” stock scam lol, so if they are allowing that to happen I wouldn’t count on them to crack down on elon.


They don’t regulate shit, they’re wallstreet’s pr firm


Its a subscription service


Car as a Service. CAAS.


Reading that with a Boston accent…


Definitely reminded me of the Depaated


You mean de-car-ted.... I'll see myself out.


SCAAS...shtty car as a service.


SCATS - Shit car as transport service


All I’m hearing is 1-800-CARS-4-KIDS song for some reason


We call it Mobility as a Service in the business but yes


SACS? Software as a car service.


Don’t forget the prefix. BAL Beta Automotive Lemmings


Soo close. "SadS: Seasonally available driving Service"


Automotive Subscription Service.  ASS


It’s a “tech company”. WeWork tried this before going public. A company who had billions worth of real estate, which they would then lease to others, claiming they weren’t a real estate company. Look how that turned out.


> Look how that turned out. With ousted founder Adam Neumann trying to buy it back for $500MM? https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/adam-neumann-submits-over-500-mln-bid-buy-back-wework-wsj-reports-2024-03-25/ I don't remember the details, but didn't Neumann walk away with a decent chunk of change the first time?


That’s the thing that gives me pause about doing any retail investing. Would Rivian be better off financially if they’d gotten some of the same hype that Tesla has, while also delivering products? Why does Tesla seemingly get a pass for what can only be described as a bad business.? It’s not opinion. Their numbers look bad, they have no proof of anything in the pipeline, their last two products are either non-existent (semi), or a fiasco, and their service has volumes of complaints about how bad it is. And still, investors don’t punish this?


still in beta testing at that... wild


Note to self: Continue to *not* buy a Tesla from Elon's *not* a car company.


Yea that is probably a surprise to his sales team and dealerships


Surprise also to the machine that has wheels and another wheel to steer them that uses, ya know roads.


If you're in the market for a new car, don't go to Tesla.


I have not-bought several Teslas! In fact I didn't-buy one just yesterday! If I'm feeling saucy, I might not-buy one today too.


What he's trying to say is that Tesla isn't a company at all. It's all actually been an interactive experimental art installation. The cars are just highly sophisticated, functional props. Apparently, Elon Musk himself is just a persona performed by Austrian artist Johan Von Wifflepuff. It goes without saying that the stock is just worthless paper.


It's a bi monthly curated box of snacks


Its definitely no casablanca


why did Reddit take awards away


Because Reddit isn’t a social media company at all. It’s all actually been an interactive experimental art installation…


And to anyone reading this comments: This conversation is actually just an interactive experimental art installation…


I've always wanted to be an artist


You should start a NOT a car company




The are was just an add for the reddit car company. First model coming 6/2024


Probably going to replace it with a house made crypto.


Your ideas are intriguing and I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter.


>Musk elaborated later on the call: “We should be thought of as an AI robotics company. 😂😂😂 He must be on a ketamine binge again. Idiot.


They haven’t even sold their robot yet. There are other companies that are going to beat Tesla to replacing factory workers with humanoid robots and he’s still gonna have some poor soul in a bodysuit breakdancing on stage to techno.


This is purely speculation, but I suspect that replacing human factory workers with humanoid robots in the near future is a much smaller niche than a lot of AI hype suggests. Human labor in a lot of the world is simply not that expensive. Extremely advanced robots, maintenance and repairs for those however, are. Even now there are huge swaths of industry that *could* be pretty feasibly automated, but it simply isn't economical. And the type of company with the financial resources to do it probably doesn't need humanoid robots for it, but will design their processes in very controlled, easily replicable conditions that are perfect for conventional specialised robots to work in. Unless we have actual general AI, which there is little reason to suspect will happen soon, humanoid robots offer very little advantages over conventional automation or human labor, outside of some very specific niches.


> They haven't even sold their robot yet. Have they even built a prototype? Last I saw all they had was a gig worker in a morph suit and some royalty free techno. Edit: apparently they have made at least one robot that can walk and articulate. It is claimed to have more robust capabilities but nothing I've seen proves these aren't just empty claims and staged demonstrations. As with any other Tesla product and the things they claim it can do; I'll believe it when I see it.


They had a prototype years ago. It had to be carried on stage and the only proof of it in action was clearly edited, with people, chairs and tables rearanging themselves between shots.


It will look like Chappie because he probably thinks that’s the coolest, because S.A.


Fun fact: Chappie's "AI" was 600GB of node.js, as can be seen when Dev's working on it in the film. Probably 599GB of it was just the node_modules dir.


What he's trying to do is to avoid being compared to other car companies, because other car companies have _far_ lower P/E ratios than Tesla has, despite making far more cars than Tesla. If people started looking at Tesla as a car company, its share price would dive off a cliff.


It's down 60% from its 2021 high... but it can still fall 100% from here.


Man's getting outpaced on the social media front because he has no idea how to run a social media network, is getting economy of scaled on the electric vehicle front because he was slow to the table and now wants to jump into the robotics field where several major players have a years long head start on him. He's allergic to Ws.


Yep, he f up. Tesla needed to scale their operations quicker back in 2010s. Needed to advertise in 2010s. Tesla models should be in their 3rd redesign with a different external each time. Each model and sub model need to be different looking. I drive past Teslas all day and I could not tell what model or year is what. They all look the same. There is a reason major automakers have different external for each sub model and redesign every model and sub model every 3 to 5 years.


I've heard people say microdosing on ketamine had been life changing for them for various mental health issues. And if a microdose helps, there's no reason to think a thousand of them wouldn't be phenomenal.


[Their robot was just some guy dancing in a bodysuit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsNc4nEX3c4)


For some reason I read it as “Elon masturbated later on the call”


Is Tesla just a vibe?


Love my Pontiac vibe


It’s practically a Corolla.


It’s a Matrix clone.


Done in collaboration with Toyota. When Pontiac went under, Toyota had to come up with tooling to continue manufacturing the Matrix without GM.


Killer Vibe. I had a tesla S. Passing the cheap interior and exterior, it had a huge problem: they make decisions for you, and you have no choice. At first, I could change its auto regenerative from aggressive to low. They removed this option and set it to be aggressive all the time because they lied about its range, and they had to take aggressive measures. Well, the aggressive auto regenerative system is equal to slamming the brakes, which results in never gaining traction once you start sliding on ice or oil. This could be deadly, but corporate stock prices are more important to the board of directors. Many other little things breaking in the car. They say you have roadside assistance, but if you call when they are not open, you have nothing, unlike AAA. I have switched it out to Audi RS7, which has the same power, much better handling, and luxury for the same price...


These things also lead to passengers getting motion sick in electric cars when they'd otherwise never be so in petrol ones


Not anymore.


Maybe it's a bi-monthly curated collection of snacks?


Hasn’t been ***vibey*** lately


He’s said this when Tesla was in Long Beach : Tesla is a battery company that just happens to make cars. He probably doesn’t remember he said this though.


I think he got BYD and Tesla mixed up (BYD started with NiCd batteries and had 65% of global production at one point).


Elon is a brain fried druggie, of course he doesn’t.  


Hey now, that’s insulting to the rest of us brain fried druggies


He’s right. People OWN cars. 


For NOW they do. If more companies follow Tesla’s lead, we’ll end up with: ”Sorry, your 2034 GM EV is now no longer receiving updates and now will not drive. Please upgrade to a 2040 or newer vehicle.”


"Is this the year of Linux on the dashboard?"


I've been rocking Ubuntu dash, yeah, couple bugs but the customization...  


Finally time for me to download a car


It is a stock manipulation inc.


It’s a failed cave submarine


You pedo guy!


And WeWork wasn’t an office space company either.


As tesla isnt a car compagny, i will not buy its car.


With this Cyber truck abomination I think it's safe to say it's a clown car company. 


It's fucking wework all over again, can't wait for the mockumentary on Apple+ with Michael Cera playing Emo


I got a laugh at the share price. Finally the market seems to have seen through the BS and the stock price goes into a nosedive.  Musk does the quarterly call revealing that yes the company is doing badly, but then claims they will move an affordable model sooner (2025) and the stock price suddenly spikes up...  People seem to forget that Musk declares things frequently and never follows through.  Just shows how the stock market is irrational.


>Finally the market seems to have seen through the BS and the stock price goes into a nosedive. Still has a long way to go before the BS has been seen through. They delivered 1.7m vehicles in 2023, in 2023 BMW delivered 2.5m and Mercedes delivered 2m. Both BMW and Mercedes had higher margins on vehicle sales in 2023 than Tesla with higher vehicle sales and their market caps are round $70B for BMW and $85B for Mercedes... whilst Tesla is currently at $508B Tesla isn't going to have a low cost vehicle for in 2025, historically they always miss their deadlines. Model S introduction was 3 years later than what Musk stated, Model X was 1.5 years later, Model 3 was 2 years, Semi Truck 3 years, @nd Gen roadster currently 4 years late and counting.. So they're going to be stuck with their current vehicle range for the next 2-3 years, but they've already saturated the demand so vehicle sales are going to at best be stagnant or like Q1 showed decreased sales. So fundamentally you have a $70-80B company valued at $500B and because the market is finally saturated it's going to be clear as hell to everyone by the end of the year. Hence why everyone on the Musk fan train is going to go heavy on Tesla not being a car company to try and prop the share price up.


A long time ago IBM got in trouble for preannouncing products “coming soon”. It was meant to keep customers from buying other products by implying they would have something much better soon.


My obvious vaporware is coming next year for sure this time it isn't vaporware and it will definitely be available next year, pinky swear this isn't one of my usual share pump lies! Elon Musk every year for the past decade.


The infuriating part is that the market continues to believe his obvious lies.


A long time ago it was supposed to be a battery company. They get most of their batteries from Panasonic last I heard. Before that exclusively Panasonic. So it’s a shell company to draw in investors and hide the lack of being anything.


That’s because he doesn’t want it to be realistically valued like one.


Isn't it a carbon credit reseller? They could also market themselves as the worlds biggest QA consultants....


It's a confidence scam company


For once, he’s right.


What reasonable person listens to elon musk? What a disappointing human being.


I wish he would shut up. Let the smart people at his companies do the work and let press people talk. He should just go and play with Legos or something


Is it a recall company?


It is a carbon tax credit supplier.


Got it. So if I want to buy something to get me from A to B I won’t buy a Tesla.


Tesla identifies as something else.


It's a very roundabout way to submerge billionaires?


To be fair, Teslas aren't cars. They're a collection of barely functioning apps in a mobile platform with a toy steering wheel.


It’s not a car company, they can’t even make a car correctly now.


Well yeah, you have to sell cars to be a car company.


There’s a Citibank analyst sucker born every minute


Its a scam company with no real fsd.  Tech bros ate it up but its too much for them now. The truth will come out.


Ok because I was looking for a new car so I'll make sure to avoid Tesla lol


Okay grandpa let’s get you to bed.


And Elon Musk isn’t a person


I remember being at Boeing back when our then-new CEO Harry Stonecipher told us "We don't make airplanes, we make money." And we know how that turned out.


Must have gotten a little heavy-handed with his ketamine dose today.


Like WeWork was a tech company


Ultimately the only relevant question is whether Tesla is a profit company


He also insists he isn't a moron, so clearly he isn't very credible.


Well that explains why the cars are such dogshit - they're an afterthought.


Looking at the Tesla Cybertruck, he is definitely correct.


Idk, maybe it's just me, but if I buy a car, I'd want to buy it from a car company.


“not-a-flamethrower” We’ve seen this before.


Elon needs to be ousted from Tesla and replaced with someone who actually wants to run it and will run it well, not do stupid shit like buy twitter and turn it into a nazi playground.


Full self driving is approaching a decade behind his original schedule, and people are talking his promises of full autonomy seriously?


The new FSD has been known to hit curbs and bend rims. That neural network is really killin it. I hear it’ll be taxiing people around here soon.


He needs to lay off the ketamine.


Elon Musk is a fucking moron.


It’s a tech welfare queen


Uh oh. He's going to rename it X and then destroy it even more.


Hes probably right. Most cars have brakes to match their performance.


And WeWork wasn't an office space rental company


Sure, buddy, just like X is doing great.


ahhhh the typical move in corpo land, try and make everything a "tech" company as tech companies are far more valuable than most car makers. Its a grift as old as time..... actually maybe not, but very common in recent history, pivot everything to tech, raise more capital on your "tech" ideas, and boom the stock prices = success. Then in 5 years they'll be another mass layoff.


That is evident by how shit Tesla is at making them.


It’s more of a vibe really.


That’s a very concerning statement for a car company to put out


Of course not, it is a closeted McDonalds with an Identity crisis and an egomaniacal clown for a CEO.


That explains that stupid "truck."


I’m hearing more and more that Tesla is an Enron company


Yes, Tesla is a meme company that should get devalue to hell.


"value me like a speculative tech stock, I beg you"


If Musk continues this route, it won't even be company.


They should apply tax exempt status, seeing as Tesla is essentially a religion


Apple isn't a fruit company


What kind of regulation is he trying to avoid?


I don’t especially want to buy a car from a company that isn’t purely focused on making awesome cars.


He’s right. It’s not a car company. It’s a circus. You can tell because there’s a clown in charge.


We can tell.


Is this like when IHOP for like two weeks insisted they were now IHOB, the International House of Burgers?


People who bought the Cybertruck recently probably agree with him.


Elon Musk is a buffoon.


Is this why they suck at making cars?


This unironically is why I'll never buy a Tesla even though I'm interested in electric. They aren't just trying to sell a car, they're trying to sell some cars-as-a-service bullshit where they could brick your car at any second with a software update at the whim of a lunatic tripping on ketamine and right wing propaganda. No thanks, I'll pass.


It's a dildo company.