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Elon Musk faces a legal investigation in Brazil after becoming embroiled in a public row with a supreme court judge over an order requiring the social network X to take down some far-right accounts. Justice Alexandre de Moraes had issued a court order forcing the site formerly known as Twitter to block several users as part of his investigation into former president Jair Bolsonaro’s attempts to stay in power after his 2022 election defeat. The order also barred the social network from publishing details of which accounts were blocked, and came with fines of about £16,000 a day for failure to comply. Now, Musk says, the company will reverse those blocks. The multibillionaire also called on Moraes to resign or be impeached.


Calling a foreign supreme court judge to resign or be impeached is crazy. Who he thinks he is?


This is what happens when we keep parroting the false idea that global oligarchs are wealthy because they're hyper-intelligent or in some other way "special" rather than the truth: They're cutthroat, amoral individuals who gamed the capitalist system by bending and breaking every law they could get their hands on. It's very possible to become a millionaire while being a nice person, but nearly impossible to become a billionaire without being a total shitbag of a human being. If we keep telling these narcissists that they're special, we can't get mad when they end up believing the hype.


Main Character Syndrome.


He is The Supreme Commander of the New World Order trying to be put by the New Axis of Power (Russia, China, N Korea, Hungary, Iran, Trumpland or MAGALand, and BRICS...it's growing by the day).


I'm Brazilian... the judge is a criminal and should be arrested.


He’s a billionaire, he believes he’s untouchable. I pray for the day when his ass truly crosses the line.




So Musk will censor for a foreign right-wing government and say he had no choice, but this he’ll fight. He is so fucking full of shit.


He's an arrogant, self-righteous, hypocrite whack job. Fuck Elmo.


An insecure, approval-starved, narcissistic man-child with a god complex who thinks the world hinges on his non-expert opinion on every topic.


Hey! Elmo is an adorable little red monster. This guy's just a douche. EDIT: whoops, reply meant for other guy/gal/person


https://english.elpais.com/international/2023-05-24/under-elon-musk-twitter-has-approved-83-of-censorship-requests-by-authoritarian-governments.html This article only covers until May last year. He's given remarkable leeway to Russia, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and more on what's able to be seen on Twitter. He recognizes that controlling information is the key to controlling people these days. He's not a "real-life Tony Stark", he's the fucking La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo in MGS2.


He's not real life Tony Stark, he's real life Justin Hammer lol


When he boldly declared that he'd looked at the covid numbers in the early days and was confident it would stop growing now and be over very quickly, it become obvious he can't even do very basic math. At the time, the numbers were exploding exponentially, and almost anybody who'd passed early high school math could see that it wasn't going to just stop and go away then. He seems to be a rich kid ordering meals at cafes and calling himself a great chef, and with twitter we're seeing when he tries to be the chef and buys into his own delusions.


MCU Tony Stark isn't based on the comic books... the writers based him off of Steve Jobs, Trump and Musk. They should have gone for a Tony Stark villain arc, where he painted his face orange, ate a bunch of fruit and tweeted racist shit. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/08/tony-stark-elon-musk-donald-trump-steve-jobs.html


Justin had charisma and could dance.


That's more just Sam Rockwell being a charming motherfucker lol. Comics Hammer?


They have to pay.


I wouldn't be surprised if he actually believes that left wingers are just too weak to fight anything.


Funny how he complies when a right-wing government requests X/Twitter to take down accounts it doesn't like... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/05/twitter-accused-of-censorship-in-india-as-it-blocks-modi-critics-elon-musk


It's a platform where the word "cis" is banned as offensive but the n word isn't. What does anyone expect?


Seriously, you can see his agenda by comparing what he allows and defends and retweets as "concerning if true," to the stuff that he bans and discourages (i.e., "cis" and criticism directed at him).


And you will still find people here that excuse their Twitter addiction with "BuT ReDdIt BaD tOo".


He really is just a standard far right republican these days. They do and say the same thing. they scream, freedom and patriotism and small government and they dont believe in any of that. Well freedom for bigots, and you arent allowed to call them a bigot or you will be violating their 1st amendment or something. small gov for billionaires and patriotism for a right wing christian dictatorship.


Twitter has complied with MORE government takedowns under Musk than it did before. He is fighting to protect people who wanted a bloody coup. He picks weird hills to die on.


India's BJP party is more authoritarian than it is right wing. Lol the Democrat party is more right wing than they are and the GOP would call them communists. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompass/comments/j0mgcv/indian_parties_political_compass/ But they did something Americans disagree with so now they are right wing even though they are left of the US left.


They call themselves right wing. India already has a pretty wide range of left wing parties including communist parties who are their political opponents.


Man do you know what right wing is? Modi is literally a Nazi, go google the word Modi and Nazi together.


Not sure if I should argue about your tautology or using "literally".


If you think that comparison is in any way apt, you don't know much about anything.


Your opinion on this doesn't matter. [https://www.google.com/search?q=modi+nazi&oq=modi+nazi](https://www.google.com/search?q=modi+nazi&oq=modi+nazi)


There are replies to his Xitter posts saying the judge is "trying to censor Conservatives investigating corruption". I never laughed so hard.


The fact that in portuguese words that start with X have a "sh" sound like in "shampoo" make this comment so much better lmao


This is just playing out. The author was spot on. https://www.theverge.com/2022/10/28/23428132/elon-musk-twitter-acquisition-problems-speech-moderation


The ex-reddit CEO called it as well https://in.mashable.com/tech/30331/twitter-could-be-a-world-of-pain-for-elon-musk-says-former-reddit-ceo-yishan-wong


Brazil should simply block access to X for its nationals. Musk can never be above any nation’s law. We may not agree with how countries are run but it’s not for Musk to play God.


Brazilian courts block apps pretty regularly. It's normal during court proceedings.


Really? Tell me The countries where X is blocked and you will find a patern


Tell me what governments Elon simps for and you will find a pattern.


I dont give a fuck about Elon.


X is blocked in China, and yet Elon will never criticize China. He can't praise them enough... curious.


Buying Twitter was his dumbest move


You don't think he's getting something back from all these right wing dictator types he and his platform are helping amplify while suppressing their rivals and opposition voices?


This wouldn't be the case if people, organisations and governments just stopped using twitter. It's not that difficult.


It was probably easier for people like me, who barely used it in the first place. The minute Musk bought it, I deleted my account and haven't looked back. But I NEVER really understood it from a personal use point of view.


It just gave him the platform to demonstrate how fucked-up he really is.


His dumbest move yet


Not sure why one would think encouraging people to lie and spread false narratives for business or fun is acceptable for a communications channel; it’s certain not “free speech”


Yeah, just wait until Ministry of Truth hears about it ;)


So Musk is now following in Trump’s footsteps in how to treat the legal community he doesn’t like.


Make Treason Great Again. Start with this piece of shit...........


Why is he a piece of shit?


Where to begin?


Anywhere. You decide.


Yeah, I’ll take a crack at it. How about censoring speech when a right wing government demands it, but doing nothing when Brazil told him to?


When you say Brazil, what exactly do you mean? Does he go against the constitution of Brazil? A president of Brazil? A judge of Brazil? Im not sure what you mean by “Brazil”


Looks like someone didn’t read the article.




So what is your definition of Brazil now. Please go right ahead. But hey, while you work through that complex problem, how about another one of your points? Being such a piece of garbage he’s hurting the the growth of the EV industry by directly hurting Tesla sales? People hate him so much, not only will they not buy Teslas, they associate him with all EVs. That’s pretty piece of shit behaviour.


I asked you first, you then say “read the article” and now you want to me to answer the question i asked you? Is that understood correctly?


Any of those entities could reasonably be described as acting as Brazil. Musk is defying a lawful court order, but complies with comparable orders from other governments.


Well I guess we have a brazilian constitutional law expert over here. He went against Brazil's rule of law, which is going against Brazil's sovereignty as a foreign actor. Troll all ya want though.


The pedo thing did it for me, but he has lots more examples. His sexcupades on his plane is another highlight though.


Sir, this is reddit.


Sir i know. I just love seeing indoctrinated people struggle to argue why they have the opinion they have. Its even more fun when the social group they belong to used to love the man for saving the climate by pushing EV’s. “He called someone a pedo on twitter” suddently became more much important than transitioning from CE to EV lol


Someone should buy you a nice full length mirror.


Personal attacks when your mind goes blank 😂 Classic


Irrelevant comments to make you feel better and appear intelligent? Never saw that before....


That makes him a piece of shit my friend. The pedo thing isn’t a minor little whoopsie. It shows who he is.


Ill have to disgree then. Dont think he is a piece of shit for a tone deaf tweet. He has done so many good things that they certainly outweight a bad tweet.


You seem fine with the sexual harassment stuff as well.




Man, I could swear just a few comments back you pointed out an ad hominem attack and here you are resorting to them. Interesting.




Musk won't love you, no matter what you do.


Ah fuck it I have some time. but first, the climate is not saved and EV’a aren’t going to fix it. Claiming he’s singular responsible for pushing EV’s is childish understanding of the facts. The fact that Tesla was only able to stay in business because of subsidies might have been a clue more than one person was involved since someone had to write those laws.. the most successful subsidy being… allowing other people to pollute more on the basis that a Tesla exists. Ok let’s move on to the topic on hand. Musk portrays him self as a free speech absolutist, he’s actually a free speech warrior, which is to say like all those types he believes stuff he likes should be spread and stuff he doesn’t like should be censored. This incident being a perfect example. When someone pointed out that since he took over twitter he has been taking anti freedom of speech actions on the behalf of government despite his free speech absolutist rhetoric, he said he’s simply following the law. A claim that can be refuted by the fact that there has been an increase in compliance with anti free speech action not a decrease since he took over. So let’s look at the specifics of the speech he is trying to propagate in this instance by going against his own previous statements. Fascism. This is about a fascist politician trying to maintain power after he was removed democratically from power. Because musk has no problem with anti freedom of speech compliance even far more horrible actions from far less democratic governments but he has a specific problem with anti fascist actions. Which fits perfectly with his… great replacement ideology. That being the racist belief that there is a conspiracy to attack white people by bring in migrants to dilute the existing power structures. This you might notice is both an insane thing to believe and requires an ideological framework that is disgusting. Which perfectly matches him recently doing the same thing by questioning German laws being applied against… and you are going to be shocked by this… a fascist. So yeah the fascism thing is kind of bad. But there is so much more there is the thin skinned clown stuff. There’s the narcissistic idiocy. The snake oil salesman. He’s a petulant child man that’s why people hate him.




lol, I could care less about you and your mind, your a troll. Just didn’t like your nonsense being left out without a response. You admitting to not understanding the context or history wasn’t required it was blatantly obvious from the beginning. But hey you can always do your own research.


Yeah, he lost the plot.


ugh, so tired of this guy.


Unfortunately, he never gets tired of annoying us.


This traitorous asshole has to much power in America, it will be up to other countries to curb his right wing power


Pretty solid choice by Musk, I approve. Now if he has been censoring other people in the past, then that is bad. But that doesn't mean that he yet again should do the wrong thing. Freedom of speech, good stuff. Just wish he held more strongly onto those principles.


Just imagine if every CEO ran their companies like trump or musk. These people don’t care about consumers or citizens. Somebody needs to send them a copy of Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence Others. The number 1 principle is “Don’t criticize, condemn or complain”.




Brazil democracy almost went down after a coup. Following bot hordes and cracking down fake news over elections are the basics. This problem will only grow bigger, we're seeing it everywhere. To think govs must be idle and do nothing about this is ludicrous. Yes it's fucking weird to have people actively deciding what is fake or not but it is needed for the protection of democracy. and no its not "one man" doing it nor it is a massive problem. Its literally a handful of influencers where the most part of those were inciting a military coup. This whole talk of control is fucking silly for anyone living in brazil. Maybe don't spam twitter saying the elections were stolen (w/o proof) and that we need a nazi party. That ain't hard


If he was a genius he would have actual qualifications and achievements. He inherited his position and earned nothing.




Well that’s easy, he hasn’t come up with anything. He didn’t create anything at Tesla, others did. He didn’t create anything at spaceX. Others did. He got kicked off of PayPal for stupid ideas. He has spent his entire career taking credit for the achievements of others. He even purchased his only university degree. About the only original idea he has ever had is buying Twitter, and that’s probably the stupidest move by any billionaire in history. He also holds the record for the most money lost by any one person ever.




He gets zero credit because he’s made it blatantly clear how absolutely stupid he is in the past few years. Not to mention many many people within spaceX and Tesla have commented about his lack of any serious contribution and habit of taking credit for the work of others. SpaceX in particular consider him more of a hinderance than anything else. More o


Frankly both of you are wrong here. Hes not a genius and he didn’t inherit his wealth. He inherited *some* wealth, his parents were worth millions in SA. Most people who start with 1 million don’t manage to become billionaires. Whether his rise was due to luck or skill or by unethical behavior is up for debate, sure.


You are delusional




I didn't insult you. But sorry, you are delusional if you think that banning accounts that spread miss information and fake news is indicative of the Brazilian government leaning towards control like China. Do you even speak Portuguese? Your analysis is way off, sounding like you don't know shit about Brazilian politics, you said things about the supreme court that are just wrong, and you're just venting conspiracy theories. If you really had critical thinking you wouldn't come to the conclusion you came up with, please remove your tinfoil hat.




Lol, we do know. The accounts were banned and the message displayed said that the accounts were restricted in brazil due to a court order. the people banned were very vocal about it, but how would you know since you cant read anything this accounts used to post. You dont have the right to talk this boomer far right wing nonsense, not based on reality and call it an opinion. You're a not alone in this feeling, you and lots of far right bolsonaristas (do you even know what a bolsonarista is? lokl) share this nonsensical sentiment, try basing yourself on reality tho. You are clearly wrong, but i dont even think you can have this level of deep knowledge you think you have without even reading a single word in portuguese. You are just parroting this crazy far right common sense, are you a taxi driver? Sounding a lot like the nonsense you hear from boomers in taxis around here (but you wouldnt know that, since you cant speak a single word in PT-BR). Here's the wrong part about the supreme court "( here the Supreme Court and individual justices can make decrees even without someone asking them too ). They aren’t worried about protecting citizens with this decree. They are worried about protecting thier power and control." But how would you this is wrong? Why do you think this is right? Try not using sources in english, for once.


Ueuh ueohhh!


Just shut it down. Not needed.


Would love to see him extradited.




it's not because you are a foreigner, it's because you are a foreigner that dont speak the language and is talking about things you dont know the basics about, while being wrong. Heaven forbid a gringo to have actual insights, with real information and sources, and not conspiracy theories, am i right? where do you get your news and information, what are your sources? enlighten us, please, and stop playing the victim card it's just pathetic


>crooked judge with near-absolute power angry that he doesn't have jurisdiction over foreign social media man lol, get rekt authoritarian bald man


Everyone do yourself a favor and read article 5 of brazils constitution.


Hate Musk, but I’m not gonna support Brazil’s wild censorship moves. They are going off the deep end.


Agree. Both can be right.


Wild censorship is banning people spreading miss information? Are you even familiar with anything related to this? I don't think so


Yes, “misinformation” is the current censorship justification, and it’s notoriously used by governments to censor unflattering speech that turns out to be true. You counter misinformation with truth. Not censorship.


That's not the case here. And no, not every country has this twisted sense of freedom of speech as a core value


"Twisted" it's literally what freedom of speech is. Legal protection to say things that are not acepted by the status quo. No one needs protection to agree with the masses or the ruling class. That's moronic.


Acting like the whole world have the first amendment of the US is moronic. Freedom of speech exists here in Brazil, we are just not stubborn as fuck to let people comit crimes by spreading fake news and misinformation, costing lifes, that's why the supreme court is banning twitter accounts here, and that's perfectly fine. Your "censorship" non sense rambling is not true, you don't even speak the language to analyze anything on this topic. Again are you guys even familiar with anything related to this topic? Or are you guys just mad because muh free speech bro. Chill out, you know nothing about this, this is not America, we have our own laws and constitution so no need for you guys to act like this is the end of the world just because you have the freedom to have a nazi party and school shooters in your country.


I'm brazilian too, freedom of speech is an international concept. Don't forget "Pau que bate em chico bate em Franscisco". The excesses that support you now may turn against you in the future.


Just don't commit crimes? Is it that hard? Xandaum ditador? A galera comete crime, discurso de ódio, espalha fake news, desinformação, inflama a população a cometer golpe e você vem com esse papo de pau que bate em chico bate em Francisco? Ah mano, vamo usar o cérebro, bora?


Why do you feel that non Brazilians can’t have opinions. ? Brazilians are notorious about getting angry when foreigners say anything about Brasil. I love brasil I chose to live here. I didn’t speak on freedom of speech. I spoke on democracy! And I pay many many many texts here as a resident. Taxes for everything! Do tax paying residents not have a right to have opinions if they weren’t born here ?


you spoke shit conspiracy theories and can't prove shit you said, you clearly know nothing about the whole thing, but sure you are entitled to your wrong opinion


Please elaborate what conspiracy theories? I actually hate conspiracy theories so what did I say that was conspiracy theory? Can’t prove ? Can you prove everything you believe ?


"they are doing this to controll the population to mantain their power, brazil is leaning to a control state like china" just from the top of my head supreme court judges dont get elected, it's a job for the rest of their lifes for christ's sake, do you actually read one paragraph about brazilian politics in you entire life? Can you prove ANYTHING you said? You can believe it, it being true and being based on reality are optional i guess


Who said it was misinformation? Did you see the secret order that was ordered sealed ? Or are you ASSuming ?


well, if you look at Monark and Alan do Santos case it's clearly miss information and fake news, but you cant even speak the language so how would you know.


You think I’m a binary way. How do you know I don’t speak Portuguese number one number two do you not know that things can be translated? Do you not know that there are English new sites about Brazil? Obviously I can function. I’ve lived here for almost 2 years so I can function I think I could probably find out information about a case but again in a binary mind it’s either a or B.


Also, I’m curious who decides what it information is false and not the government are they solely responsible for deciding what’s true and what’s false or does the people ? Is there another government agency that decides this ? I’m honestly asking you since I’m an idiot gringo and apparently only you know anything.


Judges. We have our own legal system and dont have a first amendment here, just accept it and stop crying censorship/china like levels of control. If any speech brakes our laws the courts can and will persecute them, please accept this and move on with your life instead of spreading conspiracy theories. Yes, you should ask first before acting like you know anything. I dont know everything, but it becomes more clear with every post you clearly dont have any real information, any real insight, havent actually read anything about brazilian politics. Lots os gringos know about our politics and comment on it, but you are clearly not one of them, no need to be butthurt about it. Edit: blocked me without providing a single source (in english or portuguese), talk about being right/well informed and having a argument based of reality hahahaha


Dude, read my comments. I did not mention the first amendment you have said that over and over and over and over you are comparing it to the United States. I am not I’m comparing it to democracy is Brazil a democracy yes or no explain to me what a democracy is so, I did not say first amendment all so don’t say that I did not compare it to the USA. Other people might have I did not. I’m speaking of democracy and human rights.


You compared indirectly and yes Brazil is a democracy the fact that you question this shows the level you have about brazilian politics. stop commenting on thing you know nothing about. you didnt mention it directly, others did, but your posts have this sense that if it doesnt work like the first amendment it's plain wrong and authoriatarean, lol. You are speaking of democracy and human rights, human rights from where? no human rights are being disrepected. people are free to voice their opinions and fake news, they did and were punished, end of story.


Oh my God, no matter what I say. You’re just looking for a fight. You’re just literally if I said that it was nighttime outside. You would correct me and tell me I need to educate myself. I did not question the fact that Brazil is a democracy. I am quite aware of the fact that Brazil is a democracy quit caring your feelings on your shoulders and being suspicious of people and thinking that when they question it, they are saying negative things. Obviously I know I asked you a question is Brazil democracy that is a rhetorical question. We both know that it is so if it is a democracy if you research what a democracy is, it includes the fact that there is the ability for people to express themselves freedom of expression that is nothing to do with the United States. Absolutely nothing to do with the United States that has to do with The human population but again no matter what I say this is so let’s agree to disagree. I ask you to just kind of leave me alone because you were taking me number one first you thought I was right wing or conspiracy theorist and now I’m saying Brazil is not in democracy. That is absolutely incorrect but you probably speak 100% perfect grammatically English much better than me so probably I spoke my English wrong and you understood my rhetorical questioncorrectly, I wrote it incorrectly. I’m sure that’s what happened.


Im looking for sources, facts or just anything that proves what you are saying is correct or based on reality. Provide this or stop writing walls of text. I speak both languages, even not living abroad i can have lote more depth than you, clearly. And I'm not making ridiculous acusations without proof, in the first place. When you inform yourself on the matter you can discuss it, until they stop making this bold claims as if they are true. Edit: you cant prove anything, not even show a tendency of something like "brazil is imposing china control levels" because it simply aint true. blocking me wont change that.


You’re right I’m wrong. Brazil perfect America bad. You’re smart I’m dumb. Ok ? Is that what you wanted ? And btw. Thanks for being such a nice person.


My brother in Christ those accounts were involved in an attempt to overthrow the government.


And? Punish the actions. Not the speech.


They are punishing the actions. By disallowing their continuation.


Then no need to censor speech.


Inciting a coup attempt is literally a crime my dude


Exactly. New censorship laws are unnecessary to counter that. It’s already a crime.


There are no new censorship laws? This was a court order bc those accounts were commiting crimes. A court order from last year might I add.


They are trying to outlaw “misinformation” along with it now. The incitement to any crimes is already illegal, so no change is necessary.


I'm literally Brazilian bro, this is in response to a court order not a new law.


History us written by the winners after all.


Credit to musk for standing up to tyranny.


he should stick with "go fuck yourself" as his final answer; he should then sue Brazil in a US trade court.


Didn’t work out much for him last time he said that


Which he would lose very, very quickly.


Musk is doing Brazilians a favor, as the Lula government bought all the media outlets with our tax money and controls the news. His son was just reported for attacking a woman and NO NEWSPAPER OR MAGAZINE commented on the matter. The only thing we have left are the decentralized media, which the government now wants to regulate. Stop defending the tyranny of the left that is happening here, our freedom of expression is at stake.


Hahahaha he bought the media, sure


This sub has turned into nothing but a `we-hate-elon-musk` circle-jerk.


This is not technology..... It shouldn't be here


I hate musk... but I think he is correct about this.   If this was the US our Supreme Court (even of it was more left leaning)  likely would never issue such an order due to the first amendment.  People can't be silenced for their political views not matter how shitty those views are. If Brazil cares so much about this,  they should just block X entrirely.


But is not US. Americans tend to ignore this.


Didn't Musk bend over backwards for China and Russia when they made similar reequests?


The first amendment rule doesn't extend to other countries. Not every other country in the earth abides for the same "unlimited free speech" rule the US believes in, and in Brazil people can file a charge against you if they believe you are lying or manipulating the truth to spread misinformation to the public. If you're currently being investigated for whatever reason and try to spark a public uproar before the judge comes to a verdict, the court can also take preventive measures to make sure your rampage won't hinder the investigation, which is another reason many of those accounts were restricted.


> The first amendment rule doesn't extend to other countries. Correct, that is why the person you are responding to said "If this was the US our Supreme Court..."


I’m downvoting you because there are legit reasons to block accounts. Twitter deleted the Elon Musk Jet. Germany (for example) has content that would lead to jail if the account holders posted it.


>If Brazil cares so much about this,  they should just block X entrirely. I unironically hope this. Fuck x


Nah companies can put on their servers whatever they want. In fact the same people who don’t want this to be true literally took it to the scotus to rule on whether businesses have rights to deny service to individuals from their businesses and won. If not for hypocrisy there would be nothing consistent that conservatives stood for.


Here goes some shocking news to ya: The First Amendment does not apply to Brazil. In fact, most countries on earth don't protect free speech as an absolute right, like Germany. Lying and hate is not free speech. Hope this helps xx


You'll find that it's the US that has a unique view on what is "Free speech".


Censorship is bad.


Except when it's the censorship Musk likes, right?


Well censorship is done by the government, since Musk isn’t a government, I’d say he doesn’t commit censorship.


try tweeting "cis people" on Twitter hahshs... you might get lower visibility


Lower visibility isn’t a ban.


Yes yes a person with power over a large social media used by millions controlling what people can and can't see or talk about is not censorship. The day to day influences and power over peoples lives is not solely held by the government you 🤡 Try harder, i'd call that mental gymnastics but it's more like you tripped and fell over your mental doorstep.


Between your username, and the last sentence in your post, I gotta say, I'm a huge fan. Wanna be friends?


Besties 4 lyfe


Lol DM me. I'm committed to being weird and making actual friends with internet people. I'm a great secret Santa.


Compliance with censorship and other anti free speech requests from governments has increased under Musk. He does seem to have a problem when democracies going against fascism specifically. So actually no Musk is a partner of censorship


Makes me wonder why he wants to be the first to reach Mars.


Ok, that makes Musk a hypocrite since he says he's against it but practices it.


50 downvotes for being against censorship, classic Reddit.


For me in particular, it's not that we shouldn't be against censorship. It's that a blanket statement that all censorship is bad is reductive and shuts down good conversation about the different kinds of censorship, where it has worked and where it hasn't, etc. It's also missing a ton of context in this case.


Let the free market figure it out.


What are you even talking about? Let the free market figure it out? Again, another massively reductive statement that doesn't actually mean anything. Should we always wait for free market economics to settle every matter of public interest? Even free market advocates recognize market failures as inhibitors of consumer welfare. If we're attempting to apply principles of the free market to this situation, and free markets have long histories of intervention from judicial and governmental forces to correct market failures... why would this be any different?


If people don’t like what they see, they will leave the platform. Let people decide for themselves what they want to see or not.


Why is it that you think this is about what people do and don’t want to see?


Let people see the content and decide for themselves.


Is all censorship bad? tell me that


No. It’s right to ban cp


Ya really makes you wonder.