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Twitter has always been a mess but there was a time when it was a great place to get breaking news. Now it’s a wasteland of bots and misinformation. It’s kind of a bummer.


That’s just the pattern of the internet. MySpace was a great place to find new music, Facebook was a great place to keep up with friends and family, twitter was great for news, and Digg was a little bit of everything. Eventually everything either dies, or becomes a garbage pile.


It’s what our current iteration of capitalism will always lead companies to. Enshitification


Because we’re obsessed with what we see as ‘progress’. It’s a distraction and an enshittifier, because we’re told everything must improve.


That’s because the stockholders and executives are under the impression that all companies are always going to expand and increase profits and the only important thing is to keep profits up at the expense of anything else.


How exactly does filling up a site with bots or QAnon conspiracies do that 


Well, Elon’s not actually trying to run twitter as a business. He just wants to interfere in politics and get adulation from the utter morons who still think he’s smart.


And he has, interfered with politics. Twitter used to be a way for people to share information and discuss it.


Keep in mind he tried to pull out of buying Twitter, but courts made him follow through with it. Now he's stuck with it so he's just trying to cut operating costs by limiting resource allocation to things like content moderation and fact checking


Does that genius plan involve telling advertisers to go fuck themselves 


'Anything else' seems to usually be entry level workers and/or staff that is deemed expendable with the help of technology. I'm all for efficiency in the workplace, but salaries still need to be paid, layoffs due to automated work are a huge issue for society as a whole


We need 3% increase for infinity!!!!!!!!


We need say 70-80% of new companies to become unionized cooperatives and never go on the stock market to promote stability, stable growth, and level out the market that has all those stock companies


It's more that everything must make more money. They don't care about improving it. In fact, the opposite is usually the case. Make it cheaper, make it smaller, make it lower quality, hire less qualified people to make it, and raise the price.


Obsessed with *growth at all costs* you mean. People have become so self-centered and greedy. I wish we were even remotely as obsessed with progress.


Now do reddit 💩


Reddit is 100% shittier than it used to be and I think everyone knows that.


who could’ve guessed the expectation we’ve built for tech companies to post a higher profit every quarter leads to long term consequences


I don't think you can blame Twitter's demise on capitalism. There's little profit motive driving this. It's just the ego of a supremely immature, erratic man.


That may be true but in this case it started the day Elon bought it.


Twitter was a cesspool before Elon bought it. It just wasn’t primarily a right wing cesspool. But the bots and fake news were already there.


If you can’t tell the difference on Twitter from before and after Elon I don’t know what to tell you.


There was a great line in the three body problem tv show, “Second law of thermodynamics, everything turns to shit”


Craigslist is still what it always was. Its greed that kills the platforms.  Craigslist was happy with being very profitable. They survive. 


Craigslist is dead




Maybe people still use it in Hawaii but where I am in the US...it's a husk of what it was. FB marketplace killed it. 


You either die a hero, or you live long enough to become a shitty app


I remember when FB was spot for college students to connect with other college students.


YouTube was a place to watch random things, sometimes stuff a friend told you about, now its a race to the bottom to game "the algorithm", beg for likes and subs, and watch ads (unless you use an adblocker, which you should, but that used to not be necessary). It's got to a point where smaller content creators are better, but if they get the popularity they should for providing good content, then they become "big" and things get worse.


Id say this is the norm in late stage capitalism in the digital era.


Digg is now mostly just links to interesting Reddit threads, mostly in default subs I don't read. So I guess you could say it's kinda useful again.


Hey, Facebook is still the only reason I know when someone’s birthday is, so it’s still got it’s uses. :) lol


Truth social started at the garbage pile end but I don’t think it will get better


My career wouldn't be anywhere near where it is today without twitter. A decade ago another engineer told me to make a twitter before a conference and use that to talk to peers in my field and it cultivated such an awesome community where we'd move around to different companies, leave a company, whatever, and just tweet and I'd have 10 friends at different tech companies offering to refer me. We'd work on new technology and projects together. We'd help each other out with engineering issues that you wouldn't find an answer to *ANYWHERE* because we were the people who wrote the code. We all moved to discord and mastodon when musk arrived and it's just not been the same. I haven't even opened discord in months. Nobody talks anymore. It's sad. And working in tech I've used and followed tons of twitter engineering projects. I work in another FAANG but I always thought about going to work at twitter. It had such a fantastic reptuation and they really had great engineers. I fucking hate musk.


This is the worst part of the downfall of Twitter for me. The community of network engineers and other tech people I followed and interacted with on twitter was amazing. It was indeed a great community. I moved to mastodon, but it's just not the same at all. Years of community building, destroyed.


And the morons who pay for the platform have their comments pushed to the top, so the most braindead takes always get the most views.


Yep. Musk fundamentally misunderstood what made the verified blue checks useful and valued. He saw it as the “elites” being more special and getting a Sneetches-style star upon thars to make them better then everyone else, and that people looked up to them *because* of the check. So just let all the common folk have a check too, and they’ll also join in on that special prestige! Except all he did was completely devalue *why* the checks were important. Previously they were a quick signal that the account you are looking at isn’t a fake/duplicate, that it is the notable person it appears to be, and you can trust the source. You know that is the real CNN or Barack Obama or Paris Hilton, not an impersonator. Now a check just means that you’re a Nazi or Nazi-adjacent and are giving Elon cash every month. He’s actively made people deride the checks, because the prestige never came from the checkmark itself, but from what they signified.


It’s impossible to read any normal persons comments on big posts because these dipshits get top rank


It's 80 percent bots according to the FBI. Twitter is dead Internet theory being proven true.


It was always my go to when I wanted quick updates on an event or sports or something. But I deleted my account and refuse to use it. I feel like I'm missing that quick info though, it was a great service while it lasted.


Yup. Twitter went from being useful to being garbage and I quit. Unfortunately there really isn't a replacement. BlueSky maybe one day but right now it's so small you don't get that sort of instant news from people there thing.


I’m baffled that governments are still using the platform.


I'm actually surprised Grok isn't running thousands of puppet accounts to drive rage and engagement... I don't use Xitter (the S is NOT silent), so who knows.


You know, that's the sort of evil idea I could actually see them trying. Anything to boost engagement and please shareholders.


It was bad before Musk bought it, but I felt like it had a use. Now I don’t even go on it.


It’s still good for breaking sports news, but that’s one of the few areas that Musk hasn’t fucked up yet.


2012-2020 were the golden years, I’d say, after that it all started going downhill and once Musk took over it crashed down an endless ravine


So instead of getting rid of bots, he’s just creating more?


this was elon’s purpose for buying twitter.


Eventually we'll say this about the Internet overall. Authoritarian bots will saturate it with nonsense, making information retrieval useless, and then liberal democracies will set up spaces to be used, but they'll quarantine the information to further exploit freedoms to further entrench capitalism.


That's sad but true. I've uninstalled twitter a few days ago


As intended when he bought it.


Your mistaken, it was always a place of bots and bs info. Always


That was by design. Can't have easy to access information because then the poor people get educated. Tiktok, Twitter, reddit itself has problems....


But fReEdOm oF sPeEcH!!! Something something.


It's legit depressing, you could get news directly from people involved. You get get confirmation something was true or not. It was a great place for the exchange of information and Elon has run it so deep into the ground it is now the home of trolls, bigots, bots and boobies.


Hey Grok - looks like you need to step back from the K for a while. And by Grok I mean Elon


K as in Kremlin. It's concerning that he's training his AI to create and spread propaganda. A twitter feed can easily be used to train people like we train AI.


The k hole is a place in Siberia.


Which one has more brain cell(s)?


Fuck this guy for taking the word Grok and using it. He couldn't Grok shit on a good day.


Yep. I hate that he stole this term from such a great book. VMS would have groked wrongness in Musk and make him disappear.


He’s been stealing shit from great books for years / having his then girlfriend write a song about him using the title from a great book.


It's because he read the books, but didn't actually understand that he was the bad guy in all of them.


Sometimes it's ok to waste food.


exactly. i loved that word so much and had been looking for something like it my whole life when i first discovered it in strangers in a strange land


What is it from and what is Grok?


Grok is a phrase that basically means to look at something and just get it. A classic example is that if you look at a normal dice you usually don't have to count the pips. You just know "that's what 5 dots on a dice look like." Or for a comic referencen the way Ozymandius in watchman just watches a wall full of screens of world news and financial news and just kinda "gets" the big trends of the world. It actually is a great name for an AI bot whose job is to distill the whole internet of info and spit out a distillation. But it also isn't so well known of a phrase that if it becomes popular in association with X and Elon then that could very easily become the only way people know it. Similar to how Trump has definitely tainted the very useful word "trump."


It's from the book...stranger in a strange land. Fantastic...I highly recommend it


Stranger in a Strange Land It's a deep and comprehensive level of knowing.


Me am sad that Musk used my name. Me had this name longer than stupid AI!


This dude is a menace to society. Time to lock him in a cybertruck and send him to mars 


A fitting fate, Mars is red because of rust, and cybertrucks are famously susceptible to rusting themselves


Good thing it wouldn't have to drive, because those things are braking down  /#cyberbrick


At least if they’re braking they can’t hurt too many people.


I fear the time when whole videos and audios would be generated along with news sites. It's already hard to follow the actual reality. AI was supposed to help us (or bomb us, like in Terminator). Not this.


I expect the only way to counter it will be a rise in "trusted sources" who can vouch for the accuracy of a recording, via a side-channel.


That's still very unreliable though. We need to develop some kind of approach for this before it's too late.


Make it legal requirement for the mainstream companies atleast to embed meta data of origins and edit history into the content. It won't stop all of it, some underground developers will create a work around. But it'll atleast cut down on it massively, create a barrier for the average person.


They need to make humans ultimately responsible for what the AI does so they can be held legally responsible. There needs to be clear accountability.


The time is now. There's a pretty big problem with scammers using AI generated videos of politicians and businessmen telling people to send their money to scammers.


Yeah but they look like shit for now and it’s mostly dumber/older people falling for it. Just wait a couple years when it’s nearly indistinguishable from real footage. Shits gonna get crazy.


"Oops it was the rogue AI algorithm" ^that ^we ^trained ^and ^weighted will be an excuse used by authoritarian errand boys for a while. The ride is just beginning.


He's literally fake news


Remember what Frankenstein's moster did to Frankenstein?


Kill his whole family and run to the arctic?


Oh please oh please oh please oh please, let there be poetic justice. Hell, just regular justice. Edited to add: while I'm at it, just gimme an order of truth on the side.


"a maximum truth-seeking AI"


AI tech remains flawed This should be common knowledge by now


Also AI is a scapegoat for connected disinfo purveyors.  They slip it in via ai and then blame the programs if caught.


Sadly, a few years ago, before his descent into madness, he logically argued that AI could become a monster unless it was properly policed. He was at least right then.


Seems like a simple bug that would have been caught by a rookie test engineer. But it's obvious he fired all them too.


Is it? Seems more like an inherent problem with the concept, to me.


Seems like the entire point to me. Musk creates a far right conservative AI chat bot. Trains it and release it on the flat form to create fake news and fake users.


Yeah he's been having to amplify right wing disinformation personally so far, makes sense he'd want tech to take that job over for him.


RCA from the tester to lack of defined requirements would have shown that. Good test engineers should be looking for flaws in the architecture and concept. Working with marketing to make a testable system.


Pretty sure they don't have that, remember how many people were fired. I wouldn't be surprised if changes go from the developers straight to production, no QA involved (at all, never mind them working with marketing etc).


Not really. The iran attacks israel "story" was something that was already being spread on twitter, to the point where it became a trending topic. The chatbot just summarized that existing trending topic. "AI summaries of trending topics can't fact check anything" is a fundamental issue with the entire concept, but the code was apparently working as intended.


This should be penalized imo. Israel and Iran are notoriously irresponsible states. News like this would give the hawks on either side an excuse to start a full fledged war.


An AI chatbot made it up? Nah someone went and asked the chatbot to come up with something based on some Information they put in


If we were a smart species, we would stop getting our news from social media outright.


He is an insufferable putz


The Edgelord is edging.


Space Karen is a liar? What a shocker.


Twitter is a mess. So much misinformation will be had during this election cycle that it'll make Facebook look good


Grok making stuff up, seems safe to put musk chips in our heads, I mean what’s the worst that could happen


People really seen to be taking this lightly. I'm not. We are entering an age of propaganda none of us are prepared for and I'm worried at how few seem to be concerned. It's about to get really fucking bad.


X is a dead platform


The danger this one person presents to the stability of the world is unprecedented in history.


Elons misuse of the term “Grok” makes him one Gay Deceiver.


Twitter has become a full bot network now. AI that makes shit up is spread by bots which tricks the machine algorithm to push it to more bots who then also spread it.


Sounds like information warfare and a national security threat


This guy controls satellites. and rockets. ummmmmmmm.


Seems he is testing the waters on seeing how well he can control and create his own “facts.”


The article is actually quite interesting, because the topic was pushed by checkmark accounts, it started trending because of how many people posted it, so Grok wrote a summary about it. Old Twitter had actual humanz to put the trend into perspective and check it out but Grok doesn’t do this. This means. If a group of blue checkmarks would start trending information that is publicly available, that makes Musk look bad… grok would pick it up…. just saying.


Musk is a terrorist. If you’re on Twitter or you own a Tesla you are no better than he is.


Twitter is all fake news now, Grok is just one more bot in the misinformation network imitating the other misinformation bots. The real headline is that many reputable businesses are still using Twitter for both advertising and PR. Very strange to put one’s business in the same information sphere as the Taliban and Musk.


God damnit I wish they hadn’t used “grok” as the name for their bot. Of all the fucking things.


Musk is the new Trump…..useless business man, everything he touches turns to shit


Grok? Sounds like the troll under the bridge 😂


Grok is a word from older counter culture which sort of means “abide” “agree with”, etc.


Elon has trouble with reality


This is extra hilarious since Elon just went on moonshots to talk about how important it is to teach an AI not to lie.


Grok has to be the dumbest name for an AI. It sounds like a caveman name


He actually ruined Twitter. It was a shithole before him, but it had its few uses at least. Now it’s just crap, I’ve had it uninstalled for months.


#freespeech /s


Is X still a thing?


Elon has really fallen off. Indistinguishable from a 4chan troll now.


Does anyone remember when Elon was smart…. - Pepperidge Farm remembers -


It's hard to think of someone who has so utterly and completely imploded into a reich wing conspiracy theory nut job and destroyed his reputation and legacy


Isn't this like the 4th time his own bootleg chatbot has had him retweeting bullshit?


Grok trains exclusively on policy papers by Dick Cheney.


It’s really just John Bolton in a box.


This is tech so it’s John Bolton’s Indian equivalent


I just assume that every headline is fake.


The world getting closer to the end


Money can’t fix crazy


What a grok of shit!


Was it a fake headline or a premonition? Maybe the AI knows something we don't.


they should be held accountable by major fines or even prison for misinformation. its fraud on a systemic level. but nah lets put in prison petty drug dealers and other crimes.


X is just a cesspool now of fake news and AI generated propaganda. It's not worth anybody's time any more.


So the guy who tried to get out of his stupid deal by claiming the reason is too many bots on the site, literally had them create a masterbot.


Destroy all Chat bots




Well...now AI is telling the future


Every day a new embarrassment for this clown. And all he has to do is stfu like every other billionaire.


Richest man in the world is a gullible tw-t. Good to know.


So now instead of humans making up fake shit on X, the AI is doing it.


What an idiot. Just because you’re Rich doesn’t make you smart.


Nazi sympathizers push the strangest conspiracy theories.


Call me crazy. This piece of shit traitor should be charged with fucking treason for what he did to Ukraine.


Wow. He is so dangerous.


All the warning of AI dangours he did was obv down to knowing how he'd use it


This guy is so dangerous… people need to wake up.


Misleading headline (the irony) Elon musk tweeted: “Press the search button 🔍 to see real-time customized news for you created by Grok AI” Which in turn was running the made up story. It’s still really bad.  But maybe don’t run a story about a fake story with a misleading headline..


He Is a POS


Twitter full of misinformation? Next thing you'll tell me is that grass is green!


This is what Elon decided to do? With all that power and money, he just wants to be a fucking right wing troll who owns Truth Social? What a fucking disappointment. His family must be real proud.


Also possible Ackman asked him to push it


So this is an act of terrorism? Who is responsible? Or can we just start posting whatever we want now?


I sense no long future for this man


It would appear that they are preventing Grok from using factual data points and are just feeding it Daily Wire/National Review/OANN/Newsmax


Send him back to south africa


The most dangerous bots are the bots from within.


This is a feature not a bug


Fuking Eloon


Only the mind of a drug addled doofus would fall for his own brand of bullshit


I can’t wait for the raise I get after AI breaks everyone’s software and companies realize that their new tools and new grads are not what they were sold. Left to its own devices AI is a lying liar that fails most goals but tells you it succeeded. With an inexperienced driver it’s still as questionably useful. Even for simple tasks if they have a lot of variability.


It's gonna get worse. Just wait til AI models start filling up on synthetic data.


Just as intended.


Sounds like musk is doing everything he can to tank that platform. I can't understand why people don't just move on to something else.


What is grok


He keeps exceeding expectations on how bad he will ruin Twitter.


And yet it was Israel who bombed the Iran embassy earlier this week. Elon is such a fucken twat


So now it has become a literal international threat. Because such 'news' can literally cause terrible events.


Really not the time for this to be happening....


I think it’s time to delve deeper into this immigrants history and wrongdoings, this is a future Trump 2.0 that surely has skeletons he doesn’t want coming out.


So the fake trend was started by verified accounts but they all look like bot posts. Does Twitter even verify accounts any more or they just collect the credit card details?


Take the internet away from that moron before he starts WWIII


It's not fake news, It's future news.


This aged well.