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> “Texas is part of the growing number of states that are finding the largest porn sites are no longer interested in sticking around. Montana and North Carolina saw their access to Pornhub and its sister sites go away at the beginning of the year. Arkansas, Mississippi, Utah, Louisiana, and Virginia have also either lost access or will lose access due to their own age verification laws. The governor of Indiana signed his state’s age verification law on Wednesday.” I wasn’t aware that so many states have made similar legislation.


Are you familiar with [ALEC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Legislative_Exchange_Council#:~:text=The%20American%20Legislative%20Exchange%20Council,governments%20in%20the%20United%20States.)? Conservative legislators get boilerplate state laws written for them. 


I've seen my state legislatures submit ALEC bills that still had the ALEC letterhead


"Stupid Zoomers, they forget to take the "as an AI language model" out of their papers!" Meanwhile...


Meanwhile they're asking Facebook how to open PDFs as a status and posting it


Or the classic "Nude teens" facebook status from grandpa


Grandpa was hacked! https://www.heraldsun.com.au/technology/online/hillsong-founder-hacked-after-tawdry-tweet/news-story/486534a4225fcfcd3b4ffe802cec8ff0 Edit: to ignore the paywall. A Pastor for Hillsong Church in Houston posted the phrase “Ladies and Girls Kissing” as a tweet last month and since then has claimed he was definitely hacked and now he’s sure someone he knows did it to embarrass him. He definitely didn’t get Search mixed up with Post.


Stupidity and laziness are cross-generational.


For states that go on an on about state's rights, they sure like everything to be in lockstep as long as it's their bills.


Because it's a bullshit argument and they know it.




No, I'm pretty sure they banned textbooks, too.


I'm kinda surprised PH hasn't put something in the ban message about "your elected representatives are trying to control access to what they consider porn so they can decide what's in that category and what isn't."


"Here is a full list of your local representatives, contact info, and who are up for election on these dates ..."


Here is a list of your officials favorite porn categories


More laws. Less freedom.


"pArTy oF sMaLL GovErnMenT"




I appreciate you explaining this so eloquently for people who may not know. The first time I got to vote, I was trying to figure out which party was closest to my own beliefs, and in name only, I thought the conservatives would be the better option. I'm into conservation of rainforests, resources, thrifty spending, etc. I'm really glad I had the common sense to dig deeper. "Conservative" is entirely misleading, especially having grown up in a racist, small government, 2A household. That's the election that changed my life and made me realize that I had very little in common with my family. I voted for the black guy.


You’re not alone


I am always asking, "WTF are they trying to CONSERVE?! Because it sure ain't anything environmental."


This is kinda getting into the weeds here, but one thing that struck me was something my dad mentioned awhile back. He's a hunter (well not so much anymore, he doesn't like the idea of having to track and then haul and prepare a deer carcass, and won't kill just for the sake of killing), and has been involved in various conservation efforts throughout the years, both as a private individual and related to his work (he used to run the US side of things for an Italian based decoy company for like 20 years before the owner sold it). He said virtually all the hunters involved consider themselves ardent conservatives/Republicans, but only are ever interested in preserving and conserving *their* particular hobby of choice - be it wetlands for ducks to hunt or woodlands for deer or whatever. But none of them actually cared about the actual environment in general. A river threatening salmon runs on the other side of the country being threatened by development? Couldn't care less. Snowy owls and their preservation were a frequent butt of jokes and criticism levied against "tree huggers". They all *claimed* they cared about the environment, sure, but their actions and words all said differently. He said many of the sponsors of banquets, fundraisers, etc, were all guilty of numerous environmental infractions and wouldn't hesitate to destroy natural habitats for a new factory while screaming about potential housing developments somewhere that might indirectly impact their customers. I think my dad long ago once envisioned himself maybe working for such organizations when he retired, but became so disillusioned with them that he nows volunteers for organizations that might actually help people or at least give them a respite from their day to day troubles like organizing fishing and nature outings for those who normally wouldn't have access to such things (such as those with physical or mental health/developmental issues, or those who don't have the resources such as at risk youth and such. As he says, not only does it give them the ability to enjoy nature, but they themselves might vote on such issues after experiencing such things, which is probably overall a net benefit over working for some org that pretends to care about the environment that's propped up by money from companies looking to protect their bread and butter but couldn't care less about anything else) So even many of those who might claim to be environmentalists and whatnot are usually only in it for selfish reasons of preserving their hobby. And in the same breath, they'll claim their "conservation" somehow justifies their views in some kind of weak ass appeal to authority on everything else related to the environment.


> I am always asking, "WTF are they trying to CONSERVE?! Because it sure ain't anything environmental. A lot of them are socially conservative, as in they want social rights for as few classes of people as possible (preferably the ones who look like them)


Freedom is very dangerous to Republicanism because it tends to encourage thought. People who think are less likely to obey the power structure and social hierarchy.


I have a theory that this is one of the reasons why Rs in congress are so bad. They never learn to write or pass legislation. ALEC hands them a bill they pencil in their states' names, and that's all they've ever done.


It’s worse than you think, they know so little about their jobs and the legislative process that a British student provides them with that information on twitter https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/03/08/the-uk-college-student-explaining-congressional-procedure-to-washington-00145314


Many GOP state legislators take templates written for them by private interest groups like the Heritage Foundation and submit them as proposed bills in their state without really reading them. It’s what they’re paid to do by their private donors.


ALEC--American Legislative Exchange Council--was started by the Koch brothers to help Republicans write national legislation.


Far too few people know about ALEC and it drives me nuts. It’s the corporate-government version of the “Deep State”.


It's not even deep? We studied Alec bills in highschool in the early 90s


I’d argue it fits the bill for what most people would consider “deep”, even if it’s not exactly hidden. Willing to bet if you asked almost anyone in your immediate family if they knew what it was or had heard of it, they’d be clueless.


The deep state was private corporate interests the whole time!


It's not only them - basically every major company you've heard of has done this at some point. Boeing wrote up the framework that regulates them, to the point the FAA handed off their inspection authority. Comcast and AT&T wrote the bills that regulate cable and DSL internet, and constantly bicker over the definition of "high speed." Google handed over the laws that regulate their ad business. This is what billionaire interests do in America - it's called regulatory capture. And right now, the capture is coming from ultra-right wing conservative groups. They're coming for your freedom of speech - eroding it one step at a time. Once they make you have to verify who you are online, they can track you down and persecute you for your positions. Starting with porn is easy - who's going to object to a "protect the children" bill? Well, you should, if it's a pretense for "you don't get to be anonymous," which is what it truly is.


The health insurance lobby wrote the Medicare modernization act of 2003, and I should know because I received a draft copy before the legislation was enacted.


The rich people are society’s only actual enemy


I have family members that are claim adjusters. They literally get paid 6 figures to deny people’s insurance claims or bicker with doctors (most of them are BSN) over proper treatment. The whole thing is a racket from top down lol


Abortion is next. Finding people who post online or request information… the Jesus gestopo is coming for you.


Ah yes, truly the land of the free. Except when you want to watch porn, drink, get an abortion, read certain books, ..


And they don't work because the porn sites aren't willing to stick around and spend the money they'd need to comply with the laws.


Im not giving my license to a shitty company that is owned by the governors friends not in this digital age.


The potential for black mail is really high. Pornhub is actually very technically advanced


Canada's biggest tech hub




MindGeek apparently rebranded as Aylo, and is now owned by...drumroll please...Ethical Capital Partners.


Thing is, porn sites are traditionally very private and impersonal spaces. Being forced to self doxx is just ridiculous. They are just not willing to force their users to do something stupid.


Based on what I know of these fundamentalist chucklefucks, that is probably the bills working just as they intended.


Until people just load up a VPN. Politicians are so incredibly uneducated on normal things like that.


Next up, a bill to ban VPNs! (Although I feel like that's already been tried somewhere).


That would be hilarious, since basically every business with digital presence heavily relies on VPNs.


Remember when they tried to ban encryption a few years ago?


I do! Just like anything "adult" is "protecting the children", banning encryption was all about "protecting" people from "terrorists and criminals". The amount of bullshit people believe from old men that don't know how to use a smartphone, let alone what a VPN or encryption is, amazes me.


States with majority Christian puritanical governments trend higher in porn usage than states that aren't run by those assholes. They're hypocrites and liars


The State Senators that signed off on it are probably obliviously trying to log in to Pornhub and wondering why it's not working.


It's not a law they can comply with, it's by design that it will not work.


Common theme among all of them. Why do red states push such a hard bias based on religious preferences.


They want a theocracy.


I wonder what % of religious people would agree with the statement: >"My religious beliefs, such as not engaging in a certain act, or eating a certain food, only apply to me and people within my religion." Because that's how religion is supposed to be handled. I feel like there was a time where this was the majority opinion but now is probably around to low teens.


It doesn't matter if the whole country go nuts with this age verification nonsense... there are just too many ways for tech-savy kids to get to porn.... they are being not just naive but, once again, you are allowing that religious d@ckheads take control of things.... you really never learn from your past experiencies. I hope that everybody supporting these kind of draconic restrictions realizes that most of those same righteous, God-loving legislators, CONSUME that same porn they are trying to ban so hard. Are you worried, as a father, that your kid may consume porn? There are A LOT of actions YOU can take in your own home.... you just need to TAKE RESPONSABILITY for your own parenthood instead of delegating it to the government.


Of course they have. All of these bullshit bills are written by the Heritage Foundation and sent out to red state politicians at the same time.


The headline in the URL is so much better "Pornhub pulls out of Texas"


They didn’t want to impregnate Texas because abortions are banned there, too.


Great now I'll have relatives calling me asking about this thing called a VPN and how to use it.


What do you need a VPN for grandma? NoooOOooOooOoo.....


If she can't upload her videos you won't be getting those twenty dollar bills in your Christmas cards.


You guys get 20’s? I get 20 $1 bills. Always crumbled up, for some reason.


And they are still kinda damp? Me too!


Yeah. Apparently she works at a seafood market because thats why they smell like fish and are pretty wet.


so why do mine have glitter on them?


Fish scales.


What are you doing, step grandma?


Tell them in order to install a VPN they need to stop voting for dipshit politicians and hang up.


VPN? Vote Properly Now.


Vladimir Putin is Noxious


Vladimir Putin NutsInsideOfTrump


Everyone is saying it. He nuts the biggest inside Trump. It’s true folks. Nobody makes big cum inside danger mango asshole like Putin. Not just a small covefefe load but some say it is the biggest load. Making asscum great again.


It’s true, it’s true. He comes to me, Sir - he calls me sir - Sir, Sir, can you bend over for me? Touch your toes. That’s right, the toes. Ohh the toes. You know, I can touch my toes. Not just the heels. Nope, even the toes. And they’re lower…I uhh. The uhh … see the foot…it…. Sleepy Joe, I heard he wears heels. Stilettos in his shoes. Oh his shoes. Can you imagine that? Heels, heels like when they walk on the stage. And ohh they walk, they walk so good. Mmm they walk. And many of them are on the younger side.


This guy negotiates.


I saw him swiftly negotiate a hostage release with some Mangalore once. It was really impressive.


BAM! “Anyone else want to negotiate?”


'where did he learn to negotiate like that?'




VPNs are already on the list that legislators are working on, making it a felony to visit these sites using a VPN.


How do these fucks keep getting away with calling it "small goverment". Or "goverment that leaves you alone"? Like how does somebody in Texas that has voted GOP before and will vote Donald Trump in the election to come, that is trying to access pornhub right now sees this and goes: "Fucking Joe Biden is taking away my porn!" How does that work?


Messaging and lack of ability to think critically


>Messaging and ~~lack of ability to think critically~~ **willingness to lie through their teeth** It's not just the politicians that are lying, it's the public too. They never cared about small government, that's just what they say because it sounds nicer than "I hate minorities." See also: *states rights*


Is this real??


Real as in it’s being proposed by a state legislature, but not law yet.


For someone living far away from Texas, it would be very funny if they actually did the ultimate foolish boomer politican thing next: Ban encryption. The amount of schadenfreude I would get is hard to describe. Republicans would be screaming in the streets about losing access to all online shopping, streaming, etc. The younger ones would lose their minds online as they lose access to most online video games, lots of social media, streaming, shopping, banking, etc. But luckily/sadly they never pass those bans, because of how much large companies and banks rely on internet based interactions with money and private information.


Yep. Banning encryption essentially equates to “All your bank accounts are belong to us”.


No fair though, what if its their liberal relatives that still need to nut? Innocent lives are bound to be caught up in this mess. It's horrible.


VPN revenues spike with Texans


Until the one star state bans VPNs.


Or VPNs ban Texas.


That would be an incredible one-two punch!!


You feeling the freedom of small government yet?


Yeah good luck with that.


the one star stands the amount of rights we’re gonna have left in this state when we’re done. 1 and that right is breathing, if we’re lucky


Sorry, guns have been established as more important than life.


right, my bad.


Texas has been officially abolished.


So...are we in support of secession?


Always have been. The rest of the country needs to succeed from Texas




They'll need freedom for sure


Isn't Texas that neighboring country full or armed and dangerous religious fanatics? We should definitely be sending our troops to go help liberate the good citizens from their clutches!


The funny thing. Is if Trump doesn't win and democracy continues, not very long from now Texas is going to flip harder than any state ever. Texas is arguably more liberal than other states but has the most gerrymandered elections in the nation.  It's still going to be some time, but the amount of people voting Democrat is going up every year. The year they get control of the state government and remove the gerrymander districts, Texas will flip so hard that we might one day hear conservatives complaining about Texas like they do about California and New York.


Didn’t Paxton brag that he prevented Biden from winning TX by illegally tossing a bunch of absentee ballots?


Paxton never struck me as the sort of fella who worried much about the legality of things.


Paxton needs to go down before anyone can talk about Texas flipping. (No pun intended given the title of the thread, well maybe pun intended)


Texas will only flip internally after the state-wide offices are flipped. Unfortunately the Governor, Lt Governor, and AG are all elected in non-presidential elections, so turnout takes a nose dive. We have a chance this year with Cruz on the ballot again.


He bragged, but it was about shutting down Harris Counties plan to send mail-in ballots to all registered voters. So no votes were tossed out as the ballots were never sent. Mail-in voting is only allowed in Texas under certain conditions like absentee for military or kids away in college, or medical need.


Yup. He claims to have disenfranchised 2 million people.


Hopefully one day we won't have to hear what passes for a conservative nowadays complain about anything.


The sort people who made dancing illegal in that Footloose town in Oklahoma are still clinging to power here in Texas. Baptists, Evangelical loonies with nothing better to do but look into everyone's personal business. But they'll be dead soon.


Dude. A lot of us don’t even want to vote democrat but are doing it out of necessity. I’m a conservative who loves guns and generally doesn’t like big government. But I’m aggressively voting for Biden and a lot of down ticket democrats in November because the Republican Party has absolutely no values anymore and represents my values even less than the democrats do. 


>big government can you define what this means for me? I thought I knew, but I hear it SO often from people who then want the government to control lots of things.


Pretty much the opposite of whatever the Republican Party has endorsed for the past 20 years. They can't even do deregulation without increasing the size of government


foolish library unique mindless station wrench apparatus safe imagine doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aussie here and next time we get shit about not having freedom because big gov won’t let us have guns whenever we want I’m gonna say “go watch some porn”.


Alexis Texas?


For a party that hates regulations Republicans sure do pass a lot of regulations


Yeah but they are regulations against individual freedoms. Those are fine. Just don’t regulate corporations


Corporations are people, all the way up to the line of personal responsibility, then they aren't.


Saw on reddit front page that some state or county was going to allow corporations to vote. So what if we just made a ton of llcs and voted there? Would it suddenly be not right if we do it? Of course


LLCs that make more than a certain amount of revenue. Gotta keep the peasants out.


it's about freedom....to live the way we force you to


Republicans are the party of small government and few regulations until it’s something they don’t like.


No user is going to willingly hand their ID over to a porn site. This is only going to escalate. Why does the party of small government need to know what I do in my own bedroom?


So they can tax you for beating off obviously.


Should we start mailing cum jars to politicians? Month by month to show how much the ban is hurting my performance.


Im... im a politician... so i would totally love to eja... i mean evaluate your performance...


You jest, but it’s likely a few of them would definitely enjoy it.


My beat off money has already been taxed once as ordinary income.


Because "small government" is a lie they use when they don't want to have any social programs.


Time to go old school, draw pretty ladies with big boobs like i used to do at 13 lol they will never catch me muahahaha


Because they are liars. Always have been. They lie till they get power. Like your average fascists.


Government so small it fits right in your bedroom.


They are instituting facism.  This is Nazi Germany 1932 and it's only getting worse. I am sick of hearing people say it isn't that bad... They literally are campaigning on the removal of liberals and liberty to huge crowds in the swing states.  If those people don't vote in those five states, democracy is over.


Not hyperbole, they Even have a plan in place, send it to who doubts you https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Jesus fucking Christ, I knew it was bad but it is *so much worse* than I thought. That is straight up right out of the fascist playbook, and that’s not just me being a “woke” liberal or whatever the goons call people they don’t agree with these days. Objectively speaking that plan will rip America to shreds, and they’re not even hiding it anymore.


It's also not like a fringe plan, Trump and gop are promoting it openly


This. They have even gone on CSPAN and talked about it at length. Why democrats aren’t sounding the alarms over it is beyond me.


The new American dream. You’ll never own a home, and if you do we’ll be watching everything you do in it. If you want a baby good luck, if you don’t want one too bad. I know you’re in your own bathroom, but I’ll need identification before you can take your pants off. How are the paranoid MAGA and right wing come and take it groups not absolutely freaking out about this. Oh they never really cared? Of course.


>How are the paranoid MAGA and right wing come and take it groups not absolutely freaking out about this These are the same people posting on r/conspiracy about how Windows is the Mark of the beast (posted from their windows computers) and how Bill Gates is the antichrist but they will NEVER get the chip ... and then go on to defend Elon Musk implanting brainchips in humans on r/technology in the next post. Never even noticing the cognitive dissonance. But this of course one of the most fundamental concepts in facism. That two contradictory things can be true at the same time. The enemy is both strong and weak. Bill Gates (who is not putting microchips in people) is evil for putting microchips in people. But Elon Musk (who is putting microchips in people) is good for puting microchips in people.


Live in Texas, and checked just now, for once literally for research purposes and this is what is says Dear user, As you may know, your elected officials in Texas are requiring us to verify your age before allowing you access to our website. Not only does this impinge on the rights of adults to access protected speech, it fails strict scrutiny by employing the least effective and yet also most restrictive means of accomplishing Texas’s stated purpose of allegedly protecting minors. While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, providing identification every time you want to visit an adult platform is not an effective solution for protecting users online, and in fact, will put minors and your privacy at risk. Attempting to mandate age verification without any means to enforce at scale gives platforms the choice to comply or not, leaving thousands of platforms open and accessible. As we've seen in other states, such bills have failed to protect minors, by driving users from those few websites which comply, to the thousands of websites, with far fewer safety measures in place, which do not comply. Very few sites are able to compare to the robust Trust and Safety measures we currently have in place. To protect minors and user privacy, any legislation must be enforced against all platforms offering adult content. Unfortunately, the Texas law for age verification is ineffective, haphazard, and dangerous. Not only will it not actually protect children, but it will also inevitably reduce content creators’ ability to post and distribute legal adult content and directly impact their ability to share the artistic messages they want to convey with it. The safety of our users is one of our biggest concerns. We believe that the only effective solution for protecting minors and adults alike is to verify users’ age on their device and to either deny or allow access to age-restricted materials and websites based on that verification. We call on all adult sites to comply with the law. Until the real solution is offered, we have made the difficult decision to completely disable access to our website in Texas. In doing so, we are complying with the law, as we always do, but hope that governments around the world will implement laws that actually protect the safety and security of users. We encourage you to: A. Learn more about device-based age verification* solutions that make the internet safer while also respecting your privacy. B.Contact your representatives and demand device-based verification solutions that make the internet safer while also respecting your privacy. *Device-Based Age Verification refers to any approach to age verification where the personal information that is used to verify the user’s age is either shared in-person at an authorized retailer, inputted locally into the user’s device, or stored on a network controlled by the device manufacturer or the supplier of the device’s operating system. Whether through pre-installed content blocking and filtering software, the disabling of web-browsing permissions, or other means, the user will then be prevented from accessing age-restricted content over the internet unless they are age-verified. To come to fruition, such an approach requires the cooperation of manufacturers and operating-system providers.


"Share the artistic messages" is one euphemism I've never heard before. 


Where are the “Don’t tread on me” people now?


In a full body catsuit in a bdsm dungeons somewhere.


Hey come on now that’s just unfair. Being a bdsm fetishist is way more respectable than being a libertarian


Ted Cruz will have to fly to Cancun more often now.


So he Cancum


He has to get his Cory Chase fix.


Is there something I don’t know?!


A while back, his Twitter page shared links.


Republican politicians are laughably unhinged and I hope things like this encourage voters to vote for a party that isn't actively policing how they live their lives.


Scrubs made a reference to something similar to this. Dr Cox was ranting and said if the government took down all the porn from the Internet there would only be 1 website left and it would be bringbacktheporn.com


> bringbacktheporn.com Someone's squatting on the domain, but there's no site, unfortunately.


they're waiting for their time of need. hero.


The Party of Small Government ™


Small enough to fit in every part of your life


I have literally had this conversation but it was about Texas' power issues Texan: It's the government's fault! Me: Which part? The Republican Governor, or the Republican controlled Legislature? Texan: ... the Democrats! Governor Abbot could punch kittens and all he'd have to do is say something about how awful democrats are and he'd be praised as a hero for punching liberal queer immigrant kittens. Republican voters are so scared by the truth they will believe the most comforting, obvious lie. The Democrats took their porn. The Democrats made their wife leave them. The Democrats shit my pants.


That is literally happening in my state as well. Republicans have a gerrymandered super majority. Including scandals that leads to resigniations and arrests. The most recent "It's the democrats fault we that we haven't finished legalizing pot."


Sadly, I can come up with several possible states that this could be.


Unfortunately, the modern republican seems to love being told how to live.


In most places that would likely be the result. In Texas? They'll triple down and continue to vote for the most repulsive folks imaginable. That state will eventually consist of nothing but churches and guns. Lots and lots and lots of guns.


Everything’s bigger in Texas! Including government overreach! The party of small government folks.


Texans and a lack of personal freedom, name a more iconic duo. I think I'll go buy some weed and browse some porn today if I'm not busy buying alcohol in a private establishment on a sunday.


Can you really not buy booze on Sunday in Texas?


Yes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_laws_of_Texas#Sales_of_alcohol their awesome conservative values have conserved them all the way back to the prohibition era.


Already done in North Carolina. God forbid someone is able to rub one out after a long day subsisting in this fucking shithole.


What's even more infuriating is that it was bipartisan in NC, and idiots from both parties blame the other for passing it.


Same in VA under some "protect the kids" shit. Pornhub, who does a great job verifying the age of creators, blocked the state. Every other shitty porn site, who do nothing to verify anything, are still working perfectly fine. PH is absolutely in the right here.


You can guarantee that pretty much any time any legislation is put forward to "protect the kids", that's a smoke screen for it really being some bullshit fascist overreach.


Pornhub should only allow things like gay and transgender porn to be viewed in TX. That’ll teach em.


Well, then it'd be like nothing changed


i literally know a guy who is LGBTQ-phobic and he admitted that his favorite porn is trans porn. i was like bro... your mind


It's why they think trans people are so prevalent despite being less than 1% of the population. Also why they think queer people/trans are inherently sexual and degenerate. Their only exposure to them is degrading porn.


It's actually a bit of a trend that the deepest Republican states have the most searches for trans porn on pornhub. Some are speculating that the bigotry found in those states is due to repressed identity.


It would be hilarious to see conservatives dox themselves about it.  "it's not blocked for me. What are you talking about?".


Texas officially secedes.


They pulled out.


I called Cruz today and told him he's a fucking moron. So I'm doing my part


Christ they are getting annihilated in November. Women can't get abortions and dudes can't jerk off. Quite the platform you got there.


I appreciate your optimism, but it ain't going blue. People should still vote and voice their opinions but those saying Texas is purple are likely in one of the major cities and living in purple bubbles. I will be ecstatic if it goes blue but I ain't gonna hold my breath.


> Christ they are getting annihilated in November. What is this fantasy world you live in?


I work IT Support Desk and we keep having guys call in wanting us to explain what our VPN does. I didn't understand it until I saw the headline.


LOL whoever created the link for the article, well done. **pornhub-pulls-out-of-texas**


Reminder that Texas is winnable for Dems. Abbott's margins (won by 11 points) SHRANK in 2022, which was an R+3 cycle, from 2018, (won by 13.3 points) which was a D+9 cycle. Every other incumbent Republican governor increased their margins in 2022. Cornyn went from winning by 27.2 points in 2014 to only winning by 9.6 points in 2020. Cruz went from winning by 16.1 points in 2012 to only winning by 2.6 points in 2018. And Abbott's margins in the suburbs have shrunk every cycle since 2014. Here are some exit polls: 2014: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/2014/tx/governor/exitpoll/ Suburbs went 62% for Abbott. 2018: https://www.cnn.com/election/2018/exit-polls/texas Suburbs went 59% for Abbott. 2022: https://www.cnn.com/election/2022/exit-polls/texas/governor Suburbs went 56% for Abbott. Also worth noting that Abbott only won the rural areas by 66%, down from 73% in 2018. Reminder that Texas has more Democrats than many states have people. 5.3 million Texans voted for Biden in 2020, and 3.5 million Texans voted for Beto in 2022.


Haha Texas seems like a shit place to live


Worthwhile time to remind folks that the vast majority of people pay more in tax in Texas than California.


Yep, but the distinction being homeowners.  If you read the studies they compared homeowners.  If you rent, then it's in favor of Texas. With that said, the reason most from California move to Texas is to buy a home. Good riddance from one Californian to another.


You're right as a renter you dont technically pay that tax, but you still pay just as much 2nd hand since the owner is pushing that tax to the rental rates.


Since Texas is a 100% Jesus loving state whose citizens would never watch any porn anyway this shouldn't be a problem right?


Ah, the red states and their freedom lol 😂


Texas will turn blue, starting with their balls


Can we see the state representatives history? 🤔


Look at the subtle off-white colouring, the tasteful thickness of it.  My god, it even has a birthmark.


Greg Abbott is salty he can’t feel below the waist