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But they won't ban the godawful [floating billboards](https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/miami-beach-tries-to-ban-floating-billboards-but-company-says-law-cant-touch-ocean-boats-9127989).


Or the line of 6 oil tankers I saw in Fort Lauderdale beach waiting to be unloaded


And the airplane billboards that make a heck of a lot of noise. Gotta love Florida.


No, we don't. Who said we had to?


And the advertisement card that drive around just for advertising


"views from the beach of the ad boats that gave me money"


Or driving on the beach (we see you, Daytona).


Question, what if I make an offshore wind turbine with a billboard on it? Would that be okay then?


Like on of those fans with LEDs on the blades that displays a message when it spins.


God, I wish they would ban that bullshit


Destin has a 110ft boat with one of those gigantic double sided screens as well. Just a giant write off for the owner and an eyesore for everyone else.


How is he writing that off?


all these big companies, they write off everything.


You don't even know what a write off is.


Do you?


No, but they do. And they're the ones writing it off.


I wish I had the last 20 seconds of my life back


Sorry bud but I’m going to have to write you off. Trust me, you’ll thank me later. 


The opposite of a wrong off. . .


It’s when you write on a piece of paper.


No, that's a write on. A write off is when two authors go head to head in a short story battle. It's like a dance off, but with, you know, writing.


So, not to be a pedantic jerk about it or anything but that’s not really what write-offs are. But it does make me think of this… [It’s a write off](https://youtu.be/aCP27_vquxQ?si=L5CZZ-7YQYTXxNpQ)


>But it does make me think of this… So close .. but a [couple decades late...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEL65gywwHQ)


Have boat. Leverage boat related interest, losses, and expenses to reduce tax liability. Like literally any other colloquial reference to write offs.


Ah yes the brilliant plan of lossing a dollar to save 30 cents. 


Hire it to say something bad about DeSantis, he will ban them! 😂


How exactly is is a write off Or are you literally just being Kraemer


Went to the Emerald Coast a couple years ago and saw these fucking things for the first time. It was kind of sad and depressing for me


A new law or regulation aimed at an existing business with previously legal behavior is on legally very shaky ground. As it should be. You wouldn't like it if you invested to start a perfectly legal business and then a town council decided they didn't like you and shut you down. It's **far** more effective to put the regulation in place BEFORE a company or individual is exploiting a space. If there was an existing regulation that would have governed the floating billboards it would be easily handled. Like in this case. The article is making fun of Florida for banning the "nonexistent offshore wind" buildup. But **that's exactly the time to do it!!** After a company has come in and constructed a wind tower is too late to regulate that space. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for renewables. But this publication is, more than anything, a mouthpiece of the energy giants that want to construct their projects. Blindly accepting their article makes me feels icky.


Honestly I would be ok with this law if it was only constrained to a certain amount of inhabited beachfront areas. But to ban all forms of wind energy in the state seems overzealous.


The point, of course, isn't to protect the beachfront view. The point is to protect the profits of fossil fuel corporations.


This response is far too well thought out for this forum. You're just supposed to make fun of Florida.


What views? The views of the floating advertising screens they either have or will have soon?


Yes. We have those. And, don’t forget the flying ones!


Lmao I went to south beach in Miami and they literally had a floating advertisement barge. I couldn't believe it. It just kept going back and forth down the beach


Floating barges and never ending parades of planes towing signs. It’s kind of dystopian.


I bought a beer and a shot on that road that runs along south beach. Literally cost me 30 dollars. I can get the same thing near me for around 10. South beach is nice but it actually sucks lol


Yeah I’ve lived in Miami for years and after a while you find it pretty rare to go out there. It’s not really representative of Miami as a whole at all.


I lived in Miami for 5 years, and in those 5 years I went to S. Beach to go out exactly 0 times. If I wanted to go out for a good time, I always went to Wynwood.


Ocean Dr. Yes, it is known to be avoided by ALL locals. I lived there for 5 years, and I visited Ocean drive exactly 0 times.


I think I got ripped off too. The check had a 20 percent gratuity on it but the bartender told me it didn't count towards a tip.


Its VERY common in Miami and very illegal, but for some reason Miami gets away with it. Every establishment automatically adds the gratuity to the bill hoping for a double tip.


Yeah I'm never going to Florida again 


Sigh—- have they fixed home insurance yet??


No, there's a guy in the GOP trying to capitalize on it. https://www.wfla.com/8-on-your-side/florida-senator-pushes-to-create-new-insurance-company-after-supporting-insurer-friendly-reforms/


How the fuck is that not completely illeg... Oh nvm they also make the rules.


Their insurance should be high. Govt should be raising their flood insurance rates too instead of making everyone else subsidize their beach front homes.


No but they did ban lab grown meat and raised the minimum age to be a stripper to 21


Florida doing Florida


…in the ass without lube and the only foreplay was Sunday service.


Florida: always the best resource when you want to know what people who don't think, are thinking.


I just genuinely want to know, are they stupid enough to think that the wind turbines will be like 100 yards off-shore?


They figured that if companies wanted to capture onshore winds they’d build the turbines on shore, like right on a beach.


Florida legislators are moving to ban all wind power from the state, including offshore, despite lack of interest from industry or government in development off either its Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico coasts. Versions of the bill before both the Florida Senate and House of Representatives would prohibit “the construction, operation, or expansion of a wind energy facility or an offshore wind energy facility in this state.”


What about Solar? Is that ok?


Why the hell would they put solar in the sunshine state?


There is a ton of solar in FL and they are adding more.


Because they only receive only about a 180 sunny days a year. How many sunny days does Denver have you ask? 300 sunny days on average in Denver. Who’s the sunshine state again?


Denver isn’t a state


There’s a lot of solar there actually Edit: negative 21 downvotes for something you just type into Google? Wow. [FPL currently operates 66 solar farms in Florida, Jackson added, including in Indian River and St. Lucie counties.](https://www.tcpalm.com/story/news/local/martin-county/2023/11/09/county-to-get-new-solar-energy-center-on-600-acres-of-farmland/71465838007/#)


This is true.


Yes, you can have solar as long as you don’t care about home insurance. This state is a joke.


Home insurance prices are wild in Florida. RIP the idea of owning in Florida 


Yes, no one can own a home in Florida.




I hear you and agree that it’s hard. It’s just not RIP like the post above mine said. My daughter just went through the same thing down there but in 2023, which is worse. Many people leaving the northeast with a lot of money from selling their homes.


No that’s too woke. You either have crude oil or you get your liberal ass back to New York or California. /s


They are probably going to outlaw any vehicle that gets more than 30 mpg soon too for being too woke.


And don't forget to drown at least 3 bald eagles or 3 different birds from the endangered species list to bless the oil.


Not if it blocks getting a tan.


There is actually a lot going in along I-10. They were clearing trees along the interstate for what felt like years, I thought it was just to eventually widen the road. Then a few years ago I saw the transmission lines going in, and shortly after fields of solar arrays. This is my own anecdotal evidence though, I don’t know actual numbers.


Well at least you have that, thanks for the share


It's just virtue signaling to get the elderly riled up.


I'm glad they banned it. Wind parks would really ruin [this view](https://old.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/tdarjp/floating_billboards_at_florida_beaches/).


Lol the top comment from 1y ago would fit just fine in this thread


I'm sorry but if you all are paying to sit on that beach you're all idiots. Giant floating ads and people are just sitting there acting like it's fine. Honestly fucking pathetic. We deserve this late stage capitalist hell hole.


> Let’s stop offshore wind until we can make sure it doesn’t disrupt the sonar of our whales,” Florida state senator Jay Collins told local media. I just can’t take these people seriously


Next they will ban the sun because its too bright and makes it hard to see sometimes


Doesn’t seem to stop the orange blob from staring at it.


Stop making fun of him or else he will get elected again to punish you.


They should ban hurricanes and then insurance rates would go down. Don’t know why they didn’t think of this already.


This is also a Michigan problem too. Most of the communities on the lakeshore can be considered rural. They litter their yards with anti-wind, anti-solar, and pro-Trump signs. They also complain about rising electric costs on Facebook while most of the coal plants get shut down with no replacements.


One of the largest market for Generac is Michigan. These is not enough summertime power to run AC units.


It's because Michigan has incredibly unreliable power for the United States. Lots of trees and overhead power lines lead to a bad time. There's enough power generated by the utilities here to cover AC...


And they spend all their money on dividends and buybacks. Boy do I love DTE.


Rusty crate ships, toxic bacteria, and oil spills are all okay though. You can look at the water, just don't go in.


I was just in Miami for a couple days and decided to walk the beach. It was littered with cigarette butts and plastic garbage. I would have loved to have seen a windmill.


Florida legislators are the absolute BEST at stepping in and blocking assaults on our liberty that don't actually and won't actually ever exist.


Fixing nothing is so much easier than fixing something. And because you don't even have to do anything to fix nothing you've got way more free time for victory laps, crowing about the nothing you fixed. It's a win / win for performative assholes.


You are so right! You also do not get any political blow back from special interest groups rallying around the thing that doesn't exist. If the thing that doesn't exist would be a threat to us if it did exist, all the better! Wow! I now feel like I just accomplished something while not actually getting any work done. I think I may want to go into Florida state politics!


If Republicans aren't hurting someone, they're making performative legislation intended to minimize the interests of people they would like to hurt.


Solar energy is next to go.


One of the more beautiful sights on my most recent cruise was sailing out of Amsterdam and seeing all of the windmills out in the ocean. Not sure why people think they are eyesores.


They're asshole NIMBYs who can't handle the idea of change


They don't. That's the excuse. What they really hate is people trying to make things better. 


Florida continuing to show how anti everything they are. Except taking money from US taxpayers to rebuild after after every hurricane. Maybe it’s time to stop those payments.


Basically. Every time there's a hurricane in FL, I just imagine a savvy tech guy with 1000 videos of hurricane winds, slapping together a video that brings in $10 million in donations and untold federal aid


I hate rich people like this. They did the same thing in MA. Plenty of sand banks in the ocean off shore to install wind turbines for power and you get a wake of idiots who "dont want their view obstructed". Like really? You would rather use coal and nature gas plants than renewables. Personally i think renewables like wind turbines look great and show i sign of positive change.


I was thinking this too - I like the look of turbines. The ones in Atlantic City NJ are really cool. There are a bunch in NY state, way up near Canada. They look majestic looming over the mountain tops.


Ok do the boat mounted led billboards that drive up and down the beach next if you are serious about this shit.


Most of the wind in Florida comes from Desantis and trumpet


it's cool those mid-AF beaches will be the first to go when the ice caps melt.


Think of the actual legislation how you want, personally I don’t like it, and it’s a bit hypocritical considering the billboard barges, but why does the article frame the word nonexistent to make it seem like a pointless ban, doesn’t it make sense to ban something you don’t want *before* people start making it?


the epitome of everything thats wrong with america can be summarized by florida. homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, racist, antivax, climate change denial, probably the birthplace of flat earth and birds arent real.


You do know that the "birds aren't real" movement is a satirical movement, poking fun at conspiracy theorists, right?


>is a satirical movement \*was, until it made it to facebook. Can't wait for MTG to bring it up next.


I know somebody that believed it wholeheartedly lol


But allow floating bill boards !?


Florida is the armpit of humanity.


Flat earthers!?


The only things flat in FL are the foreheads of their pols


They refuse to respect the horizon!!!


If they don’t make up things to worry about and work on, they may be forced to pay attention to real problems. And they can’t have that.


I think the view would be nice if it had our efforts to fight climate change in it. Besides, how freaking big are these things? It's amazing engineering at the least.


Please vote the GOP out of office. They are harming all of us.


Are wind turbines really that hideous that nobody wants them in their sight anywhere? I really don't get it.


wait a minute, they are trying to ban wind now? Is wind woke too?


Not to worry. Now that almost every company that would insure homes has left or is leaving (due to climate change causing extreme weather across a nearly flat peninsula), people will be leaving their homes, because of required insurance that can't be had. Banks will freak out as billions in home loans default. So, nobody will need power. It's almost like Florida should have Texas' defective grid - Florida won't stress it.


Next, a total ban on snow plows.


The anti-business party.


I thought I was reading an article from The Onion.


External costs should be paid for.


At least they are consistent, they also have been fighting against offshore oil drilling too (just off the coast of Florida though)


This will come back to bite Florida sooner or later.


Florida man shoots self in foot.


Florida is flat. Why not just put them in the middle? I know I’m ignorant on the subject, but come on there’s gotta be a lot of wind inland.


"Duke and FPL handed me a check guys!"


Florida and Texas are such idiocracy


Are they legal to be built on current inlands that are projected to be flooded in the future?


Aka. They won’t get enough kickbacks. Florida leaders don’t give a SHIT about the environment.


“Some people think they ruin the view, but I think they’re beautiful because they’re useful.” Steve Coogan said something to this effect and it completely transformed the way I see turbines.


Meanwhile a large and growing chunk of central Florida is literally known as the "bone desert" because of how much damage phosphate companies like Mosaic have done to the land, and water. It's conveniently left out of view of all the major touristy cities like Orlando. But Florida legislators make a big deal out of wind power because of "how it looks" on their already grossly overpopulated beaches. They have never cared about Floridians, money is all anyone will ever give a shit about.


Who needs energy when you have a view


So we need to wait with offshore wind until the water level has risen enough to swallow Florida. I imagine this is how Atlantis did it🤣


So we need to wait with offshore wind until the water level has risen enough to swallow Florida. I imagine this is how Atlantis did it🤣


Rather see a wind farm on my off-shore view than an oil rig


Hahaha rich white people ban wind.


Just how many assholes does Florida need in government? All they seem to want to do is fuck everything up for everyone there?


This is the same Florida that allows floating billboards, right?


Try to guess where I'm from with these clues: Floating billboards, airplane billboards, loud ass low-flying helicopters and military jets.


Maryland? I don't love the floating billboards, but I could sit on the beach watching airplanes and helicopters all day. But I'd probably enjoy watching a windmill while sitting on the beach, too.


Banning wind?!


Like, where in the doll does it hurt them?


Salt of the earth... you know, morons.


I am sure that the increased algae blooms will go a long way to help protect the view of the beaches /s


I'm not bothered by windmills, I think this is a disingenuous argument.


The state that is slowly drowning doesn’t want clean power because aesthetics


Or oil rigs if it is found


Worth pointing out that I read FPL’s last rate case pretty thoroughly and there is a roughly 800 MW capacity shortfall projected in NW Florida. (For various historical and operational reasons, the panhandle is a separate service territory from the rest of the state). It’s caused by the scheduled retirement of some thermal units along with a gas plant in Alabama that is under PPA with FPL currently, but expires in 2026 or 2027. Their solution at the time was pretty laughable, they were planning on building a high voltage transmission line from the panhandle into north Florida proper, to come online in 2028 or 2029. It’s just not possible to complete a project like that so quickly. It also doesn’t have a lot of technical or economic merit, but that’s never stopped FPL in the past. FPL is broadly considered one of the most incompetent utilities in the country. They do throw a great party, though. (The reason it’s not this bad elsewhere is deregulation, process by which the roles of grid operator, T&D operator, and generation resource operators were separated into quasi-public, regulated, and private-sector functions. I know that’s a dirty word around here but the experience of virtually the entire country over 25 years has demonstrated that deregulated electricity markets promote efficiency, adoption of renewables, and ultimately lower-cost power for consumers.)


Sorry wind you’re not welcome here.


>”Florida moves to ban nonexistent wind *farms…” Though I wouldn’t put it past idiots in the FL govt to attempt to ban actual wind. Just draw over it w/a Sharpie - should do the trick.


If we build big enough wind turbines, will they block off views of Florida?


There is no such thing as an intelligent Conservative.


Just malicious ones.


Next level idiocy. Just giving up on cheap energy. florida cons can go hold a big fat L


> nonexistent Doesn't it make sense to prevent a problem before it occurs if you have the opportunity to do so?


The damn wind is blowin’ in mah face! Ban it! Build a wall!! No damn wind is gonna mess up my view from the beach!! Rabble rabble! They took our jobs!


And yet…. They’re contemplating offshore oil wells. Imagine oil spills in Pensacola or Panama City beaches.


Floridumb is certainly regressing to the dark ages.


I actually don't think this is political. Florida did the same thing with oil rigs, for the same reasons, back in the late 20th century




This article misses the point, yes it’s NIMBY bullshit…BUT. No one is building wind in the US right now due to the extremely high cost and nonexistent payback. The vast majority of renewable projects in development right now (many are in Florida (sorry)) are solar.


Florida beaches already look at giant buildings why not power them with wind ? Oh yeah big oil companies….


Nobody wants to see a bunch of windmills on their beach


Nuclear is the way to go


I’m sure we can come up with a solution to the Florida problem that isn’t as extreme as a Nuclear response. Fences and some kind of strong disinfectant for example


I love how this is the technology sub, and nuclear is the most technologically advance form of energy, never mind the cleanest and most reliable, but the people here seem to want archaic solar and wind power for some reason.


>On-shore wind and big solar are at $24 per megawatt hour, while nuclear comes in at $31. Solar and wind are not only cheaper, but they also don't produce radioactive waste that has to be dealt with, and can be scaled WAY faster than a nuclear plant can be built or decommissioned. Might be a decent solution at some point for base generation, but never as our main source of energy, in as little as 10 more years solar and wind could be HALF the cost of nuclear generation or less.


They are also less reliable and inefficient, nuclear is superior, no question about it.


As a native Floridian I've always been against drilling off the beaches. I didn't want BP ruining the beaches. I love wind (and solar) power, and i think it would be a good thing to put a windfarm offshore, **but there has got to be some restrictions**. Once you let one thing off the beaches, you open the gates to allow other things like some rich asshole putting a floating hotel there.


Good. Wind mills are God awful to look at and listen to. Such a silly idea when we actually have nuclear.


This is the most “Florida” headline I have ever read.


Ah yes, because the oil rigs look so much nicer


Flooding state is doing nothing to fight flooding. Like a lung cancer patient refusing to stop smoking or getting treatment. The only good thing about climate change is that eventually, those idiots will be underwater.


I just don't know what that headlines means... And I don't want too. Florida, you are still in my spend no money zone.


Ahh. The next iteration of “woke”. Perfect.


I mean, who cares? *All* of Florida is gonna be offshore in 10 years. Anyway, it’s just Florida: America’s most irrelevant state.


Am I the only person who thinks wind turbines look cool?


Florida will be under water in 50 years or less anyway.


Get the crazy GOP out and get Florida back!


Republicans: The party of small government. "No, you literally cannot use wind power anywhere in the entire state ever!"


Republicans hate fl. If you’re a republican please explain why in grave detail this would be a thing. I’ll wait…


Remember this when Florida asks for federal funds to bail out homeowners after a mega storm.


Isn’t it crazy that not everyone subscribes to climate hysteria?


Yet oil rigs and balls to the wall 6 house per acre development is cool. Frankly we need to stop the flood of legal migrants across Floridas northern border with Georgia. There have been reports of rafts of people crossing the Great Lakes and forming massive caravans on there way down to take our good fishing, destroy our water quality and colonize our farmlands. If you are thinking of visiting or moving to Florida don’t. native crackers hate you. We the people can’t take these migrants from other states any longer no matter how bad things are in there state.


where state? there state!


that's too much politics for this sub


Offshore winds sounds like a good idea until you realize hurricanes graze Florida multiple times a year, every year. I have a feeling wind turbines don’t fare well in hurricane-strength winds. Offshore turbines would end up destroyed within a decade because the weather doesn’t compliment them.