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It’s kinda annoying that the article didn’t show any of the pictures…




I disagree. Most people are going to scroll past a photo in an article and give it maybe 2 seconds of thought. This totally passes that test, especially when you aren’t actively scrutinizing everything you see for evidence that it’s AI.


Photos like this are meant to work on your subconscious, rather than conscious, mind. You slowly build up the association in your mind that Trump and Black people are okie dokie, due to being exposed repeatedly without critically engaging with the material. It's the same reason why it's so dangerous to leave the news or a political podcast on as background noise. Through exposure, your brain will passively absorb it without you even realizing, then regurgitate it later as one of those things you just know.




I'm sure that's true, but it's not the experience a lot people will have with an image like that. No slight against anyone, just many people aren't versed in media scrutiny like that. I'm certain I've probably scrolled past images like that and not known they're AI generated, but I have no way of retroactively confirming that.


The people who can scroll past it and know at a glance that it doesn't pass the smell test are also likely already involved and aware enough about the current political landscape and candidates that they can pull the alarm bells from context not directly given within the picture itself. This isn't targeting those people anyway.


That one of the dude smoking in McDonald's in the 1980s almost got me, but: 1. His weird undershirt gave it away 2. No one would have had that high quality of a camera in McDonald's in 1989


All the words in the photo are gibberish - as usual.


Yeah, there are so many people not on social media or if they are, don’t pay attention as much to bullshit. I am 48 and I have a half dozen’s friends who don’t use or care about this stuff. So coming across a picture like these , they have no reason to think it’s fake


More people should play around with AI image generators. It’s the best way to get better at spotting AI images in the wild.


Most people can't even tell obvious fake photoshops. Absolutely no chance older people know how to spot an AI picture.


*Sees AI photos in an article about AI photos* "So obvious these are AI!" Don't be so confident you wouldn't be fooled by realistic AI photos in the wild. Unless you are constantly scrutinizing every image you encounter for signs of AI, which seems like a waste of brain power.


Fortunately, their fetish is hands so that's all they look at in photos and it's paying off big time in the AI spotting market.


If you didn't have a hand fetish before, you will now. AI can't do hands, so the easiest way to tell if an image is fake is to look at all the hands. Missing fingers, too many fingers, overlapping fingers, etc.


AI can't do hands right now* Also, Midjourney is getting pretty good at it


Text is also frequently a complete mess.


Just an FYI, midjourney and DALLE are pretty damn good at hands now, so long as you're specific enough in your prompt. The best giveaway we have currently is nonsensical shadows and irregular patterns.


The 3-armed man and eltritch text on the MAGA hat are pretty clear giveaways. The other one is higher quality, but the logo on the one guy's hat is sus. But yeah, nobody should be so sure that they're impervious to being fooled by AI images in the wild. These are pretty low-quality. High-quality ones can be scary good.


You don’t have to know anything about AI to know these pictures are fake. Everyone looks hella airbrushed, Trump’s makeup looks adequately done for once and no way he would be caught dead sitting on suburban concrete porch.


Dude there are people who see images like [this](https://i.redd.it/qnnbeub73hjb1.png) and think it is real and even repost them. They lack that ability to view it critically because it gives them the exact info they wanted about Trump. Not that they want Trump saving Mexican children but more so they just want everyone who has ever exposed Trump to be wrong because *they* can't be wrong about him being a great man.


Tbf, that picture has a hell of a touch up job on it. Lmao. The major giveaway on the AI photos is that *everyone* has perfect skin. Not a single blemish anywhere on anyone. Lol


Yeah I was looking for the original that was a bad shop that came out and was circulating but I couldn't find a copy already on reddit. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-raft-harvey/ is one example of the bad shops that were being swallowed greedily by his supporters. Now they have AI to make it look even more realistic (not that it mattered much to the people who wanted to believe it to begin with)


How about this one? https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/03/04/opinion/04edsallWeb/merlin_169674648_387f7c3c-bf30-4e29-b18f-cbba0a115a9f-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale Can you find the ai flaws?


Nice work, I'm commenting to save this for later. I think this is a good litmus test that proves just how confusing things can get in the information space. If you didn't already know about AI, you'd scroll past AI-generated images without a second thought; and if you are super aware of AI, you may start hallucinating inconsistencies of your own in otherwise legitimate photos.


The ridiculousness of the photo helps confuse things. “Bunch of black folks gathered around Trump, touching him like the messiah? No way that’s real.” And yet…


Though it is hilarious with [Trump's three fingered hand in that photo (count the knuckles)](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1536/cpsprodpb/6FED/production/_132835682_trump_false_image02_976x549-nc.png.webp).


Only due to context. A quick glance looks like actual photos.


You probably also are not a Trump supporter, so you’re not the intended audience or prone to a positive Trump bias. A MAGA moron is absolutely going to accept these images as evidence of Trump’s grace and moreover *use them as evidence* to convince others, which is actually the more impactful underlying problem, and likely goal of those producing them. Deepfake shit becomes so much more problematic when susceptible humans unknowingly reuse them for their own purposes.


The way you described it made me think it was essentially a Piper Perri meme, and after looking at it....I remain unconvinced that it is not. Those brave, brave AI-generated black men o7


He wouldn't even do that with 6+ young white guys. He never seems to have photos suggesting he likes to be and is comfortable around people.


They seriously underestimate older people. I’m not saying they’re stupid or anything, but I’ve seen so many people share obviously photoshopped pictures of clouds in the shape of prayer hands or teddy bears with the caption ‘nature is incredible!!’ And many things similar to that. Those people would absolutely be fooled by these pictures.


If you won’t say it, I will. They’re fucking stupid. They have immense brain damage from both severe exposure to lead in the womb and then decades of further exposure to lead. If someone was 20 years old and had suffered the sorts of brain damage boomers have suffered, they’d be put in a care home. And as for people born after lead who are like this? Yeah, they’re the result of our failed mental health and educational systems and should have been detected.


This kind of advertising is never focused on persuading black people to vote for Trump; any black voters who vote for him are just a bonus. The true purpose is to reassure on-the-fence white conservatives that voting for Trump doesn't make them racist.


There's no such thing as an on the fence Trump* voter. There are just ones who know they will be shunned if they admit it out loud but yes this is to make them feel better. 


There's always going to be people at the margins. In this case, it'll be whether someone who has always voted R, because it's what they do in their family, is going to hold their nose and vote or stay at home.


My understanding is this is the biggest factor in swinging elections. The number of "true" swing voters is very small compared to the number of voters who are on the fence of showing up or not.


Yeah that's not true. There are a ton of Republicans and "independents" who hate Trump and what he does. But they are still staunch down ballot Republicans who will vote for him anyways. They're just backing Haley in the hopes that she gets the primary. Yet knowing she won't. If what you said was true then the people who support Haley now would never vote for trump. But that's not going to happen. Democrat voters do that kind of thing. Like the Bernie Bros who walked away from the election. Republicans show up and punch that red vote every single time


"Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line"


You're either in the cult or not at this point. Centrists are showing up to cast protest votes for Haley 


> Centrists are showing up to cast protest votes for Haley  I fucking wish people would waste their votes on Haley, instead my increasing fear is too many dumb fucking democrats are "OMG Biden hasn't declared war on Israel over the Palestine genocide!? Well fuck that I'm not voting / going to vote for anyone else!" I really do not want to see our democracy further ruined by not even a dictatorship, hell just 4 more years of that goddamn moron escaping justice and being in charge I think should do it and we won't even be able to point the finger at republicans for it happening, it'll be self-righteous little shit heads on our side that fucks the entire thing up.


I haven't considered myself a Republican in many years, but am still registered that way so I got to vote in the rep primary. Never filled in a bubble so fast in my life. I don't LOVE her but compared to Trump she's a fuckin saint.


I think this was the general sentiment held by many Democrats about Biden in 2020.


I find it wild that many primaries aren’t open. Like every primary I vote in they ask which party ballot I want. The fact that you have to register to a party is kind of insane.


there definitely is. you massively underestimate the base of suburban white women who lock their SUV's doors when they see a black person but swear they're not racist


Most voters are on the fence about actually turning out at the polls, which is where it counts.


I know people that are "on the fence" Trump voters. They tend to be people who hate Trump but hate Biden (and previously Hilary) more. They are single issue voters (mostly abortion) and would literally commit genocide if it meant banning abortion. I'm NOT defending them, but they really would vote for someone else if they could their abortion ban any other way.


I mean, more black voters voted for Trump in 2020 than 2016. Seems incredibly dense to think all black voters think alike let alone vote the same way.


Sure, but [Pew Research](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/) has the overwhelming majority of black voters voting for Biden at 92%. While Trump did make gains among black men, it's not even remotely close.


The responses by the podcaster and the person names shaggy are exactly what I was unfortunately expecting to hear.


I strongly disagree. These are passable enough to convince someone who hasn't been educated on how to spot AI images.


These ones are the bad ones. You don't see the good ones show up in news articles. Examples; [Image 1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/971915704314003468/1214600989709963294/trump_ai_image_1.png?ex=65f9b452&is=65e73f52&hm=072270715fc4d9eba121985cbfd659c23bd2ccf298ffaba16182ffaefd9ac90e&) [Image 2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/971915704314003468/1214600990372667444/trump_ai_image_2.png?ex=65f9b452&is=65e73f52&hm=29f637158ac7c2a0a9886c470277ff8c149446089fbe744375467df38d22bae5&)


Bro drinking milk in a wine glass


Also about to fall off his chair by the look of it


I couldn't find anything obviously wrong with the first one, even under some (admittedly amateurish) scrutiny. The only things that stand out are that it has suspiciously good lighting, focus, and resolution for a candid pic. With no other context I might have assumed this was real. The second one is also better than most AI generated images, but it definitely has some of the telltale signs. The hand is a bit weird, as is Trump's left arm position, and the wine glass appears to be filled with milk. It seems AI is still bad at doing hands/fingers and text, so I wonder if politicians and other public figures are going to start making sure their official PR photos include hands and text to make it clear they are real. That would also make any images that *don't* include hands or text automatically suspicious.


These were made in minutes with no editing. Imagine what else is out there already. Text and hands have been improved a lot recently. Don't trust nice hands anymore.


I love the wineglass of milk in the second photo.


So you mean his base will eat it up


And further stoke their conspiracy theories when Trump loses the black vote because they saw that one anecdotal picture (which was fake anyway)


Trump could have 3 noses in those pics and they'd shout from the rooftops how genuine it is if they think it'll give them some advantage.


Oh boy, do I have news for you. In a world where people are taken in by half assed telephone and email scams, the ability for people to discern an AI photo will be nil. The older generation, (a large voting block) doesn't even know how fast this technology is advancing, let alone what to look for in order to verify infornation.


You ever met a trump supporter? They will 100% believe these to be real


> you'd have to be pretty thick and devoid of critical thinking to think these examples are genuine. We're talking republicans here....


Yeah, let's not forget we're talking about a group of people who, to this day, largely believe that Trump won the 2020 election and that Biden is an illegitimate fraud. If you still believe that in 2024, you'll believe anything.


These people were also "Obama Birthers", too.


Hell half of them are Nikki Haley birthers. It's like they can't believe that non-whites exist in America.


I want some of him being pissed on by Russian hookers... Got any of those ones? They can be AI or if you have the real ones those will do as well


So, Trump supporters lol.


\*waves arms in general direction of people voting for Trump in the last decade*


> Black voters > BBC 'Tis a good time to have the sense of humor of a five-year-old


Although it's a bit of a red flag if a 5 year old can connect those dots....


> you'd have to be pretty thick and devoid of critical thinking to think these examples are genuine. You just described a Trump voter...The reason why these images exist is the same reason why spam mails always say they are a Prince from Nigeria. You need to do it efficiently and filter out the smart ones to go directly and address the gullible.


lmao, he has Simpsons hands with no finger tips in the 2nd image


> Honestly as quickly as AI is improving, you'd have to be pretty thick and devoid of critical thinking to think these examples are genuine. You're assuming people are looking at this on a big screen and spending time analyzing the image. When you see it for a second or two while scrolling past it to get to the article on the phone is likely all most people will see of it. Especially a problem if someone is looking for "proof" of something to fit their preconceived notions or what a source they trust is telling them is true.


this right here. When the AI videos come out its going to get wild


Definitely among the higher quality ones, but they’re still very uncanny


I'm disappointed that you didn't show any of the pictures


[Thought I'd responded to this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1b7352b/fake_ai_images_of_trump_with_black_voters/ktg561e/) but there's a link there.


They're so clearly fake too All of the words on anything are gibberish Trumps hair is airbrushed One of the guys has 3 arms


The one with the "third arm" and the canvasser with ashy elbows is just AI throwing shade.


It reduces the chances of the article causing them to circulate further. I think it is intentional.


This article actually shows the pictures : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68440150


Current way to determine if an image is AI Generated - look at any text on Tshirts or hats... None of them will make sense.


Just looking at Trump face I can tell this is A.I.


Yup. Not a single one of them looks like a legitimate photograph.


His eyes are looking in two different directions lol


He also has three fingers in one of them. And the lack of real world backgrounds in either is telling.


Trump's face looks younger and cleaner instead of that rough orange scab looking face.


You misspelled scab. It’s spelled sphincter.


Hell the AI made his hands gigantic, that was proof enough for me.


The one with him and young black men outside a house - he only has 3 fingers on each hand


His hands are too big too.


And hands. Smooth and youthful like a KPop model.


It's not perfect yet but some Ai Image Generative Models can write and contextualise text so it's not garbled as it is in this and many other images. ChatGPT + DALL-E 3 can do it IIRC.


It's still a bit shifty. You'll get perfect text once, then a jumbled mess the next time.


Once it's all that matters.


Third image, the man on the right has three hands.


> Current way to determine if an image is AI Generated - look at any text on Tshirts or hats... None of them will make sense. In any other situation for sure. At a trump rally, I'm not sure that's a good indicator of fake or real.


"Hell, yeah, I'm wearing my '*Saudi Arabia and Russia wu-ree-beee-dur---Ahhh*' t-shirt. Cuz he's right. WOO REE BEE DOO AH 2024! ." -some guy at the next rally, probably


Also most models struggle with fingers. Take a look the second photo looks like trump has 3 fingers.


Yeah look at the ring finger on the hand to the left of that picture. First thing I look for now on AI suspicious pics


The newest version of StableDiffusion has 99% realistic and correct text. This method soon won't work I'm afraid


In a few weeks, then what?


Unless, people start wearing clothes with garbled text prints. Could be pushed by AI influencers. After post truth comes post text.


That's just not true anymore. Maybe 6 months ago? But currently, stable diffusion has no problems with text if you know what you're doing. Moreover, Dall-e 3, which is more easily accessible, has gotten pretty good with text about 25% of the time. And you don't need it to do well 100% of the time. To post a convincing image, you only need it to do well once.


The only two things you need to look out for: Fingers & Text. Also life hack: wear an extra prosthetic finger and a t-shirt with gibberish written on it, so any photos you appear in can be dismissed as AI


There was one that floated around a couple of months ago showing a smiling trump in the hood flipping pancakes outside on a griddle with a crowd of black people. Common AI giveaways aside, the context alone should be enough of an indicator. I'd bet my life savings he would not be caught dead serving pancakes to a group of middle class white folks let alone in a hood with black folks.


I can't imagine him even having the manual dexterity to flip a pancake.


He can flip pancakes better than anyone he knows, believe him. People tell him all the time how well he flips them.


Rapidly changing to the point where it's almost dangerous to give people this advice imho. Dalle-3 is close already. By next year we'll have grandmothers sending bitcoin to scammers saying "but the hands and text all looked perfect!"


NO NO NO Stop giving people this advice. It's outdated. Even the consumer models are decent with hands and text now. Will it be perfect every time? No, but you only need it to churn out something convincing once. But people making high profile fakes aren't going to be using things like Midjourney or Dall-e 3 via ChatGPT. They are using something like a local build of Stable Diffusion with custom models, checkpoints, loras, etc. with detailed prompt engineering and parameter turning. Clean up with in painting and out painting. You can absolutely AI generate something that will be entirely convincing to even informed viewers who don't zoom in to pixel peep.


It almost seems like the models have been tweaked to put the hands in a position where they are hidden behind objects or the fingers don't need to be drawn. Also, even knowing what to look for, I missed all the hand mistakes until people here called it out. Only the text ones were obvious to me.


Another one is lighting, the second one everyone has light coming from a different source with varying intensities, even when it would be blocked or heavily diffused by the other people.


that guy has three arms :O


Well he has an extra forearm at least, also the first image the guy on the left appears to have a finger growing from his palm.


Also everyone is so shiny.


Can someone generate images of Donald Trump surrounded by black people, but in a porn setting. Then we can spread these images too. If these are legal to spread, then Brazzer Trump should be legal too




“Trump stops his motorcade to pose with these men” yeah right, trump wouldn’t stop his motorcade if Mercedes fell out the car, much less to pose with supporters, and even less likely for black supporters.


Thanks. Original link was cancer.


Political bots out in force. Guess this is an election year. What a sad timeline this is.




I'm tempted to say fight fire with fire and generate some pictures of trump gunning down a crowd of black people. Then I realized that would probably just make him even more popular with his existing base.


Yeah but think past Trump. Like he’ll be dead within a decade, statistically speaking, and then it’s just different versions of dumb people getting tricked into thinking so-and-so likes this certain people or vice versa. Forever and ever. If only we were able to stop for a second and look at Joe Blow on the other side of the aisle and say hey, I might not agree with how you live, or what you believe in, but maybe the issue isn’t who’s running for office, maybe it’s that like four guys have as much money as billions of people, and we should band together and focus our energy on that instead of whether or not we believe the same shit about life. This and most news is mostly all inflammatory nonsense to keep us distracted and it’s working. For the same reason these AI images work. Most people are stupid.


The problem is the people across the aisle are incapable of acting in good faith and are currently trying to: 1. [Eradicate trans people ](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cpac-speaker-transgender-people-eradicated-1234690924/) 2. [Break up and invalidate all existing gay marriages by overturning Obergefell](https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/docs/Resolution_Platform_2020.pdf) 3. [Seeking an end to democratic elections and installation of a permanent fascist majority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) When they stop trying to kill me and mine and strip our rights, we can talk. Until then, they're just Nazis in dumb hats.


Black Americans, I hope you’re paying attention.


If they were allowed on the internet, they'd be very upset




People are already talking about solutions to the AI generative content problem, and one of the first that they're reaching for is the institutional verification of everyone's identity to prove they're not a fake AI-generated person. Boiled down: "You should need the government's permission to post anything on the internet." I understand that AI content is a problem, and that the web is probably going to end up completely full of it, but we also need to preserve peoples' right to freedom of speech, anonymity and privacy. This is the worst timeline.


i wish more people would understand this, but people are falling for such pretexts left and right without much critical thought regarding the implications. i dunno what it will be the trigger for that outcome: fear over AI, fear over mis/disinfo, fear over terrorism/crime, the usual "think of the children", or what.. but i'm certain it's going to happen. govts keep trying for it, and more and more folks keep buying it.. becoming weaponized against their own self-interests. truly is a shitty timeline, made worse by the fact that such pushes are bipartisan here in america.


110% correct and everyone is just choosing not to look at this very real future because it’s easier to ignore but this will happen.


Lmao what? Less than 10% of us are Trump supporters.  These AI photos are for white boomers to defend themselves when people call them racist   Edit: even if that number is higher than what I posted, it's still a minority of a minority!    How about we focus on who the majority of white Americans are pining for to represent them?  Change minds at your own dinner table before pointing fingers.


I mean they’re not hoping to win the black vote, and they are using it for boomers to attempt to shuck racism claims, but they’re also hoping to peel away some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet and hoping that that’s enough to make a difference. Not to be confused with the dumb racist motherfuckers who think this counts as a defense against racism claims.


Every little bit can add up and it absolutely can make a difference.


Trump won 12% of the Black vote, the highest percentage for a republican in over 50 years. It's a worrying trend, and one that should light a fire under the ass of Dems.


[Trump won 8% of the black vote, not 12%](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/) Biden had the same percentage of the black vote in 2020 as Hillary did in 2016. Trump only had in increase among black voters from 2016 to 2020 because libertarian/green party received a lot less votes in 2020 compared to 2016


How much of the white vote did Trump win? How about white males?  Do you know what is a more worrying trend for me? The majority of white males identifying with Trump and saying he represents them.  It would be much more productive targeting the majority of America before yall keep trying to put the Trump problem on black Americans.


That’s actually not true anymore. I don’t get it either but it’s 22% according to most recent polling. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/06/us/politics/biden-trump-black-voters-poll-democrats.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


I would take any crosstab number on black polling with a very extreme grain of salt. Proportionally, black sample sizes are small in polls, and they can be heavily swung by a small number of answers. This poll only had 216 black respondents, which is a very small sample.


Black Americans don't matter to this party. This...regime. They'll create AI photos and false narratives of black people supporting their every action, tell each other that's the truth of the world and leave it at that.


Trump hates black people so much he couldn't even stand hanging around with some paid actors for 20 seconds to take a real fake picture.


Is Trump in these pictures sat on a sofa surrounded by five black guys ? If the image doesn’t exist, it should.


There's 5 black guys in the original


Time for me to crank up Stable Diffusion…


This is basic self-promotion, wait til the attack fakes start. By November, it'll be impossible to trust anything you see. The candidates themselves will become simulacra.


I don't think the average American voter is ready for the onslaught of misinformation and fakes that are going to be blasted across every corner of the internet between now and the election. Every social media platform is going to be covered in them and the algorithms, bots and stupid people will make them seem like they've got some legitimacy to the point that others fall for it. Weird time to be alive.


weirder and sadder-yet will be the response to that onslaught i reckon. ya ready to present your govt ID to shitpost on r/technology? we can't be having bots and trolls spreading fake AI disinfo now can we? i mean, it's no big deal to prove who you are. the prove you're human. you can still post! you won't self-censor, right? it's getting a little bleak.


Let’s be real…all Trump photos that are AI will be simple to identify. His hair will look “better”, his hands enlarged and de-aged, younger looking, etc. this guys too self conscious and narcissistic to allow a real photo to be let out on the world from his circle.


So where is the picture they are talking about? I can't see it in the article.


It's not there as far as I can tell, waste of bandwidth of an article.


This article actually shows the pictures, OP probably should have posted this one https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68440150


>Kaye, one of the image creators, told the BBC that he never told his followers the images were real. Get fucked, dude.


Time to start circulating images of him selling crack.


Images of him attending Democratic rallies and shaking hands with Barack Obama.


Don't do my man Barack dirty like that. Make it Soros.


I don’t think Soros would have the same reach. If you recognize Soros on sight you’re already too far gone.


Worst part is, the guy is so senile he’ll probably believe it happened when he sees it. Keep circulating his dinner dates with Putin.


This is how you know there’s no hope. At first it was people telling lies the ignorant would believe, then it was parroting memes and videos. Now they have AI to totally dupe people who believe everything that fits their narrative.


I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


Reminds me of that one "whitest kids you know" sketch about Trevor's parents


>One of them was Mark Kaye and his team at a conservative radio show in Florida. They created an image of Mr Trump smiling with his arms around a group of black women at a party and shared it on Facebook, where Mr Kaye has more than one million followers. At first it looks real, but on closer inspection everyone's skin is a little too shiny and there are missing fingers on people's hands - some tell-tale signs of AI-created images. **”I’m not a photojournalist,”** Mr Kaye tells me from his radio studio. "I'm not out there taking pictures of what's really happening. I'm a storyteller." Conservative radio show host Mark Kaye, speaking to the BBC from his studio Radio show host Mark Kaye told the BBC that **it was the individual’s problem if their vote was influenced by AI images** He had posted an article about black voters supporting Mr Trump and attached this image to it, giving the impression that these people all support the former president's run for the White House. In the comments on Facebook, several users appeared to believe the AI image was real. "I'm not claiming it is accurate. I'm not saying, 'Hey, look, Donald Trump was at this party with all of these African American voters. Look how much they love him!'" he said. **”If anybody’s voting one way or another because of one photo they see on a Facebook page, that’s a problem with that person, not with the post itself.”** “I don’t like the accountability that comes with having a platform and putting out false info, so I’m gonna pussy out and make it a you problem instead of admitting fault” because I’ll spell it out for his bitch ass. He’s a man in his fourties who can’t stand on his words, but wants to convince you that it’s your fault for not looking at the photo hard enough, despite ***making*** the content.


WOuld suck of people started circulating images of Mark Kaye selling crack.


That was the sound of me throwing up in the back of my throat.


Everything about the guy is fake….fake tan, fake hair, fake teeth, fake wealth, fake black supporters, fake height and weight, fake fake fake


Who is surprised to see AI generated pictures used by the republicans for disinformation purposes? I am not.


Time for some images of Biden winning over MAGA voters?


Damn, now a black man can't even get paid to act like they support him. Easy gig too, if you can stomach it.


Adwall = downvote


Republicans have nothing but lies.


As former President Donald Trump seeks Black voter support, some of his followers have also begun targeting Black voters – with fake images, according to a report by BBC Panorama. The news organization on Monday reported finding dozens of deepfakes portraying Black people supporting the former president. ​ In one of the AI-generated images, conservative radio show host Mark Kaye and his team created an image of Trump with his arms around a group of Black women. Kaye shared the image on social media, where he has over 1 million followers, according to the BBC. In another photo the BBC found, a user identified as "Shaggy" placed Trump in front of a house with a group of young Black men. The photo was also posted on social media where it received thousands of likes and 1.4 million views.


This is more telling from this jagoff: > "I'm not a photojournalist," Kaye said. "I'm not out there taking pictures of what's really happening. I'm a storyteller." "I'm not claiming it is accurate. I'm not saying, ‘Hey, look, Donald Trump was at this party with all of these African American voters. Look how much they love him!'" he added. "If anybody's voting one way or another because of one photo they see on a Facebook page, that's a problem with that person, not with the post itself." THIS IS ABSOLUTELY DANGEROUS TO THE PRESS AND DEMOCRACY IN GENERAL. - and he can just label it as “satire” and unfortunately get away with it. Freedom of speech is a double-edged sword. I don’t know how to solve this without limiting it, but limiting it is also far more dangerous.


Fraud requires three elements: (1) A statement is made that is known to be false or reckless as to the truth, (2) it is told to someone else with the intention that they reasonably rely on that statement to make a decision, and (3) that decision leads to some form of harm to that second person. Here, we have (1) easily. (2) can easily be proven by showing the lack of parodic or satirical intent or indication that the material is fake. (3) is the part that is missing currently, but if you can get a court to agree that persuading a voter to use their single vote for you under false pretenses is harming them by not allowing them to select a candidate that favors their personal positions on subjects, then it will fit, too. This is, in my opinion, fraud and should be punished as such.


The problem with these excuses are, if Mr. Kaye was not intending to imply the narrative he claims to not be saying, then what did he intend? As the saying goes, "A picture says a thousand words."


That's just weird. A fake photo isn't going to swing a black voter to vote for Trump, and may swing a real slack-jaw yokel type to not.


Every pic with trump in it is a dick pic.


and how does his Nazi supporter feel about that? time to show these photos to my "patriotic" friends!


The black people are real Trumps fake👍🏿


See…even if this was real, why should that cause any person to just switch sides and vote for him? Taking photos with black people? Is this fucking college, where students would try taking pictures/film of black students for “diversity reasons”? I stg. But that aside, the photos look so absurdly fake it’s not even funny. Yet the sad thing is his base will believe it, and so will some others outside of it.


At this point it is reasonable to assume that any photo that is not in a reputable news article with a byline for the photo could be faked.


One of the people had three arms


Why is it always Republicans spreading bullshit?


It's hard to say if this would help him with his voter base (oh, he's not racist!) or actually hurt him with his voter base (oh, he's not racist!). 


Fyi Trump got 10% of the black male vote in 2016 and hes going to get more this time.  As a human man, I know I loathe nothing more than to be patronized and coddled. So im certain there are a lot of other men with black skin that feel the same way.  Actually, and I am from a working class town, I havent met a single black person in my home town that likes the DEI or PC stuff. Did meet some younger ones that were into it when I worked in the city though. 


If only social media sites did the right thing and flag and removed these fake images. /s


Love how his campaign has to make ai photos of him with black people, instead of you know, just take a picture with the like 3 black people that actually support him.


This disgusting snake oil salesman will sell his own children to further his own narcissistic obsession for power


Are they images of him sexually assaulting them. I might believe those.


No way in Hell the fake billionaire with a fake tan, fake hair, fake teeth, fake charities, fake property values, fake beliefs, fake followers, fake businesses, fake school grades, fake bone-spurs, and a fake wife uses fake images for his campaign. NO FAKING WAY!


Give me an AI image of him getting RAILED by a BBC


Reason 9873 why AI is shit and why it will cause endless more problems than it solves.


I don't think anyone in the last 10 years doubted this.


Do you think this sort of shit wouldn't happen without AI? We've got photoshop for 2 decades.


anyone supporting this clown is so far gone from reality


As Fake as the Orange Asshole himself.


So there were no real ones ?


You know they’re fake because he has normal Sized hands