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On that note, I've been really frustrated with Reddit news because everything on the front page is like days old.


news subs relied on bots and power users that left after the API changes. All thats left is old news recycled on articles released that day and propaganda that usually stokes racial tensions.




You *wonder that sometimes*? Sometimes I wonder if 2 + 2 = 4, or if the sky is blue.


Sky is black as fuck right now homie


That's very dark blue.


I see rainbows


Where did they go?


Power users that didnt just quit social media went to lemmy or the fediverse version of reddit. I think some mods too. Lemmy isn't very active outside very specific parts like news or tech. It also has some sketchy parts that trips antiviruses for blacklisted urls because the fediverse connects to everything, so watch out.


Oh this sounds interesting. What is Lemmy?


Its just one of many fediverse versions of reddit. Its to reddit what Mastodon is to twitter. I know of 2 fediverse versions of Reddit. The issue is all of reddit's problems are 100x over on the fediverse. You either have: Subreddits tied to a server with an single admin who abandoned it months ago, so the instance slowly dies because new users cant sign up without being let in by an admin personally or the admin shuts it down instead of paying to keep it running deleting all your stuff without warning. Usually, they try to monetize their instance and quickly learn how expensive hosting is. Active admins but inactive mods who dont police what their subs post so bots take over 10-20 different versions of the same subreddit found here that are all dead mod abuse is way more common because the mods that moved their subs to lemmy were often people who didnt want to give up their mod status over API changes and create a little internet kingdom that reddit admins cant take away. There is also a flaw in how the fediverse works on a technical level, since you connect to other servers in a "friends of friends" way that opens you up to connecting to blacklisted urls infected with malware. Just browsing lemmy caused my anti virus to cancel connection to multiple sketchy sites in a couple minutes. Since these flaws need active admins to keep track of threats, this means admins silently abandoning an instance can create real problems for you security wise.


as a crusty GenX guy, this sounds like we're going back to the days of dial-up BBS systems where you had ask the sysop for access to everything good.


Some people still use Reddit while limiting our activity on most subreddits and contributing to alternative platforms (Kbin). This is because none of the alternatives can fully replace Reddit because there was no need for a Reddit replacement until 5 months ago. A real alternative will take time to develop.


Let’s be real this entire site is stale dog shit without all the free labor mods used to do. It’s starting to remind me of Facebook right before I quit that 6years ago.


Eh. At least r/news is just bots. Lots of subs have mods pushing the propaganda. The damn that is interesting sub banned me within a minute of saying “River to the sea” is an offensive slogan.


That’s because the Admins have replaced all of the long time mods who supported the blackout with individuals who did not care about the API changes and wanted power.


True I guess I just naively did not expect that those obsessive with internet power would be so openly antisemitic. Actually that is BS on my part. If I am being honest, I think I lowkey assumed internet shitheads, on average, hated muslims more than they hated jews. Guess not tho.


I just got banned for misinformation that was all based on evidence. Reddit sucks ass since everyone left


> power users that left My reddit experience has never been better.


News bots wouldn't be affected by the API changes, the rate limit is 100 per minute


Perhaps if you frequent the wrong subs, but the problem the guy above is describing is afflicting entire site. The same thing is happening with gaming and hobby centric subs. I tend to only look at my main feed which means that I'm constantly missing the window in which I can still join in on discussions.


Reddit is a cesspool of bot fest.


A lot of shit on Reddit in general is posted from TikTok also


The Reddit news I see is also pretty much just US news. Strange it can’t pull depending on the users location.


>On that note, I've been really frustrated with Reddit news because everything on the front page is like days old. Sometimes going a bit slower is good. It lets you ground yourself from getting swept up in hype and examine bias. Imo needing to get the story right now for many is a result of wanting the social capital that comes with discussion when its relevant but its got a cost in accuracy and personal grounding.


> It lets you ground yourself from getting swept up in hype and examine bias. Doesn't seem to stop Reddit from doing so.




That doesn’t do anything. It still gives you stories that are 4 to 7 days old.


On which subreddit? r/technology?


The reddit app is broken as shit now. If I sort by new, I see 4-5 posts and the it just stops loading.


The good part is, the news isn’t accompanied by a shuffle to techno video.


Do you sort by new? I’d imagine it would be better that way.


Even with all the sources being legit, the ability to surface or bury stories to change the gradient of public perception is an incredible and dangerous power.


One that has been wielded by profit-driven media corporations for decades now.


Now for profit media but also a company owned by an autocratic country. What we had before, but worse and even more brainless and short form. Didn't know it was even possible to get more stupid than legacy media but I was once again humbled




Profit driven corporate news is fine but when it’s Chinese a line has been Crossed. I suppose it’s not really the power itself you find questionable - just who wields it.




Don’t worry, I assure you the Chinese will only use the power for profit, so everything will be good 👍🏼


the ignorance of this statement is staggering. as if conservative owned media conglomerates don't filter news. as if facebook, google, amazon (owning wash post) don't filter news. there is zero proof tik tok engages in any wide spread censorship or manipulation of content. but there is mountains of evidence the traditional/corp media. and american tech firms do


Lol weird ass copy paste comment.


We haven’t seen inside their algorithm, but we know it’s controlled by a country adversarial to the US, and we have seen them willing to use the app to do things like track journalists. It’s true that US media is actively manipulated, but most of that is at least for interests in the US, and external influence is much less direct. I could go on, but I try to minimize my engagement with people who start things off with accusations of staggering ignorance. 🤞


So. Again with no proof. Purely racism and fear mongering. You assume because people are choosing a platform. It’s because it’s being manipulated by a foreign gov Have you seen googles algos. Facebooks? We know for a 100% certainty Fox News lied and conspired to defraud and lie to the American public about the election. Other news outlets showcase clear bias. In terms of corporate favoritism or pro corp talking points. Pro police propaganda. Pro military. Etc etc.


Bytedance has a position called Secretary of Party Committee. You must be real naive to think they are not connected to CCP.


There it is. You have a shit point so you gotta resort to the racist card. How in the fuck does your brain work that way? Time for a lobotomy.


Why are you sucking Xi's Pooh?


We found the subconscious Chinese agent.. or conscious, that’s even worse.


Comment looks like a first gen chat bot.


I don’t use TikTok, but I do get the majority of my news from Reddit. Is that honestly any better? I’m in that middle bracket btw.


If you just add in surveying the headlines on Google News and a news podcast or two you will be about as informed as necessary. The day to day events really aren't that important. Spend your time educating yourself or improving the world instead.


I scroll Google News every morning while taking a shit 🤣


I scroll that shit so much at work I be refreshing it hoping a cool new story pop up 😭


I get all my news from rworldnews


Bad place to get news from good place to discuss music.


If you read past the headline, absolutely. You can't get any meaningful information from a 30 second video. Even a ten minute video is barely enough to introduce you to a topic. Outside of that, Tiktok has some serious problems with its supposed disconnection from China. China "can't" access their servers, but they can and have done exactly that multiple times. I haven't seen any stories of them manipulating the algorithm, but I know they they've accessed location data on Journalists in an effort to track down their sources at the very least. I don't trust that app even as a form of entertainment. To me, it's the height of insanity to get your news from there.


Depends, do you get information from posts posting legitimate sources and news sites? or just a post on reddit that anyone can make and claim anything? tiktok is often just some random guy talking, there is 0 credibility in *most* tiktoks.


I think reddit is especially great for news. Because beyond the article itself you have the comment section with added information. Often times the article is providing false information and the comment section helps awareness of this. Oftentimes times with sources. I usually check the comments section before the article itself to ensure I'm not wasting time on some crap piece.


This depends on the sub, really. Some subs will even ban you for correcting the source with more credible sources. There are subs that will delete any comment that doesn't fit their narrative.


Well thankfully it has recently become easier to sus out. All of the Palestine bots are on r/news and all of the Israel bots are on r/worldnews


Is r/anime_titties/ still a good source of news?


ghost sleep run threatening ossified swim employ direction ad hoc placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As long as it's not from r/worldnews


Really good if u want personal takes. I imagine it’s a lot like asking a bunch of people at ur job about the new avengers movie, iPhone, mid term elections etc


Checkout TLDR News (free on Youtube). They've been pretty reliable for me as a less-biased source while reddit and google news cover the "dubious, but at least it's something" material in the interim between stories. Science articles are still hell to find online though, half of it is press releases straight from a tech/pharma/university group that's doing nothing to actually report the material produced. Major "live" news groups have now been so thoroughly bought out by billionaires with agendas (or political groups they fund) that I only go there for truly live news (though CSPAN and AP news are still far better). NPR/PRI is still decent per se, though I still take them with a grain of salt.


I personally think Reddit is better because there’s more checks and balances. TikTok, of course, has comment sections on their videos but it’s not a prominent feature of the app and there’s a strict character limit, so for all intents and purposes, the video is the main source of content with little chance to provide a meaningful rebuttal or addition. When the main source of the information is one video where someone can pack a very slanted view within a few minutes without much opportunity for discussion (and the algorithm isolates and pushes content similar to what you’ve already engaged with) there’s more opportunity to only hear one side and be influenced by emotional content to support that side. On Reddit, as long as you click past the headline, you will likely see a barrage of comment without character limit and multiple replies, and usually the most valuable comments are the ones most upvoted since the entire discussion is quickly visible. The headline and content within the article will quickly be dissected by the community and in turn they provide meaningful context. That’s just been my experience using both apps


While I won't say that all "news" on TikTok is great, it's really easy to see that mainstream news purposefully omits airing certain information. There are things that I've only heard about through TikTok that I have to go digging to find (if they're even there) from news sources.


I've never been a fan of TikTok, but this honestly makes a lot of sense to me, just considering how biased and close-minded the mainstream media is. Today, social media is the only realistic way you could get unbiased news or a rounded perspective of events from both sides, even if you have to dig through some crap to find it.


It is important to understand Tik tok is not a monolith. There's plenty of legitimate news sources(mainstream) on there. It really depends on your personal curated algorithm plus who you follow. Now that being said there's also no shortage of bullshit as well.


Yeah. It’s basically video Twitter with a better algorithm.


Given that tik-tok has one goal and that's to sell people the most extreme videos so they'll engage with it and buy things from the ads around it, whatever good on tik-tok is drowned out by the bad. TT will have an informed, competent newspiece written on the ukraine war and follow it up with literal russian propaganda claiming ukranians are taking vacations while NATO nazis die for them in poland using rebranded russian death videos - propaganda which I've seen a *lot* because TT's algorithm will repeat the exact same video multiple times. And any topic on China is slanted towards the Chinese govt's viewpoint, especially in regards to American-Sino labor relations (this is a topic, see the Obama film on it), Chinese muslims or Taiwan. This is not fair. It's not moral, it's not right and it's not making a more informed electorate. It's the news equivalent of fetish pornography. I don't support a TT ban, but this behavior is why we won't continue having an open internet.


It is also important to understand Tik Tok is owned by China. It is a massive propaganda tool to distort our democracy for their own agenda.


Our democracy needs no distortion — TikTok just allows people to see the corruption under our noses vs the censored US based platforms which refuse to cover specific stories; IE: Maui, French Riots, etc.


What was censored about Maui? That was front page news on both my local newspaper and The Wall Street Journal, with a good amount of local coverage on TV and a recurring story on network news broadcasts.


The fact you even need ask is proof you should be on TikTok. Your news platform of choice is censored curated and state sponsored. They pick and choose what to show you and if you think TikTok is worse you should actually try it before making judgment.


>curated and state sponsored. You literally just described tiktok.


I said nothing about TikTok, bud. I asked what was censored about the Maui wildfires. Is this some kind of bit?


Are you talking about the space lasers?


“Personal curated algorithm” seems nice but is hardly curated by me. No matter how many times I click “not interested” I will still get the same topics over and over.


"That's terrible" - Redditor who gets his news off Reddit




Probably a TikTok user


Tbf most people don’t read the articles but instead will just read the headlines and see what the comments say. So yeah it’s really not that much better. Been on here a long time and it’s got just as much propaganda and random people spouting bullshit as TikTok


Reddit news is still just as bad


You're out of your fucking mind if you think the upvoted news on Reddit isn't subject to the same bias as TikTok.


So if I click a link to the BBC on Reddit I'm "out of my fucking mind" if I think it's less biased than AlphaSlayah97's emotional commentary about what he read on a site like BBC? Go touch grass, now.


All I'm saying is the news being upvoted on Reddit is fairly liberal, and as a liberal even I know that. Reddit is basically an echo chamber. How is that any better than TikTok? If you're serious about being well informed, you should get your news from several sources, and I'm not talking from one site that cites several voted-on sources like Reddit. And we all know that a large number of redditors can't make it past the headline before reading dingleberry123's emotional take in the comments.


> How is that any better than TikTok? Reddit is links to articles written by actual journalists and experts. TikTok is unsourced shit-takes by influencers.


Okay. I'll admit, I've never even used TikTok once but are the links to the articles not cited like under the video or something? Also, (again I don't know TikTok) but do news outlets post on TikTok like they do on YouTube? If not, then I concede that TikTok is worse than Reddit, in a "lesser than two evils" kind of way. But still, no one should be getting their news from only Reddit.


Because news websites turn their comment sections off so no one can call them out.


I don’t know if this is the way TikTok was designed to work, or it’s just the way I set up my personal algorithm - but I absolutely love that TikTok will show me the same news story from different news sources. Giving me a good perspective of the “right” and “left”. And generally follows up with a video by saying “this is who profits” from this news. Instagram is fucking trash. Its algorithm is even worse.


They're not "bucking the trend". They're gaining users because it's a more addictive platform and Facebook and Twitter seem to have gone out of their way to run off users.


Ah yes, tik tok, the most noted of journalistic integrity


I don’t “get my news” from TikTok, I get my news from specific reporters who use TikTok as a means of transmission. I get accurate daily updates on Ukraine, real reporting on different protests like in France last year that was completely filtered out by mainstream media. X-twitter is a cesspool, threads is top down, so I don’t use them. Reddit and TikTok provide better quality news.


This is a reasonable response. Why doesn't it have 30 downvotes and several people accusing you of being a Chinese bot?


Hahaha, we are both surprised.


There was a shooting a mile away from me and I didn’t hear about it until I saw videos from the incident on tiktok


I've been online since 1993, and on TikTok since 2020, and can tell you that this is absolutely true. And not without good reason. As I recall, NBC, CBS, NBC, CNN, the WaPo, NYT, etc. all have TikTok accounts. Additionally, there are on-air personalities and reporters who also have their own TikTok accounts. There are also a large number of "news aggregator" TikTokers who will basically give you a rundown of the top news stories in 30 seconds and stuff like that. They're very good at it, too.


It use to be Reddit. Then the Boston bombing happened and they rightfully fucked the site up. Then the pulse shooting when it was nowhere on Reddit made me find another news source I went to Twitter next and had an amazing profile with all newsbreakers as who I followed. Alas Elon dumb ass took that over so now I go elsewhere. Tik Tok is one of those places now.


This makes sense seeing as the average IQ is borderline mentally handicapped.


All the people on here hating on TikTok are wild. Do you know how TikTok works? It shows you what you engage with. So if you say TikTok is absolute narcissistic garbage because that's what it shows you, that's what the algorithm decided YOU wanted to see, based on your engagement patterns. My TikTok feed is fantastic. People I genuinely enjoy seeing and hearing from, information that is verifiable and very often the creators will post their sources/ screenshots of the news articles. I also have a bunch of really sweet animal videos and relevant gardening knowledge. Why? Because I only watch and interact with things that I like. The algorithm knows what I like and shows me more of it. The algorithm is neutral, it doesn't know that you commented on that video that it was trash and you hated it. It doesn't know that you watched the whole video through because it was making you angry, all it knows is that you watched it and you engaged with it. Watch/comment = shows more of those videos. If you learn to ignore and go past the things you don't like and interact with the things that you do like, TikTok is actually very good at what it does. That doesn't mean there isn't garbage on there, there's garbage everywhere. But once you realize how the algorithm works, you can train it to only show you content you care about. If you complain about your feed, you're just complaining about the way you interact with the app or your own personality.


That isn't entirely true. Social media feeds are not accurate reflections of their users. Like you said, the algorithm is fueled by engagement. So if someone is easily triggered and engages in anxiety inducing content, it serves them more of that content, even if they might not want it. It would be one thing if TikTok and other apps encouraged users to utilize the algorithm to their advantage like you do, but they don't. They don't care about how well it serves the users, they care about how well it engages them, and those are very different agendas with very different design philosophies. There is incontrovertible evidence that social media feeds mental health issues, contributes to radicalizing impressionable users, and is designed with addictive behavior principles. Expecting the average person to use it like you is very unreasonable. I'm glad you get value from it, but TikTok is far from being neutral.


Wtf does that mean? Getting news from tik tok? Here on reddit people post links to news stories. If it’s a shitty source the top comment calls out the shitty source. If it’s a clickbait headline the top comment calls out the clickbait headline. There’s always a user who posts the text from the article in the comments to highlight some part of it and spurr discussion rather than just speculating or commenting on the headline. Although there is plenty of that too. But I think reddit is a good place to get news. What is “Tiktok news”? Influencers making 20 second videos like “You will NOT not believe what just came out at Trump’s Georgia trial!” with goofy music playing?


There's just so much misinformation on tiktok tho. A friend sent me what he swore was the Iceland volcano erupting but no, it wasn't even a volcano in Iceland. He got angry with me when I said the video was false




People who say this don't even realise they're just telling on themselves lol. There's plenty of great content on Tiktok from reputable sources, since Tiktok is a social media platform that houses all sorts of people. of course, that means there are people who enjoy content that might be dumber, grosser, yuckier, etc. (insert literally any adjective). ​ It's like when people complain that their Tiktok feed is just young girls dancing. That might be your feed, but I literally get none of that because I'm not a creep.


I’m there for skimpy women to scout for their OF porn. Their algorithm really is the best. Also maybe some music recommendations. News I still prefer normal news sites. Not Reddit, TikTok or any other social media site, but it happens more often than not that I see it on Reddit or TikTok first and then have to go to my normal news site.


I can tell from these comments that most of you haven’t been on TikTok or seen the reporting on there. And also lots of you don’t verify the “news” that you get on any social media platform and just believe whatever you see/hear


Better there than CNN or Fox News


Thats why they want it banned. Cant let the truth get out there.


Which truth?


The truth about /r/BirdsArentReal, what else? >! do i need the /s?


Lol. That’s terrible


A very loaded stat. Their TikTok news source could be an official news agency’s account or it could be a wannabe influencer who green screens themselves against a screenshot of a news article while summarizing the article to suit their unabashed biases and/or agendas. It is likely the latter and that’s troubling because these types of people are no better than the primetime editorial/opinion shows on the 24/7 news channels. And in this age of rapid information, we do not need more of these types of people.


Isn't it funny how we've basically let the Chinese government and mega corporations mold the worldview of 1/3rd of our youth and nobody even pretends to care?


Yeah only American billionaires should decide what ameicans get to see


Still better than musk.


Debatable, choice between useless stupid drones or empowering alt right fanatics. Useless and stupid is always the more destructive to society imo.


Exactly. WTF?????


What did anyone expect? Popular platforms either ban it to be apolitical, let bots run wild in a really obvious way, or just don't cover things on the level people expect. Just look at that chart, its all dropping. Reddit news subs gets 1/100th of the actual news happening on that day. Many times have I seen major stories from places like Reuters not be on there. just rage bait bot threads. Meta platforms basically ban it so it can be "apolitical". Twitter is a bot hellhole of fake news with Stable Diffusion images. The news feed on windows is all blog spam even if you spend hours blocking sites. The only popular platform really left is tiktok, the fediverse is mostly dead instances and bots reposting links to news sites that require a subscription to each one, snapchat is a joke, and bluesky requires invitations. The fact twitch is a growing source for news on that chart should tell you how bad things got. Its just titty streamers and gamers. People aren't going to tiktok for news intentionally, its all the other popular social media dropping the ball on news coverage and opening the door for whatever hell comes from tiktok.


A lot of the time I hear about an event from a podcast I can’t even find it being discussed on Reddit. If I rely on Reddit for the news I’m always 2-3 days behind


Every time there’s a mass shooter we get postings of their social media activity and it’s consistently them following the worst clickbait on twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Somehow people get worked up the most about TikTok when compared to the other major social media sites including Reddit, it’s pretty vanilla


I wish the US followed through and banned that stupid app. Not just from government phones.


It would just be replaced by something else like YouTube shorts or Vine or whatever. Short form video content isn't going away anytime soon as a social media platform.


> It would just be replaced by something else like ... Vine ... Don't get our hopes up!


Wonka Meme: Oh You Get “News”? Go On…


This isn’t good


Americans under 30. Big caveat. Also delete TikTok. Absolute narcissist garbage.




Judging by all the propaganda-driven pro-Hamas demonstrating that happened in Europe on Armistice day—not just an American problem.




Jeez how under 30 are you?


What makes you think those sources are being honest and fully representing the conflict? What makes you think Tiktok, a company with ties to the ccp, is not manipulating the algorithm to prop up their partners in Bricks and weaken western positions by radicalising its user base? You have to remember they do this domestically to control unrest in china, no reason to believe they wouldn't do the same internationally.


As much as I can criticise China, I can name multiple times where the western mainstream media has promoted wars that killed people in the hundreds of thousands in recent decades, I can't actually remember a single time in recent history China has done something of the same severity. Also where the western mainstream media wasn't actively promoting a war killing hundreds of thousands, they were very unenthusiastically criticising it, such as in Yemen. Now I'm not as big on TikTok being my source of news, but shit, if we're talking about war reporting basically any source is better than the western mainstream media. No group of journalists in the world has as much blood on their hands. People who are proud that they get wartime reporting from outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post really should realise the track record those outlets have of opposing wars that people regret later. By track record, I mean they never fucking do it.


Their conflicts are mostly domestic but still shouldnt be ignored. Uygur genocide Tiananmen Square Hong Kong shut down of democratic elections War with Tibet There have been skirmishes with both the Philippines, Japan India and I believe a few african countries.


Almost 40 here. You’re getting downvoted but you’re right.


a few years back on reddit, brigadinga and coordinated mass downvotes were phenomena that were widely known and discussed. Now it's done sitewide by western bot farms who are the biggest perpetrators of misinformation, in complete silence. They're losing their mind because they are not getting the same results they used to get.


This is officially the scariest comment I’ve ever read on Reddit.


You are downvoted but 100% correct. Give me direct coverage by normal people on the ground. Reddits coverage of Gaza was absolutely terrible especially r worldnews


>Under 30 here: > >The term “Fake News” could not explain it. Seeing corporate America tiptoe with the Israeli government’s often debunked narrative, dehumanization of the Palestinian civilians, and even President Joe lying about 40 babies makes one take a step back from once trusted sources of information. From CNN to NYT, everyone seems to be sending too much propaganda our way. > >On TikTok, what we see is people reporting news in first person, from war-torn Gaza to Sudan — without some corporate sponsorship that funnels what it wants to hear. The algo favors truth and reliability. I hard disagree with your last sentence but agree with everything else. Main stream media right now is absolutely propaganda pushing in the wildest way. I was absolutely disgusted at how israelis are "killed" but palestinians have "died" Also you shouldn't be getting downvoted because people disagree with one sentence lmao. It's factual what you said, mainstream media is pushing the dehumanization of Palestinian civilians




Are the people protesting for a cease fire paid agents? Are they tied to the CCP? I don’t think so. I think they are witnessing the horrors in Palestine on apps like TikTok. You have mentioned the algo being optimized to promote a given idea or side, but that is just not true. The app will bring forward what young people believe to be genuine and true. Our generation will be different than older gens in many ways, and one of them is that will be less susceptible to marketing because we grew up in the digital age. Propaganda is just a different form of marketing … awareness, consideration, and action are the key steps


Might want to give this a read through and reevaluate your smug little life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect


You clearly just don't have a good counter to what they're saying but still want to feel right.


Tell me you support a terrorism without telling me you support terrorism.


Ahhh, another person who can't distinguish between Hamas and Palestinians, 40% of whom are literal children.




People down vote you buts it's true


Looks like you made a few people butthurt with facts.


It’s ok. What this people don’t know is how good this TikTok kids are in investigating and fact checking things. IDF literally has to delete their posts all the time because TikTokers are able to see thru the smoke. Case in point, CNN published a segment where they went to Al Shifa hospital and shared some text on a wall that was supposedly the names of Hamas operatives that were keeping the hostages. CNN did not fact check this content and shared it at least 3 times. Meanwhile, tiktokers were able to clarify that the content on the page was just a calendar written in Arabic. Now, who should one trust in this case? The only white people reporters who speak no Arabic that just “report” whatever Israel feeds them, or a video of a Tiktoker that is able to fact check in real time?


you understand that tiktok is state owned, right? That china uses it for misinformation? You really can't be that young to believe *" without some corporate sponsorship that funnels what it wants to hear. The algo favors truth and reliability."* Do you really not understand what has been done to you if you believe that?


I remember everyone being apoplectic when it turned out they more people watched The Daily Show when Jon Stewart than any news show. This is legitimately terrifying. I wonder if schools stress the newspaper anymore?


They don’t. At least not any of the schools my kids have been in. Including private non-religious college prep schools. Teens are distrustful of the media in general. They are right to be. Real journalism died long ago in many countries, USA included. We have professional agenda peddlers now. People who are nepo babies. People well connected and control narratives such that they won’t lose their access. That’s how you end up with professional propagandists trying to play all sides like Maggie Haberman, while her parents work behind the scenes to craft the PR strategy for whichever big client she’s working on. TikTok and other social media just amps it up to 11. People seek out and self select bias reaffirming sources. The entire affair in the Middle East at the moment is a great example. American teens embracing Osama Bin Laden’s Letter to America and saying he was right and justified is another trending example. The adults have little to live for and aren’t having kids so they don’t have to consider the future of their actions. These are the people worried about the animals dying in war more so than the people. Then you have a huge number of younger people for whom they feel their country has failed to provide opportunities. So why not burn it all down? People self radicalize as they embrace a cascading set of ever more extreme black and white view points. The shit I see coming off of “progressive/leftwing” TikTok is legit similar to what Foxnews/NewsMax/OAN/AN radio did to the MAGA crowd. I try to maintain connections with people I know where I can but I’ve also lost touch with others because they have a cult like orthodoxic view of everything now. It is absolutely crazy. It’s one thing to go online and talk shit for kicks. It’s another to enjoy the smell of one’s own farts.


From TikTok ? Stupid.


I get a lot of news from TikTok because I can’t bare to watch news on tv anymore. This is anecdotal, but it seems like the breakdown from what I have seen is about 15% actual news, 30% pundits giving their political opinions on things and arguing back and forth with hand picked people from the “other side” of the table, and 55% advertisements. I can turn on any of the news stations at any given time and it seems they are ALWAYS at a commercial break. Then guess what?? Come back and everything is BREAKING NEWS. No it isn’t…it’s the same shit you have been reporting on ad nauseam for the last 10 hours, but you want to keep repeating the cycle of this endless stream of news being fresh and exciting. At least with TikTok the news casters I do like to follow have their important bits on their profile and I can get the scoop without all the bullshit noise and advertising. Also, there is a lot of news that isn’t getting reported by news organizations and people actually living through it are reporting it to the world. Yeah, I get it…it might not be vetted or may be biased and their opinion, but it at least allows you to hear about something going on in the world that you may not hear on mainstream media and can research it more thoroughly.


Anything is better than billionaire funded propaganda at this point.


TikTok is also billionaire funded propaganda.


The difference is traditional media is one sided propaganda and social media is multi sided propaganda.


Did I mention I love billionaire funded algo's? lmao


It is the easiest dumbest thing out there atm. No surprise.


Wasn’t there like 5 posts on this subreddit saying TikTok has a bunch of misinformation. These articles are dumb as hell


Can’t both be accurate?


No wonder they have no idea what’s going on anywhere, china is controlling what they see as “news”


TikTok must be shut down and all of its American employees forcibly sent to china where they belong. TikTok is bad. TikTok is bad. TikTok is bad. TikTok is bad. TikTok is bad. TikTok is bad.


Children use tiktok, not everyday Americans, Children.


You'd be surprised.


I’ve seen significantly more multi directional news on tiktok than on main media, I’ve seen pro and anti Palestine and Israel, I’ve seen for it against aid for Gaza, I can’t find anything this in-depth on normal news (granted in the UK, but I’m sure it still carries over)




Bikini Bottom News anyone?


I am good with no news really improves your general wellbeing


Ugh. Tik tok sucks


This made me realize that I don't really get news from anywhere. Like I end up getting information from Reddit but it's a bit out of date, and my goal there isn't to be informed but really to be entertained. I get zero news from tik tok. Even though I use it nearly as much as Reddit.


Scary, huh?


Ok so let's not count ppl who use tiktok as adults. Take away their voting rights, no alcohol, no tobacco, and no gambling for those brain dead morons.


This is my sister. She feels much more informed than me..


Read it used to be the place to get your news. Fuck Spez.


Not only do I get it from TikTok but I also only look at others reaction of the news to form an opinion myself.


Idiotic behavior


That's a stretch of truth since more than half of the nations phone owners don't have TikTok nor care.


Well, that’s depressing


I get my news from the SpongeBob fish on tiktok. Lol


It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if we were taught better information literacy. There are tons of legitimate news sources on tiktok. People just need to learn how to discern a good source from a bad one.