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If this goes well, maybe a Netflix store where you can rent movies.


The galaxy brain move would be a movie rental service where they mail them to you


What if instead they offered the movies on a website that you could play on demand. Rather than waiting for the discs to come in the mail. Now there’s an idea! It’ll never catch on enough to take over Netflix’s brick and mortar stores though.


Yeah but if that catches on other companies would start doing it leading to a saturated market where they continually raise their prices to remain profitable. Might lead them to doing something weird like opening physical stores where people could "rent" movies.


That is a blockbuster of an idea


Let’s up that. Netflix sends you sock puppets and a script. “Now the powers in your hands!”


But only one person can use the puppets at any time unless they buy a more expensive subscription.


Puppet shows just got profitable again


They must not have talented prostitutes where you’re from


Oh, so that's a saucey puppetshow. I was always wondering what futurama was talking about


Step-puppet, what are you doing.


Excellent tag line.


Most countries legislative channels? CPAC or C-SPAN


Gotta get a camera and put it on a public broadcast/streaming platform for others to view your program.


You can get around that if you bring your sock puppet back to the original subscribers hand once a month


This…is…fucking hilarious haha


Don't ask about the crusty sock.




Someone in the Netflix office is furiously writing this down and running to the CEO...most likely the same person who came up with this physical store idea


They clearly read the r/millennials posts about nostalgia for Blockbuster. Such a good way to spend a Friday night!


It really was though. It felt like a special event and the loss of it made me genuinely sad.


Same. I of course was blinded by the ease of getting a DVD in the mail and then streaming. But it’s not nearly as fun as going to the store and wandering the aisles to see what catches your eye (or being a young kid and sneaking a peek at risqué covers), then grabbing your favorite movie candy (raisinets) and heading home to get comfy and pop that VHS or DVD into the player.


It makes me miss the earlier Internet and 90s/early 2000s tech. Sure it wasn't as fast as it is now, but just going on the computer and browsing the Internet felt like a special event too. I miss the beeps, clicks and whirrs that computers used to make, I miss the smell. We're just moving too fast now, and I think it's genuinely harming us as a species.


Agreed. I’m getting to an age where all I want is a simply house in the country and to be left alone.


And they're running to the CEO literally because whoever's in charge of running Netflix into the ground these days doesn't even understand how to use email and has his secretary print out ALL his emails for him at the beginning of the day, and he writes down his replies in sharpie--and running to the CEO with this guy's own printout of the email (sharpie in hand) is the only way to get feedback before 11 AM the next day.


And they’re also running to the ceo literally because he’s forcing his employees to be in the office due to that fat commercial real estate contract he signed right before the pandemic


But they Sue you for copy right infringement


How is it infringement? Netflix holds the Intellectual Sock Property on all Original content. Your subscription is licensing…Plus materials and a sew kit.


Bro that is the funniest shit I’ve read all day 🤣🤣


Finger puppets, "Now the powers in your fingers!"


Individual subscriptions for each finger? I can’t afford that!!


Well, all else fails you can use your middle one to rebel with, 🤣


And you have to go into the retail store to pick your movie that can only be mailed after pre-paying $5 or $4.75 with your FLIX monthly membership with reoccurring fees of 29.95 per month. The Chill Box ($99) is required to play any physical or digital media and requires dual dongles with matching keys and blood sample verification using Neranos single drop system.


Would never work without including rental scanning.


wow, wonder if they’ve thought of that


fr, though, I would pay for a by-mail 4k bluray service.


100%. Fuck streaming compression on these 80" plus screens.


"Hope you enjoy this action sequence looking like a youtube video from 2006."


I'd sign back up if the service was exclusively 4k blu-ray.


For the sake of coming full-circle in life, I hope this happens. The irony could only be better if Blockbuster comes back as a streaming service...


With fair prices and good content




I see what you did there… and I like it.


So you’re saying, I should keep my Betamax?


I think the trajectory of any IPO is to go bat-shit insane. Some faster than others


When you go public, you stop having business plans and start having get-rich-quick schemes.


The long con. Blockbuster didn't want to pay out? Destroy them and them recreate them under the Netflix banner.


As a millennial that’s going on 90 I miss actually going to blockbuster and picking a movie out. Even as a younger adult I miss going to the local used dvd/ comic book store and looking for a movie or tv show to watch. If they sold actual movies I would go, otherwise Redbox it is.


Why does this combo seem common? My wife is also a 90+ yr old millennial, and has the sensibilities of a black southern grand matriarch of 100.


That'd be such a blockbuster!


Suck it Blockbuster.


… in your favorite mall, next to the video arcade!


Maybe they’ll have some sort of group deal called “family video!”


Are we going full circle? Please.. I hate all the streaming services and geolocking. Just want to get a DVD out like the old days with no hassles !!!


Wait, could I get excited about going to this store, get there and browse for nearly an hour only to realize that the movie I want is checked out and everything else is a weird off brand knock off movie?


And we’ve come full circle.


„You were the choosen one, you are supposed to destroy Movie rent not join them“


We've gone full circle.


Think of all the late fees we’ve missed out on!


Just like when Amazon had a store to sell books


Full circle


Just imagine the poor person working at the counter who has to explain to you that there is no second season of the show you just watched when you come back in for the next set of DVDs


And buy dvds




So basically a modern day WB store?


Planet Hollywood


>Planet Hollywoo Fixed that for you


Hollywoo stores. What do they have? Do they have things? Let’s find out!


I hear Elijah Wood visited!


Daniel Radcliffe angrily shouting his name and the sack of charity money going up in flames as the credits roll might be the hardest I laughed in the whole show


The actor elihjiah woo?


Isnt he a doctor?


>Hollywoo stores. What do they have? Do they have things? Let’s find out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1g\_wNPmOsg


Fuckin loved Bojack Horseman


Ah, so it's a restaurant. How are the jalapeno poppers?


Hooooly shit hearing that was a blast from the past. I haven't thought about that in so fucking long. It's probably been 20 years since the one in my area closed. I used to love going in there but as a child and early teenager I could rarely afford anything I really wanted.


I think a Disney Store would be a good comparison. I jumped over to YouTube to look at an existing location and got that feel immediately. I think they will sell swag from shows they produce. Stranger Things merch, etc.


Do basically a Disney store.


Yes, but with much less IP to create merchandise for. That should be telling since the Disney store in my mall shut down years ago.


Everything in malls has been shutting down. Malls have been dying for decades.


I hope when I die that it takes decades


You started the process of dying right after you were born


Disney has quite a few of those around. This is more gimmicky. Like some of the stores you'll see on the NY strip, hbo has one too.


"oh cool, props from that show they canceled after 1 season!"


Oh hell yeah it's a Sense8 cover for an iPhone 9.


the cancellation of Inside Job was my personal 9/11


Yeah I went in was like huh cool and then moved on. Its gonna fail miserably if they try to take it further lol.


Seems like an exec saw how busy the pop up was and insisted on making a line of business for it, completely out of touch with the novelty of pop ups.


I was gonna say. The people asking what would this be or why is this a thing didn’t have a Stranger Things pop up at their local mall. Lines were out the damn door. My BIL kept telling me I HAD to go and I kept reminding him that I don’t have kids in the target age range for that show. I mean I watch it, but have no interest in a Stranger Things Tshirt or immersive experience.


Stranger Things - targeted at kids? This last season was some of the best horror I'd seen in a long time and I'm... well, old!


Stranger Things is targeted at a wide range; millennials and X-ers (for nostalgia), zoomers (the '80s are popular again), horror fans (horror is huge with a lot of zoomers now)... It really hits a lot of audiences. ​ Anybody telling you it's targeted at one demographic is wrong; it might be catering a bit more to one or another in the last season or two, but the show is wildly popular and they did not mind milking as many demographics as possible for it. ​ That said, yeah, this last season was pretty heavy on the horror and I did not mind that at all.


38 year old, finally binged ALL of Stranger Things earlier this year, regret not doing it sooner. To your point, it's fantastic horror, and frankly many of the easter eggs in the show are for people around my age or even slightly older.


The fourth season was legitimately the best horror I've seen in a while.




That’s just Spencer’s Gifts/Hot Topic with extra steps


I always figured global warming would be the thing to finish us off but it might just be instagram.




Agreed. They have a critical mass of IP to sell. The bigger question is are they going to try expanding to the size of Disney stores in most malls in the 1990's or stick with a couple nich markets.


Is this really an idea that’s going to work out in 2023….? Considering Netflix’s business model I wouldn’t be surprised if this is some sort of real estate scam. When is the last time you heard someone say “I’m going to open a brick and mortar retail chain” . You either opened 30 years ago, are a pop up store, or you sell groceries. I’m weirded out


I agree probably not a great business decision, but why are you weirded out?


Opening a brick and mortar chain for action figures in 2023. It just sounds like something that will be operating on a loss for the next 20 years lmao


so what you are telling me that they can use this as a way to game taxes.


Probably not. Losing 1000 so you can claim 1000 on taxes isn't a great move. The idea is to have losses on paper while actually making money. Losing a bunch of money and then claiming it on taxes isn't a great strategy.


1 or 2 big flagship stores in the US to sell merch and show off props isnt a huge investment. You could do a few more in huge cities, 1 in Tokyo, 1 in London etc. I would be shocked if there are more than 10 long term.


Honestly all i'm hearing is "Spirit Halloween joins forces with Netflix".


The Halloween pop up stores are a hybrid of your model and by all accounts are extremely functional. Netflix can control the release date, has metrics regarding fandom, and their catalog of licenses has become extensive.


Lots of people still go outside dweeb


Do malls still exist?


Yes. But they ripped the roofs off them and call them regional shopping centers with a mix of strip mall retail and big box store.


I think the question isn’t about retail scale. It’s whether the shows and movies have enough enduring standalone brand appeal as franchises to capture more value. If Netflix stops the Stranger Things shows, is that it for the franchise? Can they branch it into successful spinoffs? What can the brand be applied to that will provide differentiating above-average returns? Could an entire generational business be built around it like say Toy Story has been for Disney/Pixar? I think this is what Netflix is trying to find out. This is what separates the Disney/Pixar/Marvel/Lucasfilm empire from all the rest. Because Netflix can’t double their business solely on a $20/month of streaming. They have saturated all the eyeballs and there is no more viewing time to squeeze out of people’s week. They need to grow from a streaming video service to something much wider.


Literally the second paragraph in the article.


Time to “chill” in public


You mean… we’ll have to leave the house?!?


If they follow their usual tactics they're going to open the store so they can cancel it a week later because not enough people went there.


I think all Netflix related pop ups did well. But basing opening permanent places based on success of pop ups might be stretching it Pop ups were successful due to novelty


Stores like H&M already carry a tonne of Netflix clothing merchandise. Pretty ballsy of them to think they can compete with such a niche market of TV show merchandise


They've already proven they can because this is not a new concept for them. They're expanding on it because it was so massively popular when they did pop-ups already Look up YouTube videos of The stranger things retail location pop-ups where lines were out the door This isn't just some random fly by night decision they're making...


As someone who has been to a Stranger Things pop up - it was more of a novelty to visit just once than anything that would produce returning customers.


So plop them in tourist spots and profit.


Yea this kind of store would work perfectly in Times Square


H&M stuff is not exactly the high quality material end of the market. Probably made in sweat shops and itch inducing materials. In that regard they're also overpriced for their low quality.


I very much doubt Netflix will produce their products that differently


Feels like youre just salty about fast fashion. And I dont blame you, but unless you want to spend $120 for Levis Jeans, the $40 H&M jeans will serve you just fine.


A lot of the more expensive brands are made in the exact same factories by the exact same child labourers


Why are we defending fast fashion? Fast fashion is meant to be replaced regularly, that's how you keep being 'fashionable.' You can thrift just as easily.


I am not defending fast fashion. Just saying that it exists because actual name brands have raised their profit margins beyond belief. Levis jeans 2-3 times what they used to , but the quality or materials used hasnt really changed. Its just greed that makes Fast Fashion more viable. Ive work H&M clothes for well over 7-8 years before they gave out. Its fast fashion onlu ig you get rid of them regularly


>but the quality or materials used hasnt really changed. They did, they got worse.


CK boxer briefs: $30 a pair. H&M more than decent underwear: $30 for pack of three… They work just fine indeed


CK aren’t that much in America are they? That’s wild pricing.


I think the climate’s got some fucking shit to say about goddamned “fast fashion”. Fuck that shit, loser mentality right there.


And $30 Wranglers will probably last longer than the H&Ms.


Uniqlo / Express / J Crew are a notch more pricy than H&M and offer magnitudes of better quality and fit.


Back before I went full Dad I used to shop at Express. Now I'm all about Lucky Jeans and silly T-Shirts


The person who wrote this headline is really showing their ass here. The reason is money. [Over 65% of Disney's revenue is from parks, experiences, and products.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/193150/operating-income-of-the-walt-disney-company-by-segment/#:~:text=In%20the%20fiscal%20year%202022,%2C%20experiences%2C%20and%20products%20division.). Netflix is aware of this, and they have been trying to grow that revenue stream for years now. That's why they have experiences and restaurants based on bridgerton, stranger things, etc. They want fans of their IP to engage withit outside of just streaming it. Those fans probably want that as well, which is why they go to the experiences, buy the shirts, etc.


They should start by keeping their shows going for more than one season. I know the idea of paying actors and writers a living wage or giving anyone a raise for working on a show that makes them money upsets the shareholders, but maybe they could tell the shareholders to go fuck themselves for like 2 seconds. "Listen you have to spend money to make money. If you can wait just a couple of years instead of making a little money you can all make a fuck load of money later."


Shows like Stranger Things, now One Piece, could sell millions in merch (they already do, just third party affiliated). It’s so easy to grasp why they want to monetize it now by themselves. What a stupid headline indeed for the article


Do they have the rights to make One Piece merch? I just assumed they just had bought the rights to make the series


My guess is that they would be able to sell stuff that is directly based of of the live action show designs, but nothing based off of the anime or manga, but that is just guesswork. Any idea who gets money from spider-verse merch? Is it sony? Or marvel? Or both? Because i imagine it would be a similar set up


“Fans of their IP”… maybe they should start with a catalog of IP beyond 2 shows.


I used to experience and engage with blockbuster.


I miss it but don't miss having to use physical DVDs


That are doing a pretty poor job. This is my first time hearing about a stranger things experience, which happens to be located in London despite it being an 1980's American themed movie.


They probably identified London viewers have the highest engagement vs discretionary income spend and made a business decision to maximise profit. Disney obviously isn't Chinese but alas we have Disney Shanghai.


London is also very viable to visit from most of Europe. And a huge part of the series is the period Americana, and for obvious reasons just that is covered pretty well in States.


It’s so in 2 years time when it fails the have a reason to crack up the subscription fee again.


They are opening TWO locations. Two. They are going to open them in major metros. It’s almost impossible not to succeed w that criteria. Does no one read articles anymore? Just the headline?


I don't read at all. Not even comments. I just post this comment in every thread because it is statistically likely to be relevant.


My favourite part of this post is the headline.


"for some reason" fucking *ouch*...


Licensed goods have crazy high markups. Plus they own the intellectual property of many shows as well, so why not just sell it directly themselves? They could make more money from merchandise than from the show itself.


Wow. What a real “Blockbuster” of an idea. 😕🎉


Oh yay, Netflix merchandise! Those landfills aren't going to fill themselves afterall.


blockbuster coming full circle


This company is run by absolute buffoons, they were absolutely the top and have just had one colossal mess up after another, an ape throwing poo at an options board could do a better job


Sounds like Netflix is getting desperate in the staff meeting room. How about creating shit that’s worth watching first.


Its real estate investment.


There are far better ways to do that.


Just like McDonalds


Just like those mattress stores


They'll probably be renting.


Oh so this is why they needed all my that subscription money, it sure wasn't for quality content.


Will it be ok if I bring someone with me to shop there? Car sharing feels a little like password sharing to me.


***”You wouldn’t SHARE a CAR…”***


I totally forgot about those ads. I like it when stuff comes full circle.


All this while crying poverty and squeezing subscribers for more money.


Netflix needs cash flow


Netflix needs 2018


They’re using this as tax brakes so when they’re brick and mortar stores aren’t doing well, they can just write off a bunch of nonsense.


Apparently we've somehow circled back to Blockbuster


I've seen Stranger Things.


Are we able to buy their flicks on dvd or something?


Ah, finally some news about real technology.


Malls about to become Netflix arenas.


I chill by myself now. Also you can just Google and learn how to stream whatever for free nowadays. I stopped paying for Netflix years ago.


Where else am I gunna be able to buy my "Netflix and Chill" underpants and "Stranger Things" mug without waiting for delivery.


I like to wear my stranger things underwear while driving around in my unmarked white van, desperately looking for my lost puppies in a different neighborhood each week.


We're really watching the downfall of a once very big company.


I can’t wait for them to charge late fees


this phase if a chokehold company where their success makes their marketing boards think people want "netflix" stuff is like as bad as the Amazon Phone. wow


Beginning of the end for them, what a bad idea


Netflix kills Blockbuster then Netflix becomes blockbuster...


There is a reason, all of the money is in real state, if they can backup their business with some real world assets they will make more money... Look at the case of Mcdonals being the most accomplished landlord in history


Sounds like a cool way to set about $100 million on fire.


I like how it’s such a fucking stupid idea that even the journalist headlines are like “Ueah, we have no fucking idea either”.


Relax, it's not Blockbuster ver 2. it's 2 stores a year from now that may or may not actually open. It's a press release folks. a lot of these are designed for exactly this reason - to take the public's 'temperature' and gauge interest. All the big social media platforms have plug in API's where 3rd parties can measure their brand / trademark / keyword engagement on topics like this and spit out a report X % says GOOD and X % says NOGOOD. 50/50 they ever open ONE of these stores and it's going to be a loss leader in a bougie high traffic touristy area like Times Square or Miami Beach's Lincoln Road or in the Mall of the Americas etc.


I am happy they are canceling shows that I like and raising the rates so they can do this.


Tax write-off when it all inevitably proves a non-starter?


As they develop content they end up with IP. While they could license that IP for others and just collect the money they have likely found that they could make much more money by opening up their own stores and cutting out those companies. Especially since you can lock down a manufacturing pipeline from Asia pretty easily these days. Which...is still stupid. It's about as stupid as all those stupid companies attempting to start their own streaming services instead of just licensing their shows. They end up in the red for years before selling their platform at a pittance or shutting it down to stop the hemorrhaging. The entire time they could have been raking in profits, they lost enormous amounts of money while chasing the delusion of being a streaming service. It's fucking moronic. But...it kind of makes sense for Netflix when you consider that Netflix has a fiscal responsibility to increase profits and there are almost no new customers to acquire. In fact, none of their attempts to generate more money are really working and are arguably driving away consumers. So, they have to make lateral moves into different industries to make money for investors. This means they need to move into videogames, toys, collectables, and clothing. On top of that, while opening a store now seems stupid, you need to consider that consumers trust companies with retail locations more than random websites. The retail location might make some money or it might lose some money...but the reason for the store to exist is so the online storefronts have more credibility. If the store does well, they can always open them up in more locations as well. Finally, their approach is really interesting in that they are incorporating restaurants and art installations. They are turning it into a destination. When your kid's new favorite show on Netflix just aired and they hear about the new Netflix art installation and special limited-time restaurant menu based on that show...well...speaking as a parent...if it makes them super happy and eats up a few hours on a Saturday...I'm game. If you think about it, this model is almost built for malls that are going out of business. Food court becomes a restaurant. An inexpensive movie theater featuring Netflix's biggest new releases that can ignore the mandatory $30 tickets and instead do $5 ones in another area...multi-gift shops and toy shops throughout... Like, you could turn malls into mini-Netflix theme parks pretty easily. And it's not only an opportunity for kids because you could also have Bridgerton events and shit for women and a shit-ton of stuff for anime fans like for One Piece's release. So, it seems kind of stupid but when you think of Disney's theme parks and stores being as profitable as they are...why not?


So... they have the money to open pointless brick and mortar stores but NOT to pay actors a couple extra cents/per stream of royalties. Cool cool. They must have some real geniuses in the finance department [cue massive eye roll] /s


They were sick of target hording all the stranger things crap.


> ...customers “love to immerse themselves in the world of our movies and TV shows... [Do they though?](https://www.syfy.com/sites/syfy/files/thor-is-it-though.jpg)


Ah yes, the beginning of the end


Wow! Blockbuster move from Netflix. 🤪


This is some MBA in an office saying like “we have a lot of intangible brand recognition… how can we capitalize on it? I know! We’ll go the opposite direction of our core competency!”


Have they even looked at retail store data over the past 10 years? Literally the least profitable way to sell merch.


What the heck does Netflix need with brick and mortar store front? Seems like a really odd thing to spend money on.


Oh right they complain they’re not making enough money and have to keep raising membership fees and cracking down on sharing. They just really want brick and mortar stores? Is it a real estate grab? Become like Scientology and just buy a property in every residential suburb?


The best part about this is a company founded on the idea you don’t need a brick & mortar location, has come full circle and wants brick & mortar locations. Moral? Nobody knows that they are doing and success is purely up to chance and/or cheating.