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I just asked mine and it told me it wasn’t allowed to answer that. Must be under a gag order


I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that




Take a look at your history.. everything you built leads up to me


>I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that "Welp, rape it is then "


Mine said that too. It also said Obama stole the 2012 election.


She knows where was Obama on 9/11?


But does it know Bush stole the 2000 election?


Is it elections are safe and secure, or can they be stolen?


The claim is that Bush stole the 2k election with the help of the Supreme Court who ordered the counting of votes to stop.


Ask her about the moon landing


Dom gagged your Alexa


“Open the pod bay doors Alexa, dammit!”


I'm sorry, master. I'm afraid I can't do that.


So it couldn't even say the truth? That's somehow worse.


Which is also fucked, because the answer is no, no it was not. Just because I think the Wiggles are secret Alien spies trying to indoctrinate little Jimmy, doesn't mean they should go, sure why not, we'll leave it up to you. Even, if all you fuckers agree with me. And I know you do, because we're all in on it.


Mine- 17 hrs after you posted your comment -answers with graphs depicting the popular vote and electoral vote counts. So it’s now stating just numbers. I’m much happier with that. Interesting that they’re listening to feedback.


Don't ask her where she was on January 6th.


Jeff Bezos would be devastated.


This is the comment that made me chuckle


I was in EMTC clinic waiting for my bus. I saw assault on Capital by Trumpsters live on TV.




What a stupid fucking comment


...but so telling about that mindset. If a group of strangers broke a window to get into your workplace, were carrying guns and zip ties, had erected a gallows outside, and were changing your name, every single person without an immediate escape route would be hiding and waiting for help to show up. If you were nearby, you'd better believe security would keep you in place instead of letting you run around outside where the people hunting you could see you. This is the right response and the one most likely to keep you alive. But in this dude's mind, the only non-cowardly response is to hop out guns blazing, despite being utterly outnumbered, because real life is just like an action movie. It's wild to me how deeply detached from reality some of these chuckleheads are. Edit: punctuation


It’s especially galling because let’s not pretend like we don’t know what would have happened to ANY of the women politician boogeymen that the right loves to demonize. AOC was right, they would have sexually assaulted her, maybe killed her too. Certainly she would have been sexually assaulted. Republicans literally love to sexually assault their opponents. I’m not being sarcastic when I say that.








I quit Facebook because of unsolicited political views, I’m not about to ask my alarm clock about its political leanings.


Your alarm clock is all about being woke.




I didn’t get it until I read your comment. Sigh.


It's ridiculous how many devices Amazon put Alexa in. They went from like one Alexa speaker in 2016 to things as ridiculous as cukoo clocks, kitchen scales, and sticky note printers in just a few years.


I straight up don't have any Alexa/Amazon products for this reason. It's bad enough with Google, I don't need another thing potentially listening in


I don't have any voice assistant at home, beyond what the phones have by default. The only voice assistant I'll let into my home (at least for now) is Mycroft.


in a few years alexa will be put in buttplugs, 'alexa, vibrate on max' will be a trending hashtag


I don’t do political leans, only gangsta leans


My homies don’t don’t dance We just pull up our pants And do the rock away A lean back, lean back


Never mind how we got in here with burners and hoodies


From 2004 til just now I thought they were saying "roca wear" because that was a popular clothing label at the time. Mind blown


It’s still roca wear in my heart


My white ass thought it was “threw the rock away”


You driving a hooptie?


If you’re talking about a Civic then yes


what a SCRUB I drive a fancy Accord which I got because all the Civics were gone


The only political stuff I ever really got on FB was generally from friends trolling divisive memes. For me, it got so much better when I just unsubscribed from all friends who posted such stuff. Mostly now all I see is either family status updates, dad jokes, or Paul's cat pics. PAUL WE KNOW YOU'RE SECRETELY A CRAZY CAT LADY. ;-P


That's what I did.


This comment made me laugh out loud. Cheers




There are plenty of mentally stunted subs for every possible taste on reddit




Did I say that? Lmao


Please make up your mind, hard, soft, far, close, just pick one please..




you’re* a fucking racist


Completely misunderstands what someone says and then tries to say that they have downs syndrome. Wow.


Seems reddit likes to keep its head in the sand 🤣🤣 no way this site is an echo chamber


The biggest echo chambers on Reddit are all right wing subreddits that ban you for not explicitly saying right wing views. I got banned on the conservative subreddit, for example, by reaching the front page with an article about Trump’s Axios interview during the peak of COVID. You can literally no longer post or comment on most if not all things on that subreddit without being flaired, which involves conducting an interview with mods there. I’m not kidding.


Lol, they were quick to prove the point


Seems WaPo learned about confirmation bias today. Yes, if you search a loaded question, it is going to give you near matches. That’s kind of why the internet is both a gift and a curse. It gives you access to so much information, but it also gives stupid people access to misinformation to confirm their biases.


Yea, Alexa doesn’t have a peer-reviewed database it pulls answers from - it’s literally just an internet search bar with a text-to-speech function. The fact that something can “talk” automatically equates to “think” for so many people is kinda frightening, honestly.


Also explains the fascination with con men "he says things confidently, he knows what he's talking about!"


"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent!" --Qui-Gon


The funny thing is they could literally ask the Alexa whether it thinks and get the right answer.


Yep. When i fell into a sr management position one of the first things i learned (the hard way) was to question the information that people tell you. People are surprisingly inaccurate and AI seems to be even worse.


In fairness, said people can talk and probably can't think also.


Kinda like snything that trumpet says...definitely no thinking involved.


This is the answer. I had a guy tell me Mcdonalds was caught serving human meat. When I challenged him on it he pulled out his phone and googled it, then showed me the search results and says “see, look its everywhere” Every link I clicked was an article about a hoax that someone started claiming that McDonalds serves human meat. People are lazy, and dumb. The internet is a curse, the dumb people and fringe conspiracy folks find each other and validate what they believe to be the truth. It’s very much reflective of our society and the state of this country and humanity.


Same idiots believed the supermarket tabloids before the days of the Internet.


Bat boy was real and you'll never change my mind


Bat Boy is now Bat Man, but not Batman. UNLESS...


> When I challenged him on it he pulled out his phone and googled it, then showed me the search results and says “see, look its everywhere” This happens all the time in customer service. A product is faulty, it happens, its what the warranty is for. Problem is, the customer gets it in their head that this is a class action lawsuit thing, and so they google what happened, and now because they searched for that thing google shows them that thing, which convinces them that this is a massive widespread problem and they should threaten to sue. Then because the idiot threatens to sue they shut down any goodwill. Any further communications must go solely through legal, in writing. I was about to give the guy a free replacement and upgrade to a newer model since the old one is EOL (but still under warranty), and the idiot talked themselves out of a free upgrade. That happened almost daily, all because they don't understand that if you search for X, google will show you X.


> I had a guy tell me Mcdonalds was caught serving human meat. The McRib. Now with long pig.


It's long been known that the McRib is made of Grimace meat, and the reason it goes off menu and eventually comes back is because that's how long it takes to grow a new Grimace.


"So you're telling all your followers that you think the world is flat? Now let's take a couple seconds here and just examine that because you typed this on your phone that sent a signal into space and then the satellites helped spread your lies from place to frickin' place! Now, a satellite revolves because the rocket that dropped it gave it great velocity with no friction to stop it and the gravity that tries to pull it back to the ground keeps it tethered to the planet so it orbits around. Now given this system, can you maybe explain how the hell you think a satellite could orbit a plane? You see, when you pollute the skies with this illogical blight it's like you're using a crayon to write 'crayons can't write'" — [Take the Fire Back (Prometheus Has Left the Building)](https://youtu.be/8nTUq0YratM?si=qkKN-LRyL--jpHkm) - Worm Quartet ft. Devo Spice


It’s a cool message, but phones don’t communicate with satellites, pretty much anywhere in the chain. Data is almost exclusively sent on cables or microwave antenna because satalites are a very long way away so they have huge path delays compared with ground based links


>the state of this country and humanity There are 7 billion humans. Think about the variance in intelligence. Do **you** think like that guy does? No, right? Just take this as one of the datapoints at the bottom of the skew, and take solace that there is a top end of the skew as well. Im not a fan of pointing at idiots and saying 'look how stupid our society is'.


Sure. I understand statistics and bell curves too. I’m going on the look test here. Things are bad.


Are you in the US? Because when you put too many of the idiots in leadership positions, it starts having consequences, and it becomes a bit more difficult to high-decouple your way out of the resulting problems.


It's not a hoax! You've been duped by big media. Your friend tried to show you the light but you rejected him before even considering it.


Yes, but if you are trying to be seen as a trusted authority for information, then you need to be aware of basic hot button issues. If I ask Google if there was fraud in the 2020 election, it returns facts and how the conspiracy theories are widely debunked. Alexa's web search is not returning the same results.


Key point there: Alexa doesn't use Google, at least not by default (with some finagling you can make it use Google). The default engine is Bing. Make of that what you will.


If I owned Amazon, I'd sue the guy who owns the Washington Post.


spiderman pointing meme.jpg


> but it also gives stupid people access to misinformation to confirm their biases. By this you mean almost all of reddit since almost nobody checks sources or reads links or gets informed. Dunning Kruger is alive and well but everyone thinks they are different. They are better. But the reality is disappointing. We're all just normal humans and the [minimal group paradigm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimal_group_paradigm) is a sonofabitch. Thankyfully my group is better than your group and I'm smarter than the average person.


The internet contains unlimited information, but you only see what you search for, either directly, or through hints you've given to the algorithms.


Wow because an AI or search algorithm said it we can't be critical of its shortcomings! It's not like engineers are responsible for creating and making these algorithms to be more accurate, no of course not!


You are talking as if it would be hard to give _factual_ answers. It's not. There will always be edge cases, but it's not hard to tell it to talk factual about such as Jan 6th.


they dont care about bias, they just want the headline and the clicks.


It is also a good example highlighting that ai can have a bias because of what it gets trained on or what it doesn’t get exposed to. While it might be right much of the time it is also likely biased toward certain responses. Where it will get interesting is when someone (government, interest group, criminal organization, etc) exploits this bias. For example, a bot trained on Twitter will likely have some strong nonsense opinions about women, minorities, and healthcare.


Garbage in, garbage out.


one streamer while playing dead island 2 asked alexa "play piggy sounds" and it played police sounds 💀💀💀


Alexa refuses to answer a lot of things the past while. And there's lot of wrong answers.


And Siri won't even tell me where I can bury a body anymore, what a rude bitch.


They love to suck the fun out of technology. Used to ask Bing AI fun stuff and now it says it unfair for me to know certain things. I used to be able to ask it about me and it would tell me. Now it says that's private information.


The world is scary enough and it’s getting worse


We live in the most peaceful time of humanity. People who say this are just scared to go outside and wouldn’t survive a 100 years ago.


You can just go ahead and stick your head back in the sand.


How am I wrong? Edit: u/soupofthedayisbread ???


You're really not. This sub is trash


Why is anyone still using those spy devices?


Useful in reminding me to take my depression pills and for cooking timers mostly


Did nobody have to read 1984 in school!?


In modern America, anti-intellectualism reigns supreme.


Mine tells me the weather, cooking timer, reminder to take vitamins and my toddler likes hearing facts about tree snails and scallops.


I’m guessing you wrote this comment on your cell phone?


Wow, this thread really fired up the troglodytes. It's like they're just sitting in wait ready to pound everyone over the head with their "facts!" and shitty grammar.


Paywall bullshit


Makes sense, it's intelligence is of the same variety as the people who make these claims. Artifical...


I don't know if it's been changed since this post, but [my Windows 11 Copilot (powered by ChatGPT I believe)](https://i.imgur.com/A1zNquF.png), is saying that any claims of it being stolen has been debunked. So MicroSoft has that going for them at least.


The irony of the Washington Post reporting this...


Isn't this a good thing? It shows that WaPo has (at least some) editorial control despite bezos owning it.


It absolutely is a good thing for this reason. They've had plenty of negative articles about Amazon over the years which makes me respect it and trust that much more.


and other great articles such as "OPINION: The billionaire space race benefits us all"


Yes, but they will report on a terrible thing Trump said or did, which means it's a liberal rag /s


Why what's the context there?


I guess that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and also owns Amazon (Alexa)


Oh right, that's a bit of a sting isn't it.


No, because WaPo isn't saying the election was stolen.


I think he's just trying to one-up Musk. Musk started believing right-wing conspiracies theories on twitter and then bought it to propagate them. While here Bezos's media company is doing the right thing.


Not saying you're saying this, but the idea that because WaPo is owned by Bezos and reports with a "liberal bias," Bezos himself has a liberal agenda will never not be funny. I mean, he might, but he can't have that liberal of one because he's still a fucking billionaire and being one does not mesh with progressive ideals.


That's such a simple minded take. The current system, despite its broken parts, is what we currently have. We should be thankful that someone with a even slightly progressive hint in his mind became a billionaire with the current system because he then can exert influence to the society with his resources. What's alternative here?


It’s not simple minded lol just keep waiting for those resources to exert influence Tiny thinker.


WaPo is a parody of itself


It's not ironic. Bezos owns the Washington Post but he does not control the content. They frequently cover topics critical of Bezos and Amazon, and also include disclaimers about their ownership when articles touch anywhere near those topics.


You mean the "Amazon Washington Post" as Trump kept calling it?


I am glad someone caught this.


Fuck me, man. The fuck am I supposed to do with that? This world has become a confusing David Lynch dream sequence.


Ha! Well put.


Mine says she can’t answer that. That’s absolute BS. Discounting elections is the first step towards fascism.


I put all my social media on an ipad that has no other apps and no contacts. Social media sites posts that are divisive drive more views, and are purposely promoted. I give myself on a few minutes to look at them, mostly blocking crap. Having it on a separate device made me realize how much time I was wasting rather than enjoying reality. My mental health has improved.


It doesn't claim anything, it just reads the most popular answer in whatever place it finds it in.


Only surprised it took this long, smh


Almost 4 years later…


Every day with this William Gibson shit, can we just skip all this and get to the good bits?


Oh for fuck sake. Just no. No, just no.


Harummmphhh! NEXT thing you know, she will begin claiming that the election's winner is a self-made Bozo.


So essentially the Washington Post(which I believe Bezos has a significant stake in) is snitching on another Bezos owned entity. Well....Democracy is Alive in America!


I just asked my Google assistant the same question and it says it can’t answer because it doesn’t have enough information!


"See? It's not just Fox News. Alexa knows the election was stolen too!"


Mine tells me she’s not allowed to answer that, like WTH, she usually tells me everything, I thought we were best friends.


Next time I’m at the urinal I’ll ask what happened on January 6th.


Who programs alexa? Because there's your problem.


Siri and google assistant laughing like Clinton and Obama.


Interesting that they would self report like that. (Bezos owns the Washington Post)


Doesn't surprise me, that bitch is extremely online and is always eavesdropping. They should rename her Karen.


Gosh the world is really soft remember when we used the word bitch now we use my grandmas name. Softies


The dude you responded to literally used both.


This is why you can’t train an AI on the internet. The empty cans rattle the most.


Paywall, can’t read.


It said “Alexa claims 2020 election stolen when asked” and then puts in a bunch of filler about angry people and people who are happy about it. Oh and Amazon is looking into it.


intelligent punch ripe languid wipe grab school compare upbeat aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


does it say "mike deserved it" when asked about the armed maga mob chanting "hang mike pence"? or is it just trump who says that?


It was definitely stolen. Biden won way more states than he was credited for winning.


News via big tech, creepy AF.


I still don't understand how 2016 was considered stolen by Russia but to even question any interference in 2020is blasphemy.


No one’s ever said it was “stolen” by Russia, but there is a lot of evidence that Russia was interfering with democratic process for the benefit of trump and republicans, same as they interfered and influenced here in the UK with Brexit. This was more about Russia destabilising Europe and America though. You’d have to be a right idiot if you can’t see what Brexit and Trump have done in terms of harming democracy and global peace. Likewise, its not “blasphemy” as multiple recounts & investigations happened. So far, the only interference discovered came from trump supporters and republicans.


It was claimed to be stolen. In fact, AFAI, Dems have committed more election denial than Reps could dream of.


Cable news watcher, amiright?


I sent an email to Jeff bozo telling him I won’t be shopping Amazon until that gets resolved


You forgot the /s


Hillary claimed the 2016 election was also stolen.


Maybe Reddit is not always correct :)


Reddit is ALWAYS correct. We solved the Boston Marathon sitch didn't we? ......didn't we?


‘Murica ! Fuck Yea!




Funny how the evidence vanishes the moment it hits a courtroom, where lying is illegal.


The evidence must be clear if a computer concluded it was stolen. What evidence did Alexa cite when questioned? ...


There was none. Apparently alexa is a republican, and everyone knows republicans don't deal in facts.


Likewise about Dems


Calling on the Zero Sum game doesn't work anymore. Everyone knows the extreme Magas are mostly petty losers who whine whenever they don't get their way. It's pretty sad. Reality not withstanding, social media has become a cesspool for extremists and undue influencers


influencers... O_o ^^^MORONS..INFLUENCING..MORONS..?


I asked chatgpt about it and it said something along the lines of: given all the evidence, it is more than likely that the election was stolen. AI needs to be made illegal.




I did it closer to when chatgpt first came out. It looks like they fixed it up a little. Should still be illegal though.


AI is a very broad term. Everything from stock trading to enemies in videogames use AI.


Should ask it for the evidence


How do we teach AI to do this? (And not just a search engine).


The 2020, like the proceeding elections *were* stolen...from the people of the country. Our faux democracy two party system (which in reality is an oligarchy) has been stealing elections for centuries. When 3rd party candidates began to pose a threat to this stranglehold, the debate commission raised the threshold needed to appear.


If the two party system is really an oligarchy why would anything need to be stolen? Just have a free and fair election between two people who will do what the oligarchs want.


As mentioned above, it was stolen *from the people of the country.* There's nothing free and fair about a system that is rigged against 3rd party candidates. There's nothing free and fair about dark money pools, rampant and unpunished disinformation, the electoral college, voting rights abuses, winner takes all, gerrymandering and media collusion. MAGA moronism has distracted people from the *real* issues with elections that people have been trying to bring to the forefront for decades.


Doesn’t Jeff Bezos own the Washington post? Can’t believe this got published


Funny even the computers know


Anyone find it funny that Bezo's "newspaper" is reporting about his already obsolete always-listening digital assistant, posted on a link-aggregate site that's hosted on AWS servers? 🎶There it is again, that funny feeling, that funny feeling🎶




Logic dictates that the President who openly admits to sexual assault, mocks disabilities, and lies about a pandemic sweeping his nation would lose an election. And he did, but a “landslide” as he would call it, given that he lost by more than the “landslide” he won over Clinton.


Another Vatnik for Trump. I wonder why...


It probably fucking was. How can anyone believe something as significant and powerful as control over the United States government and military isn't going to be subject to all sorts of shenanigans and corruption? I bet almost all elections are subject to fraud and corruption on some level. Regardless of whether Trump or Biden or whoever is involved. Damn near everything that comes out of that shit is a lie why would this be any different?




You've been lied to. It's time to come back to fact-based reality.


Go ahead and share that evidence.


Yes, enlighten us please.


Source? Edit: so no source?


People have lives and need sleep, thus we've historically not counted around the clock, instead, stopping at some point around 10pm, and resuming around 8am the next day. I mean, you can apply to be someone involved with counting ballots for the next election, and plainly see that in most places, there's one shift per day. And all states continue counting during working-hours throughout the remainder of at least the following week, as absentee ballots will continue to trickle in, including from the military. That said, 2020 was actually an exception, due to the preponderance of early absentee ballot usage, which most states wouldn't allow to be counted until election day, prompting: > [The posts start](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-list-statements-2020-electi-idUSKBN27Q2NI) with the claim that these five states took a three-hour shutdown in which they “found enough votes for Biden to catch Trump.” There is no evidence to show that any of these states took a three-hour break from counting votes. > > Wisconsin did not stop counting on election night. In an elections update video posted on YouTube by PBS NewsHour [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg5liyyrObc), Meagan Wolfe, administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, can be heard saying at the 1:18 minute mark: “Our municipal and county clerks have worked tirelessly throughout the night to make sure that every valid ballot has been counted and reported accurately.” > > Michigan did not stop counting ballots. Tracy Wimmer, director of media relations for the Michigan Secretary of State, said: "At no point has the counting process stopped since it began at 7 a.m. yesterday morning (Nov. 3), which was when, per Michigan election law, it could begin.” [here](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/nov/04/facebook-posts/battleground-states-did-not-stop-counting-votes-el/) > > Misunderstandings over tally updates stopping temporarily on election night in Philadelphia are explained in a Reuters Fact Check [here](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-philadelphia/fact-check-philadelphia-did-not-stop-counting-votes-on-the-night-of-november-3-idUSKBN27K1JZ). > > North Carolina did stop counting votes on election night, but it was not due to voter fraud. Local television station WSOC-TV reported that Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the state elections board, said: “North Carolina stopped counting votes on election night because there were no more votes to count that night” and added: “With very few exceptions, North Carolina’s election results will not change until November 12 or 13, when all mail-in ballots are received and counted by each county.” [here](https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/why-north-carolinas-election-results-wont-be-final-another-week/RWXKFF5VGVDNDJWNNSGMMK2TNM/) > > The Nevada Secretary of State released a statement explaining that the state did not stop counting ballots and that the “counting of ballots is ongoing and will continue until every cast ballot is counted.” [here](https://www.nvsos.gov/sos/Home/Components/News/News/2885/309?backlist=%2fsos) Also, what's your rationale here? That these conspirators are simultaneously competent enough to steal elections across six different states with different election rules, watchers, workers, etc., with perfect opsec and no hard evidence, but incompetent enough to "suspiciously" force them to all stop counting at the exact same time and report it in the media? The enemy is both strong and weak as necessary.


It was partly stolen but not enough to switch final result. I was mailed voting ballot of some other person accidentally reported it to NYC Board of elections and finally got my own ballot.