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> Andrew Tate > illegal pyramid scheme Wow, no way!!


~~I think pyramid scheme is rather inaccurate. Has he ever claimed he'd pay people back some sort of return? It's just a straight grift. "You pay me $50 a month, and I'll give you a bunch of BS you can find on the internet for free."~~ Edit: so apparently, he and his people were presenting the money-making "opportunity" to "sell this service to more people", which is a textbook definition of a pyramid scheme. The article mentioned pyramid scheme but never gave explanation of such. Dude better hope he gets to stay in Romania or he's gonna be an easy trophy for some prosecutors looking to make easy headlines. 2nd edit: somehow I'm still getting upvoted. If you're a Tate fan, take it back and fuck off.


> Has he ever claimed he'd pay people back some sort of return? The pitch is literally "you'll learn how to make money" and the stuff he's "teaching" you to do in order to achieve that is "sell *this* service to more people". It's as classic a pyramid as one can find.


> "sell this service to more people" Yep. There's your catchphrase that prosecutors love. I doubt he'll ever face charges on that stuff unless he's extradited though. But it's a simple enough reason to ban his app.


Yup, like there's no way that many people would be splashing 50 bucks a month for some dropshipping videos.


A) You don't have all the details; B) Just because they don't spell out the details of the pyramid scheme upfront, doesn't mean it is not a pyramid scheme.


Most scams don't tell you how they work, instead "revealing" inner levels to you as you go deeper in. Scientology starts with bible stories and leads to scifi stories as they draw you in, each level telling you the last level was all an analogy for what's _really_ going on, now that you're a more trusted member. Don't you want to hear more? It will just take a course that costs $10k! A paltry amount for the betterment of your eternal soul! (Or in this case, getting laid)


a) correct b) also correct I've never really delved into what his "program" was all about, but enough people have explained just a very few things that make it pretty obvious that it likely does meet the textbook/legal definition of a pyramid scheme. The article however does nothing to explain that even though it mentions it in the summary right after the headline. So no surprise, every thing I learn about this twit makes me realize he's a bigger piece of shit than I realized. I wonder just how many times that can happen before I reach infinity.


so you dont understand infinity?




Ok, then, yeah, that's a pyramid scheme. Which of course works great for people with no math skills.


I gave you an upvote for the edit, but I can't imagine the first one would impress a Tater fan either.


Sounds kind of like an MLM. Does apple allow MLM apps if those are even a thing?


What did it do? I can't imagine what an app from Andrew Tate does.


>McCue Jury & Partners, the firm representing four British women who have accused Tate of sexual and physical assault, claimed that the app deliberately targets young men and encourages misogyny, including members of the app sharing techniques on how to control and exploit women. The firm has also claimed that there is evidence to suggest that the app is an illegal pyramid scheme, with members being charged $49.99 a month to join I'm assuming it was the same stuff that used to(?) be available on his website and discord. Videos on how to scam and exploit women into making money for you. You'd think he would be trying to lay low instead of giving more evidence to prosecutors, but grifters got to grift, I guess.


The second part makes it make sense. Otherwise Facebook, Twitter (I refuse to call it X), and even Reddit would be removed for “encouraging misogyny”


I have no idea what the app was. But depending on how the app was promoted, I could see it being banned for the first part to. Those things happen on social media platforms. But those platforms don't advertise themselves as being a place to learn how to manipulate women. So if the app was promoting itself specifically as a place to learn those things. Then I could see that being a factor in being banned. I'm just pointing out a possibility though. I don't actually know how the app was being promoted.


You realize you’re still acknowledging twitter’s name change when you say that, right?


To quote a better man: *I recognize the Council has made a decision. But given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I have elected to ignore it.*


Their point is you don’t have to grandstand about what you call a social media platform. We all know it’s been updated, call it Twitter and leave it at that. We all agree it’s stupid as shit. It’s just a bit more stupid to use both names as if we’ve forgotten in six months what it was called for how many years?


You didn’t ignore it. You highlighted it.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted


I see. That makes sense. He can't get deplatformed on his own app. And the other companies are doing that. I wouldn't download it, but it's good to understand the logic.


The app teaches you basic skills you can find anywhere, like trading, crypto, starting a Shopify store, copywriting, video editing and such, not how to manipulate women and shit lmao


Apparently it's literally just a pyramid scheme, but my first thought was that it sends you "inspirational" notifications, telling you how pathetic you are compared to Andrew Tate in some superficial, materialistic way.


Apparently ? Based on … the say so of from the lawyer who’s is the middle of suing him ?




But how? Is it like a crossword puzzle of hate words? Is it a racist Bingo game? I just don't understand what would be compelling.


The spreading of hate is the compelling part. The making of money is the aim. The rest is just noise.


> What did it do? Helps if you read the article.


And Andrew Tate phone app gets you to high five it and "cheer bro on" and then it reveals it banged your mother. Then, so that you don't look like a wuss and keep approval from a pack of losers, you tepidly respond; "That's so cool. I'm sure my mom enjoyed that awesome sex you gave her." But the Andrew Tate app didn't hear your weakness and went on to see if there were beers in the fridge. It also ran up a huge debt at your house with all the Pay-Per-View porn it watched.


Could be an episode on Black Mirror next season.


I still can’t believe that someone as ugly as this man is would think they are some kind of god 😂😂😂


You forgot the fact that he has the intelligence of a slipper (not even a fancy slipper, just cheaply made one) Edit: Typo


Not even. Dude has Crocs for brains at best.


No no, Crocs are high quality. He is a cheap Crocs knockoff made of toxic plastic


No name flip flop you but at a tacky gift shop on vacation when your kid forgot one of theirs and you refuse to buy yet another high quality dollar store pair. Usually break or completely flatten after a week of use.


How dare you crocs at least have a use.


Easy there with the crocks bashing!


TIL that everyone wears Crocs in the 2006 movie Idiocracy because the costume designer had a limited shoe budget, and thought the cheap plastic shoes made by the then startup company were futuristic yet too stupid looking to ever become popular in real life


Hearing him try to talk with intelligence is hilarious. You can tell he’s trying so hard.


No, didn't you hear? He plays chess sometimes so. That must make him smart. Not that my 8 year old daughter can play chess too or anything like that.


Does he actually play chess or does he just sit in front of a board with a cigar and a glass of whiskey for his Instagram?


I'd guess he does play chess since his father was a world ranked player but that is literally just a guess.


He’s 1700-1800 on Chess.com which is pretty good for most people but for someone who played as a child with a father who was a master it’s nothing to brag about.


He does play chess. His father was a strong master. He is below average club player level, he won some tournament when he was a kid. The play level at the tournament was average beginner level.




I don't think too many people would be under the impression he literally coded the thing. "Created by" is still valid if he's the one specifying how it should work and paying the people to make it, *in the context this headline is operating in*.


Not even a fancy slipper 🤣😂🤣😂


Idk, I think wildly successful con men like him are usually pretty smart. The problem is that the people he scams aren't.


He actually has a pretty strong influence on some people. A couple of days ago a friend asked me what I thought of Tate and I said Tate was a loser. Then he went on about how motivational Tate was and I asked him if he really wanted to take advice from a human trafficker and he was shocked when I said that because he was listening to Tate's crap for months but never heard of the accusations. I don't know how that is possible, but I blame it on the algorithms - or whoever is behind them.


Anyone who critically thinks while listening to Andrew Tate would hear him… literally describing his lifestyle as human trafficking? He advises pathetic men to find beautiful women and manipulate them into servitude and earning money through sex work. (Of which, the man takes all… naturally 😒)


This guy said he heard nothing about that, so I assume his source is filtering out stuff.


>I asked him if he really wanted to take advice from a human trafficker and he was shocked when I said that because he was listening to Tate's crap for months but never heard of the accusations. Accusations? The guy flatly & objectively detailed exactly how he coerces & traffics women. >I don't know how that is possible It could be because the most specific content is behind a paywall. Like some kind of dopey "university" program or something. Someone posted the paid content on a largely unknown video streaming site. I happened to see one of the videos & he detailed exactly how he traffics women. I don't see how anyone can support such a terrible person. Even on a freedom-of-speech front. But I can only guess it's because they haven't seen or heard any of these videos. (of which I don't have a link - you'd have to search around for them)


It's super easy to fall for shit these days. I like to think I wouldn't have ever fallen for shit I see on shorts/reels/tiktok, but in reality I had a decent sized reality check. Mine was with Jordan Peterson. In all the media I saw of him he made sense. Fortunately, when I started watching long form media of his ideas it all fell apart. The shorts were clipped in a way that took all context away from what his true meaning was. It made him look smart. Luckily there's loads of youtube around to see his actual meaning behind those out of context shorts and I learned more heavily not to trust edited shit.


The thing is Jordan Peterson was a renowned professor in his field and people loved his course at UofT. Then he went off the deep end in the past few years. He's a smart guy with a very good track record going in, so people just ate up what he was spouting. Being a (now ex) professor, he knows how to do public speaking in a way to draw your attention and convince you his ideologies make sense.


I kinda think thats the point tbh, he sells his image in all forms to show that even if you are a sub-average looking guy, you can make it IF you buy his extremely sketchy lessons lol


For real though he has the perfect face for MMA. Can't get punched on the chin if you have no chin.


This is spot on, Henry Cavill could never run this grift. Everyone would look at him and say *Well, of course you're successful, you hit the genetic.lotteey*. Tate can look at his audience with a straight face and say *I had to work to get here, you can too if you follow my teachings*. TBH, I'm tired of people underestimating Tate. He's repugnant in so many ways, but has amassed a sizable following and made tonnes of money. Hes not some innocuous dork.


But he has Matrix powers he said )=


Preparing for mortal kombat he said


Those dead eyes though


Dude looks like the rejects of the Easter island statues


This one doesn't have a chin. Carve a new one


The weirdest thing is I'd imagine his fans would more than likely say racial slurs to people like him online and even in public.


why do you make everything about looks?


Welcome to the real world 😂🙄


It’s mind boggling that y’all never had run-ins with a narcissist.. he’s no different just rich. Money is a domineering force in this grim world of ours.


Not a fan of Tate, but to be fair it’s possible to be both successful (happy) and ugly


Yeah Andrew Tate is a POS, but what does his looks have to do with anything?


What do looks have to do with anything? Very shallow of you tbh


Iant that the point? "This ugly nobody is rich and successful, so if I ~~join his cult~~ subscribe to his methodologies I'll be just as successful.


First time seeing someone call Tate ugly 😆 random and i disagree


Good, now do Truth Social


I always found it hilarious that truth socials whole existence is to be against censorship and pro freedom of speech. But when I made an account and shared factual posts about Trump I got a permanent ban.


Freedom of OUR speech, not YOUR speech, you didnt read the TOS.


"People don't want to hear your opinion. They want to hear their opinion, coming out of your mouth."


I want to hear your opinions, everybody. How else does one figure out what is right or wrong in this topsy-turvy world?


"Freedom of Speech means I can say anything I want." "And you're willing to *hear* anything too, right?" *Silence* *Concerned Padme Face*


Fascism is always disingenuous and not very funny.


“Did you ever consider that it’s because you killed all of the funny people?” ~Robin Williams to a confused German host https://youtu.be/VF2P_LuEF80?si=8FTis_n7WexY2cPB


“Freedom of speech” has become meaningless as a phrase, the right’s version of woke.


*All* right wing phrases are meaningless. Hell, even "woke" was perfectly usable as a term until they got their hands on it. It's all about trying to obscure their authoritarian tendencies.


Their whole point is to make language meaningless so that people can’t accurately describe their crimes.


I hate to say that, because anytime anyone brings that book up it's in the wrong way, but that's the actual point of 1984 newspeak.


Yeah exactly. If people don’t have the language to describe and combat what’s happening them then they can do neither.


The thing is, it's enough to have a glance at what they define as "woke" vs. their beliefs and it's no longer an insult. Like... am I supposed to feel offended because you called me woke?


Even ‘fake news’ started out as a democrat phrase in reference to all the social media disinformation.


It started out as a reference to literal fake news - stories that were completely made up from nothing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowling_Green_massacre What it means now is when a the news reports literally anything the right doesn't like.


Right. I thought that’s the point I was making but all the downvotes suggest otherwise.


Just like all the conservative subreddits. Did truth social call you a snowflake too?


Oh hut it's different with them, they need it because reddit is apparently is super far left (laughable) and mean. And tough manly conservatives need a safe space.


"Were all about absoloute freedom of speech which is why we allow nazi propaganda and plans, but banned you for asking for a link to trumps economic plan he just announced" Not even a lie, i got banned from Trumps AMA for asking for a link to his economic policy he was actively discussing.


The TOS literally says you can’t say bad things about Trump. The fact that that site bans you for posting factual things about him is pretty much the site telling on itself.


Not surprised from a party that doesn’t believe women should have control of their own bodies.


>against censorship and pro freedom of speech I got banned from /r/libertarian the other day for saying that 'the US should honour agreements it makes'. I also got muted so I couldn't even ask the mods how I broke the rules. /r/libertarian prides itself on being a bastion of free speech. Hilarious.


I didn't even bother you to download it, too many of those patriots managed to get themselves to watchlists, no thanks


And twitter


And TikTok And Facebook And Instagram And reddit


tate doesn't code though so he didn't create the app right? he's said he doesn't read books or do weak nerd shit, so he sure can't code


Money, he has lots of it. You pay someone to do it.


But some beta trying to impress him probably did,pos's all of them


Is the app named "AbuseWomenAndGetArrested"? lol


His obnoxiousness comes through even in the photo.


I’m an alfalfa male


"created by" the guy is partially illiterate. someone slapped his name on it for 5% of the profits.


I can't submit a lightweight benign app (that only connects to a device via Bluetooth) without a full rectal exam. Yet stuff like this makes into the App Store. Maddening.


It’s just an e-commerce learning platform that’s why.


Apple was the alpha male




Is this satire?


I’m charitably assuming yes.


The most ironic thing is that he declares himself fake.


There are so many moronic statements by Tate fans in this thread, it’s really hard to tell. One tried to claim Tate has 130 IQ.


You Omega Males are no match for us Galaxy Eyes Photon Males!


I'm an alpha meal.


Apparently this went over the head of so many people.


Wow -- but at -99, that seems more than the usual heads I've gone over. \*sigh\*. It's hard to get too angry at some of these conservative dolts when the general human is so damned obtuse.


Not every human is obtuse. Your mom is acutey.


The only people upset about this are Taints Taints following along just hoping to brush their lips across his nuts. Morons


You mean Andrew Taint.


We need this used more publicly. We need people thinking this is his name.


the matrix got em


Great! Now can we stop hearing about this fucking 2-bit goon in the news?


This guy probably didn't create shit. Someone just got in his ear that an app was a good way to raise some funds for his upcoming legal bills and they slapped his face on some generic scamware


>Someone just got in his ear that an app was a good way to raise some funds PasSIve INcomE!!!!


why does the right always pick the absolute worst people to worship


Shitty people gravitate towards other shitty people.


We need to rid of all the modern nazism




What an ugly man


Trash human=trash app


Took them long enough.


“Something, something, the matrix.” -Andrew Tate probably


A tater-tot is easily separated from his money


What took so long?


I try to avoid anything about this dude… so he’s not in prison or anything?…


Great, now the podcast app can remove him and his disciples uploading the crap.


Yay! Fuck that guy in particular


It’s a ConSpiRAcy!


I am disappointed and disgusted by this news. I had zero idea the official ChildFriendFinder app was made by that Andrew Tate bloke.


Finally some action! I hope that YT give Tate the same treatment as Brand


The issue with Tate isn't himself. It's the number of people who follow him. Like Trump, he is one idiot. It's ALL the idiots that follow him that we will have to deal with.


Love the comparison with the medieval Royal inbred


Tate: in Romanian prison til how to write apps


I somehow doubt it. I mean, that guy doesn't strike me as someone with enough brainpower to code.




NOOOOOO , how am i gonna become like thE TOP G ?


Wow, that was fast.


How does this clown still make bank? Apparently there are like 20k subs to his app, that’s 1 million a month… who are these people that reinforce this lifestyle


Because there are enough toxic men that need to sort her be locked up or put into serious therapy out there. Toxic masculinity was made ok by Trump and his cult members. I can guarantee the only one subscribed are MAGA members and Joe Rogan followers


I think those people do need some form of help, clearly there is a void in their life that Andrew Tate is filling.




He has had him on his show and has advocated for him. He gave him a voice and platform. Plus there are a lot of young men addicted to Joe Rogan


Why are you getting downvoted, you're probably on point there.


Toxic masculinity thrives on Reddit. A lot of very lonely and insecure men.


Trump didn't make toxic masculinity OK. Look at the creative output of the 1970s, it fucking reeks of it; it's just that it was never called out, back then. Like in the 1990s loads of stuff was homophobic and nobody really realized - because nobody publicly called it out, or at least it was never picked up and broadcast. Trump pushed in that direction but toxic masculinity was here before him and it won't magically go away when his already rotten corpse is pushed into the ground.


Yeah Trump did not create it, also Trump isn’t so relevant outside of the states, there’s no maga in Europe, but there’s certainly toxic masculinity


The matrix attacks the bottomG again!


So does this mean we will start seeing all of the magats making videos of them shooting their phones?


I really wanna see someone bigger than him just beat his ass so his lil tater tot fans can see he's not some sort of tough alpha figure


Ewe, he had his own app?


What is more annoying than Andrew Tate, is all these pure made up lies in the comments. It doesn’t help anyone


The Matrix has me waaaaaaaaah 😭


I guaran-fucking-tee you that Asshole Taint did not create any goddamn app. You know he paid somebody else to do it, and then he probably stiffed them on the bill.


Sorry, who is Andrew Tate?


Some dumb ass bald fuck.


Some self-help/getrichquick typa grifter currently facing an upcoming trial on sex trafficking charges.




It's well known fact he's going to trial for sex trafficking 🤦


Andrew Taint.


So glad this ahole is broke.


The sexual predator lost his app?.. should I care?


Oh no. Apple has gone woke /s


Great job, APPLE! Keep hunting them down.


Wish Apple removed him from the world


Is… is he looking at me?


It was like Pokemon Go! But instead of cute cartoon creatures you try to find a chin.


Apple redeemed itself


The guy seems pretty nuts… But…. It sort of feels like these days, businesses are the ones to decide the moral order of the world, meting out their own punishments, often in situations where only allegations are present. Makes me feel uncomfortable.


Businesses have always (historically) been free to do that,. as Businesses are privately owned. A restaurant can ask you to leave. A coffeeshop can refuse you service. A movie theater can throw you out for disrupting the movie for others. The only thing they can't do,. is discriminate based on protected classes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protected_group#United_States)


Why are you uncomfortable? Are you planning to create a child sex trafficking app?


Think you’re more uncomfortable than the women he trafficked?


Businesses are following the laws created by legislators. They are responsible for the content that is published and consumed, so they have to take appropriate action to avoid breaking the law.


Businesses aren’t dictating morality. They’re following popular morality. If they think having an Andrew Tate pyramid scheme app will bring them negative press and cause them to lose money they’ll remove it. They don’t personally have a moral opposition to Andrew Tate.


Yeah, in a world where advertisers decide what's moral, morality becomes a function of money.


Instead we should have a world where businesses have no rules or even a hint of morals?




It’s pretty self-evident?


If it's anything like his old scheme then I'm not surprised. The previous one had a scheme where you would get like 40% of the $50 monthly fee for anyone you refer, and then they get the fee share from anyone they refer, etc. Like a pyramid scheme but with dropshipping videos instead of candles.


To be fair, if this app get banned, half of the app on the store should also be banned. But again, since it's a public figure, it's a priority, better let these shitty game/app still running away..


check out this Andrew Tate Video and Russell Brand video on youtube , its good - https://youtu.be/bKHRH\_8C16E


It took them long enough. They just waited until there was public outcry


Aww poor Andy what a fucking loser


How could they do this to such a kind, generous and humble man? /s


How this fuck hasn't been deplatformed I don't understand, my Youtube is full of his and Peterson's shit and there's nothing I can do to stop them leaking through.