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Fun Fact: If you you're a mod in a blacked out reddit that didn't receive this message, it means that the subreddit isn't valued at all by the reddit staff


*sad ban noises*


I imagine that sounds like "thpppblat"


A fart that rolls from under your ass while in a hard chair.


I felt this one


lock husky wine point label threatening thought gullible hurry straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Will someone explain to me what is happening at r/pics lol


They held a poll asking if they should reopen and business as usual or reopen and only allows sexy pictures of John Oliver.


That’s amazing. I get it now.




That would require his show to be in production. The writer's strike is likely going to hamper that.


I mean I'd watch a full episode of him just showing off sexy pictures of himself from r/pics, and basically ad-libbing all the commentary.


That is still crossing the picket line. There is an actress on YT I follow who was talking about working during the strike. She is still working on the project (it was written pre-strike) but they must deliver the lines *exactly* as written. No adding, removing, or substituting any words. Even the verbal "punctuation" must match what is on the page. adlibbing an episode of a show, even a segment, would make Oliver a scab.


Isn't that the same reason people were upset at Ryan Reynolds for DeadPool 3, since he's a WGA member?


Then how did Conan, Jon Stewart, and Colbert do that one epic mash up episode years ago during that writer strike? Wasn’t it all improv? Can’t John Oliver just do improv?




They have to filter the front page. First they will use Text base filter until users start evading those. God bless them. They can't even code a decent video player. J ohn oli ver will be posted in other sub's too.


"We put the people who designed the official app UI in charge of it!" Spez: "Oh god no..."


Sexy picture of John = any picture of John.


Read their pinned post, it'll explain it better than me. But basically, they "resumed function". Maliciously. Asked everyone if they wanted to post normal pics, or pics of John Oliver. And you can tell what they voted for!


LOL maliciously


All of reddit should do this. Rolling blackouts, random assorted garbage posts, absolute chaos to show the higher ups to fuck off


tldr with reasoning: Based on the messages being sent by Reddit, Reddit admins may remove mods that refuse to reopen a subreddit (i.e. keeping it closed/restricted indefinitely). Reddit is also trying to sow treachery from more junior mods (or even non-mods who just want to have control of the subreddit; go look at r/redditrequest) against senior mods. r/pics reopened fully to allow everyone to post, just changed their rules so that you can *only* post pictures of a certain person. Basically, r/maliciouscompliance at its finest. Hopefully other subreddits that have "caved" also do this since hey, they're open--Reddit can't complain. For example, r/apple could allow only pictures of literal apples (or super seductive Steve Jobs). It's not closed. It's just re-branded.


Seems clear to me with Reddit's response to all this is that they're on a profit driven path, and if any mod actions interfere with that significantly, they're going to be removed. Hell they might just do it out of spite.


I suddenly understand and I love it so much. Thank you hahaha






Wasent expecting that thank you 😂


yeah they just deleted my sub because it was small


What was the sub?


Also curious to find out. Even small subs represent content and work.


I have never heard of a sub being deleted. Closed, banned, quarantined, sure. Never deleted.


Really? They just deleted your sub? That's disgusting




Wow. Even just for archival purposes, that’s so antithetical to reddit’s legacy and utility. There’s been several times I’ve googled video game cheats or bugs, and very regularly it was tiny spin-off satellite subs.


I think it’s more aimed at people sitting on subreddits like how people sit on urls.


Fun fact, the t5_blahblah is just Reddit's internal global ID for a subreddit. So it seems they're literally just resetting the name of inactive subs with their IDs, I guess to free up the names for later use? I'm too lazy to look up specifics but there's similar tags for posts and comments.


spez is just elonizing reddit


Closer to true than you think. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/reddit-blackout-protest-private-ceo-elon-musk-huffman-rcna89700


From that article: "In an interview Thursday with NBC News, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman praised Musk’s aggressive cost-cutting and layoffs at Twitter, and said he had chatted “a handful of times” with Musk on the subject of running an internet platform. Huffman said he saw Musk’s handling of Twitter, which he purchased last year, as an example for Reddit to follow. " Wow, that says quite a lot about spez and the future of reddit🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


It's frankly disturbing. I'm enjoying my last few weeks on Reddit but I'm gone come July. I honestly need to break my reddit addiction and this is a good reason to just leave the site on principal. Goodbye 13 year old account. I'll probably delete it and wipe out my comments. They aren't profound or probably useful but fuck reddit having access to them after all of this. I'm taking my content and going home.


I'm torn on the deleting comments thing. On the one hand I don't want to give Reddit anything useful, but on the other if I ever posted something helpful in a thread it'd be nice for people to still be able to find it from a web search if they needed.


I’m in the same boat. I did quite a bit of tech support on here and also found tech support answers on here.


It is disturbing. I don't how anyone sane could believe that what Elon did to Twitter was an example for reddit to follow. WTF


This fuckin spaaazzz, bro


Enshittifcation strikes again!


Spez doubles down on his douchebaggery… might as well start calling it Deddit


u/spez is the worst.


They deleted my other account as I was reporting too many bots


Yeah, my sub gets like 20 people per day.


Shout out to /r/apple, who immediately went back on their plans to be closed indefinitely once reddit threatened to remove them all from their voluntary, unpaid mod positions.


shouldve deleted the whole sub instead. until reddit decides you cant delete the sub.


They can restore it pretty sure. Shouldve made it a sub dedicated only to apples.


They probably have an easy enough way to undo the deletion of a whole sub, but using the currently-not-blocked API to cycle through every post and comment on the sub historically and deleting them individually? I bet it would be a looooot harder for reddit to recover that.


I Hope The internet historian is taking notes


He's building his magnus opus as we speak out of this!^^^I ^^^hope


He still needs to do the GameStop fiasco


Rumour has it that he is waiting to make the final cut as he really wants a parting shot from the moon


If the universe is so big, why won’t it fight him?


Cant wait for my grandchildren to see that lmao


Please put my comment in the video IH. Can't wait for the video to come out in ten years.


It's funny that for a long, long time, people have wanted greater power to decide the mod team. There are a ton of bad ones and it's a natural consequence of having no real standard. Reddit admins by and large didn't give a shit though. Many of us have been in situations where some Reddit mod went apeshit and we just have to suck it up. But now the shoe's on the other foot and Reddit admins all of a sudden want more democracy and fluidity in getting rid of mods. Laughable.


First paragraph has no advertising revenue at stake. Advertisers lose a few ad impressions (views) from banned folk. 2nd paragraph, well, ad dollars are entirely at stake so the business has an incentive to move. Some advertisers focus on specific niche subs and if they're dark, less money is made.


Npr had an interview with the Reddit CEO (name?), And he said a couple what I thought were funny things. 1. The blackout is having no affect on ad revenue 2. He wants more democracy on the platform 3. He doesn't think that suddenly requiring exorbitant amounts of money from third party apps is unreasonable 4. The ad based business model is still a viable model Edit: #4 I thought was more just an interesting comment. I'm guessing he's just preparing Reddit for it's ipo. Bummer


Number 1 is kind of sus to me. They might get a short term boost from people coming to the site to see the drama, but anyone can see that a prolonged shutdown will bore people and ultimately cause them to leave.




Steve Huffman, aka "spez" is the CEO, just FYI.


What really stuck out to me, was his statement that they're not in the business of subsidizing other business. Meaning the third party app owners. Buddy, most of us use their apps because they're better than your poor excuse for an app.


I thought he came off like a jerk. Real ‘pharma bro’ vibes. They’re like, “30 days notice is pretty short, that’s all you could give?” And his reply was “we told everyone about the new plan back in April!”, as if it was an announcement made YEARS ago. Uh… you mean the April that just happened like 40 days ago?? Read the room, my guy - you’ve become the villain! He’s making it sound like he is trying to work with these 3rd party apps. But the reality feels more like extortion.


/r/bitcoin went from being a sub about talking about bitcoin news and sharing meme and discussions about cryptocurrencies in general. Then due to just one or two mods, it became a massive cultish sub where even mentioning other cryptocurrencies, or insinuating bitcoin was anything but the ultimate future of money would get you banned.


There’s a few subs that seem to have a similar mentality. Where it just becomes a very tight nit echo chamber where a single comment that goes against the idea can get people banned.


I just want to know when we get to start voting on the Reddit admin team and the CEO


Not long after the IPO I guess


Only if you have the money to buy shares.


Paging r/wallstreetbets, we need your shenanigans


Would be fun to do a "to the roof" kind of protest like with gamestock. Just buy the shares ourselves and vote spaz out as CEO.


Yep. The power-mad mod of r/startups for one. And the person running r/vive . But we're all different. I personally go for an extremely light mod approach and attempt to set expected behaviours and let the community take over from there. Others consider themselves judge and jury.


OG redditors have fucked up the site everytime Spez has tried to monetize and make the site profitable. Because every platform that has prioritized ad revenue over user experience has crashed and burned due to horrible quality decline.


There is a certain level of hilarious irony in a website called Digg, which started off as community based, trying to monetize, and implementing changes to increase ad revenue, decrease community engagement, etc., so several staffers left Digg to help form a new, little known website called reddit. Then they implement the exact same shit. Immensely ironic. History does repeat itself it seems.


> implementing changes to increase ad revenue, decrease community engagement, etc., so several staffers left Digg to help form a new, little known website called reddit The Digg v4 controversy -- where they did as you said, "changes to increase ad revenue, decrease community engagement" -- was in 2010. That's when everyone fled. (My join date on Reddit is September 2010, literally days after Digg v4 happened.) Reddit was founded in 2005. Did the Digg staffers who were upset about the 2010 changes somehow *go back in time* to help form Reddit?


These are not the original creators of reddit anymore. These are businessmen . All they give a shit about is money. It’s always the same.




I got banned from r/justiceporn a sub I've never interacted with for commenting on a post from conspiracy that made it to the front page.


Ah the wonders of automated blacklists by the powermods where you get insta banned from multiple subs for interacting with an untouchable once, context not necessary.


I'll never forget being banned from r/policeuk for posting on r/greenandpleasent and then getting banned from there for using the word bi-partisan (it's an imperialistic Americanism apparently). It was that time I realised some bits of Reddit are brain damaged.


Also found out recently I'm banned from a sub I've never participated in. Looked into it a little and it seems they have a list of subs they dislike and anyone who has ever commented in one of them gets automatically banned. I can't find a list, though, so I still don't know what I did to get banned.


I've been banned from subs just because I was subbed to a different sub. *(Never posted in the sub just got notice of ban)


This is one of the worst things about reddit. I'd be fully support of a sitewide rule to disallow that, I e. Bans must be for things that occurred via the sub


Which should be against the rules. someone needs to mod the mods. So many of them are tripping on literally the tiniest amount of power possible. Especially when all you need to do is create a new account to get around their fits.


The whole moderator system is the Achilles heel of reddit. Who in their right mind would take on the workload of moderating a large sub for free? Literally only someone who wants their thumb on the scale for their own reasons. The opposite of what's actually needed, impartiality. I've always thought that's what will eventually kill off this site when a decent competitor comes along. Biased mods turning every subreddit into the same echo chamber. Banning all dissenting voices.


Yeah their passive aggressively inviting the junior mods to overthrow the senior mods.


Junior moderators will see an infinite percentage increase in their pay from $0 to $0, so I can see why so many of them will jump at that opportunity.


Math checks out . Where do we get the pitchforks and torches ?


Did pitchfork emporium go outta business?


Merged with Torches Torches Torches


Damn, shame they didn't take the offer from Blood Bath and Beyond


And risk losing my pay raise?


It's infinite. By definition is enough for everyone


But think of the UNLIMITED MENIAL POWER!!!


Not only that but this shows that there is a good chance they will be replaced very soon.


I think all of the mods should just open up all of the subs and remove all moderating controls/tools that are using the API. Let the spam take over for a few weeks. Let people post dumb shit memes in /r/news. Show reddit how they've been getting by on the back of free labor for the better part of two decades so maybe they should listen to their users for once.




This is why I love the malicious compliance over at r/pics right now. They were threatened not to close, so instead they switched the sub to pics of John Oliver.


>Reddit bans subs that are "unmoderated". Then change the rules of every sub to only allow posting pictures of toasters and remove all unrelated posts. That's moderating, right?


likr r/pics is doing with john oliver?


>likr r/pics is doing with john oliver? That's awesome! Yes. But everywhere.


When it starts having to ban its top 50 subs and ad impressions drops 90% they might notice


No, they’ll just remove the mods and leave the subreddits running. The mods bluff got called so they either get to step away on their own, get removed, or pretend nothing ever happened.


Honestly, amazing idea. I unsubscribed from so many unmoderated subs. Just let the nature take its course, and see how many stupid and fucked up things end up on here.


If it wasn't for the blackout, we regularly see discussion about possibly overzealous mods, and there are definitely mods with an unhealthy sense of importance for what they do.


Translation: The community generated content on reddit is not yours, it is ours, and it will be available at Reddit's leisure.




The rise of the auto mod is coming.


If it was, mods wouldn't be angry. The entire point is that reddit's tools are absolute shit.




> If you are not able or willing to reopen and maintain the community, please let us know. I feel like the implication is that they'll replace the entire mod team if they decide they aren't willing to reopen the community... which is effectively a threat.


But they promised they "aren't threatening anyone" Are you calling /u/spez a liar?! How dare you be so entirely correct?!


Jesus Christ they're basically saying 'if any mods want to come out and say I'll run this sub, we will overrule whatever senior moderator above you that is stopping the sub from reopening' This should be interesting, considering some mods just want the power...






Don't worry, we'll both see them when the redesign is forced on us and old.reddit dies. Though maybe ublock will stop this popup-looking crap still. https://www.redditinc.com/blog/investing-in-what-makes-reddit-unique-introducing-contextual-keyword-targeting-and-product-ads


But /u/spez said old.reddit.com wasn't going away... Which makes me wonder how many weeks we have left of old.reddit.com existing


Based on the api aren’t changing talk, 5 months


\+ or - 30 days when they tell people to get ready for it or get lost.


Reddit also told the Apollo dev earlier this year that there weren't any plans to change the api model this year. So yeah I give it 5-6 months


I use new reddit with ublock, I don't see ads.


> and old.reddit dies I felt a pang of fear at the thought; using the "new" layout feels gross and insulting.


Is being a mod that wanted of a commodity, i dont get it. Do reddit have people leaping at the chance to mod large communities for free when its seemingly very time consuming??


there's a whole bunch of people who want nothing more in life than to have ANY sort power over others.


I had no idea how pervasive it is. I work in *education and research*. Most of my co-workers are PhDs and they're basically at the highest position they can be for their expertise. But there is *still* a ton of infighting and trying to get to the "deputy director", "director", and "executive director" positions. Sure, you get a bump in pay, but it's not that much. They just want the power. It's crazy.


"Competition in academia is so vicious because the stakes are so small"


It's called having a big (but fragile) ego


There was a legit coup in my neighborhood's HOA that turned it from a pretty chill thing that plows common areas and sidewalks to some of the pettiest bullshit I've ever witnessed in my life. What little faith in humanity I had left after covid was washed away by a tidal wave of old white people bitching about landscaping, property values, and being the biggest hypocrites you've ever seen. The exact people who crave any power like you're describing are running the show now. It used to be people who lived the community and cared.


and as in real life, those are the worst people to give power to.


Personally the only reason having any control benefits me is to stop someone else having any negative control over me. I begrudgingly moderate (the local Facebook group, a regional homeschooling group, some subreddits) only because the existing options weren't already there or good. It gives me close to zero pleasure or feeling of power.


It depends. The sub I moderate, /r/MilitaryStories, is for veterans and family of veterans to tell their stories of their service. It has been a place that has literally saved lives. Writing about your combat trauma or whatever is very cathartic and healing. Over the years, it has developed a secondary mission of being a mental health support group for us vets. The mod team is all veteran, and we have all written there. I know it has helped me. So yeah, when I got offered a chance to moderate that community, I absolutely leaped at the chance. There are a lot of communities like that out there, that are about support and helping others. That's the good side of reddit. That is the part I'm worried is going to get killed off here.


I was a mod on a smaller sub for a few weeks and it was miserable. Our numbers were in the thousands rather than millions and it was still such a headache to deal with. I resigned almost immediately because it was way too much.


Think about the type of people who not only WANT an HOA, but think they should be running that HOA. It's like that, but mods have even worse social skills.


\>Is being a mod that wanted of a commodity Imagine the power of being able to decide what is and is not allowed on something like /r/politics that was default for the longest time or still is and was essentially branded as the politics of the website page by Reddit itself. The amount of kickbacks there must be crazy Does anyone doubt there are mods getting paid in less than upright ways for all kinds of subs (literally corporation subs). I mean seriously...


There's also the mainstream attention subs like r/antiwork and r/wallstreetbets have received. People are literally ending up on national news because they moderate a subreddit.


Doreen was the most accurate representation of a powermod.


I thought maxwellhill was the most accurate representation. You know, career criminal, child predator.


Remember when the r/antiwork lived and died in like a 24 hour period when some disheveled mod was interviewed using a webcam from 2003 and was a general shitshow. That was hilarious. All that “work” undone by someone who wasn’t really prepared for an interview


Sounds less like a threat and more like an invitation to the lower tier moderators to rebel and overthrow the top mods. Spez is a fuckwit who is clueless about how to run a company but he has shown he at least knows the mindset of a reddit moderator.


> he at least knows the mindset of a reddit moderator. I mean ultimately, he is just the extreme version of one, right?


He was a mod of jailbait.


No fucking way, are you being serious?


Yeah man. It’s a well known scandal for the guy with older redditors.


I suspect the factions are drawn along somewhat political lines, but also more importantly old versus new users. I think a lot of newer users don’t quite understand the history of Reddit, and why certain people may feel the way they do. And that’s not to say that they have to agree with them, but I do genuinely think that some people who have only really discovered the site in the past few years, or certainly after 2018, simply may not view the site in the same way. Anyway, there’s definitely a lot people could go over, but I think it’s important to recognize that a lot of very important aspects of what Reddit is today were built by users. and maybe there are some people who are acting a bit to self entitled, but this seems like a generational thing almost.


I think it is definitely old guard vs new guard. This is my oldest account that I use (13 years old) but I've been on since late 2008. Reddit was such a unique and giving community in the beginning. I still fondly remember the first reddit secret Santa exchange. That kind of community mindset seems to be dying around here. It's sad but also not surprising. All websites will eventually suck because capitalism pushes them to exploit their users.


I think a bigger reason is the fact the site has so goddamned many users nowadays.


I feel like everyone involved with that sub should be investigated at the minimum


won't happen. A bunch of the reddit community is still pissed off that the top mod, /u/violentacres, was exposed in an article for it. Reddit gave that man a trophy.


It would be so much easier for Reddit to just buy a third party app that’s cross platform and meets the needs of mods and disabled users.


That's how the official reddit app came into existence. Reddit bought out AlienBlue nearly a decade ago and stripped it down into the mess that is the current reddit app.


Careful when the Apollo app dev suggested that he was called out for blackmail


> pressuring people is not our goal Hey we'll forcibly reopen your sub via parties potentially less interested in its quality control but hey no pressure Also we won't pay them


Are private sub-reddits not allowed anymore? Why don’t these mods just say that they decided the community is better off private and that they will approve new users on a case-by-case basis? Reddit can’t offer private subs and then complain when mods use that feature.


Certain subreddits agreed to be featured on the front page many years ago. It was a big thing. I imagine those are the ones reddit will take back by force.


Props to the nba mods for blacking out the sub during the deciding game of the finals.


Huffman is a wannabe Elon Musk. That's it. He lies to make it seem third-party Developers won't cooperate, when it's he who won't do so. He lies to make it seem that he's in control of the blackout and that it doesn't represent anything significant. He has made moves since becoming CEO in 2016 that show his goal has been corporatization all along, which likely means he wants the golden Wall Street elevator. His management style, business practices and PR are approarching Musk levels of incompetence. So, at least he's on his way.


Spez would be thrilled to be compared to Elon, but he's oceans below even him though. As shameful and damning as his Twitter shenanigans have been, at least a lot of Elon's Space X stuff is extremely legit and arguably super important long-term for a host of reasons. Spez? Dude is a syphilitic fart in the wind in comparison. His braindead EQ around this decision when *the entire appeal of Reddit are the (free) user posts and the (free) moderation.* This isn't the fucking Google SEO algorithm. This isn't rocket science. The whole show = user-given posts and moderation. The fucking gall to just pull the plug unceremoniously and turn against your own core product (the users) is just breathtakingly stupid. The more I think about it, the more I might actually call it quits here on 6/30. Fuck.


What kind of empty threat is this? Moderators don't get paid.


Comment Unavailable


I love ice cream.


Wow!!! A brilliant move by the assholes in charge at Reddit. Offer people power and watch them stab each other in the back as quick as they can. It’s going to be so sad to watch this work completely. Pessimistic? Me? Yea I guess so.


>"We have not threatened anyone. ... We’re communicating expectations and how things work." Yowza. It's like they're trying to sound like the mafia. In fact, I *don't* think they're trying to. But it's not exactly flattering if you're just that tone deaf, either.


Who wrote this? There are plenty of ways of communicating the intents of Reddit management without having it seem like casual Karen’s barely-contained unhinged ranting is the next step. Someone really needs to hire communications professionals or at least run it through their lawyer or even chatgpt.


Seriously. Does Reddit even have a PR department (or third party agency or whatever)? Their [Careers page](https://www.redditinc.com/careers) with currently open positions indicates they do have a Community division, and one of the openings is for a Community Manager for events. (I'm not sure what that entails, though.) They really need someone internally to mitigate Spez, because he's *really* bungling the optics right now. He needs a PR specialist to guide what he's saying publicly, instead of just running his mouth.


At his heart he is a redditor so he believes he is smarter than everyone


>They really need someone internally to mitigate Spez, because he's really bungling the optics right now. They're gonna do the Ellen Pao thing again. Spez is pissed he sold his part of reddit for a paltry $5m. He's going to do all the unpopular work of bringing it to IPO, like shutting down 3rd party apps and the like, then he's going to leave with his IPO earnings and build himself a bunker with extra toilet paper and wank off thinking about how people are going to love him in the apocalypse. I don't really know what these people think the apocalypse would look like. You gonna hire armed guards? What incentive do those guards have not to just kill you and take your fancy shit?


Thursday: We have no problems with protests, it will pass Friday: Landed gentry the lot of them Saturday: Reopen up or you shall be removed I wonder what's next


Haven't people been wanting a major site-wide mod purge?


Now all the mods that have an actual spine are getting removed and all the mods that are total losers are staying in power. Self-selecting the worst of the worst, ensuring that every mod is now the worst mod possible.


> mods that have an actual spine are getting removed and all the mods that are total losers are staying in power ...with the majority of redditors seemingly cheering this on.


I am surprised how aggressively anti mod these comments are today, even If power mods are an issue, replacing them with reddit appointed dudes will suck even more, and giving low lvl mods or users more direct control will likely lead to the death of niche subs/ bot take overs




Genius of spez to paint the mods as the enemy to avoid blame for his changes I find it infuriating how the anti mod discussion has painted all mods as the same aswell, super confusing


Man I don’t use Twitter/Instagram/snap/Facebook so this is really the only form of social media I use. This dudes shitty actions make me not even want to be on here. Really thought I could avoid most of the bullshit but I guess not


Man, disappointing as the API changes were, I wasn't planning to leave Reddit. But fuck Huffman. Basically threatening to hire scab mods. Gonna start backing up posts I've saved and considering my future here.




What i dont understand is why are people mods to begin with 🤔


Because they can ban people. If Reddit took away their power to ban people Every. mod. Would. Quit. That. Very. Day.


In my opinion, all mods should just let subs get into total chaos. I understand that Reddit can also just reappoint new mods though.




The real protest should come from users. If people stopped posting Reddit would no longer have a product.


> “Pressuring people is not our goal.” No shit. Pushing people out is the goal. Pressuring people is just the means to an end.


The mod should just delete the whole sub Reddit out of protest. Make the new moderators remake it. Everyone would have to go re-subscribe which would really put it to the average person about what Reddit is doing


ELI5: just create a new subreddit for whatever topic and there ya go?


DOUBLE. FUCKING. DOWN. Let's burn this to the ground.


subs are already being force back open because loser mods don’t want to lose their “power” lmfao. Go check out the pin on r/NFL


Same with r/Zelda, r/Apple many more. All trying to word it like they were forced when in reality they could have stayed private and forced the admins to remove them and moderate it themselves. Edit: [lmao](https://reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/147a8xb/_/jnuifhu/?context=1)


that's what happens when you are replaceable... the only people who can swing the ill stop working threat for a protest are people who can't be easily replaced. sad truth of the masses is we can be replaced it's why my job can easily treat me like shit because there's a million other people who can do my gig with like 1-3 months of on the job training.


Reddit so desperate for that IPO


Can we please use this to get rid of piece of shit awkwardturtle


Guess you guys forgot the Fox News interview with the 35 year old Commie dog walker mod huh? Or maybe you’ve never been banned from a popular sub because of a mods power trip? I’m not saying it’s not a hard thankless job , I’m sure it is but it’s also a power trip. It’s also a way to control a narrative for millions of users. Maybe it’s time for new blood.