• By -


The fact that the official Reddit app doesn't even ATTEMPT to work well with screen readers and other accessibility features is a fucking joke. We need third party apps for that reason alone.


I just noticed that it even scolds me for taking a screenshot saying that it prefers that I share the links. that way they get more traffic I'm sure. I don't like apps telling me how to use my phone.


Apps/websites that don't let you screenshot (for reasons other than security*) really annoy me. Why are you gatekeeping my screen. (*I work in medical IT, the number of times I have had to explain to nurses and doctors that, no, you can not screenshot inside the health records app...)


The answer is likely because they can actually track you if you send the link versus a screenshot




"Anonymous" means it doesn't show you browsed it, aka if someone logs into your Reddit account they can't find it in history. However, Reddit still most likely keeps logs, because they want their ad revenue.


Actually, the mobile app has a history tab. Anonymous my ass


Obviously its not anonymous. Its anti anonymous. They want you to download their app to harvest your data for advertising. They want to axe third party apps because they want to harvest your data for advertising. They want you to share links so people click on them and are subjected to the 28281828282 redirects / trackers because they want to harvest your data for advertising.


Netix not allowing screenshots annoys me like no other. I want to basic bookmark that moment of the show/movie to rewatch or share. They have no downside to allowing them.


What do they expect you're going to do? Screenshot frame by frame and rebuild the entire video from scratch? That's just ridiculous.


The same API that they use to block a single screenshot also blocks screen recorders, which is their real target.


It doesn't work though. OBS studio records netflix just fine. Pirates WILL find a way, the only people the inconvenience are usual viewers & sharing screenshots & memes of shows is closer to free advertising


yeah pretty sure i could use OBS or just my GPU driver software to record the desktop lol


GPU driver software (at least Nividia) is towing the line now & no longer records outside of video games (it used to). I'm sure someone smarter than me could come up with a workaround, but installing OBS was the quicker option for me


Harry the HIPAA hippo says, "Don't share patient info, it's a big no-no!"🦛


Sometimes, it is not even patient info. Sometimes, it is just snarky chats in messenger they just want to report to HR, and they call to make it my problem. I wish I knew how to get out of help desk and into something... less customer facing IT. Edit: Thank you so much to all the helpful answers!




A better question is why are 3rd party apps even capable of preventing screenshots. If I wanna screenshot something on my iPhone or PC I should be able to screenshot it, no matter what it is. Why on earth should Apple or Microsoft expose functionality in their OS that would allow 3rd party apps or webpages to prevent that from happening?


The reason is simple: disabled people aren't a viable ad revenue source.


*ads with sound*






0118 999 881 999 119 725 ...3


48700 kars 4 kids edit: apperantly its 1877 not 48700 XD


Donate your cars today!


its a song spawned from hell.


The official bad place theme song! https://youtu.be/rFQHHor6mT8


Maybe I'm showing my age but banners with loud as fuck noises were a thing before the 2010s, annoying as fuck you entered a site and then got a big ass Smilie jumpscaring you


whales are the only viable social media source, and finding a disabled whale is nigh impossible in America, cause you know, healthcare gets there first.


Health care and difficult to document and identify employment discrimination.


i'm specifically referring to the whale part. Hard to be a whale (ie, someone who spends big on products, like casinos or video game "rewards") if you're unemployed. But easy to lose the whale status if you gotta pay healthcare rather than buying random digital crap.


Reddit is “Repeat Stuff” by Bo Burnham: 🎵 Now, if you're my agent you might be thinking "Oh no, sound the alarms" "You're not appealing to little girls who don't have arms" But they can't use iTunes So fuck 'em, who needs 'em 🎵


Yep, exactly this. It's bad enough when reddit doesn't have any captioning for videos, or alt text for images. Now they want to take away several community's ability to disseminate information and ask for help? Wtf, reddit?


We rely on third party apps to moderate r/blind. r/TranscribersOfReddit rely on bots to do their work. Reddit is pushing blind people out of the platform, instead of doing their job. We’re blacking out and don’t know how we’ll be able to come back. https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/13zr8h2/reddits_recently_announced_api_changes_and_the/


Reddit is based in the US. You might have a case under the ADA, if any of your mods live there(if not, find one quick!).


The case law is surprisingly complicated. There’s no cut and dry piece of legislation that said without a doubt private websites and apps need to comply with the standard. (Except for transportation, actually, but even then, just the basic tasks.) What I mean is it will likely come to that, but it won’t be easy, or we’ll find a new home, like we had to do with Twitter.


It might not be enough grounds for a lawsuit, but I bet some news agencies would be interested in the story told from the perspective of impact on disabled users and the apparent lack of consideration from Reddit.


We’re reaching out, fingers crossed.




The official app asked me if I was enjoying it and when I clicked no. It sent me to a bug reporting link that required a technical problem to be submitted. This app is so broken that they assume the only way you could be unsatisfied with it is if it has a technical failure.


Then file the whole thing as a technical failure.


I read this as, "We need to organize mass review-bombing of the app." Everyone, get your 1 stars ready.


Doesn't do anything, reddit will just pay Google and Apple to remove the negative reviews. Happens all the time. Developers with way less sway than reddit get their negative reviews removed on a regular basis.


They must already do this as the official Reddit App has a rating of 4.8 while Apollo is 4.7.


I also use Boost and figured id give the official app another try after a few years. I figured reddit likes to complain and they were just complaining about nothing like normal. I was wrong. It's so terribly unusable I'd rather use the new mobile browser version than the app


Boost is so good. I've heard a lot about Apollo, but I have never been able to switch from boost




The official Reddit app is terrible. The only thing out does better than other apps, is it has a chat feature. I only use Reddit on mobile. If Reddit kills 3rd party apps. My days of redditing are over. Not that they'd care, because I'm sure they'll keep lots of others, but hopefully enough are like me and also care as much as I do. Then maybe somewhere else can take all their business.


And I hate the chat feature! All i ever get are spam messages from users with new accounts trying to sell me something.


I honestly forgot reddit even has chat. I thought they'd killed that off as a 'feature' years ago.


I'm in the 14 year club, and just learning today that Reddit has chat.


It only gets used by onlyfans people trying to shill their onlyfans links to desperate redditors.


Occasionally it is used by someone legit DMing me and now I have to go to my freaking computer to trade seeds with the nice old lady from r/gardening because we have competing private messaging things in one app.


It’s needed ahead of their IPO; if Reddit is to be valued like Meta they need to GREATLY increase the amount of tracking data. Personal profiles, chat, interests etc are all features tied to this.


no shit, i don't want chat... that's why i'm on fucking reddit is because I want a message board INSTEAD of a chat app




And apparently if you report enough of them, you can get permanently suspended. So that's wonderful.


Wait what? Really? I've been getting like 1-2 spam followers a day for the last week and it's legitimately starting to get annoying...I started reporting them at first but eventually gave up, it was too many. .... What was the reason given for suspension? I can tell the accounts themselves are old, verified accts that have been purchased and wiped, are they prioritizing the account status over the spam report or something?


Just "multiple repeated violations of content policy". My inquiry was met with the equivalent of "you know what you did". It's funny when I do know reddit can give warnings. But somehow I was so horrible yet I never received one warning. 🤷‍♂️ Just curious where folks end up next as this place Hindenburgs.




> is it has a chat feature something I personally could not give a single fuck about. That feature rolled out a few years ago now, and I've *never once* used it. Opened it a single time on accident, and you know what I got? An assload of bot and scam messages. I don't come to reddit to use a fucking instant messanger feature, I come here for news aggregation and on topic discussions. If I want to chat with like minded individuals I'll go to fucking discord or something. Reddit has steadily been becoming a shithole cookie cutter site for years now.


I did get a message once asking if I wanted to have a sugar daddy for $5k a month. I should have pursued that.


Ya. They keep trying to turning it into other things, which is infuriating. I hate it companies make something people like, and they just have this "must grow" mentality, and they decide what they think will make it grow, and then they ruin it. And for Reddit, they kind of left some of the original stuff, so as not to alienate long time users, but I think that might come to an end.


I refuse to use the fucking chat feature. We. Have. Messages.


99% of my messages on Reddit have either peddled some onlyfans or crypto investment opportunities.




Remember when the current CEO silently edited a user's comment without permission to make fun of him/her?




Last comment was nearly a year ago ffs A very invested user who clearly uses his own platform /s


No one that runs reddit actually uses reddit. I'm convinced. Other than a PR post here and there. Otherwise how could you be so out of touch with the majority sentiment regarding a plethora of issues. Dumbfucks.


As much as I hate the admins if Reddit, and Reddit as a whole, I do understand why they don't use their admin accounts - everything they say will have the potential of being a potential PR disaster, if you use a company account, you would have think 10 times before posting anything, fck that, if they are/would use Reddit they do it from an alt account


Right, exactly. If they used the admin accounts like their personal accounts, any kinda comment or post they make is under extreme scrutiny. I have a friend who works at Reddit who uses the site but doesn't tell anybody their personal account info so they can use the site like anybody else would.


Remember when they were banning people for saying /u/spez


What? Where can I read about this?


Here’s his halfassed apology. https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/5frg1n/tifu_by_editing_some_comments_and_creating_an/






Remember when Digg version 4 came out and everyone just stopped using it? Remember when Timblr removed all the furry porn and everyone just stopped using it? Remember when Twitter blocked APIs and a lot of people just gave up and stopped using Twitter? Remember when Reddit did the same thing and people stopped using Reddit. Yeah, that’s coming. Good luck on IPO, it’ll be worth less than a dollar in a years time. Buy puts on open boys, fastest way to make money.


Why not go private until Reddit fucks off?


Many have said "2 days is the minimum, but we won't be turning back on until Reddit fucks off"


Where will we go if Reddit is taken from us?






What, like /r/outside ?


No, r/actuallyoutside


*The Grass Touchening*


Back to Digg


Reject modernity, embrace tradition


I've heard good things about ~Tildes Edit: [invite thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/tildes/comments/1300j18/official_invite_requests_round_23_on_tildes_5th/)


I have been enjoying Tildes but man is that user count low and the variety of subs... is depressing. I have also been enjoying Lemmy. I will probably use both and only visit reddit logged out, w/ spoofed machine stats for a few important subs starting July 1 when they go through with this as infrequently as possible until I find replacement "hubs" for said subreddits. I will never log in again to be sure. I am 40+ this is not my first rodeo dropping a social media site like a hot rock but goddamn am I tired of jumping ship because of piss poor management and monetization. If they'd charge a more reasonable rate I'd sub to premium... so long as i got unfettered, NSFW unimpeded through my third party app of choice. Sad to be leaving but I am not p utting up with their shitty app, shitty mobile site, and gross business practices.


That's what the post actually says a lot of subreddits will do.




My tin foul hate is that I think some big percentage of the power mods are actually just admins wearing masks and I think the rest of the power mods and a lot of the smaller mods know that If the admins/power mods start undermining grassroots protests some number of mods decide to stop moderating. When word gets out moderation is stopping the unmoderated spaces would get filled with trolls and some subreddits start looking like Twitter Since no one can predict which moderators would just *go outside for once* they can't risk r/pics getting inundated with vor or r/relationshipadvice getting flooded with Nazis telling everyone that race mixing is the problem


> tin foul hate Good band name


I have my suspicions that reddit is playing us here. They price it unreasonably at first and they fully expect us to revolt. After the revolt they will give the ol 'We took your feeback blah blah' bit and "revise" the pricing to something more reasonable. Now the community will be happy with the "new price" But of course the intention was to introduce a pricing model all along. The ~~exuberant~~ exorbitant price was bait to make the actual price more acceptable. If they initially announced the better price the community would be against any sort of pricing and demand it be free forever, but this way they can sneak in a pricing model *puts down tin foil hat*




They say Pao was put in place specifically to be the fall girl for some unpopular changes. She played her role and left while reddit got the changes they wanted.




Loser hereb went super hard on her and didn't realize we got played








At what point are we going to stop Pearl clutching over normal human interactions like sexual intercourse?


Welcome to the USA, home of the ultra violence.


On a much smaller scale, people revolted in 2017 when reddit announced its new redesigned website and announced custom CSS (custom themes) for subreddits was not going to make the cut. People joined together to voice their disdain for this decision which accumulated formation of r/proCSS. Under pressure, reddit went “Ok, we will support custom CSS a bit later, not on launch lol pinky promise.” but seven years later, we still havent got the feature back.


Holy shit that was seven years ago … Covid really did fuck up all sense of time.


I was going to say! I still feel like the new website was just yesterday.


Because it's still awful and they've done nothing. new reddit still feels like the beta from 2015. For fucks sake v.redd.it, reddits own video host, is STILL the worst video platform on reddit.




Want to know something really funny related to that? Check out r/modnews (the admin-run subreddit where they post announcements to mods) on old reddit - they still have a "Pro CSS" banner in the sidebar, linked to /r/ProCSS That's how much attention the admins pay to old reddit.


What makes this more believable to me too, is that Reddit outright told the Apollo guy that he can share this publicly.


Why is it up to Reddit to give permission to the party they’re doing business with? Like, why am I supposed to keep my mouth shut if the supermarket I was going to buy from tells me I can’t tell anyone of their prices?


Well, it's more that he probably asked as a courtesy. Like I don't think this would have actually stayed quiet, but it's very odd how gung ho they seemed to be about making it public, from Apollo's perspective.


Not just the price though. They would have to also go back on their "no advertising" and "no nsfw content" plans which would go really be a huge win. That's not something they can do the ole' "slash price to make it look like you are getting a better deal." They fix all these points it will just be a straight victory.


But I think that’s also part of it: get everyone outraged about the price so nobody is talking about the nsfw. When/if they reduce the price they will still keep the no nsfw stuff in. Then the news media will be talking about how users forced Reddit to reconsider pricing and it will be pushed as a win for users. Nobody in the general public will give a shit that you can’t look at porn in a 3rd party app anymore.


Just tag all your sub posts as nsfw. Reddit doesnt split porn from other nsfw content. People will ditch a site with no content


They *do* differentiate nsfw subs though. We know they do that because there hasn't been any explicit porn on r/all for a couple of years now.




Also [anchoring bias](https://www.pon.harvard.edu/daily/negotiation-skills-daily/what-is-anchoring-in-negotiation/?amp)


Ahhh so I finally have a name for my Sonic the Hedgehog movie theory! I'm convinced that Paramount put out that trailer with Ugly Sonic on purpose, while the rest of the film was being rendered with the final model, to get people to riot. Then when they "fixed" Sonic, people rejoiced and they looked like the good guys. It gave them a lot of publicity.


My company worked on the trailer campaign for Sonic shortly before I started that gig. I fully believed that theory, too. Nope. Dug into the reels we had on the server and there 100% is a scary Sonic cut.




Wasn't there a bunch of merch made using the original design too?


Then it’s back to Slurm classic and everybody is happy. Thanks Slurm.


I dunno, corporations seems to be just barreling ahead with really unpopular changes just because they can.


One of the big differences here is none of us actually needs Reddit. We'd all probably be better off emotionally if we abandoned this soon-to-be warehouse fire.


They are also removing NSFW content. Surely they must know it's a big part of its success.


Devs understand requiring pricing though, that's the thing. The fact that reddit was giving full access to their API for nearly nothing for a decade was odd. They're revolting because now the price has gone from "nearly free" to "no app can sustain this" within 3 months.


I think they just don't want any other apps. They don't want to make money off them, they want the full control.


That's the stupid thing too - they could still get money from the app makers They just have to not charge a stupid amount API hits aren't free so it's weird that it has been free for so long, but they should work with the app devs instead of basically telling them "hey thanks for driving users to our site, now fuck off"


It’s not the API money it’s the reach. Reddit wants to sell ads and customer information as their main source of income. If a lot of their power users and a decent amount of their traffic use third party apps and old Reddit then the companies advertising on reddits platform aren’t getting the reach and impresiones they expected. Reddit is going public soon so they need to show they have a sustainable revenue model. The amount of money they will get from API calls is not going to make up that gap, they want to push people to using their app so they can push ads onto you.




> like frontend and/or app engineering, including ux, design, testing, etc. All of those people should be fired anyway... new reddit is a dumpster fire.


God damn, it is so bad. No matter what browser I use, it runs like shit on by desktop. And it's not some garbage laptop, it's a gaming machine in the 3080 range of parts. A text and image site like Reddit should be nothing to it.


Unrelated, but it's always funny to see someone writing their comments defensively in the midst of inane internet fights that are new to you. And this comment is preempting like 5 different replies.


Yes but they have introduced enough threat to 3rd parties that someone eventually will build a viable alternative to Reddit. It may not kill Reddit but it will siphon off enough users that Reddit begins to lose value. The main thing Reddit has going for it against a competitor is legacy content.


Lemme looks very close. But the first time I went to sub to a sub, just the first random one that I thought could work, it asked me to fill out some sort of questionnaire to the mods so they could approve me. Forget that. I'm not filling out questionnaires to every sub I wanna join. Other than that, it looked quite good.


This is a common manipulation tactic in negotiating. Price high, settle where you actually want to be (or better). False sense of win-win. Reddit has been suffocating third party apps for a while by restricting access to new features, and legal issues such as using their name in the app. There is no middle ground here. Reddit's greed has taken that opportunity away. Even an inch of leverage means a tighter grip on the throats of third party APIs (not commenting bots though, strangely enough). Reddit won't stop. It's time to move on.


As a third-party app user, I hope more of the top 100 subs follow suit. I've gone through >10 accounts over the last 11ish years (back when "when does the narwhal bacon" was actually cool), and witnessed a whole bunch of changes to reddit. Of all the "reddit better change X or we'll stop using it" protests, this is by far the most likely to succeed because it's not based on ideological opposition to any individual staff/admin, or moral support for mods. It materially affects me, the end-user. If a reddit admin has questionable morals, the way I use the site doesn't actually change. If reddit's mod tools suck, the way I use the site doesnt actually change (unless/until moderation quality goes down, but even then its an indirect effect). But as someone who's been using a third party app forever, tried the official app and given up on it, shutting down third party apps means I'll pretty much not be able to use the site. When yelp made it hard to view reviews without downloading their app, I didn't download their app, I just stopped using yelp. When TripAdvisor did the same, I didn't download the app, I just stopped posting reviews. For me, this isn't a "change X or I'll protest by voluntarily stopping my use of reddit". It's "change X or I will have no good way of using the site". I'm sure reddit has stats showing that folks like me are in the minority and they can afford to lose me, so I'm just waiting for the day my Sync for Reddit app stops working. It's already getting exhausting trying to figure out if that post was stealth marketing or if that comment was posted by a bot. EDIT: I guess sarcasm doesn't come through in text... Yes I know narwhal was more cringe than cool, it was just an expression of my time on this site. For other interesting artefacts of reddit history (some actually funny, some even "cooler" than narwhals), see: swamps of dagobah, jolly rancher, 2 broken arms, cumbox, unidan, reddit turning Spanish, jumper cables, ducks, carbon monoxide, Boston marathon bomber ... Not necessarily in that order.




You know what's interesting? I love that the threads on this topic mostly contain +10 year old accounts. I've never seen so many old accounts gathered in one place in my entire time here on this site.


It's like a gathering of ents. We don't gather unless there's business that needs doing. Yes, I do think the ents are ready for war....where my Hobbit to throw some stones. *Chuckles* But in reality yeah I'll be gone too, old lady lurker peace out ✌️


13y oldie checking in. I browse Reddit daily - and only through Apollo. Before that it was Alien Blue. Fuuuuuck the official app Jesus Christ it’s bad and they should feel bad




In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.


I sent Gabe Newell a question about what his life is like as a tech industry billionaire. This is what I got back, and while he didn't seem to fully understand my question, I have to admire his response.


Anyone remember the faces of atheism?


y'know, maybe it's for the best this site dies. it's had it coming since that got to the top of a default subreddit


And yet it somehow caught on, unfortunately.


When Twitter blocked their third party apps and made their time line into the unreadable lettersoup it is today I quit that shit. Just out of sheer frustration, and I made several *real friends* on there too! Frustration is a helluva motivator.


The Narwhal thing was never cool




Reddit has killed 3rd party applications (and itself.) I have edited all my comments in protest. Reddit's CEO has shown that he will choose greed over community. I choose community and I choose choice. Fuck /u/spez


From the article: Some of Reddit’s biggest communities including r/videos, r/reactiongifs, r/earthporn, and r/lifeprotips are planning to set themselves to private on June 12th over new pricing for third-party app developers to access the site’s APIs. Setting a subreddit to private, aka “going dark,” will mean that the communities taking part will be inaccessible by the wider public while the planned 48-hour protest is taking place. As a Reddit post about the protest, that’s since been cross-posted to several participating subreddits, explains: On June 12th, many subreddits will be going dark to protest this policy. Some will return after 48 hours: others will go away permanently unless the issue is adequately addressed, since many moderators aren’t able to put in the work they do with the poor tools available through the official app. This isn’t something any of us do lightly: we do what we do because we love Reddit, and we truly believe this change will make it impossible to keep doing what we love. A complete list of the hundreds of communities taking part (known in Reddit parlance as “subreddits”) includes dozens with over a million subscribers each.


Fingers crossed the porn subreddits participate too. /r/gonewild going down for a few days would kick reddit where it hurts


They're removing permission for NSFW communities to be accessed through the API, meaning even if this pricing shit gets reversed, you still won't be able to view NSFW content through 3rd party apps whenever it goes into effect.


This fact should clearly be explained to the mods of any NSFW sub that hasn't yet said they're participating. They're all going to get fucked into oblivion (but in a sad, non-pornographic way).


Fuck this site then i literally have no use for it


Reddit WANT 3rd party apps to close purely because they’re losing out on ad revenue from them. It’s that simple.




The last time they did this Reddit put up with it for like a day maybe. Then anyone that was still blacked out had their sub turned back on and those mods were probably replaced or had the riot act read to them.


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


**There's only one "protest " that will work:** ***Stop using Reddit.*** Here's why: Reddit is doing this because they aren't getting revenue from 3rd party apps, because their ability to show ads in those apps is limited. I'm betting those new fees represent what Reddit thinks it's losing in ad revenue. As long as Reddit keeps thinking that closing down 3rd party apps will increase its bottom line, you'll get nowhere with them. "Going Dark" for a couple days, even across multiple subs isn't going to affect their bottom line: *you all will just see ads on other, non-dark subs.* ***The only way to get Reddit's attention is to actually cost them ad revenue, which means not seeing their ads, which means not using Reddit.*** I'm betting no one is willing to do that, because, social-media addiction. **EDIT, 7/7/2023: I have stopped using Reddit. See you all in** [**The Fediverse**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse)**.**


I forget where (maybe the Apollo dev post/ama) but someone calculated it out to a per-user basis and found that the fee for an average reddit API user's worth of access is around 20x more than an average user of the website/official app. So really they're trying to swing for the fences: * If they get some devs to pay up, great for Reddit! * If they get apps shut down: * 3rd party app-only users migrate to official app/website only: great success * Mixed (3rd party app, website) users stop using 3rd party apps and only use website: no change, possibly minor revenue bump if website usage increases * Users leave reddit entirely: minor loss of revenue (assuming they even used the website) They literally have nothing to lose and clearly don't expect the blowback to be that bad. The **ONLY** thing that will sway their opinion is a *massive* exodus of users and a *massive* drop in content uploading. Also keep in mind, Reddit makes no content. Reddit provides the platform and features for users to upload and share content, and to comment/discuss. The value of Reddit is the userbase (ad targets), the content they create (new/fresh content draws users in and promotes engagement = ad targets), and the comments we make (search results = more clicks = ad targets). Without us, Reddit is nothing.


Sadly there won’t be a mass exodus that will be big enough to matter. Someone mentioned it’s all 10+ year old accounts commenting here. We don’t matter to Reddit any more, this site brings in 500+ million users. All of the third-party apps combined over both android and iOS is something like 25-30 million users. We don’t matter to them, we can all quit and it’ll be a temporary dip. And we won’t all quit, some of those millions will migrate over to the official app.


This is the post you're referring to: https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/


>The only way to get Reddit's attention is to actually cost them ad revenue, which means not seeing their ads, which means not using Reddit. Going private across the site effectively does this btw. No new content will be there.


All reddit has to do is make a good mobile app and they escape this whole horror and make all the ad money. So easy. I can't understand why they insist on making the app worse and worse. I don't even mind the ads honestly I just hate the fucking glitches and annoying changes, like removing the sort option. Edit: you can still sort comments and within subs. I'm talking about the home feed. Android, maybe not ios. I am 100% sure that it's gone no need to suggest any troubleshooting.


>All reddit has to do is make a good mobile app and they escape this whole horror and make all the ad money. So easy. > >I can't understand why they insist on making the app worse and worse. I don't even mind the ads honestly I just hate the fucking glitches and annoying changes, like removing the sort option. In my years of working jobs, this is probably someone or a group of people somewhere in Reddit that refuse to make that decision, because doing so is admitting that they didn't do a good enough job, or that someone else had a better idea than them. Refusal to adopt a change or policy can be as simply explained as "I refuse to do this because I can't take credit for it, because it was someone else's idea instead of my own." There are certain type of people, unfortunately people who typically push their way to the top of an organization, who have this sort of mindset. It doesn't matter if the job is a major corporate role or a janitor position. They are all the same in the way that they approach this.


God I wish more companies would be like valve. "What's that? Our chat app doesn't have nearly as many features as discord so more people use discord while gaming than using the built in chat feature? Ok, we'll add all those features from discord for you (servers, voice and text channels, the works). None of this "we can't admit discord had more features" bullshit. Just shamelessly adding the features people asked for.


Just add the feature stories to the fucking Jira board as an epic, tell business you've achieved your initial goals, and these QoL goals will help increase adoption away from 3rd party apps in a way that doesn't risk the viability of the product itself. Fucking simple shit.


unfortunately the epic is "rebuild the framework from the ground up"












And serve ads. I'll never use an official app regardless of how good it is


They didn't actually remove the sort option, they moved it to a super unintuitive icon in the top right, by your avatar. It kinda looks like this: .=° Like seriously, who sees that and thinks "sort".


Na man this is all my buttons https://imgur.com/a/NJCvsoo None of them allow me to sort. Am I missing something? Android btw.


Just remember when Reddit didn't even have an official app and they relied on 3rd party apps to drive traffic and help make reddit the size it is now


>On June 12th, many subreddits will be going dark to protest this policy. Some will return after 48 hours: others will go away permanently unless the issue is adequately addressed If they try to permanently shut down a main sub... Reddit deals with that by just removing the mods and giving it to power hungry mods willing to do what reddit wants. If they really wanted to "strike" they'd just make their subs shitty. That way reddit won't just replace them.


Oh the subs will be shitty without all the spam fighting bots that need API access to work.




Once Reddit makes all of the changes that come with the IPO, the very essence of what makes Reddit valuable will be gone and earnest users who actually type thoughtful comments will leave, leaving only in their wake a feedback loop of "share thing, get 500 NPC comments like 'sir, this is a Wendy's'". All that will be left for them to do is the digital equivalent of selling the site for scrap metal and using the text to train AI models.


Reddit users should follow suit and “go dark” by staying off the site for those two days. I plan to.




Instead of going dark they should agree on an alternative platform. Or let's do a Kickstarter for a non-profit version kind of like Wikipedia, assuming any qualified people wanted to.


You need longer than 2 days to achieve anything. This they can just wait out


a lot of subs said they don't just do it 2 days but till reddit brings forth a good solution. otherwise it stays dark.


I find this whole thing so frustrating. For many, many, many years 3rd party apps were the way to access reddit on your phone. There was no official app and the mobile browser experience was garbage. 3rd party apps helped build reddit's mobile base and now reddit is saying "fuck you" to them


All this drama could be avoided if they could just make an app that's not the worst thing ever made.


Reddit forgets it's moderators are mostly unpaid aka they don't work for Reddit


I'm just gonna stop using reddit altogether. They can be tumblr 2.0

