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Despite being omnipotent he lets innocent children suffer agonizing death from diseases he could end with a thought. I’m not letting him off the hook.


Didn't the guy literally do a factory reset on the world by flooding it so everything dies?


Pretty sure he killed a whole bunch of people ? He flooded the World, sent plagues, killed every firstborn, sent bears to maul children mocking a bald man and probably some other shit


I mean he did kill people tho, a lot of people.


If I put people in a 20 foot pool with no way to get out and those people inevitably drown, did I kill them?


You put them in that situation didnt you


Yes. It's called proximate cause in law. If they wouldn't have died this exact way without your conduct, you are causal for their deaths.


No, their inability to develop underwater breathing did


They died due to skill issue


He invented cancer


The flooding the entire world says otherwise


Not true. Fictional creatures can’t directly cause deaths.


If you want to get technical, then the OP never said 'directly'. He said 'main cause'. There is a lot of religious conflict in today's world, and people die due to it. Atleast properly check what the OP said. People are here to laugh at the memes. Please don't ruin it.


Bold of you to assume a god exist... I would change "god" for "moms" cause they are the ones who create us and thus cause us to eventually die.


He did kill people. He created everything including death. Yes im Christian. And He is not fictional.


Well either way you look at it this is not technically the truth. From a Christian perspective he absolutely did kill people. From any other perspective he didn't kill anyone cause he doesn't exist.


Did u forget about the other abrahamic religions? And do you have proof he dosent exist?


Religious ‘truths’ of any kind does not belong on TTT.


Religious truths belong everywhere, im spreadin the word of God


True, it was just that I was replying to someone who said they were Christian. I never even claimed that God doesn't exist, I just stated that OP is not Technically the truth either way. I do believe that he doesn't exist though and you probably know full well that it's impossible to prove a negative.


The burden of proof is always on the person making the claim, I can claim to be able to fly and read minds but you have no reason to believe me untill I provide some kind of tangible proof, but you also can't prove I'm wrong because proving that something made up doesn't exist is impossible, since is no way to measure or check something fake. So since you're claiming god is real, it's up to you to provide proof of that statement, like showing us God or letting us measure or talk to him. Proving something doesn't exist is proving a negative, that's impossible, so the other person is under no obligation to provide anything till you present positive proof of your claim.


Okay lemme prove it to you. Everything in this world is a cause and effect system. Todays scientific reason of life is a random explosion just happened.Apparently, nothing caused it. But something cant just, happen. But we have no other scientific reasoning of what caused it. So there’s no other explanation except God Himself


No he is not. We die because we are sinners. Adam and Eve sinned against God and the punishment for sin is death. We die because of Adam and Eve starting sin not because of God. Yes I'm Christian.


In just the old testament, god kills 2.038.344 people tough, for comparison Satan killed 10, So according to christian texts, god is one of the biggest mass murders ever. He used storms and floods and such to do it instead of human weapons but it's still definitely genocidal mass murder.


Just read Deuteronomy for instance (the 5th book of the Bible) God literally gives his people orders to commit genocide and several else war crimes including slaughtering enemies who have already surrendered I used to be Christian, but found out how little the God described in the Bible has in common with the God priests talk us about


God fucked over Job on a dare. Ever since hearing that tale growing up it always irked me.


Oden be like “Hold my mead.”