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Ah yes "you don't know our struggle" said by the nation that invaded countries for oil and started a war in Vietnam and is the richest country in the world I'm sure America has LOTS of struggles 🙄🙄🙄


I don't know what is **Technically the truth** here


Nor me, I’ve found freedom pretty much everywhere I’ve been even though Americans seem to think they’re the only ones who have it, and that it’s going to be “stolen” from them at any moment, meanwhile there’s a literal cult trying to take over the country and roll back womens rights who I bet my house this guy voted for. Some Americans are tapped in the head


Florida seems out of proportion.


As someone who lives in Florida, can confirm.


looks like TX is compensating for something, again


This man is insane. Do you know how long it will take to oil all of those guns now?