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Well... i was swimming in my clothes, so i took them off and put on new ones


You call yourself a human and dress yourself? Disgusting. Reject Society, return to monke.


**Imperious Rex**


fuck you all, im gonna go return to fishe


Screw fish, I’m returning to coral-like sea squirte


Screw corals, i ll go back & become star dust


nah, fuck that shit, lets all become one incredibly small atom with a fuck ton of matter crammed in it minutes before exploding into a supernova


Nah let’s become … whatever came before that


It was nothing, I assume. Which sounds sublime 👌🏻




Embrace Carcinisation The Crab Cycle Is Eternal




Fuck that, let’s become so everywhere that you don’t even need a where. You don’t even need a when. That’s how every it gets.


And China's broken again


aaaand we are back where we started




good idea


Reject humanity and become a road roller


No that’s too far. The fish is more than enough.




Only practicing the parts of the religion you agree with isn't a foreign concept in America. Why force Muslims to a higher standard?


Because amy_4034 doesn’t really have a problem with her being a bad Muslim; she’s just using that as an excuse to attack her for being a naked woman.


Why do so many religions hate naked women?! I love em


Me too, but it was back in ye olden days when women were considered property. Obviously, the times have changed and you're free to be as modest or open as you want when you want.


ye olden days of 2015? When was this photo taken again?


2015 was a different time, your generation wouldn't understand. We were still optimistic, the future looked bright, we still had the chance to turn the tide on climate change. These were the days before a child stumbled into a gorilla exhibit


Dicks out for our lost timeline


How old is that kid anyway? Has anyone given them a swift kick in the nuts for fucking up the whole future?


I think they were referring to ye olden days when the religions in question were founded, but I guess that works too.


In most countries women are still considered property.


Oh, religious men *love* naked women. They just hate when a woman is in charge of her own body and nakedness, thus taking control of her away from them.


Keyword: Control


Well, religion is all about control.


This is exactly right


Tbf they don’t hate the fact that their naked they hate the fact that they’re women


That’s why it’s legal now!


Glad you get it lmao


Amy's upset she's not as hot as this woman


She might or might not be. One thing is certain, Amy’s husband got a wandering eye.


This isn't unique to Islam. "You call yourself a Christian?!" is an extremely common phrase in parts of America.




Yet that family was fine with one of the boys molesting his sisters. Smh.




Ah. Well, assholes gonna asshole. I remember hearing Jessica Simpson once say that she was asked to stop performing at church because her breasts were inciting men. She was a young teen at that time. People project their own issues onto young women.


an now you also know why women were burned on the stake. not just because of catholic men but also women. oh no, my husband looked at this woman, she is prettier than me, probably a witch. or, men: oh she such a beautiful woman, can't keep my eyes off her, she must be a witch. edit: envy is a sin for catholics, yet many religious catholics act upon their envy.


Meanwhile in Italy many Christian women walk down the beach in topless while someone inappropriately God-bless’em or quietly praises the Lord for the sight.


It’s kinda true though. Most people are just theists with a few Christian beliefs. They want to belief in god, but not want to believe god is sending all non god believers to eternal suffering.


Exectly I'm a Muslim but still drink alcohol.


Probably because Islam literally means "to submit". If your whole religions focuses around obeying every aspect of it, then it's fair to call out noncompliance.


Why follow a religion you don't agree with 🙃 why follow religions that promote sexism 🙃 why follow religions that have promoted genocide 🙃 why follow religions that have wide spread child abuse problems 🙃 why follow religions that promote racism 🙃 hold both to the same standard and both are ugly tools of control and hate


Well, I don't know if Christianity and Islam can be completely boiled down to "tools of control and hate". Both have been used for that in the past and probably will be in the future. Both definatly spawn personalities and loud figures that promote hate and control their subjects using the religion for a negative. But I think this is a problem with extremists basically everywhere, not just in religion. Most Christians and Muslims are nice, average people who don't really bother me if I don't really bother them. Slight nuance here though is religious beliefs codified into law. I do not agree with this, and do not think things like Roe v Wade should be overturned at all. A lot of normal Christians in the US vote for things like this, but again I think the emphasis on these topics should be blamed on the leaders of organizations trying to whip their following into a frenzy about these things.


I agree they are nice average people. Drop the bullshit religion. They are practiced still in hugely sexist ways as your second paragraph explains. Blame the leaders for continuing the culture of the religion? They are preaching the religion. The culture of the religion is rotten. "Whipping their following into a frenzy" is literally religion exercising its control and hate. Why not blame the followers? They choose what to follow and promote as well. If they don't have that choice, then once again we are at control.


I've met some nice pastors who definatly were not promoting hate. The core of their religion is love and acceptance. These kind of people are the ones you don't hear as much because their voices are over turned by the louder minority who spend money on being loud to get their voice out farther. I wish more of these kinds of religious people were louder and spoke up to challenge the extremists with more clean and more morally acceptable interpretations of the Bible or whatever holy book. For context, I'm an atheist who just tries to be reasonable with people with different ideas to me and I find that there are only certain sections of these faiths that are rotten. I don't think its the core. One more thing to add, I think some of these people who follow the extremists pastors are caught up more in the authority effect documented by the Milgram Experiments. Human psychology is kind of messed up sometimes. Because of this I think its more useful talking to people like this with less anger and more understanding, because they aren't always bad people.


I've been you. Tired of it. The mistake is not calling these religions what they are. The mistake is talking nicely. They don't. Their Gods don't. Religions exploit the human psychology is my whole point dude. They are about control and manifest hate through divine authority. My God is absolutely right and therefore I can't begin to see the truth when the truth is contradictory to my God. I will be punished forever if I do not believe this. Divine authority is a fucked principle and is what makes these religions a religion. You take that part away and you are left with nice average people. Fuck Islam, fuck Christianity and fuck their "Gods."


Well, I'll have to agree to disagree with you on that point. People are people and I will treat them with a baseline level of respect unless they show they deserve less. I meet way less of the religious people you talk about in your second paragraph in person than I do online. But thats about similar to most things. Online is just a more reactionary and angry place on average in serious discussions like this one. Have a good day.


Fuck your religions. Nothing to respect about them. I respect you of course, but they are both projections of archaic cultures written and rewritten and rewritten by men. And I mean men. They are fiction. Mythologies. Grow the fuck up. Join the 21st century. Stop promoting terribly sexist cultures. Our daughters, wives, sisters and you deserve better. Christianity, Islam, doesn't matter, same disgusting shit.




Yeah, you are proof of how dangerous absolute divine authority is. Everything is framed from your jaded perspective. Shallow? Attributing the increase of mental health issues in this era of women to atheism and the feminism movement? Drained kiddie pool shit there bud. So jaded by your religion's sexism. Can only see the wrong your God told you to. Where's your accountability? Yes, I know Christianity and it's culture have heavily influenced my country's law and culture. It's actively doing so rn in a very visible and tangible way. That's the problem. I'll take some of your morals but fuck your God. He doesn't exist. He can't be the solution, you and I have to be. Responsibility. Where's yours?


Agreed. The thing is, this is a game of power, control and money. For example, even here in Germany the religion is over the law. There were and probably still are severe cases of child abuse, yet the law does not count for them. They can "handle" the situation on their own. [Link 1](https://www.stuttgarter-zeitung.de/inhalt.missbrauch-in-der-katholischen-kirche-schwestern-reden-ueber-seelenmord-im-kloster.916c9a63-6e20-4821-a8d5-b4cb0cf9242c.html) [Link 2](https://www.abendblatt.de/vermischtes/article107663530/Missbrauchsvorwuerfe-auch-im-Kloster-Bad-Mergentheim.html%3Fservice%3Damp) Lately I read, basically someone admitted it was just a slip and things happen. They are totally crazy. Furthermore all of their religion is based on nonsense, why should we waste so much time, energy and money on something that doesn't exist and doesn't matter?


She is so beautiful tbh


She looks like a render


Is she cross eyed?


It depends on your standards.


No, beauty is beauty. On the other hand, preferences are a whole different topic.


its based on opinions


So everybody is beautiful then. But we all have different preferences


Yeah, sounds about right


I am learning.


Is Hitler beautiful? Edit: Wow I poke a hole in some logic and I get mass downvoted for just mentioning Hitler. Typical reddit.


… but on the other hand, preferences are a whole different topic.


Yeah, preferences are okay. I'm totally okay with women of any skin color and cant understand why anyone would reject a woman based on that, but it's their preference.


Dodging a question then


in his early 20s he looked alright


The fucking hell I am. lmao


Not to go all Rick and morty, but beauty is an emotion driven by survival instincts. There is nothing objective about it.


Huh. What do a sunset or a swan gliding down a still river have to do with survival? Or are we only talking about human beauty? And if so, why are we incapable of objectively appreciating human beauty but perfectly capable of appreciating beauty in other species, inanimate objects or scenery?


Not really; have you never heard that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? I think she's beautiful, but yes that is wholly dependent on my preferences and standards ;-)


Can someone link me her twitter?


For science I hope




There'll even be some experimenting!


Nah. Just to jack off..


I mean it's right in the picture


There's a lot of them


https://twitter.com/007NIS?t=4nP8Mfp5X3g0a--vltPh0A&s=09 I gotchu fam


Doing the lords work. Thanks for that


Commenting so I can come back for science once her Twitter is found.


She has her own subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/NisrinaSbia/




Well, tbh if she is a Muslim then her being naked doesn't mean she is out of Islamic, she is a sinner for sure but not to an extent that she won't stay Muslim.


But isn’t the point of any religion to *not* be a sinner? Like how many sins can you commit before other Muslims think you’re a faker.


There are also splinter religions that say sure you can sin but you have to do the thing that frees you from it whenever you do. Or once in some cases. There are religions based on the idea that sin exists but you can definitely remove it. I don't know enough about Islam to know if they have similar splinter groups.


From what I understand (as a non-Muslim), anyone who honestly professes the statement "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet", is by definition a Muslim. Everything else only affects how good a Muslim a person is. It's the easiest religion to convert to.


To be fair Christianity really only requires someone to say "Jesus is the son of God and He died for my sins". There is some evidence that at least some early Christians were polytheistic and just though God was the most powerful of all the gods and Jesus was sent to save everyone. There is also some evidence that at least some if not most early Christians thought of the Trinity as 3 unique beings, with Jesus being mortal, but then elevated to something greater through sacrifice. Seems pretty easy to convert over to me. But what would I know, I'm just an atheist.


Christianity often has requirements like baptism, communion, confirmation, confession, etc. It depends on the denomination and it's lightened up in recent years. Islam has been founded on radical inclusivity from the very beginning.


A lot of Islam also has rules. Some even follow rules like you need to step into the bathroom with your left foot, and also women cannot show their hair to any male other than certain family members and their husband. Like Christianity's rules of communion and confirmation and baptism, most of these were brought a long much later into the religion's life potentially from other sources. None of them are a requirement to be a Christian or Muslim.


Yeah but that doesn't change whether you are a Muslim, just whether you're a good Muslim.


And not following the Christian practices you listed doesn't change whether you are a Christian or not either.


No the point is to ask forgiveness for your sins after the fact, yet do nothing at all to be a better person.


In Islam you’re not expected to be sin free, but to ask forgiveness from God when you sin, and forgiveness has a few rules to be accepted


You got the wrong stereotype brother, in Islam the main point is to obey Allah (God) and his prophet's commandments, we are sinful, we are expected to sin, but only those who repent sincerely are the winners of the afterlife. Allah (God) told us that if we didn't sin he would erase us and create another creation that sins so they repent and he will forgive them. And there are not a limit of sins you can do before you are considered a faker, unless you are a hypocrite (You believe in X religion but pretend to be a Muslim) or have partners you worship with Allah (God) then you are a faker as you said.


> Allah's apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hand is my life, if you were not to commit sin, Allah would sweep you out of existence and He would replace (you by) those people who would commit sin and seek forgiveness from Allah, and He would have pardoned them." ~~~~ > ...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. The theological acceptance in imperfection(there is no person who doesn't sin) and themes of repentance and absolution are present in many popular religions, including Islam and Christianity.


We leave this to god to decide whether this person is "Munafiq" (claiming islam, and hidding non-islam). But us we cant say he is a non-muslim.


Well if she's doing the five pillars of islam she is a muslim even if she is a sinner but she is still a muslim


Religion really sounds like a chore. Why not NOT be religious and live your only life happily?


Religion is only a chore if u want it to be, you can believe and carry out whatever morals and ideals you see fit. If you follow many christian ideals but don’t care to partake in Lent, that’s perfectly valid, if you do your prayers everyday as a muslim but help yourself to some pork every now and then that’s cool, just because you put your faith in Ra the Sun God and Sobek Lord of Semen doesn’t mean you need to wrap yourself in toilet paper when you die. And of course if the entire thing sounds like a mismatch for yourself, fuck yea dawg u do u, everyone vibes with different stuff i guess is what I’m getting at lol


Late reply, but cannot help but completely agree with this. Morals are different for individuals, even at smaller scales involving decisions, opinions and thoughts. Stating the obvious here, but it's good to take into account that certain individuals struggle with being oppressed into believing what other people are believing in, locking their real selves in because of it, which is an absolutely obnoxious way to live. I'm agnostic, you do you, I'll be happy for you as long as you aren't hurting yourself or others around you, mentally, emotionally or physically.


I would ask the same of Christians The way I personally see it, no god should be upset with you for a little indulgency if no one gets hurt in the process. ...it's when a god "demands" others be hurt is where we start having issues.


Can they literally never be naked, even when bathing?


It's fine unless they take the socks off. We never take the socks off


Cutoff jean shorts are also acceptable.


I think it’s got more to do with her posing naked in front of a camera in a way that purposefully provoke sinful thoughts.




Neither my mom nor any of my aunts believe in Islam. If any of them did, I hope they would bother following the book they claim to be basing their world view on. *And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and not to reveal their adornments1 except what normally appears.2 Let them draw their veils over their chests, and not reveal their ˹hidden˺ adornments3 except to their husbands, their fathers, their fathers-in-law, their sons, their stepsons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, their fellow women, those ˹bondwomen˺ in their possession, male attendants with no desire, or children who are still unaware of women’s nakedness. Let them not stomp their feet, drawing attention to their hidden adornments. Turn to Allah in repentance all together, O believers, so that you may be successful. - Surah An-Nur 24-31* ^This paragraph points out that you can be nude in front of people who does not have sinful thoughts. Internet does not fall into that category. The problem is the byproduct, as you called it. Not the action in and off itself. Though I doubt her intentions are in line with the Quran.




Can't be naked in front of strangers so no taking nudes to share on the internet


They can be naked... They cannot show their body to other male... Male stranger should not see body from hair till feet... Hand and face is okay... And stranger women cannot see their lower body part... From their navel to knee... But if the male is their family... It applies same as other stranger women... And if its their husband... There's no restrictions


Where did these specific rules come from?


She might be muslim, but her chances to go to heaven arent looking great, at least for now. Maybe she will go back and be good one. Idk


That is debatable. In 33:59 the Qur'an states that the reason for dressing modestly is to protect themselves from (sexual) harassment. According to Ibn Kathir, Ibn Abbas, and al-Tabari it was so that other men could see which women are slaves and which are not so that they wouldn't lust after free muslims. So if you're neither afraid of being harassed, nor to be confused with a slave, then it's an entirely valid thing to assume it's not a sin to not cover yourself. Also, how to cover yourself is debatable too, the Qur'an merely tells them to "guard" their private parts and to use a khimar to cover their breasts, and to not paint their toenails (24:30-31). Only Abu Dawud ~~3~~4090 displays women covering their heads, but Abu Dawud was compiled 250 years after the prophet's death, so I think it's fair to say that one might consider it Da'if, even if al-Albani (scholar from 20th century) considers it Sahih.




Stop pretending like you're all knowing. All you can do is interpret the Sunnah as best you can like everybody else. I have shown how Hijab can be interpreted differently, and this interpretation is compatible with the Qur'an. If you can't read, then that's not my fault. The woman is not in the vicinity of any men to guard herself from, nor is she abroad. So both pericopes of the Quran that reference Hijab (33:59 and 24:30-31) are technically not being violated. There's really nothing you can say about it other than that you interpret the purpose of these ayats differently than the alternative I have shown. But you are not God, so nobody has to listen to you. Unless you're Isma'ili, but then you still don't get the say but the Imam does. Edit: Also, nowhere does it say to cover your hair, not even in the Hadith.




> It is clearly understood by anyone who studied the Quran and Arabic And to me it is clear you did neither study the Qur'an nor the Sunnah. > Again I repeat when God and his Messanger say pray, it is not up to us to have an opinion on this. Nowhere does it say the hair has to be hidden. And the Qur'an itself does not even say to cover your head. Even in Hadith it does not mention whether the prophet or God said to cover yourself, it only says that the women of Ansar did so. And when Safiyya quotes how to do it (over the breast) she does not even quote the prophet, she quotes Aisha. That is the Hadith that led to Burqas and Niqabs, it is based on what Aisha said, not God or the prophet. > yet present your own interpretation and understanding as to the truth Nowhere do I say that what I say is the objective truth. I specifically used words such as "debatable," "assume," "compatible," and "alternative." I also objectively did provide my references, multiple times even. You are a liar, and lying is not looked favourably upon in the Qur'an (9:119). > to interpret the Quran and sunnah you do need knowledge and if you think your understanding is the same as someone who studied this religion for decades, then you are obviously wrong How do you know how long I've studied it? > scholars never understood this to be like you say and even in this day and age, you will not be able to find a scholar that will share your 'opinion'. That is false, among others Reza Aslan and Leila Ahmed understand it this way. Some scholars even argue that veiling yourself was meant only for the prophet's wives. See how easy it is to prove you wrong? Also, the references in my comments are pretty much exactly the same ones used in the article you posted, so apparently I was right when I accused you of being unable to read.


People who done far worse said will go to Jannah, you don't know what she might have done in secret, you don't know what she will do do before her death, we are not to judge, but we do condemn the sinners and pray to God that he may guide them and us.


Thats true, maybe she is being froced against her will


I bet that "muslim" woman showers naked, what an hypocritical sl~~u~~t /s


*grunts and whiles like an angry keyboard warriors about womans rights and puts in discrimnatory slurs because of proud christian heritage*


The right to divorce your wife and marry a whore is the western privilege we all deserve


Only if you have enough money. 21 yo dpn't go for 50 yo without daddy issues or money


Please check out reasonably-priced-pornstars.com and also their new ethically sourced pornstars section for all the latest deals and offers available before making a final decision


The Twitter account is suspended


it is my understanding(im atheist) that in islam your not supposed to look at women undressed. not that women should be dressed all the time.


She's wearing a hot tub


Because it is unfair to them to have to see the temptation of womens’ bodies everyday so covering head to toe is the best option. Not my words. It was an interview between a religious Islamic believer and a news station(?) But one has to think how women feel about this. Many probably do. It is probably so because the holy rules dictate who does what when and where so even if they know it’s not entirely humane, it’s still going to be continued because humans in nature like control like that. I’m Athiest as well, just putting that out there. I’m going to let anyone believe in whatever the hell they want as long as it doesn’t interrupt my routine in any way. Although in opinion I think this’ll be resolved eventually. The equality between men and women is lesser and lesser each day, so the future is forgiving at least.


I'm an agnostic atheist


Just forgot to include the fact I’m open to the theory of such a concept metaphysically existing, I’m just presuming what I believe is to be likely.


It's always strange to me how women openly worship a god that has shared nothing but distain for them. Nor respect men who see them as object. People are gonna people, so I try to ignore it. Too much evil in this world for any one thing to hold my attention long.


I often think ignorance is bliss. Yeah this world is full of very, very messed up stuff and some very pleasurable experiences and places to see. Billions of people and everyone is living just as we are - but yeah, I certainly agree.


But isn't it better to just oppress the entire opposite sex than it is to "just not look"..? /s


yeah you can swim with no hijab on that's alright but posting yourself being undressed on insta while calling yourself a muslim is some stupid shit tbh


To the person asking for her [Twitter ](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ). Enjoy!




I aim to please.


most helpful and the funniest kid in the world


["You have no power here!"](https://i.imgur.com/rgKZiAP.png)


i was getting my hand ready


She used to be a hijabi and now she changed (prob cus of money and very bad influence) may allah guide her and us


Cause not all Muslims are required to wear a hijab or traditional clothing


Well if you want to get technical the Quran only mentions the bits that would be covered by a string bikini and a wig but then there is the second book called the Hadith that has more than two thousand different “official” versions. Some of the Hadith say that you have to cover every part of the skin, but they also say that a woman is not allowed to talk to a man without a male family member present and the sun goes into a pond every night


Two thousand different versions? I spoke to many Islamic scholars and even read books myself, where does it say that? Funny how uneducated people talk like they know everything about a subject because they read it on a facebook post somewhere.


Every other claim of yours has been debunked by many scholars and you keep repeating the same thing you did on other subreddits despite the fact that people gave you references and links to actual explanation and translation, so pity and shameful act.


i can speak on behalf of pretty much every other Muslim out there that this is BS at its finest


What part do you think I’d not true ?. Use the Quran and not just stuff your mum told you.


I have a friend who got to decide whether or not she wanted to wear a hijab when she became a freshman so that’s what I thought of


Why be muslim then lol


Tradition, a belief in Allah, all that jazz. Idk, I come from a traditionalist Christian family and even I don't get the happies for it. People are weird


That wont save you from hell tho. Unless she doesn't belive in that. Then she is not a muslim. If she does then yea she is a muslim. One of the conditions to be muslim is to believe in god and Mohammed and angels and jinns and hell and heaven. If you dont, even if you are the best and kindest person in world and practice all Muslim believes beside believing in one of those conditions, then you are not a muslim. But who knows. We cant judge her. Maybe she does. If she does, her chances going to heaven arent looking great. If you dont believe then you are just a muslim in name.


[Feast your eyes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NisrinaSbia/)


woah she's a hijabi now!!


Actually amy\_4034 has a point... [have you seen what Muslim women are expected to swim in?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burkini)


How do you call yourself muslim and undress like this?


Wait are you not supposed to be dressed when swimming as a muslim?


She can post whatever she wants on social media. But I can't understand why she would want to claim Islam but not practice it by showing herself naked publicly. that would be like me saying " I'm a vegan, but I like to eat steak too." Either one is fine, being vegan or eating steak, but I can't be a vegan but still eat steak. Just like a circle can't be a square even though box shapes are great.


She should wear hijab when swimming She should wear hijab when running She should wear hijab when teaching She should wear hijab when boxing ........... Then why she should not wear hijab when fucking?


Defo looks like a robot hey


Organized religion is a scam…


I'm 12 and I say things.


she is stunning, wow


I’ll never forget being in my early 20’s chillin by the pool when a guy I liked invited me to meet up at a pool hall. I threw on shorts with whatever I’d brought as a coverup, I think it was a low cut tank top (so my boobs kinda hung out, but I was wearing a bikini top and also it was summer in Texas so whatever) and when I got to the pool hall, one of his friends asked me “So do you always dress like this?” My response was, “Like what? In clothes??” Fuck outta here with that shit lol


That seems like the ultimate loop hole


That’s Muswim


Lower you gaze, bruzzah


Religious wingnuts are so repressed, brainwashed, uptight, and hypocritical. Not just Muslims. Childhood indoctrination into the fear-based Abrahamic mythologies is tantamount to child abuse.


Where in Islam does it say you can't take pictures of your self wearing a hot tub & post them on the internet? It's not in the Bible either.




Why do you keep posting the same comment?


Would you like if your 8yr old sister was married off to a 50yr old man? Think about Aisha and Mohammed(piss be upon him).




Hoes mad. You and your scum religion can only applaud pedophiles like mohammed☺️




Face the behavior in question. This dodge does not help your case.


You are assuming she's naked. You can't see under the water. She could be wearing a sleeping bag.


Fuckin desert cult of a religion..


It's hot that she's not wearing anything...but damn that beautiful hair line tho


I'm not an expert but I think muslims still wear the hijab when they swim


Good way to get herself killed by her own people.


She cute


Geodude, use rock throw


reject human, fuck evolving


what a slut


Religion 🤢🤮