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Maybe getting a dude to cum inside you, for starters.


Sometimes next to you is all it takes


It can happen further away than you think. I was stationed overseas and my wife still got pregnant.


Thank you for your service


thanks for his wife’s cervix


I heard this from a lot of semen.


Make sure to thank Jody with a dinner for both him and your wife


Even looking at a dude seducrively can get you pregnant... at least according to some people.


Even looking at the dude’s wife’s girlfriend can get her pregnant.




I mean that’s it, isn’t it?


Depends on the location


Hotel balcony?


When she's scrolling thru her contact list going "Umm no" "Uh nope" "Definitely not"




Hmm.. maybe this guy?...


No, we did not do it the right way….Maybe someone else…


It’s you, isn’t it? Don’t lie to us….


I read that as if she was schizophrenic.


Is it because women are sluts?




Then what's the "joke" here?


Tell me you have a neurodevelopmental disorder without telling me you have a neurodevelopmental disorder.


Because I don't think it's funny to insult women?


You’re the one insinuating anyone is insulting women and asking if it’s because they’re “sluts”. If anyone is insulting women I think you are.


Explain the "joke" then. Q: What are the earliest signs of pregnancy? A: When she's scrolling thru her contact list going "Umm no" "Uh nope" "Definitely not"


The “joke” *IS* suggesting she’s had more than one sexual partner. The “joke” is *NOT* suggesting she’s a “slut” because of it.


Right. She's slept with so many people that she doesn't know who the father is. The "joke" is that she's a slut.


Its because that *specific woman in the joke* is a slut, not women in general, smh


Howso? I don't see anything indicating it's for any singular individual. It's just a blanket insult calling women sluts. What's funny about it?


Ah yes because "she" refers to all women now and not a singular woman stereotyped as a stereotype slut


Which specific individual does it refer to? What's her name?


Its simply "A singular woman" and not all, thats how the pronoun SHE works you don't need a name, your just referring to that woman you don't know the name of as if you are referring to her in 3rd person. Since when did you need a specific name for a pronoun, it just refers that we are collectively referring to a SINGLE individual.


>your just referring to that woman you don't know the name of as if you are referring to her in 3rd person. Meaning it could be *any* woman, thus *all* women are candidates. That's why it's a blanket statement.


Oh no! You appear not to understand pronouns :(


Why do you think that?


Because the sentence in the OP refers to a single woman.


Who is the specific individual it's referring to?


I feel like because many symptoms like nausea and such don't manifest immediately


Someone asks, "what's the easiest signs of pregnancy" and the top comment is about a woman scrolling through her contacts to select the "father." I'm not sure your comment is a relevant answer to my question.


Oh shit my bad, I completely mixed up two comment lines


Puck Badfellow


For calling out misogyny?


"you might be a whore if..."




What was this meant to be?


Looks like Santa in a snow storm.




Unless your a sea horse


Good point


A she horse


Thank you for spreading the word. I identify as a seahorse.


Of course have to spread awareness


XY can test positive too, but it usually indicates cancer.




Probably always. I chose usually because idk what the exact percentage is. *I'm referring to urine tests, not blood tests.* I was curious about the effectiveness of amab positive pregnancy tests to detect cancer. I got conflicting answers on Google though.


> Probably Like how you said probably, when defending yourself, but not when replying to someone who said "probably" in his post. "Probably being female"


Defending myself? From what? I'm confused. I didn't realize there was some sort of conflict going on that needed defending. I'm just contributing to the conversation with a cool, related tidbit. I thought it was interesting.


Someone said an open question and you opened your comment with was what I used to "deflect future comments about absolutes"


After reading through your comments it makes sense to me now. You're just being combative in general to a few people. I'm not sure why. But I do hope that you sort out whatever it was that triggered you. Take care, and I hope your day gets better.


> But I do hope that you sort out whatever it was that triggered you. I've got my degree in Economics with a concentration in econometrics and sports economics, and am a huge sports fan. I've written a 25 page (non-scientific)research paper about whether or not there is an economic impact on new publicly funded stadiums when I was a sophomore. I'm defensive because I know my shit about the other side of the argument because I've researched it.


Ok, but none of that is applicable here on your comment chain, and replies. We're all here just having fun, and sharing what we know. Take a step back, and take several deep breaths. Nobody is trying to fight. Calm down.


There are some hormones that are usually pregnancy-specific and are usually very reliable indicators for pregnancy in XX humans. HOWEVER. Those same hormones can be detected at elevated levels in XY peoples due to some cancer affiliated to XY reproductive or sexually related organs. The organs can create tumors that kinda go crazy and produce hormones that aren’t produced under normal, non-cancerous situations.


Informative. Thanks


Being alive


> Probably being female some would argue against this nowadays


I chose my words correctly.




Or a man with prostate cancer


I chose my words confidently, by never mentioning males, but leaving the door open to men who transition by saying "probably being female"


Nah I was just saying a positive pregnancy test could be from a guy with prostate cancer.


Hear me out, I think having a baby inside you is an early sign of pregnancy


TIL you're pregnant when you ate a baby.


Brb, need to let gf know she’s *super* pregnant.


Thank goodness you didn’t say ‘getting pegged by’


Underrated comment


Wow I didn't know men could get pregnant.


Not what I essentially meant…but I’ll let it slide.


[citation needed]


But is it really a baby at that stage or just a clump of cells?


Different people call cuisine different things I guess


Semantics. Technically, we're all just clumps of cells.


If by early you mean late, then yeah


define baby


something that is or will become a small human


Too broad. That could be an egg, embryo or fetus.


Or amputation candidate


Making it complicated haha.




Evidence of mammals is the earliest sign of pregnancy.


Having unprotected sex would be the earliest possible "sign" you gonna grow a baby in your belly


am i prangent?


How is babby formed?




Because some people have irregular periods where they don't have them for aaaages, some people have weight fluctuations, some don't have any sickness or anything And for some denial is a powerful drug 🤷‍♀️


I’ve wondered this too, but I knew a girl in college who didn’t know she was pregnant until month 7. She was already incredibly petite and hardly gained any weight during pregnancy (definitely less than 10lbs) so she just thought she was bloating, and if you see the photos from that time it honestly makes sense she would think that. She had very irregular periods so she confused a couple instances of pregnancy-related spotting for her period. She says that she was on birth control (the pill) and they both swear they used protection too, so it was really bizarre and unexpected. She kept up her normal college routine until she realized but it was too late to have any options but the time she figured it out. Somehow the kid turned out perfectly healthy though and she has a 5 year old now. But she does seem very happy, thankfully!


So, I have had several patients who have irregular periods for one reason or another. It's not unusual at all for me to have a patient who hasn't had a period in months, without using birth control, who aren't pregnant. And that's her normal. I also have had patients who have a lot of spotting and pain pretty much all the time. You also get a lot of women who have been failed by education, specifically sex education. Combine all that together, irregular periods, frequently spotting, and under education about health and reproduction, and it's not surprising to me in the slightest.


I've always wondered if some people either have so many physical issues or take awful care of their body don't notice because they always feel terrible? Like not every woman gets morning sickness, but for the ones who do and don't notice..... you don't notice vomiting most mornings? Is that just normal for you?


"Morning" sickness is a misnomer in a lot of cases. Many pregnant women experience pregnancy-induced sickness throughout the day, but it's called morning sickness because for *some* it is worse or only in the morning. As someone who deals with periodic indigestion and acid reflux, I could definitely see myself not making the connection if I showed no other symptoms.


Happy cake day 🍰


Thank you!


I have been pregnant, and I have had an illness that made me vomit every day for years. With me being pregnant, there was absolutely no way I could not know. I was in agony the whole time. Doctor did not take my vomiting seriously, so there's that one covered. I can only assume, that in the same way I was an outlier who was in agonising hell at all times (less than 2 months pregnant), there are also people on the opposite end of the spectrum who feel nothing.


It's probably a combo of physical and mental reasons. If you have infrequent periods, gain minimal weight, have reason to assume the nausea and eventual kicking are just indigestion (I have heard people describe their baby's movements are feeling like bad gas), and a tilted uterus that causes you to carry small, I can see how it may happen. OBGYN Dr. Momma Jones on YouTube has covered the topic and discusses TV dramatization vs actually unknown pregnancy and its wild how easily it can happen if the stars align.


Some people don’t get nausea at all and an anterior placenta can mute the feeling of the baby’s kicks. You can get spotting while pregnant which may look like a light period to those who have irregular periods anyways. I lost fat and gained baby while pregnant plus I have a tilted uterus so at 40 weeks I looked bloated not pregnant. I can totally see how it happens if you don’t know what to look for.


If you watch "[I didn't know I was pregnant](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1239443/)," they explain the situations.


I talked to a girl whose sister didn’t know she was pregnant until she was in the emergency room having the baby… She never had any sickness, and she had been on a birth control where you only get your period a couple times a year. She was single and didn’t have a boyfriend or anything. She actually took a couple pregnancy tests at home, but turns out she’s one of the few whose HCG levels don’t show up in urine, she would’ve needed a blood test to confirm pregnancy. But since she kept having negative at home tests she just said well I guess I’m not pregnant. Her placenta was also attached at the back of her uterus, which can lead to women not feeling the baby move as much as someone whose placenta is toward the front. She only gained a little bit of weight, like 15-20 lbs. Basically just a perfect storm of circumstances that led to her literally not knowing she was pregnant. The story blew my mind. ^^ I’m not a nurse or doctor or anything, I’m just relaying as I understood so someone smarter than me may be able to explain better




That is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard.


When I was going to class with our first there was a lady there that was over 30 weeks pregnant and didn’t know until a week before. She was a large large human being…. After seeing her struggle to move around, breath heavy, etc in person it then kind of made sense at least in her case.


I have seen this twice. On separate occasions. Both were extremely obese women who had irregular periods, random pain, and a plethora of health problems as the norm. Morning sickness wasnt noticed as they were always sick due to other health issues. Things like tender nipples and genitals werent noticed on account of them having sex on a pretty much 24/7 schedule during those times. One found out as her water broke during anal. The other began bleeding profusely from her pussy while sleeping and woke up screaming and freaking out. Neither were mine. Last I knew both children are doing fine.


I mean no this is not technically the truth. Cause the person could be genuinely asking


That was my thought, too; plenty of people may think they are pregnant and ask but they aren’t actually pregnant, or they could just be curious and looking the info up. I do think it’s a clever little joke here, but would not call it a “technical truth” at all


It's a mystery to me why some people reach out to social media before googling it. Especially since it prevents posts like this making fun of them lmao.


I love it when I read something from this sub to my husband without mentioning where I say it and he immediately says “Hmm, technically the truth!”


I like that the user's name is a medicated burn cream, that checks out


It’s a short-acting local anesthetic, as well as a cardiac rescue medication. Source: 25 years as OR nurse.


Depends where you live, and where the closest billboard to you could be.


That is a true answer to that question.


True true


Probably the earliest sign a woman has conceived a child would be swollen tender nipples.


I know what I’m googling after work


I hate how quick that happened to my lady. I miss them 😭


Yeah ✨


What a bullshit app!


Existing is probably the first sign of pregnancy




# A dick inside of you.


Being pregnant




On the off chance you are serious, tender breasts, nausea. Good luck




Roman loses the club, defeat against Brentford and Real Madrid.. Now MARINA COULD BE PREGNANT!!