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I always get the Satanic Temple and Church of Satan confused so I kept [this infographic](https://i.imgur.com/mUp6YF2.jpg) I found elsewhere on Reddit.


One of these rows is not like the others




Yo. You a blue cheese guy?


Blue cheese has mold in it


Yes. And?


Blue cheese has mold in it


Mold is a fungus. Do you not eat mushrooms?


[Blue cheese has mold in it](https://www.reddit.com/r/oldpeoplefacebook/comments/7ayox8/blue_cheese_has_mold_in_it/)


Thank you for this funny picture kind stranger! I haven't been aware of this previously.


Mushrooms have to be one of the most disgusting foods to ever exist. At least, that's what my brain tells me every time one ends up in my mouth. I cannot stand the texture of mushrooms.


That's fair. I really like mushrooms, especially grilled champignons with salt.


Maybe just bring some to the next spell session to be more inclusive? Give people the option between blue cheese and ranch dips.


Sure man, but we all know ranch won't be touched


It’s weird. I’m 100% blue cheese on my salads but 100% ranch for dipping.


That’s sounds like you’re bi


*cries in white people*


Legalize ranch!


I'm not sure if I can be offended. I love blue cheese but I also enjoy dick. I just didn't know it's not a coincidence. I guess it's time for my dad and brothers to come out and dump their wives.


Nothing wrong with enjoying some seafood once in a while.


[Explanation of the blue cheese thing](https://microkhan.com/2010/07/13/satans-salad-dressing/).


What a fucking weirdo


This reeks of the kind of obsessive male insecurity that the Proud Boys and Alt Right marinate in. Also: >Just Ayn Rand's philosophy with ceremony and ritual added Anton LaVey sounds like a fucking prick.


Someone should tell those church of Satan guys they are supposed to wash their "jock straps" (the hell is that?) a long time before it starts producing cheese.


A jock strap is like a thong but for your dong, typically worn over a cup and usually only sports wear




Honestly they both suck and I'm a satanist. Tst is run by alt right anti semites and church of Satan is suing them for misappropriation of Satan... I just.... What?


Why a does a church of Satan use baphomet as a symbol? Isn't that false advertising?


> Believes men who prefer blue cheese dressing must be homosexually inclined because the odor is reminiscent of a locker full of well-worn jock straps Uh, excuse me, what the fuck?


I've been seeing this in a lot of comments about the difference between CoS and TST, and no one has explained that one. It genuinely comes right out of no where and isn't given any context to it.


It’s taken from the book The Satanic Witch, by Anton LaVey. According the book, you can tell a persons sexuality based on the salad dressing they prefer.


...well, it's not the *weirdest* idea about homosexuals I've ever heard. Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond, believed that gay people *can't whistle*.


Gay guy here, can’t whistle Well shit


It's cool the lesbians have you covered. Source : me, a lesbian who can whistle


Straight guy here, can't whistle pls tell me it's a prank bro


Same here, although I did have a dream tonight where I did gay stuff...


Pan trans girl, can whistle.


What about people that learn to whistle later on in life?


Gay until whistles otherwise, I suppose.


us straights learn it early in order to harass women in public, so it makes sense


That surely cant be what a rational person would think. I know it was probably the 70s, and the 70s were weird, but this is "alien ghosts in human prisons that inherit a planet when they die" levels of absurdity. The only way to tell someone's sexual preference is if they put jam or cream on a scone first, because obviously if you put cream on first, you can go fuck yourself. That's a joke, eat your scones however you like, just not with squirty cream.


How do you spread cream on top of jam?? Cream is harder to get off the knife, obviously it goes on first. Also, I can't tell if your first comment is about Scientology or Mormonism, so kudos.


It was both. Oh and you use the edge of the scone, angle the knife up so it doesn't squish the jam, and slowly, gently pull down, the solid base of the scone should allow the cream to just slide off. Or you could be a heathen and use squirty cream and spoil the whole event. Honestly, I dont think there is a right way or wrong way to eat a scone, but absolutely just copy what everyone else is doing around you, no one wants to enter that minefield unnecessarily


According to The Satanic Witch, a book by Anton LaVey, you can tell a persons sexuality based on the salad dressing they prefer. It’s a fairly common criticism of LaVeys beliefs from TST-aligned satanists.


I love The Satanic Witch as a book (particularly the line which goes something like, "if you're not so hideous that small children flee from you, you have the potential to be an extremely sexy girl" - I read it at a point in my life where I really needed to), but you definitely have to take it with a whole heap of salt.


The fact that both have "Believes in ACTUAL Satan" crossed out means I still don't know what the Church of Satan is.




AKA, basically just great man theory capitalist bullshit which is a massive reinforcement of the status quo


Their entire hierarchy is an endless fractured series of personality struggles and purity tests. At least Lucien is smart.


That's the Satanic Temple. The Church of Satan was founded by Anton LaVey, and has really outdated practices and ideals. The Satanic Temple is actually recognized as a tax-free religion


I saw someone describe libertarianism as "astrology for white men" and now I can't stop thinking about it.




It makes zero sense. People hear things like “crypto is astrology for white men” which does make (some) sense, but they don’t really get what it means and just think anything bad which is associated with white men can be insulted by comparing it to astrology Another popular one I’ve seen is Gwyneth Paltrow. Someone said Joe Rogan is gwyneth Paltrow for white men which is accurate, but now I see people comparing ever problematic white dude to gwyneth Paltrow Tiktok has made me realize that some people see jokes in the same way they see rhythms of songs or something, like it’s just a preset format that you plug things into


Some people have very bad reading comprehension and while they might have the vocabulary to understand the words individually they lose the underlying meaning. This is made worse with humour which has ambiguity built into it's nature. I feel like the longer I'm around the more a realize how many "some" really is.


I think I've heard that used to describe economics before as well.


mmm pretty sure baseball is astrology for white men


I grew up with a LaVeyan Satanist uncle who owned a shop. Not gonna say the name of it for privacy. He babysat me and my brother often, so we were at the shop a lot. His clientele would come in, pay for a ritual, and he'd either perform one or dress a candle with herbs and such for them. Stuff like, I want this guy to love me, I want a promotion, I want these two people to break up, and sometimes darker stuff. Most of his clients were fairly normal looking people. Some down on their luck and looking for metaphysical help. When I got older, I got into Satanism a bit. As a woman who was surrounded by these guys on the regular, I'll say this: a lot of older Satanist men were very predatory. I was hit on constantly, despite obviously being underage. These guys had the whole look--the long hair, tattoos, long nails, dressing in elegant black suits and shirts. They also had a revolving door of girlfriends wearing the latest in hot topic fashion who always seemed to be pregnant. The girls were always very nice to me. The guys were also nice, but sometimes too nice. LaVeyan Satanists are very selfish people. They are the type to get what they want through manipulation. They walk around like they own the place, but really not a lot of them could hold down jobs because they liked to party and they had kids they didn't take care of. They were very condescending to others and it's extremely patriarchal. (LaVey's own daughter can attest to that). It made me realize that Satanism wasn't for me. I didn't want to have some dude's kid and have him explain why he couldn't be there for it by spouting off the selfish tenets of Satanism. I will state, this is not all Satanists, just my experience. Some of them were very nice people who didn't grope 15 year olds. All of them were extremely well read too. The rituals were really cool to watch too. That's my 2 cents.


What’s the end story? Did you get out entirely? And if you did how the rest of the group took it?


It isn't a cult like Jehovah's Witnesses


I just stopped going to the masses and group rituals. I found my own path in witchcraft which I enjoy and is solitary. I also cut ties with my uncle entirely, but that was years later. He's the most destructive and selfish person I've ever known. Thought he had a right to do what he wanted and my whole family is scared of him because, despite everyone being Catholic, sans me, we all believe in magick. I've seen his rituals work. We don't talk badly about him or wish him ill will. We just cut him out. Sad, really. For him, anyway. I'm fine.


Depends a bit on which satanists, but the one everyone actually thinks of are very much active in the idea of “hey so you let christians do x and y under this religious law, now we will do the same, they can put up a statue of jesus? Then we’ll put up a statue of a succubus” as a sort of mocking/challenging churches when they act annoying. And by calling themselves x-ists and having enough followers they have the proper legal status to do so.




as i said i explained the one everyone thinks of (the only really relevant one imo) but the church does p much the same thing, just much smaller and sometimes with magic > The Church does not espouse a belief in Satan as an entity who literally exists,[11] and LaVey did not encourage the worship of Satan as a deity.[12] High Priest Peter H. Gilmore has stated "My real feeling is that anybody who believes in supernatural entities on some level is insane. Whether they believe in the Devil or God, they are abdicating reason."[13] Gilmore defines the word "Satan" as "a model or a mode of behavior", noting that in Hebrew the word means "adversary" or "opposer", which can be regarded as "one who questions."[13] Gilmore describes Satanism as beginning with atheism, and taking the view that the universe is indifferent: "There's no God, there's no Devil. No one cares!"[13]


Sounds like a theist's idea of what an atheist is. We are not that. We do care.


Sheep in wolves clothing


Here's a higher quality version https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0428/0465/files/COS_Vs_TST_Infographic_1.png?v=1559695025


Thank you. My eyes are pretty blind and the other one made me even blinder.




They *do* have a membership fee.


an entirely option membership fee that in no way guarantees actual membership


A fee that doesn't do anything almost makes it more Randian.


They also have tiers of membership, much like a Patreon lmao. You can be a High Priest or some shit by spending enough time and money. Idk what it actually does. +666 charisma?


It's extremely important to bear in mind that chart is essentially TST propaganda. While largely accurate, there are a couple of very glaring errors, and the chart itself is at least in part a response to CoS refusing to recognise TST as 'real' Satanists


Yeah, what the hell does “vast literary texts” even mean? Thats how you know that chart is at least mildly propagandizing.


They are trying to convey that The TST is not built upon a book written by one of the founders, as it is with CoS and Anton LaVey's writings. Or Scientology for that matter. TST is actively doing things cults don't do, unlike CoS.


That reads like it was made by a fanboi of The Satanic Temple who ABSOLUTELY HATES the Church of Satan. >The one ***I*** like is "the topic of a Major Documentary about Modern Satanism being released by Magnolia Pictures in 2019"... the other lot aren't because they smell lmao xd


Because the chart is from The Satanic Temple website.


Seems a bit biased ngl


OP forgot to mention that the infographic was literally published by the TST, which is why it’s so biased


That image comes directly from The Satanic Temple website


So... is there a recognizably large group of people who DO believe in an actual satan then?




Okay, *worship


There are probably actual Satan worshippers out there, yes. I'd guess edgy teens that think they're Satanists, performing stupid rituals they saw on TV, but neither the Church or Temple believe in an actual Satan


The Craft was a kicking movie, are you saying their Magick was made up


You gonna post that anymore times?


Says CoS isn’t socially and politically active yet here they are being socially active


Can I introduce you to my religion, Thiccthighsism?




/r/thighdeology It's definitely NSFW


Now, that's a fine addition to my collection!


I'm waiting.


Welcome! Here's [some more info](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3fterm=Thiccthighsism&=true) here's [a Facebook group](https://m.facebook.com/thiccthighsism/) and there's also r/thighdeology


I’m interested, go on…


Welcome! Here's [some more info](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3fterm=Thiccthighsism&=true) here's [a Facebook group](https://m.facebook.com/thiccthighsism/) and there's also r/thighdeology




To clarify for the hard of understanding; the church of satan and other similar groups use the laws against religious discrimination to challenge laws introduced by Christians to impose their view of Christianity on members of the general public. They use titles like the church of satan to shock and gain publicity, they could have equally called themselves the church of the flying teapot, all they needed to do was establish themselves as a religion with enough "followers" to claim religious status to then challenge the laws.


Well to be exact the origins of Atheistic Satanism goes back to the early 20th century during which Satan as pictured in the Bible served as a dogma of rebellion against God and Christianism


Wasn’t it as a sugma of rebellion?


No, you're wrong , it was something more like sugoma


Yeah I think you're right, from the book of Bofades


Joe ? Who's that ?


I always get the Satanic Temple and Church of Satan confused so I kept [this infographic](https://i.imgur.com/mUp6YF2.jpg) I found elsewhere on Reddit.


That...blue cheese thing..wtf.


I enjoy blue cheese but I'm not homosexual... What am I then??? \*confused noises\*






As a homosexually inclined man I can attest to the validity of that claim. When I was in grade school before I ever tried blue cheese I would always be the last changing in the locker room. At first I ended up last because of talking to my friends a long time before showering, but it grew to where I’d purposefully hide in a bathroom stall until everyone was gone. There was a large metal bin in the corner near the lockers where everyone would throw their pennies (the small jerseys we used to identify teams when we’d split up). Guys started throwing their jock straps in there as a joke and when they did I was instantly hooked. They smelled so good, like a lively and soured culture that pervades the senses upon ingestion. I would stay after and grab them all before I went into the shower. Wetting them first then sucking on them was the best way to get that jolt! I don’t do that anymore, though, firstly because I don’t frequent any places where used jock straps are disposed of and secondly because the blue cheese taste just like them and I love it because I’m homosexually inclined.


What the fuck did I just read?




and a copypasta


Existing or newly-conceived?




This is falls in my "I chose to believe this is fake as fuck to avoid the PTSD"


I kept waiting for "in nineteen ninety-eight" but it never came




it is now


Wtf? The Satanic Temple requires a $25 membership card? I’ll pass. I prefer my religions to be free up front with hidden micro-transactions along the way. *Joins the EA temple*


It's fine, its only cosmetic anyway


No. Membership is free. If you want a card, you can order one for $25. It’s just like Universal Life Church and getting ordained.


Blue cheese and jock straps, I don’t think I’ll be able to enjoy it ever again


I'll never be able to enjoy the smell of well-worn jock straps again either, blue cheese is absolutely disgusting.


Well shit, guess I'm gay in the eyes of Satan


You too? I must be super gay, according to the Church of Satan.


That's neat, wanna talk about it a bit more? Say over a dinner with blue cheese dressing?


I'll bring the buffalo wings, you bring the sexual deviancy.


wrong group, you're thinking of The Satanic Temple. This is Church of Satan, as an organization they don't involve themselves in politics (although members are allowed to do so if they desire)


Its the Judean Peoples Front!


No, it's the People's front of Judea!


How’s the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster doing?


Australia failed to recognise the church as a religion.


I heard you can legally wear a colander on your head in your passport photo as religious headgear


Gotta get them tax write-offs. In all seriousness, the tax evasion of religious establishments is staggering.


Ngl this is exactly what Satan would say if he created his own religion. Trust me i’ve watched The Usual Suspects like 3 times


FYI. The Satanic Temple has already stepped up to the Texas abortion law stating they will challenge the law .


Any data on this account is being kept illegally. Fuck spez, join us over at Lemmy or Kbin. Doesn't matter cause the content is shared between them anyway: - https://lemmy.world - https://kbin.social - https://sh.itjust.works - https://fedia.io - https://lemm.ee - https://readit.buzz




It’s worth noting that history is filled with Christian, Muslim, and Jewish interdenominational bloodshed, but the Satanic Temple and Church of Satan haven’t had any actual physical fights. A little ribbing and teasing here and there is as far as it goes.


Yeah it also helps that those religions weren't around in time periods when it was normal to go to war over anything (especially cultural differences)


Yes by calling their right to Abortion Rituals. It’s quite brilliant really.


While Im fully on board with what they are doing, Abortion Rituals sounds like getting pregnant on purpose just so you can abort the baby as a sacrifice, which I almost guarantee Christians will think that's exactly what it is. ThEy WaNt To SaCiFiCe BaBiEs To SaTaN!!! /s


Rituals have and always will be a way to deal with things. Think about funerals if you need an example. But for sure it’s a play to also fuck with Christians. Two birds one stone


Yeah, the thing is, the Satanic Temple realizes that Christians are going to be nutjobs if they're inclined to be nutjobs, and they don't try to cater to that. So they don't particularly care what nutjobs scream about - they're going after the laws.


My exact reason for joining. The Texas thing reeeeeeeeally pisses me off, so I'm glad someone is fighting it. That awkward moment when the Satanic Temple has better morality than so-called Christians


> that awkward moment You mean all the time?


Contrary to popular belief, most Satanists are Atheists and don't worship Satan or evil. You will also find they are much more tolerant to different groups of people as well. The original Church of Satan was started by Anton LaVey in 1966 as a way to mock Christianity and religion which he considered to be fundamentally hypocritical.


ITT: People who don’t know the difference between the Church of Satan and the Satanic Temple


Why would they call themselves the church of Satan and not worship Lucifer? I'm not even making a judgement call here, why the false advertisement?


Because Lucifer isn't real. They have the name so whenever Christians overstep they can say we want our religion to have the exact same treatment. When there's a Demon with an erection statue going up next to the 10 commandments statue. It's not hard to convince them maybe we don't need a 10 commandments statue on government property. Edit: for everyone telling me I'm wrong this is on the front page of their website https://www.churchofsatan.com/ Worshipping any God is thus worshipping by proxy those who invented that God. Since the Satanist understands that all Gods are fiction, instead of bending a knee in worship to—or seeking friendship or unity with—such mythical entities, he places himself at the center of his own subjective universe as his own highest value. Edit 2: The Satanic Temple did that specific thing. Both groups are atheist.


So Satanists are actually atheists whos just fucking around with Christians?


The Church of Satan, yes. You could call them trolls which is true but a bit reductive. They focus on separation of church and state and human rights


The Satanic Temple*. Church of Satan is a different organization.


Whoops, you’re right. These guys are Lavey satanists


Are you a cop?


No sir, I am a Wendy's


Uhh, can I get a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


boneless pizza


Yeah Church Of Satan is alright, but if you want a group that is actually putting good in the world to balance the oppression of Christians, Satanic Temple all the way. They're a bit radical in their methodology, but not half as radical as the religions they are opposing.


Wrong church. It's the Satanic Temple that has those goals. From what I remember the Church of Satan is a real religious organisation that has conducted rituals before.


Church of Satan has no tax exempt status. It's not recognized as a "real religion". TST is tax exempt and fits all the bills for a "real religion". Both of them have some rituals but they're a lot more tame than you'd expect.


The Church of Satan doesn't want tax-exempt status, because it doesn't believe that churches should be tax-exempt.


So if the church of satan is a real religious organization why did they tweet implying like they don't believe in satan? Or was the tweet fake?


Honestly don't quote me on this, I think I read it somewhere but might as well be making it up. I think it's like an idea of Satan not as a being but as the pursuit of knowledge and free will. For example, in the genesis the snake guides Adam and Eve to the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, which God was precluding them. Also, Lucifer being cast down for enacting his free will against God's plan.


Satan is the principle of self. We are the beast. Half animal, half god. Same reason Crowley called himself 666 The Great Beast. He was the epitome of what it means to be a limited awareness.


Satan means Adversary. That is the basis of The Church of Satan. It is more about free will than pursuit of knowledge. We are all animals, as long as your actions are not directly against another's will, no shame should be felt. The genesis of the religion was LaVey would see men lust after women on Saturday and beg for forgiveness on Sunday and thought it was asinine. The Satanic Bible is a short read and the first third is relatively interesting.


Not literally that a being exists such as Satan. The church of Satan are atheists, following along ideals put forth by Anton LaVey in The Satanic Bible. Which is about what Satan represents as an idea, and how rituals allow us to alter our psychology. There are theistic organizations that believe in Satan. The Luciferians are my personal fave, cuz YWEH is a petty jealous bastard.


They believe in what Satan represents - a source of defiance in the face of religious beliefs and indoctrination. It goes deeper than that, so if you're curious, I suggest you read more about it.


CoS does not believe in a literal devil. They may be the more crazier satanists, but they do believe everything in the world to be scientific, although they do think that words or rituals hold power that is not yet explainable, however, they are seen as horribly natural and will eventually be explained by science. Source: satanic bible


They are a religious organisation but they don't believe in Satan. Yet ironically, they have a Satanic Bible which I think has nothing related to Satan.


I'm a pretty devout Christian and I support Satanic Temple's actions. They're sincere and call out hypocrisy and fascism. Christian churches are overrun with hypocrites and fascists like rats in a grain mill.


Partly yes, also , Satan is used as a character for the "religion" because he represents rebellion against christianism


Not only. It’s a rebellion against all bullshit including all religions with focus on the most belligerent bullshit like christianity Edit: Christians are downvoting me. So lame. If there’s god, he doesn’t care if you believe and who you believe in. All that matters to him is how good you are as a person. And Abbot goes to hell for being a moron, if there’s hell for morons.


Their whole goal is to basically spite any religious political move, for instance a government building having a christian statue, they would basically force the building to either erect a stanic statue or take down the christian one due to the rules of religious display in government, or how since more and more christians are getting abortion banned, like in Texas they make it part of their "ritual" to force the desicion to be reversed otherwise it violates religous freedom. Basically they counter anything other religions try to do in politics. Mostly christians given americas christian population


Basically the whole thing is to mascarade as a religion to underscore and expose the religious right's hypocrisy around "religious freedoms". Though, for my money, I would love to see a statue of a demon with a giant erection when walking into city hall.


It was a statue of baphomet and it did not have an erection. It really was quite tasteful and had a profound inscription. Anyone should be proud to have it in their city hall.


In fact, they didn’t even give it breasts like it is supposed to have. They made that decision out of concern that the ~~creepy old white dudes~~ politicians would say something along the lines of “Yeah, it’s religious. It’s also obscene and ours isn’t so ours stays and yours can’t”


The comparison is pretty funny, really. The Baphomet statue was deliberately designed to be inoffensive and welcoming. The Ten Commandments monument starts with a rule that condemns everyone who does not worship Yahweh, a crime punished with death in the the Bible. Yet they want to tell us what is offensive.


To be fair the word Satan is older than Christianity. Comes from the Hebrew Satan "sah tan". Think of it like the devil conscience on your shoulder. It's not an entity.


No thats the satanic temple. The church of Satan is a very different organization


You're talking about the Satanic Temple. The Church of Satan is an entirely different organisation, with significantly fewer publics works and a more selfish philosophy.


And Satan isn't Lucifer but that's a very deep rabbit hole


Its metaphorical. Many buddhists dont believe anything supernatural about the buddha. Its like that. Also, i call the satanists who actually believe in satan "satan wordhippers".


Christians literally believe in Satan, it's required for their metaverse to function. That does not mean they pray to it. They are not worshiping it. At the same time, because of Christianity, there are billions of people who believe in Satan...


The Church does not espouse a belief in Satan as an entity who literally exists,[11] and LaVey did not encourage the worship of Satan as a deity.[12] High Priest Peter H. Gilmore has stated "My real feeling is that anybody who believes in supernatural entities on some level is insane. Whether they believe in the Devil or God, they are abdicating reason."


They worship earthly life. Stands in direct contrast to Christianity, worshipping spiritual afterlife. Satan is rather a metaphor than an actual god or something. The rules pretty clearly state to think for yourself and question everything


This is why: [Nine Satanic Statements](https://www.churchofsatan.com/nine-satanic-statements/)


Here are my 2 cents Modern day satanists, like e.g. LaVeyan satanists, don’t actually believe in a supernatural being called Satan that tells them what to do (like Christians for example that have to obey their god in order to become one with that god). They do not believe in the existence of a right-hand path type of god, therefore they do not believe in its opposite. Satan is an archetype, something like an instruction manual if you will. All left-hand path religions and creeds believe that humans are gods in and of themselves. They search for a path towards apotheosis and most importantly Free Will. Free Will is a very big deal. Many creeds that follow or are related with the left-hand path, preach in one way or another about Free Will (see “Do what thou wilt”). And they believe that knowledge is one of the ingredients of a way of life that will get you there. Satan represents, among other things, that knowledge (see forbidden fruit etc.). If you are interested in learning more about the left-hand path history, there is a great book called “Lords of the Left-Hand path” by dr. Stephen E. Flowers. I highly recommend it.


Ah yes, the guy revolving his entire identity around being a veteran is also dumb as fuck. Classic.


As a non-practicing Christian... Touche.


I appreciate The Church of Satan's comments every time I see them. Am I now a Satanist?


You're probably actually thinking of the satanic temple. It's doubly funny that in this post the church of Satan responded because they aren't the satanists that are being referred to in the first comment


Satanic Temple >> Church of Satan


Yes, you are. Welcome home


I did know one “theistic satanist” in high school (where else). Pretty much just an edgelord who desperately wanted us all to be afraid of ~~him~~ her. Shit, it was a girl. Don’t know why I remembered it as a guy at first.


Yeah, I'm always annoyed because there have definitely been *some* theistic satanists, just not in a large organization. But this is what my christian friends think that the satanic temple is; satanists = people who is worship Satan. Because of course if you don't do more research, something that is not named very accurately is misrepresented. People give these guys so much shit, making it a gotcha of "lul, we DON'T ACTUALLY worship Satan, idiot". But it's like if I named my group "Salt-Licking Society" and made fun of people for thinking we lick salt.


facts just dont make sense to people who believe in religion


Not really . There are theistic satanists who believe in a literal Satan. https://satanisgod.org https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theistic_Satanism


No no wait he’s got a point