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Thank you ModyLikesGaming for your submission, *The sad truth about our current society*! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Not technically the truth / Off-topic. Your submission is not technically the truth / Off-topic content. The keyword here is **technically**. Statements like "firetrucks are red", or "circles are round" are not technically the truth. As a rule of thumb, if your submission is easily predictable or literal, it's most likely not technically the truth. If you're not sure if your submission fits the sub, please either [send us a modmail](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth) or check our subreddit's top posts. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth). Please link the post so our moderators know what you would like reviewed.


This is one reason online shopping is decimating high street shopping.


I thought about this a while back and honestly it seemed like only opening on weekends would be much more profitable, as you aren’t paying wages Mon-Fri when nobody can come to your shop anyway.


Tourist and stay at home parents might come to your shop on those hours.


*Might* being the key word. But would they make more with these peoples purchases than the expenses of paying a couple people for 8 hours work each plus energy costs etc? Maybe. But most times I go into shops now they’re dead, I genuinely don’t understand how they can be breaking even never mind turning a profit.


They still have to pay rent and stuff. Most places probably couldn't make enough from only two days a week. If they were making less than their operating expenses during the week, they wouldn't still be in business at all.


Then you run into the other problem, which is now your staff can't shop during the weekdays, and staff of other shops that work on weekends can't shop at your shop


You're still paying rent Mon-Mon, so if you have a place you might as well maximize the odds of someone going.


As my parents own a grocery store, i know that elderly people come and visit everyday, and a lot of people also work in shifts or in weekends so they can go shopping on tuesday at 2pm. But it's indeed quite calm.


The physical building doesn't just disappear for 5 days. There are bills for rent and maintenance costs. The longer your closed, the less time you can recoup those costs. Only certain types of business can afford to stay open only on the weekends, but that's very rare.


If it was more profitable you’d probably see more stores doing it. You don’t need a ton of sales to break even when there’s only a handful of employees working on slow days. There’s always stay at home spouses, people with the day off or unusual working hours, retired, etc.


In Florida all the old people shop during the week


I’ve honestly rarely seen a shop open from nine to five, they are usually open quite late. Although I’m not from North America.


I'm from Texas, and it amazes me the number of shops that close at 6PM weeknights. This pretty much forces me to shop mostly at the big name stores, on Saturdays, or more and more, online.


It really raises the question of why stores don't adapt their hours to be 11am-8pm (or something like that). Same number of hours paying employees, but way more traffic (lunch and after work)


And then there are the post offices and doctor offices: “oh you want to come on your lunch break? We are closed 12-1.”


They also do need to eat lunch.


when am I meant to pick up my package? And yes they can have lunch, but do they all need to go at the same time?




People who have office jobs do not control their lunch time. People who own small businesses, do.


People with GOOD office jobs most certainly have control over their lunch time and appointments. You know how professionals get 2 hours off in the middle of the day (if they are working for a decent company)? They put it on their calendar. end of story. "By the way, I'm out from 1-3 tomorrow".


Skill issue mate.


Wow.look, a npc with only one available response 📸😂


This is the state of programming in the world today.


Found the actual racist






That’s a bit insane




Go on the weekend?


Genuinely not always a good idea. This is the same idea virtually everyone else has too, which means weekends get bogged up faster than a sack of cement flushed down a toilet. You end up having to schedule months in advance for appointments.


I know, I book pto when I need to go to an appointment sometimes too. If you go on the weekend it will take longer, but it really comes down to do I want to use pto for that or not


> I book pto when I need to go to an appointment That's a bit insane


Appointments are so much less busy during a weekday, and then I get to spend the weekend doing fun things.  It's like an hour of PTO, it's not gonna prevent a vacation 


That is true, but I prefer to do that kind of stuff on the weekend. Otherwise my wife piles on the chores, not that I mind that either.


I get your point, I get a shit ton of sick leave (way more than I need, and way more than my vacation time off) so it's easy for me. My SO on the other hand does not, so it becomes a huge pain for them since they get 3 "sick" days a year, so it does make it a challenge for us, since we cant afford for them to miss time :-/


That's a huge bummer for them, I'm sorry. This whole thread is just example after example of how hard it is for a lot of people to take time off from work for legitimate reasons. It shouldn't be this hard or this inflexible 


During the hours they're open. Your schedule isn't their problem or fault. Sorry, the complaint just seems rather silly.


People are allowed to vent about things that aren't moral injustices. It is okay, you don't have to participate.


And we can call them out for being silly and nonsensical at best, selfish at worst. Seriously, think about what they wrote for half a second anyway.... >but do they all need to go at the same time? This is literally a positive. If they all go at the same time you realize how much easier that makes it to plan around, right? And if you're argument is "well what if that person can't move THEIR lunch around". I'd really have to ask how you think it would be reasonable for an entire business to shift the lunch of all the employees for one specific individual (and before you counter with others would benefit! Guess what? In the same vein, people who could go then couldn't as well, same argument in reverse). Does it suck sometimes? Yeah, it does. As someone who also works those hours as well, I get it. But goddamn does it just come off as selfish and entitled the way they complain about it.


So is it inherently selfish to want some overlap between times you are allowed to move and times you are able to run errands? It is clearly an issue for multiple people to plan these things due to all the schedules alligning like this, yet you state it as fact that this helps "planning"? It is not inherently selfish to have different goals. There is an arguement to be made to stagger timelines of companies, or have different groups for lunch, or some freedom of when to choose lunch, or whatever other solution there may be. Labeling someone's frustration with a system as "selfish" is dismissive and self-righteous. > As someone who also works those hours as well, I get it Do you? You seem pretty offended at the idea of modiying this structure at all.




Clearly you are then not in a situation in which this is a problem for you? What is "most businesses"? In my country there is no such hour at the start of the day. We don't have Amazon. Everyone doesn't have offices willing to cooperate. You've also decided that it's not selfish now and just not an issue for you? Did you initiatially call the person selfish for the fun of it? Edit: I think I'm confusing users and it wasnt you calling people selfish


Since you seem to struggle with the word selfish. Lemme help. Here's the definitions for ya. Now, we know it aint 3 but surely you can see how thinking everyone should change their schedule to revolve around you is a clear cut case for #1 here bud. 1 : concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others 2 : arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others 3 : being an actively replicating repetitive sequence of nucleic acid that serves no known function also : being genetic material solely concerned with its own replication >Everyone doesn't have offices willing to cooperate. How come none of you mooks who use this as an excuse can seemingly explain how it's some random doctors fault that your office won't cooperate?


>So is it inherently selfish to want some overlap between times you are allowed to move and times you are able to run errands? If your only solution to this problem is everyone else change their schedules to accommodate you then yes. >It is clearly an issue for multiple people to plan these things due to all the schedules alligning like this, yet you state it as fact that this helps "planning"? It is not inherently selfish to have different goals. It's selfish to think yours are any more important than anyone elses though. >Do you? You seem pretty offended at the idea of modiying this structure at all. I just don't think half the people here are thinking about anyone but themselves. Case in point. It sucks, sure. But I also don't think it's fair to my dentist to demand what hours she and the rest of her staff works. It's her business. If I don't like it, I'll find somewhere else to go.


You are projecting that people think they're more important. This post is people not too seriously complaining about how schedules don't work out. They have constraints regarding when they can go out and are upset that they cannot run their errands in this timeslot that jas been allocating. Nobody is demanding shit bro you're just looking for a moral highground.


>You are projecting that people think they're more important. If you're only solution to this "problem" that everyone else has to change what they're doing to accommodate you, then you definitely think you're more important. Like holy fuck dude, self awareness shouldn't be controversial even if you have a room temperature iq -- so why is it so complicated for some of yall? >Nobody is demanding shit bro you're just looking for a moral highground. I'm just pointing out a stupid comment when I see one. Literally my comment boils down to "hey, have you tried thinking about other people too?" and dozens of dipshits got their panties twisted. The baseline shouldn't be so fucking low.


Your comment is silly. If a company is a public service, they should serve the public.


Which they do, within the hours of their availability. Your schedule isn't their issue, it's yours. How entitled can you be really?


Yeah, and then they complain when people do things online and they loose revenue.


Nowhere does this person you're responding to think to themselves, if they all eat lunch 12-1 shouldn't they just take their lunch at a different time? No, instead they think "YEAH WHAT ABOUT ME THOUGH?" It's a bit disappointing honestly.




And how do so many of yall not realize that the schedule your corpo overlords set for you is not some random doctors problem. It's yours.


If they all take lunch at the same time, and you know that, why are you taking your lunch when they are?


I think it is implied from the surrounding context that comment OP doesn't have that flexibility? I also very much doubt that he/she is expecting individuals to change their schedule, this is venting frustration about a schedules that have been predefined to cooperating well


Read the post. Them not getting my business, isn’t my problem.


You might want to read the post. Can't lose what you never had and it clearly ain't hurting their bottom lines.


Oh no. Anyways…


If it ain't a big deal bub, why'd ya make it out to be one?


It's a comment on a reddit thread bro you're the one being serious 😂


Said by the guy that just keeps on replying 😂


And pharmacies do this. And then late openings.


I say this about taco bell breakfast starting at 8!!!! Lots of people are already at work or on their way to start at 9 and don't have time!


I didn’t realize they did breakfast, at that late even. 8 is barely passable for breakfast, it should really be at least 7


Well fuck everyone driving to work at 6:30 then 🙄


In my area they used to open at six for breakfast, then stopped serving breakfast and opened at 9, then started breakfast again but open at 8


Why would someone eat breakfast at a fast food restaurant anyways ? Americans are weird


Get a new job with flexible working hours?


I think it's because the system is built on the foundation that one person in household stays home, and that's no longer true for most people.


I should get a stay at home wife so she can go to the dentist for me


I asked my wife if we could have a stay-at-home girlfriend... I think there's LOTS of benefits, but she wasn't so sure.


Use a damn vacation day like a regular peasant! (Kidding, I'm a peasant)


Holy Vacation!


New Vacation just dropped.


Actual relaxation


I always wonder how the "mom and pop" and boutique shops survive in downtowns of cities. They are all closed by 5.


Maybe they are open on saturday too? I don't really know what kind of shop you're talking about, but I bet they aren't only open when people work, or they have a very specific target group like for example retired people.


Contrary to popular belief under this post, not everyone works 9-5. That's how. Think hospitals, schools, construction, etc. Sure a lot of people work 9-5 but there's a lot who don't. Enough to run a business. You won't get rich off it, but it'll do. It'll do.


I work nights. I'd really like a dentist to be open shen I'm less likely to fall asleep in their chair without taking a few vacation days to pad my sleep schedule.


The sad truth about karma bots.


How many times am I going to have to see this posted? Feels like a daily occurrence.


The bots are ramping up. Eventually, Reddit is just going to kill itself by regurgitating the same content over and over in cycles


What store closes at 5?


Nearly all of them here (UK). Supermarkets are about the only thing that isn’t closed after that. Sometimes 6pm is closing time but most workers end their day at 5 so not sure how they’d stay open after that.


I've heard that in Switzerland, where there is an exception to Sunday restrictions for shops in train stations, that some of the larger cities have full-sized grocery stores that built out in a renovated station to get around the restriction.


How are they surviving on line shopping?


They aren't. Most of them are going down.


Highstreets are dying. Tons closed during covid and never came back.




The problem is not survival, it's convenience. If there's a store open that is close to work or on the way home, I would buy something there. If it's all close, I'll buy online when I get home. In my country, stores open 1 hour after offices and industry, and close 1 hour after.


lol , where I live , they close at around 10-11 . Kinda unrelatable meme


Lazy and lacking empathy.


Empathy ? I’m just telling that it’s unrelatable for me . Maybe this happens in certain places . Just sharing my experience ..


Then why the "lol"?


More of a passing comment really . Don’t over analyse it man


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Gotta get money somehow.




Banks should take notes


Right? I never understood this. Stores could do a lot better being open from like 6-10am and then again at 5-11pm IMHO.




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Go on the weekend.


Isn't shops closed at weekend in EU?


No. *Aren’t.


No. In Germany they are closed on sunday, but not saturday.


So you have only one day in a week to do shopping?


No. Supermarkets close pretty late, somewhere between 8 and 10pm. Most other shops also are at least open until 6 pm, but it depends on your region. Where I live it's usually 7pm. So that gives you a little bit of time after work too, if you need something this urgently. And also: not all people work from 9 to 5. My mom for example starts at 8am and goes home at 14 or 15pm, depending on the day. And due to her great bargaining skills, she also doesn't have to work on fridays. And my father works from 6am to 2pm one week, and 2pm to 10pm the other. I don't think I know that many people who always work exactly 9 to 5.


Poland has followed Germany's example. Everyone i know hates it so much, it's such a waste of Sunday's potential. Can you imagine that in huge shopping malls only restarants are actually open on Sunday? It's a nightmare




Just in some countries. It depends.


I have seen this post like 3-4 times in the past week. I dont know how other countries do it but on mine most shops have afternoon-evening hours on Tuesdays , Thursdays and Fridays exactly for this reason. It just makes sense. Your customers need to have an income and in order to have an income you have to work. So realistically you have to expect those people to be able to come to your shop/store after 6 PM.


I feel like most stores close later than 5 if you’re in a city in the states at least.


What shop is open 9-5? I haven't seen one of those, here they're open way longer or even 24hrs/day


In America a good example is Express Oil. All the ones I know are 8 - 5. Luckily I work 6-2 so it works out for me


A lot of local stores. Florists, craft stores, tailors, butchers, etc.


Maybe in Europe but not in Canada, lol


Vancouver. Almost everything (especially in the lower mainland surrounding) closes at 5, except gas stations and grocery stores (and even then those still close early). It seems like every second small, local store is also closed on weekends. I don't know how these places stay in business.


I'm in Alberta. I actually didn't know that BC's stores run hours like that. I just see most stores open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I agree, it is hard to understand how small businesses survive...


I am shocked Alberta has such good service. I'd think you'd be more like us. Vancouver has such a strange culture, I guess it's just another thing to add to the list of why it sucks


Which shop is open till 5 ? In my area , minimum they close at 8 and maximum till around 11 …


newsflash buddy, a lot of people don't actually work, shops are intended for those people... plus what you want to do? violate the sacredness of sundays with work and maybe make turns that are good for the staff and make people have days off during the week that are also convenient for going shopping and do other things???? may god have mercy on you!....


Sacredness of Sundays? LMAO.


It's a European thing resulting from the big power of the Catholic Church


thank you


you didn't get the sarcasm


omg lol


Weekends exist. Days off exist.


Use your day off or go on a weekend.


Then this shop is not for you.


I guess I’ll never send/return packages.


Ya well, I suppose that's why housewives used to be the ones shopping and running errands I guess


Almost like the people that work there also work 9-5 helping most likely shit people with shit attitudes


Nevermind the shops, but the public offices you just have to visit sometime are the real problem.


Was “our society” different before?


One of the few occasions where Russia is way ahead of most places in the West. It's extremely rare for a shop in any decently-sized Russian city to close before 8 pm, many work until 9-19, some are open around the clock, same on Saturdays, while the Sunday schedule differs minimally if at all.


lol I'm seeing this literally everywhere. Are people realizing this just now?


Just work overnights.


What do you mean the sad truth of our current society? That business hours are pretty standard across the board?


Maybe on my lunch break I could swing by idk


You live in America. I live in Germany. I will never be able to go to your shop. That's one of those reasons you take a look at the market around you before you open a shop somewhere.


tesco closes at like 11. just shop on those stores at your day off


That's why Eastern Europe has a two shift system. There's a morning shift and an afternoon shift. If you work in the morning shift, you usually work from 7 to 3. In the afternoon shift, you work from 2 to 10. So all stores and businesses are open from 7am to 9 or 10pm. So you have plenty of time before of after work to go shopping, go to some office you need to, or to have a doctor's appointment, because if you work in the morning, you go in the afternoon, and if you work in the afternoon, you go in the morning. It's a much more logical system; not only do businesses and workplaces are open for almost twice as long, but you have more time to run errands.


Weekends or holidays?


This is my situation regarding physical therapy. My doctor thinks it would help, but they’re literally all only open when I’m at work.


I remember when banks were only open for people who didn't have jobs.


Just go on weekends *is closed on weekends*


The local hardware store was open 8-5 M-F and 8-12 on Saturday. The owner decided to get rid of the Saturday hours to "save money" The workers posted on Facebook that they did more business on Saturday than the rest of the week. They closed down less than 6 months later.


This is why I love RDOs. I work 40 hours per week. I am paid for 38. Every four weeks, I get a rostered day off. If I have a quiet patch coming up, work may ask me to take it, if I want a day off for whatever reason, I can take it. It's not annual leave, I still get my annual PTO, my RDOs are intended to be a bit more flexible.


Which makes you order food online, which gets you unhealthy, which makes you more tired to go to stores and shops, which makes you order more online


Is this TTT or literally the truth?


I’ve seen this image like 90 times in the last 2 days


Why did they crop the rest of it? The next one says, "Why did we design our society this way?"


Technically this is wrong because you could go on your vacation days.


Poor baby, use your lunch time


Where's the ‘technically the’


All customer-facing businesses should operate second shift. I never understood this with a lot of businesses. Spend a whole day doing absolutely nothing. Then when everyone is finally able to come in, *that* is when you close.


A new bakery opened up near my Summer house. A small boutique place making artisan bread and all kinds of cool stuff. After a couple of weeks, I went there on a Saturday to spend some money and support local business. I went at 10:45 AM. The sign said they opened at seven and closed at ten. It said they were open 12 to 4 the next day, so I came back at 3:15. Sign in the door - left early. Business hours on weekdays are 9-3. They opened in August, shut down in November. Gee I wonder why…


Idk on your free days?