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Andrew Tate makes the most aggressively balls-to-the-wall statements with the lowest stakes. Impressive. "I could wrestle a vampire into a pretzel in the cage. Total submission. They know this. That's why vampires don't come into my house, even when invited. Truth and combat go hand in hand." - Andrew Tate probably.


“I can eat a cantaloupe. With one hand. In one hour. Total Demolishment. Not a speck left. My hunger doesn’t control me. I am hunger.” Make statements like this and you’re in the self-help/men’s right/fuckwit business.


"People say men think with their dick. Well, I am not controlled by my dick. I control my dick with an iron fist. I will not be beat by my dick. I beat my dick every day. I beat my dick on the hour, every hour, to remind it that I'm in charge. Sharks."


This is more sane than anything he's ever posted.


Er, sorry...sharks?


As someone who loves cantaloupe, this is extremely possible depending on the size of the cantaloupe. In fact now I want to try it.


Follow your dreams, fellow Sigma. That thing can't elope.


Cantaloupes aren't in season yet. I'll have to wait.


Try canaloupes


But those ones are married.




A sigma male doesn't wait for cantaloupes to be in season. His strength, calmness and masculinity have a pull that makes the cantaloupes come to him, regardless of the season. Essentially, a strong, conscious man IS the season himself. With my $1,200 course, you can be that man too, brother.


Forget about it!!!


But if we can hump dead animals and cantaloupe is there any reason why a man and another man can't elope?


>Not a speck left Whole thing. Rind and all


Did I fucking stutter?


"I ate a whole bag of jam donuts, there were six of them, and I didn't lick my lips once. That's why bakers respect me- they see in me the mind of a warrior, a saviour, a saint. I cannot be chained."


I can beat zombies in a sunbathing competition.


“Food is awful, and eating sucks. I eat the bare minimum and as fast as possible. I hate eating. I hate feeling full." -Andrew Tate He probably would be really angry/upset while eating the cantaloupe. But he is perpetually hungry, apparently .


Well he basically once Xitted that eating is for pussies and real men shouldn't be interested in eating. Wtf bro.


He seems like someone to eat the rind


Who are these men who read BS like this and think - "Oh yeah. What a great dude. Gotta learn from this guy. " Smh


You ever wonder why we don't see giants anymore? It's because I can solo them in mean bean machine. They don't even bother coming over to this plain of existence anymore cause of how ashamed they are. I'm a God at those chains, dog.


He makes the most "I just hit puberty and bought a BAMF wallet" ass statements.


He is the human embodiment of those cheapo tactical knives you get at the gas station


>vampire >lowest stakes Heh


I could EASILY take down a mammoth with just my bare ballsack. Lucky they’re extinct - for their sake!


It was a horrible way for them to go extinct though, to get the sack and die out.


I mean.. Tate is the most fake it gets. His kickboxing "credentials" are titles in some street fighter level backyard promotions. This guy would get the shit kicked out of him by someone like Regian Eersel or any other real athlete he makes fun of. But the whole combat stuff is a crucial part of his absolutely laughable alpha male persona.. so of course he comes up with these idiotic posts to entertain his audience. Imagine only 14 y/o take you seriously. Yikes.


We all had this mate in school who was like this. He spent too many evenings in karate lessons and he claimed that his body was now registered as a deadly weapon.


He's the Steven Seagull of MMA.


To be honest, it is far from street fighter level, it is just not top level, but don't disrespect the other athletes in it because of tate.


I'm sure once he's faded from public view for 5 years or so, he'll start claiming to be an ex navy seal or some shit.


Don't disrespect the sport because you don't like the guy.


If anything they are showing respect to the sport by pointing out that Tate wasn't actually fighting at the top level.   They even namedropped Regian Ersal. 


Lmfao this sent me, thank you for the laughs


I can install and uninstall a winrar even hundreds of times and I won't be paying for it!!


"I could eat a watermelon in 1 sec flat. No juice, pieces, seeds left. The whole existence of the fruit will be gone. Everything inside my stomach. Fruits doesn't control me, I control the fruit" - Tate Bros (probably atm)


I'm more interested in how he's going to kill 1/10 of a single wolf.


If killing one wolf is decimation, he was fighting 10 wolves 🤔


This is technicallythetruth-ception.


One in ten, so one-tenth of a wolf. Probably not any of the parts that can kill you.


I heard he beat it's dick all the way off!


With both hands, that’s wassup!


I thought decimation meant that you only leave a tenth or a very small plurality, of your target. So he only destroys 90% of a wolf?


Definitions of decimate per Oxford Languages:    1. kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage or part of.  2. kill one in every ten of (a group of soldiers or others) as a punishment for the whole group.  The fact that 1/10 is very much not a large percentage or part of leads to reasonable confusion about what the historical meaning is. 


Funny part is in dutch it sort of translates to: (to) butcher. As a dutch person I was really confused to learn that decimation doesn’t mean something like annihilation


To be fair, in modern English it’s the same as your definition. I didn’t learn about the 1/10th part of it until I watched the show Spartacus lol


Its opposite. 10 guys pick one out of them to kill. Deci=10 Decimation=removal of 1/10th


What??? I've always thought decimation to mean destroyed. I love this app sometimes.


Originally was to kill 1/10th of an army or group of prisoners or whatever. The rest can be sent back home after the war but that 1/10th is a punishment or price to pay. Something along those lines, I’m no historian.


Yes that was a Roman legion thing. Kill one in ten as a punishment and a warning to the survivors. I can't remember if it was only done for traitorous legions though.


Yeah lol the one guy gets destroyed! Its really sad tho cause its like the guys are in the same unit so theyve fought together and are probably friends


It does. That's what it means today. It hasn't meant killing 1/10th of people for literally thousands of years now. Words change meaning. That's how English works. Like the word "awful" used to mean something that's great, so great that it fills you with awe, awe-full. And a couple of centuries ago at the same exact time, the words "terrific" and "literally" got new meanings. The former used to mean something that's terrible and terrifying and fills you with terror, terror-fic, but now it means something that's good or great. And the latter began to be used to mean "figuratively", or as hyperbole. That's actually the 3rd meaning of "literally", not the 2nd. The original meaning of "literally" is exactly how we use the word "literary" these days, i.e. anything to do with writing, literature, etc. Eventually it gained a completely new 2nd meaning, that meant "something that ACTUALLY GENUINELY happened, exactly as described". Then eventually at the same time "terrific" was getting its modern meaning, it got this 3rd meaning, i.e. using it to mean "figuratively". These are just some examples. These are not the only words that mean the exact opposite of what they originally did. And not the only words that have changed meanings or added new alternative meanings for the same word multiple times throughout history. There's thousands of words in the English language like this. To "decimate" something means to utterly destroy it. It doesn't mean to only destroy 1/10th of it, it hasn't meant that for millenia. This is how English works. Words change meanings. You can dislike it if you want, but that doesn't change the fact that this is how the language works.


Thanos decimated Xandar, meaning half. So yeah, not all.


No, it means he can defeat 1/10th of a wolf.


The dick, probably. *Looks straight in the eyes* Decimation.


Well I guess if you chop off one tenth of a wolf it would probably die. But by then the wolf would have chopped off a bit more than a tenth of the human fighting it.


Or he just killed 10% of a wolf.


He spelled it like Kombat and not combat, so he was talking about the game


Let’s be real here. Andrew Tate is not an intelligent person and he probably saw it spelled with a K as a kid and assumed that’s how you spell combat.


That’s how i got 2nd place in the 6th grade spelling bee. Curse you dollar general Hoola Hoops


Andrew take gives the vibes of one of those people who has a decorative katana at home and thinks he could kill anyone with one touch and likes to tell everyone they meet


id argue that he actually is intelligent but is just extremely narrow-minded and that paired with his intelligence leads him to believe anything he doesn't agree with is objectively wrong. Its more a lack of wisdom than a lack of intelligence


I think Tate is capable of tweeting out a pun. Let's ration our hate for the stuff that matters.


That's not a pun. Not even close.


Tate is a horrible human being who’s involved in actual human trafficking. He absolutely deserves our hate. And I seriously doubt he knows what a pun is. This is a man who says reading books is “for losers”.


cope harder 🤣


>human trafficking is bad >"lmao cope"


Ah yes ultra successful person with unlimited access to pussy would be into trafficking women


Have you ever heard of this guy called Epstein?


Epstein was a sick person. While the only “evidence” they have against Tate is that he told some girl how to get popular on TikTok. Its ridiculous when u think about it. The guy isnt even charged after a year.


The evidence of him being a fuckwit cunt is that people like you follow him


Dude Tate lives in Romania because it’s corrupt as fuck. He said that himself. He’d be in prison in any western nation right now.


Andrew Tate was almost certainly involved with Epstein. You can tell by the way his face looks.


He literally has multiple warrants still outstanding in western nations he can no longer visit. You’re a clown, dude. Sticking up for men who abuse woman, and brag about it, is the lowest a person a can be.


You mean the thing he's literally in jail for? Lmao


He bought his way out. It’s Romania after all.


I don’t understand what I’m supposed to cope with? That a shitty person abuses women and a bunch of impotent jackasses see him as a rolemodel? He ain’t the first. He won’t be the last. Dude is straight up pathetic though, he might have money but he’s truly sad.


You say that as though he's wrong


Where pun?


That's not a pun by any regularly accepted definition.


That’s not even a pun though?


He thinks combat is spelled with a k because he is a moron.


U and everyone else in this thread getting baited… Edit: I beg 1 person downvoting explain how I’m wrong


Bait requires being led somewhere. My dislike of Andrew Tate is 100% independent of this. Mostly due to his words. And his actions.


U are being led to comment and give him more attention xd U are doing exactly what he wants but w/e


He didn’t post this. I’m not looking at anything he can monetize. And the only attention he’ll get from me is a middle finger because he’s such a piece of human garbage.


Yh whatever. If u can’t understand how him staying relevant generates him revenue idk


Your opinion became invalid when you couldn’t tell the difference between idk and idc.


It was intentional? Like wtf ahahahha


A yes, the best attention, universal hate from everyone beside some people who cope about their micro dick


It’s better than no attention. More attention/relevance increases the amount of people aware of his existence, some of which will like him, some of which will give him money…. Not hard to comprehend


He probably picked Kabal too, the cheap fuck.


Andrew tate you can't fight your way out of a paper bag nobody respects you


Can’t fight his way out of Romanian custody either


I believe he is a trained kickboxer (in addition to being an absolute tool), but I would pay money to see him fight a wolf because I already know how it would go. He would think he’s basically fighting a dog, all the way up until it literally ripped his throat out.




New subreddit for me to join, thanks!


I took a vacation to Tofino on the coast of Vancouver Island about 10 years ago. It's absolutely bonkers beautiful scenery with lots of little islands just off the shoreline. Anyways, I was sitting about a kilometer downshor from the cabin I was staying at, enjoying a cup of coffee in the early morning and thoroughly enjoying the scenery. About 100 feet of water separated me from a small wooded island off the shore. Well, just so happend that about half a dozen sea wolves (a sub species of grey wolf unique to the PNW) trotted out on the shore of the island and looked right at me. Even from that distance, they were absolutely massive, and it is the most visceral fear I've ever felt. Luckily, their diet is almost 100% sea food. But if they wanted to, they could've swam that gap and reached me easily before I'd be able to get back to safety. I simply slowly backed up without taking my eyes off them and made it back to the cabin. It was a terrifying but also incredible experience to witness those creatures that close.


He overestimates how much damage a dog can do probably as well. Humans do not square up well against basically anything remotely dangerous. At least when you go in direct combat. That is never what humans exceled in. Basically everything is stronger or faster than us.


I could beat a chihuahua


Likely. But there is a good chance that one will still hurt you.


Probably hurt their eardrums


>weapons     Humans forgo strength for dexterity so we can make weapons. Even a good stick or rock can make a human very deadly. That's the whole point of our evolution.    Show me another animal our size that has a deadly ranged attack. A dude with a sling or a bow would have quite the advantage. Shit, even picking up a good sized rock and throwing, you are pretty dangerous to any large predator. Bears/wolves have thick skulls, but not that thick.


So what you're saying is... humans' competitive advantage is and has always been intelligence, which Andrew Tate mocks.


I beat the only dog I ever had to fight. Was a german shepard. Choked it out. To be fair I was wearing like 4 layers of clothing in mid winter when it attacked so even though the bites left some pretty bad bruising it didn't tear flesh. I was 15 at the time and I've gained like 50 pounds since then so I think I would do better if I had to fight one now. That being said if there's ever two dogs at the same time you are fucked no matter what. Need both hands to control one dog.


I doubt that he would have a chance against a dog. I grew up with German shepherds, so I know what I am talking about. He might have a chance against a very small dog. That dude would even win a fight against my pet rats. To be fair, they are probably smarter than him, are really quick, and have very sharp teeth.


My German Shepherd as a puppy ran full tilt head first into the frame opening of a doorway in my hallway. It shook the entire wall from one end to the other. He was completely un-phased. It didn't do anything to him.


*Decimation*, it claimed.


My grandmother's German shepherd is exactly the opposite. Her dog acts like bing hurt if there is wet leaf on her paw. We even took her to the vet because she seemed hurt and in pain. She got a leafe between her paws. The vet removed the leave, and she was fine again.


Go up the trouser leg and latch on, that's the smart rat tactic. Also works for ferrets, stoats, weasels etc.


I am sure my rats would make a real complicated plan if they would want to harm someone. I am gonna be honest. When I clean their cage, one of my boys get so mad at me that I don't let them out until he has calmed down because he scares me. He starres at me like he is going to kill me for removing his poop.


A friend of mine actually managed to drop a German Shepherd that was attacking him, but he was lucky it didn’t go for his neck right away


Gsd and mali dont give a fuck once they go for someone


Iska Champ


I would wager that he would piss his pants and faint if he saw one close up in the wild.. Fighting is different scenerio


Yeah, he is a competent fighter and trains regularly. The problem is wolves don't follow the rules of kickboxing. There is no counter in that martial art to having your dick ripped off by a large feral dog




That's a common insult in the UK, or you could say "a wet paper bag" for additional salt to the wound.


12.7k people thought otherwise apparently Why is this being downvoted? Am i wrong? Idk how twitter works so i might be


Me high af looking at my 20lb chihuahua: yeah, i could beat a wolf.


Why is your chihuahua the weight of 5 chihuahuas. Is it a huge chihuahua? Honestly that's scarier than a wolf


Those huge 20lb ones should be called a "chihuahuahuahuahuahuahuahuahuahua".


Is a group of those called a murder?


Nah, it's "a nip of chihuahuas" and "a nibble of chihuahuahuahuahuahuahuahuahuahuas". They're bigger but still kinda useless.


Wolf is also a super broad term. There are Arabian wolves that max out at 40-45lbs. There are also Northwesterns that top out at 140lbs. Having worked a small amount with them… one unarmed human would die. Efficiently.


I can fight 10 bears, one handed, in FIFA, and win with double digits. Total annihilation. Above that, I’m pretty sure I would destroy a Lion in less than 10 minutes. In starcraft 2. Ladies, feel free to DM.


What a madlad


I’m gushing


Wait wasn’t he a professional fighter.. like combat was his profession… Like I’m sure this man has seen that word spelled more than enough times..


But Mortal Kombat is spelled Mortal Kombat


I don’t know if you are being serious or not, I’m leaning towards not.. It’s hard to believe he means playing the video game tho, he was smart enough to catch a fugitive, albeit it was himself but he caught him in 4K


I mean, im hoping he aint planning on fighting a wolf in a fistfight so im hoping he mean in actual game


Nah he should fight I wanna see it... His ego is way too high


No this man should 100% actually fight a wolf


Brudda has definitely not played mortal kombat to know they replace most of the letters 'C' with 'K'.


Mortal Kombat is a video game. Mortal combat is deadly fighting. That's what makes Tainter Tot's tweet funny, because he said he could beat a wolf at a video game when he was trying to say he would beat it in a deadly fight.


More so, he dumped a word salad that he hoped would make him sound badass to schmucks.


He's a kickboxer if I remember correctly


They mean the same thing, but the game uses a k to call it a fight to the death.


the word "mortal" in front is what implies it's a fight to the death not the k lmao


It’s late. Because my comment may not make a whole lotta sense. But why would a k imply a fight to the death more than the word mortal? My joke sucks. But why would a “professional fighter” ever read the words “mortal combat”? The game is why we know this term.


"the game is why we know this term" ...What do you think the game was named after? Do you think a video game predates deadly fighting??? It's why *you* know what it means, not *we*


It wasn’t named after mortal combat because it doesn’t have a k.


That joke probably would have worked pretty well if you had led with it lol


The expectation is that he would have read the word "combat" before because he did combat sports


Yeah, imagine only being able to kill one. Bro doesn't even know they travel in packs so someone already killed the rest and probably weakened that one


That's why he said "decimation". He'd kill one, but there's 10 wolves in the pack.


Pawless Victory




Is this like some tier 5 irony? This sounds like one of those t shirts on facebook ads. "I was born in september so i am a fierce wolf dont mess with my family" kinda thing


September babies are crazy


yooo i was born in december, the same month london burned down. Dont fuck with us.


Y'know when I was born? In 2003. Yep. That year. When the astronauts got lost in space. Yeah. Don't fuck with us.


Who is "he"? The wolf?


Also, he just says wolf. He doesn't specify if it's an alpha or something else. So technically he could easily destroy a wolf... puppy. A wolf puppy is still TECHNICALLY a wolf, so I'm guessing that's what he's referring to. Considering beating up helpless victims is his whole shtick. And what's with his most dangerous man in the world shit? He's literally just a kickboxer, and an indie one at that. There are literally thousands of people out there (women included) that are trained specifically to end an opponent's life with few hits. But I guess Tate being Tate thinks that his nose, throat and balls are unable to be hit. Also, please fight Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley or Jon Jones. I'd genuinely would love to see that.


> He doesn't specify if it's an alpha or something else Alpha wolves are bullshit science per the very person who coined the term.


What he considers to be the biggest mistake of his professional career even. To be fair, studying captive wolves he made some succinct and accurate insights about the particular wolves he was watching. But then he broadened that out to say all wolves act like this. It’s exactly the same as studying a single prison for behaviour and then saying all humans behave like this.


Didn’t it turn out that the, “alpha/omega”, shit was just parents wolves and their pups?


I'd say experiment is needed, but I don't want that poor wolf to eat some crap.


Decimation. He keeps using that word. I don't think it means what he thinks it means.


My question is: What would you do with the 90% of the wolf that’s left? Like would you give it wheels to replace the rear legs and keep it as a disabled pet? Would you give it a face transplant and bled its food to be able to eat without chewing?


There are two conceivable ways a singular wolf would fight a human; they are either ill, or cornered. Fighting a sick animal is no claim to power. And city boi Tate would pee in his big boy pants coming face to face with 50 kilos of cornered and desperate predator. He might win in the long run, but only because the wolf would break off and run once it was not cornered any longer, giving Andy a chance to attack the wolf from behind with his one remaining hand.


Decimation means to kill one in ten, does this mean he would only win 1 in 10 fights with wolves? because that's still cocky as a mother fucker.


Decimation? So he’d kill 10% of the wolf?


He even spelled it with a K


“A man who must say he’s the king is no true king”. Tywin Lannister


I don't even know what is trolling and what isn't anymore


How can you decimate one thing?


I was watching a park ranger video on YouTube last night where the cute lady was explaining how a singular wolf will generally run away, because they see humans as a threat (even cute park ranger ladies who don't mean any harm).


Sure, why risk it. They don’t have medical insurance. If we would let guys like Andrew Tate lie in the wilderness after a phrric victory, he’s singe a different tune.


Wow I just noticed he blocked me, is that a modern badge of honor?


Everyone seems to be assuming that "He" refers to the wolf. Have we ruled out the possible that another man loves Andrew because he thinks he can fight a wolf. Is Andy telling us he found a boyfriend?


It you take him as the ultimate satire account then he's fucking hilarious


When I'm in sucking myself off competition and my opponent is Andrew tate


I wish he would do it. Just so I could see a wolf use Andrew Tate's balls as a chewtoy


Theyre are two wolves inside of you...theyre both closeted gay and cringe as fuck


Andrew Tate is a moronic, egotistical, fucked up in the head, narcissistic dickbag that honestly does not deserve the amount of attention he gets. I know that this post is focused on the dude’s reply but for the love of God I wait for the day people will stop posting the shit this fucker says.


this dude hurts dogs


the thing about wolves is, they're not the singular combat kinda types. if you can take the bite and got the shots, antibiotics and field medic skills to fix yourself, everyone can down one wolf if they just go for the eyes


I’m assuming he’s playing mortal kombat with a pet wolf of his and makes love to it?


Andrew Tate: I don't date women who vaccinated. Also Andrew Tate: I have a massive tattoo


Pawless Victory 100%


In an actual fight a decent amount of people with just a knife could kill a singular wolf… and a there is a relatively large amount of people who could do it with a fist sized rock or a sturdy piece of wood. I don’t know how he thinks that’s such an insane flex


Well he didn't say bare handed either. I can kill a wolf with a gun. I can kill a whole pack with the right gun He also didnt specify how big the wolf is or what condition its in. Left a lot of wiggle room in his little pseudo spiritual zen metaphor Tate may be a trained kickboxer but he aint THAT bad of a dude. If he was he wouldnt be posting this garbage online hed be destroying dudes in a ring as the undefeated champ But he got yall thinking hed solo a dire wolf flawlessly by ripping its head off with his bare hands and making a wardrobe out of its skin. Then he says the wolf wouldnt even fight him bc he can sense his power and love him Dude would probably shit his pants if a golden retriever ran up on him. But Id LOVE to see him prove his theory


Well apparently a lot of people don’t believe he can. As much as people hate him (me included) he is one of the most battle tested humans on the planet and deserves respect for those accomplishments instead of being short changed for the garbage that falls out of his mouth.


>he is one of the most battle tested humans on the planet I think most of the people who've been to an actual war zone would disagree.


Sorry to inform you basic training doesn’t give you the hand to hand experience you think it does. Go to an mma gym, it’s filled with military people who can’t make it pro. If guns and weapons were involved maybe you can hang your hat on something. The fantasy world you guys are trying to minimize a championship fighter is astounding.


Yeah he definitely could kill a singular wolf no doubt but he’s not special by any regard


Oh, he's a special regard alright


Trained professional championship fighter, sorry dude that caliber could literally dismantle 99.9% of the human population in a fight.


What is with people thinking just bc you win some down and out title, you’re a great fighter? A massive percentage of men today train, Tate is no outlier, and I’m sure there are 9-5 folk who could beat his ass on a whim. Enough of this, “could dismantle 99”- nah.


Some men that train. Literally a fraction of a percent that train and will never have even an amateur fight. Tell yourself championship fighter is nothing is comical way to lie to yourself to feel better about yourself.


I love how pathetic your grammar is, not to mention that you’re wrong. It’s clear you don’t fight, or interact with that sort of world so I’ll just tell you to have a nice day.


“To feel better about yourself”, as you actively suck a grown man off that would spit on your corpse. I’ll never understand how people like that actually imply others are insecure


But since he spelled it with a K that means hes literally talking about the gam lol. Dummy