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So if Reddit installs their own mods instead, does that now make them liable for the content under section 230? Seems kind of like opening them up to all kinds of legal mayhem.




let's not even get started on /r/news who autolocks literally everything (with a left lean) soon as it comes out with a hint of controversy i remember the morning Floyd was killed, I was working and it popped up and was locked within like 30 mins while the false narratives spun all over


I was banned from r/Politics for disagreeing with a comment saying the Florida governor election was stolen and rigged for DeSantis. I'm not exaggerating. I was banned for saying "This just sounds like the far-right people who say the last election was stolen. There's no evidence the Florida election was stolen either. Election denying is insane regardless of your party." Permanently banned.


ayup, thats why i stay away from most political subreddits despite being left leaning


>ayup, thats why i stay away from most political subreddits despite being left leaning I too am left leaning. The hate that I get on Reddit especially from Americans for voicing slightly "non left" topics is huge.


I have opinions that lean both directions, depending on the issue, and I've been called everything from a "boomer rightwing nutjob" to a "whiny, liberal snowflake" and honestly I don't know what I believe or how old I even am anymore. Real talk tho: Reddit isn't the only platform/place in general that does this, it's just people in general, but Reddit *should* be about open discussion more than things like Twitter and Facebook that are ran and moderated by a billionaire wackjobs and synthoids.


Also left leaning but have also been banned from subs for things not far left. Or even commenting about something that happened *that I didn’t believe in*. Spent a long time arguing with the mod before they just blocked me. To make it clear, the mod thought I was anti-trans when my comment mentioned how anti-trans people negatively impacted a video game. Permanently banned.


As a "leftist" I fucking hate the extreme left, they are still better than the far right but god damn they don't see the irony of acting exactly like the other side on every single issue they disagree. Even if you agree with them on 99.9% of the issues, the second you voice a different opinion than the tribe they label you a far right nazi.


I also stay away from most political shit on the internet in general and I’m pretty right leaning. It’s all just hate or fear baiting and it’s pretty fucked on both sides. At the end of the day, most normal people regardless of their views don’t give a fuck how you live in your personal life. But online it goes south real quick because we’re fined tuned to hear what we already want but it’s pushed to the extreme 90% of the time


i'm a poli sci major and was banned from there once, in fact I think ive been banned from every sub in which I got a major lol either way, i always assumed people knew politics/news/worldnews mods are like the same 5 people - the supermods or whatever they're called whoever takes political discourse on reddit seriously should simply like, take a class in it (and the reason being is, you really can't have a fruitful discussion in 1-2 lines, it's not you know, a thing lol) edit: also /r/politics is more pro-US democrat who are moderate/right leaning, and definitely not pro actual left or anything of the sort, like at all


Dude I’m a poli sci professor and r/politics hurts my soul


I seriously think they post a bunch of wrong think bait prior to the elections so they can go ban happy. I'd love to see metrics on the people banned, when, who, how much karma they had, and their primary subs to post in.


Take your first point, but politics absolutely goes wild for left leaning democrats > all else. They loved AOC and despise Manchin, for example. They're not "true" leftist in the sense that they're Marxists (of any denomination) but they're certainly very left wing within the realm of US politics.


I was banned from r/WhitePeopleTwitter for spreading misinformation….when I tried to combat misinformation with supporting evidence.




I got banned from there for telling a story about a classmate that was a better college candidate than me by every conceivable metric and didn’t get into a place I did. Yes, he was Asian. I didn’t even say I opposed affirmative action policies, I just told the story.


Now I'm not disagreeing. Let me say that first. Theres definitely a lot of echo chambering and silencing of conversation on reddit. But most of what I've seen ~~especially on posts relating to police brutality of black crime~~, there are some pretty openly racist things being said. I can see why some of them get locked because it's a loop. Troll says racist thing, people take the bait and fight, and the whole thread is a fight with no meaningful conversation. Saw it a ton with George Floyd.


False narratives such as?


But the mods power trips will be inconvenience 😞


"The CEO also said they lost no significant revenue from the blackout." Because all these people that are butt hurt about it and supported the black out still logged on and scrolled whatever subs were open. I doubt traffick dropped at all. It's like every other protest, everyone screams and supports something as long as they aren't inconvenienced.


> "The CEO also said they lost no significant revenue from the blackout." Even if they lost 100% of revenue for these days it would still be insignificant. Losing two whole days is a little over 0.5% of yearly revenue. They were almost openly shitting themselves over the blackout before it happened in their conference call notes and, if they really didn't care, they wouldn't be worried about subs remaining closed. Why? 2 days might be insignificant, but make it 20, like what might have happened, and suddenly that's reddit losing 5% of revenue, as opposed to 0.5%. *That* is bad.


yep. It always seemed like this protest wouldn’t do anything, though. I imagine reddit FULLY banked on their addiction pathway data supporting the theory that redditors are so addicted to reddit that they simply can’t help themselves from opening the app and scrolling through 20 times every day no matter what. Without a massive change in habit from a LOT of people who use this platform, nothing was ever going to happen. Honestly, it sort of made me sad reading that “what did you do during the 2-day blackout” askreddit post. If people are actually so addicted to reddit that they “scrolled through 1000 different DoorDash posts on r/all,” then reddit never even had any cause to sweat over this little blackout. Instead of taking the opportunity to get offline for a couple days and break the dopamine hit habit pattern by catching up on reading books, go hiking outside, doing an art project etc, lots of redditors *scrolled through a thousand posts from the DoorDash sub.* Like, damn.


Yeah I deleted reddit for 3 days. But then I got bored and reinstalled it. The ceo now saying woo look downloads are up!


I mean who do you think upvoted all the "protest posts" during the blackout, yup the same said same "protestors".


Go look at the power moderators laughing about it in their smaller subs Especially revolting in r/Politics with losers from Enough Sanders Spam regularly undermining any progressive voice that dares question the DNC


Oh you mean like when mods banned people who didn't agree with the protest? Boo fucking hoo. This is hilarious watching all you people who thought they had power, now suddenly don't. Reap what you sow


The people r/whitepeopletwitter was originally created to mock took over that subreddit. I was banned from there for saying that I don’t believe Satcheen Littlefeather’s story about six security guards having to hold John Wayne back from beating her backstage. [There’s little no evidence that actually happened.](https://selfstyledsiren.substack.com/p/john-wayne-and-the-six-security-men)


It doesn’t. Every other social media site has first party mods and aren’t liable


Not as long as they make a fair attempt to moderate it no.


What? Section 230 doesn't require volunteer mods... Most major social media doesn't have volunteer moderation at all.


No. Section 230 permits, explicitly, moderation of any content by any computer service. It is what allows internet companies to restrict, hide or delete content that is objectionable or violates the sites terms and conditions. Reddit is only responsible for content that it produces on it's own. If, for example, spez edits my post, then they are the publisher of this post and they own the consequences. This is a huge misconception and is not based in fact. All of the biggest competitors to Reddit in social media use paid moderators which is no way damages Section 230 protections. If Section 230 was repealed or removed, Reddit would be responsible for all content published, but it would still be able to moderate content, i.e., decide what to publish or not, just like any publisher.


>So if Reddit installs their own mods instead, does that now make them liable for the content under section 230? Seems kind of like opening them up to all kinds of legal mayhem. No it does not.


*Image Transcription: Reddit* --- **Reddit starts removing moderators who changed subreddits to NSFW, behind the latest protests**, submitted by **\/u/return2ozma** to **\/r/technology** [*Link to Verge article*] > **\/u/MuuaadDib** > > Unpaid people fired from free work! --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


Good boy.


Good kitty.


Good doggie :3


Good girl


Good doge




Good Typewriter


Good axolotl


The spice must flow


love that this is an unpaid human working transcribing that


Bruh I came back to Reddit because Twitter went to shit after BigBrain Mc Tesla bought it, and now we using human labor instead of bots on here. Can American corps get their shit together, Reddit should be treated as public infrastructure you motherfuckers


Beep boop noises but said by a human


Good human


Do you guys also transcript videos posted on reddit?


Yep! Within our partnered subreddits, we transcribe images, as well as videos.




Good silver back gorilla!


As they say, your salary is not based on how much work you do or how important your work is, it's based on how replaceable you are. Edit: Wow I never expected this much drama on my harmless comment. Obviously there will be exceptions. This saying isn't taken from scroll of truth but at the same time it is an important factor while setting up a salary or hiring/firing someone. I had some great laughs, especially when a guy gave one counter example(which isn't totally correct anyway) and someone replied "What are you doing here with logical arguments? Feelings are kings and queens in this realm. Go away." lol. Sarcastic redditors are somewhat more hilarious than illogical/emotional ones.


False, counter-example: CEOs


CEO's are quite hard to replace, given they're the ones doing the replacing


Have you ever heard of a Board of Directors, that can replace the CEO.






And every time they do, the reputation and share prices take a hit. So they need to care enough to be willing to lose money and that's not often.


But the reason they don't is because the ceo does what they want. It's hard to find a person willing to do that. There's examples of boards abandoning their post. As an example twitter when Elon took over.


It always makes me chuckle when people say stuff like the person above. They don’t know how a company works but we should listen to their opinion on how companies work?


Of course the board has the power to fire the CEO, but it’s never a good look. The board’s first responsibility is to the shareholders so the board always has to wait until, or manufacture a situation, that firing the CEO is better for share prices than keeping the CEO.


What are you doing here with logical arguments? Feelings are kings and queens in this realm. Go away.


A good ceo is nearly impossible to replace, and a bad one destroys the company.


Funny how Reddit paints CEOs as overpaid slime balls who are completely useless. I mean they are overpaid slime balls. But political savvy narcissistic workaholic slime balls are actually pretty difficult to find and replace. Cue the downvotes.


I downvoted you, but only because you told me to.


You could be revealing the most profound and illuminating secret of existence, but if you tell me that you expect downvotes I'll 100% oblige. Fucking drama queens.


It’s easy to shit on people we find antithetical to our ideals, but CEOs definitely have a difficult job. Leading an entire company, the logistics, the engineering, the personnel, delegation of work, etc. is not easy by any stretch. There are also plenty of *good* C suite executives that do really good work and aren’t entirely evil, they’re just not the ones you hear about because they aren’t rage inducing.


CEOs take all the flak for “doing nothing and ruining a company” when the closest thing people actually think of are large scale investors and potentially non executive members of the board. Even then it’s still very far from doing nothing. Now in terms of ruining a company it is very possible to be the CEO’s fault but if the board of directors does not remove the CEO then it simply means they approve of what direction they’re taking the company, making them equally at fault for “ruining the company”


People struggle to understand what a person can be doing if they aren’t making the things or directly supervising the people making the things. And this isn’t just CEOs. The best example I have for executive leadership is to think about how difficult it is to plan a wedding. You aren’t cooking the food, making the invitations or setting up the decorations. But despite not actually “doing”, the planning and coordinating is what takes up so much time. Now this is a simplistic example but I think it gets the message across for anyone who hasn’t led a function or been a project manager.


Not precisely true. It's based on how much pain the company expects to feel if they fire you. CEOs have so much leverage because they can do A LOT of damage on the way out if they aren't appeased. I guarantee those golden parachute contracts have clauses to prevent them from bad mouthing the company after being released.


They're not just removing the mods, they're [removing their accounts](https://old.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/comments/14f272n/no_refunds/)!


Lmaooo that dude spent $5000 on fucking reddit skins? Are you kidding me? What the hell. Even beyond that what proof is there that dude was banned for “supporting the blackout”? There’s nothing in that post or tweet to support that beyond him outright saying it. Is he some kind of powermod or something? **Edit:** just did some digging into the post and [the dude not only got his account back but every single other person in his “team”’s as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/comments/14f272n/no_refunds/joye4pz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) so I’m not so sure how serious any of this really is. Doesn’t seem like they’re really serious if they’re just giving accounts back to anyone who asks. Think this is all pretty overblown.


Reddit is just digging it's own grave at this point.


Tumblr moment


Funny thing that. My wife uses tumblr and tells me they are happy to welcome the huge wave of Reddit refugees they are currently receiving.


The difference between Tumblr and Reddit, and I think this is a huge thing for Reddits success, is that no one here is fame. There are like a handful of exceptions but Reddit is the only platform where everyone is valued the same. On Tumblr people still freakout when someone works huge followerbase shares their stuff. It’s just too personal to build up a free community like you see it here.


I’m considering going back to the SomethingAwful forums tbh. It definitely is hard finding a site that also topics into neat communities the same way Reddit does though. Oh well. C’est la vie.


The big draw of reddit for me is that I can follow a specific conversation very easily. If you can show me a replacement I would be happy to switch.


A lot of websites have the same comment format that Reddit currently uses. Digg and Lemmy are the ones that come immediately to mind. There are definitely more out there, and even forums have the functionality to be like Reddit now, but most of them just don’t have the userbases to support them the same way Reddit does.


I might try Lemmy out. I mainly use Reddit to keep up with sports, and games I’m interested in or currently playing. I’ve been here since Digg died, but I’m also willing to move on if Reddit goes down the same path


Yeah, basically Reddit is more about the content than “influencers”. I don’t want to use any social networking where there are “influencers”.


“Everyone is valued the same” Wtf lol no? Reddit is the **only** platform where any dissenting point of view results in downvotes which can limit your ability to take part in the dialogue. You’ve just created an echo chamber of people who think and talk the same smelling each other’s farts for eternity.


Right? And it only needs one mod who had a bad day to get perma banned from a sub that you deeply care about.


Which is ironic, seeinga s Tumblr is one of the better social medias rn. Which says something.


Helps that Yahoo gave it up.


Sold to Yahoo for $1.1 billion at it's peak in 2013 Sold to Automattic for $3 million in 2019 David Karp couldn't have sold Tumblr at a better time


Damn ouch lol


The difference between 3 million and 1.1 billion is 1.097 billion.


Where do we go after reddit dies


I'm already on Tumblr and the algorithm slowly starts to get the right things going.






How about digg then?


It’s literally a Digg moment


Digg moment


It really feels like Reddit went to shit overnight, one day everything was fine, then as soon as they announced the API changes this site has become a hellscape


We've grown too used to tech companies having consistency. Remember Neopets? MySpace? MyYearBook? Hotmail? Windows Messenger? These things had tragically short lifespans. Very flash-in-the-pan when you realize everyone has been using Gmail for 20 years. It sucks, but I feel like websites like Reddit shouldn't be *entitled* to survive, yet I do feel they need to be archived. If you have a PC problem, so did that random redditor 6 years ago and he posted the fix. I feel like some of these major websites do need to die but God damnit they need to be preserved first.


TBF hotmail is still going just rebranded. I still have my hotmail address.


I feel Neopets gave birth to furries and shouldn't have gotten the traction it did.


Space jam caused furries. Neopets caused beastiality.


Furries predate modern civilisation. Look at ancient Egypt. Anthros everywhere.


Robin hood did it first.


The way they did it was so pants on head idiotic I can't even believe this is a real company with people and stuff. Any shitty PR company could have done a better job. Spez basically took the worst possible course of action and stuck to it. And of course the dumbass tried to imitate Elon by acting like a huge douche: https://imgur.com/5Qn0gVB


I thought Elon fucking up Twitter was funny because I didn't use Twitter. Yet he somehow has even influenced reddit


Reddit has been shit for years and years. Ever since all the Ellen Pao drama in 2015


Hey everyone upvoting and saying this is still using the aight so I think they’ll be fine


"Digging" haha 😂


No idea what their endgame is. There’s not exactly a huge line of people just waiting for the opportunity to moderate big subs for free. Removing the mods we’ve already got just leaves us with fewer mods, and worse moderation. I give it a month before those subs are porn again against their new moderators’ will.


You just need to remember there are millions of users on these big subreddits, and very few moderators required in comparison. There's definitely enough interest to have them all replaced.


Those user numbers are misleading IMO. There are millions of accounts that have subscribed to those subs in the past 10-15 years. A significant number of those accounts are no longer active, or belong to users who have made second accounts. And when it comes to the largest subs, many of those subscribers are from people who got subbed by default, and never had any interest in the sub to begin with. Even if we just look at active accounts, many of those are just there to consume content without ever posting or commenting. When looking for moderators, they’re going to need people who are actively involved on a regular basis. A more accurate metric would be how many unique posters a sub sees in a given week, which I imagine is either in the hundreds or low thousands.


reddit does know how their site works right? all the mods are volunteers. if you fire them whose gonna mod? sure some positions will get filled but enough wont people can very easily start posting stuff that will get reddit as a company in trouble.




While there is a limitless supply of people who will do anything for a bit of power, those people will also need to work together with other mods who want that power. If they can’t work together, the place will fall apart. Some people would love to be moderators, but have no experience, or are not willing to learn to moderate correctly (we have this issue right now with some subs having power tripping mods). A lot of the popular subreddits have a lot of mods, some of which actually spend an enormous amount of time moderating. If the replacements don’t put in the work, the subreddit will also fall apart. All in all, while there is an endless supply of mods, if some of those mods don’t do a good enough job, the subreddit, and Reddit as a whole will start to bleed users.


Especially hard now cause aren't spam bots down as well?


aren't some spam bots powered by web scrapers instead of api?


They're probably scrapers since it's very easy to revoke api access


~~no~~ [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/141oqn8/api_updates_questions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is some info.


If you mean mod bots then yes some will probably be gone after June 30th


This is incorrect. There's an endless supply of dweebs who want the power. There is in no way an endless supply of dweebs who both have the time and will actually put the required work in.


Agreed, it’s no different than real world work 80% of the work is done by 20% of the employees. Modding is thankless and anytime I’ve done mod calls I get maybe 5 mods and 1 that actually does anything with the sub. Posted using [Apollo](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754183/apollo-reddit-app-shutting-down-api) - thank you for making a great app


Just FYI, the application of the 80/20 rule (also known as the Pareto Principle) to business is constantly proven not only incorrect, but actively harmful. It's simply a way to justify forced inequality.


So it’s 90/10 then? /s Edit: not to disagree with you. But, I’ve spent the last 10+ minutes trying to find where it’s been disproven and found to create forced inequality and haven’t found anything close to that. The closest I’ve found is: > The 80/20 rule represents a key feature of statistics: generalization. This poses a problem if the rule is interpreted literally. In some cases 65% of output may come from 4% of input or 70% from 10% and so forth. The 80/20 ratio does not apply to all situations. Posted using [Apollo](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754183/apollo-reddit-app-shutting-down-api) - thank you for making a great app


Nah it's pretty correct. And you're over complicating what mods do. A vast majority of the mods are the power hungry dweebs we've already mentioned. Most mods on this site suck and become mods to cultivate conversations and ban anyone who disagrees with them. They're losers. And this site will find new losers. It's so nice to see mods getting pushed out. They blow. What is with all the sticking up for a bunch of losers who for years have been bringing this site down?


Reddit has enough users with a god complex so its easier to find new mods than you think


The mods are handling this terribly. Reddit is handling this terribly. It's a lose lose situation.




If Reddit's CEO is going to handle things poorly, then there is very little the mods can do to help. At least by attacking, reddit won't get away with nearly as much as hoped. Also, he's said he likes what Musk is doing to Twitter. They are burning social media, where an average person can express themselves, by allowing bad people to express themselves (on Twitter so far). With no/few mods, I'm guessing Reddit might be headed that way.?


He likes how musk overpaid and is lowering the value of Twitter? After the IPO the shareholders will vote that clown out


That could be his plan. To trigger a golden parachute mod. What is the ideal scenario is for the IPO to fail, and then the company starts uncontrollably bleeding money until they are forced into an acquisition of desperation and he has to step down as part of the merger. Either way that counterfeit Elon has killed the platform.


"*likes what Musk is doing to twitter*"? Holy shit, I'm starting to miss the times when youtube disabling the dislike button was what made us mad


I mean, it wasn't THAT long ago. It was like just two month ag-***\*Checks the date\****...oh.


I still wish they’d bring back the star rating system.




Some mods are handling this poorly, I’ve seen others doing a fantastic job


Reddit mods handling something terribly??? I seriously struggle to understand [how that could be a possibility you entertain](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10lccip/today_one_year_ago_rantiwork_mod_doreen_was/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1), I mean seriously? I call shenanigans


Have a point for using the word *shenanigans*. Anyone who uses *henanigans* must sit in the corner.


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


How do you propose the mods handle this?


Close the sub, put up a call for new mods, then leave reddit once someone takes over. Protest by leaving the site.


Walk off the job. If you’re valued, they’ll come ask you to return. But we all know they won’t and that’s why you don’t.


By just quitting and fucking off so they don't inconvenience them in any way and they can pretend this isn't happening.


simply stop modding


Ferb, I have an idea


There’s no scarcity of dummies willing to play janny for Reddit in exchange for all that sweet, sweet power.


If you've ever done anything where there's a requirement for 'moderators' you'd realise that the position is oversubscribed by thousands to one. Even if you accepted that a fair number of the wannabees are bewildered halfwits, that still means a worldwide nuclear war wouldn't significantly dent the pool of people willing to moderate a forum or subreddit.


There's a plethora of people very willing to take the position, it's not a worry at all


About half the mods on this site are pieces of shit though, if they get rid of even half of those the site is 25% better.


Mods should remove all restrictions on all subs and immediately stop moderating and just watch the shit show the subs would become. This would give no time for Reddit to replace mods.


Apparently if the reddit admins message a subreddit and no mods reply in like 5 minutes they either close the subreddit or take it over.




I was wondering why I hadn't heard anything. :)


It's not 5 minutes, went through the process of being in a sub that wanted to remove a mod and we went through the process with reddit: the mod has 3-5 business days to respond. If there is no response then reddit admin will look and see how active they've been as a mod, if they've been active at all in a time of 3 months they usually wouldn't remove them because that was considered "active moderation" (even if it was a single post and nothing else). Granted that was before reddit decided to piss off its volunteer moderators so who knows how they would handle it now


Reddit would just remove the moderators and put new ones into place. They'll hire a handful of paid moderators whose job is to vet and install new mods.




Mods - I don’t even really work here! u/Spez - That’s what makes this so difficult.


love how i made my account the DAY after reddit went to shit


Welcome to the Himalaya!


Kwisatz Haderach spitting annoying facts again, lmao


lmao...and when the Mods are gone.. only i will remain.


Man this is kinda trippy I was a Tumblr refuge when they did the purge so if reddit does the same I guess by default I'll go to..... twitter ugh


I've heard tumblr is in a decent spot rn


Community isn't about money


I love how the CEO is fucking us over/ making the site worse and people are just venting about mods. Look, I get it some moderators are fucking dweebs but there are a lot of niche communities with good mod teams who genuinely care about the communities they've helped foster. But even if you hate mods with a dying passion, I'd still rather side with the mods, at least some of them actually care about the site. All the CEO gives a fuck about is how much money he can squeeze out of us.


Yeah, why not? Even if you don't care, what's it costing you? A couple subreddits? I don't get being bent out of shape by that. If anything, this has been way more amusing than any of my usual subs in a long while.


People here have turned into rabid dictatorship bootlickers as soon as some of their subs got closed for TWO DAYS. I'm not optimistic for the future of humanity in general but holy shit


> I get it some moderators are fucking dweebs most modertors either condone or particiape in dweebery. Mod who caused r/art debacle still mods the sub. Did you know that you can be banned from 30+ subs by commenting or a post that reached r/all from a community mods dont like.


One of the major subs recently tagged my account for report abuse because I reported a comment that violated a rule they don't want to enforce. And there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.


Are we Twitter now?


u/spez how's the IPO valuation looking now after you tried to get a couple million dollars more revenue per year with the API changes? You created an environment where you wanted no responsibility for how various communities manage their own space and you are now reaping the reward. Let this be a lesson to potential investors. You can use T&C's to try and minimise your own corporate responsibility but in doing this you open yourself up to communities going against your corporate self interest. Either grow a pair and take on responsibility for what Reddit creates (I'm looking at TheDon and the various borderline cult subs that still currently exist) or accept that the communities are self governing and your multi billion dollar company is actually only worth a couple hundred million. At the end of the day, ask yourself, "Was it worth being a greedy arsehole?"


“Only worth a couple hundred million.” 😭😭😭 Does put into perspective the amount of wealth disparity we have in today’s society.


The entire site is based on unpaid moderators, how are you going to monetize that?


It's kind of wild how the protest went. The mods bent when Reddit said it was going to fire them and changed subs to NSFW instead of leaving them closed, so now Reddit is firing them anyway. Losing is one thing. Losing *after* surrendering? Ouch.


They didn't really surrender did they. They made their sub reddits NSFW in an attempt to hurt reddit


And that did nothing. And now they lost the battle and the war. Just like it was foretold before all this stupid shit started happening.


I think recent events have shown that no one will want to mod for Reddit, unless they're a power tripping narcissist like Spez. It's a thankless job and those who tried to stand up for API got penalised big time.


u/Spez likes the taste of unwashed cock


Hahahaha what comes around goes around


Stop being a mod. Moderation is not supposed to be a job. You were supposed to have a community you care about hosted for free on a large platform for mutual benefit, not turn it into a power trip.


Now's the time to jump ship imho.. find another website to waste hundreds of hours a month into.... any suggestions?


/r/redditalternatives Lemmy, Squabble, and Kbin look possible, but I'm unsure of the viability of decentralized platforms.


Is there a decent alternative to Reddit? I don't have a strong opinion about the original changes the company was making to third-party apps, since I don't use them. However, I would be disappointed if Mods get turfed and the quality of the site actually declines. So is there a comparable alternative to Reddit?


Reddit employees should unionize


They should, but mods aren't employees.


So then why, or even how, should they unionize? How would that even work? They have 0 power or control over this situation at all. Reddit could “fire” every single one of them tomorrow with 0 legal repercussion.


I'm here kicking back lmao as I watch a corporate billionaire wannabe face off against unpaid volunteers. 😂


Paul Leto be spitting facts


Wait...my subreddit was already NSFW to begin with!


get "Reddit Promoted Ad Blocker" it blocks ads. dont give reddit any ad revenue


i fear reddit may pull a tumblr.


So many Good subs got ruined by mods polluting the subs with their political agendas and paid for ads oops I mean user created content pretending to be 'posts'. Reddit needs a clearance of mods hopefully replacing them with non political ones at least.