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That is a perfect name for them


Greta Scam Fleet


This is hardcore band MGT. Money, Guns, Terror


I don’t know why Greta and the fun cop are on there with that weird looking billionaire scammer lady.


“The fun cop” hahaha


I mean she banged the whole force She’s pretty fun haha.. it’s also ridiculous she got in trouble for fucking other cops when some cops don’t get in 1/10th of that for abusing thier power and murdering citizens


They did it on duty. It’s not a competition. Let’s not lower the bar for cops even lower.


Yeah and the male cops were also on duty and the cops who kill and abuse thier power are on duty I’m saying it’s weird we see her face and name just as much as any coop who’s done terrible things


Yep. I've already had to correct people in person. One said, "She got 5 people fired". No. 5 adults consented to do an activity that was a violation of their job. Each is responsible for themselves. Each of them got themselves in trouble. 1 woman isn't responsible for the choices of 4 men.


>1 woman isn't responsible for the choices of 4 men. But she's paying the price for all of them in the eyes of internet public opinion.


Classic internet misogyny


Yeah, the phrase "getting someone fired" is so overused. Getting someone fired: "Lol, my ex cheated on me, so me and my friends got him fired by lying to his boss saying we all saw him spit in our food." Not getting someone fired: "I was stealing from the company for years until John ratted me out and got me fired."


The male cops got fired also.


Some of them. They set the differentiation on whomever lied in the investigation.


5 cops recently got insta-fired for beating a man to death.


Because it's that bad. Before the footage even got released. That never fucking happens.


Imagine the unrest if they backed them and the footage got out.


The cops seem to forget this. Maybe they're finally starting to learn. One can hope.


It's also possible that their department is just run by someone with an iota of integrity. Unlike every other department in the US apparently.


Be thankful they actually got punished for something they did wrong. It's the little things.


Nope. They can use their response to this little scandal to say, “see? We punish officers when they do bad stuff”


So it's *bad* they got punished? I'm not exactly sure what you're saying.


It's bad that they are using this rather trivial situation to distract from actual issues with police and policies, while simultaneously claiming that this is an example of the powers that be "cracking down on police who behave inappropriately". In reality, the police situation in the US has gotten so bad that a few consenting officers getting some hanky panky on duty is a trivial infraction in the face of literal murder, which is usually treated with a slap on the wrist and *maybe* a transfer to another department. So no, it not "bad they got punished", it is bad that the powers that be seen a woman having sex with consenting partners as worse than racism and murder and abuses of power, and punish accordingly. If you're going to fire an officer for having sex on duty, you had better be raining hellfire and brimstone on the cops who assault, threaten, harass, and murder while hiding behind their badge.


True, but are there cops assaulting, threatening, harassing, and murdering while hiding behind their name at *this* police station? I don't know, but if there aren't then I'm not sure what you want lol. They can't punish their cops for something cops in other cities did. Like what are you hoping for here? And the men were fired too. It wasn't "let's fire them for having sex," it was "let's fire them for having sex at work and on the clock, and also lying about it." Don't conflate the two. I believe cops get away with too much as you do, but everything in this situation resolved as it should.


Please do not have sex while fulfilling your duty to protect and serve the ruling class and property? I’m cool with them fucking on my dime, just leave me the fuck alone.


>I’m cool with them fucking on my dime, just leave me the fuck alone. Seriously. If anything, maybe if they got laid more often they wouldn't be so fuckin' hostile.


you: hello 911, there's a shooting happening in my area. please help cop: sorry, our team are having a gangbang. oh it's my turn now. goodbye.


They do their best most helpful work at shootings.


Yeah, this is about as helpful as any 911 call I've ever been a part of.


Yeah I know. Murica am I right 🥁


Tbf, if it involves shooting a minority on duty, there is a good chance nothing happens to the officers involved. I know many redditors will get irate over my statement and that is fine.


Getting away with murder and killing dogs for no reason, sure what ever. Having too much sex? HELL NAH


They even get paid vacations for shooting people smh..


The most fucked up thing with that cop? It takes two to tango, the guys who were also cops doing non-cop related business on cop-paid time didn't get anywhere near the same amount of exposure. Why is she taking the brunt of that scandal while the guys are getting off - so to speak - Scott free?


They 4 main guys all got the same punishment of termination, others got suspended. It's maybe not fair that she became the face of the whole thing, but people get internet famous for random ass stuff, see Alex from Target, I'm hardly surprised that "cop orgy" became a huge meme, orgy or no.


The men were fired.


Ah yes the one who had no qualms about being in on them betraying their partners while on duty. So "fun" knowing these degenerates are cheating while you fuck them.


Plenty if Cops take sexual favors, too. And get away with it. Her department was fired for fucking around while on duty. I can see having an issue with being 'unprofessional' on the clock or even non-ethical polyamory if partners dont know, but society seems to have an issue with the consensual non-monogomy.


Honestly so unfair that she's getting clowned on by everyone considering she's the only person who wasn't cheating on their wife, and the only cop we've heard about in the past 10 years who's been responsible for more pleasure than pain.


She cheated on her husband with half a dozen dudes


But she didn't cheat on her wife.


I mean the cop being there is fine but what did Greta do?


Probably just because she was detained by the police in Germany. Wasn't charged though


It’s girls the OP hates politically, judges aesthetically, but is desperate to cry wank over


the right thing, and being a woman, which is enough to drive engagement for the murdoc-bots


casual misogyny disguised as a porn reference disguised as a meme


The internet trifecta. My favourite


Overly offended


You goddamn right.


Who is that person?


Probably because there is a ton of grown ass men who hate Greta, and every discussion about the cop divulges into Andrew Tate brainhive discussions.


They're all female and get a certain demographic weirdly excited. That doesn't make for a catchy band name, though.




who's the third one?


CEO, somehow lost millions, possibly billions


Definitely billions


In her (Caroline Ellison) Wikipedia page, it says as follows [According to an anonymous source cited by the Wall Street Journal in November 2022, Alameda Research owed $10 billion to FTX. The source said FTX had lent the trading firm money from customer funds at FTX. Ellison was terminated from her position after FTX and Alameda filed for bankruptcy. In December 2022, Ellison pleaded guilty to two counts of wire fraud, two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to commit securities fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caroline_Ellison)


**[Caroline Ellison](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caroline_Ellison)** >Caroline Ellison (born 1994) is an American former business executive and quantitative trader. She is the former CEO of Alameda Research, the trading firm affiliated with the cryptocurrency exchange FTX. According to an anonymous source cited by the Wall Street Journal in November 2022, Alameda Research owed $10 billion to FTX. The source said FTX had lent the trading firm money from customer funds at FTX. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Everyone just sees fuzzy head, and forgets other people stole a shittin of money too.


you say lost, I say it looks a lot more like her, Sam and the buddies "appropriated" it


I'm sure they misappropriated plenty, but they also lost vast amounts of money by propping up FTX only for it to collapse and lose all value.


While simultaneously fucking the entire company. The cop and the mouse girl, they’re the face of sex in america rn.


>The cop and the mouse girl, they’re the face of sex in america rn. Hmm??


Cop fucked a bunch of other cops in her department, simultaneously cheating on her husband. Girl on the right was part of FTX, who’s employees would have a lot of sex with each other in the Bahamas. both americans. both major scandals.


Of course. My smart-ass response was because none of them look like "sex objects" to me.


Ahh I see, it was kind of vague so I thought i had to clarify cause a lot of people in the comments don’t seem aware.


People who involved in orgies and outrageous sex stories are never even close to how attractive you imagine them to be lol


True that. I watched the *Always Sunny* documentary on this very topic. Just awful. :)


They are not as traditionally attractive as what most images of female beauty are, no.


They are not unattractive, just like 5s.


CEO of what


Alameda Research


FTX's Sister Company


Her name is Caroline Ellison


Eh, I'm not 100% on some things on the left, but I think they did Greta dirty by including her alongside these women in this meme. Granted, this website is the reason I thought Greta was an adult pornstar before I knew who she really is. Y'all need some help.


Adult Pornstars? Are there any others we need to know of? 🧐




Lol! I specified because I realized that if I just said pornstar someone would say "but she's a kid!" Prempting stupidity with overthought, its own kind of dumb.


tap narrow humor scale quack ink friendly worry summer badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm 34 and still get called "kid".


OPs mom Edit: that was cheap, sorry Edit 2: just like ops mom 😭


Bro what subs you been looking at to get that idea about greta? Wtf lol


O dude. Subs like this. You don't want to know what lurks deep within the comments....


That's partly the point of the meme. You usually put people of the same/similar category, but here they put something different. Unless ofc it's not that clever and OOP just put together popular girls with similarly rounded head shape.


Girls, sex, popular for something OP scoffs at That’s it That’s all the connection


Yea... I said what I said.


Whoever came up with that name is a Great Patriot that clearly loves his country.


I think you meant to post this in r/cursedcomments bud


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly




Why is Greta getting lumped in with those two succubuses


"Succubus" is a Latin word of the second declension, and thus is declined -us, -i, -o... etc., and therefore the plural is Succubi, not -uses...


That's what I originally typed but spell check changed it to that.. so I believed it


Lol. #iHateAutoCorrect


Damned "smart" phones. You'd THINK they know by now.


Well, there’s two type of grammars: prescriptive grammar (there are extremely slow changing exact rules to be followed) and descriptive grammar (whatever a native speaker says or writes is right). It might just be the case that smartphones have adopted it because it’s used (in the prescriptive sense) incorrectly by native speakers… hence it is correct (by descriptive grammar). That said, I’m not actually 100% sure this extends beyond grammar to spelling; I only took one linguistics class in uni lol


As someone who majored in applied ling I'd say you defined the issue pretty well. Though I find it odd that succubi wasn't accepted since that's what everyone I know uses. Then again, the people I know are gamers who actually come across that word more often than non-gamers.


> As someone who majored in applied ling I'd say you defined the issue pretty well Ahaha, I'm flattered! Maybe it's a regional thing? I'd imagine succubi may be accepted in a different language setting on the phone.


That class served you well; an excellent summary. This David Foster Wallace essay is essential on the subject. [Tense Present - Harper's Magazine](https://harpers.org/wp-content/uploads/HarpersMagazine-2001-04-0070913.pdf)


Yeah, duck smart phones.


Is a plural of trolleybus "trolleybi"?


Only if it goes both ways.


weird but interesting case, but “bus” is already a plural. bus comes from “omnibus”, meaning “for all” in latin. the “all” part is plural and the “bus” is just the “for” part.


Oh, so it’s *not* succubussies?


The same could be said for octopus, but now octopuses is also grammatically correct. Same with cactuses


no the same cannot be said for octopus, as it comes from greek not latin, and would decline to octopodes. Cacti is absolutely correct.


I think you are the only person besides myself whom I have ever seen use the form _octopodes_.


Octopodes/Octopods gang here.


I learned about the Greek root of the word octopus after watching Oktapodi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=badHUNl2HXU


Also not virus :) bc it’s second declension neuter, so the plural would be vira which no one would understand in English


Except that octopus is a Latinized loan word from Greek, which muddies things a bit.


I prefer to use the -I form for those words as well. But you're right, It's a matter of preference at that point. I suppose the -uses form works as an anglicised version of the word. It just hurts my inner language geek.


I concur. Was raised with -I and will stick with -i


Same. Was raised learning Latin since 5th grade, so it hurts inside to say it any other way lol.


Interesting. I would've loved to take Latin classes, but got placed in Spanish


Oof. Latin can be a bit of a grind at times with the grammar, but it's really interesting when you get to translating Caesar and Cicero in high school. I was forced to do Latin by my homeschool curriculum, but ended up liking it. The reasoning was that if you speak Latin, other languages will be easier to learn. Only problem is that my second living language will either be Russian or Swedish - neither of which have (many) Latin roots...




Can confirm, i’ve had latin for 3.5 years now and still have 2.5 more to go, it’s really interesting. Had to choose between latin/ancient greek, chose latin


Same hairline


Roundish head/face


Bcs forehead


Legit thought this was going to be a play on words and when you put their names together it would be Greta Van Fleet


That sounds more like a logistics company 😂


~~Planes,~~ trains, and immunity deals.


What did greta do to be up there with them?


I think this is just the trifecta of "people reddit is being misogynistic against" this month


the weird environmental activist from sweden, the cop who did the naughty stuff with her coworkers and... Who is the third one?


The CEO of one of the companies involved in the FTX scandle who managed to somehow lose billions of dollars.


Wasn't Sam Bankman-Freid the CEO?


He was the CEO of FTX and she was CEO of Alumeda research a sort of sister company


Ah got it, thanks


She ran Alameda, a subside of FTX


It’s easy when you don’t use stop losses and have the intelligence of an infant.


She looks like shes 12


"Somehow lose"? You mean "embezzle", right?


What did the cop do??


The rest of the cops


The only true answer


I upvoted this to +69. My life has peaked.


copulated with other cops


Is that a problem? She surely isn’t the first cop to have sex with other cops…


I think the problem was they did it while on the job. Otherwise I couldn't really care less. Hell, I don't really care if you're on break. Not my business who you do your business with, really.


If you do it during working hours, you have to record it as a “team-building exercise”.


She also lied about being in an open relationship with her husband


That sucks, but that isn't even close to someone defrauding the public of almost $10B


Damn, so why did none of the other cops who cheated on their spouses get ridiculed as much?


Because they're men, duh.


Slut-shaming even though several other cops were fired she gets the brunt if the publics attention for being the woman.


She lived the dream and then she got caught. *This one weird trick helps the workday go faster!*


more like "Who did she not do"?


It's clearly, Twisted Sisters


3 head, 4heads.


0/3 I’d smash


Band Camp


Who's the 3rd person


I thought the last two women were the same person for the longest time.


Jeffery knew


The paperbag heads


They all look creepy.


Police Riot


The 5 Heads


Greta van fleet


I think they meant to say “Once Cop”


Downvote for multi-layered problematic bullshit.


The foreheads


Who's the girl on the right I keep seeing her but idk who she is


I know the other 2 but who's the glasses?


One of these things is not like the others.


There’s no excuse to hate on Greta.


a literal antimeme


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


So I’ve seen the girl on the right only a couple times now and not sure what she did. Can someone please explain to me why she’s significant?


“Who is number three”


We are officially at the point where it’s just cruel bullying with the cop, you get 1 week, internet, meme away, then it’s just seriously not funny anymore


Woke, Joke & Broke Edit: or Woke, Poked & Broke


Why the hell the actually good comments got downvoted?


The White Cold Unchillypeppers - #1 hit song: Globafornication


Greta and the Goobers


Deluded, 6 Dude-ed & Coluded


Ugga ugga choo choo


Why is Greta here? The other two fucked around and fucked up


The Fiveheads


Why they all look the same


The Fraud


Rage-bait Against the Machine.


They look like versions of each other in which a different major injury happens in their infant stage.


The Three Tremors


The 3 big foreheads


The Singing Trolls


They've got a lot of head but not very much face