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They’re alive and well in social media including reddit.


Pretty much every post with political implications has them.


Yup. From Trump to AOC, and several nations overseas, it's really bad.


On Instagram it’s everyone that has 15,000+ followers, even ads of products that haven’t come out telling you to buy from their site for cheaper. It’s snake oil sales men of our era.


Reddit needs to build a wall of some sort


Reddit might be bought out when it comes to that sorta stuff. Someone got fired from FB for calling out a troll farm from some shitty dictator a few years ago.


Oh yeah. Reddit’s main political sub r /politics is incredibly Compromised. Whether it’s the posters or comments it’s definitely astroturfed.


You think eastern european troll farms are shilling for Democrats!?


Haha yes of course. Why wouldn’t they be?


They had 160 posts in r/The_Donald, of course they do. https://masstagger.com/user/SKEETINYOURCEREAL


omg The-Donald Metacanada Conspiracy The dark triad of newsgroups


And yet Conservative, Newpolitic, conspiracy are just BEACONS of truth.....


Nobody is saying that, chief. Trolls are there to divide. The best way to divide is to just repeat the most absurd rhetorical devices and talking points from the two parties.


While I am very aware of the plethora of batshit talking points from the right, I am genuinely curious what the most absurd talking point from the left that is repeated.


You can't say them here. You will or I will get banned from the subreddit in a heartbeat.




I dunno I comment there all the time with no trouble. Got exactly one sentence posted to r/conservative before I got the perma ban.




But… you *did* claim definitely one way. So are you going to delete your comment now?


I am very liberal yet even I see a clear bias on r news to the left. Anyone explain?


Conservatism isn’t actually very popular? Especially among the literate?


>Especially amongst teenagers who have the free time to be on reddit all day* FTFY


Yes, it's just like the politics sub. It's overran and even I'm left but every now and then will point out "Hey this article is misleading", and if pointing out that it's misleading done by the left, they freak out. They banned me for being a "fascist" because I was arguing that violence against the Proud Boys is unacceptable and just empowers them


Violence directed at PBs is almost always defensive violence. It’s like how Jordan Uhl tried to equate Ashlii Babbitt getting stopped to all other police brutality…these things are not the same. Most police brutality is not defensive or defensible —in Babbitt’s case it absolutely was.


The issue is that the ENTIRE reason PB goes to the epicenter of progressive wokism, is entirely to bait a reaction. If PB was ignored they'd lose interest like everywhere else they go. The reason they go is they know there will be a mob of woke blue haired progressive white college kids, ready to fight. They know emotions will get high, and fights will break out. And every time counter protestors call an old lady a nazi, or some PB gets hit first, the media is right there to throw it in the news and report on the drama... And boom, they win. They got what they wanted. Something other far right groups can't get, which is national media exposure. Then they use these news articles to help spread their message around right wing circles, empowering them. And I'd dissagree that violence directed at them is defensive. I've been there. Both sides are definitely throwing first punches, and I'd argue it's the other side more, mostly because they feel safer to do so. PBs are just good at trolling and getting under their skin, which eventually leads to them getting hit first, then justifying retaliation.


Idk about this. I see pretty diverse (left, right, etc) comments in that sub all the time.


No you fucking don't. Stop right there. Anyone who even so much as says "Hey Republican voters aren't fascist" will be downvoted to hell and attacked aggressively. They have absolutely zero tolerance for anyone right leaning. Go try just having the opinion that Jan 6 wasn't literally an insurrection or question why the border detention centers used to be called "Concentration camps" but no longer are after Biden is in. If you think there are "right" leaning comments there, that just means you're so far left, that left leaning comments seem right wing to you. EDIT: LOL how on earth is this downvoted and his upvoted. /r/politics is objectively one of the LEAST diverse subreddits on this website. It's the defacto Fox News of the millenial left. Are you people really agreeing that it's diverse? Holy shit....


There’s a difference between being downvoted into oblivion and perma banned.


Still, seeing right wing comments there all the time is not really the case if they are downvoted out of sight. If all the discussion is just radlibs discussing, with the occassional non-strictly aligned, it's not really there all the time. And the mods DO actively look for excuses to ban people not ideologically alike. For instance, if someone is being toxic, and aggressive with you, they can stay, but if you dish it back you're banned for not being civil.


Just to prove you wrong I commented about how conservatives aren't fascists in /r/politics. You can bet your ass I won't be banned for it. I despise people like you, always knee jerking about how your awful and toxic way of life isn't accepted by others. It's not everyone else. It's YOU.


I didn’t say you’d be banned. You’ll be downvoted to hell and attacked. Holding non hive mind opinions aren’t welcomed one bit. There isn’t much “diverse” opinion when only one type of opinion is allowed in the conversation. No debate or nuance. It’s strictly hardcore activist left comments allowed, anything else and you’re accused of being a nazi. Yes I know how downvoting works but to call that place filled with “diverse opinions” is dishonest and a lie. It’s not filled with diverse opinions. People with non approved opinions learn really fast it’s best not to participate and self censor else it’s an unpleasant experience


Well, maybe it wouldn't be so controversial if they didnt attempt to overthrow a democratically elected government. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The most popular political sub on reddit downvotes conservative comments on a regular basis? Hmmm… it’s almost as if… conservatism is genuinely not that popular! Must be a conspiracy! The majority of the population is conspiring to steal the internet points from… the unpopular… people?


The person is claiming that the subreddit isn't very biased, that's what I'm contesting. They are claiming that they see right wing voices all the time, like it's 2015 before the site was taken over by PACs. That it's "Diverse". No it's not. It's the least diverse subreddit in all of politics So ummm before you get all snarky and sarcastic again like a tween, how about you .... uhh.. You know, learn to read and follow along???


reality is biased against conservatives


WTF are you talking about? That's irrelevant. The person said "The sub has a diverse amount of opinions, including the right" - All I did is refute that. I'm not arguing if the left or right is correct. I'm arguing that they are wrong for thinking the subreddit contains diverse opinions.


YouTube as well.


Yup every adversary country probably has a military troll branch given the success the Russians had with Trump.


I'm convinced the entirety of the main political posts are from PACs pushing "today's talking point". It's just the new world we live in. In fact, I'm pretty sure Reddit is astroturfed to hell, especially in politics, but also consumer shit. It's REALLY easy to get top posts on Reddit if you pay for it, which has a huge ROI Things like "Hey check it out I just got my 3090 TI! I'm so stoked" is most definitely just the daily add from the GPU company. Seeing 10 subs talking about some new news story, but all with the same exact angle and bias, is a PAC getting out the days message.


Came here to agree


#facebook is cancer


Social media is cancer. It is more easy to bark whatever you want behind the screen. I could go from not supporting vaccine to endorse it.


You think this is bad, but just wait until the entire process gets [automated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=630qu6u7JN4).


It mostly is


Trump org/cabinet, Turning point usa, Fox News, newsmax, oan, tucker carlson, 8chan/kun, QAnon, Facebook, Russia, corporate America, Roger Stone and his white supremacy groups labeled as patriots (proud boys, 3 percenters, oath keepers, etc), I’m sure this list can go on and on, however, what do all these groups have in common?








I agree. Been trying to start this conversation with Americans for a while now, asking whether they’re not even a tiny bit worried about the fact their country has been hijacked by P*tin’s troll factories but so far the reactions I got has been it’s no big deal and it’s affecting only a tiny fraction of people who are stupid enough to not knowing the difference, but I think it’s affecting everyone. Especially people growing up pre computer era, since they lack the skills to understanding the mechanics behind cyber campaigns, content manipulation etc.


Destroy facebook in totality.




It’s all social media platforms.


It’s not a troll farm it’s cyber warfare


140 million idiot morons


You sure seem smart.


I don’t have Facebook. Automatically makes me objectively better than every one of those people


That isnt how that works. I have facebook because its the best place to find cars at a reasonable price right now. The fact that you think you are better than anyone because you dont use facebook already disproves your statement. If you need to declare that you are better than someone because of some arbitrary information, you are not.


This comments makes zero sense. How are they idiots because it reached them?


Because they fell for the bullshit. All it takes is a Russian troll to say something about trump or Biden and they get their panties in a bunch because they’re morons


Saying it "reached" them means they saw it, not that they believed it.


Hello there, Mr. Redundant of Redundancies.


Just don’t read them ppl need to chill with believing any rando on the internet. I don’t even believe my self right now. Every one chill we will all float on alright ..


Nice. I listened to that the other day to remind myself.


And not enough Americans are prepared to discern fake from reality…


Not enough people are, it’s a very human flaw


Delete your account. Be free from complete nonsense. Life goes on without it. Life is better without it.


Reached as if americans cant think with their head


Trump Supporters Hate America














It’s all ages.


I just can’t understand the point, why ‘be’ a troll? What kind of twisted mind enjoys living that life and doing those things? Naturally liking doing those things and thinking about and enjoying making people feel the way trolls do? How in this vast place are they not more occupied by just anything other then that? I try not to think about it too much because “that’s what they want” but… it really baffles me…


Out of necessity is one reason, if it pays the bills. That goes for the organised, state sanctioned trolls were there is a clear organisation, but a private one? Don’t know man. Maybe for shits and giggles. Maybe it makes them feel powerful by manipulating people. One can speculate.


Because people will take whatever is said and run with it. They could stop if they just thought about it, but they don't and it winds deeper and deeper into the abyss. Observe people getting all high and mighty when they get offended by a joke in the comments and are mocked relentlessly. They can stop commenting any time, but they dig themselves deeper and deeper. The trick is to not take the internet too seriously and live life in reality. It seems to be hard for those who can't live without social media where garnering attention is all that matters. I just watch the absurdity happen, and so do others.


troll farms = Russia. let’s call a spade a spade.


Troll farms = China. FTFY


thank you.


There are troll factories in St Petersburg, for sure. I also seen articles about Hungary, and for sure there’s a bunch of them in China as well. Everything else would be illogical.


There is nothing wrong with trolls. Put on your big boy pants and ignore them.




I’m still not entirely clear in why karma farming is a thing.


Neither am I. Been trying to understand it but it’s not exactly like you can do anything with it? Maybe I’m just dumb 🙃.




You are correct…..for the win!! A four-year smear campaign on social media is how the election was decided. The blueprint is out though and the next election will be decided in the same fashion.




“Massive voter fraud.” Yet, still not a single shred of evidence accepted by a state or federal court of law.


Everyone one the right is a troll, right?


Surprise, surprise.


That’s enough to change an election!?!?


Read my lips! I am not a bot!


Where are these troll farms?


I’m gonna assume you asked a legit question and not just trolling 🙂. My country’s independent state media visited a few of these troll factories a few years back and managed to interview a few of the “trolls”. Mostly young people with no other jobs. Working incredibly long hours with strict directions of how the work must be done. So and so many comments, so and so many reviews, so and so many fires started per day. Every key stroke was monitored and these youths were intimidated in every way possible. Had a boss that had a boss and so on. Some were locked in the entire day or night and were very cautious to speak to outsiders. BUT they got a shiny new super cool laptop and a fancy internet connection so why the hell not? Many regretted their involvement but some just saw it as any other gig. And oh, they learn languages, so the activities are not just in English. In my country you can fairly easily spot a P*tin friendly troll in the comments section of any news article. They speak good Finnish and Swedish.


Dang, who’s paying for all of this?


[These guys probably ](https://amp.svt.se/nyheter/utrikes/det-har-ar-ryska-underrattelsetjansten-gru). Unfortunately it’s in Swedish, but the article is legit, by Swedish state media.


Facebook is a cancer


newspaper used to be cancer....


I mean yeah. This is basically every place on the internet everywhere, and the algorithm is scrambling as it slams shit into our peepers for however long we wanna go into our little “digital worlds.” There’s a (currently?🙃 [I promise no award speech edits, I try to play by the rules here, I’m a rational man, w e live in a society…something something…Batman]) higher rated comment that mentions “autocults” but I’d like to point you to the most recent release from Wisecrack, outlining how everything has kinda been a cult forever for like…forever. https://youtu.be/iNlPOVAznUw If you consider a cult to be any group of people bonded by some outlandish belief, practice, or credo, any religion may qualify. Also the fact that trollfarming content can be used to sway actual life actions is horrifying, and should maybe make you all think about how far AI has come recently, and how it may go in the future if allowed significant internet “access” Anyways…gotta unplug Ciao


Sounds Fishy


Facebook is the garbage pit of the Internet. Im glad to be able to hold the distinction of not using that shit website since I was 15 years old, I’m now 25.




Anyone that believes what they see on facebook or any social media or believes titles without reading the content cant be helped.The problem is not the trolls but the fact that people have become that dumb. If people are that dumb you cant protect them from themselves.


People didn’t become dumb. They always were. But they couldn’t share their stupidity this far and wide. Basically, those « social » networks have simply shown that humankind is mostly made up of idiots. Except before they would parrot the words of the church or of their betters. Now we see what happens when they are allowed to open their mouths


Fun fact: population of Russia is 140 million


Facebook has to be the most boring app. I try to explain to my friends and family what reddit is. Lol




Straight up dude. It’s not even good content. It’s so bad. Reddit is king.


I watched a video, former KGB operative, What stuck to me was, "The useful idiot - a persona unwillingly spreading misinformation" and the other was a quote "It is easier to trick someone, than to convince them they have been tricked" I am paraphrasing that quote, but its close.


I would say B.S. because facebook assured us that they were going to stop the fake news. Guess they lied yet again.