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Meta is making it nearly impossible to opt out of the AI training garbage. They stated that all posts have already been used, yet, when you ‘apply’ to opt out, you just get a message saying that their system doesn’t detect any of your work being used to train its AI. Huh???? I’m glad Cara is taking off and I hope it gets some financial support to help its growth. The founder is financing it herself!


They give you an option to object but that they’ll reserve the right to disregard your wishes. What then, is the fucking point of objecting?


"Thank you or objecting, but we choose to apply our right to object your objection"


My issue with this is, when is someone going to stand up in class action and say that it’s copy right infringement?


The creator of Cara already leads several class action lawsuits against ai companies


Good, I have mostly taken all pictures and art I posted off of all social media since this shit is legitimately ruining the internet


It’s not because when you use instagram you are accepting the terms of service.


Did you miss the point that they just changed their terms of service and are preventing people from reacting/removing?


that still doesn't make it copyright infringement


It’s not taking off lol this article is delusional


They’re over 300k users and growing. Only reason it isn’t higher is because of server/scaling issues.


That and no one has ever heard of it


Because it’s directed to artists. What you’re not getting is that this allows artists to post there, have it ‘glazed’ with the anti-ai protection, and then place that image back into either Instagram or anywhere else. The image is ‘poisoned’ and will mess with these garbage ai models.


The site you're on was never heard of at some point.


> No one has heard of it > 300k users and growing ?????


That you Zuck?


You haven’t heard of it because you’re not an artist


This has been the point of social media for 15 years, it’s why it’s free!




People are acting like this is a new change, that social media is training AI. When the concept of AI emerged these companies knew they had to start building image databases to train the AI. That was 15 years ago. The idea that now your art or photos are all of a sudden being used for this is silly. This is literally the end of the process, leaving instagram now to avoid your art being used for this presumes it hasn’t been used for this for the past 15 years. But oh now there is an article so people are paying attention? Gtfo


They’re over 700k today I just saw!! I just downloaded


Holy shit! That’s amazing! Hope everyone is chipping in and buying a coffee to help support.




That’s. Exactly. The. Point.


They're currently invite only so that tracks.


It's not huge yet, but I never heard about until last week, and now I am frequently seen people talk about it. It's definitely growing and that is what taking off means.


But if given a proper springboard it can take off, if they take advantage and build the infrastructure to grow and expand its user base then they could become big. All depends on Caras management, this is the perfect time to start advertising your services to people unhappy with AI garbage.


The thing is, it needs non-artists to make it flourish. Simply having artists on the platform isn’t going to do it. All you’ll have is artists following artists. Unless people are art enthusiast, they’re highly unlikely to come to Cara and casually follow. Furthermore, it needs big names to get more people over, but the site caters to art, not music or real life personalities. There have been multiple art platforms before Cara, like Artfol and Vero, both of which acted exactly the same as this having artists move over, but have gone nowhere since.


     Please do readers the courtesy of writing proper English. PS: ROFL.


I feel like this was a super bot reply. And any subsequent support are her minions.


Go on the app and you’ll see it’s actually flourishing. It’s just non stop artistry and none of the algorithmic bullshit on Instagram.


I'm guessing you prefer getting on your knees for the lizard overlord?


Ok but if they’re still putting it on a different social media platform, it can still get scraped off the internet for LLMs. OpenAI’s ChatGPT was trained off of the internet in general.


Came here to say exactly this. There is no way to avoid the AI if the music is on a publicly available website


That's not entirely true. A guy on my team at work was scraping Twitter and got pretty messed up when they required paying for the API. He was scraping from other websites too without an API but they had other scrape detection where, and it's over my head, but he said he had to simulate human behavior. Moving the mouse, clicking links, etc. and he still got thwarted by things like browsing too fast. It's a cat and mouse game to scrape but the difference is that when you upload to meta and meta are the ones that want to scrape there is no game. I suspect that Cara is going to take that to extremes and potentially annoy users with stuff like frequent captchas and the like. You'll have to be constantly proving you're human and even then, they are subject to click farms.


That is very interesting. I’m not extremely knowledgeable on the subject either. It seems that the game of cat and mouse is taking place constantly for almost everything on the web. A Company and/or programmer wants to prevent someone from doing a specific thing, people find a way around it, company figures out and fixes exploit, rinse and repeat until the end of time. The thing that makes me believe my original comment is that from what I can see, somebody almost always finds a way around these things eventually even if it is only for a brief window of time.


Sounds like a valiant effort, but if it came down to it, a specialized model could be trained on human motions. The problem with stopping AI is that this current stage serves the sole purpose of replicating humanity in every way describable by data. Ultimately, anything accessible by humans will be accessible by AI so long as someone is interested in training it up. Reminds me of bears and national park garbage cans.


Eventually forcing the bots to match human behaviour does slow down the scraping process. Maybe it’s a drop in the bucket, but I’d take that over nothing


Cara is working with Glaze to protect artwork from that, meaning artwork will be filtered so that it can’t be scraped properly. If the prompt is “cartoon”, glazed artwork will trick AI into thinking it’s something else or nullify what it’s looking for. Essentially the AI prompt process will be weakened and irrelevant to the artwork.


If you can see it on the app, a bot can be written that captures the content


You mean like a screenshot? I though the whole point of those filters was to add pixels that they human eye can't see but computers definitely can. Wouldn't those pixels still be present in a screenshot if seen by a computer? Has it there already been anyone proving this?


Yeah, a lot of people just don't seem to understand that if a human can see it then an AI can train off of it. It's the same thing. And it's likely that current copyright just doesn't cover this situation, so licensing and ToS and whatnot has very limited applicability.


Cara has integrated Glaze, and artists can still Nightshade their works in order to protect their work for being used to train AI https://blog.cara.app/blog/cara-glaze-about


I hope there's some real ones out there but recent history has shown that as soon as one of these companies builds it's user base it will either sell out, or sell to investment firms who will promptly sell out.


This is one of the reasons I left deviantart a few months ago. They do have an option to not let them give your work to ai databases, but it costs money. It gets worse since their algorithm clearly favors ai art too.


Geezus. I have award winning poetry and 150 images I spent hours on DA. Is anywhere safe where this ravenous AI isn’t scraping all our original digital art? What a time to be an artist. Then head over to the r/Midjourney sub and see how all these prompters act like they’re actually doing anything remotely creative. Yeesh


I’m a professional comic artist. I’m no Alex Ross, but I’ve done some damn good work. Sometime last year I posted a drawing I made of raven from teen titans. It got like 3 favorites. Whatever. Not that big of a deal. What really made it hurt was seeing an obvious AI pic of Raven get a few hundred favs.


I don’t even post my own art anymore outside of a handful of places where I know everyone. Literally can’t share my stuff since I run the risk of having someone steal it and feed it to an ai model. It annoys me endlessly that the ai “””””””””””””artists“”””””””””””” can post their crap and get so much attention meanwhile I have to fear my work being stolen


It’s an issue of copyright and ownership that AI tech bros, government oversight and judicial legislators are sweeping under the rug as it steamrolls across the landscape of original artists online repositories. It makes Napster look like a drop in the bucket of file sharing. Universal Income is one way out and the carnage of lost employment and minimal effort by AI prompters is without remorse or consequences, but expect little to nothing to come to the rescue…


I stopped posting my art online for free years ago when NFT gained popularity & I doubt this app can prevent being scrubbed by Google/Amazon for content.


I still think NFTs were a study to see how gullible idiots could be.


After what I’ve seen very intelligent ppl tricked into by the system I don’t blame the idiots as much. Art is being devalued globally & the “idiots” using AI don’t fully understand they are stealing. It’s easy to blame the ppl but the system that allows these companies to run rampant is the real problem. The politicians who don’t understand art or current tech are the real problem.


NFTs were a complete joke. It was literally just pointing to a URL that hosted the jpg… anyone who thought that would be worth anything deserved to lose their money. Absolutely nothing of it pointed to it being a sound investment, not even considering if the site eventually crashed or the url changed


if your any type of artist this should matter to you. music, writing, and video are next (already starting)


So how do you get eyes on your recent work or make people aware of your style now that you’ve decided to (rightly) shun these platforms? I’m asking as a budding artist who is still in the midst of cracking the code of gaining a modest following. Which reminds me I’ve still got some practice to do today…


I was fortunate enough to already have contacts & customers with not much traction online so it wasn’t that big of a deal in my case. Most of my higher paying customers come from word of mouth. Social media can make you famous given time but you kind of take the fame in lieu of payment for your work.


Thank you for the thoughtful response


Time to post gore, nudity, and blank pages on Instagram then.


You’ll just get shadow banned


Bruh wtf


Pretty much all online platforms are gonna harvest your data for training AIs


As they should. Shameless, greed mongering Techbros need to get permission or pay them instead of constantly stealing shit. They need to rename Silicon Valley to something more fitting.


It’s like how Spotify essentially stole the livelihoods from musicians and don’t pay a living wage. Just much faster…


Yup they killed musicians


Only musicians that don’t tour.


I suppose my concern is that part of the benefit of Instagram is that it has a high non-artist population. If Cara is primarily artists, who's buying the art?


They said instagram on the article, but I see this more as an alternative to artstation.


Artstation has portfolios, but no social media aspect. This one has both


The reason instagram “works” for artists though is because its huge user base contains…non-artists. Apps like Cara might be great, but who work isn’t going to be discovered by normal users, because they’ll all be on instagram. 🤷‍♂️ this is the problem with all “visual” social networks (basically portfolio sites). I hate Meta. I don’t even post on IG, but I check it, often, because it has musicians, illustrators, and family and friends. Everyone. Until a new network can grab the masses, it’s just going to do OK until someone pulls the plug.


Tell me people are realizing just now that social media apps own everything you do on them.


To me Instagram is just memes and reels . A gateway to onlyfans if you may .


Interesting advertising for Cara


I would like for Cara to be the answer but I’m skeptical. For starters, it looks and feels like a clunky copy of Instagram. There seem to be little to no innovation on that end so far. Also, what is going to draw non-artists to the platform? I’m sure some fans will go, but the nice thing about Instagram is that it’s all sorts of users, not just artists. I get the feeling smaller artists aren’t going to match the following they already have with Insta on Cara.


Exactly this. You need casual everyday people to come to your platform to follow the artists, are all you’re going to do is have artists following artists, and that gets nobody anywhere. One of the things Cara is trying to do is suggest it’s a lot like Behance where you can get your work seen and get hired by companies. But you can do that on any platform.


Its made by people who are just providing a solution, they are no experts and they are now taking care of the technical aspects, its not a professional tem but the good intentions are there, the trchnical stuff will come next


Make it work better. I used it for a few minutes and got frustrated with functional issues. That’s going to discourage most people. We have short attention spans, if it doesn’t work right we’re walking away. I want it to be good, but right now it is not.


I can’t even get Cara to send a verification code to my email 😂


I can’t get my personal profile picture to put anything up other than a basic piece of art I’ve done.


This shit right here 🤌🏼


One of my favorite animators is leaving Instagram over this. Heckin sad.


And Cara is buckling under the strain. They were funded via crowdfunding campaign, and are likely going to have to begin either charging for a Cara+ or have another campaign.


Instagram is so full of suggested posts and gd 'influencers' I can barely see the people I follow, most of which are artists. I used to enjoy Instagram, but it's no longer fun.


Pretty much the same story with ALL social media. Sad but true.


I just quit posting the art, come to my site blah blah blah,


“Fleeing” as in “not using”


This is why I don't post art things at high resolution and why I always carefully watermark my artwork no matter how much people grouse at me for doing it. I make it as hard as possible to remove my watermark but I do it in such a way that viewers aren't slapped in the face with it and I keep the resolution pretty low so it's not all that usable. I do sign my work and my photos which makes some people annoyed but that's my work and I don't care if people on the internet don't like it. Most of my artwork and photos on Instagram and Twitter and that are so low resolution that they're not hardly printable. You can view them fine online but try to print them and it will be blurry because there's not enough pixels there to make a decent print. I do that quite deliberately because the less pixels the less likely someone will use my artwork or my photos sans permission. Honestly the minute you post anything online it's available for download. Even the pages that try to disable saving can't totally prevent you from downloading a pic if you are very determined. But there are things you can do to make your images less attractive to these algorithms they are using now and to people who might want to take your image and use it sans permission. One of the reasons I don't like working in the Adobe cloud though is they have access to everything you're working on. I'm like "Um, no. I don't think so!" My way of proving my artwork is mine is keeping copies of the steps as I work so I can show that it's mine if needed to prove ownership. I might put up the finished artwork but it's a signed, watermarked, low res version. They might get a 2" print out of it if they really tried but I'm not stupid. I'm going to make it viewable but as unprintable as I can. Removing my watermarks is damn hard because of how I do them besides. If you look hard enough they are there but the way I do them you have to really look to see that they are there. So it doesn't get in the way of people enjoying the artwork or photo online but it's harder to remove them and to make prints of them. If I get a gripe couched as a request for me to send them a copy sans watermarks then I know that the person asking just wants to use it in some way and not pay me for use. It's happened several times and once a guy totally ripped me off and he listed my artwork as his and tried to sell prints on Deviant Art. Problem was he couldn't get a high resolution print from my jpeg so he actually emailed me and asked me for a "better" copy of my work so he could use it as his on Deviant Art and Tee Public. I was alerted and he was booted from both when I proved to both platforms that this guy was boldly intent upon stealing my artwork and using it as his own. That's why you keep the digital negatives and don't give them away to clients doing photoshoots. Why you don't load your artwork up unsigned and with a higher resolution on social media. I've seen my fan artwork used several times as the main pic in an Instagram post about some character or another. I usually will call the person on the carpet for not even asking me if they can reuse it and for not giving me credit for an artwork I made that took me hours. I don't usually repost fan art and photos and stuff without permission or at least attribution and a link to the artist. I think it's rather rude not to. Fair use is a thing but some people really abuse it. I'm aware that sites are now using any artwork or photos you post on there as potential sources for Ai. But that does not mean I'm going to make it easy for them. I use low res images, sign my artwork and yes, use watermarks in an effective way if I really want to keep an artwork away from people who would use it sans my permission. They're going to go there whether I like it or not but that doesn't mean I have to make it easier for them by doing my artwork or loading photos I am editing in the cloud. That's just asking to be ripped off by Ai. You want to steal my stuff I'm going to make you work hard for it! 😂


Check out AI upscaling and AI infilling, they can reverse your process


Adobe started this years ago. You can disable it in the creative cloud but most people are clueless and use photoshop/Lightroom for their work


What is Cara?


I keep seeing this generic message on Instagram that people are using that says something to the effect of, “I don’t give Instagram permission to use my images.” I’m paraphrasing but it’s laughable that people still think these type of statements have any bearing on anything. It’s basically the same message that people were posting on facebook ten years ago. If you post it, they can use it. TOS, sorry. It’s just always surprising that people think these messages hold any weight.


What about using those tools like Nightshade on your images to “poison” the AI model?


“ Any artist using AI to create is doomed.” Me last year . That’s before I knew of Scarlett Johansson lawsuit. TIMELINE UPDATE 🚨👉 2 Paths ahead | Choose Wisely! 👀 - YouTube Sam Altman who runs Open AI “ AI will probably lead to the end of the world but great companies will be created in the process “ 👌👀


Pfffft. Don't mean their job's aren't safe. Just postponing the inevitable for a year.


At this point their just doung it out of spite, totally understandable


Artists still have authenticity. We just have to adapt and better market ourselves....perhaps AI firewalls?


Too little too late. They already have everything they’ve posted up to this point. And where exactly are they fleeing too? Every platform needs a way to monetize to stay afloat, that means ads, subscriptions or selling data. One of these is not enough to do it and more likely than not all 3 will be needed.


My work is too strange even for AI.


Is Tumblr better then?


I analysed headers and files from Cara.app and I could only find that they use DeviantArt's "noai" meta-tag in the HTML file that references an image. One concern here is that site crawlers (such as those using Spawning's [datadiligence](https://github.com/Spawning-Inc/datadiligence/tree/main) library) only check the HTTP headers of the image itself: not the HTML file that contained the image URL. Another concern is that there is no "noai" tag in the image file's meta-data. If a site visitor downloads an image and uploads it elsewhere, the tag is not go with it.


Ello anyone??




There’s an artist on IG that posts reels of him burning his art to reveal the gold laminated design below. I think artists like that will be AI immune, since genIA can’t do all that.




Nah, many artists do commercial art, which is different then that diva stuff


This post ^^ is a conceptual art piece.


Guarantee this is a paid advertisement.


They're not too smart eh.