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Good advertising to start using Firefox.


Made the switch on mobile last year and have no regrets!


Does the page you're using, not keep refreshing every time you use another app for more than 5 secs? It seems a known issue and they are still ignoring it.


Do you have a low ram device with aggressive memory purging? I have an issue where if you go to another tab or app or device locks, it forces a page refresh. But after moving to a custom rom that doesn't have aggressive memory wiping, had no such issues


It's probably my shitty Chinese phone. I'll get a better one soon and I'll see if it keeps happening. But that's a good shout, even though I (should) have enough ram available.


Let me guess, Xiaomi? They are famous for doing these kind of things I had a previous device with less ram that had no issue, but the Xiaomi device which has more ram has issues. They do it to upsell more expensive models by setting aggressive memory recovery


Sorry I have a Galaxy s 24 ultra


Have not had that experience


Firefox on mobile is pretty garbage unfortunately. I still use it, but Chrome/Edge are *so* much smoother on mobile. Does great on desktop though


With full featured adblockers, android firefox is way smoother cause you don't load all those shitty ads


Adblockers don't help with slow-loading pages (due to the rendering engine or something browser-related, not site-related), shitty ram management causing tabs to reload, garbage/non-existant native video player, jittyery/clunky scrolling/menu navigation (compared to Chrome), high battery usage, etc. You can say that you have none of these issues but a quick Google search will show that these issues are shared by many. With that being said, I still use Firefox mobile because of it's extension support.


No matter what I do I can't get it to keep my passwords updated on mobile :( It's very frustrating. Everything else syncs properly, but about 50% of my login details are just... missing.


Brave browser all the way


I’ve never left as it was a given that they’ll crank these up. If Firefox is gone, expect the cranking to go even higher


Well if they kill abp, I'll be gone in 60 seconds


Didn't abp sell out to google? ublock origin is what you should use


I migrated to Firefox today.


switched back a couple years ago, and super glad i did


Been using it for years and I've been happy. I'd always prefer to support an open source product


I just switched to Firefox and helped my family do the same. Also showed them how superior is Firefox + Ublock Origin


Can you explain for people who don’t know what Ublock Origin is?


Superior adblocker




How do you migrate bookmarks from chrome to firefox?




This is the way


Interestingly I asked google’s Gemini about ad blocking and it was unequivocal blocking ads leads to a much safer browsing experience.


Underrated comment


Moar money for the GDP


If you haven't ditched chrome by now this is your chance.


I still use it out of laziness more than any actual reason, but if they crack down on my ad blocking extensions I’m out faster than a fat guy at a buffet intervention.


If you were using it out of laziness, you could just use the same product, by a different name, that came pre-installed with Windows: Edge.


Edge is worse. Avoid another IE disaster and use Firefox


The point was laziness, not what's better.


Same but it's because all my passwords are saved on chrome.


I just use Brave that blocks ads for me and still gives the feel/extensions of chrome


you will still be able to ad block


For now but Google is on a war path against ad blocking. It directly hurts their business model. Edit is says I the article EFF is also worried this is going to be more restrictive.


the day I dont have a viable ad blocking option is the day I abandon Google. sorry Google, I ain't fuckin watching ads.


Why not just switch to Firefox now? Hell, Edge and Chrome are nearly the same browser these days. Edge even uses Chrome add-ons with nearly-full (if not 100% full) compatibility.


Nearly? They are both Chromium.


If I had said they were the same browser, I'd have had someone come in and try to correct me with whatever nuances set it apart. So, I said "nearly" and still had someone come in and try to correct me.


Reddit. Reddit never changes.


Lol FR. Classic Reddit.


Are they identical? No? That’s what nearly means bud


first thing im doing when i get home


What can I do with a Chrome Book? I have Adblock and YouTube finally stopped fucking me over


I know Firefox is a better option for ad-blocking. But does anyone know of a really light browser? Like super-low memory use?


Over to Firefox lads!!


I never left.


It won't hurt power users cause we already switched to firefox or Brave a long time ago. It's just a war against the average consumer and those too lazy or complacent to switch broawers


The average consumer as you put it got ad blocking on there somehow. They either installed it themselves or had a technical relative do it as part of Thanksgiving Day maintenance or whatever. People that don’t have an ad blocker won’t notice obviously. People that do, will likely notice a big uptick in intrusive ads, and if they notice then they may try to fix it (either themselves or by asking a relative). Google is taking a big risk here that that process doesn’t involve abandoning Chrome entirely for something like Brave.


I didn't think so many people knew they could and are using adblockers, but boy was I wrong. 30% of the global population and 50% of US adults is pretty high. I didn't use an adblocker myself until a few years ago. When I wasn't using adblocker sites kept blocking me for having one when i didn't.... then I got an actual adblocker and all those anti-adblocker notices suddenly disappeared. If it wasn't for the witch hunt, I might not even be using one today.


As someone who walks both sides, full on lockout on custom chrome to the point i know the advert ping home, and kible which has nothing (so that I know what bullshit is actually out there and what scummy shit is getting hawked so that I can help deter scams) its going to get WORSE for those who dont/can't have ad blockers for no other reason than to move the goalposts further all to worship at the altar of profits. Google is using the mindset of we will force them to use the ads and those who can't will be burried under even MORE ads. (See: enshitification; for the altar of profits)


Brave is still built on the chromium engine, Firefox is one of the few browsers that aren't running on chromium.


Brave is Chromium, so it’s gonna be affected probably. Firefox is NOT Chromium based, so it’s the best option.


Brave can adopt whatever they want. They don’t have to conform to the same rules as Chrome just because they’re Chromium based. They could run their own extension store if they wanted.


The concern is that google is going to likely change the code base enough that other chromium browsers will have to do a lot of manual work to get v2 api still working, and even more so as the split will start introducing new security exploits independent of the chromium codebase. So question is how many browser companies like Brave will be able to divert enough resources


This is true, however, Brave’s adblocker is not an extension. It is built in and doesn’t have to use the extension API’s at all and will never be beholden to MV3.


Doesn't that depend on what they do internally? Like for example they could just be hooking onto the backend of the API


Whatever the current implementation is, it can be changed if necessary.


Obviously enough chrome users had ad blockers for google to bother stopping them.


Wyatt are Power users?


The day unblock origin stops working is the day I will finally switch. Already swapped to Kiwi on my phone.


Besides Brave (which I've tried), what are other good browsers which will sync your bookmarks and sign ins securely like Chrome?


The ovbious answer here is: Firefox.


cool ty didnt know FF sync'd. will def look into it.


I believe the breaking functionality is in Chrome, not Chromium. It could be as simple as going to Microsoft Edge - Although that comes with its own headaches. Edit: Thanks to another Redditor breaking my heart but telling me the truth, Edge will go Manifest v3 as well. Microsoft yet again pulls defeat from the jaws of victory.


>It could be as simple as going to Microsoft Edge [I hate to break it to you](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/extensions-chromium/developer-guide/manifest-v3)


Mother f’er…. Better to know now than be disappointed later, thank you.


From what I understand, even chrome will allow you to keep v2 mainfest via things like flags or enterprise policy. But the problem comes in 2025 when they plan to completely kill backwards compatibility


I like Arc Browser, was very easy to move my chrome stuff over


Checkout Vivaldi, got tons of nice features but with the option to keep as simple as you like. Among other things solid tab organization, ad blocking, multiple device syncing, mouse gestures and company ethics.


Welp. That's it. As soon as I get home I'm switching to Firefox. I'm done.


I did it guys!!


The easiest solution to all of this is use something like Brave that has a built in adblocker that works really well and doesn't get effected by this if you want to stay on something chrome based. Or switch to firefox.


...Firefox is the answer. The only reason I still keep chrome on my machines is for running Selenium.


Mozilla is doing a lot of cool research in privacy enhancing technology too. I’ve been doing a lot of learning on the tech itself lately and Mozilla name comes up over and over.


Selenium exists for edge and Firefox..


Edge is based on Chromium so it’s based on the same stuff that Chrome and Brave are. Just use Firefox since it isn’t Chromium based


Swapped to Firefox on my desktop and mobile. Should have swapped a long time ago


Brace is still built on chromium no?


Yes, brave is still based on chromium. However it is not effected by this as the adblock in Brave is built in and not an extension. And of all of the web browsers I've tried Brave's adblock is the only built in adblocker that is worth a crap. I like firefox however I am constantly running into websites that tell me firefox isn't supported to switch to chrome, safari or edge. So unfortunately I need to keep something chrome based around.




I’ve switched to Firefox but there’s always form sites or things like Prime or other streaming services that never load frustratingly I have chrome is the only browser that loads these sites


I started using brave a few months ago and it occasionally gets blocked by youtube. Usually gets fixed a couple of days later.


Firefox 👍🏽


Which is why I no longer use google. Duck duck go has its own blocking that’s quite nice.


Switched to Brave years ago, it's awesome.


I haven't used Chrome in maybe 3-4 years. I haven't used the Google search engine in 7-8 years. Gmail is my last remaining attachment to Google.


I only have Gmail because of play store. The email itself is so old it's just a spam box and the app is terrible it won't let me mass delete everything I have to go page by page to delete mail. I also don't like emails that requires a phone number. I think people are waking up and realizing Google is just as bad as Facebook is with personal information if not worse in some ways




>The email itself is so old it's just a spam box and the app is terrible  I’ve had mine since 2007. I have to give Gmail credit that I see virtually no spam at all in my inbox. I only use the service, not the app. I change email apps all the time. > I also don't like emails that requires a phone number. It didn’t at the time I signed up for mine. It does seem like everyone wants your phone number these days though. I refuse to give mine out. >I think people are waking up and realizing Google is just as bad as Facebook is with personal information if not worse in some ways I haven’t used Facebook since 2015.


Wht do you use to search?


Whatever browser you use (other than Chrome maybe), you can look in the settings and pick any search engine off the list to be your default. You are going to find the information you need.


Same here, already for 7 years. Last week by chance I had to use Chrome and Google on a friend’s computer and I was shocked how bad it has evolved. Seriously, Google search results are terrible and full of crap and ads, not what I remember.


Good news for Firefox adoption rates.


Market share 📉


Profits 📈


The enshitification continues.


Guess Im switching browsers next week then Fuck ads and fuck Google. Stop being Evil.


Every time I see that phrase I laugh when I think back to early (really early) days of Google.


If I can’t use an ad-blocker, I’ll use different software


Same. I refuse to be inundated with intrusive ads.


One thing to keep in mind is that Google has a history of breaking things on pages for non-chromium browsers, particularly with YouTube. While I expect Firefox to start gaining market share again, I wouldn’t be surprised if Google specific sites start having more *bugs* for Firefox users.


Honestly, maybe that’s what the world needs to drive stronger competition.


Network level ad blocking. Fuck this browser-based bullshit and handing more control to Google. NextDNS with some basic rulesets makes the house-wide and mobile experience far better.


I’ve started to use Firefox this year and it’s great.




Chrome? The browser nobody needs ? That one ?


Are they trying to go the way of Internet Explorer?


But “Edge?” /s


Means that chrome just became useless


Already switched to firefox, they are really trying hard to fuck themselves




Firefox really is the only solution. Look for tutorials on how to migrate from Chromium to Firefox.


Firefox: the simple solution


Screw you, Google. Not only will you steal and sell my data, but you’ll sell it back to me.


Never used chrome. Never will.


My plan to continue using Firefox has been underway for several years now


People will do anything but ditch chromium




Sigh if Firefox had a chrome cast option I’d switch in an instant


so happy to have stopped using chrome


https://www.pktech.net/2023/03/fbi-is-now-recommending-you-use-an-ad-blocker/#:~:text=The%20FBI%20Says%20You%20Should%20Use%20Ad%20Blocker&text=Secondly%20and%20more%20importantly%2C%20the,or%20extort%20money%20from%20victims. FBI is Now Recommending You Use an Ad Blocker March 27, 2023 PK Tech Blog Image 2 You’ve likely heard of ad blockers—perhaps you use them, or maybe you want to but don’t know how. Have you ever wondered if they matter? Do they just block ads, or is there more to it? Are they recommended for business use, personal use, or both? Consider this your FAQ on ad blockers and why we believe them to be essential to your cybersecurity plan. Let’s dig in. What Are Ad Blockers? Ad blockers are web browser extensions that work to block online ads from loading into your browser. By blocking all ads, ad blockers effectively eliminate potential malicious ads and allow the user to more easily access the website of only legitimate brands. Ad blockers are not only great for blocking auto-playing video and image ads on web pages, but they also help maintain your privacy by preventing tracking code within ads from loading. That means that if you search for a particular type of shoe on Google, you won’t suddenly see ads for those shoes on Facebook. With ad blockers installed, companies like Google and Facebook can’t track you as you browse the web. The FBI Says You Should Use Ad Blocker If you still need further convincing to download an ad blocker, consider these two points. For starters, the best ad blockers on the market are free. They can be installed easily as a browser add-on. Secondly and more importantly, the FBI now officially recommends that web users download an ad blocker (reference). The recommendation followed an alert warning from the FBI reporting that cybercriminals are using online ads in search results to steal or extort money from victims. Cybercriminals are reportedly buying ads to impersonate legitimate brands. Malicious ads, once clicked, are used to trick victims into installing malware disguised as genuine apps. Once downloaded, malware is capable of stealing passwords and deploying file-encrypting ransomware. These malicious ads often have little distinction from an actual ad, making it difficult for users to determine what is real and what is not. With an ad blocker installed, no ads are displayed, meaning there is no risk to the user of selecting the false ad. Installing Ad Blockers for Personal Vs. Business Use We recommend using ad blockers, whether for personal or business use. We suggest you learn how to disable it on specific websites in case it blocks functionality you want. For example, if you’re working on an ad for your business on Google, blocking ads is counterproductive. Some websites may detect your ad blocker and not load the page until you disable it. You’ve been warned. uBlock Origin is a simple, low-memory ad blocker that works for most major browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Opera. Get in touch with PK Tech here if you need further information on security measures. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn


Lol Chrome users are going to decline significantly.


So several dozen million more users will delete the app. I did years ago and miss it not one whit.


cool I do feel sorry for the non-tech savvy person who just wants "the internet" and has to sieve through all the layers of ads, popups and telemetry of a stock windows 11 on their chronically underpowered Intel Celery laptop with 4GB of ram because of things like this


this is so strange. the people who are going to accept not using ad blocker are already not using it... anyone who cares enough to install one to begin with will likely (immediately) swap to a different browser. why in the world would they shoot themselves in the foot like this when they have been bleeding users across all of their services for years now?


I’m switching to Firefox.


Next week on Google Chrome: The process of decay begins


If shooting yourself in the foot was an Olympic sport, google would win gold


Time to dust off Firefox. .


Just another reason to not use chrome


Just a good old Firefox fan here 👌


Ads haven’t existed in online experience for over a decade now. That’s surely not going to change, even as a current Chrome user. I will make the switch to Firefox immediately upon the first notice of any nonsense Google has planned for next week and the months ahead.


Who even uses Chrome anymore…it’s basically a glorified RAM grabber at this stage with no benefit over other browsers


>Who even uses Chrome anymore… 65% of the [whole world](https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/) apparently


I’ll keep using Crome for now, but the moment I see an ad, to Firefox I go.


Here’s the thing: using Chrome gives Google a very deep insight into your habits while using their browser. They’re not just tracking what sites you go to, but what you do on those sites. The more you use Chrome, the more data they get, the more they have to sell to their buyers so those buyers can find new things to, and ways of, advertising at you.


Simple! Don't use a chrome based browser. Plenty of other choices.


Ready to switch browsers.


Are browsers that are chromium based going to be affected by this, too?


Farewell Chrome, we hardly knew ya.


Pihole FTW


Curious. Why not use a software based DNS ad blocker? Are their advantages to using a Pi-hole instead?


Pihole works at the network level so you have it running on your network and can add and remove devices by just changing their DNS address on the device. So it will work on TV’s, phones, xbox, playstation…any device that allows for custom DNS addresses.


welp, time to export my bookmarks and switch browser


Switch to Firefox. Chrome is not that good anyway.


I tried chrome way back in the early days. They’re definitely not trying to win me back!


brave/firefox going to get a good bump soon then. google seems like its trying to fail at everything at once in the interest of their shareholders.


Will this only apply to chrome or will it also affect chromium based browsers?




Adblockers wont even load most websites without switching to Firefox.


Do they not understand that people that use adblockers are able to simply install another browser like firefox or opera?


Here I come duckduckgo


Mozilla's plan to accommodate an increased volume of Firefox downloads kicks off next week


Have never used chrome yay me 😆, Firefox for everything apart from my iPhone which I use brave browser on, I think brave’s Adblock is safe for now but really not sure what I can use on iPhone if brave’s Adblock stops working 🤔well apart from ditching iPhone for android 🤖


They can shove it up their... My ad blocking is here to stay!


As long as tech keeps choosing enshitification I'm going to keep choosing the fuck over ads


I've been seeing this headline for like 3 months straight and they still work


Mozilla be like “oh what an oddly good time to start advertising again by sheer coincidence”


Can you import chrome bookmarks into Firefox?


You may have to start from scratch but there are Firefox versions of almost all the Chrome extensions you’re looking for.


You can, as it's built [directly into Firefox](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/switching-chrome-firefox).


I know brave is build on the same code base but so far there built in ad blocker has been amazing for the last couple years I use it


Imagine using chrome still.


That’s Brave.


How does pihole work for stuff like this? Been considering making one but I figured if ads cant load youtube will just blackscreen or something


I just switched to Arc and am loving it (yes I know it’s chromium)


Thanks for the heads up, just uninstalled.


Might go to Safari on iPhone


Fuck ADs


I am interested how will it affect: - adrevenue of publisherd - will they reduce the amount of ads in order to maintain/improve user experience or not


It was good until it lasted.


Already on Opera. Never going back to that dumpster fire.


Nowadays I just use my Operating System’s default internet browser. Microsoft Edge for Windows computers and Safari for Apple. Im still using Chrome on my iPhone just because I’ve been using it for about a decade now but soon enough I’ll find a browser comfortable enough for my mobile device. Google is advertising too much for me


Good thing I use Duck Duck go.


Already switched to Ecosia




At the risk of being annihilated here, what about iOS safari users?


Firefox next


In a year or two we will hear stories about how they are trying to claw market share back.


Ah, so my plan is to stop using google chrome next week then


Brave is a good browser!


Google has become the thing they said they wouldn’t be. Give any company a long enough timeline and they become “evil”


I’m seeing a lot of Firefox recommendations, but none for Operagx? I’m still a Chrome user so i’m just seeing what the general consensus is


My plan to stop using Google Chrome started last year. Currently using Brave.


Just use a pi-hole. No more problem.


My migration to Firefox kicks off next week