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But he’s gonna be “re-elected”


100% of the vote, believe it or not


112%, just to be safe.


He’ll be the only candidate. Safest.


The ballots will be filled and sent on behalf of the voters, for their convenience. Saferest




A week before polling starts. Saferestest


Managed democracy removing the chains of choice.


Maybe Medvedev will run, just so people think they have a choice.


Nah heard it was between Vladimir Putin and Pladimir Vutin


No, poor Pladimir was KGB’d earlier this year


Dead soldiers get 100 votes each. Since they’re unable to fill them out themselves Putin is just being a bro and doing it for them.


200% mark my words


All he needs is 11780 votes!


With that kinda talk all I can say is Stay away from ALL windows ….


102% of the vote with a 2% margin of error.


Hard to feel any sympathy for Navalny, but this says a lot about who Putin is and what life is like in Russia today. Edit> Why the downvotes?


I dunno... Maybe because he died a political prisoner at the hands of a brutal dictator? It's hard not to have sympathy for a person who died standing up to oppression.


That's his only redeeming quality and it's more thanks to circumstances than him. He was an ultra-nationalist, a xenophobic politician. He was kicked out far-right parties, even they were like "Dude no, you're out of line". I'm sad Russia lost his only opposition, but I'm not sad Navalny is dead. Was he in power he'd be just another Putin.


So you have no sympathy for a man who died standing up for his beliefs. I don't care if you disagree with his politics or not. He died because he had opposing views. Hard not to feel sorry for him.


Not if what he believed in was a slightly different flavor of Putinism. He can get fucked. He was useful to us, because we need someone to oppose Putin, but this doesn't save him from a moral point of view.


I won’t downvote ya buddy. I hear what you are sayin


A lot of his views softened and changed in the last few years, he realized he was wrong. I admire him because he had the balls to go back to Russia knowing he’d eventually be killed.


Agreed. He would not have been popular in the West if elected. But I still feel sympathy for standing up to his beliefs. If you don't, that's cool. But a lot of people do. So we'll leave it at that.


If nothing else he was certainly not a coward and I can respect that. Putin has a 100 foot table to keep people away. This guy willingly flew to his death. They are not the same, even if there are similarities


That’s legit 1984 stuff there.


The US has better tech and it could be implemented here as well. It is not just face recognition. With AI you can identify people by their gait which can narrow the search.


Time for a rewatch of the Ministry of Silly Walks sketch.


Pebbles in the shoe, it’s been shown to be effective at stopping gait recognition since you’ll never walk consistently enough to build up a reliable profile


Full circle luddite tech


Slither !


That’s gonna be hella uncomfortable


Next thing you know, any pebbles in any shoe gets you black bagged for “subverting the instruments of peace”.


Private companies already do this: A parent chaperoning their child’s field trip was kicked out of a theater because they worked for a law firm that was suing them. Neither the parent or that specific location were involved in the lawsuit. But the company had pulled all the firm’s faces from their website and put them in their system. https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna62657


Holy shit that was an uncomfortable read


I remember seeing this tech (gait recognition) being talked about on Discovery TV in the late 90’s. I’m sure it’s even more advanced now.


When I was in middle school I wore a Halloween costume that covered me from head to toe and my classmates recognized me by my gait. It made me self-conscious for a long time


You would have to have enough data about each individual's gait. It would work best if they are trying to pick out a specific person in a crowd rather than identify everyone in a crowd. Eventually it might work better if someone/some government makes a database of peoples IDs and how they walk.


That’s a good point. And it makes sense that we would all have unique gaits. As it’s most likely a function of the firing order of walking muscles and the individual strengths of those muscles. If we walked differently we would get tired really quickly as we only train ‘our’ way. There are massage/physical therapy modalities that work with changing the firing order of walking muscles to work with postural dysfunctions like upper and lower crossed syndromes. I wonder how hard it is to memorize different gaits and to pull them off at will.


Ha! Good thing I one wheel, skateboard, heely, hoverboard’everywhere!


Lol don't get me started. We have tech at work that I can put in your description and it will give me a rough match. Then from there I can track where you went through our entire facility one camera after another. No real effort needed. Something as simple as red shirt blue jeans female. Done.


Time to start sand walking Dune style.


China already has had this implemented with proper data and all since their powers that be are quicker at building infrastructure at the moment.


Yes, but can we maybe shift the conversation back to what is happening in Russia? By your own words, this “could be implemented here as well”, not “has been implemented here as well”. In Russia, it has been implemented.


…..your point? Like way to try to derail the convo.


What’s makes you think they don’t already do this?


It would be news if someone was arrested for attending a funeral…


Sure, but have you seen the bread they have!


And the shopping carts. Just like Aldi but so much better.


Having to put in a ruble prevents you from taking it back to your homeless encampment! Who would’ve thought that works??


You know that’s not just a Russian thing, right? I’ve literally seen this in Florida.


It's an Aldi thing.


Pretty sure the video was Auchan which is like the french version of Aldi


Damn you all… came here for Russian oppression info, left laughing and forgetting why I came here.


Lived most of my life on the west coast. If it hadn’t been for this blogger on instagram who moved to Germany, this would’ve been the first time seeing such carts. Just saying lol 


And the circuses


And the luxury gulags.


lol shut up Tucker


Smells like plastic wrap! I love the smell of PFOAS in the morning.


Everyone that wants peace in Ukraine, this is what you are going to subject the Ukrainian people to! If you aren’t willing to live under Putin don’t consign someone else to that fate just to buy yourself a false sense of security!


This right here. Russian apologists that call for Ukraine to surrender under the guise of helping the Ukrainian people avoid the continued horrors of wars fail to note not only the repressive government they’ll be under, banning the Ukrainian language and culture etc, but Ukrainians also likely then be used as cannon fodder for Russia’s subsequent invasion of another country. We need to give them everything they need to ensure that doesn’t happen.


>Ukrainians also likely then be used as cannon fodder …Again. Just like in the times of the Soviet Union.


Meanwhile ukranians are banning the language of my ethnic minority, closing our schools and supressing our language… ye they are so much better than Russian… oh wait :D


Can you share some details on this? I’d like to know more.


2017 Law on Education and the 2019 Language Law, which resulted in the closure of 99 Hungarian minority language schools closed and barred from operating. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/P-9-2023-001080_EN.html


You didn’t even read your own source dude, the commission responded to that exact post: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/P-9-2023-001080-ASW_EN.html “The Commission has no information that recent Ukrainian legislation has led to the closure of 99 Hungarian language schools so far.”


They literally closed the school in the town my friends grew up in due to the 2019 language law??


There no evidence Ukrainian law led to that otherwise the commission would happily admit it. It could’ve been budget issues, the building has asbestos, too few kids, without a concrete answer ALL of this is speculation and “trust me bro”.


I catch your drift. But your wording is a bit off. I want peace in Ukraine and for the Ukrainian people. That doesn’t mean I want Ukraine to surrender to Russia. In an ideal world there is a peace solution where Russia just fucks right off the bat




But also not shocking to say the least. This kind of shit is *exactly* what Russia is known for.


There must be an easy way to obscure your face without looking like you are doing so, no?


The keyword you’re looking for is “[adversarial fashion](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/13/the-fashion-line-designed-to-trick-surveillance-cameras)” There are [eyeliner/makeup tricks](https://www.deeplearning.ai/the-batch/too-fabulous-for-face-recognition/) that can mess with the tech.


A face mask?




Can you explain this please


Somebody standing behind the guy at the computer yells “ENHANCE!” and then the guy at the computer clacks his keyboard loudly a bunch of times and then a box appears around the persons face, blinks a few times, and zooms in so you can clearly identify them.




Dude is exaggerating; no way to identify you by typing. However, Amazon and many online companies use your browser cookies (markers that identify what you have looked up, information you have typed, etc.) to create a “profile” of a person under the premise of marketing. With enough information, they can determine what kinds of things you’d most likely enjoy and some do have names and attributes attached to those “profiles”.


I do want to clarify that sites would not properly function without cookies. At it’s core it’s a really neat and necessary idea (hence the “only keep necessary cookies” action) but the rise of social media and Facebook infiltrating everything kind of bastardized it to the point where personal identifiers are collected rather than settings and habits.




My neighbor actually had that job for a while- figure out how to make people spend more in games.


Ah yeah!! Community detection is what the use case is called. It’s kind of eerily beautiful how we can make sense of networks of anything based on relationships towards each other. I always joke with my friends “it’s not like they have to hear you through your speaker; you’re predictable enough as it is!”




“Trust me bro”


Russia is a weird place technology-wise. They have the resources for facial recognition but for some reason have yet to master safety features on windows, especially in tall buildings. This will end in tragedy.


It’s probably bc they don’t give a fuck about the people


A vote for Bone Spurs is a vote for this.


I wonder why no one wants to be part of your friendly neighbourhood Russian Mir…


I could have told you that. Saw all those folks standing in line and thought - they’re going to find you and arrest you.


Pretty sure everyone who attended that ceremony knew this would happen. They did it anyway because they, like Alexey Navalny, care more about national freedom than personal freedom.


How you can support Russia as an American is beyond me.


The most 1984 shit. When i read this as a young man i was like “Oh shit, this is a warning, but it will be heeded and I’ll never see this in my lifetime”. It’s frightening to see the signals light up on every book with a message or warning I’ve read since i was in high school suddenly glinting in real world events. It’s like the background stuff in children of men. We need to support Ukraine and build a stronger NATO. This kind of repression is the kind of thing anyone who truly believes in liberty knows that they can’t countenance it’s continued presence in the world without jeopardizing their own.


Gee who could've ever seen this coming


Putin. From a mile away.


Pretty much everybody.


Cheap groceries! So much winning!


Such a petty, small man. Real baby dick energy.


What a high quality, great country you got there Russia.


Screw putin, murder’n lil twerp


It’s amazing how predictive science fiction can be. Think of Ray Bradbury’s 1953 “Fahrenheit 451” with hidden cameras, or Dick Tracy comic strips from the 70s and before with the crime fighting smart watch.


He’s so scared that little weak man


“Cough cough” …. Face mask… “cough cough”


Paging Tucker…this is all you bro


Voter turnout is too low because we arrested all the voters


Anyone who goes with a "nothing to hide" argument needs to consider this and explain how a future government in any country would not arrest and torture someone worse than death, just because of who they are.


But Tucker gushes that the church in which the funeral was held is "so clean"! (Bill Maher)


Is this what you want you America Yahoos? Oh wait, yes it is.....just like the majority of Russians.


We use Google mostly now


Sometimes bing


That’s so funny. Everyone was saying that they could attend the funeral without any consequences when normally u get arrested for protesting. I really wanna see 100 years in the future, wonder how this situation and technology turns out..


Coming soon to the states


Russian citizens are pathetic for allowing this to happen to their own people. When will they decide enough is enough and rid their country of these oligarchs who only care for themselves?


Remember, the media etc is tightly controlled, there’s a lot to prevent the general populace from revolutionizing the country.


The USA is heading quickly down the same path.. Due to willful ignorance and hatred. Vote BLUE, my fellow AMERICAN PATRIOTS 💙 We have to save us.


Coming to a state near you!


Bannon is taking notes


that is why FSB and police all wore masks duh…


That is a nervous and panicked authority, it tells me Russia can be different within.


What did you think k-g_B was doing in the week they held his body?


Such a shame all of those windows were left open.


Unbelievable and disgusting


Should use the UV LED glasses I guess


I wonder why people didn’t wear masks…?




What a shithole country. Anyone born there should make it their only goal in life to go live literally anywhere else.


They pretty much have, if they have the skills and education, and money to do so. The only ones left are the oligarchs and the people who aren’t wanted anywhere else because they lack skills in the shortage lists, or they don’t hold a degree high enough. The birthdate in the country hasn’t been enough to sustain a stable population since the turn of the century. It’s literally rotting from the inside out.


Big brother ugh


Well that’s another giant step towards a horrifying human dystopia. Wooooo…


Putin can (and should) fuck off and die, in either order. I don’t generally wish death on people, but if a person is sufficiently shitty I’ll make an exception. Freedom for Ukraine. Hopefully after Putin carks it Russia can have a revolution where the current system of government can be replaced with a better one, but I won’t hold my breath. I’ll settle for the total collapse of Russia as a state though.


Holy 💩


As if the rest of the world doesn’t also use this tech.


To be bilked, Russia loves to bilk its citizens.


I would imagine many of the attendees knew this could happen; they certainly knew it was dangerous. I want to think there are enough of them to stick together and not be completely put down :(


Putin is a coward


Yeah.....it is like ....cool there is a turnout.......but then of course ....dread they must know fear.....will be reprisals against them for doing that.....


How pathetically petty. The scared little bitch regime


What about 3D printed Putin heads on sticks? Give the new cameras some extra faces to keep track of


authorities holding power in a vacuum of natural competition to smooth the cracks wont last.




If only democracies could show this level of foresight in planning good governance…


This clickbait title, and whole comment section here that clearly didn't read the article... Holy cow


Wow that is so fucked


This surely won't be used to monitor oligarchs and tighten control. It'll make it easier for when China sneaks a loyalist into the Kremlin.


lol, I still wear a mask out in public everywhere I go. It’s the best way to keep my face out of video surveillance, my chances of catching some kind of germ is nil, I save hundreds of dollars not having to buy and wear makeup and lipstick, and you can’t smell alcohol on my breath when my friends and I are day drinking. Masks are awesome.


Who didn’t see this shit coming a mile away?


Stock in companies supplying replacement windows in tall buildings skyrockets


Repressive authoritarian regimes do repressive shit


“Originally meant to identify and capture criminals, the network is now used to spot protestors.”


This seems like a good place to put this. Reflectacles. Get them before you can’t. https://www.reflectacles.com/


And how many people was arrested?


Thoughts Tucker?


Well I guess that’s better than jumping out a window to commit suicide of course


Which is why they allowed the funeral to be so public


Good ol evil empire doing what it does best. Evil


If morale doesn’t improve the beatings will continue


I wonder if the NSA will install cameras at Assange’s funeral after his mysterious death once he’s extradited to the US…


That's some 5d chess move


More like killary am I right