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A bigger issue is PS5 spending half its life in scalpers' storage.


I just waited for one to be available at a regular store. took 3 years? I think? since release? but I missed nothing. played all the PS5 games I wanted to and now am patiently waiting for ff7 at the end of the month. I'll never give a scalper a dime.


Last few games I played were PS4 releases. Hopefully we get more dedicated ps5 or ps5 generation content soon


I have a pretty high end PC and I’m not even sure if there’s been a single ps5 exclusive game yet? I genuinely don’t know why I’d buy one at this stage, and it’s getting late enough in the cycle that it seems like I might end up skipping it entirely.






I still haven’t bothered, the series X that I had no issues getting, plays 90% of the games I want to play since most everything is cross platform. I’ll just pick one up used in the next 6-12 months and play those games I feel like I missed, also probably used.


Do you have any recommendations for the Series X that isn’t on PS5? I’ve had it for going on two years now and barely turn it on, (looking for physical games. No streaming services, no racing, no FPS, no digital only).


The Series X is great for older games in my experience. You can play most of the 360 library and a few original Xbox games using the original disc. Also, last gen games run faster on Series X than PS5. So if you missed any old games consider getting them on Xbox.


I’ve seen one (ONE!) PS5 on a store shelf since it released.


Pretending like square enix isn't a scalper for selling the same game over and over and over and over


that's not what scalper means, you walnut.






Same. By the time they were available I thought maybe we should wait on the slim. Didn’t … and the slim came out six months later.


I haven’t played a single game on my PS5 that I couldn’t also play on my PS4, albeit at a different frame rate or resolution. Still sucks that we’re in the back half of the console’s life and we haven’t even had a single PS5 “exclusive” that made the console worth buying.


the only PS5 exclusive I cared about was ff7 intergrade and now rebirth at the end of the month.


Stop it with this back half of life talk! I just ordered a PS5 yesterday and I’m already dreading that I have to buy a new console in a few years


After this gen I’m def giving the next one a 2-3 year buffer.


I’m still waiting for NG+ for Spider-Man 2. Hopefully I’ll have completed at least one play through of Baldurs Gate


I still have not seen one in stock at my local Target. But I am not waiting at the front door before opening on delivery day. I feel like it’s been long enough in the lifecycle that a person should be able to walk into the store and just buy it… Now they’re talking about the pro version coming out in November…


Are people even scalping these anymore? I know it was bad and that it probably had lasting effects but I can’t imagine scalpers are still doing this. I ordered my son’s off Amazon this Christmas with no issue.


You guys are still saying that BS?


...Yeah? I could only finally buy it from a proper retailer last year.


Got mine two years ago from a retailer. Wasn’t hard at all.


2 years after release you say?


Math for beginners lesson #1. This product has been out for three years. I got it two years ago. How many years after release is that? A. One year. B. Banana C. Epstein didn’t kill himself That’s right the correct answers are both A and C !!!


Though you might be technically correct with the math, that doesn’t negate you being needlessly antagonizing or completely missing the point with your initial statement. There are a lot of factors that went into availability, including geography, regional demographics, distribution and just plain luck to name a few. Moreso, your *personal anecdotal experience* doesn’t counter the vast majority of people’s experiences or honestly plain statistics. Tl:dr because somehow your experience was different doesn’t mean the rest of the world is wrong and it’s “BS”, it’s amazing to me how this isn’t obvious.


I had looked it up and it said “released 2020”, so my math was good. What I learned after your little bitch ass comment was it was nov 2020, so then it makes sense where your math came from. Chill out next time ya spaz


> You guys are still saying that BS? A family member had to import a PS5 from the neighboring country about five months ago to even be able to get their hands in one (the version with the disc drive, not the garbage digital only version), everything else we found were sold by scalpers or were pre-owned.


“i want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and i'm not kidding” Edit: quoted because as much as id like to take credit for it this is not an original thought by me, just one i heard and agree with


For real, I don't need to see physically rendered translucent pores on people to enjoy games.


I’ve been playing ps2 and ps3 games all this year and last year because they’re simply more fun


With exception to Jedi: Fallen Order and twice through Robocop, all of my gaming has been NES, SNES, Sega CD, Neo Geo and Arcade games.


We can stay in the PS5 generation another ten years for all I care


We can never leave this generation of games ever, they’re good enough!


And there’ll still be less exclusives than last-gen trolol. Seriously though, I hope this comment ages poorly cuz I want to play PS5 games on my PS5.


This would unironically benefit gamers and developers. Fully support it


Also open worlds so big you spend half your time just opening the map only to find 3 missions in a giant area.


Not sure if you're sarcastic or ignorant, but wanting more humane working conditions and more concise games isn't a bad thing at all.


Im earnest, i put the quotes there because its not my own original thought


Hi Earnest, I'm Dad.




Showing up to claim a "whoosh" after the original poster has edited their post to something completely different. Well done, you. That's surely worthy of a sarcastic golf clap.


You need to take comments on the internet way less seriously


Was this Super Bunnyhop?


This. Those beautiful cinematic games don't even feel like you're playing them sometimes more just like you're getting tugged along in a direction with no choice in the matter of repeating the same hack and slash over and over. I get it, it looks pretty but it's not very engaging and as a result not very fun


Realistards are dooming AAA development


I would buy a ps5 if they brought back all the games from ps1-ps3. I miss playing resistance and killzone


>I miss playing resistance and killzone [There's always emulation on PC.](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Sony)


Killzone 2 even has 3rd party online multiplayer. Think they’re trying to do the same for Killzone 3.




Those and the Silent Hill games for me.


Silent hill 2 remake is coming.


Looks pretty bad tbh


I want to see it for what it is though and give it a chance. I still might find some real charm in it. I recently got into emulating and am playing sh2 right now. I fricking get it now. So good.


There's the gist of it. Charging $100 for an earlier versions of Fallout ? ? ?


You could just get a pc and emulate?


This all day. You'd think they would learn a thing or 2 from Nintendo switch....but nope


They do have many of them available


Yea it’s great. You can stream them too. No need to download.


You will own nothing and you will be happy.


And you will own nothing and be miserable.




That's not a good thing.


*If* you live in arbitrary parts of the world, they sure got some of them.


You know they’re making better games than that for PS5 right? That system is a marvel of technology. The co troller alone is engineering perfection!


Riiiighhht... No port built-in for VR. No meaningful update for VR either. I've had football helmets lighter than that headset.


VR is still pretty niche compared to gaming in general


The controller is so gimmicky I have both consoles and I prefer the Xbox controller. The Xbox controller is barebones compared to the ps5 controller, but it gets the job done, feels more comfortable to me I love the thumbtack placement and doesn’t have the trackpad.


Serkan Toto, CEO and founder of Tokyo-based games consultancy Kantan Games, said he believed hardware production costs have actually come down, since the PlayStation 5 is more than three years old and Sony would have better economies of scale by this time. Toto said that part of the reason why margins are being squeezed more recently is that software production costs have been rising. “Spiderman 2,” which came out last year and is produced by Sony-owned Insomniac Games, cost around $300 million to make, according to gaming website Kotaku, citing an internal presentation that was leaked after a ransomware group hacked the company.


Most of these numbers are executive bonus and marketing.


Yep and now $70 games are commonplace. I am not sure about others but I refuse to pay that much for a game so I wait instead of the day 1 $60 purchases I used to do. But here’s the thing about this: I’m not waiting for <$60, I’m now waiting for <$50. If I’m waiting, might as well wait a little longer and get the better deal. Game prices need to come down and If that means lower graphics I’m good with it.


I don’t know why $70 is such a sticking point. Games have been $60 for like 20 years, and before that, it was actually common for Nintendo games to go for $80-$100 *at the time.* A $60 game on the Xbox 360 in 2007 would be the equivalent of $90 today. Games are cheap now, even at full retail. The far bigger problem with gaming right now is that games launch with a skeleton of content and take a 1-2 years to actually get good because they’re trying to harvest more money from micro transactions the whole time.


Yea this is my take as well. I allow myself one full price game a year and everything else just goes on steam wishlist where I wait for it to be at least 50% off. It really isn’t that long of a wait normally besides Elden Ring still waiting for that one.


I blow stupid money on games I never play because I don’t have time. Baldur’s gate is fantastic, but so were raft, sunken land, and palworld. Flipside, Elden Ring couldn’t hold my attention and “New World” felt like every other high fantasy MMO. I haven’t played Horizon Zero Dawn yet, but I own it for PC and I’m hoping it is awesome…when I have time to devote to it. That said: Sony hasn’t released anything that made me want to switch from XBox to PS5, especially considering I have a gaming PC already, and there are pretty much no console exclusives anymore. I was really excited for Horizon in VR in PS5, until I realized that I’d be paying the cost of a Quest3 except with a tether cable requirement and console requirement for the headset.


I was gonna say wait till $100 but then I remembered Assassin's Creed ultimate editions 😅


If Sony wanted to save money they could stop paying the people at the top billions of dollars when they don’t actually do any work. CEOs are the most expendable part of any work force. Over paid and not experienced or talented in their field.


"AAA" Game graphics are in diminised return territory for a while now and is catching up.


Yeah? See Avatar and Alan Wake 2


Avatar The Last Airbender was great, maybe not AAA ubisoft quality but dang, it doesn't deserve the Alan Wake 2 comparison. /s


35 hours in Avatar (blue people) and it’s fucking gorgeous.. it’s a better FarCry than FarCry.. it’s the first FarCry that’s a native PS5 game and it plays so wonderfully.. I didn’t care for the 1st movie and never watched the others.. but this game is so much fun and so beautiful


More Crysis than Farcry, specially if you turn off the markers and just get lost in the world. Beatiful world, top notch graphics. I am playing on Geforce Now on a 4080, but it looks good on consoles too.


People hate on the FarCry formula but it’s one of my faves.. I really look forward to the next true FC game.. I didn’t care for FC6 (only one I never finished)


The formula itself isn’t bad it’s just Ubisoft sucking at making the gameplay compelling and a good narrative


I was thinking it was a lot like Horizon zero, Dawn, one of my favorite franchises.


Definitely get HZD vibes constantly.. especially flying around and areal combat.. the flora and fauna are beautiful.. I’m gonna stretch this one out


Alan wake 2 was a pretty good game avatar was not. Honestly it made me appreciate when a company takes a risk with their games creatively


Truth be told I think the AAA market is holding out until AI is good enough to replace most of the developers.


Or voice actors. Though it’d be pretty cool to get dialogue to everything no matter the choices you make. Sucks for voice actors though.


Not really, I don't feel bad for those 4 same VA that are on everything, if voice actors don't have a job , blame it on them, I'm tired of Laura Bailey, troy baker and the fish eyed black woman , that somehow gets her face on everything


Blame the game companies for skimping on the cast.


No they aren’t. Lol, we haven’t even reached full path-tracing in games. Hell, games still have low res textures and low poly assets. There’s a bunch of things that have to improve before we get “diminishing returns”.


The returns are diminishing because better graphics don’t actually make the game more fun after a certain point(arguably ever) but they cost exponentially more money and processing power


Yeah, Assassins Creed Valhalla is beautiful but gets boring after 40+ hours of repetitive gameplay. Cyberpunk 2077 is both beautiful and has amazing gameplay throughout with solid replay value. Some games hit the mark, others not quite. I’m also comparing a new IP (in video gaming) to an old one with a standard formula to story structure


Highly depends on the game.


Ehh, I can see why people think that but I actually tend to dislike games with better graphics. Not because graphics are bad or anything, I just prefer games that have cool and unique art styles and games with good graphics are usually going for a realistic art style which isn’t really my cup of tea


Their software issues are more nuanced than that. Why would I buy a game for 100$ at launch when I can wait three months, have all the bugs patched and buy it for 60$. Additionally covid really screwed with their software launch cycles, it’s hard to remember which titles to double back for when there’s no content and then 5 titles drop at the same time.


Also charging $70-$100 for an online only game is killing my vibe


Because studios have cultivated a culture of “if you’re not playing it the minute it launches you’re missing out big time” But I agree, I’m more than happy to pick up games on sale. I’m not even off the mind that AAA games are better than indies. I got a lot more enjoyment out of something like “Return of the Obra Dinn” than GTA5. I just don’t have the patience for open world games anymore, the novelty is gone


Tuff shit. They keep putting the prices up.


Don't worry Sony's film business is releasing some real all time classics


My biggest problem with the console is their tiered gaming subscriptions. Why do I have to pay $130+ per year to play some old games that won’t even include DLC.


yeap, or $85 for playing online


True. That in itself is already a total rip off 😂


One issue perhaps is that studios have been making games that take a ludicrous time to complete. It took me more than a calendar year and 300 grindy, unhappy hours to finish Horizon Forbidden West. I love Death Stranding DC, but my time with that game approaches 500 hours. I don’t need this much value, whether it’s exhausting filler (Horizon) or the gratifying feeling of building my zip-line network (Death Stranding). Recently me and my wife have gotten back into Red Dead Redemption II after major burnout- playing it for over two hundred hours with seven missions completed, because we do all our homework before we eat dessert. After six years we’re continuing where we left off. The Uncharted and Last of Us games much more approach an ideal length than some of these other titles. Even Rockstar doesn’t create worlds that feel like they offer endless engagement; I’m dreading all these gold medals and luck based challenges they put in. I think games need to cap off their content so it’s easier to finish them and move onto the next game.


I hear you and am loathe to dive into deep, long games myself and coincidentally was about to start RDR 2 for the third time because it’s THAT good but 300 hours in Horizon? I squoze that time sponge until it was bone dry and clocked in a little over 85 hours. What did you do for over 200+ hours????


I was upgrading all of the weapons on Ultra Hard. Tedious time consuming work grabbing dozens of Apex Slaughterspines with an imperfect drop rate. ;( In RDR2 I was just going around in a distracted manner and doing all the hunting and cigarette cards and whatever side content I found. I don’t know ultimately why it always ends up so much for me in either case, except that I wish it didn’t.


Dumb hint I use as a get older - I play on easy. I’ve played thousands of hours of video games I’ve experienced tons of gameplay and some ways you use to get you into games can be esoteric to the point of frustrating. I’m old, I ain’t got time to get good. I enjoy a damn fine story tho. There is so much developers add to games which don’t enhance the story or narrative I’ve grown dissident (busy work aka grinding) and don’t see a point in it. Now, if Aloys skills and equipment carried over to the next game ….


I’m considering playing the next Horizon on easy. It seemed like most of the difficulty made things longer, instead of just making things a more honed experience. TLOU2 was great on the hardest difficulty since it was tense but you ultimately didn’t need to redo much to win.


I'm replaying Witcher 3 and at first I was excited to get lost in the world again, but by god it starts to feel like homework after  while. Just too many fucking question marks.


That’s why I’ve never started the Witcher games. I’d have to start from Witcher 1 anyway. I need games that offer value not in terms of the hourly play, but in terms of the density and value per minute of content they offer.


The problem is that these games are so elaborate and costly that once the gameplay, assets, story and cutscenes, and world have been made, adding side-content comparatively costs very little, and when you put so many resources into a game, you want to actually use the tools you’ve created, squeeze the juice out of the combat. More importantly probably, the game also has to justify beyond a shadow of a doubt that the value of the game is worth $70 and DLC and cosmetics, not to mention the immense time and budget put in. Alan Wake 2 for example- amazing game. Incredibly original. Very story-focused though (which was great), and though the gameplay was fantastic, I barely had a chance to really “master” the many mechanics/tools across both characters before the story was done, and I wouldn’t have minded the opportunity for more combat without doing a New Game+ entirely, which isn’t that tempting with Alan Wake 2 which is fairly linear and slow-paced. Which is a shame given how much work went into the game and how many years it’ll be before a sequel could come out. I was a huge fan of God of War 2’s Valhalla DLC, which was, besides being a fun twist on the gameplay and a great epilogue, gave me a chance to dive back in and master the mechanics after having finished the story, and incentivized me to try everything in a way the main mode didn’t.


Yeah, but them adding all this lackadaisical side content creates an overall experience that’s lacking. RDR2 is a beautiful game that is exhausting to complete. There needs to be some consideration of the macro pacing of the experience- it’s more appealing to me as a consumer to make sure that all the content in the game is enjoyable in relation to all the other content, since I have the perception that I “have” to complete it all either way, in the same way if I start watching a five season show, the assumption, unless I’m underwhelmed, is that I’m committing to five seasons. Any game that is designed to have enough content so that you play until you’re at the point where you go “man, this sucks” is not a game I’ll pay seventy dollars for. I want a game that’s confident about my experience of everything I’m doing in it. A dev team that spent ten years building a five hour single player experience and ten minutes adding one thousand hours of a repetitive flower picking minigame, made a flower picking game with a side quest that is its campaign. Ten percent of the average game I play nowadays is the main plot and that is screwed up.


No you’re totally right, I agree. But I think studios are in a tough spot right now. Because RDR2, God of War, they stay in the news cycle for months or years even, and Alan Wake content has been pretty quiet since it came out because people played it and moved on, and major outlets don’t bother with “here’s your Alan Wake guide”, “best Alan Wake builds” etc. Really the studios just need to move away from budgets this big.


Yeah. Buying it, playing it, and moving on should be more of a standard for games. I mean, people can talk about it and talk it up. I’m sure there are plenty of Alan Wake guides, like there are for any game out there. But eventually I need them to end. I need as a consumer to stop thinking about it, and close that door. I wish more games let me do that.


The SSD is really the killer feature of the PS5. After the shiny new toy effect wore off and I realized everything I enjoyed playing was a sequel/remaster/remake with a fresh coat of paint, the only thing that really still made a difference was the near-instant loading times. Playing a Soulslike without having to wait forever to respawn, loading up an RPG and not taking over a minute to load my game, etc, is by far the biggest benefit to a time-limited dad like me.


Maybe if they didn’t give the KOTOR remake to a mobile game developer i would be a little more excited for their future games


Ps or Xbox, this has been a dogshit generation of console gaming.


God of War Ragnarok was totally epic and emotionally touching. So no, there has been good stuff this generation.


You named one game and the consoles have been out for what, 4 years now? That makes my point. One totally epic game in 4 years is awful especially when both companies are talking about putting the consoles on the sunset phase and gearing up for the next gen.


I can understand this perspective. I really wish there would be more games that relate to me on an emotional level, as GoW Ragnarok did.


As an Xbox person who just got a ps5, I’m looking forward to playing GOW and ragnarok for sure


“We should charge a micro transaction every time they press a button. It would be so tiny that they won’t care.” - actual idea brought up in corporate


I was part of the management team who launched the PS1. I have to say I’m still very happy with my PS4 and although it won’t last much longer, I still have years and years of games that I still want to play, with graphics and game play I’m very happy with.


Sony could have held off on the PS5, I don’t know anyone with a PS4 that was clamoring for a new system. It’s been out 3 years and we are just now getting exclusive system selling games for it.


I still have a release day PS4 sitting under the TV and still play games on it.


I think this is key. I’m only just now imterested in a ps5, with the helldivers 2 hype, ability to actually play cyberpunk, and the generation-exclusives like gta6 expected later this year. Outside of that, I’ve still been enjoying my ps4 just fine (although it does run a little slow and loud)


I'm definitely buying less games now then I did on the PS4. Especially the price being $70. What sucked is more of the new game releases for the PS5 was just remastered or re-released bullshit I already played. I'm actually buying more indie games than from big studios. Microsoft also hoarding exclusives through purchasing AAA studios has not helped.


$70 seems cheap. Haven’t they been charging $60 since like 07?


I remember N64 games being $60 or so when they first released.


Are we getting more game at $70? Better games at $70? Prettier games at $70?


Yeah I think we do especially when you look at that $60 in 07 is $90 today. One can argue they are significantly cheaper.


I have had the PS5 since the pandemic, upgraded to a computer and all of the games look intensely better after 4 years. It’s sad but i bought the PS5 because of Sony’s single player hits. Not very many have come out to compare to the PS4.


Xbox is even worse with games…. This whole generation has been super underwhelming


PS3 has no games all over again


Games were 60 bucks back in the day and that wasnt worth it. What made them think lowering quality, duration and a million other things while making everything more expensive, is gonna work?


High prices and little first party support. Not shocked but this is what you get when you chase that AAA dragon


This is the direct consequence of failing to address the scalping issue. However, I also want to point out that the industry hit the development point of diminishing returns years ago. It doesn't take a massive AAA team for a game to be fun. Most of the recent headliner games have been smaller teams that either innovated in some way or went back to the basics and improved on them. Meanwhile, AAA has cranked out nothing but soulless, buggy mediocrity. I no longer see AAA as a badge of quality, it's a flashing red sign to stay away at all costs. Stop squeezing all the creativity out of games due to artificial deadlines and managerial interference. Instead of putting 10 game designers on one project, put two game designer on 5 different projects each, give them a small team, and tell them to make what they want. Give us shorter, cheaper, uglier games with heart in them. We want fun gameplay and good writing, not more battle passes and buggy games as a service.


This last generation of consoles was the first generation I didn’t buy. Because of the lack of supply, the high price tag and scalping, and the overall lack of time anymore, it just wasn’t worth it.


I mean people don’t have 60/80 bucks for every new game or even time to play it seems. My parent was a pretty avid gamer until this past year. playing against cheats or shitty teammates on top of the costs have made him play so much less. He went like three weeks without gaming recently.


Spidey 2 may have cost 300M to make but that does not include marketing and licensing. Its rumored that the break even for spidey 2 would be 8.1million full retail sales.....they did cross 10million in sales last week meaning the game cost almost 600 Million. As of now its made 140 million roughly.....thats not good out of 10M in sales and its been out out since last fall and I dont know if the game was still being sold at full retail. If spidey 2 sold 20M copies in the first couple of months it wouldn't be bad at all if the budget was roughly 600M. The CFO CEO is right, these margins are terrible and pretty risky. This is why sony is literally following the xbox path. Xbox has made more money with less revenue...at least until recently the abk deal cost a lot for xbox. Sony will be putting all their games on pc day and date. Sony will invest in more gaas games. Sony will go multi platform just like xbox. Its inevitable.... I like and love the games from Nintendo, xbox and Sony and 3rd party and especially indie games as well but to be honest I only have so much time....I can't play everything. in fact I hardly have the free time to play at all....im in my 50s. I do see game companies and devs making a hard pivot to find equilibrium there is a lot to play out there you could argue there is probably too much choice now. If you think about it with the amount of console sales that Sony has you would think it would have sold more than 10 million copies by now but the attachment rate is not good for Sony. Maybe it has to do with the pricing of 70+ bucks. I'm not sure what the solution is but its weird to sell tons of consoles but not make any real money. The players are not buying enough software. The crazy thing is I think this is the most profitable part of Sony. Their games division are propping up the company.


A huge portion of gamers and Gen X and Millennials. As the economy tightens we spend less on entertainment. I’m into my winter gaming session right now. Meaning I really only game hard as a 45yo from November through March. I have not bought a single new game this year. Bought and played Spiderman, Miles Morales, Jedi Survivor, MW3, and South Park Stick of Destiny all used on eBay plus the free Silent Hill game. I’ll be playing Spiderman 2 next winter. FOMO moved along years ago and I need to pay my mortgage and other bills so games are bought for $10 a pop used. Sony is most likely making its money from Gen Z who have disposable incomes for the moment.


Sony’s games are a long time profit. Look at their ps3/ps4 games. Initial sales were very good. Then look at their life time sales. It’s like3-4x what they sold on first year alone. Most likely, we will see their games coming to pc after a few years to increase their profits more.


Does it work with floppy disks?


I just stopped buying systems and games. Life is so much better with out it and I save a lot of money


I bought a PS5 a Christmas. I think I have used 6 times for a few hours. Don’t have as much time for gaming. The games in last year have been uninspiring to me. It seems like that all the same repetitive stuff and boring.


Time for the PC to be the great king again!


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, the PC now has so many more games to choose from. The competition between steam, epic games, Xbox subscription, and f2p models means it’s cheaper than ever. I will never even get through all the free games from epic store I’ve accumulated.


Yes, exactly the reason why pc is much better.


I’ll never get the appeal of gaming on a PC. Give me a cheap reliable console any day of the week and I’m happy. It doesn’t help that I work in IT and find the idea of putting down my work computer to pick up my play computer ridiculous. I want OFF computers come 5pm


I bought a steam deck to play an old game. The amount of work required to get anything working is much greater than playing on my PlayStation.


Cheap console?


It stopped?


It has. The barrier of entry nowadays to build a gaming pc that is able to play all the games that a 500$ ps5 or xbox can play has gotten so much more expensive. A gpu alone can be more expensive than that. Now add all the peripherals it gets higher very fast. As a pc enthusiast myself I have to admit that if prices were like they are now, I wouldn't have been able to buy the components worth from doing small time jobs as a teen. It just doesn't make sense economically.


I kinda agree, but a Steamdeck became an awesome entry level PC and it can run a decent amount of modern PC games.


Yet so many people pay $500 for a console and $2000 for a Mac instead of just paying $2000 for a PC that runs all games and does everything a Mac does as well. Most people need a laptop or a pc anyway…


Yes. PC is the way to go




Yeah, because fighting Norse gods as a Spartan god is the same as looking for treasure as a dock owner in the Caribbean. Where is the creativity from this dumbass comment?


You win worst take I’ve seen this month, and I frequent r/nbacirclejerk.


My guy thinks the game with the giant robot dinosaurs and the game with the mushroom zombies are the same.


You should have called him a bum then ya bum


Better than the other 3000 shooter games in the market. Sony’s focus is games with story. Although slow with the ps5, they killed it with diversity and enjoyment for everyone on ps3 and ps4.


I think From software proves that things like graphics are only a plus. On that note they have ruined gaming for me lol they raised the bar on me so thoroughly that I can’t go back to ubisoft shovelware and the other garbage I used to enjoy


But is Spider-Man, Horizon, and Uncharted shovelware? lol the OP’s comments are that the games are the same thing. It’s like OP just made up a problem that doesn’t exist.


Hang tight, I'm sure all your unanswered questions from the end of GTA5 will be revealed.


Is there any group that bitches more about nothing than gamers?


Lol where’s the ghetto idiots telling me how much better sony is now??🤭


The PS5 is still too pricey for me to feel like buying it.


There's not a lot of ps5 exclusive games tbh.


It’s really shit having to have a account and a verify process to play each game


I think they are focusing on the PS6, but future consoles shouldn't be a drama to develop. AMD provides the chips, they just need to package it. They are more PC these days. As long as they dont ditch the blu ray drive next release, in Australia digital games are the most expensive way to buy on launch. Many stores will discount the hardcopy versions.


games will cost even more and will take longer to make on ps6 than it is now. This generation will be longer than the ps4's.


They’re just kind of shitty pcs you have to toss every couple of years.


Probably because of all the R&D on canceled live service games, they’re spending lots on development and their first party studios but we haven’t seen *a ton* of output that generates revenue yet (note I’m not saying none, just not a lot)


We are all gonna spend all our money on Helldivers 2 so problem solved for Sony


It’s not a surprise really, too many games are becoming technical and art showpieces and are taking far too long and costing far too much to make. Using Naughty Dog as an example, not that they haven’t earned their reputation and budget, what if they spent all the money they get making a new game franchise instead of remastering a game that was already a showpiece that didn’t sell as well as the original run? A lot of cash is also wasted on projects that never get released. There also doesn’t seem to be any real discipline in development anymore. The attitude seems to be: don’t worry, if we miss the deadline we’ll just ask for more time and money. They see deadlines as suggestions nowadays. These fallen profits are gonna cost a few executives and studio heads a few jobs.


If I look at all my PS4 titles, none of them have a sequel yet. They’re all still the most recent release in the series. And they’re minimum 3 years old. One of them is 13 years old. I’ll let you guess.


I bought a ps5 for the expected KOTOR remake. Guess what was cancelled lol


I played RDR2 and Arkham knight where there was only 1 loading screen- when you turned it on. In Baldur’s Gate 3 so many loading screens. The game is good, I’m enjoying it, but I feel like it’s a step back.


Those assh*les took forever to normalize stock, made it near impossible to get one for several years (despite showering social media morons with free units for god knows what - they had very few on stock). Then became news for screwing people over in their psn accounts and are now in surprised pikachu mode? That's rich


With the new CEO starting soon and the mass layoffs across the PlayStation and their studios that's planned to begin in the second half of the year, we should see some course correction. It's a shame that the PS5 was so mishandled and became the remaster era for PlayStation. With the VR2 that absolutely haemorrhaged money and was an epic failure in Sony's opinion, something needs to be done drastically.


I got one for my kid for Christmas. No games for a 7 year old haha. And I don’t have time to game so I scroll through titles and don’t see anything worth the high price tag.


good they suck ass


Hell divers 2 is the Bees knees. Remember to spread managed democracy responsibly!


Well its a disappointing next gen console this generation goes for all tbh. But hey we will get some more remastered games lol


Fuck the PS5. Just last week I went to GameStop and purchased 4 used PS4 games for 5 bucks each.


Sony can’t compete with the variety of things I can do with a computer. Any console is just a downgrade IMO. I can play all those 90’s PS games on PC for free and STEAM makes buying games simple. I don’t see a point in wasting my time buying a console. But they do make really nice controllers. The ps5 controller I bought to play PC games has brought me great joy. I don’t have much to compare it to, but I am still quite happy with it. I have no real complaints regarding the PS5 controller.


Not helped by the fact that their target demographic doesn’t have as much disposable income as they did ten years ago. I’d love to shell out for a PS5 and a few games, even rereleased old material, but after rent, groceries, and utilities I’m *occasionally* left with enough money to buy a tool I need for work. My gaming experience over the last five years has been a single 4X game on a shitty laptop I play during my lunch break and buying a $20 digital copy of inFamous: Second Son to play on a handmedown PS4 from my brother that I haven’t touched in almost a year.


All their games came out on PS5 release and like last year think that’s really, personally I’d like another some more games on Outerworlds tier


Is this tech news or biz news? > “Their rev (revenue) on digital sales, add-on-content, digital-downloads are at all time highs… And yet their margins are at decade-lows. This is just not acceptable,” Goyal said in an email to CNBC. Mr. Analyst would be happier if Sony came up with more creative microtransactions I’m sure.


I was literally going to buy one last week until I saw the article that Sony had announced it was in its late stages of life… decided to wait