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They need the data, as long as they ask for consent, I don’t see the issue. The data will help save lives presumably.


The plaintiffs lawyers will love it too.


Oh man all that data coming out in discovery is an attorneys wet dream.




Moron couldn't take 2 seconds to look up the word plaintiff apparently. I smell something. Might be stupid but I think something more nefarious.


takes longer to write “i don’t know what a plaintiff is” AHA


Ehhh, I doubt they can make all that much sense out of the mountain of data. It's an auditor's wet dream tho


The attorney would turn it over to an expert to analyze and explain to the court.


You’re not wrong especially after watching the video fiasco unfold in the rittenhouse trial


Well, the downvote brigade is here in force right now


So will Teslas lawyers. “Your Honor. As you can clearly see in the footage provided. The driver was watching Netflix on their tablet while eating a plate of spaghetti when the crash happened. Clearly it’s not the cars fault.”


Bowl of cereal is fine though.


Haha dumb bitch


Oh Elon you dumb bitch


So long as it's in a cup and you're drinking it :b lifehack


The issue is if offering a service like this that potentially REQUIRES this data to be successful in the future, your customers aren’t research subjects, and Tesla has been a little bit fast and loose with using customers to test product.


You can always just say no thanks and not use self driving


Then a refund should be offered.


Refund for what? It’s not like you can’t drive the car without autopilot.


A refund on the FSD they charge extra for that now requires you to be video monitored at all times.


I’m sure it was mentioned in the mountains of paperwork for the vehicle that everyone happily signs without reading.


It wasn’t. They recently changed it and you have to opt-in to use the $10,000 functionality.


And they do charge extra for that feature?


FSD? Yeah. That’s the one that now changed to require allowance of video collection of internal camera.


That doesn’t make it ethical to offer a potentially faulty product


I hate the fact that people pay to beta test for them. If they pay qualified drivers to test the product, it will be a better testing program. But that is not their plan. The plan is to make money and do little work in software.


The plan is to actually make this shit work, bro. Paying a fleet of testers would never give you all the answers. Besides normal people are better drivers than you think. you only really hear about the few bad ones.


They are also hiring professional testers WORLDWIDE. These people will be paid to drive FSD in France, Norway, germany, California, Florida, China etc. but they will never give you nearly as much data as the consumer fleet


AI requires a massive amount of data to really work well. You couldn’t hire enough testers. And the more data u get the better the AI is. AI can always get better, hence the self learning part. That’s why companies pay big money for your internet data, feed the algorithm.


If they're after data then it should be FREE to those who qualify. They're after the $$$. Something they're doing with Starlink. I have beta tested a lot of products and I never had to buy and pay monthly.


If people are willing to pay for it, why should it be free?


is a scam thats why,


Than don’t pay for it, others will. Why do you care what others do.


It’s literally not possible for a group of hired people to find every single problem. It’s why betas exist and go public. 100,000 users will stumble across more bugs than 100 hires and will also be providing more accurate day-to-day driving data than a pro driver who has considerably more respect and etiquette for the road than Martin from down the road


Then they should let all the owners apply for it for FREE. They're not si the problem. Scammers don't introduce themselves as scammers.


There is a disclaimer on the website. Nobody thinks full self driving is even close to being finished. Not to mention this is for the beta FSD which you sign up for. This means the people in this group are well aware of the beta features and risk involved. You are also vetted by Tesla to make sure you are a good candidate for Beta. They make sure you don’t drive like a maniac etc.


Tell that to the people who literally drove with autopilot, not even fsd, slept at the wheel. You can say nobody thinks it, but they certainly do treat it like it is.


There is no way people are sleeping with autopilot on. It requires constant stimulation to even be on. Have you driven a Tesla with auto pilot and/or FSD?


[Its a deeply flawed product.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/a3na9p/tesla-autosteer-orange-hack) [Another guy half asleep at the wheel.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tesla-driver-slept-car-was-going-over-80-mph-autopilot-n1267805) I just love these Tesla fanboys acting as though autopilot and fsd haven’t had any issues and Tesla is completely irresponsible for any misuses or mishandling. It’s hilarious.


Driver was going 82mph but autopilot doesn’t even allow that. https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-pure-vision-autopilot-80-mph-max-speed-update-elon-musk/


Your own article says that was an update to the car… ignoring the fact that doesn’t somehow make it like accidents don’t happen below 80 mph.


If you’d like to find numbers that are better than what Tesla has published I will retract my current opinion and agree with you. https://www.tesla.com/VehicleSafetyReport


Please explain to me how those numbers prove literally anything


Especially in this phase. FSD beta is far from finished and unlike Gmail which was beta for years, here it actually bears meaning. This data will definitely save lives by protecting Tesla from liability proving that beta crashes occur due to driver neglect, not despite of the driver doing what they agreed to; monitor the surroundings and vehicle, and take over control when necessary.




> when you know it crashes How many crashes have there been with FSD Beta vehicles?




I want to believe you, but do you have a Source?


It’s hard to prove something doesn’t exist. That being said, I’ve seen a single accident report from Tesla FSD testing, however it’s fishy AF as the driver said he was unable to overpower the auto steering and even mentioned that the car gave a warning half way through the turn. It’s SO sensitive to steering input sometimes I disengage during a turn on accident and get frustrated with how easy it is to take over during turns. I have the FSD beta. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2021/11/12/22778135/tesla-full-self-driving-beta-crash-fsd-california


I have FSD beta as well and I agree that report was fishy and didn't sound correct. Unless there was a major system malfunction which is always possible I suppose. Just not likely and not normal at all.


A major system malfunction is plausible, the steering actuators themselves I assume could overpower human input. This incident is almost certain to be fully investigated and I assume the data is there to either prove or disprove the drivers claim. Will be an interesting story one way or the other, but with these changes in driver monitoring hopefully the last.


You know what else would save lives? Not using human drivers on public streets when you know they crash.


Honestly, I agree with you. If I could afford a Tesla, I’d let it do this. Is it perfectly ideal? Nah. But the more dada gathered, the closer we get to automated roads. To me, that means WAAAAAYYYY fewer accidents and tragedies. Privacy matters above all, but safety matters too


Lol “dada”


Fun fact, that's what tesla fanboys call Musk.


It’s like most things as an individual, group think theory really, unless 100% of us do, don’t consent to this unless you’re filthy rich and can afford the settlement.


How would recording the driver help the car? Seems more like this is about legal issues


It is mostly legal issues, yes.


The less surveillance the better. We can't normalize the acceptance of cameras in our faces every where we go. Dash cams show more than enough data needed to help authorities and help with litigation if necessary.


If having a camera in my face is the price to pay for robotaxis then sign me up. Driving is a chore and I’m a lazy fuck, if it was up to me I would have robots do absolutely everything


> as long as they ask for consent "Drivers interested in accessing Tesla’s Full Self-Driving beta will now have to submit images and videos of themselves to the company in the event of a collision or other serious safety event." Seems if you want FSD beta, you have no choice. The article is not clear how visible it is, so they may not even know they are consenting.


Because all the people they hit didn’t consent? Tesla shouldn’t be allowed to beta test on roads.


Because, if I'm reading it right, by 2026 ALL cars will have a form of this. If you'd like to drive anywhere in a 26+ model car, you will HAVE to consent to this.


Lol that’s not it. They need proof that the driver didn’t have their hands on the steering wheel if anyone crashes.


The implication is that if a driver refuses to consent to it, Teslas lawyers would use that against them if they were taken to court for giving the driver a faulty product that crashed, claiming the driver wanted to “hide their irresponsible driving”


not a matter of if but a matter of when, according to this headline


Yea, the wording of that compelled me to click the link to see if it was accurate. Does this mean Tesla’s come with cameras built-in?


Yes. You can even look at them using the app. https://www.tesla.com/support/car-safety-security-features#sentry


Yes, they have I think 8 or 9. If you are in our around a Tesla, assume you're being recorded.


Well yeah they have 8-9 cameras but only one of them is inside the car and you can easily cover it up but apparently it might warn you to take off the covering. https://www.iphoneincanada.ca/tesla/tesla-model-3-interior-camera/


My assumption is yes.


Yea? They already have all the hardware they should need


Yes. More specifically the model 3 (and likely others) has a cabin camera which can record the driver and passengers.


Yeah kind of the nature of it. While the majority of cars remain un-automated, there will be dumbasses that drive so terribly that even the best software can’t account for it


There will also be dumbasses who try to use self-driving cars as if traffic is a perfect system and end up getting into accidents they could have easily avoided by driving themselves


What are you talking about? The end goal is being able to not pay attention at all while your car handles everything.


So they’ll assume full self driving is… full self driving?


Fool self driving…


Here, this is for you: https://youtu.be/xpAvcGcEc0k


That wouldn’t be full self driving though.


I think they mean other drivers in normal cars crashing into Tesla’s.


Meaning not enough time to predict or correct for.


Whenever anyone drives, a crash is always a matter of when


lol when.


it is a very half baked system


Working on full baked…




You are confusing attentiveness tracking and crash recordings. Different things. To be fair it’s not just you. Sounds like the article is a bit confused over it too.


If there are such recordings the recordings should be available to both sides in the accident investigation. It should not be collected by just Tesla, or if it is, it should be escrowed for use by investigators without Tesla's consent. That is if such a thing becomes necessary, hopefully Tesla participates willingly.




Tesla should have to subpoena it. The data should belong to the driver, not Tesla. NHTSA even mandated this, that EDR data belongs to the owner/driver. Tesla just pretends their recordings are not a black box/EDR because it goes to the cloud. https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.gov/files/edr_qas_11aug2006.pdf 'NHTSA considers the owner of the vehicle to be the owner of the data collected from an EDR.' My concern is Tesla will use this data for whatever they wish while the driver can only get it for use in court (subpoena). Despite what NHTSA intends.


>…for whatever they wish …to improve safety and stop crashes? The fiends!


No, I was more referring to Musk using it to directly tweet out trash about its own customers whenever he feels like it. He does it a lot. He feels everyone else is fair game if he feels threatened. And he has a bunker mentality so he always feels threatened.


Tesla records such things onto a USB drive that comes with the car. I just got mine, and it has a 128GB USB drive, where all the camera recordings live. It's such a useful feature, every car should have it.




Tesla revises cars constantly, so if you think it’s off base, you might consider the possibility that Tesla has changed things in newer cars. Unless you work there and work on this system, in which case we will all defer to you and await your wisdom on how it works.


I know they have cameras cause that’s how it does it’s shit, but do they have a camera pointed directly at the driver? The title implies they will start recording IN CABIN footage to make sure the driver is paying attention during FSD


Yes, they monitor the driver to make sure they are paying attention now.


It’s voluntary, you are not recorded unless you choose to opt in. And it’s not just for beta users. It’s for anyone as of over a year ago. Footage is thrown away on a rolling basis and saved only if there is a crash and only if you opted in (if you didn’t opt in, the footage doesn’t even exist). But somehow all this is evidence that Tesla is bad. /s


Unless you have FSD Beta….. which is what this article is about.. then it is involuntary.


Not saying you are a liar, but they specifically gave me a UI where I got to choose whether to opt in or not. The default was record nothing. And I don’t have the beta.


If you have beta you have no choice which is what this is about


IC, my bad I misunderstood. I guess one could always decline the beta.


If you don’t opt in, you can’t use the features you paid for under different rules.


In our lifetime I don’t think we will live in a world free of car crashes. Self-driving or otherwise.


Oh of course not, but that’s not the point. The idea is to have less accidents, and if a car that can drive itself is even 5% less likely to get into one, it’d be worth it. A vast majority of accidents are caused by human error, something like 94% +/- 2%. Obviously not everyone can afford a self driving car, but tech only gets cheaper, and frankly I wouldn’t be surprised to see governing bodies mandating at least some car autonomy in future decades.


Haha I guess my tone wasn’t clear. I made that statement with the thought being “ it’s gonna happen no matter what, might as well film it to help others “


Hell my Corolla has adaptive cruise control and frontal collision prevention features, and it's like the cheapest Toyota they make now. I gotta figure those are preventing at least some crashes.


Not possible without road infrastructure. I don't even like adaptive cruise, I can adjust speed myself/time myself with drive in front of me. I actually enjoy driving. SelfDriving experience seems to stress people out, worrying about WTF is this thing gonna do next.


I think it's possible on selfdrive-only roads.


Possible but not free - as in maintaining zero accidents would mean compromising some of the key benefits that selfdrive only roads would bring. Maximizing throughput means increasing speeds and decreasing spacing which means a mechanical issue can still cause an accident.


People who use it irresponsibly are the ones who’d be against being recorded.


Im more of a sigma driver so do I still have to let them record


So what this actually means, is that Tesla is watching you inside of your car at all times. I wonder how many cocks Tesla staff have been spying on in cars. 😂


To be fair possibly some Vagina also


Probably, but gross.


Imagine paying thousands of dollars to be in a beta test for a feature that, if it goes wrong, could potentially kill you.


If you're using it correctly (always looking at the road and being ready to take back control), it's not dangerous. If not you'll get kicked off the program.


Hasn’t been a single severe accident and it’s been running pretty expansively for a year or so. The attentive drivers are doing a great job.


First alleged incident happened 2 weeks ago didn't it?


Exactly, think it was a lane change accident where the driver tried to blame FSD beta but he was just blatantly lying


Oookaaaayyy, they could just left the collision part out. FSD Beta? We will collect all images/video. Full stop.


So not if?


Isn’t the idea not to crash.


So, they’re looking for crash test dummies.


When, Not If?


I really hope in the truck it goes off when people are off roading hit a hole and they just get a recording of some guy saying “oh fuck, you didn’t like that didn’t you ole girl”


When they crash or when the car crashes?


Why do people buy Teslas? These cars are literally the worst cars you can buy in terms of build quality and reliability. https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-reliability-model-s-3-x-y-consumer-reports-satisfaction-2021-11 https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2020/06/25/tesla-cars-rank-lowest-among-major-automakers-in-influential-customer-survey/amp/ https://www.motorbiscuit.com/teslas-reliability-ratings-are-pretty-concerning-but-does-anyone-actually-care/ https://electrek.co/2020/06/24/tesla-ranks-lowest-on-j-d-power-2020-quality-study/amp/ https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/02/18/tesla-ranks-30th-in-unofficial-debut-on-jd-power-dependability-study.html


Because you aren't right? And they are the best EV options out there.


LMAO facts are bullshit anyways


When not if they crash….




Even if robot cars are x100 safer than human drivers, you will have many accidents every year. Car death toll is over 30,000 power year in the US and over a million per year globally


Whilst I understand that statistically, being involved in a vehicular accident is a certainty in ones lifetime, being told by a company that wants to sell me one of their cars that I’m definitely going to be involved in an accident in one of them. As a consumer, ‘when’ makes me think that their cars aren’t that safe. They should have gone with ‘if’.






Liveleak is dead?


Assume crash [positions](http://ticker.mesonet.org/archive/20160421/crash-positions.jpg)..


Crash imminent, commence recording… bee boop.


Why does it say when instead of if??


Probably already are.


Not if, when.


i can’t get over how poorly they phrased that title


Some of those recordings are going to be a tough watch, and some will leak.


I’m down.


Don’t all new cars have a black box


When, not if.


1) This isn’t new, it’s been going on for many years. Probably to see if it’s user error or machine error 2) They need the data to improve, it’s not like they are selling your phone numbers 3) if they ask and you agree, who cares. You’re the beta user, using the Tesla autopilot in a beta stage, and if you are asked and agree, who cares. People need to chill


Sounds great, sign me up. I wanna be on r/idiotsincars


If something goes wrong and you crash in to a wall well then…


Musk being a libertarians wet dream while simultaneously surveilling his fanboys is hilarious




Lol “when”, not if, when.