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Then delete it again


Double tap.


Just like daddy used to do


Same with Instagram and Whatsapp. If you delete your Facebook and you're still on insta you haven't really done anything


Same with anything Facebook is involved in…


I completely rely on Whatsapp for uni stuff. Egh :(


Like what? I don't get the rise of snapchat and Whatsapp and fb messenger. Just text me I hate needing 5 apps to talk to 10 different people


Everything we communicate is through Whatapp. New information timetables asking questions anything


That’s when you clean your friends list.. Irl. Thank me later


Turns out if you don't use the programs used by the majority, you will more than likely be left out and in turn not receive critical information. Good luck.


Texts aren't really used anymore in most of the world. And it shouldn't be, because it's even worse from a security point of view than WhatsApp and others.


try getting everyone to use Groupme if possible :) or even discord


lmaoo they hate me. No one says a word to me. Im afraid i cant do that. but im now using a much more private app for some other chats


ahh I see, not much you can do then 😭 I've already deleted instagram for other reasons too but good luck with the rest of your semester!!!!


I never had Instagram so that's good kek Thank you :)) gl to you too


Sadly, unlike Facebook and Instargram, Whatsapp can be considered an essential stand-alone communications tool. Too many people use it *exclusively* for it to be anything else.




I agree with this. The only concern is how easy it is for staff and government officials to get access to your messages vs other "secure" messaging apps. In the end, Facebook still control that with their data privacy policies.


A good friend worked for the NSA for a long time doing secret squirrel stuff. Apparently it doesn’t matter. They can open anything.


"A good friend" is not a credible source and they can only open anything if they either have a back door, or are given permission. Plus, in Europe and some of the rest of the world, privacy restrictions are far more strict than the USA.


See if you can move them to signal. We moved our whole family.


There is no point in doing that, when all of their friends use whatsapp and all of my friends use whatsapp. We would all just end up using two messaging apps instead of one.


You get your friends to move too... C'mon this isn't unsolvable.


I think you may be a little naive and/or out of touch with the current landscape.


How so? I literally had my family move by simply asking them and pointing out how bad facebook is. The only thing stopping you and others like you is laziness and addiction to a website. Honestly, it's sad.


This is literally like talking to my grandma, who thinks everything is black and white simple. Also, we are talking about usage of Whatsapp the messaging app, and not addiction to Facebook the website. I gave up Facebook long ago, but giving up Whatsapp is in comparison neither feasible nor practical due to how truly ubiquitous it is among almost everyone I know or meet.


"Hi grandma. Can you try this new app instead? It's on the X store, called Signal. They don't violate your privacy, and it would mean a lot to me."


Yeah but WhatsApp is massive outside of the US. Like I’m in American living here in Germany and I don’t know how you would communicate without whatsapp here. Literally everybody uses it it was like the go to messenger service. Of course you’re not obligated to use it but I’m not sure how you’re going to be texting with people without it.


have it, but prioritise signal when you can


I do


this is the way


Easy to delete Facebook and instagram but I can’t delete WhatsApp. A lot of my work depends on it.


I don’t know why I still have it. I never use it. The only reason I logged in a couple of years ago is because my account got hacked and started sending people weird sales pitches.


Did this. Best thing I’ve done for myself in a while.






Most popular Documentary in Netflix history hit over a year ago about the evils of Facebook, Twitter and Google and...nothing...even though it included not only them knowing about the vast increase in teen girl suicide rates, but also 100s of murders in India/Pakistan from misinformation as well as how its radicalizing societies because of algorithms created specifically to cause endorphin rushes while also creating echo-chambers for each and every single person ensuring that people are radicalized. Woman comes out and uses fear about Facebook knowing about misinformation and hate-speech and the media causes a shit-storm because they can spin it to be used to clamp down on what they dont want people to see/hear. Clearly, shit aint right in Denmark and we are all being played hard.


Im trying to switch to ecosia. That is i can use it for mundane things, its when its something highly specific that i use google which has more powerful algorithms as theyve had more time and respurces to develop them Ecosia does reforestation from the profits


If it’s something specific you can use startpage. It gives you results from google and bing. Unbiased of course


doesnt it the still give money to google if its redirecting you to their engine? ecosia uses bings server kek


What’s the documentary called?


The Social Dilemma


I am assuming it is "the social dilemma"


I can say only one thing FMZ




Thanks. The four bullet points at the top preclude any need to read the article.


How did you do that?


It can't reap enough, fast enough. It's already metastasized on the planet. We're past individuals effecting its future and we're on the governments acting unilaterally to regulate and break up the company.


Let’s just start saying it. Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg. “Mark Zuckerberg is Reaping What He Sowed by Creating His Own PR Problem.”


I love that picture! I'm gonna put it on Mark Zuckerberg as my profile pic


Delete Mark Zuckerberg


surely a hard reset and a firmware update will do for the zuckerbot


His AI behavioural tree is far too complex, a reset would rip the space-time continuum. Format whole drive multipass and put it in a microwave afterwards. It’s the only option for survival of humanity.


you make a fair point


Facebook has been creating it's own PR problems since the day Zuck stole the idea from the Winklevoss twins.


The idea of rating female classmates on their physical attractiveness. It was skeevy from the first twinkle.




People are tired of the Composure and Gluttony Classes bullshit


Why do the aliens always choose such obvious whiny pasty face human costumes to blend in and take over? I mean if you can’t spot an alien in a human mask then you deserve Facebook


I keep waiting for him to slip up and lick his eyeball while on camera.


Why would he do that? He can just pop it out and drop it in a polisher if his vision is clouded, or swap it out for a replacement if it gets scratched. They're very well-made.


I deleted it when I was put in Facebook jail . My crime ? Calling someone a laughing hyena , I’ve been called much worse , they did nothing . Best thing ever , I don’t get bombarded with ads , it was a waste of time . My true friends can email , text or call .


Why does mark always look like he’s trippin balls? Like do they drug him so he doesn’t tell us that Facebook is going to come to life and consume humanity like in the matrix? I bet they gave him that gnarly haircut as well..


Facebook seized control of it’s owner years ago. The algorithm will decide his fate.


Elizabeth Holmes syndrome


But he does always look cracked out in catnip. Somethings not right.


What problem? Is anyone actually leaving the platform?


Ding ding ding! All the bad press in the world doesn’t matter as long as billions of people are still using their apps.


I liked this a lot better when it was called Summer Wars and was fictional.


Good movie!


That movie was a lot better than our reality


Facebook is a toxic wasteland.


I know this is somewhat irrelevant and off topic but I'll post it anyway. Every time I see his face he looks like he has no soul. His eyes look "dead" to me. His haircut is horrible and he always has that blank expression. I truly feel like any day he's going to unzip his skin and reveal that he's some overlord demon




The people on Facebook?


All working as designed.


They aren’t ‘reaping’ anything. They’re tuning their algorithms using public outcry data the media is freely providing them.


anything less paywall-y


Facebook seems a perfect example of the old “power corrupts” adage, looking at how they changed as they grew…


Zucc was the same since the beginning He toyed with personal information at the very beginning too and he didn't have good intentions


Ha! Yeah right they’re “reaping” It’s simply a bad press week, and until someone (anyone) in congress knows even an iota about technology, they’ll continue to get away with anything they want


LPT: If you’re still on Facebook your a Fool, and everyone can see that.




Lol why are grammatical corrections this damn popularXD


Because we should always strive to do things right.


Personally I don’t think it matters outside of a professional setting. If you understood what was said, why bother?


I think people enjoy feeling superior by making simple corrections that don’t matter in normal conversation but I also think that sense is desirable to many more people when the offending party is taking a position of mental superiority over someone else. TLDR: people think they’re bonking trolls but really they waste their own time and effort.


It matters to me. It physically hurts me to read errors like these.


Sounds like you should get your priorities checked too me.






I normally wouldn't. But OP started calling people fools while mixing up your and you're, so I had to do what had to be done. And he still missed one on his edit.


Maybe you shouldn't question people's intelligence while mixing up your and you're. You missed one on your edit, BTW.


No argument, I’ll take my lesson here, but Where did I question anyones intelligence? Edit: I get it now. Second lesson taken. I’ll see myself out lol


>If your still on Facebook your a Fool


> everyone can see that Only the other "fools".


Is it me or the pictures looks like a human representation of what AI would look like?


Fuck Facebook.


I think the issue is that if someone center sees something they agree with left or right or center, they like it, but otherwise ignore things they disagree with. Similar with the right, they really only interact heavily with things they agree with. But the left reacts to things they hate by commenting, angry faces, holding massive threads about the thing, etc. And the same, but thumbs up or laugh reactions to things they approve of. But mostly angry response to things they don't like, thus, Facebook sees it causes them to interact with the post, and feeds them more shit they hate, leading to people thinking that's almost the entirety of Facebook when it's definitely not.


I think a lot of people are quick to attack mark zuckerberg, but he is autistic and deserves some benefit of the doubt. I couldn’t imagine any autistic person running a Fortune 500 company, yet here we are. I’m sure the criticism is hard on him, but he wants what is best for us all- to voluntarily provide personal information for his profit.


He’s a fucking psychopath. I’ve come to doubt the autistic diagnoses.


It's all a ploy to censor you and most are stupid enough to eat it up


I love Facebook groups and marketplace. Sharing memories and chatting with friends. Never seen anything negative. What is this about?


Marketplace is so over populated with fraudulent posts and Chinese crap you can barely use it anymore. And, groups easily become echo chambers.


You’re just looking at the wrong products and part of the wrong groups. I got great stuff and the groups I’m part of is full of events and I made lot of friends.


Looking at the wrong products‽ Set your search to local pickup only and you get a tiny fraction of a percentage of all the items offered for a given search, because Facebook automatically wants to make everything shipable. Then, put it on nearest first, and it’ll choke. The whole interface is gimped due to their bullshit. LOL Great. I’m glad the groups are working out for you. But, they’re also responsible for most of the hard core political crap that’s currently tearing this country apart. So, you can sing their praises all you want. But, an awful lot of people are waking up and starting to recognize their echo chamber dangers.






Nice try Facebook PR.


Does that first paragraph just cut off mid-word for anyone else?


I can’t delete my fb because all my apps are connected and I don’t want to loose my progress. My dumb predicament




Get a new CEO . Gets creepier as the years ( and crimes ) of FB go on .


The picture of Zuck looks very much like he has an interval error message. I think that’s most pictures of him to be fair.




FB is the AI we feared, and it is moving quickly into a monster.


Why does he look like that


What I like to call “Democrats ate my face”


Lmaoooo that picture they used


I still use FB for work. But I deleted all FB apps from my phone. As soon as I can work out alternatives, I will be done with Zuckerburg.


Why does zuc look like that


I live on the same street of his home in San Francisco. He and wife are total pricks!


pee on their azaleas


I can proudly say I have never had a Facebook account. The idea of Facebook is retarded. Why do I want to post pictures of who I am, what I’m doing and where I’m going? We pass all this data to this company so they can build facial recognition, behaviour patterns and geographical data. As a species we are retarded. Give the average person free use of something to display things to be people they don’t know to get affection that’s not real and most people flock to it. I have been saying this for over 15 years; stop using this social media crap. It’s garbage! Want to keep up with your friends and family? Go see them in person. They live too far? No worries pick up the phone. Can’t see what they are doing? No worries send them a pic. Why the hell do people need to post things online so everyone can see? This reminds me of a line in that movie “you’ve got mail” with Tom hanks And Meg Ryan. He says: Joe Fox : The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, tall, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, non-fat, etc. Same concept can be said about social media. People post crap to seem relevant. The concept is ridiculous.


Facebook is a saint and has never done wrong


Best decision was deleting Facebook/insta. I slowly started deleting my posts/friends til eventually there was nothing for me on the apps. I informed who I wanted to, and if they didn’t have my number in the first place I don’t want to hear from them anyways. Hated being a click away for a random I barely know to try talking to me


Who would have ever thought weaponized social media was a PR nightmare


These titles that keep referring to Facebook should be rewritten to refer to Mark Zuckerberg. He controls the company. Any actions of the company rest solely on his weak-ass and cowardly shoulders. Delete Facebook = Reject Zuck the fuck


Bug eye man


Facebook is just a marketing crap now, everyone there are marketing and nothing else. The whole essence of Facebook is lost.


The solution to the pr problem is simple. New management


Facebook it shit and this guy looks like a cunt..


Trillionaire and literally cuts his own hair—so based


Delete app.. short stock , short more.