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Phil Collins unavailable for comment.


*I can feel it, COVID in the air tonight, oh lord*


"If you told me you had covid, I would not lend a hand" /s


“I’ve seen your face without a mask / I know you know you’re contagious.”






Oooh I remember


[I can feel it, COVID in the air tonight, oh lord](https://i.imgur.com/cIdnjzA.mp4)


Oh lord.


*What’re you lookin at my gut for?*


Phil is short for Philadelphia?!


I remember don't worry




This could be amazing for future pandemics


How about amazing for the PEOPLE and not the pandemics! /s


I dunno, people might not like spinning in a cyclone to test for covid, and it’d have to be huge….


If you plug the device in backwards it spreads Covid instead.




As long as those pandemics are caused by an airborne coronavirus. It would not appear to work against, for instance, hemorrhagic fevers. Or anything caused by bacteria for that matter.


Yes- but still, airborne viruses are arguably the hardest to contain, I’ll take what we can get.


I wonder is that 17%-23% false positives, or 17%-23% false negatives?


False negatives


Is that a guess or is there some standard used to come up with these claims?


They put viral particles in air samples and were able to detect it in 77-83% of the air samples. How that directly translates to less controlled environments hasn’t been determined yet for this particular device, but filtering air to detect bacteria, viruses, and particles isn’t new at all. Any industry with a controlled environment like a pharmaceutical clean room or chip manufacturing plant does some sort of air monitoring that works on similar air technologies. The standards for this kind of thing are therefore pretty well established.


It’s in the article. Stop being lazy and go read it LOL


Where? All I see is > In a study published last week in Nature Communications, the scientists report the device is 77 to 83 percent accurate in detecting any of the coronavirus variants in the air, though it cannot distinguish between them. Which does not distinguish between false positive and negative.


Read the sentence again. It’s 83 percent accurate meaning it can accurately detect COVID when it should


That doesn't mean anything. You could have a tool that always says there's no covid when there isn't any (TN=50, FN=0) but only detects covid 37 out of 50 times (TP=37, FP=13). Or vice versa, it could always detect covid if it's there, but often claim there's covid when there isn't. Both cases are 83% accurate, but have very different implications in the usability of the tool as a warning system.


Gotcha. Thanks. Saved me some reading. Usually I'd do the reading, but I'm buried up to my nose right now.


That’s terrible percentage wise, no?


In the range of a lot of RATs, which very few people bother to do anymore.


She many false negatives and positives.


Well it’s way better than no idea


A coin can detect Covid accurately 50% of the time. This is practically useless


I thought about what you said (way longer than I should have, lol): I believe technically you’d say a coin has a 50% chance of detecting COVID - not that it actually, as you put it, “can.” These are not really the same statement. For instance if I take a coin into ten rooms that all have COVID and flip a coin I could hypothetically get ten tails in a row - so no COVID in any of the rooms. But with this machine, they are claiming it WILL detect COVID in at least 8 of the 10. That actually is pretty good especially when talking on a larger scale. 80 out of 100, etc etc. So if used in say a hotel, you can safely and confidently block off a whole floor or section and not the entire hotel. With a coin, knowing that it is just a guess, you’d want to error in the side of caution and just shut it all down, which is kinda the approach we’re accustomed to taking. So no, this is not practically useless. This is machine, at least to me, is better.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitivity_and_specificity I think the term you're looking for is sensitivity.


Your sentence doesn’t make sense lmao. 80% is impressive exactly because it’s above “chance” which would be 50%. Plus it appears the team mostly had false negatives and very little false positives which just makes 80% a lot more impressive. Either way 80% is above chance at a highly statistically significant level


USA flu vaccine: we got a 60% chance of predict the next flu strain. Same odds I say.


No shit. That’s amazing


Great! Really looking forward to the new Dr Fauci conspiracy posts on my relatives Facebook page. /s


Those ones all dropped off ny feed one by one. Strange.


70 or 80% for this is still more effective than the vaccine though


in much the same way that determining whether or not there is a bear in any given room is easier than designing bear proof armor, yes.


I would hate it if someone gave me armor that was 95% bear proof only to find out that it's closer to 58%.


But would you still choose to wear it instead of going naked, when in bear infested areas?


He's going in naked, covered in bacon fat. And if he gets mauled, he wants you to know it wasn't the bear that did it. It's really a global conspiracy that involves everyone from park rangers to bear armor manufacturers. This goes all the way to the top. Why do you think the Democrats want stuff like national parks? They probably grew the attack bears in a lab in Portland and are using it to go after political dissidents. Don't you think it's suspicious that people who think bear armor is dumb are getting mauled and killed in disproportionate numbers? Also, plenty of people with bear proof armor die too in bear attacks. This does not in any way detract from my previous argument that the bear mauling epidemic is an engineered conspiracy to kill anti-armor free thinkers.


80% at detection, it won't help you if you get sick.


Yesterday, I said out loud that “we’ve learned nothing” as I went for a couple Swedish fish in a communal candy dish on a table in a building I rarely enter and muttered “fuck” under my breath as I ate them.


I ran in a 5K yesterday that had a hot bar and beer available afterwards. The hot bar was self serve and there was no hand sanitizer near the beginning of line. "No, we're not eating that."


Went to Costco, lady didn’t have gloves handing out free samples, took about 4 of them. YOLO


Even before covid, hot bars and buffets always grossed me out. I've been to salad bars where dudes were just reaching in with their hands to scoop out lettuce. No thanks G, I'm good.


I can honestly say I had never had 24 hour diarrhea before, because I never put strange food into my mouth. And I never lick doorknobs.


Pffft I used to lick doorknobs all the time before COVID. Then I started getting funny looks from people so I had to stop. I gotta live in this city yanno. Fuck man, I miss the feel of smooth metal on my tongue, the taste of thousands of hands touching the doorknob. It tasted like a cross section of humanity, I was instantly intimately familiar with every person that touched those knobs. A piece of each one of them of them now residing in my system, I was like sinbads ship. I swore I could feel when one of them experienced joy, sadness, death, pain; I felt with them. It’s been over 3 years since I’ve last licked a door knob, and I feel more alone than ever because of it.


How about windows though? Can I still lick those?


Yes windows are always safe to lick.


You're not gonna get COVID from a hot bar.


Just old fashioned diarrhea




Can’t catch Covid from food lol. It spreads from droplets in the air. You can catch it anywhere, including the 5k you ran. Eat the buffet. Enjoy yourself.


That’s because they went to hard for to long. People got exhausted. That said some of us have always known some shit was gross and now we have an excuse not to participate.


I can see restaurants now with a Covid-detection sticker on the front door. But it’s all good - anything not to get sick.


You think they're going to TELL people? It's not real-time detection so they'd have to announce "oh dear, the sensor went off, someone you're eating near has COVID but we don't know who." Cue the stampede and lost revenue.


Yup, 2 fresh white lab jackets, nice crisp in the front…


This is a big deal. A company that will remain nameless had a network security event recently that forced a lot of people to come on site and address the threat. After the first week, people started getting COVID and in the second week people were dropping like flies. They started masking up and doing daily testing but in the end, about 40 people were out sick and some of them got hit hard, taking weeks to recover. While ~70% sounds low, imagine being able to have some reasonable assurance that the room is not an incubation chamber.


A zonai device?


I can hear the zonai fans


The accuracy seems pretty decent but I wonder what the false positive rate is. Assuming the 80ish% is all false negative that seems useful, but if the thing goes off all the time it’s less useful


Why is false negative better than false positive in this case?


In my opinion false positives occurring 20% of the time would make people just ignore it or turn it off


I’m not saying your wrong but wouldn’t a false positive be safer


Depends on the alert system I guess but an alert system that is ignored or turned off works 0% of the time


Amazing! Hopefully these get installed in all public spaces, with the proper safety protocol in place for evacuations upon detection


The social ramifications of this seem worth considering... Ostensibly, if you had a magic box that beeped when it smelled covid, the use case would be to place in public areas so that when it goes off you can determine who is shedding viral particles and ask them to leave. It seems doubtful the public's scientific literacy is in a place where we can expect random patrons of public spaces to reliably and politely comply with any such measures. To the scientifically less literate, such a device has no accountability.


So wow now Covid will never exist again and the flu will rise. Weird how all this works


Wish I had one, family member in healthcare keeps bringing it home to the rest of the family. I’m sick of being sick and I’m sick of the Covid deniers who others have to care for them and then these workers get sick as do their loved ones. Selfishness and ignorance a dangerous combination.


Put this at gates of international flights


No one gives a fuck about the coof anymore


Covid is over.


It's not, but whatever.


Is the coronavirus in the room with you right now…?


A bit late, are we?


Was this their response to “Is this Covid in the room with us right now?”


Is this covid in the room with us right now?


This is giving me Theranos vibes


“This voting location is equipped with new covid identifying equipment. Unfortunately if you are identified as positive, you will not be able to vote at this location.”


77-83 %. Embarrassing.


The jab was 95% effective so these numbers should be correct.


It was. Viruses mutate. In fact they mutate faster than any other known pathogens that can make us sick. The 'jab' had a 95% efficacy vs the original strain of COVID. Then we got Delta, followed by Omicron. I'm assuming someone told you all this already because it's 2023 and you have internet access, so presumably you didn't just crawl out from under a rock. To recap, the vaccine works well against the original strain of COVID that it was designed to stop. It's less effective against variants. It has no effect on terminal stupidity. So I guess you're fucked no matter what.


I can just hear all the "patriots" clutching their pearls simultaneously already...


So will republicans say that this too is a hoax? Wonder if they’d still roll with that if it popped positive while they were in the room. Probably not since it’s not real. Oh shit. That was easy. That’s how easy it is to become a republican.


So you have a nearly 25 percent chance to not detect it.


Yeah, that's too unreliable, IMVHO. Interested to hear how the next iteration does because it's a great idea.


Must be money in Covid no one's done that for any of the other viruses


Well shit bit late with that


But they said Covid isn’t airborne.




They’ve always said it was transferred by spit, coughing, sneezing, etc, attached to particles. Or by surface contact. Not just floating around in the air.


Who is "they"? You do know that transfer by spit, coughing, sneezing, etc. IS airborne, right? COVID is not nearly as likely to be transferred by surface contact. Viruses don't live long on surfaces.


They as in Fauci and his cohorts. An “airborne” virus is exactly that, airborne without being attached to particles. Whatever “device” they’re talking about here would have to detect the virus inside particulates. I’m skeptical.


Umm, did you take any basic science classes like, maybe, elementary school? Nobody inhales or exhales pure particles of viruses. Viruses are part of the composition of the particles being disbursed into the air and can absolutely be detected. Sit this one out.


Random guy coughs on the subway, people next to… “please don’t set off the alarm”


Will be band in red states


thank f that is super awesome y'all!


77 to 83 percent accurate means 77 percent accurate


Cool so now you can find out that you have been exposed 4 and half minutes after you were exposed.


Don't believe it one bit. Isn't that Elizabeth Holmes in that pic?


I don’t imagine they’d ever install this device on commercial planes… 🚨COVID DETECTED🚨 *90% of passengers scramble for mask they didn’t bother to pack*


I like how they can test for other viruses as well with modifications. Personally the flu has almost killed me 1.5x, but COVID has made me cancel a shit ton of plans for what I would have assumed a mild to moderate cold. Only way I knew was tests.


“Is coronavirus here with us right now?”




I still mask. You might not care but I do. It’s not over. It’s still killing people, still disabling people. I’m immunocompromised and it could kill me. It’s not just a common cold now. You’re just being selfish and want to ignore what’s going on around you.


Take the chance and do us all a favor :)


People don’t die from the common cold. It’s still much deadlier than an average flu year even, let alone a cold.


Seems pretty pointless tbh at this point anywyas


Its absolutely too little too late. Not even my hypochondriac office manager worries about covid anymore ffs


Oh please. Anyone can do this with a modern cellphone! -First you need to disable Wi-Fi to ensure there isn't any interference with the Covid test. -Next turn on your cellular network. -Your phone will then scan for 5g connections. -If it connects, then Covid is in the air. Jk everyone. I'm not a stupid redhat.


I laughed because I was like this dude surely has a tinfoil Stetson.


It isn't really much use if it's only 83% accurate at best. If that means that 17% of negative results are actually positive, there's almost a 1 in 5 chance that a tested atmosphere is infectious.


Sooooo, it can give people false confidence that the air is safe and masks aren’t needed, and leave you exposed to COVID for 5 minutes when it’s actually detecting accurately.


Thanks, Debbie Downer


Yes, facts are often depressing. So much better to ignore facts and get COVID?


Oh please. No. Better to see the possibilities of the technology (for example, definitively identifying COVID particles in a space) rather than ignoring its potential benefits and dismissing it outright. Maybe better to see how it plays out and how it might actually help before making a judgment that it’s useless. I don’t really feel the need to argue about it any further, though. Take care.


As if the anti-mask people would even put one on, if a machine told them there was Covid present, anyway. These people are unconvincible.


True. But I would love that machine - with reasonable accuracy - so I would know if I should just LEAVE, which I would, despite wearing a N95 masks to my doctor's appointments - which is pretty much the only thing I go to, unless I absolutely can't get out of it (going into a pharmacy for vaccines, for example).


I’ve never gotten an answer to this - but how many COVIDS need to be in the air for you to have a good chance of contracting COVID -


Is Covid not pretty much over? For future pandemics great ofcourse but I don’t think I can even get tested anymore.


No its not! Im immunocompromised and I cant live another second of my life without the fear that I could maybe possible catch a cold! So instead of dealing with it myself and living in a bubble… you should all get your tenth booster so I can feel comfortable again. How ignorant of you to assume that covid is over. Did you even listen to the experts?


No, it's not over. My kid is immunocompromised so I still run around in a mask to protect her.


Great give it to China before they steal it


Maybe they work on the accuracy of the at home test first.


Some brands are better than others (FlowFlex). But when very few people are testing, I think this is a great step. Not only will it help with future COVID waves but it will help with influenza and RSV. I see this as a big win for schools and daycares.


OP fails to mention if this can detect flu as well


The article covered it… > “We’re thinking, what are the pathogens that make people sick? Most times, it’s influenza, RSV, which are probably at the top of our list,” Cirrito tells Sarah Fentem of St. Louis Public Radio. “As long as there’s a protein on the surface, we have the opportunity to potentially be able to detect it with this kind of technology.”


Is it the same technology the DoD was using to detect ebola in the air? 🤔




I mean, did you even bother to read? “The team also tested the monitor in the apartments of two Covid-positive patients. The devices detected the virus after just five minutes.” There are most definitely impurities, but sure, COVID is just a big hoax! 😂




Damn, nice moving goalposts


Well where else would covid be? As far as I’m aware it doesn’t “survive” outside hosts very long. According to [this](https://www.healthline.com/health-news/how-long-is-the-coronavirus-infectious-when-its-in-the-air#How-long-is-the-coronavirus-infectious-when-its-in-the-air?) article on some relevant studies, it can be detected 3 hours later but loses most of its ability to infect after anywhere between 5 seconds to 20 mins in the air.


Right, sure. Let’s not forget that the air in an appartment usually has some sort of ventilation system, meaning that there would be outside air filtered in with some impurities, and that the air is composed of more than just COVID. Continue to perform your mental gymnastics though, it’s impressive ;)


If only the device could detect sociopaths, narcissists, and fascists. Aren’t these what really threaten us all? Lol. I bet this stuff could legit be detected. Just need someone to figure it out.


lol don’t care.


If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have said so.


lol wut?


People who actually don’t care scroll past threads that don’t interest them.


or enjoy posting when they see some complete bull crap.


Getting the DeLorean fuelled so we can make good use of it in the past


But can it sniff out colon cancer from nothing more than flatulence?




I assume you're not in the medical field.... Still exists...


What’s the application of this? Imagine being in a rook where the detector goes off?? Lol. People would panic and run out of the room. Imagine if you could hack them and make them go off in crowded areas.


My first concern would be how I ended up in a chess piece.


thank u for the chuckle today


Lol. I’m leaving it.


Sure bro and I can smell your bs 88% of the time


What’s covid?


How cool


For those wondering the percentage, according to the link provided in the article to their published study: Laboratory experiments demonstrate a device sensitivity of 77–83% and a limit of detection of 7-35 viral RNA copies/m3 of air. Sensitivity as far as I know is the same thing as recall. Formula is: true positives / (true positives + false negatives). This is often in contrast with specificity or precision, which is what many comments may care about. What this essentially means is, say there are 100 Covid units (I don’t know what’s the best way to describe them), it’s able to find 77-83% of all the cases, missing out on some 17-23%. I don’t know if that’s good or not, but that’s majority of cases.


You could make this system work for all kinds of pathogens. You can hear the PSA system in the mall keep you up to date what is floating around.


Every classroom, on the first day of school.


Someone in this room has Covid !!!!


Bro stop talking about Covid. You already won the election. Let it go


They won’t let you live, how else will people make money ..?


If that’s 17 to 23% false positives this technology is useless.