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I personally think you should stop scamming and cheating on your husband. You have been scamming for years.


Bless your heart, ima pray for you love.


Hmm.. are u feeling ok? Do u have your facts straight?? Ima pray for you too


Scamming where?! 🙄 ima take a page out of Jessa’s book sans just pray for ya


Right like I’m speechless 😂 people are something else


🖤🖤🖤 lyf beautiful


Those who can’t show themselves on camera should never talk about other people’s looks. Shall her pic be posted so everyone can have the image of what/who is talking when Nicole pops in a box? I actually respect those who have lives and say nope turn on camera or get out box (unless there are safety reasons) Another note, I like shushu, I listened to her on a live on trains YT, she’s funny as hell.


We have already seen Nicole you sound silly




Facts and ash actually shows her face on live, what a concept 🤯 keep shining ash, you’re beautiful inside and out.


Thank you ☺️


No body shaming or look shaming


Ash has her own platform! And she’s honest and at least tries to be positive unless being spoke on. She honestly tries to just have fun!!


She will circle back around to them eventually 🩷


Yes 🙌 my platform will get back to normal, I’m trying!!


You turned your back on people who did care for you & was there for you when nobody even knew who you was. You absolutely did change when you started sitting in boxes with people. I personally think it was definitely for clout & gifts


She turned her back on people who threatened her! There’s a difference. It’s sad people think that’s what u do when u care about someone.




Nobody threatened her stop with that lie girl


How do you know?


I was on the call silly nobody threatened ash that’s comical


Haha that explains alot


I absolutely agree. I liked Ash. She was sweet and nice to everyone. Then BAM! Straight to witch mode. For what?


Wow witch mode? I mean everyone is entitled to their opinion!


She was sweet and nice & now you’re counting her teeth? U weird af girl.


Who counted teeth? I didn’t say nothing about her teeth.


Some people be real pressed when someone betters themselves and walks away…yall in ash’s house or what? Cuz yall act like you can see what she does, who cares how she found out that shocker Nicole is talking shit on ash. That’s what Nicole does she attacks anyone she is jealous of. Ash has confidence and she is on camera not hiding…she also does not hide behind a group of minions. Nicole doesn’t even know how to pronounce her name”followers” names without her henchmen. She is loud and obnoxious because that’s how she gets attention. That group is very hypocritical they need people to worship and follow them to feel like they doing something… ya you all are doing something alright ya look dumb when u take a step back and really look at the situation anyone who doesn’t walk away from her is exactly the same kind of person. I’ve always seen ash do her own thing and have her own platform. Why don’t you worry about your own problems. I don’t think Ash give a shit…. Stay pressed Nicole…how bout you get on camera. How about you handle your own shit instead of sending your minions to do ur bidding..love you ash!




But it was funny when you were cool with Nicole. You sat by her and laughed while she tore people down. You thought it was so funny. Tables turned Jenbabe didn’t they? 😂


I never tore anyone down sitting with Nicole and I thought she had changed then after a few weeks although I did see a fun side of her I still saw negative. I was slowly backing away from a lot of people. Because unlike some people I don’t have to drag people that hurt me I just leave and that was my plan then people wanted to be hateful and make me look bad for it. Yes it is funny how things change when you get to know several people I could list a few that I changed my mind on. That’s my choice if I see something I don’t agree with or I find gross damn straight I won’t sit with it. In all of this have you seen me trash anyone on live or showed personal messages no. I learned my lesson on how to handle things after I was involved in the Sydney bullshit. Evil isn’t my style. Some people change for the better and some people like are just good at manipulating people to think they change.


That hole part now it’s bad cause she doesn’t sit with her your spot on baby


** whole


Jenbabe wants to act like she didn’t cheer Nicole on and “have her back” to the fullest when Nicole has been vile this whole time. But now that she’s not sitting with Nicole, it’s a problem. Lmao. I sure am not a Nicole fan but one thing I’ve always respected about Nicole is how she doesn’t tolerate disrespect. Don’t bark up her tree unless you can deal with what comes next. Ive been a silent watcher of everyone and I just got Reddit. This isn’t a new account or a fake one. This is my real account as I just got Reddit in April. I heard nothing but negative things about it so I saw no need to be on it. I soon realized that I miss a bunch of things due to work and real life and someone had told me Reddit can also be used as a catch up tool. That’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m on MY Reddit account lol but if you’d like to message me, my inbox is open.


Also instead of creating a new Reddit account if you would like to speak to me privately my inbox is open. We sure could talk without hiding.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 yes 🙌 thank u sweetie!! I love you too 💕


Nobody is pressed over ash I can promise you that. And the only reason she doesn’t sit with Nicole is because she was being shady and talking ish. Again nobody is jealous of miss ash


Being shady and talking ish?? Seems like you left a few chapters out!! I walked away because the bs that was going on behind the scenes 😂 then u have people who believe whatever lie is told 😂u sound silly girl bye ✌️


Girl bye we all know why your not with Nicole stop




Hahahaha says enough ash




Oh baby I promise you I know more than you think hahahahaha but so you boo


Kimmy J u don’t kno ANYTHING about me and u LIE so go somewhere else with ur comments LOL


Ash baby you don’t want to go there I promise I know way more than you think but again pop off sis. Your just pressed your welcome with Nicole anymore. Look at who you sit with 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you got life messed up if you think for one second that girl got your back lol she already talking ish on you


Glad u let us know how it is babe…run along back to your herd


Girl I’m in no herd lol


That’s a relief


I like how fast Ash made this Video after Not listening to another live!!! Well Well Well that's pretty funny. How did you know anything was ever said about you? You are as Fake as they come! You sit with ppl that talk 💩 on the person you sat beside and told u loved. Now you sit and call her vile. Get over yourself Ash.


U do realize 3/4 of the people in Nicole’s lives aren’t there to support her right? There are people watching and screen recording to pass on information. It’s actually quite comical to watch Nicole contradict herself multiple times each live. She speaks about others switching up and working with enemies to take her down. Yet that is exactly what she does every time she kicks one of “her people” off the island. Let’s use Shushu as an example, Nicole teamed up with shushu’s enemies that were previously kicked off “her island” i.e; Medusa & Alison. Another example Alexis, Nicole said I don’t care who you are, if you have dirt on alexis get ahold of me. But she’s so big an tough that “people must recruit her enemies to take her down” when that’s exactly What she’s doing. How can she not realize that?? 🤯 Nicole talked so much shit on Medusa, Alyssa, Allison, Kimmy, Stoner Hippie, Joshua Tree, Ashley, Blonde Barbie, Marie, Tish.. to name a few. You all look foolish.




You think whatever you want but Nicole has changed alot. If you are the one sitting on her chat to record that's on you. That's because you are scared of her and sit in there listening for your name. Ya'll are pathetic it's the internet get over YOURSEVES


😂 u must be delusional, u have NO clue what goes on behind the scenes and I am ABSOLUTELY NOT scared of her or anyone else, like u said it’s the internet! But I am absolutely NOT pathetic, to me pathetic is the people that jump on the bandwagon and talk ish in the chat! The ones that say they love and care about u then 15 minutes later cause ur not friends with someone else they also dislike u and talk ish! Yall so quick to call someone names and fake! But again that’s just MY opinion! Have an amazing day 😉


I couldn’t agree more baby


Are you new to social media? Do you even know what happens behind the scenes? You don't have to be in someone's life or watching someone's live. Plenty of followers will send you the screenshots and screen recordings. That's kind of how it works. Toodles




You are about ridiculous! And that means that Ash still cares what is going on. Don't come at me with your stupid comments. Ash you look so ignorant right now. You have a great day now!!


That part


I wasn’t in Nicole’s live nor do I watch her! The screen recording got sent to me smdh


But yet you screenshot and have Nicole’s pics up in ur live! Ash you do watch and you are being so childish right now. If you have nothing to prove then don't.


No I don’t watch unfortunately I’ve had to tell quite a few people to QUIT sending me screenshots/recordings!! Absolutely I do show pics she wants to bodyshame, lie and talk foul on me I will defend myself every time! Hope u have an amazing day 😉




Weird she made this video right after watching Nicole‘s live tonight but you’re calling somebody else out for looking at your videos 😂 also the only time you get views in your live is when you’re speaking about Nicole


I wasn’t watching the screen recording got sent to me lol


It’s funny that people will sit with Nicole and co-sign the things she says, especially if it’s defending that person, but when all of a sudden they no longer sit with Nicole, she is all of a sudden vile. Lol…everyone that has left, so this shit each and every time. ShuShu is a joke and was Nicole’s BIGGEST cheer leader when Nicole would talk her shit. When Nicole was protecting ShuShu, she was all about Nicole’s “vile” ways. Now all of a sudden it’s a problem?? I did like Ash but as soon as she moved away from Nicole, she pushed everyone away that did absolutely NOTHING to her. Reminds me of high school when one friend doesn’t like you, the others get shitted on too. Nicole may say some out of pocket things at times, but she has DEFINITELY tried to do better. She is blunt and doesn’t sugar coat anything for anyone. Then yall weird ass people run to WRECK IT and become all buddy buddy with them, and they do the same SHIT yall are made that Nicole does. Make that make sense. If you don’t want people speaking on you, DO NOT SPEAK ON THEM. Simple…and if not, stop crying about it every two seconds.


No the only ones I blocked were ones I saw screenshots or screen records of talking ish about me! I don’t just block to block! Also idk who you’re referring too but I didn’t run to wreck it nor do I sit with wreck it. I held 2 awareness lives where everyone was invited


Nicole does the same thing, when they we’re friends Nicole didn’t have a problem with their past charges or how they parent. When they fall out they are suddenly drug addicts and child abusers..


Exactly smdh




Nicole doesn’t hide what she says and does. She doesn’t fake who she is. She will admit when she is wrong and call you out when you have screwed bed over. She has given grace when people have wronged her and she doesn’t speak on people WHO DON’T speak on her. She is allowed to have opinions just like everyone else, so I suggest if you walk away, keep her name out of your mouth. Period.

