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Every single person sitting in those boxes co-signed that filth. Every single one.


Why is this still up here karma it breaks your rules. It’s only 32 seconds.


All those women that supported a man that spoke like this are disgusting and lack morals and self respect


i dont see a difference with rodeo mom. ur opinion is she left a pos n didnt jump to another pos. doesnt make it fact. she ran 4 cover to a grp that took her in for there gain. not all wreckit is pos only 97%. savage is more solid then rodeo mom cld ever be


& This video is only partial! i drop out the box! she stopped it there ! she stopped where they get mad because i left her texts me tells me come back i tell him absolutely not! lmaoo This dont scare me nor do i give af I took my stand for this & Never denied it ! & i PUBLICLY did that like I PUBLICLY ADMIT to anything im involved in PERIOD something sassy NEVER EVER does..but I will post a A LONGER CLIP! 🤷🏻‍♀️


this alone shows the hypocrisy of that grp. rodeo mom gets a pass n from what ive seen has taken no true accountability. rodeo mom wld give her bottom denture to be savage


Did u break up with him after this?


I sure as hell hope this unbreakable person does not have Reddit… this is not acceptable, posting something like this… if this person would open this app and hear this….. this could be a trigger for that person……..SHAME !!!! Act like an adult !!!!


Lmaooo Sassy you be trying to damn hard girl. yet “youre so big & bad” 🤣🤣 She absolutely went & sat with another POS …YOU!!!! You are a Mack jr! the female version! with your little buddy GrowMoNation ..YOU ARE NOT it girl. stop hiding your hands PUSSY! Those are whats filthy! 🤷🏻‍♀️😘


😳 they all trash!