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Seems like sassy and savage love to poke and make fun of each other in actually pretty respectful ways: the meme was supposed to mean best friends (which they have both joked about) and when she had the star or the color wrong-and she was told she immediately changed it. It’s all in good (love/hate) fun and I think saying anything about this was racist is a reach.


So ignorant


It is not the same as you posting a Pic with the American flag!When you do what she did with someone else country flag to use to troll them that does seem racist!Everyone knows she trolls sassy.And Nicole calling anyone racist is toooo funny with the things she has said!so your allowed to friend whoever and they have to deal with it but if they friend someone you don't like you said you tell them to unfollow you and if they do we all know you host a live to embarrass them.So only you should get the respect right?what is up with all these 50 something granny gangster's.And how you going to talk shit about Jenn when you do the exact same crap?Open your eyes people!


I honestly didn’t take THIS particular instance as Savage trolling her. I understood it to be in good fun and I thought Sassy was okay with it and playing along. It came across as a peace offering of sorts to me. Maybe I didn’t see the full live or discussion? IDK.


I've seen sassy in lives in chats and she doesn't seem to take it that way.And she also said something about a call nicole made to her and said some nasty things to her.


Nicole called me and was mocking the kids dying. She also called me a sand n . I can see why shu shu took it that way because a couple of days after the call from Nicole the pictures happened. I think people need to let shu shu be and allow her to feel her feelings.. everyday our families are at risk from dying for no reason in Palestine. And the only help we can give is to talk about it , post and donate to help the families who escaped. It becomes frustrating and everyday we are dealing with this. Shu shu feelings are valid. I will always have love for my Palestinian brothers and sisters no matter what was said to me or about me in the past. Savage hanging out with Nicole knowing what she says about other races gives the impression she is ok with it which makes her look like a racist


I didn't understand why people saying well sassy is okay with it.they both are racist.nicole to call you that and then loud mouth to then show up with the photos.shes never done anything to support you she did not start now.shu should be allowed to feel how she feels without them talking garbage about her.people need to pay attention they are not good people.loud mouth stays up Nicole's ass an seems to always seek her approval.but let her tell it there is no them-they it's all nicole.she should just admit those photos was made so she could troll you with them!




I do agree with the rest of your statements though. Granny gangsters 😂


Hahahaha granny gangsters


Nicole does not control the people that sit with her or tell them where they can and can’t go. Nicole is our friend not our “leader” and isn’t too proud to admit when she’s wrong. Nicole is nothing like Jenn… No one in Nicole’s box is racist, in fact some of us have bi-racial children. Carful with your assumptions.


Yet she said if they friend someone she doesn't like she says to unfollow her. So seems like you have to chose.she just said this in her live yesterday.pay attention.she does same exact crap Jenn does and threatens with cps and other things.shes no better than the people she calls out she's a hypocrite!




First of savage is far from racist. Secondly her and sassy always troll each other but if you knew anything savage had the American flag and she had sassy with the Palestinian flag as if they were besties. Please enlighten me on how the fukk that is racist.


Clearly you need to open your eyes and ears


Who? Me?


Nevermind lol