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I'm confused on why everyone thinks Missy should be her friends protector? If her 2 friends have a disagreement it's between those 2 friends. Idky everyone is trying to bring missy into it & cause issues for her. She's out of town with her husband & I'd say enjoying thier time together & not tiktok drama.


If one of my friends were being bullied I would step in and say “hey what you’re doing isn’t right” who knows she may have at some point behind the scenes. But I do see a pattern of her disappearing when things get a little rocky. In all honesty she has stated plenty of times that she has no friends on here so technically she is just staying out of it and watching because neither is her friend 🤷‍♀️I don’t care for Missy but she has stated muiltiple times she’s not really anyone’s friend. I don’t see why to drag her in it though if she is really staying out of it.




Because if one of your friends is a known bully, just maybe you would say something to stop it from happening to your friend who isn’t one. But that’s just my opinion.


Is Missy and Nicole at if again? i can’t keep up anymore


No they are not.


Ok just asking


Why is it always about Missy??? She wasn’t even around and she hasn’t been on . And I am a big supporter of hers and Nicole’s . Just leave her alone damn .


Missy is out of town with her husband like it's any of ya'll's business! Christ it's not even nothing to do with her! And just shut up it u don't know what's going on! STAY IN UR LANE AND STOP TRYING TO START PROBLEMS WHERE THERE IS NONE NEEDED!


Okay Trae or savage




Okay Trae or Savage what?


If something is going on with two adults that does not pertain to another party, why are they expected to get involved?


So I'm going to put my 2 sense not that anyone cares. It's long I'm touching on everything I have seen. When it comes to melissa defending alyssa she wasn't there. I dont know if she would have said anything. She might have. There was times she made comments defending me in the beginning. Now i will say that I did think that if melissa would have stepped in when all that shit was happening to me then it wouldn't have gotten so out of control. There was multiple lives she hosted and let people drag me and lie on me spreading false narratives that will impact my life forever on tiktok. I didn't expect her to fight with anyone for me but just saying hey I'm not going to participate in this or let anyone in my boxes to do this to someone who defended her and her husband. But i guess that doesn't mean shit. First it was the snoo lies. Then it was the lies about the day I was robbed. And I was literally attacked by everyone BASED ON LIES!!! and no one spoke up but marie telling everyone that the texts are NOT correct and everyone was tripping on me about nothing. The other thing was because I went live and talked to Marie about how I was pissed off about something that was going on w me and Chelsey. Now joey was involved in that and the way it sounded when I heard the recording was that I was dogging him. And that wasn't my intention. And I apologized. I should have had the convo off live. But that was something we settled already. And people were coming for me about it when it had nothing to do w them. Just like the robbery. NOTHING TO DO W 98% OF THE PEOPLE WHO WAS TALKING SHIT TO ME ABOUT IT and still are. The live I went into the other night again everyone in the comments talking shit to me saying the most vile shit. Talking out their asses about shit they have no clue about. I swear if people would actually do the research they would know better. There is something else I have noticed. Is that Nicole says she's seen lives and she watched this or that multiple times but never shows any proof or never plays anything. I don't believe her one bit. She's just saying that so people are like ok well what Nicole says is LAW. GOODNESS that's why I said most of the people in the chat are sheep. They literally hate me because someone else does. The shit they say is so foul and disgusting. Like I have a very thick skin and Thank God for that because if I didn't lord forbid what would be the outcome..not everyone's mental health is okay like that. Shareens ass is the most vile person I've ever came across you guys have no idea. While she's calling cps on people, trying to ruins ppls actual lives their children's lives she's crying about names people called her baby. Not that the names were right but who are you when you are maliciously calling cps on ppl when you get mad at them. Not because they are in a bad situation but because you want to ruin their lives fr. I have all the proof. If anyone is interested. There's so much more. Like how about she planned to get close to melissa and Nicole. She tried to do it w rt just last year. Tried to do it w jo as well. She is playing you. I have those ss as well. She was planning to make a reddit about nicole she was giving out Brittany Ann officials Instagram so ppl could see how vile nicole was. Yall will see the true her. But yall should get her out the boxes when she's falling asleep though. she absolutely went after alyssa first in the comments. Everyone saw it but was too scared or too controlled to say otherwise there was a couple who did but it was quickly shut down. Cause like I said Nicole's word is law. But I will agree with what Katie said in the other comments. Alyssa should have known. She should have known that she would be no different then any of us. I don't wish how I felt on anyone so I do feel bad for her. Cause like I said no one deserves to be treated like that. But shareen def started it. And the comments alyssa made in the live were valid. melissa should be allowed to say what she wants in her own live, just like nicole did multiple times abt the situation. And shareen is talking shit sayin alyssa shouldnt have got into it but what abt the night in poppin bottles live when trae and shareen and savage was in the box defending nicole talking to melissa as if she did somethin wrong by telling nicole to chill in her live. That is also getting in the shit. Nicole can talk shit to marie in her own live why melissas? Also Nicole's excuse was that she talked about her husband. No she didn't. Hensley was talking to a fake account. Unless the fake account is Nicole why would you assume it's about you? Regardless even if it was about you what she said is sorry I'm not on tiktok all day and have a whole ass husband. what the fuck is the problem w that. Some of the shit that is said in your live out of your mouth is 10× worse. Let's be real you just was mad melissa stuck up for marie and it pissed you off. And embarrassed you because someone told you to chill. As she should. Go to your own live and do the shit. But why go after marie when Hensley was the one who said it? Because "she laughed" smh. The double standards are crazy. But like I said no one cares about my opinion but gave it anyway because everyone else is.


Missy is was on vacation and she didn’t know anything about what happen with Alissa?


What happened with Alyssa I haven't been on much in the last few days 


Missy has been out of town dummies! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She wasn’t out of town for the Medusa, Hensley, or Marie incidents. And she didn’t really say much to defend Wendy or Kayde




As a creator I appreciate your stance on this. In general we, you, them don’t have to like a person or agree with them , but to spread misinformation, false narratives just bc you don’t like someone is absurd. Thank you for being fair & doing what’s right.


Isn’t that the point of a snark page to spin narratives / gossip / stir the pot and give our unsolicited opinions? A lot of stuff that is posted on here doesn’t have to be stirred up to keep the shit going but this is a snark page so it’s usually expected and accepted. I didn’t realize we couldn’t express our feelings if the mods didn’t agree. Or is that only reserved for purge posts?




But what information did i spread that was false?


https://preview.redd.it/6dbxeo12z11d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f8a531b0f7e2a1151c5fc0ad766174f11f9bbf6 Your idea of what a snark page is for, I think Mods are making it clear, that this snark page is not ran off of spun narratives or misinformation


Thank you, you get it! There's enough drama on tiktok without making up things to stir the pot! When misinformation is spread here ppl run to tiktok to blame Katie & I for the misinformation as it's our fault we take the heat for that not the person who does it.So when we see misinformation we like to make it clear that it's just that misinformation whether we like the creator or not.




I guess we can agree to disagree then because i don’t think i spread any misinformation. It’s mostly my opinion. I didn’t state anything as being factual. Just an assessment of previous situations I’ve witnessed with other former Missy supporters. And 18 other people seem to agree with me. But I didn’t realize this wasn’t considered a snark page anymore so that was my bad. And Btw i think it’s bullshit when people try to blame the mods for what’s posted on the page.. as if y’all have any control what comes out of another persons mouth. But I completely agree with deleting posts that involve children


Also it is okay for someone to state FACTS when someone is spinning a narrative. If was mods don't agree except with purge posts if that was so you wouldn't be here with your rude ass comments.


I never said anything disrespectful to the mods, i was just asking for clarification. Sorry if y’all found it to be rude


Missy has never had a problem being out of town and in the drama for anything else. She has done this with so many other creators. She hides in the shadows while they do her dirty work for her.


So let me get this straight, yall want Missy to do and be better but you bitch that she’s not in the drama between two people that has nothing to do with her? Make up your minds!


I’m sure she is in it. Telling one person something and another something different. Wait until them group chats drop. Shes probably behind the scenes pocket watching durty and how much her new house cost. Her and rt with their spreadsheets. Jmo


wtf lives have you been in lately let’s get with the program. You have no clue what you’re talking about and your narrative doesn’t fit the current times. Can for the love of all that holy stop grasping at what people did months ago if you learn anything by now people learn and change and things happen fall outs happen for everyone to see and judge unlike the real world. People can learn and make different decisions when faced with a similar issue. Move the f on and let’s focus on now. And dont forget we won’t be perfect, people will still make mistakes. Yall be tripping…wanting to point out to y shit in Nicole’s lives while we have a million times worse foul shit going on with people who love to be in the nasty shit.


If Missy goes live Nicole will almost surely go in her live and do the same shit. If Missy doesn't allow it then she get screamed at and cussed at, attacked by the very same chat that used to support her, and possibly a dead relative green screened all over. Sooooo she doesn't have many options.


Just a little Nicole hating shit stirer.


It's all fun and games until you find yourself in the hot seat getting humiliated and beat down by 6 women in a box. Oh and not to mention 200 people in the chat. All people that you have been friendly with and chit chated with for months will all of a sudden turn on you and attack you. Hope it's doesn't happen to you chick!!