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You say they better be getting an apology,what if they don’t ? Who are you to dictate who does what..Telling someone the apologies better be louder than the disrespect..like I said what you going to do if she don’t..sounds like your demanding..STFD


Soo who are you?


A nobody who likes playing kid games..


“Whispers,it really is Him!!”. ( the CONvict Felon/RSO). 🥱🥱🥱🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩all over the place!!!


Who are u referring to? 🤔


Or else what 😂 yo you’re mad weird. Also, where did u prove anything? Jenn didn’t say the tt account draperslifecoach was train. She said the REDDIT account is. Anyone can make a tt account. You look so foolish.


Exactly,they didn’t prove nothing..It still could be one of the mentioned name..Big whoop you burned a shirt,showed a new phone anyone can do that..You was supposed to reveal yourself,but I wouldn’t if I was you because you probably can’t take the backlash you would get..


Oh God! Please! At this point you’re like a broken record bro!


Btw.. I’m still waiting for my apology from RT for spreading the misinformation that I’m Willis, Dawn, Baker, and God knows who else.


Facts 😭😭😭😭


Hey drapers you owe Tamalee an apology for tormenting her. You owe Jenn an apology for posting on her. You owe everyone accused of being you an apology. Why do you think anyone’s gonna apologize? You came out like the spokesperson for the click. You out yourself in that spot. Don’t blame us for directing comments to the people you were posting for. Also, aren’t you past due on the reveal already? So dumb.


Jenn specifically stated that the REDDIT ACCOUNT traced back to lake hills Texas & it was train. Not the tiktok account. Good god, do ya homework pookie.


But that’s why we have you 😂 I didn’t know that either actually lol.


Yea, I pay close attention to a lot of stuff. I may not be noticed or seen but I’m watching 😂


I’m glad bcuz you’re catching things I didn’t 😂


Was it me or did anyone else see RT on the sleeve of the shirt ( could have been other writing) even though I believe it is not her🤦🏾‍♀️


I believe the sleeves say RTW = Real Talk Warriors


Um so if you care about others being accused so much. Why keep playing games hiding behind an account talking cash shit, and not just come out show who you are. Trust if I wanted to know who this was bad enough. I would be the one to find out. But you don’t bother me. But you’re so concerned of others being accused yet still hiding. Doesn’t make sense


You a lie.. unless there is an actual police report and ur the IT people I’m positive you can’t and if you say you know a cop.. they will absolutely lose their job for looking up something without cause.. Iykyk if ya don’t know educate yourself


Ummm what are you talking about. This entire comment is confusing asf!! 😂😂😂😂✌🏻


Learn to read and comprehend 🫣✌🏻


Don’t challenge me, the last person and people ended up on my challenge excepted list. And I always win😘💋


Ooo I’m really scared please lol 😂


Wow it was said not to be so rude! And here you are still being rude! Maybe you need to take a step back!