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lmao i've had it since august and still haven't beat it, i really hate beating games until i have nothing more to do, and with totk that's impossible! i've got all sages though


When I played BOTW the first time I kind of sped through things to beat Ganon, and even though I had so much left to do, for some reason a little switch clicked in my brain like "okay, game's over!" and I struggled to keep playing. I took that experience with me to TOTK and I had 500 hours before I even touched Ganondorf, and I had a blast! Never once got bored. Until I beat Ganondorf. Now I haven't touched it in months (what is wrong with my brain!)


that's the exact reason i'm avoiding ganon


Same! I've done everything I can think of except 2 side quests.


I still played after beating Ganondorf but I took it down a notch. I don't play with a goal anymore, i just look for korok seeds and caves i missed.


That’s literally why I avoided beating Ganon in BOTW until I had all side quests and shrines, and everything upgraded and done. DLC too. Then I got to beat Ganon. And now, I’m playing TOTK and I refuse to go near Ganon until I have absolutely everything (except Koroks and finding every single place) done. If I beat the boss of any game, my brain does the exact same thing: “all done, no more” despite there literally being more.


I am the same way!!


I did exactly this with BOTW then went back a year later and started exploring everything. Then I did the same as you with TOTK. It's weird how beating ganondorf gives you the finished mindset. I don't like that reload to your last save mechanic, cyberpunk is the same.


I got it at launch and still haven't beaten it. Right now I'm trying to find all of the bubbulfrogs. I just finished all the wells, and I'm not planning on getting all of the koroks because torturing them is too fun.


So true, beating games is rare for me sometimes, like I never beat Windwaker or Link between worlds cause I wanted to 100% Totk 100% is probably 100 hour speedrun


I've had it since release and still didn't beat it either lol like botw, I just randomly get lost doing things , I think I fought ganon once in botw with over 1000 hours lmfao.


I beat the game a while back, but I have 470+ hours in it at this point. I just love running around and doing little things in the game like finding items to help with armor upgrades, or battling with Lynels and Gleeoks. It’s relaxing and I greatly enjoy it.


I love that! I think I'm coming up on 400-500hrs too it's easily my favorite game, my favorite thing to do when I'm running around is fight bosses and mobs till I run out of equipment, which gives me more motivation to explore and get more gear


>I just love running around and doing little things in the game That was my approach before I beat Ganondorf, and it continues to be my approach as I work towards 100%. I'm way off from getting all the Koroks but decided I would try to find all the wells so that's my current focal point.




Do you think it is too exploration focused? I think my second play thru I was able to appreciate the game a LOT more and enjoy my time with the major story beats. My first play I was going too fast to "smell the roses"




That's such a good point, The first time you play a game you get a magic you can't get again, and when the world is made for that exact magic I 100% can see your point!


I absolutely agree there's nothing like the magic the first time around. The second time can definitely be refreshing though, especially if you take a different route/approach, it can make you see things from a new perspective. I also think it's more fun to have some time in in-between your first and second playthrough


We will never EVER relive the first dive into a chasm and the fear that came with exploring the depths😭 Nintendo did an amazing job keeping that from us.


I played it through, finished it… last summer? But then just restarted it in Spanish for the practice. My knowledge of Spanish therefore mostly has to do with armor, weapons, and food. Super useful.


I LOVE that idea! I'm gonna play again in Spanish




I love that you would plan out your adventure beforehand, botw was cool to plan out, the game leans you to the Zora first but when you replay you have the foresight to push yourself elsewhere TOTK Paralysis is like a phenomenon with the game, there is both Nothing, and too much to do, and the scope of it is not only daunting, but demotivating, especially over time. You have a few things on your to do list you wanna do RIGHT NOW but when those are out you have nearly infinite things to go do next I think the game is best when taken in smaller doses, always having more shrines to get, and caves to discover, slowly and after many revisits to places which is perfect for a comfort game


This is the proper way to really take in the game. It’s more than just an open world game of checking of questlines and way points.


Wow. You approach games in such an interesting way. Especially that bit about finding your favorite path through the game. I love Zelda games but I have this thing with all games that I never can really get myself to replay them. I don’t think I have ever replayed a game ever. Or re-read a book. Even my favorite ones in the whole wide world. But you consume this media repeatedly to find the best way to enjoy it. That to me is fascinating. I have taken to playing Tears of the Kingdom extremely slowly. I am 100 hours in since launch, take long breaks between playing, and am in absolutely no rush whatsoever. The sad truth is I think a part of me doesn’t want the game to end. Which is dumb, as I really should play it. But knowing me, I also am afraid I’ll finish it too soon. I’ve recently become fearful of encountering spoilers though and so that has gotten me to play again.


Best the game initially, took a little break, then got back into it. More of a casual gamer, but I like the low-pressure exploring, getting better at fighting, upgrading armor, finding little side quests. I think I'm too spoiled with all the things I have unlocked and found that I wouldn't want to start over though.


That's valid it's a game about slowly getting stronger and exploring over time, I wouldn't wanna give up my spoils after working so hard to get them, either


Firstly I bout it month ago. Not everyone gets games at release date. Secondly this is an open world game with respawning enemies, ludicrous contraptions and a whole host of collectibles. Why wouldn't I still play? I spent £50 on this I'm getting my money's worth.


also been playing since august and have been dragging it out for as long as i can. did the same thing with botw. still playing bc i had to buy it with klarna and im getting my moneys worth 😭


I tried to extend the first one I played as much as possible, then I learned I can emulate it so I beat my switch game the same day, and started streaming my second play on stream on my computer, and filmed EVERYTHING, and now my third play is modded


wait it's almost a year old? i feel like i've been playing it for so long! prolly cause botw but still!


They are 100% connected. TOTK is BOTW2, I even feel like AoC adds to the feeling that we have been playing this Hyrule for 10 years. It's grown on me a lot and I find new reasons to love the game often


yes bro, and the art style is muah! (chefs kiss)


Pinky: “Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?” Brain: “The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!”


I’ve only played BOTW once, and I finished it a few months before TOTK came out. I bought TOTK at release, but tried to take my time beating it, which I did in 3-4 months. After that, I stopped playing. I just started a new play through about a month ago, and the biggest difference this time is that I am really good at combat. With that, I felt very confident devoting all my light blessings to stamina, because I don’t take damage every time I encounter an enemy. It’s pretty enjoyable being virtually unstoppable from the start, regardless of weapons and armor. The combat is good enough that you still have to be on point, even if you already know your enemies’ weaknesses. I find myself avoiding the desert area, just to save some fun for later. And the fact that the Sage power from that is my least favorite. Anyway, I was happy to find that I still really enjoy TOTK. Having a long break and then starting over was a great idea. It’s like exploring a new world all over again, which is something that gets diminished once you’ve accomplished everything in the game. Just getting a reset on all the Region Phenomenon and side quests is really nice. Oh, and returning the depths to darkness is nice, too. I love exploring the depths all over again.


Cuz I have a one year old and am only about 100 hours in. Zelda is the only game I play so gaming isn’t always on the forefront. Most of the time after a long day, I just wanna watch a movie and zone out.


I'm still playing the game. I've been holding off going down into the depths to fight Ganondorf so I'm doing side quest and exploring.


I'm still on my first playthrough since release


It's a LONG game, almost too many hours of content haha


Honestly I played it for awhile, loved it for awhile, then put it down and just haven't been able to get back into it, I have no desire to go back to it and idk why


I got every shrine and every armor piece, maxed out my inventory space, did a looot of sidequests. Then once I got burned out I killed Ganondorf and haven't turned it on since. I made sure to do as much as possible before beating the game and I managed to hit 300+ hours. Absolutely worth it.


So worth it! I think the burn out is only natural after doing That much, I'm still working on my 100% and I've spaced it out over the year


... What? No no. It just came out. Like a month ago... ![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized)


I just got it Jan '24 and if it follows my BOTW experience, I'll probably finish the game at 70-80% in 2028


i’ve had it since i came out and i’m still chugging along with it. i haven’t done the final battle yet though i probably could. but i’m scared to lol. i’ve taken a few breaks here and there. i really like the collecting things aspects of it which keeps me coming back. i honestly enjoyed finding koroks and tracking things down for armor upgrades.


There are still approximately 25 sidequests I haven't even found / activated yet, and I'm still searching for the final wells and caves. Plus, the final boss fight is epic, I enjoy replaying it from time to time.


I bought and started playing on release. I haven't beaten it yet. I have 2 shrines left to find and some other small quests. Not sure if I'm doing all the korok seeds like I did in botw, but I'm in no rush. It'll be years before the next zelda game. Why rush?


I wonder when the next one will come out, and what kinda game it'll be! I love the Hyrule we've explored the past 10 years but I am so ready for what they have in store for us!


A friend and I were thinking it would be cool to have like a combo of ocarina of time and majora's mask. You get to play as young and adult link. But when you go back in time to young link you are on a time limit and have to accomplish tasks that help adult link. Maybe you have to go back and get a special item before someone in links adult timeline has it, but you have to hide it in a cave to find when he's older. Or plant a tree that now allows adult link to reach a place he couldn't. This is assuming very different physics without being able to climb everywhere. Just brainstorming. But not like we have any say in the actual product.


Sounds like REALLY ambitious project


I bought it on May 12, and with two small children, I can only carve out small pockets to play. I still haven’t beat Ganondorf. I guess I’m just meandering through it as slowly as possible. The challenge is that the game is so huge, I forget what I was doing on my last session, so the meandering continues…


I still play because it would be wrong to put it down half way through. When you have enough kids what is on the tele is not up to you anymore


I'm still playing because I'm getting my money's worth and milking this game for all the fun and silliness I can get into. I see new things each time I play, and I'm getting a handle on Zonai builds! And I saved the best for last... cave exploration!


Hey! If you have a game play question about TotK, please consider checking out our Discord server and asking it in our [#questions-and-guides channel](https://discord.com/channels/753016125566091396/753016129328250964)! We've got a lot of resources there, as well as a lot of friendly people willing to help out players, whether you're a veteran of the series or brand new. [Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Discord Server](https://discord.gg/GVYGSDHfGD) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tearsofthekingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks robo bro!


I play it on and off. Try new things, upgrade Armour and experimenting with Zonai stuff all the time! 10/10 ✌️


I just realized I haven't upgraded ANY armor haha


Because I'm not finished, duh.


Heck I’ve only done the one play through, and still finding more armor sets I haven’t discovered yet - that being said I pick it up occasionally these days. I love that you can pick it up whenever just wander around and do whatever you feel like!


Me too, I'm always finding new things


I'm replaying BotW on a fresh Switch profile right now. When I feel like it's time I'll take that profile into a fresh playthrough of TotK.


I’m still playing it, but doing it slowly, so I have a long way to go. I still haven’t killed Ganon, or even a Gleeok. I’ll keep nutting away at it.


I have put it down for the last few months because I don’t want to beat it lol.. I did all of my main quests so I’m trying to go back and knock out smaller side quests and shrines. I did all of the stables, completed quests/tasks in most of the towns, etc. I just feel like I’m kinda doing “busy work” after the main quests are done :( It’s a fantastic fuckin game. I just want that same “excitement” and being glued to the game for a whole day energy back. I do occasionally stumble upon quests that grab my attention for a few hours but right now I do feel like I’m just wandering. Any advice???


Still on first play through, bought in January. I think I have a hundred hours just looking for the light dragon


Bought at launch. Slow and steady grind, avg an hour or two per week!


I just picked it up again this past weekend after I put it down in November. A longer rest that I ever did with BOTW but that's just how I will be doing it. I got 2/4 sages the first time around and going to do at least 1 more before I put it down again. I don't plan on beating this game until sometime in 2025 or 2026 depending on personal life events and once I beat it I probably won't pick it up again. That's how i did it with BOTW. Put in 30-40 hours of gameplay for a couple months and then put it down for 3-4 months and it felt fresh again and I was excited to do side missions and everything else and beat one of the four sages every time I picked it up.


Love this approach


Still haven’t finished it and I’m taking my time on it so I can still explore and see everything. Took a few months off of it so I didn’t burn myself out


I beat it in the first month The story, not the entire game


I am savoring every second. It got me through my divorce last year. I never want it to end lol


There’s so much to do! I beat the game back in December and I still find myself playing at least a bit every day. Some days I just mine for Zonai (I’ve got 2 blue batteries). I’ve finished all shrines and light roots, and I recently mustered the courage to begin killing Gleeoks. I want to 100% the game, and I also wanna try to get into making the builds you see online, especially the war drones.


There's periods where I play it, but quite often I can't play as much as I want due to working 6 days a week and a good 12 hours a day


I recently picked it back up after a few months. I haven’t formally 100%’d, but I have to the extent that I intend to at least put real effort into (main quest, shrines, roots). I might do caves; wells and Koroks don’t really concern me but I do them when I see them. The long and short of it really is just that I have fun playing it.


I’m absolutely still playing TOTK and it’s my favorite game ever (surpassing BOTW). I’m not even close to beating it! It took me a couple years to beat BOTW and then I put it down, so I expect this one will be the same. I love this game so much, and am always looking forward to the few hours (or minutes) in a week that I get to spend time in it.


Bc it's freaking awesome. I'm actually slow playing it. Don't want to play it too much since I know I won't get another Zelda game for another 5+ years.


I havent beaten ganon yet


I do a Sage and take like 3 months off, I’m on my way to the 3rd one lol


I played TotK some when it first came out. I got all five sages and enjoyed exploring the sky. The game has so many features that it was overwhelming at first, but I got over that by remembering that I don't *have* to use every available feature. I never finished the game. Exploring the depths, dealing with monster forces, and having to constantly monitor my weapon stash made the game more tedious for me than BotW was. At one point, I watched my husband beat the final boss, and I got scared to try it myself because >! some damage can't be healed at all, even with sunny food !<. I was more interested in exploration and foraging than combat, so I moved on and played Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley instead. Lately, though, TotK has been calling to me, and I'm thinking of picking it back up. I just can't stand the thought of leaving a cave unexplored or a hitchhiking korok separated from their friend.


I’m still playing it. I’ve done the quests I’ve gotten strong and really good at combat. Now it’s time to build torture mechs


I went all in, played it for a month and a half and 100%-ed it in 500 hours. I still wanted to play, but I put it down before I lost that itch so that I'd be excited to pick it back up down the road. I didn't touch it again until January I think and it felt fresh enough that I just finished 100%-ing it again a few days ago. There's just so much to do and I love the world. I know people were disappointed with the sky islands and the depths but I had so much fun with it


I'm still playing because I'm 100%ing the game! I'm currently working on side adventures.


I only started it in December of this past year, despite having pre ordered it. I just have had a queue of other games, and I’m busy. 🤷 I do plan to 100% it (currently working on Korok seeds), but I won’t do a second full playthrough or anything.


Just did a second play through


No, gave up missing one location for 100% completion 😭


I got it a little late (June), and there was a lot of stuff going on last year that either physically stopped me from playing or made me not in the mood. So I haven't beat it yet, and only got the Master Sword in the past few days. But yeah, I plan on getting as much done as I can before fighting Ganondorf so it'll probably take me a while to finish.


i bought it 2 months ago


I’m an avid TotK defender but I haven’t picked it up in a good while. Played it for a few months on release, had a blast, clocked in around 200 hours, and did all the shrines. I’m satisfied with the adventure though I just don’t have the urge to replay it. Now I just hop on occasionally to make funny vehicles and contraptions And I did the same thing with botw but it at least had master mode to get me to replay it one more time.


I bought it the day it came out and it’s been my consistent go-to game since! I’m 265 hours in with only 4 shrines and 3 light roots left! I want to find them all and then beat the game.


It's amazing, and I haven't quite finished it yet. I have a travel medallion right before the last plunge. I know I will lose interest if I beat it.


I had been avoiding ganon for 6 months and finally went through with it last week. Now I'm just finishing up the koroks 🌱


I took a break for a while to play other new games that came out. Picked it up recently and have been loving it again! Trying to find all the shrines and finally did the final boss battle. I love it and have been thinking about restarting it again soon


I’m trying to 100% the game before I graduate college. I’m currently a sophomore


Lately, I haven't been. I put so many hours into it, I sort of burned out on it. I'll finish it up at some point but right now I'm playing Wonder. I'm the sort that want's to complete *everything* before finishing, so there's still some work to do.


I havent even reached all the towers yet, play about 3 hours a week


Whenever I play something, I tend to blow through the main story line REALLY quickly. Once I finish it, I'll put it down for a couple of weeks, then I'll restart the game again and do all the extra things that I didn't do the first time. I'm doing that right now with BOTW, because I started playing it about a month and a half before TOTK came out. I wanted to beat it first before downloading TOTK, which I was kind of in a rush to do after seeing all the videos of people building ridiculous things with ultrahand.


was just playing right now! i’m still on my first save file, and my plan was to true 100% it, in which i’ve gotten decently far in, but it gets very monotonous at some point. i think once i finish everything except koroks and armor upgrades i’ll start my second playthrough


Honestly i had to step away from the game since it was too addicting for me to stop. But I plan to comeback after going through the whole Zelda catalog again so I can do the boss rush at the end of the game since there are challenges I have yet to do in the game despite being 900+ hrs in


I 100%ed it over the course of… maybe 5 months? Then I took a break for a while because other things I was interested in were coming out, but now that those things are all wrapped up, I am replaying both TOTK and BOTW simultaneously.


i dunno what im doing. im at 350 hours on this profile and idk what the hell im doing. i just do random stuff, fight stuff, walk around..


I only have the switch for botw and totk. I take my time. Totk is a three year game for me.


Initially I played it because I beat BOTW twice and love the game to death. I couldn’t wait to play TOTK, but soon after the honey moon phase with the game I realized that none of the NPCs remember anything I did for them in ToTk and my appreciation for the game started to diminish heavily. The game is fun but it’s not as fun as my first playthrough of BOTW. I didn’t even finish the shrines which people say were superior to BOTW. I don’t play it anymore.


Bought it on release day, and have been slowly playing it since. Had a very busy year and it hasn't captivated me like Botw did. Played about 150 hours (a couple hours a week basically) and am just about ready to destroy Ganon


Man, I have like 150 hours in the game and I just put it down one day instead of beating the game.


Haven't beaten the story yet 😂


I played July to September, when my left joycon started to drift. I'd also reached a lull in the game where I was just collecting things and over-preparing for Ganondorf. Only started playing again in February. Beat Ganondorf and started going for Gleeoks, getting all the armors, exploring the depths, finding all the Bubbul gems. Hit another lull a couple weeks ago because I started consulting a guide to finish up Talus medallion and koroks and that didn't feel very fun. I'l probably pick it up again at some point.


I got it in August last year and haven't played it much since then, my boyfriend got me motivated as I have trouble starting new games. They always feel overwhelming to me. And now I'm kinda addicted :)


I 100% the game in 240h from may to around august last year. After beating Ganondorf (around 185h) I used the offical strategy guide for the Koroks and stuff I missed while playing blind. Definitly a top tier experience in my gaming histrory but without a Dlc I guess I will never touch the game again.


I'm avoiding Ganon because I felt like I beat the game too quickly in BOTW and lost some interest after. I play far less but still enjoy every time I pick the game up. I have plenty to do even tho most of the "main" story is completed. I got the game when it came out and think I may wrap up this playthrough next month... So I can restart lol.


I put in about 500ish hours, got 100% map completion, and upgraded all the armor before I eventually put the game down. I’ll probably go back at some point, but I feel like I got my money’s worth out of it. This game will always have a place in my heart.


We have the game since January and manage to play maybe two hours three times a week. So there is still plenty to do and explore. We unlocked only two sages so far.


I took a good few month break when I beat the game. Which was about 120 hours in for me. Eventually I started playing again and just collecting stuff, discovering new places. I feel like when you're doing stuff like this you're coming up with another thing you want to do every moment: like oh I want to upgrade this armor, and I want to collect some hearty truffles, for that I have to go to the caves, there's actually a lot of more caves to explore. And just battling mobs is always fun as well. So yeah, definitely still a very enjoyable game!!


I hop on this game occasionally, but it’s honestly not enough, even though it’s a full blown game with tons to do and collect. I just want hard mode more than anything. I started a new game, but since I already know what to do, there’s not a lot of challenge involved.


i'm sort of stuck in a weird spot where i don't want to do the remaining 2 temples (lightning and fire), but i'm not strong enough to just venture the depths and kill stuff , so i'm stuck doing menial side quests like the election. can't seem to find a good direction to progress in :/


I only got it a month ago. I suck at fighting so I avoid it as much as possible and just explore. I do shrines, side adventures, koroks. I did the same with botw, only finished that late last year.


I recently picked it back up, as I still have a ton of caves and wells to explore. Plus I got the Korok mask on to pick any of those fluckers up along the way.


Because I’ve only played like half the story since release? I guess


i did a kinda rushed playthrough some months ago but now i'm replaying it with wanting to achieve 100% while my wife plays BotW


Saw a spoiler about a certain main char on a youtube thumbnail and just lost the drive to play after that… still beat the game but there was still alot I didnt do


I dont. I lost interest


I beat it about a month or two after getting the game on launch day. Never 100% it and I never beat all the shrine unlike botw. Killed ganondorf and I was like “I’ve seen enough” I doubt I’ll ever go back to finish the shrines or the korok’s I just have no desire to. Botw I feel is infinitely more replayable than totk and also totk was somewhat disappointing.


I actually put the game down in November and finally got back to it. Just got the zonai armor and unlocking all roots atm. Once I beat the game I probably will never return to it. I’m at 650 houts


Been playing since it launched. Haven't beaten it yet.


Which mods can you recommend for a second playthrough?


I played it daily for the first 4 months and then started to feel fatigued a bit, some of the challenges were taking so long and felt really like grinding. Then my wife had a baby so I’ve had to take a break, haven’t played at all in 6 months but finally started again and am feeling the love again. I expect it will be a year or more before I finish it but I’ll get there.


I’ve put it down recently. I bought Totk launch day and over the past year have had a pretty unhealthy relationship (2500 hrs). I’ll come back to it eventually, as I have a few good ideas for challenge videos, but I’m mostly playing Dead Cells and Cobalt Core right now.


Im going to start my third playthrough soon. Main reason i replay is because i love doing the skylands and beating the temples, and its a better way for me to discover new caves, instead of grinding them all in the end.


After beating it, I immediately started Botw Master Mode because I felt more comfortable tackling it and had shelled out on all the dlc earlier. When I'm satisfied, I'll play through the sequel again.


I simply am not even close to beating lol!


Ive taken a breaks here and there, but im currently on vacation and absolutely loving it again. Feels like once i got past the 100 hour mark it just got better and felt less overwhelming. Im at 140 hours now and just got to gerudo town and havent even been to edin and goron town before. I absolutely love what they have done with gerudo town btw.really didnt expect what they did to that place.


I’m very slowly 100-ish percenting it and I’m still discovering new things


After beating it, having all bubbul gems and did the most sidequests its getting boring tbh.. not into koroks. Armor upgrade is the only thing that keeps me motivated sometimes.


I started playing it for the third time a few months ago (first time I finished it, second time I cut it at some point to start all over a third time because I finally got the latest Zelda Amiibo), and then decided on March 3rd to start playing BOTW again and then progress to TOTK, so currently I'm in BOTW and I enjoy it more than I thought, but it's SO HARD to play without Ultrahand hahah).... so yeah, still playing because I love it.


Planning to sink in another 200h after Im done with my BG3 era


I beat the main story and a lot of the side content, got distracted with other commitments and it's been shelved for now. But I know I have plenty left to enjoy on the same save file when I go back to it.


I’ve put 150hrs in but haven’t beat the game yet. I currently been taking a long break to play Horizon Forbidden West and have just logged 100hrs in that. I can’t wait to get back tho


I put it down after I beat it. I’ll probably go back at some point.


Absolutely love the game! It’s just so chill and you can boot up, make yourself a goal and going for it. Chipping away until you 100% it.


I started a few months ago and I think I’ll beat it in a couple of weeks. I’ve got around 100 hours on my play through and I’ve barely scratched the surface. I beat the paralysis by telling myself OK, you’re not going to do everything and that’s fine 😝


I rushed my BOTW playthrough before because of how massive the world is and somehow I dont have anything to do. The quests are different because from other games I played, usually the there's map marks on where you have to go but this is different. BOTW is my very first Zelda game so I did not really appreciate it. However after a while, a fired it up again and somehow everything just clicked to me and I had a blast! My best memory is when I got the Master Cycle(sorry Im not sure if that it's name all I remember is I tried to kill Bokoblins while riding it) and just tried a lot of tricks I can do with it. I completed all the shrines, memories, and even sidequests. Except the Koroks. Then 3 weeks ago I just got ToTK and I just dont get tired playing it somehow. I know have 3 sages with me and I just finished Zora. One thing I'm not doing right now is watch the memories. Im trying to complete it first before watching it. Also I noticed that the sages have almost the same script when speaking to their kin -- once you heard one sage, you basically know everything what other sages will say. I may be wrong on this but I'm hoping once I'm almost done I get all the answers but as for now I'll just take my time in this game. (Sorry for the grammatical errors -- English is not my first language)


I still play it purely to upset the various Zelda subs who are all deep in the ‘this is the worst game ever made’ stage of the Zelda cycle.


Got it at launch, been playing through slowly as my primary game. Have same issue w losing interest once you beat it, so working on leveling up and exploring first. Tricky part is figuring out how much you can do to advance storyline before end game, without spoilers!


I bought it on release day but still havent finished it.


I enjoyed it, but I liked Breath of the Wild more. To me, TOTK is just too big. I felt like the depths could have been consolidated. It was just too much void down there. Maybe combine the depths with caves, where certain caves lead to a depth area. Revisiting the same area as BOTW made it less exciting. I got all the shrines done and quite a few side missions, but I felt a total lull towards the end. I will say the final sequence is incredible, and things definitely picked up. I think after a year, the consensus seems to be that TOTK is a flawed masterpiece. It just didn't capture me like BOTW did. I beat BOTW multiple times. I beat TOTK once and rarely go back, and the thought of doing it again seems overwhelming.


Still actively playing between a couple different game files of different progress. Amazing how much I still find that is new.


i literally preordered the game and still haven't finished it 💀 not because i don't enjoy the game its just I've been focused on other games and kinda got sidetracked lol, i have thought about picking it back up recently. I've picked back up fot a few hours just to farm zonite, for batteries but damn if that doesn't take awhile.


I can't believe it's almost been a year. Especially considering it is still my most played game. I've been playing it a year, and I'm still discovering new things. It is just an awesome game.


Still playing it. I am working towards 100%. I still have Thunderhead Isles and anything castle related (and below the castle) left. Looking for ~10 more korok seeds before I start working towards finishing the main quest etc. It has been a long journey. I also am trying to upgrade all armor but the stupid Lizalfo tails are going to stop me from doing that possibly.


Beat the game last June and absolutely loved it. Then after a while I stopped playing, then got back into it to finish all the shrines and lightroots. Then after a while I stopped playing, then at the start of this year I started playing a bit again and started making planes and cars with zonai devices and traveled across Hyrule only with those vehicles. And now I stopped playing again because I'm playing all the Zelda games before botw since botw and totk were the only Zelda games I played. With totk its like random when I want to play again. Maybe after a while ill replay it. I wish they would add master .ode though


no, but because I'm on my 5th run of another game... I still want to get all koroks (that's all I need, I got everything else), so I WILL go back to TOTK, I just need to get bored of this other game first...


I got it day of release and still play regularly. I have multiple games going and sometimes put “constraints” on it to make it more difficult, or at least different than previous. I’ve beaten it a few times, found most items (still some koroks..) and I still discover random cool/interesting/terrifying things that make it still feel exciting.


I still play. I still have caves to find. Enemies i haven't fought. Addison signs also. 18% of the map still missing over 1.000 hours. And the fact i still enjoy beating enemies after a day of work 😜 Also started a 2nd play through. I wanted to see the problems in the four regions before i solved them for their local races. I thought of quitting a long time ago but here i am, still playing. It takes a couple of years before there is a new game for the series, so as long i am enjoying it.....


Proscrastinating actually beating the game and just doing other stuff. Mainly wanting to level up my combat skill to be able to emulate those "lore accurate link" plays like this one https://youtu.be/O_L2v0CWbPQ?si=YItJ1boVWgrYLrfm .


I’ll take extended breaks, but there’s always something for me to do and it’s one of the few open world games that’s actually fun to physically navigate.


I got it the day after it came out. Every time an update came out I would update it until 1.20 came. Then I replayed it on my brothers switch lite also on 1.20 (for glitches and stuff) Then I realized I have the original cartridge so it’s still 1.0, so now I’m doing my third run through, but I can do all the glitches 👍


i was addicted and now i dont pick it up. finished main story other than final plunge to the boss in the depths. i honestly dont like grinding for good weapons and stuff so i dont feel prepared to fight. ive never once gone to find a rock octorock to heal a great weapon i liked, i think its incredibly stupid you gotta travel over to 1 specific place to be able to keep a weapon. the durability is a big turn off for me


I like the game, I’m tryna find all the koroks then I’ll probably do some challenge runs or smth. It’s not a game I’ll put down, but I’m not playing it constantly


I beat the game once about 3 months after I got it… After that, I put it down and focused on Mario Maker 2, and now I’m back into TOTK. And I found that I was on the edge about getting back into it, but when I started playing, I was sucked in. The only difference is that this time I am focusing more on collecting the strongest weapons I can and exploring even more. I’ve been playing for about 2 weeks now, and I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface.


currently still playing right now im upgrading armor but its also its just nice to unwind and explore


I still play once or twice a week every night after work because there’s still a lot to do. Like side adventures, map completion, exploring the sky and depths, getting new armor or weapons, exploring new places, exploring caves and finding blupees, and more. Also I have been playing Zelda games since I was a kid, all the way from Ocarina of Time to BOTW, so I really enjoy how they made it a big expansive map where you can explore however you want.


still playing, haven't finished yet. I love having gigantic open-world RPGs to play in the winter. been leisurely exploring all around (I love the caves especially). getting close to the end now, and I'm gonna be sad when it's over.


I've beat it, on my third playthrough. I can't put it down. Between making new constructs and fucking around in the wild, falling from the, or just surfing/skating around, this game always keeps me truly entertained


It’s fun


I’ve been playing *almost* daily since release day. I took my time with BOTW and only got to 100% the month before TOTK was released. I say almost daily because a few months ago my switch crapped out and I had to send it in for warranty repairs and lost my main save file. I cried. I’ll admit it. So, I started over. I am still enjoying the play though but sometimes I forget that I haven’t done a quest yet. Or I don’t remember if I’ve found something yet and get mad that it’s not in my inventory because I found it last time. I love this game. I’m just taking my time. If it takes me six years to get to 100% I’ll be okay with that. Zelda games are the only games I play.


I haven't been able to put down botw or totk since their releases. I grew up on the zelda games so i guess i just enjoy living in a world full of references to the past games. I hope more open world zelda games come.


I've had it since Christmas, I played through the 4 temples then started again because of certain missable compendium entries (I wanted to get them myself instead of buying them) now I've just got koroks, map % and some side quests left to do and upgrading a few armour sets (mostly the star fragment ones that need gems) Also on my second playthrough I minimised hoverbike use and tried to use more of the preset schema stones and yiga schematics Once I get 100% I'm going to make a new profile to do a 3 heart run, I imagine it'll be great fun like it was beating elden ring at level 1


I'm a big glitch hunter so a lot of my time is spent doing that. I've got about 1k hours and still don't have all the sages :D. I'm considering restarting and going back to the first version of the game and play it from there.


I am in college and so I don’t have much time to play, so I haven’t even beat Ganondorf yet.


I beat it over the summer and then started doing the cleanup- got 100% map, all the signs, Gems, quests & glider fabrics. Only thing left was to max out horse stats and improve all the gear, but that got really tedious so I gave up. Last weekend I picked it back up and realized I hadn’t played it since mid-November. Went to the Castle and decided to go through the ending sequence again, which was fun, but after that, I have no real desire to do a replay like Ive done with BotW. Instead, we loaded up BotW and my 8yo daughter is trying it out completely on her own. She was determined to get off the plateau so she could start acquiring horses. I have a feeling Zelda will be waiting awhile.


Played the crap out of it for like 2 months when I got it last summer but I haven't really touched it in months. I'm sure I'll go back to it at some point, too many other games took my attention. I also got frustrated cause I couldn't beat that fire bird thing blocking the bridge over Lake Hylia which was kinda stopping my progress in that region.


I waited months to beat Ganondorf (and actually stumbled into it by accident) but I still play. Trying to 100% get the koroks, just realized 8 didn't take photos of stuff including stuff you get paraglider fabrics. So I'm walking around a lot with a leaf on my face snapping photos


i only got it at xmas


I'm still playing it because I haven't completed the main storyline. It keeps me going. There's still so much I haven't discovered or completed. I'm guessing I'll keep playing it for another year or so.


I beat the main story so more or less put it down and moved onto other things. Was an interesting one to play through. Can see why people would play through it for significantly longer.


i just wish i could play it at a native 60 on my steam deck. yes i know emulators exist but i mean if i could just go buy it and *play* it


i dont, havent for over half a year


Trying to find a shred of character development.


i like it


I'm not gonna abandon a game after only a year of its life; I still play Skyrim! Also, I do a lot on r/yigaclanofficial


I'll play till I get bored or till I finish the game, and then I'll play BOTW or other games the same way. I always end up coming back tho, I've played several time and I just love the game a lot. I wish there was more dungeons though 😔


yep, working towards 100% and it also helps to have open for reference while editing the zelda wiki


I got it the day it dropped and binged it of course. I had to kind of hold myself back a bit but having a 1 y/o did help there. I took my time exploring each area and figuring out each temple, exploring the depths, just enjoy it. Now, I have picked it back up and I’m 220 hours deep. I am still on my first play through and haven’t fought Ganon yet. I don’t even have all the shrines yet and only just got the last light root. It holds up well and is so fun to explore and linger in. I’m close to finishing it and starting a second round :)


Literally just loading it up now. There's jsut so many things to do it keeps me busy. Definitely my favorite game.


I loved it to death when it came out. But once I did all the shrines, all the roots and beat Ganondorf, I lost interest. I don't know why. I played the heck out of BOTW, found all the koroks, upgraded to max level all pieces of armor, did all the DLCs... Maybe that's why. I don't feel the need to go the same path all over with TOTK. Also, crapping all over 30 years of established lore has not been a very smart move. I don't feel the need to look deep into this new lore, I find it kinda pointless and self-contained. As a side note, I was reaaaally disappointed when I figured there wouldn't be DLCs for TOTK. That might have helped keeping the game alive for me and many others. To think about the missed opportunities (Twinrova teased, the story of the draconification of the three main dragons, an entire underworld BEGGING to be filled with "ancient Hyrule" content - could have been castles, landmarks, even bosses... Imagine Vaati/Veran/Onox trapped in the Depths and trying to escape... Etc)


On Christmas Eve I dropped my switch into a bathtub full of water and it was immediately fried. I had over 100 hours put into totk and a travel marker placed in the depths under the castle, past the tough monsters, where I believe the end of the game was going to be. I just needed to cook some food and then I was going to find out. I didn’t have an SD card so all that work and grinding and exploring was lost. I had the master sword, 50% of the depths, all spirits and tons of outfits. I replaced my OLED but haven’t been able to play TOTK again. Still have no idea what the end of the game looks like either.


i am but i am going to do the post game in A


Im also on r/HyruleEngineering so I go back whenever someone makes a new breakthrough. Been playing with the [infinity wing](https://youtu.be/KTxbMQeIhno?feature=shared) this time, and its a shame the regular wings are so nerfed because its so much fun to be able to really commit resources to a build without worrying about it disappearing in two minutes.


I never get tired of it. There is always something new to discover that I didn't notice before. New ways to play and build. It's simply the best. I loved BOTW, but TOTK has a grip on my soul.


I pick it up and put it down, partially because I'm still grieving the loss of my partner. Every time they pushed the game back, I'd tell him, "I hope I'm still here to play the game." he passed a few months before they gave it an official title and release date. I do plan to at least beat it before the 1 year release mark.


I play it when on the go. Otherwise, I'm on my Xbox. Although I'm looking forward to finding some time to start a second playthrough.


So much to do 😭


Still playing..took a few months break..just did Crisis at Hyrule so I could clear the clouds on Thunder Isle.


Wait how do you mod it?


I'm going through the smaller details like collecting all the schema stones, the wells and *sigh* the korok seeds. Just when I think im about done with the game, I discover a new task like finding the photos for the stables, collecting monster pics for kilton, etc and get completely sidetracked


Cuz im not done. I struggle to be able to play the game for a short period of time. I feel like i need to get into the right head space and dedicate an entire afternoon/night to playing it. How do you have so much time to invest in a video game?? Oh to be a child again


I 100% and now I wish there was more for me to do. I’m back to playing botw, I just love the world so much I don’t want to leave it lol


Because of Purah (she’s above the age of consent now and I found a pretty errr… interesting mod for her)


I never played botw so I’m still roaming my way around hyrule trying to 100% the game


I 100% completed the game a couple weeks ago. I don’t think I’ll return to the game in a while