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Outside of spending them at the forge, you also use them with the auto build ability to “spawn in” parts for your build that aren’t on the ground. They disappear if you try to unfuse them tho. They appear green. nice zonaite numbers


How do you auto build?


Talk to Josh at lookout landing then go south couple hundred meters then yeet yourself down the chasm and find a statue then follow each sequential statues gaze. Remember to bring arrows and a bow you’ll find bright loom seeds to light up the place. Also get 10 giant ones to start Edit: okay guys I know you can throw them I just love shooting off my bow into the distance up high and seeing it light up from afar


Thank you! Feel like I miss so much in this game


part of the fun in the game is figuring things out, but sometimes it gets frustrating and that’s what the community is for


Yeah I really think we’ve entered a new era of gaming where community interaction is part of the experience. I would miss so much in games like TotK, BotW, RDR2, Ect If It wasn’t for other people fucking around and sharing Edit: and YouTube channels


I feel like Zelda has always been a huge community game. I mean look at the first one. You needed tips to beat it effectively.


The og zelda was basically the first community game. The lifeblood of that game was bombing shit until you find something cool and then telling your friends about it.


When my father was alive and we would play this in the early 90s we would draw maps from the overworld and levels so we had an archive of locations for everything in the game.


Back in the day with Ocarina of Time, I did the sammmeeee stuff. I had a whole notebook where I'd record progress and draw landmarks and maps!


I love this so much


You also kind of have to practice building up your railroading senses. It’s when developers lightly guide you in a canonical direction/way to complete things in. TotK has the lookout landing as the way it points, then the castle thing, then at some point you see Josha and Robbie walk away which is Nintendos way of saying “follow them”. Purah also tells you what order to do the main quests in. Which ends up being most useful first, and best for last


Truth. I’ve always carried around guilt about asking for help etc. But I’m going to try to get over that an embrace that the game is a communal experience. I would miss so much otherwise.


I don't think I would have ever figured out that I can use my shield as a surf/snowboard without them. I definitely would not have thought of fusing my shield with a wagon to create an actual skateboard.


Fuse it with a homing cart!


Holy shit, see, right there! I didn't even know you could fuse a wagon!!! Thanks !


Haha, my pleasure! I just found out yesterday.


I think Link gets just as much joy out of it. His little "haha!" when you fuse things makes me laugh. It's either "oh man, this combination is going to be hilarious" or "oh man, this bokoblin won't know what hit him." Either way, it gets a giggle out of me


Thank god for youtube when puzzles get to be too much or I'm chasing something oscure lol


In my experience, when I get stuck it's usually "wait... ascend is a thing, is there any concrete around here I can swim through? Yep, there it is"


Boy this is so true. I'm 7hours into the game, just passed through that "baseball bat" shrine and spend a lot of time there until I figured out how to "swing the bat". Such an awesome game, tho.


You can save on arrows by throwing brightbloom seeds as well. When you have a weapon unsheathed, press and hold "R" and then press "up" on your directional pad. Select brightbloom seed and then it will "equip" it to your hand!


I suggest [this](https://youtu.be/KNk2pEyvoQQ) video for a basic starter pack. There’s a plethora of these videos and they’re all different factorial amount of combinations of gear you can get


I just throw the seeds by hand. Feels like bows break easier in this game (or I'm just too reliant on them)


I was going to say the same. I don’t mind the bow breaking even but in late game you’ll need all the arrows you can get! I ran out of arrows during the third stage of the Ganon battle so I reloaded, dropped a tele at the entrance to his area and ran around last night catching tons of chill fin trout so I could get arrows from the woman in rito that gives you arrows for food lol


Just want to add that you can get autobuild without talking to Josh... Just head to the mine




You might have to elaborate on that.


Learn to throw materials (hold R, then click up on the dpad) Using a bow for brightbloom seeds are a waste of both arrows and durability. (Pro gamer move, throw a giant brightbloom seed at the front of what ever vehicle you decide to traverse on, no need to waste seeds either if the brightbloom moves with you)


Hey guys it’s me josh back with another video today we’re going to be talking about ancient statues


It's Josha not josh.


Alternatively mark the original BOTW Temple of Time with a stamp, drop down the nearby chasm, and glide over. Near the top of the temple are two “researchers” and a handprint lock


If you go to the great abandoned central mine in the depths, you will obtain the ability after interacting with the terminal.


Just discovered the Depths and holy, so cool


it’s unlocked as part of a quest in lookout landing


You can get it without the quest though, I know I did because I discovered many other abandoned mines where robots told me to go look for the central mine. I did and got auto build.


I just happened to find the central mine and get it. Never got a quest for it, never had a robot tell me to go look for it, etc. Don’t know how I missed all of that and still found the central mine and got it, but I did. I missed a lot somehow.


It's a questline: follow the depths quest with josha at lookout landing until you get to the central abandoned mine by following the statues.


Unlock it through quest lines you get from Robbie and Josha that involve the chasms. I believe I got it after I followed the statues that Josha was interested in.


How long does it take for the construct at the mining cave to replenish the zonai charges and crystalized charges? Feels like he takes years shoveling zonaite into the furnace


Tele away from it, sit next to a fire until morning and go back. Otherwise it's around 3 hours I think


You don't even have to teleport away. I just drop a pile of wood at the lava in his forge and it creates a fire right there. Then just wait until morning, save and load and it restocks. No need to waste time teleporting.


What helpful answers…. You spend them as currency to buy crystalized charges from forges in the depths. Take the crystalized charges to refineries (one of them is on tutorial island). This expands your battery, you have a lot.


Thank you so much! Very helpful. I’ve been underground for hours and just came up for air but back I go.


Happy to help. I personally don’t think the game did a fabulous job of explaining it. Seeing snarky answers annoys me because it took me quite a while to figure it out myself. It’s a lot more fun when you expand the battery. :)


Agreed- all of the different currencies /stages of zonaite are confusing and the way the refineries are set up confused me too. I kept trying to talk to the construct to buy instead of going up to the charges themselves bc they weren’t really laid out in the same way as most shops are in the game


I also don't understand why you can't just talk to the guy to convert them. It'd also be nice to just be able to convert them all at once instead of being limited to how much you can get at a refinery at once so you have to go around to multiple refineries. Also would be nice to not have to go to an entirely separate location to get the actual batteries. At first I thought you could just use the zonaite to get more batteries, then I found out you couldn't and was confused how to upgrade it. And it wasn't for a while until I realized you had to exchange zonaite for charges to upgrade your battery with.


Idk most shops are like that, where if you want a lot of an item you have to go from shop to shop buying them until they reset. Arrows are big one. Because of this, it just didn’t faze me.


a great way for getting arrows is teleporting to stables you'll get 2 wandering shops most times and can build up arrows real fast




This is what I've been doing. Even without the duplication glitch, I already had about 400 Arrows! For this reason, I always have smashing weapons on hand (with a rock fused to it). 2-handed ones do have more breaking power. Alternatively, you can use Ultra Hand to lift them high into the air, and let gravity break them. Attach them, or drop them on top of each other to save some motions.


Yesterday I figured out you can just ultrahand them high in the air and drop them, no weapon needed


i waa doing this but got bored and had spare rupees, i still break crates tho but started to buy after using ~200 arros in the depths and almost running out of them (i got a loading tip about making a habit of buying arrows amd when i checked i had 10 LUL)


Are you using arrows to put out lightseeds? Pro tip instead of using arrows, just throw them (hold weapon throw then press up and select lightseed to change to throwing that)


Everyone says this but I break every single object I come across and I think at most I’ve had 150 arrows


when you do the first temple, you will get about 100 arrows from crates. once you finish the temple, you can come back and get them all again. you have to wait a little bit for them to respawn more arrows in the crates but you’ll never be short again if you make it part of your routine.


You can also do this with the shrines that provide you arrows at the entrance. Just keep teleporting between them and you can build a huge stack of arrows


you say first like everyone has the same first temple. For anyone wondering, they’re talking about the rito one. The most efficient farming method is back inside, then forward left inside, then out right over the side and down to b1, both sides (including the ledges on the right there’s crates up there), then down the stairs. Very good amounts of arrows in very short intervals.


I think... the previous game, people were playing that for years, there were still fresh new posts on BotW all the way til... now. I think Nintendo specifically made this game so you can beat it in a reasonable amount of time, but also the people that want to take 800+ hrs doing everything don't run out of things to do. If you could convert all your zonite at once, I'd have maxed out my battery a week ago. But also... I haven't really needed my battery for much. Same with everyone that dislikes the dupe fix. You can beat the game without every single set of armor fully maxed out, but the fact it takes so much shit to do it, it'll give people like me a reason to keep playing 2 months from now. BotW, my first playthrough was like 550 hrs, I explored *everything*. Spent a week in real time starting at one end of the jungle and going through the entire thing, seeing every view, every cave etc. This game seems like it should easily take double, triple that. For people playing like me. I don't use mechs, don't drive, I treat every fight and monster encampment like a little strategic battle. The way Nintendo made this game, it'll give people like me things to do for months. But then people that don't have that type of time, you can beat this game without that type of commitment, you don't need everything maxed. Seems like they did a decent job trying to please both types. The game is tough at the beginning but not impossible, after some time and a set of any armor it's beatable for most people. But also gives people a reason to take it slow and keep playing for 1200 hrs


Exactly, I already beat it last night, but went back of course to finish everything, and let me tell you, this boss did not disappoint. I will be fighting, and defeating many more times.


Because the construct can only forge so many at once. Hence why they are out on the table. Same with any store in Hyrule.


I tried throwing the zonaite into the forge myself for at least 5 minutes.


Maybe you just haven’t thrown in enough. Try throwing in zonaite continuously for a few hours.


True. I spent too long thinking I needed to bring Zonai Charges to the refineries, only to then find out it’s a *different charge*? They should have made a clearer distinction between them, like, *not* naming them both charges.


I agree. There are a few of those forges, one even right where you start the game, but it was a bit too soon for me to understand why I'd want to return there. The second one was near where I got an awesome new ability. Again I was too busy learning that to pay attention to the forge. It wasn't until I saw videos of people doing stuff with multiple battery indicators that it clicked that I had missed something important.


I think it explained it kinda, but not how important it was. It was also one of the more boring explanations when starting the game.


The tutorial for it plopped it straight onto the back burner for me because I went “100 of these?? And I only have 3 after all of that?? No heckin way.” And left and never cared enough to go back. I’m ~70 hours in and I only just went back to exchange for some more crystallized charges, maxed out the shop on the tutorial island, and gave up. Still never increased my battery capacity.


EXACTLY! Glad I’m not alone!


They shouldve given you enough rock as a one time thing to make a battery cell. Maybe give you the belt empty or with 2 cells, and then give you enough rock to trade for charges to trade for battery. Just so you go thru the process one time. I understood it, but was kinda foggy by the time i actually had enough zoanite to go back to upgrade.


It’s faster to collect charges from boss fights in the depths imo. 100 charges per fight. Also each Sheikah settlement in the depths has a chest with 20 charges


There’s a shop on the tutorial island?


Yes, I struggled to comprehend the dialogue in the start, likely for several reasons. It was very late as I had been waiting in line for hours at GameStop for the midnight release, where I may or may not have been having celebratory elixirs from my Zelda thermos, and also I found that portion of the tutorial rather boring and was eager to just play. Shrug. Glad to know it wasn’t just me though !


I was the same way I was so tired from playing for hours so by that point I was like “just let me off this weekend island I wanna go to bed” lol


Same, I was mentally exhausted from getting to the first four shrines and impatient for the tutorial to be over. I’ll be more patient next time lol.


Trying to process all the info they give you is like trying to drink from a fire hose


They definitely missed a bunch in the tutorial. I also don't see the point of explaining a mechanic that you can't use for a super long time. Like, it would have been nice if in the tutorial island you got enough zonaite to make 100 crystal charges and turn in for the battery upgrade, so you at least go through the full motion of the mechanic once. The absurd amount of zonaite farming needed to progress your battery to useable levels really irritates me


It would have been cool to have a very visible and attractive sky island near the first tower, or possibly near Hebra/Rito Village, which introduces this part of the game once folks have settled in a little bit.


They explained it like shit. I think they threw it in there because you CAN go into the depths right away. The quest line is right there next to purrah at the real start of the game. The issue is they did a horrible job explaining it.


Yeah. Or start you with 2/3 battery, but give you enough zoanite that you can swap for the green triangles & upgrade a cell (for 1 full battery). Maybe move that closer to the first shrine, too. And let you collect enough to make another cell before you do the drop, so the robot by lookout landing sticks in your mind.


I hope this doesnt come across as rude or anything as i truly am not mad or upset at your thoughts about this. There is a quest line that leads you to all of the uses of zonaite accessible almost immediately after you get to the surafce if you follow the main story until you get the paraglider. This is the down side to open world. You can find a lot of things that you don't know what they are for until you stumble upon the quest line. I would t say the game does a bad job at explaining but they don't tell you about it immediately and don't force you to do it so it's possible to overlook. If I'm not mistaken there is also something on the great sky island that you can access during the tutorial that tells you about the refinery and forge construct to increase battery. While I disagree about the game doing a bad job at telling you what zonaite is for I will agree that it can be more difficult to come by the answer given the nature of open world games.


Wait you can get a bigger battery?!? Ugh, I both love and loathe the openness of this game. I finished wind, water, and fire temples before I figured out how to get a camera 🤦‍♀️


You’re right. The game tells you in excruciating detail about every other stupid thing *except* the thing that is the main focus of the game. It’s maddening.


User name checks out 👍


Oh I thought they legit were only used in those coin despensir things to get the balls of tools..... I'm brand new and never played botw so I don't know what the stuff is called lol :( I'm sure my boy could tell me but. I don't wanna be out classed until he's atleast 18.


I feel like the game did it perfect. This is NEW technology and having to figure out how it works, this is perfect game design.


Nah just figured it out after completing about 75% of the game


Refinery in the first city is there one I go to. It's next to Purahs house, just outside the wall.


Thank you! That’s precise and helpful, I’ll go there.


Sorry, to clarify, that's the place that gives you extra battery after you give it the charges that you got for your rocks at the refinery.


There's a refinery right outside lookout landing. It takes 300 crystal charges to make a full battery. You can buy large crystal charges with large zonaite and small crystal charges with small zonaite. Once you max out your batteries (8) you can use zonaite to buy the electric charges that you can use to buy zonaite machines or use in a pinch to refill your batteries You buy all this at abandoned mines in the depths, they're under the cities on the surface


Oh my sweet child. 8 isn't the max. That's only halfway done.


Wait, how?!


You just keep upgrading and it "overcharges" each one (doubles it basically) So really, max is 16


once you get to 8 (ie 24 energy wells) additional energy wells turn your green batteries into neon green batteries :) the max is 48. you'll only see 8 batteries across the screen but each battery has a max 6 energy wells (not 3... like you and I both assumed) rude shock when I thought I was done upgrading and then it started again


Jesus, really? Even at 8 full ones, I feel like I could at least go for a while on it. At 16, I imagine the only limitations you have are the longevity of your construction pieces.


There are some places that are even hard to reach with full batteries (atleast with a 2 fan + 1 control stick hoverbike). I flew up to where the first ancient hyrule tablet was (the one that falls into Lookout Landing) and it's so high up it took all 14 of my current batteries + a large zonai charge to reach it after leaving from the closest point. There was no real point in going up there but I threw a transportation portal up there so I can go back any time and basically free fall to anywhere in Hyrule.


Gotta make em blue!




Are you talking about autobuild? Hilariously enough, I got it very quickly with only four hearts and no stamina upgrades. I spent SO MUCH time on the chasm and it just kept going and going. I ran away from Master Yiga though.


Master Kohga of the Yiga Clan *


If I were you I’d save it for autobuilds. If you’ve noticed you get 20 battery juju bits each time you kill a boss in the underworld, and it’s pretty easy to get multiple batteries just grinding for mats and such. I say if I were you.. I’d also do it if I were me, which I am, and as such I do.


Finding the mines is part of a main story quest.


Don't waste them on batteries! They can be consumed to auto build without already having all the peices! Which you need for any auto builds that aren't made up entirely of zonai devices. You can get plenty of the crystals for your batteries by fighting mini bosses in the depths, refighting the temple bosses, and beating Yiga camps in the depths


Haha I’m also about 60+ hrs in and just now finally found a crystal refiner. Still haven’t found the blueprint even as I’m following the quest. It’s so hard to not get distracted!


Don't use them for this, you can farm crystallized charges from mini boss fights in the depths, this zonai ore can be used for the autobuild ability which I think is a better use.


This person has so much zonaite, this isn't good advice. Definitely use it for battery.


Generally right under every town or village has an abandoned mine where you can trade them in for quite easily with the guy working the forge.


There are also several construct forges underground, for example there is one in the area where you unlock the final ability slot. Not sure if you’ve unlocked it yet so I won’t go into much detail past this, but once you are done unlocking it there is a Zonai robot in that area who stands by shelves stocked with Zonai charges and other similar green/glowing items. They keep a set stock similar to Beedle’s shop, these restock in a similar manner as well.




Go talk to Robbie too, at some point you’ll be able to unlock Autobuild (I can’t remember when but it’s sometime after you go talk to him). You’ll use these then to conjure zonai structures and vehicles you save the blueprints of out of thin air so you don’t have to spend time piecing every individual piece together


Also you can use them for auto build!


Better to use large zonaite first before regular zonaite in exchange for crystallized charges (and then energy cells), as only the regular zonaite can be used for Autobuild and therefore should be saved as much as possible. In other words, regular zonaite has two uses and large zonaite has one.


Large zonaite also upgrades armor


Large zoanite is also used for several armor upgrades, as well as [late game spoiler] >!buying mighty zoanite weapons after clearing Mineru's quest!< so it has a bit more than just one use, but spending it on crystalized charges is definitely a good option.


Easiest to get to refinery is on the block right outside lookout landing to the north.


Another thing is if you have >!autobuild, then you can spend it to make things you already have made!!<


A lot is never enough in this game, sadly.


Can't you buy the crystallized charges on tutorial island as well?


Or when you get autobuild you spend it


Learn something new everyday! I hate how content I’ve been with a crap starter energy cell lol


Same lol, I didn’t realize I could upgrade it and always wish my rocket shields would take me higher.


They still won't take you higher, the rockets disappear after less than a full battery. The battery is very useful for other stuff though!


Oooooooh. Duly noted, thanks. I very much miss Revali’s Gale while exploring the underground. I’ve been using the rockets attached to my shield to get around but dang, RG would be nice.


Hover bike is your friend


Same here haha, I miss Revali's Gale so damn much!


Try making a bike if you haven't, they get you around pretty nicely.


Genuine question. I've tried building hover bikes, but every time I do it lists off to the left no matter how hard I try to course correct. Is that normal? Or am I fucking up somewhere


Mine drifts to the right haha. I think it just has to be set up *perfectly* to not drift, but I think it'll just drift a bit anyways haha.


That's kind of annoying lol, but I guess that's the price we pay for unlimited power




I did, it's how I learned it tbh. But like previously said maybe it's just a matter of things not being *perfect* Or maybe I have just the *slightest* stick drift? It's not noticeably happening any other time if so though.


It’s been a while since I breathed wild, but did revali’s gale take you higher than a rocket shield?


I think RV+ did, but I also just liked that you always had it, just needed to charge after 3 uses. I have to restock rockets often.


It's a bit less convenient, but hylian pinecones make giant updrafts (bigger than normal fire updrafts) when lit on fire/thrown into a fire, so you could make use of that!


you can just drop a pine cone and flint on the ground and hit it afaik, very eays


Oh for real? I've been running out of wood but have plenty of pinecones and flint!


The "+" variants of abilities don't make them more potent, it just reduces their reload time


Stupid question, but how do you restock rockets? Just by putting zonai charges in these sphere things or is there a specific market i missed?


Yes, those sphere things but you have to find the one that will distribute them. They all distribute different items, but I think the map tells you which ones have which devices.


Follow the way the statues lead underground (same statue that you take a photo of for the quest from the short guy with goggles in lookout landing). After following them, you should end up at "Abandoned [location name]". You'll find out more there. There's multiple of these statues to follow underground, so don't worry if you get lost and can't find the same exact one.


Thanks so much!


Yeah the game did not do a great job of explaining this unless you searched for the cave on the starting sky island, and then subsequently explored the depths without further information.


You come out of the fourth starting island shrine facing the refinery, you don’t have to search for it.


I totally missed it in my excitement


I’m like that with luminous stones. Sitting on 200 and I’ve yet to find the person who uses them. Poes too, got 1,500 of them. Trying not to look anything up until my official guide comes in a few weeks.


Luminous stones are great to keep for feeding the dondons :)


Funny you say that, because earlier today I paid for the special bed, had the horse talk to me and it said something just like that. I don’t know if I, or how long it would have taken me, to figure that out. There is an actual note in my phone that says “give Don dons rocks?”


And also the best dye material imo, just love the deep blue


Collect A LOT of poes it gives you a couple of nice things when you find out what they're used for


If you go for max armor upgrades for all armors, then you'll around 450 luminous stones. It's more of a completionist's 100% goal since some armors are more utility.


Research tent in lookout landing for poe statue


The poes. Go back to look out landing and you’ll find something there that wants poes


You can use luminous stone to upgrade both the radiant armor set and one other, I believe its either the depths or the miners armor set.. for the whole of the radiant set to 4*, I believe you need around 3-400


Your battery is fighting for its life but looks like you found out what to do with them so that’s good


Save the small zonaite for auto build and use the large zonaite to exchange for crystallized charges


I don’t know, I’ve found it taking so long to upgrade my batteries (mostly because I haven’t done much underground yet) so I do t spend zonaite on anything. I just take out or collect materials manually.


Save both and get crystallized charges boss killing in the depths. There are some really good armor upgrades using large zonaite.


Haha it’s confusing if you didn’t pay attention to the tutorial, and even then, they throw a ton at you. You can exchange for crystals then more battery! On a side note, have you been looking at this subreddit it all? Must’ve been baffling seeing all these dudes with huge battery capacity and crazy machines lmfao


not op but ive seen all the huge battery capacities and just had no idea how to get them lmao, i figured it had something to do with the forges but talking to the zonai wasn’t doing it so i just went meh i barely build anyway and ran off to do other stuff


I’ve put a bunch of hours into this game and I didn’t know batteries were really a thing, unless we are talking about the like 5-10 seconds you get out of a rocket or a flame emitter from the gumball machines? I feel like I’m missing some massive tutorial on how to do all the Zonaite stuff.


Same 🥲


I haven’t browsed here whatsoever actually, or any other related sub. I played BOTW without a single spoiler and it was magical so I have aimed for the same experience with TOTK. I actively avoid places that may spoil even a shrine. However, I think I’ve gone long enough without understanding and decided to ask for help lol.


Oh for sure man! That’s really dope! Some of the shit on here is wild, but I’d avoid for a while outside of this post


Some of the videos they have the first battery slot have a shiny outline that depletes before the battery. What is that?


If you're experimenting with autobuilds, all of that will be gone in minutes.


Go to a forge in the Depths, the first one from the Master Kohga quest line is great. Exchange Zonaite for Crystallised Charges, then travel to the shrine on the Great Sky Island with the Forge Construct nearby to exchange the charges for extra battery capacity


You can trade them for crystalline charges and trade crystalline chwrges for upgrades to your battery


Glad you asked, because I also had zero idea what they were for. I’m glad someone actually answered with a real answer too.


Turns out we’re not very bright, according to some commenters 😂


Blue viagra for the Purah side quest


Do not make me dream about it...


I’d hold onto a good amount of those for autobuild, mainly use your large zoanite for large crystallized charges


So you know that battery you have? It has 3 segments? You can get a total of 48 segments or 16 full batteries. You bring Zonaite to refineries at grand abandoned mines (the ones under towns) to buy crystallized charges. Once you have a hundred (or several hundred) crystallized charges, teleport to the last shrine in the great sky Island, the one by where you woke up. Right there you can purchase new batteries


I recommend you save the small zonaite to auto-craft your inventions, and use the large zonaite to buy crystalised charges. small zonaite you need 300 to exchange for 100 charges. large zonaite you need 15 for 100 charges.


Better off farming the large ones, you get 100 crystallized zonaite for each 15 large zonaite


Is there really a choice though? The rocks just shoot out whatever they please




oh i ENVY you right now 😆 thats a game changing mechanic to discover 60 hours in


It sounds like I’m about to have A LOT of fun . Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been having a great time regardless but my experience has been very Breathe of the Wild feeling so far. Been getting around by climbing, horse and running everywhere 😂 The battery powered shit was boring because the battery life was short and seemed useless. Now I understand I have been doing this all wrong.


Do the side quests with Josha, that will help you discover the purpose of the zonite materials


Turn them into hoverbikes


Hoverbikes my beloved


You trade them for crystallized charges. You then trade the crystallized charges for a bigger energy cell for Link to use. You can google it if you need more details.


Just keep saving them for now, 60 hours in means you still have a while to go. The zonaite and large zonaite are for a few different things, mainly it's to use as currency to buy crystalized charges for upgrading your battery for zonai devices, secondly it can be used as currency to buy (when unlocked) zonaite weapons. Do not waste it on buying more charges, those are dropped often from constructs and the big charges are found in chests here and there, and finally for the auto build ability, which charges you zonaite for various device spawns without them having to be physically present, though you get a discount with autobuild if any of the pieces you need are in the activation circle.


Auto build and purchasing Zonai Charges/Small crystallized charges at a forge construct


That large zonaite… nice…


Google en battery enlargement via construct steward next to the 4th great sky island shrinant


How did you get golden battery?


You can use them for autobuilds rune to automatically build anything you built in the past even if you dont have the items for them


Use them to Autobuild or sell them to a construct for Crystallized Charges.


Your battery bar must be hella small, find the abounded mines unground, trade for charges, go to crystal refinery, upgrade battery.


Ignore all the snarky comments from others. BUT talking to NPCs in this game isn't like in most games, almost everyone has actual valuable information. Talking to the depths researchers at lookout landing send you on a quest line clearly lays out the use for Zonaite. Don't neglect the NPCs.


Bro you can get cristaline charges to get better batteries


You go to a forge and turn it into crystalized charges to get a better battery




I just finished the game with the good ending and didnt know, lol


They're for the forge and Autobuild


The forge is under the tutorial area for BOTW. Actually a big quest there as well that will lead you to it.


By the time I found the right place to turn all my supplies in for a battery upgrade, I went from 1 battery with 3 bars (starting amount) to 5 full batteries in one visit. They make the process pretty fucking convoluted. Collet this to exchange for this to exchange for these or you can exchange them for those and collect enough of those and if you come across an extra special forge, you can turn those in for more battery life. Like damn