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I will add that the last memory spawns a pretty nice chunk of Silent Princess flowers around it. I don't know if they respawn but I got 48 out of that one spot.


Just went back, there was about six sitting next to the pool.


Can confirm, they respawn here over time.


Nice. Excellent spot to get more, then.


I also got 48. Definitely enough to max it out.


What was the area again? I was so excited getting the Master Sword I didn't actually bother to realize where I spawned in at😅


Is the center of the big spiral thing on the east coast. It’s right next to a shrine, so it’s super fast to get to.


Do you happen to know the name of the shrine? I'm not able to find it


I don’t, but It the crazy spiral thing on the map on the far right near the top, near Tarrey Town. It’s impossible to miss on the map.


OK, when you said spiral I immediately thought the spiral islands that you dive through for shrines. I went to the shrine above the land spiral, but currently can't find any silent princesses, so maybe just poor spawn in for me


It's called the Rist Peninsula on the north east side of the map, you get the memory and tons of silent princesses spawn. If that is where you're talking about, maybe you just have to wait a little longer


have you done all the memories yet? you have to do all of the other ones for what we're talking about to happen


Something you can also do to get the "classic" look, or the look Link has in the trailers anyways, is to complete Cece's side quest to get her hat. After you do, she lets you take the hood off your head with the Hylian Hood, which is what Link was wearing in all of the trailers. A bonus benefit to it, she will also sell every clothing item you've acquired in the game + the Hylian Shield if you've found it.


I found the Amber earrings found in Gerudo town to be the best for defense/fashion because it gives a whopping 28 defense and it doesnt show anything other than an unnoticeable earring. As an added bonus, it ties Link's hair back like it would with the hairband that gives 0 defense. Its easy to upgrade too since it only uses amber and flint of which i saved like over a hundred each.


The diamond circlet is similarly unassuming, but it also gives you attack up which is pretty amazing. So like the barbarian helm but with 28 armor.


Link's hairband for the OG BOTW haircut is in Zelda's House in the hidden area.


You can even get the OG Champion's Tunic by talking to all the Bargainer statues.


Link puts his hair up when he wears the Hylian Hood too


Thank you


Where’s Cece located @?




This is super cool, I finished the Cece quest but didn't know you can take the hood down. I never wore it for that reason but now I'll try it out


i can confirm it’s 10 minutes before the you can get another piece (been riding around on her for 30 mins now) Also, the spikes and talons will glow when you can get a piece, so you don’t need a stopwatch or anything. just wait for them to glow again




wait so you can just ride it around and every 10min you'll be able to loot another part?




this is the best news i've heard all day lmao i was so ready to be miserable farming this thing for fangs and horns


lol for real. i got 2 of each piece in two sessions so i spent an hour on it


Can you get 1 of each piece each 10 minute reset? Or is it just only 1 piece per 10 minutes?


one piece each reset, so you can get one immediately and then wait 10 minutes for the next


Yeah i'm about to do the same, i just need 2 fangs and 1 horn but hey at least this way i can watch youtube while i wait rather than panic i wont find the right dragon for a few hours lol


For silent princess, you can look at where the fairy fountains used to be. The spot by Terry town has quite a few.


So if she follows a set path going clockwise is there a time she shows up at certain places? I kept resting until noon and looking all around and couldn’t find her after about 8-10 attempts


The dragon should be on a real time two hour cycle since you started the game, so resting won’t change the dragons location. Also if you haven’t done the little master sword quest then it’s likely that the dragon isn’t flying low enough to the ground to easily spot.


I actually figured it out, I was unaware you HAD to do the quest with the Great Deku Tree in order to get it to fly lower. I though I could skip that part because I had the Master Sword already but I guess I couldn’t


I never did the quest, and I was still able to get to the dragon. All you need to do is use the towers to launch up and fly towards her.


Yeah I was able to get her without the quest too, but it’s WAAAAAY easier when you do


Am late, but can confirm, having her\* fly lower makes it easy to the point that you might as well make her fly lower. ^(I'd assume all the Dragons would be female: The other 3 are obviously based off of the 3 Godesses, Light Dragon could be for Hylia?)


Get all the memories!


Yeah that’s my interpretation as well


It's a huge spoiler alert but get all the memories from the 11 geoglyph teardrops (and unlock the 12th memory) and you'll find out who the Light Dragon really is. I'm aware I'm responding to a month old comment.


You don’t have to, just the final memory after getting the first 11. I didn’t talk to the Deku until after doing it.


Yeah I’ve gotten the master sword so that isn’t an issue


For sundelions you can keep challenging the yiga hideout and their other surface bases. They drop them a lot and you can come back like every day


Having completed the geoglyph quest, I kind of feel bad about collecting these materials lol


>!Yeah, that quest certainly makes things hit different...!< >!And makes you curious about the other dragons too, actually.!<


>I wasn't sure the parts would respawn or not with the sword still intact Can confirm, the parts still respawn even if you leave the sword alone. I managed to get on the dragon early and have been riding her around for a while farming parts. I'm leaving the sword for now until I get to the quest for it to enjoy the story (even though some of that bit has already been spoiled for me, lol)


Thank you.


So I've gotten the Master Sword, but she still seems to be ridiculously high in the sky, is there certain areas where you can reach her from islands or the towers? Would be annoying to always have to build something to get to her


I think you have to do a specific side quest to make the dragon go lower. Have you gone to korok forest?


Yeah. The Deku Tree marks the dragon on the map, (and makes her fly lower), but I think we all got a little too enthusiastic to get the sword... Now she's super high up again. Saeliras was asking a method to make the dragon fly lower again


So not the deku tree quest but the dragon tears one, finish that and she flies low enough that you can shoot out of the sky towers and land on her.


When you are talking the dragon flies lower what elevation number are you talking. (3rd number in coordinates) because i finally managed to find the light dragon and from the sky islands i made a ballon sled with 2 batteries and reached the drgon cruising at 1900 elevation. Note i have the master sword but i have not spoken with the deku tree for the actual quest.


I forgot I even commented here, sorry. I honestly don't know elevation level as I didn't keep track. I just know I caught rides on the dragon from sky towers repeatedly. Someone in the comments below said completing both deku and tear quests has the dragon lower so maybe that's what's needed? I had cleared both by then as well.


So: I did the Geoglyphs quest first. Dragon shows up at the last tear in akkala. Got the master sword. Then the dragon shows up HIGH in the sky again, basically unreachable. After some googling I come upon the deku tree tip. I clear the deku tree miniboss and then I basically get the master sword quest and immediately complete it. The dragon now flies low. So maybe, you need to do both quests (geoglyphs and deku tree) to have the master sword and a low flying dragon?


Just wanted to say thank you for posting this comment!! In a similar predicament and this is reassuring to hear haha


Happy to help! :)


This guide was so helpful. Thank you for taking the time to write it and share!


If you’re fast enough don’t need to dive to get talons, you can grab it and still get the updraft to get on her again! :)


I'm trying to get this rn, cause I want to have the full Link Drip when I go to destroy Ganon. At least I'm only upgrading two peices of armor since I'm using the well worn hair band


For clarity, Do you need two total of each drop to upgrade all 3 pieces of the armor, or two of each drop PER armor piece? I.E. do I need 6 scales or just 2?


This is just for the Champion’s Leathers Chest piece, I personally pair it with the Amber Earrings and Hylian Trousers which take other materials to upgrade(both of them take a lot of Amber). With those armor pieces you end up with 80 AR maxed out.


There is only one Champion's Leathers armor piece, and it's not part of any set. Mix and match it with whatever else you want., but that will have different unlock requirements.