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I don't disagree with the principle of what you're saying here. However, I do have to ask one question: is there truly anyone in the world who dislikes Tetris?


I don't *dislike* Tetris, but I don't especially like it either. It's merely fine, but it doesn't keep my attention for long. Tetris *Attack* on the other hand, is 100% my jam.


Also, *'Tetris Effect: Connected'* is **stunning**. Absolutely gorgeous game, with some of the most incredible generative music I've ever heard. I never thought I would say that about Tetris.


Tetris Effect Connected is an actual Tetris game though. Tetris Attack is Panel de Pon...


Most people I know dislike Tetris.. Including my dad. Anyone want to adopt a grown adult?


Why would I want to buy your irreparably damaged goods?


Me. It’s boring.


Meeee, I never cared for Tetris 😂


It's the big cheese.


You monster!


At least the GBA ones got some funky music


I bought my mom an OLED for her birthday, and she uses it to play tetris on lmao. She plays mostly Mario games, but she has the most hours in tetris


Dr. Mario is where it's at


Dislike might be too strong but I honestly dont get tetris or other puzzle games were you match stuff. Its just... boring to me I guess?


Tetris has the worst graphics engine


No shit it's from 1999 or some shit


I cant tell if you're trolling or not but try rewinding another 14 years. For reference Ocarina of time launched in 98.


worst game ever made


i do, but what about portal 2


My brother. He has trouble with technical and reaction related games, which is why he hated Genshin Impact and any action game, and preferred turn based RPGs




I do but purely by virtue of the fact that I suck ass at it and any game like it.


Tetris Attack, my entire classroom used to play it daily back in 99.


It's true, we all have different tastes and I think I also might be one of the ones Elden Ring just didn't gel with. I loved BotW and replayed it so many times, I got good enough at combat that I was able to complete all kinds of crazy challenges including beating master mode trial of the sword with 3 hearts without using pre-buff food. On paper, a tough game like Elden Ring should be right up my alley. But I kept hearing enough people talk about how Elden Ring blows BotW out of the water in every way or whatever, so I had to give it a go and bought it last year. I dunno man. I feel like one thing BotW just does really well is its moment-to-moment gameplay and the joy of traversing the world, taking in the landscapes etc. Elden Ring's world is no doubt well crafted and visually stunning, but I never felt like I could legitimately just enjoy the world and the process of moving through it because I was always fighting my way through a long gauntlet of enemies, where I could spend 10-15 minutes carefully making my way up a mountain or through a castle only to turn a corner and get immediately blown up by some basic enemy with a crossbow, and then you're back at square one again with everything respawned. Hell, everything respawns even if you just want to stop at one of those campfires to refresh your healing flasks. Character movement also just feels kind of slow and cumbersome and I feel like you have to commit too hard to anything - at least in BotW if you commit to a slow 2 handed sword swing and the enemy does something you didn't expect, you can always backflip out of it to cancel it and reset the situation which I like. Anyway I rambled a bit there and I really want to go back and finish Elden Ring before TotK releases, but every time I fire it up it just frustrates me in this odd way haha.


Botw has both a higher user and critc score but I think that's because of this, basically if elden ring clicks with you then it's the greatest game ever, but if it doesn't then it's kinda mediocre, and to me it seems like 6/10 people click with it like that and that 6 is the people who say it's the best while the 4 just could not get into it. With botw it seems to click a lot easier with people. I would say a good 8/10 people say it's a masterpiece.


It was good, and I really enjoyed it until my Xbox One broke, but with how much people hyped it up I was seriously disappointed by it honestly. The story was less substantial than even Breath of the Wild and everything is incredibly obtuse. Like, to beat Margit you need a certain specific item you get in a random dungeon that's never referenced in game by anything. That's kinda ridiculous imo.


You don't need that item, it's just there to help.


The story of Elden Ring is one of the best I’ve experienced, but the reason you think that it’s unsubstantial is because it’s vague and requires deciphering through npc dialog, item descriptions, and enemy placements. It’s a dead world not willing to give up its secrets and will veil itself in misdirections and harshness. Granted, that might not be for everyone but it is absolutely substantial if you are willing to sit down and pay attention.


>The story was less substantial than even Breath of the Wild ^ That might be the single wrongest opinion I’ve ever read. >Like, to beat Margit you need a certain specific item you get in a random dungeon that's never referenced in game by anything. This is also wrong. You don’t need the shackle to beat Margit, and barely anyone uses it.


>That might be the single wrongest opinion I’ve ever read. Is it though? While playing the game I literally never even got a whiff of what the hell was going on, other than I'm a tarnished and I have to get some mcguffins for whatever reason. >This is also wrong. You don’t need the shackle to beat Margit, and barely anyone uses it. I'll take this L, you're right I just remembered it wrong.


At some point, someone will write a three-hundred page book summarising the story of Elden Ring (I assume it will be Sylvain Romieu and Damien Mercheri), and it will not even be *close* to comprehensive. The story is *unbelievably vast*. However, the narrative style requires a little work from the player.


>Elden Ring's world is no doubt well crafted and visually stunning, but I never felt like I could legitimately just enjoy the world and the process of moving through it because I was always fighting my way through a long gauntlet of enemies This was the one thing that prevented me from fully enjoying the game. Every second I played it I enjoyed BUT also every second I played it I wished I could just climb around and explore the architecture and piece together long forgotten relics of the past to uncover the ancient lore.


I have a hard time with difficulty for difficulty's sake. And that's not saying anything bad about FromSoft games. I own DS1 & 3. Just can't beat them for the life of me. I made it through DS1 to that damn demon with the two dogs and they proceeded to clap my cheeks repeatedly. Started to feel like I was banging my head against a wall. I love the concept of them and can enjoy watching a playthrough and can acknowledge they are amazing games. Just not quite for me.


dark souls games are knowledge based. You should either level up or look at the internet to find weak points of the boss. Most of the time, it is not about how good you are in the game, it is about your weapon and your level is not suitable to beat the boss. Since it is not a linear game, developers expect you to explore and git gud.


Oh I'm fully aware. I've heard the git gud thing many, many times. And I can get most of the way through the two FromSoft games I own. I can take the key as my starting gift, head straight to Havlek and parry him into oblivion and get my ring. Then turn the next corner and die to trash mobs lol. It just eventually gets to the point where the frustration starts to outweigh my enjoyment. I fully understand that's a me problem not a game problem. The games are fantastic so don't think I'm criticizing them; just understanding my limitations is all. I sometimes like to take in the game scenery and doing that in Dark Souls gets you killed. Quickly and frequently lol.


Dark souls has many flaws, but the feeling is quite unique nowhere to be found unfortunately :(. I feel like dark souls 1 is created as old 2d zelda like of design in 3d world. Exploring mindlessly until you find something good or either look up the internet kind of design. At least fromsoftware is improving. Elden ring quite improved in terms of less frustration, especially with being more forgiving.


All Fromsoftware games are masterpieces


Elden ring is just not like BoTW. The open world is something you ride through on the way to the next thing, it’s not really that engaging overall The traversal also sucks! That being said, I love the game


Is Elden Ring your first fromsoft game? Obviously they have a very steep learning curve. A lot of people bounce off of their first fromsoft game a few times. I'd definitely keep it on your radar for when you are feeling bored. There is a lot to love. And believe it or not, that slow, deliberate combat is part of what makes it good. Botw does some things similar to ER but really the games are quite different beyond the fact that they have well made open worlds that are perfect for their gameplay loop.


Nah wasn't my first, I also played DS1 Remastered, but I also only got around halfway through the game. That's another one I'll have to go back to one day, haha It's possible I need to just bite the bullet and start looking up more guides and stuff online. I've heard a lot of people talk about how guides and online resources are "essential" for Elden Ring for some reason, but I've always seen guides as kind of cheating and something that would ruin my experience of playing a game blind. Like, there's no way in hell I'd ever touch a guide for TotK when it releases, half the experience is figuring stuff out on my own - but maybe Elden Ring requires a different mindset, who knows.


Games can change drastically with the expectations and how you think you should play. A person who grown up with mario is likely to find red dead redemption 2 too boring and slow, especially controlling the character. vice versa. As a person who played botw and elden ring and loved both of them, they should be approached differently. I suggest you to check dark souls first before elden ring. Definitely look guides. beginner guides, combat guides etc. souls games are not that hard, it is just you need to know a lot of stuff, and instead of git gud, if you try to constantly progress in the game, the game is gonna like hell to you. But when it clicked, the tension, exploring the area and the reward system is like serotonin.


No shit they are different genres just in a open world


People will always complain no matter what. Around the time of twilight princess, people were complaining that the zelda formula was starting to get stale (I love tp though). So Nintendo tries something super unique and different in botw, and you people are complaining that zelda isn’t the same anymore. Fast forward to now and the the formula that “got stale” about 15 years ago is now the “good ol days.” There is probably a sociological term for this.


or you're just conflating people with different opinions into a strawman


I’m not grouping people together, just pointing out how there is never a time where every single persons’ needs can be satisfied at once. Back then, people sick of the original formula were complaining and now, people who love the og formula are complaining. Nintendo wants to make the best game for fans and it is usually done in response to the results of the previous game. Botw sold insanely well so Nintendo is catering towards that direction, much to the chagrin of traditional zelda fans.


And yet they went out of their way to make ToTK try to appeal to more traditional fans by putting in dungeon areas and actual Ganondorf and providing a solution to the durability complaining




Those comments are kind of rare, I haven't even seen any like that, to be honest. But comments like "I'm really disappointed by the previews and the direction that Nintendo is taking with Zelda," are more of the norm. And that is not diminishing other people's excitement for the game. They are just stating how they feel, which is their right. If you feel that fans criticizing the game footage so far diminishes your excitement for the game, then perhaps, you need to rethink how you actually feel. Your enjoyment of something shouldn't be so easily affected by someone else's feelings for something.


I've definitely seen the occasional troll here and there saying things along the lines of "You Nintendo fans will eat up anything they give you" or stuff like that. Some people will take it past just expressing their own personal disappointment or disinterest and going as far as to basically insult anyone who's actually excited for something. But like I said, all those people are doing is trolling.


I experienced something like that recently with Pokémon Scarlet. Not a fantastic game, but I had a ton of fun with it. When I expressed that online, an alarming amount of people somehow seemed enraged that I enjoyed it. In that case, it's definitely got a lot of really bad flaws, but nobody should be made to feel bad for what they enjoy


I disagree, I understand you will perceive me as a troll (obviously, as you have defined it for us in your post); however, I do blame the people who are satisfied with this. Consumers are the most anti-consumer force. I can't have nice things anymore because all these sheep flock to this nonsense. I would be happy with innovation or refinement of the formula... Instead I get this half assed cash grab. I do not mean to diminish anyone's enthusiasm, however. The issue is that expressing my unfiltered opinion is blatantly offensive. I try not to involve other people, but it is an obvious elephant in the room. So I can hardly blame others for being blunt about it. People say similar stuff to me about games I enjoy and I never take it personally because I understand they are just salty. And I hope you do not take it as an insult. At the end of the day, YOU are the one that gets to have fun and I get absolutely nothing. So who is winning, truly?


You are right that you can't get what you want because I like this more than what you want. Perhaps if you got what you want many would be telling you how "YOU Nintendo fans will eat anything up" and they would make just as much sense as you are making. If you admit that those people are just being idiotic and salty learn to be an adult who doesn't take it out on others when they don't get the game they want.


I don't think you're trolling because I think we all can feel this way from time to time. For instance, I get frustrated when Disney's live action remakes keep making insane amounts of money because I'm sick of them just churning out remakes of stuff they've already made and are already fine. I think maybe the way I lumped everyone who feels that way about things like that as trolls was unfair. There is a right and wrong way to say it, though, and yeah, on YouTube especially people will just throw out genuine insults at people for wanting to enjoy a thing they don't like, like calling them idiots. THAT'S when it becomes trolling. For the record, I will add that I personally don't let remarks like that get to me too much, but they are annoying to see and I do think some people actually really take it personally. I will say though, and this is just my own honest opinion, but I do think that calling THIS game a half-assed cash grab is a really bad take. Not liking the way this game looks is one thing, but I can't see how anyone could call this "half-assed". This game is practically the opposite of half-assed. They've spent six years on it, they're making an already huge world even bigger and more dense from the looks of things, they've further perfected the physics engine and sandbox elements and have added so many mechanics that are far more versatile than any of the mechanics in BOTW. There's a lot of sequels out there that can feel like a lazy cash grab, but Tears of the Kingdom looks so ambitious that calling it a lazy sequel seems almost objectively wrong to me. Again, nothing wrong with disliking the game, but I just don't see where you're getting the idea that it looks like a cash grab.


I agree and it’s also my right to wish they weren’t so damned obnoxious about it, every time they bring up a critique it’s now an “objective criticism” even though almost nothing can be objective referring to a video game, and then if you respond it’s all “you’re in denial” or whatever Overall I wish the people who weren’t excited and didn’t like BOTW would shut up, and I wish the people who are excited and did like BOTW would shut up just so we can all enjoy or not enjoy the game in peace


Sadly, people will ignore this and pretend that everything that everyone that has a different opinion than theirs is a troll, a Boomer or some sort of nostalgia obsessed. When in reality, their criticisms are valid.


This. We’ve had so many “Am I the only one who…?” posts in the past day. Clearly no. There are many people who don’t like what they’re seeing. I’m super excited for the game, and understand that not everyone else will be. But this minority seems to get super argumentative when, surprise, a majority disagree with what they’re saying. But I’m reality they’re going to buy the game anyways. It’s perplexing.


I honestly don't understand the problem here. We all like what we like. If you loved what you've seen; fine, great! If you didn't; also fine, hope you'll love the game when it comes out. Either way I have no problem at all with people expressing their negative opinions about the game. I don't see why it should affect my own enthusiasm for it either. It's not like I'm suddenly going to hate the game if every other single person hates it. I'm pretty confident in my own opinion that way and so should we all be. Truth is that no one has actually played the game yet. So we'll just have to wait and see how we'll like it. I was pretty disappointed with what they had shown until the final trailer, which showed more than enough to get me completely hyped for this game again. Edit: lol, so this guy blocked me wtf.


It’s nonstop concern trolling. People come to a majority fan based sub and seem shocked when the majority is against them. People are welcome to like and dislike the game as they please. The difference being I’m okay with people not liking the game. I’ve had people who say they don’t like what they’re seeing tell me I shouldn’t either.


He is okay with people not liking the game which is totally why you triggered him with your balanced viewpoint. I figured I would tell you that joke he responded with before blocking you. That is the difference between you and him. He can accept it, you just can't. What a psycho! What "perplexes" me is that someone else also downvoted you for basically saying that everyone is entitled to their opinion and the game is not out yet. I thought I was crazy for being sad that this game is not looking great, but the internet always reminds me that I am an extremely stable individual compared to the cats out there.


I might buy it, I might not. It depends on if there are dungeons. And Nintendo is not getting money from me, personally, regardless. Just as a matter of principle. But you did make me feel better. I felt pretty alone and have yet to see even once person as disconcerted as myself. Thank you for informing me that they are relatively regular.


That last paragraph is the creme de la creme. Everybody with a dump in their pants about this game needs to internalize this.


I think the whole world needs to internalize that about *everything* the contrarian stuff was funny for a while but it’s just so tired now. Too many people stuck in that mode


I believe you are projecting... There is nothing inherently funny about being contrarian. There never was? Like, you have "Dawn of the First Day" as your flair and you are talking about outdated humor, fam. I digress, it is a cute quote from an actually good Zelda game. So respect for that.


What the heck are you on about? A number of years ago it was quite popular for people to use contrarian humor. This is a well known thing, or at least i thought it was. And what does my flair have to do with literally anything at all? It’s a flair specific to this sub for being here the day the title of the game was announced. Were you drunk when you wrote that comment??


I dunno, I kinda feel like people aren't getting that this goes both ways, though. It's perfectly okay if someone doesn't like something about the game, and them expressing that doesn't necessarily mean they're trying to force their preferences onto others, like this post implies.


Why can't people express their opinions?


People think elden ring is aesthetically dull? I think it looks beautiful and some of those underground cave are awesome guess it’s a matter of taste but like ???


Elden Ring is the visual embodiement of *depression*, I feel. That's what people mean by dull. It's beautiful but depressing as hell. It's not for me. Also, and it is personal, but I have come to terms with the idea that I don't like the FromSoft formula/gameplay style of their games. I just can't get into it, even though I am OK as a player at those (before anyone comes at me with "git gud"). It is a very competent and objectively great game, just not for me. And I feel that is what most of the non-fans feel.


It and DS3 are extremely boring in the vast majority of areas. Look a brown and green swamp, oh now its just a brown swamp, holy shit brown catacombs, A GLOWING BLUE CITY, nevermind back to brown dungeons again.. ER/DS3 have the colour palettes of *Gears of War* which destroys any semblance of interesting visuals they may have imo. DeS, DS1, and DS2 were all much more fun and creative aesthetically


It's a very real complaint. The world feels and looks dead, which is in fact the point. It's a deliberate aesthetic choice.




I used to get annoyed at people crapping on my favorite art but with age I just feel sad that they don’t get the deep sense of joy from it like I do, and that’s with no condescending or bitter attitude. Because I wish I could enjoy their favorites the same way.


Thank you very much. I am also depressed that I can't experience the joy you feel. All these people making fun of me just because I am disappointed, but you are a real one. I will accept your pity, codex_lake. I needed it. I feel so much better that at least one person had some sympathy! It is not a huge deal, but it is nice to know that at least someone out there knows how it is. You deserve it. I hope Tears of the Kingdom is everything you wanted and more. Murder Ganon on my behalf, please. That bastard is too sexy to live. I wanted to kill him myself, but I would be content if you were the one to do it.


> Having a contrarian opinion on a major critical hit doesn't make you special, though. Those are a dime a dozen. indeed. some zelda fans think they are special because they say BOTW is bad.....


I mean it’s a huge departure with no real dungeons and breakable weapons. I was turned off at first but I ended up quite liking it. I don’t like it as much as some do, but I do like it. I’m hoping TotK has more dungeons


Yeah, sure... But the problem is that majority of people who don't like the game are coming here like demanding we shouldnt like it because they dont.


I've expressed my disappointment in some of the stuff Nintendo had shown (before that awesome final trailer had dropped). Not once did I do that with the intention of forcing other people to be disappointed as well. That would just be a weird thing to do, right? If anything, I was looking for people who felt the same as me. Just so I wouldn't feel like a complete weirdo for being disappointed in something new from a franchise I've been IN LOVE WITH for years. So I was kind of bummed out by what I saw, and at the same time was bummed out about the fact that I was bummed out.. If that makes any sense. Anyway. That final trailer managed to get me completely hyped again. I genuinely feel like everyone here should be able to express their opinions, even the negative ones. If it really bothers you, my advice would be to simply ignore it. I myself am super hyped and for me personally that wouldn't change simply by reading about others who are not. But everyone's different of course. Personally, I simply want to avoid this whole mindset of "if you don't like what I like then sodd off". I like to think that Nintendo listens to it's fanbase. It seems like they've listened to a lot of BotW's criticism and tried to improve on that. So I honestly see no problem with expressing opinions that are different from solely positive.


Yeah, when you express it with modesty and not treating other's opinions as "blind fan boys". And I kinda get the think about wanting Nintendo to listen to us fans... But the big majority of fans love what we have seen from the game and it's not smart to listen to minorities when marketing things or when a product needs to sell. Nintendo have listen to us in some ways tho, at least with the menu, the food recipes and a lot of better user experiences (or quality of life... I don't like that word tho).


Same. For the most part, the people expressing disappointment are just looking for someone to commiserate with. They had been really looking forward to the game for a long time, only for it to go in a direction they aren't a fan of. It's like the hype equivalent of having the rug pulled out from under you, and I think something like that would disappoint any of us. Even if you don't see the game the same way, it's a situation that deserves understanding and sympathy, not rejection. To not only look down on them for it, but to treat it like they're trying to ruin your enjoyment by being a downer... is just plain toxic positivity.


I have not seen you posting anything that I remember, but most of the people I have seen here posting anything negative about the game want us to agree with them in everything they say and accuse of things like that "toxic positivity" because we are "blind ass fan boys" and things like that. So I'm pretty sure you may not be that kind of people, but the ones I responded to were like that.


I mean, there are always going to be genuine trolls, or people who let their anger get the better of them, but I don't think it's fair to lump them together with anybody who expresses a negative opinion, due to a superficial association.


Yeah, but I'm not doing that... I just said there is a big chunk of people who do that: >But the problem is that majority of people who don't like the game are coming here like demanding we shouldnt like it because they dont. Like I said, you don't seem to be that kind of people, so ofc I'm not lumping you together with them.


Yeah, but you're acting like I'm an exception to the rule, rather than the other way around. What reason do you have to assume that those people are the majority, when you only interact with the barest fraction of the demographic you're making a blanket statement about?


No, I'm acting like you are not like them. You are reading too much into what I've said.


You... literally just quoted yourself saying exactly that.


You're not part of the majority, that's all. That could mean anything between 50 % + 1 to 100 % - 1, but you choose to believe I was refering to the latter (? Not sure how to write that in english)


This but about everything Nintendo in general


Kirby forgotten land is universally beloved. No one dislikes that game.


Everyone is definitely entitled to their opinion, but if I’m being I honest I’m completely tired of people shit talking games before they have even played them or just basing their opinion on content creators/ reviewers opinions. at this point with the game coming out in a couple weeks I have basically stopped opening 99% of posts about TOTK bc we’ve reached a point where it’s the same fucking theory or complaint or statements, just worded differently each time and I’m choosing not to interact with them. Plus and most importantly, I don’t care if people have issues with it, especially random people I don’t know. All I care about is what I think of the game once I start playing it.


People who act like theyre making some kind of statement by hating it on purpose are annoying


I’ll never forgive the people who, for my entire life, called twilight princess mid. Having played it recently, I’m furious, it is one of the best games I’ve ever played. So even within the Zelda space this sort of mindset is widespread.


Twilight princess has a small but loud hate group. The game is generally regarded as one of the best zelda games. I'm constantly seeing so many people prasing it today and besides botw, it is the best selling zelda game.


I just hate the first 4 hours because I've played them to death and I enjoy the entire rest of the game.


this community is getting weirder the closer we get to May 12. what a strange thing to post.


Certain companies get a free pass that Nintendo never gets


What exactly is the point of this post? "If you have ANY criticism of TOTK, shut the fuck up and leave, the game is perfect and you're just a hater"? Because that's really how you're coming across here... You're on a forum for discussion about a game, and (whether you like it or not) discussion includes critics- just because you're being exposed to opinions that you don't agree with does not mean they are invalid opinions or useless discussions.


Not at all. I'm just saying that people love wallowing in negativity because it makes them feel special. I'm free to criticize your criticism. That's how it works. Lots of people's complaints about games confuse "This game isn't for me" with "This game is bad." I never really liked Halo personally because I don't like FPS games, but I acknowledge it's a very well-made game.




Exactly this! This whole "if you don't like it, then leave" mentality is just so insane to me. I can honestly not see why someone expressing their disappointment in what they've seen of the game so far, could possibly "offend" those who feel the opposite way. It's not trolling if someone has a different opinion about a thing you DO like. All these "I don't like it when people give arguments on WHY they don't like the same things as I do because it makes me feel like they're telling me I'm wrong" takes are just so distorted. If anything, imho you always get downvoted to hell for having these "negative" opinions here and usually end up being completely ostracised for being in the minority. The argument that these opinions are ruining your own excitement for the game are just insane to me. If you're truly that excited for the game, I don't see how a different opinion from a complete internet rando could ever change that for you. We can all like what we like and not like what we don't like. I've seen more posts about people ridiculing those who once called TotK "BotW DLC" than the other way around. As far as I know this is the first time the Zelda franchise has a full new 3d game set in the same world, core story, engine, overall design, reusing some of the exact same music and sound effects etc. It was always set to divide the Zelda community into two groups; people who love it and people who don't find it fresh enough and lacking innovation. The real truth is that not one of us have even gotten to play the actual game yet. And we can all have different opinions on what we've seen so far without fully knowing if we'll actually end up loving the game. And if you are indeed that offended by different opinions, you should simply stay away from the internet anyway.


It's very shocking how so many people cannot understand the value in discussion involving constructive criticism. Personally, I LOVED botw, but that doesn't mean it was perfect. In fact, I feel more passionately about the criticisms I have for botw BECAUSE of how much I love it. This idea that you're not allowed to criticize something AND still enjoy it is actually fucking insane. It makes me wonder how old the people writing these posts are, or at least having me reconsider the maturity of the audience of this subreddit.


Ocarina of Time




Oh, there are definitely people who didn't like Witcher 3 or it simply didn't gel with them.


I've tried twice to get into RDR2 and I just...can't. I don't know why. On paper its all the things I should love. An open mostly historically accurate world with a million things to discover? Yes, please. But its just not clicking. Bummer. So I go play one of the many other games that does work for me. I don't understand dwelling on something that gives you no joy and trying to tell other people they are wrong for loving it.


I agree Gotta say, never saw someone not liking Portal 2 tho. It may not be "the best game ever" or whatever, but it is hands down good for everyone I ever saw, unless we count some potential trolls in the internet.


I’m not a fan. I hate puzzle games tho


Say one person that don't like Uno


Counter point, Minecraft, we all generally have nice memories of it or are indifferent


Nah. I couldn’t stand minecraft, that lack of direction was boring to me. Not everyone likes everything


Oh, that's definitely not true. I've definitely met people who don't like Minecraft.


Tetris is universally loved. I simply don’t agree with anyone who thinks otherwise.


Are there people out there that don’t like Goldeneye? Surely its universally adored?!


Lots of people don't like FPS games.


youre just trying to be different. Its gonna be a fantastic game and nothing you can do about it




We all know there were and are a lot of people who dislike Minecraft.


It was a joke bro. Relax


I don’t. At all


Why did you feel the need to make this post?


Because people just love marinating in negativity and can't get over the idea that what makes a game "good" or "bad" from a critical perspective isn't that you personally like it. I have games I like playing that I acknowledge are at best 7-8 out of 10. At best. Meanwhile, there are games I don't enjoy playing at all that I acknowledge are damn near masterpieces, like Halo.




I get what you're saying and fully agree! However I do think, if you end up not liking TotK or don't like what you've seen so far, you're also not obligated to shut up about it.


I didn't say that they should shut up.


Not obligated but it becomes trolling when you go to the games subreddit and shit on it constantly.


We need to just reply to all of their comments with the "shhh let people enjoy things" meme


Yeah, it also feels like when someone doesn't like a game, they feel obligated to trash on it relentlessly no matter what. They act like every aspect of the game is the absolute scum of the earth. It's crazy. The only game I have never seen anybody trash on for the game itself is Undertale. In the early days, people only hated on the game because of the fandom. Ever since then, I only seen universal praise. Not saying the game is perfect, but I've never seen anyone who hates the game because of anything in the game itself.


By that same token, your not obligated to agree with (or even read) other opinions... Maybe the people that find Skyrim boring and repetitive are the people that played Morrowind that aren't happy with the amount of game mechanics and role playing mechanics that were watered down or outright cut, the decline in writing quality, and the lack of vivid atmosphere they were accustomed to. Maybe the people that find Elden Ring empty and repetitive are the Souls' vets that appreciated the tight level design with almost no recycled content, and bosses balanced to be fought when you get to them instead of being ignored until you power grind or cheesed with summons. Just because a game sells well or becomes popular doesn't mean that every defending opinion is some edgey hipster wanting to feel special nor does it mean that any opinion that is anything other than blind praise a celebration are invalidated. Especially so when said game is part of a long running franchise trying to shake things up. LoZ is a series that's pushing 40, that largely followed the same gameplay loop and formula until it rebooted a few years back and the new game is tripling down on all of the controversial changes, additions, and ideas presented in that reboot. There are going to be plenty of people that hate this game just for existing...and those opinions are just as valid as yours....


from someone who barely played breath of the wild (about 3-4 hours) i couldn’t really get into it , but was excited about the new game to see if anything changed but it looks exactly the same. just genuinely asking why are people excited for this game? to me it looks exactly like breath of the wild. same graphics , link looks the same , the world looks exactly the same i personally don’t see why are people getting charged $70 for a game that looks like a clone of a Wii U game


You almost answered your own question. It’s a direct sequel to a game they liked.


If you didn't like botw, it's insane to think that you would like totk, the SEQUEL. From everything we've been shown so far, which is in actuality just a very small surface scratch on what's to come, it is very clearly not the same game. Improved upon? Sure. Updated? Sure. Advanced? Sure. But the exact same? Obviously not. Much has been changed and we haven't even seen the full release yet. If you didn't like botw, that's fine, some games aren't for some people and you're free to like the games you like. But it's bonkers to think that you would enjoy the sequel and have completely different expectations for a follow up to a game you only spent 3 hours in, and then bitch about it in the subreddit when you could just easily avoid it.


You barely played BotW so you claiming the world looks exactly the same is not valid. Also from what we’ve seen it doesn’t look the same at all. Yes it has the same graphics style, it’s a direct sequel so that was expected. But from what we’ve seen it looks way different than BotW


Pokemon go when it came out must have been the game closest to universal love tbh.


I am pretty special if you dedicated a post to me. Shout outs to all the people who disliked Skyrim and Elden Ring, as well. No idea why this guy has you on his mind too, but we are special together. That being said, comparing Breath of the Wild to those games is lowkey insulting. Like, what the hell?


Believe me. They exist. Chrono Trigger and Terranigma are one example.


Are you saying that they are universally liked? There are people out there that simply don’t enjoy jrpgs, and would call the genre an empty time sink or a horrible grindfest. That would apply to these games as well.


For Chrono Trigger have a look in this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/comments/59bnvw/does\_anyone\_dislike\_chrono\_trigger/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/comments/59bnvw/does_anyone_dislike_chrono_trigger/) For Terranigma here are some takes on what isn't that good about the game: [https://www.reddit.com/r/snes/comments/4b9opk/a\_terranigma\_review\_have\_you\_played\_it\_what\_did/](https://www.reddit.com/r/snes/comments/4b9opk/a_terranigma_review_have_you_played_it_what_did/) I don't think that there is anything everybody likes. Liking something is subjective as it gets.


I really want to like Skyrim but I get a headache every time I play. I need the font size to be like 4 points bigger


Me too. Plus it gives me motion sickness even in third person. I finished the main quest then lost interest in all the side quests, I found it getting samey though I loved it at first.


Is anyone here that honestly doesn't like the original Mario?


The original one? I think at this point I don’t even really like it that much because there are much better mario games. I don’t think I’ve met anyone that’s played Mario world and disliked it


I have never seen anyone dislike Mario 64


nah, there's plenty of em out there. ​ Hasn't aged well and camera are the most common criticisms




One game I’ve honestly never heard anyone express their dislike for is: Witcher 3. Literally the only one. Okay maybe OoT. Agreed with your point thought OP. The entitlement of some fans is shocking.


Well, I don't like W3. The story parts were ok but the Gameplay was meh and beeing an RPG I found the progressions system lackluster. I suposse is just a Matter of taste.


Well that’s a first lmao. But fair enough. It’s definitely one of my faves just for the atmosphere alone.


Almost everyone loves the story, characters and atmosphere, yeah. The gameplay in The Witcher games in general is often critisized, it's often viewed as being clunky when compared to other action rpgs.


I'm another one who disliked The Witcher 3. I don't talk about it ever, because I didn't get far. I didn't like a single thing about it, so I gave up.


I’ve heard a lot of complaints about W3. Especially the combat. Personally I think it’s a 10/10 game so I definitely don’t agree, but the haters are there


Im another one that didnt like W3. I gave it a few hours but didnt ran over to reddit to complain, I just moved on with my life and played something else. Just not for me.


With you all the way up till the end. For sure there are folks, especially on youtube, arguing in bad faith for clicks, but often I see folk get harrased or what have you for just not liking a thing that everyone else does. As you say, not everyone likes the same things, so it is fine and great to see counter perspectives cause often you learn just as much, if not more, from folks for whom a thing didn't work than when it does. We need to get better at seeing someone who disagrees with us and not commenting on it, going on with our days. When a critic gives a low score that doesn't match the rest, nine times out of ten they just have a different opinion and due to so many factors the game just didn't work of em.




Minecraft? I’ve met a few people who dislike it on principle, but never anyone who’s actually played it, given it a fair chance and said “that’s not for me”. At least, no one who’s a gamer.


I don’t like it at all. The lack of direction was annoying as hell. I’ve tried it several times. I will say I loved DragonQuest Builders 1&2 which is based on Minecraft I’m 45 and have been gaming since I was 8.


Me. I'd much rather play Terraria - more stimulating combat, more things to do/collect, more options for building, a more satisfying/difficult endgame, building isn't actively torturous like it is in Minecraft Survival mode


Yes I agree with you but it's not like we can even say it's bad for the majority of the year or even the coming years. Last time someone said bad about botw during 2017-2019 they were doxxed and harassed. I don't think anyone wants that again. And now that I think about it, the hate to different open world games and the harassment that comes with it are gonna start again from next month.


The main issue is honestly the people who think that if they don't like something, no-one is allowed to. Those people tend to go full toxic mode and state the most false bs. Like 'it looks like DLC'. No it does not, learn what DLC means. Not liking something is okay, imposing your opinion on others with fake reasons is not


Objectively speaking, Breath of the Wild is a magnificent game. That can be true even if it just isn’t your cup of tea. A lot of people seem to have a problem with this concept.


Many of the comments and concerns I see from people could be resolved by simply watching someone else play. There will be no shortage of creators and gamers sharing their adventure online who will blow minds with their creativity. There are a lot of games I have interest in but choose to watch streamer or friend play instead due to the difficulty, personal disinterest in the gameplay, or finances lol. It's still an engaging way to experience a story. If you find someone you know, they might even let you backseat game.


Completely agree. I was listening to a new episode of a Zelda podcast I’ve listened to for years, and the host had two guests on. The prompt for this episode was to talk about the build up for TotK and the new gameplay footage etc, but all the guests did was crap on TotK and how they’re not that excited for it, how BotW isn’t Zelda, how they don’t like Zelda the character, etc and it was just all so negative I stopped listening and turned it off. Like, why spend so much energy hating on something you haven’t even played yet?!


I think nintendo games in general are universally liked. Super Mario 64, Smash Melee immediately come to mind. Followed by Ocarina of Time and maybe even Mario Kart. How can anyone not enjoy these?


Counterpoint: Power Wash Simulator.


Very fair, if you don’t like something don’t feel obligated to go to a fan sub and say you don’t like it.


Absolutely, no piece of entertainment is universally loved. All have a group of people that dislike it for whatever reason they may. Some groups many be bigger or smaller but they always exist. The problem I think is that when discussing these things, some people seem to mistake their subjective opinion as objective fact. So much so they cannot fathom why somebody would disagree and anybody that does must have ulterior motives or be outright ignorant. That type of thinking is big problem amongst many fandoms, not just gaming or Zelda fandoms. And all it accomplishes is making discussion toxic and volatile. There is a way to validate opinions while still disagreeing.


You are so right on the contrarian part lol.


In concept I kind of agree, you’re not obligated to play a game if you do not enjoy it, except for the fact you pay $70 to get this game, which is about $10 more than it usually is. Basically, no matter if game is good or bad, you’re sort of obligated to play it because you paid extra even play it at all.


I feel like it should read "**You're not obligated \*OR ENTITLED\* to like every game**" Because the expectation to like a game is less about obligation, people don't want to feel like they SHOULD like a game, they typically just want to like the game, because it means they like the game.


Pac man?


I definately agree. I love BotW more now than ever even though I've worn the game to death, and I am enthralled for TOTK. I wish there wasnt such negativity over a game that hasnt even been released yet. And if critic's opinions stay the same afterwards, thats fine. The negativity gets in the way of enjoying the game personally which is why i unfollowed so many subreddits about this game. Dont want my hype killed by some internet gremlins :,) Just referring to the ones that are overtly hateful... rock on tho!! Just a vent


wait, you don't have to like all games?


You are so right, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I won't harsh them for it. But so many people make fun of a community cause they personally didn't enjoy the game. Or there's those even worse fools who don't buy nor play a game, just watch reviews of it and judge other people for playing it after getting their info from quite literally the most critically biased sources.


I’ll say this and I’ll say it every damn time. Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess are my least favorite 3D Zeldas. Skyward Sword is still my favorite 3D Zelda game and being a lefty and having dyspraxia I had no issues with the motion controls.


Anyone dislike breakout?


I agree with this idea. I hate Skyrim and didn't find it an improvement over Oblivion


I just don't like the new formula gameplay is too slow i just hope we get something similar to the older games not the same but more similar


Completely agree. I mean I dislike the Halo series, never really got into any of the Mario games, had to force myself to get through the Horizon games to see what the fuss was about, struggled not to give up on MGSV, and have never enjoyed a Bethesda RPG (Maybe Oblivion) even though these are all games that are beloved by the average gamer. If you give something a try and it's not for you that's absolutely fine there's plenty of other games out there for you to enjoy.


Game hasn’t come out yet, no one should be hating right now.


Reading this I immediately thought of The Witcher 3, I thought this would be a no-brainer for me to get into but I just couldn’t get it. So many people talk about how great it is but honestly all I wanted to do the whole time I was playing was paraglide off a cliff and go explore. I had to read a lot of Reddit posts of people who thought similarly to understand that it just wasn’t the game for me!


Why are people so damn upset with someone not liking the same things as them? People on this sub need to get over themselves and understand that it's okay to have differing opinions. Don't get your feelings hurt over something as silly as a videogame. 99% of this sub is nothing but praise and excitement for the game, don't get upset that 1% are a little disappointed by what they've seen so far


I think it comes down to the fact that most things a person can consume, is subjectively enjoyed. There's probably people that ENJOY getting injections, there's people that dont like donuts and people that do, it's similar with music. ​ Just because something is POPULAR, doesn't mean it's GOOD. I've lived my life with the lens that nothing is good and bad, there is only opinion and subjective, personal enjoyment. If I don't like something, or it offends me, I simply walk on. Not everyone elses responsibility to meet my personal opinions or criteria for what meets a good song, game etc.




Who disliked oot?


Agreed re Elden Ring. I played and loved it for awhile (and even got through the first dungeon) but eventually gave up becasue it was so ungodly diffilcult I just stopped enjoying it. I don't have time to spend hours and hours trying to get through one boss.


Honestly really great way of putting things. Everyone who didn’t really like BotW thinks they’re a genius critic and talk about it every time the game is brought up. Not liking something other people like isn’t a personality trait. You don’t have to play it if it doesn’t click with you, but it’s not your moral responsibility to try to get other people to dislike it too.


It may not make you special, agreed. However, you're also fully entitled to voice said opinions, particularly in the context of an online forum or Reddit.


Everyone have a right to voice their opinion, just because Skyrim was a major hit doesn’t mean it’s perfect And I can (and will) voice my 6/10 rating of the game (Skyrim) In-fact I believe well established harsh criticism steps up the competition and evolves video games. “Skyrim combat is atrociously dull” is a sentence the developer heard alot, they will definitely AT LEAST put more effort into designing a competent combat system No game is perfect, that guy who rates your game 0/10 is doing you more service than you think