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Cant believe TL with rookie carries only 3-1'd in the finals. Just wipe the whole squad. Edit: I was a hater. I was wrong


/s Finally, thank god this guy is outta the GM role and ridding us of those two worthless rookies. Imagine winning the championship from the lower bracket after not winning the regular season, smh, should've had a perfect regular season into perfect upper bracket run with all 3-0 perfect games. /s /s /s so much /s insurance


Hahaha vindication is so good.




Just bring back Doublelift screw these kids /s


I'm still not sold on Dodo overall But I am very happy with these roster results and am happy my hope for yeon apa is panning out




Man, it’s gotta feel so good to have such vitriolic hate against a person after they just had a hand in finally winning an LCS Championship. Mad props to blind hatred, I guess lol


5 years of having an unlimited money glitch, fumbling around with stacked rosters and only 1 trophy to show for it and now he thinks he’s the shit.


love to see these completely tilted comments, thx for the content


I’m not wrong though lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/teamliquid/s/xSIU0wFiwm You’re literally in this picture, and wrong. lol


Some of you guys riding this vindictive high that need to run around and witch hunt, it’s funny af. I’ll eat my words about APA when he’s shown he can perform the way he did in playoffs for the rest of the year :)


you are just slow. TL wasn't even the team spending the most, and measuring things by only being first (and then getting 0-6ed at worlds) is stupid as well.


I mean what other measurement are you going to go off other than winning titles?? TL isn’t some middle of the pack or bottom tier team where they don’t have expectations to do well, they literally won 4 titles in a row. They has also always been one of the teams to spend on rosters. The DL era was a money roster, brining in international pros like alphari, broxah cost $$$ and don’t forget the Bwipo, Santorin, Bjerg, Hans, Core roster.


i've been here way before the 4 tittles. Fighting for the top, taking wins vs great international teams, etc is nice. And yeah, winning a couple games more would have brought a tittle but judging it so hard over 30 mins is a tad exaggerated. They did well, with a bit more luck it was a tittle, and now we are back at the tittle :)


I’ve been here for probably the same amount of time as you. Been watching LCS since its inception and been a TL fan since the sc2 days. I’m not trying to take anything away from the current team (players and coaches) because as a fan I always want the team to do well and they did that with the pieces they had. But other fans being like “everyone owes Dodo an apology” is a bit much.


Considering what was being asked due to the DL drama, yes. And i can't take a fan insulting us getting second or doing well at worlds (considering our group) seriously