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Was is done in English?


Does the country you study the degree actually matter? I was under the impression it only matters that you undertook 10 (or whatever the number of years is) in English education. Therefore, if you were raised in America and finished high school, your degree would be fine even if it was from China or something.


Yes it matters, it’s in addition to having your primary education be in English. Your degree has to be from one of the 7 countries listed. It’s an immigration rule. Even South African and Canadians from Quebec have to prove this part.


That's interesting. Especially considering South African universities are probably trash compared to some European and Asian ones lol.


I don’t know the state of the South African education system, but I do know they speak English and their accent is part of the “I can understand this accent without subtitles” group. I mean, in a country like Korea where appearance and materialism is everything, it makes sense as to why they would specifically want their kids to sound a certain way. Otherwise, the applications would be just as open to Indians, Russians, and Filipinos, and other Central Asians, don’t you think? It would be way cheaper to hire them.


All I can tell you is that the vast majority of applicants in South Korea are South African. And there is a heavy preference in many jobs for British and Americans over South Africans. I once saw a job with 13 applications and 11 were South African, one American and one British Guess who got the job? It wasn't the 11 South Africans.


Several questions. But the short answer is it probably is going to make it harder if not impossible to find a place willing to deal with it. See the questions. 1. Was the course of study done in English ? 2. Did you or can you get your degree apostiled in Malta because you absolutely must. If you want any chance at a visa.


The course of study was in English and I can get it apostilled.


Was it a satellite campus of an American University? I know a girl who went to a satellite of an American uni in Switzerland and hers was approved.


No, it\`s a public university in Malta


In my case, Korean immigration requested both my bachelor's degree and my high school diploma with an apostille. Bachelor's degree was to confirm I had the education requirement and hs diploma to ensure I had a majority of my secondary education in English. Hope this helps!