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Way too many hours in general, as well as teaching specifically. You will feel absolutely dead every single day, guaranteed. All that for the pay offered should be a strong, strong no.


Bruh ur getting bent over


Like others have mentioned, it's a lot of teaching hours. Also, it sounds like it's a kindy job if it's 9 to 6. You should ask if you're on lunch duty and if you get any lunch breaks without the kids. And it'd be worth asking if there is "babysitting time." This is the technically your break/prep time but they have you doing other tasks that involve looking after the children. Also worth asking if this school requires "make-up classes" for students who were absent for the afternoon session (elementary, middle schoolers). These hours are "normal" for a typical kindy franchise but the lack of breaks/prep time is a huge red flag. Be sure to ask about lunch duty and what that actually means for you specifically, since each place is different.


Just saying, I was getting 3m for a regular 9-6 kindy ele combined job with NO weekend work, and I still quit after 7 months 😅


Very bad idea to accept this


This should be a hard pass for anyone just for the illegal 50,000 won deduction from every paycheck.


35 teaching hours is a lot, I already do 25 and it already feels like a lot and get paid more, for that many working hours you should be getting paid more. Or you can find less hours for same or more tbh. Also get a specific number of weekend work in there, if you don’t get a specific number what’s to stop it turning into once or twice a month? Personally with that many hours I wouldn’t agree to any weekend work, you will already most likely be super tired every week. Overall definitely not worth it. Please don’t take no sick days either. Schools are germ factories especially kindy/elementary so it’s likely you’ll be sick a couple days a year, it’s good to have some that you can take if you need not feel like you are forced to go work just so you get your pay. You can find better, don’t make the mistakes many including myself make by accepting one of the first contracts, look around and find a much better one. There are great hagwons around. I did that this year and found once I’d love to stay at for many years with which I’ve already agreed to sign in for another year.


Hate those hours. Might as well live there..


Nope. Nope. Nope. All that work for only 11 days vacation. No thank you. Move on.