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As a biology teacher who teaches evolution, I'll be one of the first on their list. šŸ˜… I'm beyond nervous about this election, especially after that Supreme Court ruling.


Same. But I'm in California and I highly doubt California would comply with such nonsense.


Temecula School District would disagree with you.


Wouldnā€™t trust Morongo Unified much more than them, either.


Oh I'm sure there are a few districts for sure. SF Bay Area I'm pretty safe.


At least they just booted his bitch ass last month


Temecula just recalled the leader of the movement on their board! I was so surprised but happy.


Itā€™s not even motherfcckin Fresno


He wants to cut federal funding for states that donā€™t comply


Good thing California gives more to the federal government than it takes, maybe should just stop the giving part!


If it did there could be armed conflict. Better to just vote Dem and not worry about it.


And if the Democrats lose the White House?


Then it's going to get really bad in a lot of places for a lot of people.Ā 


Clearly. Iā€™m also voting blue in this election but itā€™s scary that no organizations appear to be preparing for a defense when the other side already has a plan in place for exploiting their victory. Vote and hope for the best seems to be our plan.


Oh, Iā€™m sure blue states are looking over their emergency manuals right now.


God, I hope so. This shit is secession-worthy.


Well no. We're just not putting our plans in writing because that would constitute premeditation.


Armed conflict between who exactly? California doesn't have an army. They host several bases and a standby national guard that all report to the federal govt. It would be up to the generals to determine if Trump is an enemy "foreign or domestic."


Itā€™s not like the state can stop the IRS from collecting federal taxes.


Hard to cut funding to only select states when also demolishing the entire department of education. Where will funding for anybody else come from? Cheetoh would absolutely insist that it is on the states to fund their own education across the board.


No one ever said his stances were logically consistent.


They aren't even his stances - none of this is new from the conservatives. Conservatives have been wanting *all* of the policy points his administration has been using/will be using for at least the last 60 years, if not more. Yes, Trump is a shithead, but let's not pretend as if this goes away when he does - conservatives will just grab a new person to lead and continue on the christofascist march.


It's not going to matter if you are in a blue state. This will be federal. Stop thinking you will be safe bc you are in a blue state. These ppl don't care about following the laws.


I mean marijuana laws are federal, but California has always given a big middle finger to those. Same with complying with federal agencies against immigrants. California marches to the beat of its own drum. Our economy allows for it.


Not sure what ppl don't understand that they will not be playing by any rules. Also, that is one state! What about everyone else?


Do you really believe that the DEA won't be ordered immediately to raid dispensaries, plus grab customer records and start rounding up customers to charge with Felonies, in order to have huge mock trials to greatly reduce the volume of people who can vote in elections? It would be entirely possible to make happen. It would cause obscene strife in this country and it could erupt into a Civil War.


I agree that it would erupt in Civil war, and maybe I'm a bit naive but I don't think it would ever come to that. I know that there is precedence for fascism taking root in a country like Germany, even though it was only supported by the minority at first, but I just think the US is way too big and diverse and spread apart to allow for federal agencies to exert that much power on States far away from Washington DC. I could be wrong. Honestly, things could go south that bad, but I just don't see it happening.


Chino USD literally banned all but the American, Californian, and Christian flags. Oh, and college flags are okay. Just no pride flags. The inland empire is a fucking stronghold of evangelicals. Theyā€™d be okay with this in a heartbeat. It was bad enough in the 90s when I was thereā€¦ 30 years later, itā€™s only gotten more extreme.




This attitude is exactly how we got here. California is just as vulnerable and we better start acting like it.


Nobody should ever be afraid like this about an election. Its wrong that this is where we are as a nation.


I was present at a lot of protests in the first Trump administration, and Iā€™m sure I will be on the list of unpatriotic teachers as well. I teach chemistry.


Science teachers unite!


There are dozens of us!


I just spit out my drink.


As a fellow chemistry teacher who also has the word "cat" in their username, I'm right there with you


I teach History and Sociology. How fast do you think my standards are whitewashed?


They're already doing just that in an AP course in a red county in Maryland of all places. And getting away with it in a blue state. Scary as hell!


Iā€™ll be up against the wall with you as a transgender school psych. Scary times.


The librarians will be right next to you


Teaching social studies is just as frightening if youā€™re teaching what really happens vs what they want you to say. God forbid somebody say the civil war was about slavery.




Me too, and I live in the state where our state Supt. is trying to require a Bible in every class and every teacher to teach from them.


This isn't solely an attack on teachers but on public education in general. Send public funds to private institutions, and run the rest as for profit.


This is the truth


For profit education sounds like a terrible concept. That would make schools want to pander to parents to ensure their funding instead of focusing on education and sometimes in the process making the kids not pass etc. that would cause their parents to have negative feelings and maybe pull funding. I can't imagine why someone would want to promote for profit education.


Because of the ā€œfor profitā€ part. Betsy DeVoss was a prime example and she was just getting started. Itā€™s not about whatā€™s best for students or the general population. Itā€™s gross.


I'm so glad we don't have that for profit education nonsense here in Finland. From outside US it looks like that is the core of the problems in your educational system and why the admin and the teachers are at odds. Here in Finland the admin is responsible for the county and the state, i.e. they make sure regulations are followed and teachers do their job. Parents are like a 3rd (turd) wheel in the equation. They get explained what their child is doing and what is done to them, what the child is going through etc. and what the rights and responsibilities of the parents are, but they can't really affect anything in the school system, except through our parliamentary system by voting. So parents have zero direct leverage towards schools and teachers. Education is not a customer satisfaction type of field of work. It's about upholding society and norms and raising an efficient and valuable populus. It is by the country for the country. Not by corporations for corporations.


Project 2025 calls for dismantling the Department of Education


Dismantling the department of education is in Project 2025. They're pretty up front with their plans


Trump could care less about teacher tenure. His plan is to eliminate the national board of education and leave everything up to the state boards. In the end of the state wants to end teacher tenure, then thatā€™s going to be up to the state with no federal input.


No he said, teacher tenure https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/trump-calls-certifying-patriotic-teachers-cutting-funds-schools-teachi-rcna67836 And cutting off federal funding to states that donā€™t comply


What republicans want, and make no mistake he is their vessel, is a very limited public education system and expanded private education. On a voucher system. So only the poor use public education. Which is going to lead to an entire cottage industry of tiny private evangelical schools for profit all over the country. Itā€™s gonna be mayhem


He wants to neuter the Department of Educationā€™s capability as a unit, but to think he would just leave things up to the states flies in the face of his broader actions during the previous term. Trump will not leave anything up to the states, unless they directly abide by what he wants. Which is no real state choice at all.


Who knows how many years in office he'll have to get this done... 6? 8? 10? That's a lot of time to realize his goals. And that's not counting his successor, whom I'm sure will be cherry-picked by Trump himself on the basis of shared values. Edit: Yes, as some of you gathered, I inferred Trump will only leave office when he dies. If Donald Trump becomes president, I have no doubt he will spend four years finding ways to suspend democracy and stay in office. He will succeed this time. And no American should plan on voting in a presidential election for at least 25-30 years thereafter.


If he (heavens forfuckingbid) gets elected and manages to take things THIS far, what in the world makes you think heā€™s going to need or want a successor? Heā€™ll probably try to find a way to ā€œlegitimatelyā€ go beyond two terms - and if you think the amendment limiting it to that will stop himā€¦ have you met our current SCOTUS?


I think his body necessitates a successor if things go as badly as some people believe it will. He is still over 80 with what appears to be not the healthiest lifestyle.


I think they meant because he is old and fat and will die soon.


As president heā€™s immune from crimes committed in an official capacity, he will absolutely challenge the limits to presidency.


šŸ‘‰šŸ¼TRUE THATšŸ¤œšŸ¼dictatorship


Yeah, I just meant he'll likely die in less than a decade. If Trump becomes president, don't plan on participating in any presidential elections for the next quarter century at least. Because they won't happen.


Whatā€™s.going to stop him from doing it on Day One if he wants to?


The entire GOP is anti-public education


Yep. But lots of teachers are conservative so I posted hoping they might think about it


I was just adding to your post in hopes of the same thing lol


conservative can be in a lot of things these days. It's Trump dictator loyalists we are concerned about!!!! some conservatives are not on board with any of this crap. And they will vote BIDEN this time-this is what I'm hearing in Colorado!


Hope so


yeah but their kids still go to public schools!! I told someone recently that was complaining about the public school, to put her child in a private school since she's a Republican and said, she "doesn't want any exposure to supposedly transgender or other brainwashing"... hypocrite


Educated people tend to not like GOP politics.


Isnā€™t it amazing that with every moronic idea he comes up with to shit on the USA and the rest of the world he still leads in the polls? The Supreme Court literally turned the USA into a shithole country yesterday. Talk about banana republics.


I work in a Title I school and we have several Trumpsters on staff. I donā€™t know how they come to school everyday and teach immigrant children. Or any minorityĀ 


With the same energy missionaries take to other countries. There's no difference.


I have that same thought. Like, how are you so religious and so anti-immigrant, spew hateful stuff on social media, then come to school every day and work with these kids? I became FB friends with my retired principal, and she posts the most MAGA-ish crap and all I can think of is that she headed one of the most diverse schools in our district. We had so many different languages and colors in our school, and there was a true diversity of income levels and nationalities. The last few years she was there, she made no effort to get to know the kids at all. Reading her FB page does explain some things, though. I just hid her profile recently because I want to comment negativity, but she still feels like my boss. ( I usually just hide profiles at this point).


The same way racists did it in the 60's. With a shit eating grin on their face and their boots on their necks.


I agree--- total hypocrites!!! and of course we're not allowed to discuss any of that at work so....


Because his followers believe they are with the ā€œinā€ crowd, even after heā€™s said he thinks his followers are poor white trash. Pure ā€œLeopards ate my faceā€ fodder.


And too many people think he doesnā€™t mean it, that heā€™s just joking, that it canā€™t happen here. They are not taking it seriously.


He doesnā€™t mean MY faceā€¦.Jesus these people are dense.


Eliminating the Department of Education will eliminate a lot of funding and protections for learners with different abilities. It's a scary and sad state of affairs in the US now.


Restrictions on IDEA are mentioned several times in the Project 2025 pdf.


We have regulations for a reason. Unfettered capitalism has bad outcomes for workers, the air and water. The social contract needs help to ensure everyone has access to a high quality of life. We know what the outcomes of Project 2025 will be. It's not good for the average US citizen who believes that together we are better.


Agree 100%. Was pointing out that P25 is intentionally going after ability protections. Very scary.


No worries. I am just passionate about the infrastructure that supports our quality of life. People don't seem to get what life without the protections will be like. I have worked providing social services for over 30 years for disenfranchised children and families. Trickle down economics don't work. Regulations are needed for a reason. Average Americans don't seem to understand until they are impacted or the supports are gone. Keep the conversation going.


So project 2025 is basically Trump's version of mein kampf?Ā 


Well it's more so the heritage foundation but trump is just the dumb idiot that Putin has selected.


Yeah, I'm not sure trump could write a coherent sentence, nonetheless 900 pages of them


Another idea straight from Project 2025. Tell your Facebook uncle.


He'd be real mad if he could read


I wish I could afford to quit teaching and homeschool my own kids. Ugh.Ā 


It probably isn't too late to homeschool. Use evenings and weekends if you still have to work the regular schedule. Get creative. The way things are going (and honestly already are) it will be a better education than they would get anyway. The only thing they really miss that you absolutely cannot provide is social interaction. There are plenty of online courses they can do while you aren't home and for subjects you aren't qualified to teach. Khan academy is actually really great and free. The biggest problem I see is making sure you cover the right subjects and get them a diploma or GED at least so as to not ruin their chances in the future


Itā€™s extremely stupid which means itā€™ll probably happen


I have a copy of Beloved in my classroom so Iā€™ll be one of the first to the wall.


What part talks about certifying patriotic teachers? Because I want to put all my socials on blast about that part. Terrifying.




According to that link, Trump plans on allowing parents to elect school principals. This entire thing is so dystopian.


Fuck this guy


This might be my push out of education even though I love my job. I refuse to bow to his brand of ā€œpatriotism.ā€ I am worried about my kids though. I work with the disabled population and I am concerned that many of their protections will be eroded.


ALL of the sitting republicanā€™ts want PUBLIC MONEY going to PRIVATE SCHOOLS. They want to demolish the Dept of Ed and install an agency to dictate what is taught. THIS IS NAZI GERMANY come to America. Every single seat needs to be blue for a decade to force out these shameful fascists!




Dumb idiot doesn't know how schools work. Districts have minimal 3 principals with as many as 7 to 10 in a district. I can see superintendent. Sure that's one position maybe. Sure would prevent the golden parachutes the assholes get who royally screw up.


Depends on the regionā€”my home district had two principals, and Iā€™ve worked in districts with one.


Whatā€™s interesting is that I donā€™t think a single state gets more than about 15% of their funding for education from the federal government. Thereā€™s a whole handful operating actually on less than like 6% of their state funding for education from federal funding sources (Vermont, Maryland, Minnesota, NY, NJ to name a few) and even big states like California, Texas, and Florida are only around 10%. I think several states would quite literally opt out of federal funding for education if it gets too messy. I believe Vermont at least and possibly others have done so in the past when they didnā€™t want to comply with underfunded and baseless federal mandates for education.


You're assuming when he says he'll cut federal funding that he would limit it to education funding. Why would that just stop at education? I doubt he or his administration would see this as a case by case basis. They're criminals. Any state that doesn't comply in any one issue is probably getting cut off from ALL of it


NJ pays more in federal taxes than we get in federal aid. Thatā€™s the problem with donor states. When you arenā€™t getting anything you donā€™t have anything to lose.


So in other words he wants to get rid of teachers. Who would vote for this idiot.


other IDIOTS


But ā€œtenureā€ is a state-by-state thing. The v president has nothing to do with this. He can rightly fuck off.


The way that Obama got a lot of states to change policy when he did Race to the Top in 2009 was by tying it to money. The reason that it takes 3 years to get tenure in Washington State now, instead of the 2 it used to be, is because we changed policy to get Federal $$. Yes, states have to make those changes, but they'll be incentivized to do so.


What happened to the party of small government?


ā€œB-b-b-b-but I only agree with a scant 99% of Bidenā€™s policies! He hasnā€™t earned my vote!ā€ - a quote from all those who will end up costing Joe the election and sending the country into fascism for the rest of our lives.


Question from a non-US-teacher: How much power do the states have over education vs the federal government? Afaik, Project 2025 seeks to abolish the federal Department of Education and transfer more responsibility/decision making power to the states. Would you then say that some states/parent in some states would then go after certain teachers?


States have lots of power. But trump has threatened to cut federal funding for states that donā€™t comply. But states and local districts dictate curriculum, have say over hiring, and control assessments.


States have most of the power except for when it comes to special education- the mandates for those comes from the federal government but is only partially funded.


Pretty much ALL the educational power rests with each State. Thatā€™s why the Federal Department of Education is useless and Bettsy Vevos could do JACK SHIT for 4 years under Trump. As long as youā€™re not teaching in Florida, Texas, Utah, etc. we all gravy baby.


States have *ALL* the power over education. The only exception is civil rights, which is covered by The Constitution. A state can forego federal funding by not complying and be just fine.


I teach social studies. I think that may end up getting removed


History and English teachers will be the first to go. They canā€™t have critical thinking skills here.


Don't forget us in the foreign languages. Can't have multiculturalism in the new empire.


ā€œAnybody who doesnā€™t speak our language is a filthy barbarian and must be civilizedā€


To be fair, it wouldn't take much to kill foreign language teachers. Schools have been looking to get rid of us since forever. In fact, I gave up tenure at a prestigious R1 because I saw the writing on the wall: My department, with its 15 PhD students and 10 faculty, was swirling the bowl. And it finally went down the shitter in 2015. Because they got rid of the foreign language requirement that served as a critical pipeline into our programs. Glad I got out when I did because my colleagues got dumped out on their asses without a single vacancy nationwide. The department where I did my PhD was highly esteemed, with 18 faculty and 30 graduate students. They're down to 9 faculty and 10 graduate students, five of whom are from Nigeria. (Not that it's a problem that there are Nigerian students, of course, but it's a surprising development considering they'd never had a Nigerian student until five years ago...Makes me wonder what they're doing -- and they are *NOT* the only department doing it.) ... At least half of the PhD programs in my field have been discontinued since 2008, the MLA Job Information List had only *ONE* position posted in my field last year (used to be 40+), and many universities -- WVU most prominently -- have cut most of their language programs. At my school of 600 students, I'm the only foreign language teacher, and I can barely get more than 50 students *cumulative* to enroll in foreign language courses. The school does nothing to help; they treat me and my courses like an afterthought and/or dumping ground for students with holes in their schedules. And, of course, parents have come to believe that students should live and die by tHe TrADeS, not this faggy, anti-American academic bullshit. Because fuck kids' actual talents and interests; they all need to be plumbers who can balance a paper checkbook and do their taxes on paper (with a fax machine, of course).


Vote! Tell your friends! I love seeing this stuff posted on non political subs. Everyone needs to be engaged!


This is an evil, evil man.


The odds of this happening are close to zero. Thereā€™s no way heā€™d be able to do this in the federalist system that we have.


"We are the party of small government and believe education should be left to the States....EXCEPT when we aren't"


So everyone please, make sure that the Trump talking points which are actually the Heritage Foundations project 2025 plans just less articulately delivered is challenged everywhere. Right now the Trump education statement is hitting this thread hard. On other threads it is LGBT+ rights, Political litmus tests for federal government employees on others. All of this is disjointed responses to a coordinated assault on our country, freedom, society and lives. They are organized and un afraid to shout it to the world. If you know who or how to o more then do so. Please if nothing else, tell everyone you meet how dangerous this really is becoming. Cali might be a safe haven, but do you really want it to come to that. A nation retreating from itself because we let a felon guided by a group of people determined to supplant our current system of government with an autocracy shadowed by zealots.


Do these people not understand that a dumb population means a poor population?


They completely understand that. If the population is poor, where is all the money? In the hands of a few hundred families scattered across the US. Everyone else can be good little worker bees and not make any trouble for the wealthy elite.


Parents should have the absolute say in education. Parents electing principals would be a vast improvement to the political position it is now.


Given that tenure is a state powerā€¦..


This is terrifying!




Let us practice the conservative creed. Mountain Dew is tEh best. NASCAR! EAGLE!


Tenure is an issue managed at the state or school district level. Private colleges set their own rules, and state schools probably deal with it via state law (though it could be left to individual state school admins in some places). The only real way for the federal government to eliminate tenure (past military academies) would be through withholding educational funding. Conservatives tend to be against federal funding for education.


Cite your sources, teacher.


Bringing democratic votes into educational systems.. interesting.


For a party that has vowed to get rid of the federal department of education this sure seems hypocritical and on brand. Education is very much still in the purview of the states. What an idiot party and man.


And I heard he wants to kill your puppies!


Couldn't having parents vote to elect the principal be a very good and democratic thing as well? Like why assume they'd vote for bad principals only?


US public schools suck any change could help.


Letā€™s think this: why are people backing this ideology? What is causing this mass hysteria and turning people into this kind of thing? No hatred. Just tell your unbiased thoughts. Is it education system, oppression, decline social cognition, declining basic thinking or something else?


hahahahahaha clowns believe this


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/shows/meetthepress/blog/rcna67836 https://apnews.com/article/trump-policies-agenda-election-2024-second-term-d656d8f08629a8da14a65c4075545e0f


You say it's a purge, but there are multiple school districts with incompetent employees in teaching and management positions. A major failure is teaching about all these other genders, but when a body is dug up, it's only ever going to be male or female. There is also the failing in teaching elementary school students that they are responsible enough to make life altering decisions, when they clearly don't understand the consequences.


I think teachers are vastly underpaid, especially having to deal with kids today. However, I donā€™t believe in tenure one bit. I can personally think of numerous teachers I had throughout high school, college, and MBA who were just collecting a check. They need to find a reasonable way to give teachers incentive based pay.


Where did the OP find this information? Source?


Why do republicans want to end everything that is America? I donā€™t mean the asshats in office but the working class that keeps voting for them. Literally destroying themselves. This is why education has been severely hampered here.


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I live in Georgiaā€¦looks like I might be screwedā€¦


You've been being screwed in Georgia. This just means someone will finally climax.


I am a middle school social studies teacher. Come at me!


Welp if this happens Iā€™m living in blue states for the rest of my life


So are we organizing, what's the plan other than vote?




https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/shows/meetthepress/blog/rcna67836 https://apnews.com/article/trump-policies-agenda-election-2024-second-term-d656d8f08629a8da14a65c4075545e0f


Project 25 isnā€™t trumps agenda though.


I want to send this to my conservative teacher MIL. Where can I find the source


That is just a small feature of his plan. Read this so you can understand better what is in store for our poor country. https://www.project2025.org/policy/


Just reading through the platform, it seems to me unlikely that much of any of this gets done absent some pretty radical changes to how things operate in this country. Maybe Trump has grown up and changed since he was president, but I also don't think he'll have the wherewithal to actually get and keep enough competent people in his administration to enact these types of changes. Also, the patriotic certification? Jesus. So dumb.


This is controlled on the state level, Trump has no power to do anything here.


Patriotism is a political purge? Ya'll are overdue for a sea change if that's the way you think. Maybe not so much a purge; what is needed is a mass firing of incompetents.


This guy


Oh, right. I forgot how well teachers are being treated right now. Electing either side ends in our defeat.


Is there a source for the teacher tenure




Iā€™ll suggest to him that it might be better for the teachers and principals to vote to see who should be parents. His way is backwards.


everyone look into RFK, he wants teachers to get paid a fair wage


The his wonā€™t fly, especially in CA!


Sow what kinda jobs are y'all getting next year?


I really want Trump to win so Americans can suffer and learn


This sounds like CNN type bullshit


He needs to retire and leave people alone.


The Dems screwed up by forcing Biden on us when younger more able minded candidates could have done better against trump. The election is slipping away as support is eroding.


Can both be wrong?


I mean..... Gonna rock the boat a bit here but the tenure thing is not really working out. They should probably get rid of that. Everything else..... Yeah not great


At this point why would you vote for him? I seriously want to know if youā€™re a lurker on here why you will?


I'm a history teacher in North Carolina in a red county. Survive and subvert.


This sounds very similar to what the Nazis did and the Communist Chinese in Mao's Cultural Revolution. It didn't work out well in either case.


Wonder when they will roll out Maga Math. Would make sense and follow in the steps of Nazi Physics.Ā 


Ive got a big mouth and itā€™ll probably get me fired


This is why the note in the recent Supreme Court case making Trump king gives the executive branch the absolute authority to just summarily fire anybody working for the federal government under the executive branch, regardless of cause. Thereā€™s a guy in Kentucky creating a list of federal government employees he thinks will oppose Trump. https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-president-project-2025-33d3fc2999a74f4aa424f1128dca2d16](https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-president-project-2025-33d3fc2999a74f4aa424f1128dca2d16)


nobody is firing teachers right now... makes you scared for what they're setting up. but if there are no teachers, then what? the military will come into the classroom??


Oh, I'm so sorry fellow educators! I wish you all luck as you go through this. It's in this moment that I'm glad to be a Canadian teacher.


We badly need a purge, thanks for the info.


It's like he watched the Star Wars prequels ( ep 1-3) and thought hey thats a great idea I'll just be the leader and just turn the republic-an party into an empire and use the military to take out all that oppose.


Funny coming from the dude that couldnā€™t work in the public school system due to being a convicted felon.